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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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租稅行政規則之研究- 其與課稅構成要件及法律效果之關係

邱靜芬 Unknown Date (has links)
國民主權下之依法行政原裡,在於行政權發動之要件或內容應以國民意思所形成之法律或地方自主立法加以規範,以防止行政之恣意與專斷。惟現代國家任務日益積極,行政事務質與量急速擴大,將一切委由立法機關制定法律顯緩不濟急,不能因應快速變遷之社會經濟情況,遂有立法機關授權行政機關於臨機應變之具體判斷權限,將有助於各類行政事務更妥適之處理。   行政應受法律之拘束,行政機關僅能在法律容許範圍內享有活動自由。當法律使用意義明確且僅有惟一解釋可能時,行政機關就該事實之判斷,應僅有唯一正確答案,行政法院對行政機關就該法律概念適用正確與否,有完全審查之權。但在法律使用有種解釋可能之法律概念時,行政機關發動行政權與否之要件認定與其內容決定,法院是否仍享有完全之審查權,即不無疑義。此外租稅係行政法之特殊領域,學理上向認為,法律保留原則在稅法領域之表現,較一般行政法尤為嚴格。   惟稅捐之課徵與經濟型態密切相關,商業模式及交易型態均會影響稅基之形成,立法機關常於於租稅法律中運用不確定法律概念,作為租稅徵免之要件,以因應千變萬化的經濟生活,實務上稅捐機關因而發布解釋函令及裁量基準,以之為租稅行政徵免權之發動標準。本文擬研究稅捐機關發布解釋函令及裁量基準作為租稅行政徵免權之發動標準時,其應有之界限。希冀對稽徵機關長久以來為人詬病課稅處分寬嚴不一之歧異結果有所助益,並於稽徵實務作業時能逐漸列為參考範疇,進而落實納稅人權利保障。

論中國大陸夫妻共同債務的舉證責任分配 =Discussion about the burden of proof distribution of spousal community debts in mainland China / Discussion about the burden of proof distribution of spousal community debts in mainland China

黃泳儀 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

期貨經紀商與客戶間法律關係之研究 / Futures Commission Merchants and Customers

蔡惠如, Tsai, Huei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
期貨交易之集中市場自一八四八年芝加哥期貨交易所(Chicago Board of Trade,CBOT)成立以來,不論交易商品種類及合約成交量均日漸成長,並提供避險者及投機者規避價格變動風險及賺取價差之機會。學說與實務不斷地發展與研究,於法律規範與經濟分析之面向亦臻成熟圓融之境界。反觀國內,此套精密設計的交易制度並未導入正軌,而淪為體制外交易,地下期貨公司濫設,假期貨交易之名行之多年,加以國人不成熟之投機心態,整個期貨市場上瀰漫賭博之氣氛,與國外期貨契約市場相差甚鉅,單憑數簡陋之行政規則實無法收取任何成效,如何導正此不正常現象,實乃當務之急。幸而,立法院於民國八十一年七月十日三讀通過「國外期貨交易法」,始賦予期貨交易合法之法律上地位;至八十三年四月,許多期貨經紀商正式營運,樹立我國期貨交易制度嶄新的里程碑。本論文共分五章,茲簡述各章內容:第一章「緒論」,述及本文之研究動機與研究目的,主要是有鑑於國外期貨交易法之公布,提供國人從事國外期貨交易之準據,擬探討期貨經紀商與客戶間之法律關係。第二章「期貨交易制度之簡介」,介紹期貨交易之沿革、意義、流程、法律性質與當事人,期能就期貨交易制度有概括之輪廓。第三章「期貨經紀商」,主要針對期貨經紀商之意義、期貨經紀商與客戶間之法律關係與期貨仲裁制度,配合美國法之相關規定,斟酌國外期貨交易法之各項問題。第四章「期貨經紀商之民事法律責任」,以損害賠償責任為對象,比較我國法(包括國外期貨交易法及民法)與美國法之差異。第五章「結論」,綜合歸納上述四章之見解,扼要地整理總結。


馮馨儀, Feng, Hsin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

行政機關改制國營事業之行政法律關係問題—以桃園國際機場之案例研究為中心 / Administrative Legal Relations of State-owned Enterprises in Restructuring of Administrative Organs-Focusing on Case Studies of Taoyuan International Airport

朱曉芬, Chu, Hsiao-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
在現今與時俱進的社會中,為了達成多樣化的行政目的,會選擇以其他新型態的組織體代替傳統之行政組織來進行行政任務。在現行之組織體中,可供選擇的組織態樣包括行政機關、行政法人、國營事業以至於民營企業。至於該選擇哪一種組織型態以符合其行政目的,沒有一定的標準,法律亦無明文規定,原則上政府有選擇何種型態為最佳的權利。 在桃園航空站改制成國營公司之後,從原本得行使公權力之行政機關,變成無公權力可行使之機構。在其改制之後,對公司內部人員之法律關係,以及對外部組織之合作關係,是否發生變化?又這些變化是否會影響其相關業務之執行?又國營事業仍屬政府掌控及監督之組織,如有侵害人民相關權利及利益,是否有國家賠償法之適用?是否可以尋求行政爭訟以資救濟?這些問題都是本文欲探討之處。 桃園國際機場的改制,只是政府將交通建設進行企業化管理的第一步。台灣尚有十六個機場,如欲進行改制,在法制面上應注意哪些事項,而桃園國際機場是否應進一步走向民營化,也將作為本文之結論。 / In order to achieve diversified administrative purposes, the government will choose the other new types of organizations for administrative tasks to replace the traditional administrative organizations with this time. Among the different type of organizations currently in operation, alternative organizational forms include administrative organs, independent administrative institution, state-owned enterprises and private-owned enterprises. There is no certain standard regarding to which type of organization to choose for the administrative purposes, and there is no express statutory provision in the law. In principle, the government has the right to choose which one is the best choice. After Taoyuan Airport was transformed into a state-owned company, the change is from the executive organ that originally had to exercise public power turned into an organization that could exercise no public authority. After its restructuring, is there any change of the legal relationship of the company's internal staff, as well as the cooperation with external organizations? Will these changes affect the implementation of its related business? Owing to the state-owned enterprise still an organization which controlled and supervised by the government, is there any application of the State Compensation Law if it infringes on people's rights and interests? Otherwise, can we seek administrative litigation in order to provide relief? These questions will be explored in the text. The reform of Taoyuan International Airport is only the first step toward the government-led management of transport construction. There are still 16 airports in Taiwan. To reform the system, what matters should be noted on the legal system and whether the airport should be further privatized, these 2 issues will be the conclusion of this article.


沈政雄 Unknown Date (has links)


徐崑明, Shyu, Kung-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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