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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李斗煥, Li, Dou Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以中華民國與中國大陸對外經濟開放政策為探討對象,分析臺灣加工出口區 和中國大陸經濟特區、沿海開放城市產生背景及規劃,並且探討開放政策對兩岸經 濟之影響,分析兩岸對外開放政策產生之影響結果。 本論文共有六章,除緒論與結論外,還有本文四章,茲分別說明如下: 第一章 緒論:說明論文之研究動機與目的;其次闡述研究範圍與方法;最後說明 本文架構分析及內容。 第二章 中華民國發展模式:探討中華民國經濟發展政策形成之背景及措施,與其 政策形成之理論依據。 第三章 中共經濟對外開放的背景及規劃:論述中共對外經濟政策之背景與架構。 第四章 中共經濟對外開放的具體作法:乃由第三章延續而來,闡述經濟特區與沿 海城市設置及經濟特區與開放城市之優惠措施。 第五章 兩岸對外開放政策及其成果之比較:是兩岸對外經濟開放政策措施之比較 ,並分別從拓展對外貿易、利用外資、引進先進技術與移轉、創造就業機 會等來比較。 第六章 結論:對於本論文之內容做一總結,並提出個人的一些問題與展望。


陳虹余 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著兩岸的經貿關係日漸密切,兩岸的互動也愈來愈頻繁,雖然海峽兩岸共享傳統中華文化,但經過五十年的分治,文化上必然產生了不同的變化。在兩岸互動的同時,這些文化上的差異,便可能會對互動的人及組織造成衝擊甚至誤解。因此,若能對兩岸文化有更深一層的瞭解,勢必能夠提供更廣泛的視野、良好的溝通基礎以及行銷上的助益。廣告是傳播媒體中重要的一環,具有文化的承載性,更能與文化互動進而塑造文化,其中電視廣告因為具有兼具聲音及影像的特性,對文化有更深入的影響。而女性商品及女性消費力均是不可忽視的經濟力量,故廣告中的性別議題更是不容忽視,廣告中的性別刻板印象,持續的對社會大眾產生影響,也有探索的必要。 因此,本研究主要目的是進行海峽兩岸電視廣告中性別角色意涵之異同比較,並探討此差異的意義,希望能一方面提供廣告主制訂行銷策略之參考,減低因文化衝擊造成的誤解,二方面瞭解兩岸兩性在性別刻板印象上的現況。本研究以內容分析法分析台灣及大陸的電視廣告中的性別角色,由三位過錄員(包含研究者)進行內容分析。分析主體為台灣及大陸黃金時段電視各338、314支廣告,扣除無人、無明顯主角及信度使用之廣告,計有效廣告台灣223支、大陸173支,有效過錄廣告中的人次各386、311人次。 本研究結果發現:1.以Bem的性別角色量表的架構為分析類目,兩岸電視廣告中,男性角色的男性化特質皆顯著高於女性,女性角色的女性化特質亦皆顯著高於男性,包括具有親切、對他人需要敏感、具同情心等等特質;兩岸差異部分,大陸的男性化特質高於台灣,女性化特質亦高於台灣。2.以兩性在廣告中的活動場景及旁白聲音為分析類目,發現兩岸女性出現場景絕大多數為家庭中,男性出現於職場場景比例遠高於女性。純為家庭主婦之比例雖較以往研究減少,但新出現的現象則是具有職業婦女形象的女性在家仍負擔家務重擔,男性多扮演職場上強者角色、職位高、工作繁重。旁白聲音部分,大陸男性配音約為女性的兩倍,台灣則略少於兩倍,即使男女皆有配音,多半仍為男性作為訊息的解說者,女性則為訊息之接受者。3.以研究者自行編制之性別角色量表為分析類目發現,權力角色方面,女性較為依賴、男性則多是指揮別人;情慾角色方面,女性仍多以性感形象出現,以外在吸引男性,男性則較以內涵吸引女性;兩岸差異部分,大陸廣告以內涵吸引異性的程度比台灣更盛。綜上所述,性別刻板印象仍普遍存在於兩岸的電視媒體中,繼續對文化產生影響。 最後,本研究針對研究結果,進一步討論兩岸文化在共通與差異性上表達出來的意涵,以利兩岸互動與相關廣告策略之參考。


賴世榮, Lai, Shih-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

海峽兩岸印鈔廠分治後之組織發展與經營模式之比較 / A comparative study on cross strait’s banknote printing enterprise of organizational development and business model after the partition

耿馥珊, Ken, Fu San Unknown Date (has links)
海峽兩岸關係從敵對僵局到近年來炙熱化的開放互動,其中負責兩岸鈔券印製重責大任又同根同源的台灣中央印製廠與中國上海印鈔有限公司、北京印鈔有限公司,卻自1949年徐蚌會戰後隔岸相望迄今。除晚近能在少數國際鈔券會議或展覽中碰面外,雙方鮮少互動,目前仍同。尤其在中斷了62年的漫長歲月中,兩岸印鈔事業在長期分治後,各自的組織發展與經營模式演變有何異同,國內相關研究相當稀少,此乃為本研究的動機與目的。 本研究運用文獻分析法及深度訪談法,藉由兩岸印鈔企業文獻資料的文獻加以比較,其中歷史文獻為相當重要的連結。並透過訪談兩岸相多位關人士及對鈔券有深度研究的學者,佐以相關理論進行研究分析。 經由文獻與訪談分析後,本研究發現兩岸印鈔事業在企業組織、經營模式、企業文化等方面大多不同。透過本研究,可對中國大陸印鈔企業有更多的瞭解,並藉此能更深一層的瞭解中國大陸印鈔事業的運作情形,俾能為兩岸印鈔廠經營提供建議。 / In recent years, the cross-strait relationship between Taiwan (ROC) and China (PROC) has evolved from political hostility and stalemate into intense economic interactions. However, as the legal tender producers of both sides, Taiwan’s Central Engraving and Printing Plant (CEPP) and China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation (CBPM) are identically rooted while have been isolated from each other since the communist victory in 1949 in the Chinese Civil War. Except a few brief contacts during the international conferences or exhibitions, these two organizations barely have any interactions. To date, there is little study on the comparison between CEPP and CBPM with the focus on their organizational developments and business models, and thus motivates this research project. In this research, literature Analysis and In-depth Interview were used. We reviewed documents regarding CEPP and CBPM, especially by addressing the critical events and commonality between their historical documents. In addition, we interviewed the officials of CBPM who were invited to visit Taiwan and scholars who have profound knowledge in printing banknotes, security documents and government documents. Based on the documents and interviews, we analyze the organizational development and business models of CEPP and CBPM respectively with related theories. Through the analysis of the literature and interviews, this study found that the two sides of banknote printing career in business organization, business model, corporate culture, are mostly different. Through this research, we expect to have better understanding about CBPM and will be able to explain the rationale of its business model and the causality of its rapid organizational development. Consequently, this in-depth understanding should be helpful in providing CEPP with valuable references and suggestions.

太陽花學運對臺灣政治參與之影響 / The Influence of Taiwan Sunflower Movement on the Political Participation in Taiwan.

陶曉嬋, Tao, Hsiao Tsan Unknown Date (has links)
太陽花學運期間藉由善加操作數位平台,激起一股臺灣人民的民主力量,更彰顯公民團體及公民監督的卓越成效。太陽花學運後,臺灣社會在這場公民運動結束後產生諸多變遷,這場震撼全世界的學運,甚至被譽為外媒譽為「臺灣之春」。 本研究透過文獻檢閱,探討太陽花學運對臺灣政治參與之影響,亦透過質性的深度訪談,篩選實際參與太陽花學運的公民社團成員、學運社團成員進行與本研究各章節主題相關的深度訪談。 這次抗爭顯示出臺灣公民的政治覺醒,觸發起臺灣青年的政治意識,也打擊政府的威望,甚至打亂北京政府的佈署,更激勵其他地方民眾今後爭取民主自由權利的抗爭。本文從政治參與觀點出發,來探討太陽花學運後公民積極採取反對權和相關參政行為。盼藉此研究深入了解太陽花學運對臺灣政治參與之影響,也提供公民運動及公民運動團體相關研究之參考。

台灣青年西進發展機會與挑戰:以海峽兩岸青年創業基地為例 / The opportunities and challenges of Taiwan youth westward development: a case study of cross-strait youth entrepreneurship base

曾詩婷, Tseng, Shih Ting Unknown Date (has links)
中國政府鼓勵創新及創業,推動雙創政策,喊出「大眾創業,萬眾創新」的口號。中國提出雙創政策後,積極對全球攬才,台灣青年也被有計劃地納入中國政府發展新創「人才工程」的版圖中。為了鼓勵台灣青年進軍中國創業,中國政府陸續於各地區設置海峽兩岸青年創業基地,除了提供完善的創業環境,還有優厚的創業基金,希望能吸引台灣青年西進中國創業。 本研究旨在探討海峽兩岸青年創業基地對台灣青年創業之影響,並對台灣青年赴陸創業提供建言。本研究透過訪談4位創業相關的人士,包含在台灣和中國創業的青年以及台灣和中國的創業育成中心經理,觀察目前台灣青年在台灣及中國的創業狀態以及其面對的創業困境。 根據實際訪談的初級資料分析之結果,中國積極扶持青年創業目的主要是想要降低失業率,而且對青年創業的支持,從中央政策到實際地方的落實推廣相當迅速。海峽兩岸創業基地以提供辦公空間、資源對接、人才獎補、住房津貼等為主。但中國青創基地常因媒體的渲染誇大,事實上資源並不能輕易取得。台灣青年到中國創業前應該要先準備一筆創業資金,並根據自身創業項目需求而審慎選擇創業基地,較能實際取得支援,因為不同規模的基地所能提供的資源也不同。 / China encourages innovation and entrepreneurship to advance structural reform and raises the idea of" Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation ". Measures have been taken by Chinese government to attract global talents, including Taiwanese youth. To encourage young talents from Taiwan to startup in China, Chinese government had established many cross-strait youth entrepreneurship bases in various places. It not only builds up entrepreneurial environment, but also provides generous venture capital, hoping to attract Taiwanese young entrepreneurs into China. The main purpose of this study is to explore the impacts of the cross-strait youth entrepreneurship base on the startups of Taiwan youth and propose suggestions for Taiwanese youth who want to start business in China. Through interviewing with two Taiwanese young entrepreneurs separately in Taiwan and China youth entrepreneurship bases and two managers of Taiwan business incubation center and China entrepreneurship base, we examine the current state of entrepreneurial environments of both sides and the entrepreneurial dilemma facing by Taiwanese young people. Based on the analysis of primary data from in-depth interviews, the main purpose of China's active support of youth entrepreneurship is to reduce the unemployment rate. China's promotion of youth entrepreneurship policies has been implemented fairly rapidly from the central government to local governments. The cross-strait youth entrepreneurship base provides office space, resources docking, talent subsidy and housing allowance etc. But too much false media reports on cross-strait youth entrepreneurship bases. In fact, entrepreneurs cannot easily obtain venture capital fund and resources. Taiwanese young entrepreneurs should first prepare a start-up fund before starting their business in China. Taiwanese entrepreneurs should carefully choose their entrepreneurship base according to the needs of their start-up projects so that they will be able to obtain suitable support, because different bases with different scales can provide different resources.

第四次江陳會談後大陸船員引進機制之探討 / A discussion of the mechanism of Mainland China crew member employment after the Fourth Chen-Chiang Summit

吳靖芳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年因社會經濟產業結構轉變,擇業態度改變,漁船工作具危險性且相較於陸上工作待遇及福利之優勢不再,再加上「少子化」因素,國人從事漁船工作意願低落,外來船員逐漸成為補充漁業勞動力來源,尤其大陸船員語言及文化習慣與國人相近,頗受我國漁船主青睞,惟我國漁船主境外僱用大陸船員陸續所衍生的問題,在漁船主、民間團體及漁政主管機關努力下,終於98年12月22日第四次江陳會談簽署「海峽兩岸漁船船員勞務合作協議」可望獲得解決。 大陸船員引進機制在我國不開放陸勞前提下,維持「境外僱用、境外作業、過境暫置」原則,但就入出國管理角度觀之,大陸船員現行以搭乘兩岸直航客船來臺再搭專車接駁至其他漁港作法,卻與實質入境無異,本研究透過各地區漁船主對大陸船員引進機制意見調查,瞭解漁船主對現行大陸船員引進機制的看法,並藉以提出大陸船員引進機制之建議。 / In the recent years, the industrial structure of social economics has transformed, people’s attitudes of career choice have changed, and the pays and benefits of dangerous works on fishing boats are no longer better than those of works on land. Plus the factor of “low birthrate”, people are not willing to do works on fishing boats in Taiwan. Foreign crew members have graduate become the source of supplementary labors in the fishing industry. Crew members from Mainland China are similar to Taiwanese in the aspects of language and cultural habits. Therefore, they are very preferred by fishing boat owners in Taiwan. However, there have been many issues caused by Taiwanese fishing boat owners hiring crew members from Mainland China. With the efforts put in by fishing boat owners, non-governmental organizations, and fishery management authorities, these issues are expected to be resolved after the “Cross Strait Fishing Boat Crew Affairs Cooperation Agreement” was signed in the Fourth Chen-Chiang Summit on 2009/12/22. Under the premise of not opening up labor from Mainland China, the “offshore employment, offshore operation, and temporary transit arrangement” principle is maintained for the mechanism of Mainland China crew employment. However, in the aspect of entry and exit control, the practice of crew members from Mainland China taking cross-strait direct passenger ships to Taiwan and going to fishing ports by special buses is no difference from actually entering Taiwan. This study explored fishing boat owners’ opinions on the mechanism of employment of Mainland China crew members through surveys to find out their viewpoints and provide suggestions regarding the mechanism of employment of Mainland China crew members.

兩岸共同打擊電信詐欺犯罪之研究—以兩岸共同打擊犯罪機制分析 / A study on Cross-Strait cooperation against telefraud crimes–Based on joint Cross-Strait crime fighting mechanism

陳宇桓 Unknown Date (has links)
自兩岸於1987年開放探親以來,隨著兩岸頻繁的交流,跨兩岸性的犯罪活動,如販毒、詐欺、人口販運等犯罪亦日趨嚴重,特別是近年來出現有別於以往傳統詐騙手法的新型態詐欺犯罪—以電話、網路為中介物的「電信詐欺犯罪」,大肆橫行於兩岸,為害兩岸治安最深,是類犯罪不斷翻新手法,巧藉各種名目詐騙民眾獲取不法暴利,造成極嚴重的社會成本付出。過去,兩岸共同打擊犯罪機制,僅有「金門協議」及其他非正式管道,以為合作打擊犯罪的依據,因「金門協議」的內涵不足致使成果有限。隨著政治氛圍的改變,兩岸終於2009年4月簽署「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」,為兩岸共同打擊犯罪奠定了新里程碑,惟分析其內容並與「駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間之刑事司法互助協定」比較,可以發現尚有許多問題亟待解決。本研究藉由分析現行兩岸共同打擊犯罪機制,並提出問題及建議,以強化兩岸共同打擊電信詐欺犯罪的力道。 / Since 1987 Taiwan and Mainland China allowed people visited opposite side, cross-strait crimes such as smuggling drugs, fraud and human trafficking have become more and more serious as both parts frequently contacting with each other. Recently, new type fraud which is different from traditional fraud spread around and critically damage social security, especially telecom fraud by telephone and internet being the mediators. By using multiform excuses, these kinds of crimes continuously renovate to cheat innocent people and obtain huge illegal money, so that they cause a great loss of social. In the past, there were only Kinmen Agreement and the other unofficial channel as the basis in the cross-strait crime-fighting mechanism. However, Kinmen Agreement was too narrowed its coverage to limited in its results. With the political atmosphere changes, each part finally signed “Cross-Strait Agreement on Joint Crime-Fighting and Judicial Mutual Assistance” in April, 2009. This is the new milestone of cross-strait crime-fighting cooperation mechanism. As analyzing it and comparing it with “Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office and the American Institute in Taiwan”, we found there are still some obstacles need to be resolved. This study offers some questions and advises in order to strengthen the cross-strait telecom fraud crime-fighting cooperation mechanism.

海峽兩岸搜救合作機制研究 / A Study on the search and rescue cooperation mechanism of the cross-strait

胡森榮 Unknown Date (has links)
為維護海上人命、船舶及財產安全,各國均依「1982年聯合國海洋法公約」規定,建立區域搜救合作機制,並參考相關國際公約及搜救作業手冊,規範海上航行安全及緊急事故處理程序,惟因各國地理、水文及氣候不同,執行航行安全維護能力有限,皆必須透過多邊或雙邊搜救合作,強化區域航行安全,藉由搜救交流、兵棋推演或聯合演習等方式,提升彼此搜救合作默契及技能,以保障海上航行安全。 臺灣海峽自古以來即為東亞重要航道,兩岸航運亦自1987年開放兩岸探親,2001年金馬小三通,直至2008年正式海、空運直航以來,臺灣與大陸人民往來逐漸到達頂峰,而海難事故發生頻率亦不斷提高,藉此搜救合作契機在此為氛圍下形成,並在簽署「海峽兩岸海運協議」基礎上,透過輪流舉辦演練、搜救交流互訪及建立緊急聯繫管道等工作,逐步建立兩岸海上搜救合作機制,以「就近就便、及時救援」之原則,共同合作展現兩岸「人道救援」之普世價值。 在兩岸海上搜救合作機制下,兩岸搜救機關不斷共同執行海上搜救合作,增進彼此合作默契與搜救技能,但在兩岸分治的政治現實下,合作機制僅能透過民間團體的協助逐漸常態化,卻未能明文制度化,且隨著政治環境的轉變,搜救合作機制似有停頓,但海峽海域環境依然惡劣,往來人民持續熱絡,因此,為維護海峽航行安全,兩岸搜救機關仍應持續努力,共同完善合作機制,以確保兩岸人民生命財產安全。 / For the sake of maintaining people’s safety and property at sea, every coastal State establish the regional search and rescue (hereinafter SAR) cooperation mechanism in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, and formulate the navigation safety rules and standard operation procedure of responding to the emergency cases at sea. Due to the discrepancy of geography, hydrology and climate as well as limited ability for maintaining the navigation safety among counties, every state shall enhance the regional navigational safety by lateral or multilateral cooperation in SAR exchange, table-top exercise and joint SAR drill to strengthen the SAR cooperation mechanism and technique in order to provide the safe environment for navigation. Taiwan Strait is the pivotal shipping route of Eastern Asia through the ages. The shipping of the cross-strait starts from visit relatives between both sides in 1987, and gradually increases after the transport links between the Kinmen, Matsu areas and the Mainland area in 2001. The air and sea transport between Taiwan and Mainland area begin in 2008, and the number of Taiwanese and Chinese travel between Taiwan and Mainland reaches the highest record which leads to the increasing disasters at sea. In order to respond to this situation, the cooperation between the cross-strait are needed and the SAR drills are held in turns and officials’ visiting as well as emergency communication channel in accordance with the Cross-Strait shipment agreement which came into effect in 2008. Those measures concrete the SAR cooperation mechanism of the cross-strait on the basis of saving life and property at sea promptly when one side is close or ready for it and demonstrate the common vision of humanitarian rescue. According to the cross-strait’s SAR cooperation mechanism, the rescue authorities of both sides conduct the SAR mutually to enhance the coordination and SAR skills for their work. However, due to the politic relationship of the cross strait, the cooperation is under the non-official channel. Since the political change with the new government in Taiwan, the cooperation between Taiwan and Mainland China is suspended. The Taiwan Strait is a high risk area for people of both sides. Furthermore, in order to provide the safe navigational area, the cross-strait SAR authorities shall continuously establish the cooperative mechanism to maintain the people’s safety and their property.

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