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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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內控人格特質者的拖延傾向與行為:以心理抗拒感為中介 / Procrastination tendency and behavior of people with internal locus of control: Mediated by psychological reactance.

黃一琦, Huang, Yi Chi Unknown Date (has links)
「拖延」意指個體對應該且必須要做的事情,延遲開始、延遲結束或集中到最後一刻才完成的行為。本研究從內控人格特質與拖延間的不一致結果切入探討,提出兩個可能的影響因素:心理抗拒感與成就動機。研究一採問卷施測,內控人格特質越強者,心理抗拒感傾向越高,拖延傾向亦較高,支持以心理抗拒感觀點切入探討拖延行為;在成就動機方面,未得到內控人格特質透過兩種取向成就動機預測拖延的結果。研究二加入努力與智力本質觀概念,再次驗證研究一內控人格特質、心理抗拒感與拖延傾向的關係;此外,研究二採用實驗法探討高抗拒狀態是否會有較高的拖延行為。然而研究二發現受試者對操弄引發的認知與情緒反應不一,採用內部分析,根據操弄檢核分數重新區分生氣情緒與認知自由高低分組,挑選最符合與最不符合抗拒狀態概念的兩組(高生氣情緒、低認知自由/低生氣情緒、高認知自由)進行分析,結果並未支持抗拒狀態越高,拖延行為亦越高的假設。重新檢視心理抗拒感理論,加入基本能力為新分組變數,以2(認知自由高低)× 2(生氣情緒高低)× 2(基本能力高低)三因子受試者間設計進行分析。結果顯示生氣情緒與認知自由可能扮演不同的角色,生氣情緒提供個人展現某些行為的動力,認知自由表示個人知覺自由的程度,而個人基本能力的表現則受到情境的影響。生氣情緒與認知自由的交互作用顯示能力高低的差異展現在高生氣情緒、高認知自由與低生氣情緒、低認知自由的情況中,高生氣情緒、低認知自由時,能力越高越早開始越早結束,且較不會延遲結束;低生氣情緒、低認知自由時,基本能力低者可能因預期較差的表現,因此晚點開始較愉悅的想法較高,較晚結束作業,也較易延遲結束。高低基本能力者在另外兩種情境無顯著差異;高生氣情緒、低認知自由時,可能因為即使生氣情緒提供行為動力,但主觀自由低,使能力高者並未發揮其能力而無顯著差異;低生氣情緒、高認知自由時,雖主觀自由高但可能因為缺乏展現行為的動力,高低能力者行為表現相似。總結來說,本研究以心理抗拒感觀點貫穿研究一與研究二,研究一發現內控人格特質高者,有較高的心理抗拒感傾向,而有較高的拖延傾向。研究二除驗證研究一發現外,另顯示抗拒狀態的情緒與認知層面具有不同的影響與作用,且視個人基本能力的不同而有表現的差異。此發現有助於深入理解心理抗拒感概念,並為心理抗拒感理論提出一小步的進展與突破。

電視新聞女記者對社會新聞陰性化影響之研究 / The Impact of Female TV Journalists

廖依婷, Liao,Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以電視新聞社會線為研究場域,旨在探討電視社會女記者與電視社會新聞之陰性化現象之間的關連。本研究採取質性研究的多元途徑,以參與觀察法、深度訪談法、案例分析法,探討兩大研究問題:一、近年來,電視社會新聞內容有沒有陰性化的傾向?1.社會新聞記者怎麼看待陰性的社會新聞主題?2. 社會新聞記者怎麼看待陰性的新聞報導角度?3.社會新聞記者採取什麼樣的工作倫理?二、電視新聞工作場域文化與社會女記者的新聞產製1. 社會線的文字記者需要具備什麼特質? 2. 社會線女記者的女性身份,是否影響:(1)社會線女記者線上關係之建立(2)社會線女記者在組織中的任務分配與評價(3)社會線女記者和受訪者的互動(4)社會線女記者社會新聞的角度? 在電視社會新聞的陰性化方面,本研究發現,在電視社會新聞內容方面,由於以市場為主要考量,軟性議題儘管增加,其份量和重要性仍低於感官化取材,而女性議題仍居少數。在電視社會新聞的處理方式與記者敘事方式上,趨向實用、貼近觀眾感受的陰性報導角度增加,但社會新聞仍以陽性化的感官處理為主要走向。 在電視社會新聞工作場域文化方面,研究發現組織當中父系意識型態的主導,與商業邏輯的感官化操作思維相結合。在社會女記者的新聞產製方面,女記者發展出中性化的性格特質與女性化的性別特質,並接受父系觀點對她們的觀視或期待,這是一種對場域文化的投降策略。因此,女記者的社會新聞報導與男性記者沒有差別。 / This study takes the impact of TV female journalist on the feminization of TV social news as the main inquiry. Adopting the channel of qualitative research, this study takes the participant-observation method, in-depth interview method, and case study method to discuss two significant issues. I. Is TV socail news feminized in the past few years? 1. How do journalists of TV social news view feminine topic of news reporting? 2. How do journalists of TV social news view feminine angle of news reporting? 3. What kind of working ethics do journalists of TV social news hold? II. The field culture of TV news work & the news production of female journalists 1. What are the conditions required for female journalists? 2. Does sex factor have influence on TV social news female journalists in aspects below: (1) their relationship with steady news source (2) the assignments and evaluation they get (3) their interation with news source (4) their angle of news? As to the phenomenon of the feminization of TV social news, we have found that market is the major consideration of news production. Though the soft news issues have increased, the amount and value of this kind of issues are still far less then those of sensational issues. Meanwhile, women issues are few. Concerning the style and the way of reporting of TV social news, it has tended to practical value and has become closer to the feelings of audience, which is a feminized new style. However, sensationlism remain the main mode that journalists deal with social news. In the aspects of the field culture of TV news work, we have found that the paternal hegemony is the leading power in newsroom, and it has been integrated with the sensational ways of newsmaking oriented towards commercial pursuits. As to female journalists, they practice neutralized characters and female sexual characteristics, and accepted the paternal gazing and expection imposed on them, which is considered as a strategy of surrender to the field culture. Therefore, there is no distinct difference between the news reporting of male and female journalists.


陳昌民 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討景氣因素、研發外溢效果及技術知識特質對IC設計業研發支出遞延效應之影響。本研究主要採用Lev and Sougiannis (1996)所發展之研發支出遞延效應實證模型,以國內IC設計業上市櫃公司為對象,透過分析產業特性,區分為多應用性IC設計群組及單應用性IC之資訊、通訊及消費性群組,並探討其研發支出遞延效應。研究發現如下: 一、在研發支出遞延效應中,IC設計業受景氣之影響僅限於當期之研發支出;就研發支出效益受影響程度上,IC設計業亦低於其他IC產業。此結果顯示,IC設計業由於具備產品多元化和應用多元等利基市場特性,且在國內是屬於成長型產業,故景氣影響程度不如其他下游產業來的大。 二、多應用性IC設計公司之研發支出所創造之未來效益,比單應用性IC設計公司高。多應用性IC設計公司因為受到研發外溢效果之影響,其當期及遞延一期之研發支出,會比單應用性IC設計公司創造更高之效益。此結果顯示,多應用性IC設計公司投入於不同領域產品之研發支出,存在類似產業內外溢效果,因此亦加強研發支出對未來效益貢獻之程度。 三、資訊類單應用性IC設計公司之研發支出,對未來所創造之效益金額及持續年限,均未優於通訊類及消費類單應用性IC公司。本研究發現,技術路徑相依度及技術變動程度兩種技術知識特質,並不能完全解釋單應用性不同群組之研發支出所創造未來效益的程度,而必須同時考量下游應用市場之目前狀況及未來潛力,才能對其研發支出遞延效應做出更正確之推論。 / This thesis analyzes three R&D performance issues of the IC design firms in Taiwan. First, it addresses the effect of the fluctuating economic cycle in the semiconductor sector on the R&D performance of design and non-design firms in the IC industry. Secondly, this study examines the R&D spillover effect on the R&D performance of the multifunctional and single-functional groups of IC design firms. Finally, this study discusses how technological knowledge (path independence and complexity) influences the R&D performance of the three subgroups (computer, communication, and consumer) of single-functional IC design firms. Three major findings of the study are as follows: 1.The fluctuating economic cycle in the semiconductor sector has less influence on the R&D performance of the IC design firms than that of the IC non-design firms. The fluctuation affects the R&D expenditure of IC design firms only in the current year, but that effect on the IC non-design firms exist in the current year and also the following year. The R&D performance of IC design firms is also less influenced. 2.The multifunctional IC design firms generate more benefit from R&D expenditure than single-functional ones, suggesting that the former group has a stronger R&D spillover effect. 3.Although the computer subgroup of IC design firms possesses high technological path dependence and low technological complexity, its R&D performance is not better than the other subgroups. This finding suggests that technological path dependence and complexity do not fully explain the difference in R&D performance among the three subgroups of single-functional IC design firms.

會展廠商之創新技術持續使用意願研究 / Research on the continuance intention of companies attending exhibitions to use innovative technology

陳奕君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以針對B2B資訊系統設計之資訊系統成功模型(IS Success Model)作為假設架構,探討使用者滿意度與持續使用意願間的關係,並加入個人創新特質做為影響持續使用意願之假設,在研究架構中,分別探討資訊品質與系統品質與使用者滿意度的關係,以及使用者滿意度與個人創新特質分別對持續使用意願的關係。 本研究透過問卷法抽樣進行資料蒐集,選擇2010台北國際電子產業科技展之參展廠商作為研究對象,在回顧大量文獻與研究架構,並且排除無效問項後,進行問卷調查與分析,總共回收117份有效問卷,以PLS(Partial Least Squares)法進行分析後,得到以下結論: 使用者對於資訊系統的滿意度與系統品質及資訊品質呈現正相關,當資訊品質越高,也就是資訊系統產出的資訊之品質越好時;使用者滿意度會越高;當系統品質越高時,也就是資訊系統本身的特性越好時,使用者滿意度會越高。本研究更進一步發現,資訊系統持續使用意願受到使用者滿意度及個人創新特質影響,使用者滿意度與持續使用意願有正相關,滿意度越高時,持續使用的意願會越高;個人創新特質與持續使用意願也呈現正相關,當使用者之個人創新特質越強烈時,持續使用資訊系統的意願會越高。 / This research, based on the IS Success Model proposed by DeLone and McLean(1992), the B2B information system regarding the relationship between user satisfaction and continuance usage. Personal innovativeness was added to test its relationship with continuance usage. Within the hypothesized framework, the impacts of latent variables in system quality and information quality on user satisfaction are examined and tested, respectively. The research is conducted through sampling by a survey from companies attending the 2010 Taipei International Electronics Show. Of 121 samples collected, 117 are effective. By analyzing the samples with the PLS (Partial Least Squares) method, the research concluded the following: User satisfaction is positively influenced by system quality and information quality, which represents the characteristics of the information system itself and the form of information produced by the information system respectively. User satisfaction, together with personal innovativeness of the users, positively influence the continuance intentions to use the information systems.


徐嬿玲, Hsu,Yen Ling Unknown Date (has links)


江村, 治樹 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:62510192 研究代表者:江村 治樹 研究期間:1987-1989年度

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