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性別特質與愛情關係滿意度:關係他人-自我取向的中介效果 / Gender traits and relationship satisfaction: The mediation of other-self orientation

林津儷, Lin, Chin Li Unknown Date (has links)
過往研究發現性別特質在愛情關係中扮演重要角色。人們在選擇理想的愛情對象上經常反映出性別特質的互補性,例如男性化特質高的男性和女性化特質高的女性是多數人同意的理想伴侶。然而實際的關係中,女性化特質比男性化特質更能有效的預測婚姻滿意度和婚姻關係適應。這是因為女性化特質有助於人際關係的建立與維繫,女性化特質高的人展現較多自我揭露和情緒依賴,或以人際關係中的互動對象來認同自己,在關係互動中更經常表現出回應且滿足他人需求、考量他人感受等行為,係具有較高程度的關係他人-自我取向。而關係他人-自我取向是親子、密友、愛情等親密關係常見的人際行為表現,它可以增進關係親密感、滿足對方期望,以及引起對方相對回應,在過去研究中被認為是提升關係品質的重要因素。因此本研究假設,女性化特質會透過關係他人-自我取向之中介來預測愛情關係的滿意度,並進一步探討關係他人-自我取向如何影響個人在決策事件中考量伴侶的程度。本研究中以兩個樣本(共149對未婚情侶)檢驗成對情侶的徑路模型,在模型一中驗證了過去研究發現女性化特質對於關係滿意度的正向預測力,模型二則發現個人的關係他人-自我取向是女性化特質和關係滿意度之間的部分中介變項。此外,個人的關係他人-自我取向可以反映出預期的決策事件(樣本一74對情侶)和真實的決策事件(樣本二75對情侶)中考慮他人意見的程度,這樣的預測效果在只關乎情侶兩人的決策事件中最為明顯,涉及任一方普通朋友、異性友人、家人等的決策事件無此發現。而後續分析發現,在真實的決策事件中,男性的決策他人取向可以預期自己的關係滿意度,女性則未發現此現象。本研究於綜合討論中解釋這些結果,並探討影響關係品質的可能歷程。 / Past studies have shown that gender traits play an important role in romantic relationships. Complementary gender traits are desired in heterosexual mate selection since people describe masculine men and feminine women as their ideal partners. In real relationships, however, femininity works as a better predictor of both marriage satisfaction and dyadic adjustment than masculinity. Femininity, derived from the caretaker roles in society, is related to emotional expressivity and relationship development. Feminine individuals show more self-disclosure and emotional dependency, identify themselves with current interpersonal relationships, and consider others when making decisions. They are also responsive to others’ needs, displaying a high level of other-self orientation. The higher one is in the other-self orientation, the more one is concerned for others’ welfare. While high other-self orientation is not limited to feminine individuals. People, regardless of their gender traits, tend to show a high level of other-self orientation in intimate relationships, such as parents and children, close friends, and couples. Research showed that high other-self-orientation individuals enjoy better relationship quality for that they meet partners’ needs and this brings the mutual responsiveness. As a result, we postulate that other-self orientation is a mediator between femininity and relationship satisfaction, and that other-self orientation predicts the degree one considers the partner when making decisions on romantic relationships. Two path models with two samples (149 unmarried couples totally) were examined in our study. Results indicated that femininity has a positive effect on one’s own as well as his or her partner’s relationship satisfaction (path model 1) and that the effect of femininity on one’s relationship satisfaction is partly mediated by his or her own other-self orientation (path model 2). In addition, other-self orientation is positively correlated with the degree he or she considers the partner’s needs when making decisions in hypothetical events (sample 1 with 74 couples) and real-life events (sample 2 with 75 couples). Those positive correlations are found in events involving the couple without the third party such as friends, potential relationship rivals, and the family. Follow-up analysis revealed that the more a man considers his partner’s needs in real-life decision making, the more he is satisfied with the relationship. Details were discussed in the conclusion.

兩岸新產品專案之技術知識特質與知識創新管理研究-以資訊硬體產業為例 / A Study on Relationship of Characteristics of Technological Knowledge and Knowledge Innovation Management on NPD Project in Taiwan and Mainland China--A Case Study of Computer Manufacturing Industry

林恩鍵 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以兩構面「技術知識的特質」和「知識創新管理」探討台灣母公司與大陸子公司間之新產品專案進行方式。以技術知識的特質分類中之技術知識的複雜度、技術知識的可分割程度、技術知識的外顯程度、技術知識的標準化程度和技術知識的路徑相依度,研究台灣母公司和大陸子公司合作進行專案,其中著重在專案內知識管理流程和技術特質間的相關性探討,在兩岸合作的專案中主要以台商直接投資大陸的廠商為個案內容,也就是進行於台灣母公司和大陸子公司間的專案。   而所探討的產業為資訊硬體產業,在產業中個案的選擇考量以廠商產品種類集中、專案產品與企業業務內容一致、投資大陸時間長和廠商在產業內為領先廠商為主,選擇廠商業務內容有資訊儲存設備、資訊產品精密零組件、電腦輸入裝置、電腦鍵盤、LCD背光板和數據機等六個個案,為個案分析的主體。   研究所得的結論為「技術知識複雜度會影響專案團隊的異質性」、「技術知識可分割程度影響兩岸之間合作模式」、「技術知識可分割程度會影響專案溝通進行方式」、「技術知識外顯程度會影響專案知識在兩岸間的交付模式」、「技術知識外顯程度會影響專案負責人所具備的知識背景」、「技術知識標準化程度會影響知識的主要來源」、「技術知識路徑相依度與大陸子公司技術能耐有關」、「資訊硬體產業內中小企業投資大陸主要受兩股力量的影響,其中一股拉力來自人工成本的考量,另一股推力來自企業客戶的壓力」等。   並依研究結論提出具體建議,對產業界提出針對投資的外部環境和廠商內部組織運作上兩方面,在投資外部環境上有「掌握大陸經營環境的變化」、「善用大陸的資源」、「重視產業互動和加強廠商互助」等,在廠商內部組織運作上有「廣泛的吸收資源網路中的知識並引進不同背景的員工」、「建構資訊管理系統有效儲存知識」、「利用知識技術的可分割性,建立企業的競爭優勢」、「有效運用組織內部成員意見,促進產品知識創新」等具體建議。 / This study discussed how the characteristics of technological knowledge influence the knowledge management, including input, adsorption and integration, storage, and circulation via NPD project in Taiwan and Mainland China. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to discuss the following topics:   1. How does the knowledge transfer via NPD project from Taiwanese company to China subsidiary company?   2. What characteristics of technological knowledge do the NPD projects have in Taiwanese company and China subsidiary company?   3. What is the relationship between the characteristics of technological knowledge and NPD project knowledge management?   According to the analyses of six cases in computer manufacturing industry, the study has generated the following conclusions:   1. The complexity of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the composition of team members.   2. The segmentation of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the model of cooperation in the project in Taiwanese company and China subsidiary company.   3. The segmentation of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the communication style in the project.   4. The explicitness of technological knowledge can affect the model of project transfer.   5. The explicitness of technological knowledge can affect the background of project leader.   6. The standardization of technological knowledge can affect the input of knowledge.   7. The relative technology ability in China subsidiary company can affect the path dependency of technological knowledge.   8. Two driving forces influence the investment in computer manufacturing industry in Mainland China, one is customer's suggestion, the other is labor costs.

我國外商藥廠的知識管理活動與知識管理影響因素之研究 / A study of knowledge management activities and influential factors of international pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan

薛稚蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
根據2009年IMS生物技術開發中心統計,國內藥廠前十大銷售排名均為外商企業,且在健保藥品給付進口外國藥廠的購買金額也高達70%。由此可見外商製藥公司在台灣藥品市場所佔有的舉足輕重地位。而以往有關製藥產業的論文研究中,較多著重於其行銷業務、策略以及研發模式等方面的分析,很少針對製藥公司的知識管理來加以探討。就知識密集的製藥業來說,此為明顯的研究缺口,因此,本研究以製藥產業為主軸,選定在台灣藥品市占率高的外商藥廠為研究對象,探討其知識管理作為,以及知識管理影響因素如何影響知識管理活動。 本研究同時從知識管理影響因素與知識管理活動兩構面來探討我國外商藥廠的知識管理。研究方法上採用多重個案研究法,研究者首先結合研究問題與文獻回顧,結果導出實證研究的觀念性架構,再以此理論觀念模式為主軸進行個案的訪談與資料的收集,實地深入訪談四家我國外商藥廠,瞭解其知識管理影響因素以及知識管理活動主要作為。 本研究所得到的結論如下: 1. 外商藥廠的知識管理目標若越明確、且與人員的工作流程結合度越高,則其知識蓄積活動越容易進行,且知識保護活動也越能確實執行。 2. 外商藥廠會透過企業內部環境的建構,來促進其知識的擴散。 3. 外商藥廠的科技設備若越完備,則其知識蓄積越容易進行,也因而強化了其知識的創造與擴散。 4. 外商藥廠的績效評估制度之設計與衡量指標之搭配,有助於其知識創造及知識擴散的進行。 5. 外商藥廠知識的結構化程度會影響知識蓄積以及擴散方式。知識的結構化程度越高,則越容易透過文件式的蓄積方式、並經由資訊系統來擴散知識;而知識的結構化程度越低,則越容易透過人員式的蓄積方式、並仰賴面對面接觸來擴散知識。 6. 外商藥廠會藉由成功經驗的分享,來創造組織與各部門的知識,也因而促進了知識的擴散。 7. 外商藥廠會藉由師徒制度來擴散經驗型的知識。 8. 外商藥廠會積極主動並重視知識保護的活動,且使之成為日常作業流程的一部分。 本論文最後說明本研究結果在學術上的貢獻,同時對實務研究上與後續研究上提出一些建議。 / According to IMS Health Global Pharma Forecast in 2009, the top ten sales volumes of pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan are all international enterprises. Under the National Health Insurance reimbursement, the international enterprises occupy only 30% of all the pharmaceuticals volumes, but occupy up to 70% of all the pharmaceuticals sales, which shows that the international pharmaceutical enterprises play a decisive role in Taiwan pharmaceutical market. Most of the past studies of pharmaceutical industry focus on the aspects of marketing, strategy, and research and development. Few specifically inrestigate the issues of knowledge management and knowledge management influential factors. Consequently, a research gap can be found as pharmaceutical industry in a knowledge-intensive one. This research focuses on the pharmaceutical industry, explores the knowledge management activities of international pharmaceutical enterprise in Taiwan from both the view of knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities, and aims to discover the key factors that influence knowledge management. This research adopts four international pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan as case studies and conducts interviews with managers to understand knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities. By knowing inside information of knowledge management of the four companies, this research can deliver a more practical and well-organized point of view, giving examples and facts to the future implementation of knowledge management for Taiwan pharmaceutical enterprise. The conclusions of this research are as bellow. 1. The clearer of the goal in knowledge management and the stronger of connection to the daily process in the company allow knowledge researving and protection activities implemented. 2. Higher level of organization cooperation and sharing culture leads to higher level of reliance of knowledge among each department, facilitating knowledge to spread more effectively in the company. 3. The completeness of technolocial facilities helps knowledge researving activities more convenient, knowledge creation activities more smoothing , and knowledge difussion activities more efficient. 4. The design of performance appraisal influences the knowledge creation and knowledge difussion activities. 5. The degree of knowledge structure influences the knowledge researving and difussion activities. 6. Sharing the best practice ficilitates knowledge creation and knowledge difussion activities . This method had gradually become a well-known practice in international pharmaceutical enterprise. 7. 「Mentor program」 is an important way to extend experienced knowledge. Each company has different approach to conduct 「Mentor program」. 8. The knowledge protection activity includes intellectual property rights、information system、contracts、data reserved management and data destroyed process, and the degree of compulsory execution is in accordance with the principles of the companies.

台灣新藥研發公司多角化策略分析 -從知識管理程序觀點 / Diversification strategy analysis of new drug discovery company in Taiwan:the perspective of knowledge management process

江政倫, Chiang, Cheng Lun Unknown Date (has links)
新藥研發是台灣生技發展的重點產業。新藥研發一般具有高投資、高風險與研發期長的特性。因此,有些公司會透過多角化的策略來分散風險。不過,在有限的資源與人力下,發展多角化的產品通常是個極具挑戰的任務。因此,本研究針對新藥研發公司,就其採取多角化的動機與策略來加以探討。 此外,在知識經濟的時代,知識已成為企業最重要的資產,如何透過有效的知識管理以提昇組織知識的價值,則是企業所重視的關鍵性議題之一。新藥研發屬知識密集產業,知識管理對於公司相當重要。因此本研究亦從知識特性的觀點(路徑相依度、不確定程度與競爭衝擊程度)來探討其對知識管理的影響。 本研究在方法上採取多重個案研究的方式,透過深入個案訪談與次級資料收集,所得到的結論如下: 1. 台灣新藥研發公司選擇多角化策略的動機相當多元。 2. 台灣新藥研發公司多角化的動機與多角化目標領域之路徑相依度有關。 3. 台灣新藥研發公司多角化目標領域技術知識的路徑相依度與競爭衝擊程度會影響其技術知識吸收的方式。 4. 台灣新藥研發公司多角化目標領域技術知識的路徑相依度會影響其組織設計、分工與人員式知識擴散的對象。 5. 台灣新藥研發公司進行多角化產品研發時,其知識蓄積活動上傾向於採取「機械-整合式」的蓄積方式。 / New drug development industry is one of the key biotech development areas in Taiwan. The nature of new drug development involves high investment, high risk and long development time. As a result, some companies develop diversification as a strategy to reduce the risk. However, the scarcity of resource and manpower makes developing diversified products particularly challenging. This study would focus on why these companies choose diversification strategy and which strategies they develop. Knowledge management is very important for companies in research-intensive industry. This study would also explore how the companies practice knowledge management on its diversified projects. In addition, this study uses technological knowledge characteristics (path dependence, degree of uncertainty, and competitive position) to analyze the effect upon knowledge management process. In this study, multiple case study method to take the way through in-depth case interviews and secondary data collection, the conclusion is as follows: 1.The reasons why new drug development companies in Taiwan underwent diversification vary a lot. 2.Synergy motivation of new drug development companies in Taiwan will affect the path dependence of technological knowledge in target areas for diversification. 3.Path dependence and competitive intensity of technological knowledge in target areas for diversification will affect the way of technical knowledge acquired in Taiwan’s new drug development companies. 4.Path dependence of technological knowledge will affect the organizational design, the division of labor and object of personnel-type knowledge diffusion 5.New drug development companies in Taiwan tend to choose 「Mechanical-Integrated」mode of knowledge Storage when the diversification activities.


張瑞承 Unknown Date (has links)
欲了解某一民族的文化,則研究此民族的語言是絕佳的途徑,因為每個民族的語言皆為文化發展及積累的產物,受到文化的影響甚鉅。透過語言的視窗,可以一窺蘊藏豐富寶藏的民族文化。文化的範疇廣大,其中飲食文化是非常重要的組成部分,因為飲食是人類自古以來生存最基本的要求,是人類最為熟悉的事物之一,因此,語言亦承載了相當豐富的飲食文化內涵。 隨著時代的演變,以及人類探索的事物日趨複雜,語言亦不斷變化,其中詞彙意義的轉變尤為明顯,為了替大量從未見過的事物或抽象難解的概念命名,若上述事物或概念的某些特徵與較為熟悉且具體的事物或概念的某特徵之間具有「相似性」,人們即會產生「聯想」,並以原本擁有的詞彙加以指稱,使得原本的詞彙產生另一種意義,也就是「轉義」,當中常蘊含有「隱喻」的思維,因此轉義又可稱為「隱喻意義」,這些隱喻意義說明了人類是如何來認識週遭客觀世界。 俄語的發展進程亦是如此。俄語是俄羅斯文化的載體,自然承載了豐碩的俄羅斯飲食文化。而了解飲食文化的途徑可透過俄語飲食詞彙的研究,這些原本描寫食物、食物味道或飲食行為的飲食詞彙,在龐大的俄語系統中,被用來指稱某些抽象的事物或概念;也就是說,經過語言長期的發展,俄語飲食詞彙產生了相當多的隱喻意義,這些隱喻意義儘管是俄語使用者不易察覺到的,卻表達了俄羅斯民族的思維特性。 本論文旨在研究俄語飲食詞彙,包括食物詞、食物特質詞以及飲食動作詞的隱喻意義與用法,並從中觀察俄語中所隱含的思維方式與認知特點,以及語言所反映的民族思維特性。預期將能豐富俄語詞彙隱喻研究的視野,提供欲了解飲食隱喻的研究者、俄語教學者及學習者之參考。

透過分析PISA2009數據探討澳門抗逆學生學業特徵及指導策略 / Examination of schooling characteristics and instructional strategies of Macao’s resilient students through analyses of PISA2009 data

庄小芳 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

人格特質、親子關係、同儕關係與兒童憂鬱行為表現之研究 / A study of personality traits, parent-child relationship , peer relationship and depression of elementary school students

王瑋婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討國小兒童的「人格特質」、「親子關係」、「同儕關係」與「憂鬱」之相關, 並以問卷調查方式進行。研究樣本為國小高年級兒童為對象, 共收集487 份有效樣本進行分析。本研究之研究工具為「兒童青少年憂鬱篩選量表」、「國小學童人格特質量表」、「親子互動關係問卷」及「國小學童同儕互動關係量表」。數據資料以敍述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關, 及多元逐步迴歸進行分析等。研究主要發現如下: 一、目前國小兒童的憂鬱行為表現普遍水準偏向正面,即較無憂鬱。 二、不同性別、出生序、家庭結構之國小兒童,其憂鬱行為表現沒有顯著差異 三、全體國小兒童之「神經質」、「支配/指使」、「衝突/攻擊」、「競爭/忌妒」、「敵意/防衛」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,皆存有顯著正相關的關係;而「嚴謹性」、「外向性」、「友善性」及「開放性」、「親子關係」、「合作/利社會行為」、「遊戲/聯合活動」、「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」等正向同儕關係及「整體同儕關係」則與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 四、「老么」、「雙親家庭兒童」之「外向性」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 五、「老大」、「單親家庭兒童」之「母親心理」親子關係與其憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 六、「中間子女」之「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」、「競爭/忌妒」及「敵意/防衛」等四項同儕關係上,與其憂鬱行為表現皆存有顯著相關。 七、「敵意防衛」同儕關係及「神經質」人格特質最能夠效預測全體國小兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 八、同儕關係的「競爭嫉妒」最能預測「男生」、「獨生子女」和「中間子女」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 九、同儕關係的「敵意防衛」最能夠預測「女生」、「老大」、「雙親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 十、「神經質」人格特質最能夠預測「老么」、「單親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 本研究根據上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among personality traits, parental relationship, peer relationship and depression. The study adopted a method of questionnaire survey. The subjects of this study were 487 grade five and six elementary school students in Taiwan.Instruments used in this study were“Children and Adolescents Depression Screening Scale”,“Parental Interaction Relationship Questionnaire”,“The scale of interaction between peers for elementary students”. The study was analyzed by descriptive statist ics,T-tests,One-way ANOVA,Pearson product -moment correlation and multiple step-wise regression analysis. The main findings of this study were as fol lows: 1. The status of depressive tendency for most respondents is regarded as positive. 2. There were no significant differences in depression among these students according to their different gender , birth order and family structure. 3. There were significant positive correlations between “neuroticism”,” control / instigate”,” conflict / attack”,”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “depression”.However, there were significant negative correlations between” conscientiousness”,”extraversion”, “agreeableness”,”openness”,” parental relationship”,”cooperative / prosocial behavior”,”game / joint activities”,”trust / respect”,”intimate/ attachment” peer relationship and “depression”. 4. Significant negative correlations were found between youngest birth order and parents-family child’ extraversion and depression. 5. Significant negative correlations were found between oldest birth order and single parent-family child’ mother mentality relationship and depression. 6. Significant correlations were found between the middle child’ ”trust /respect”,”intimate/ attachment”, ”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and depression. 7. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “neuroticism” show prediction to the total score of depression. 8. ”competitive / jealous” peer relationship shows prediction to boy,singleton, and the middle child’ depression. 9. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship shows prediction to girl,oldest birth order,and parents-family child’ depression. 10.“neuroticism” shows prediction to youngest birth order and single parent-family child’ depression. Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.

大学図書館における新しい「場」 : インフォメーション・コモンズとラーニング・コモンズ

NAGATA, Haruki, 永田, 治樹 31 March 2009 (has links)
No description available.

解說志工之人格特質、參與動機、工作滿足與組織承諾間關係之研究─以陽明山國家公園管理處為例 / A Study on the Relationships of Volunteer Interpreters’ Personality, Participation Motivation, Job Satifaction and Organizational Commitment: A Case of Yangmingshan National Park Administration

李孟左 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用文獻探討、問卷調查、深度訪談等方法,從解說志工的個人社經背景、人格特質、參與動機、工作滿足、管理制度檢討及組織承諾等進行探討,重要發現如下: 一、解說志工個人社經背景同質性高,大部分是透過現有人際關係介紹成為志工,在受訪者的基本特性方面,以女性居多,期別以第十期居大多數,年齡層以46~55歲中壯年佔的比例最高,教育程度方面以大學佔大多數,職業以退休人士最多,月平均收入以50,000~69,999元的比例最高,居住地以台北市佔大多數,婚姻狀況則是已婚居大多數,而無其他志願服務經驗及有宗教信仰者佔多數。解說志工的人格特質相對偏向外控傾向,但差異性不大。 二、參與動機多元化,隨個人屬性不同有所差異。 三、解說志工之工作滿足為中上程度,對於組織氣氛、督導有所期許;解說志工在組織承諾上,以「努力意願」最強,而在「組織認同」較弱,且隨個人屬性有所不同; 四、在參與動機、工作滿足及組織承諾程度皆是以內控者較高,顯示出志工在志願服務過程中,會以團體為核心,主動、自主、積極的態度來配合管理處解說工作。 五、參與動機與工作滿足之間有極顯著正相關,參與動機與組織承諾之間有極顯著性正相關,工作滿足與組織承諾之間有極顯著性正相關。 六、「工作特性滿足」、「社會責任動機」、「意願實現動機」、「督導滿足」、「教育程度(專科)」與「自我成長與生涯規劃滿足」等,對志工整體組織承諾有較大的預測力。

國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究 / A study on the ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal and the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal in Taiwan

巫孟蓁, Wu, Men-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力的內涵。本研究方法為文獻分析、問卷調查、焦點團體法與專家訪談法。而問卷調查樣本為臺灣地區各縣市公立國民小學校長共1000人,可用問卷714份,可用率為71.4%。焦點團體座談對象為現職國民小學校長;專家訪談對象為國內辦理國民小學校長職前儲訓或培育相關機構的行政人員。研究工具包含自編之「國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究調查問卷」、「國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究座談大綱」、「國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力之研究專家訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與薛費法事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、線性結構關係分析(SEM),內容分析等方法。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 壹、國民小學校長理想師傅校長特質之內涵包括師傅教導態度、個人自我要求、人際關係技巧、主動學習意願與經營實務素養。 貳、國民小學校長策略領導能力之內涵包括訂定目標、轉化行動、整合資源、核心技術與領導智慧。 參、國民小學校長理想中的師傅校長特質,以「經營實務素養」向度得分最高,而「師傅教導態度」向度得分最低。 肆、國民小學校長策略領導能力的現況得分程度佳,並以「核心技術」能力表現最佳。 伍、校長背景變項中,年齡、年資、受訓地點對知覺理想師傅校長特質的差異達顯著水準,但性別、最高學歷、學校規模、學校區域未達顯著差異。 陸、校長背景變項中,年齡、年資、學校規模、學校區域,對知覺策略領導能力的差異達顯著水準,而性別、最高學歷、受訓地點未達顯著差異。 柒、國民小學校長對理想師傅校長特質得分程度高分組者,在校長策略領導能力的得分顯著優於中、低分組。 捌、理想師傅校長特質與校長策略領導能力間呈顯著正相關。 玖、理想師傅校長特質對校長策略領導能力的模式經驗證後適配度佳,具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、校長培訓課程中應嵌入師傅校長教導,並增加師徒相處的時間。 二、遴選師傅校長時,應先瞭解校長的期待與需求。 三、應重視師傅校長的選擇、訓練、配對與課程安排。 四、應將縣市遴選師傅校長的作法推廣至其他辦理校長儲訓之單位。 五、應建置「師傅校長網絡(mentor network)」,持續給予校長支持。 六、校長培訓課程應納入策略領導能力涵養,並加強轉化行動的能力。 七、應強化校長策略領導知能,鼓勵相關學術研究與舉辦研習活動。 貳、對國民小學校長的建議 一、校長參加校長遴選時,應以適合自身條件的學校為考量。 二、鼓勵退休與資深優秀校長擔任師傅校長。 三、鼓勵校長積極參與專業社群,以增進經驗交流、互動與成長。 四、校長應重視策略領導能力的培養,並加強轉化行動的能力。 / The main purpose of this research is to study the ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal and the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal. The research methods used was literature review, questionnaires investigation, focus group sessions and interviews. The research instrument was distributed to 1000 elementary public school principals all over Taiwan and 714 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71, and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. An elementary school principal ideal mentor’s traits includes: positive attitude, self requirement, strong people and communication skills, life long learner, and good manager of time and resources. 2. Strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal includes: goal setting, translate strategy into action, align people and organizations, develops core competencies, and has leadership wisdom. 3. The mentor’s trait “good manager of time and resources” ranks first and “positive attitude” ranks last. 4. All the elementary principal strategic leadership abilities received a positive outcome and “develops core competencies” rank the highest. 5. The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service, and training unit incurred a significant difference with all the ideal mentor’s traits. 6. The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service, school size, and school district incurred a significant difference with all the strategic leadership abilities. 7. Elementary school principals who got high score on the ideal mentor’s traits were gotten better score in the strategic leadership ability than low and middle ones. 8. The ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal are positively correlated with the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal. 9. The ideal mentor’s traits for an elementary school principal could positively predict the strategic leadership ability of an elementary school principal, and its “model fit indices” is proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher propose some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “principal of elementary schools”, hoping to benefit the of the school principal preparation systems in the future.

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