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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林清財, LIN, GING-CAI Unknown Date (has links)
全文分為六章: 第一章 緒論:說明研究的動機、目的、名詞釋義、及研究方法與步驟。 第二章 文獻探討:探討Erikson 的心理社會發展理論及自我統整與心理特質的研究 文獻。 第三章 研究方法:說明研究模本、工具的選取,及資料的處理。 第四章 研究結果:提出自我統整、心理特質的評量結果及發現二者關係。 第五章 結果討論:綜合討論研究假設的考驗、及本研究的限制。 第六章 結論與建議;歸納研究的發現,並提出建議。 本研究的主要目的,在探討青少年自我統整與心理特質的關係。以問卷調查法,研究 台北市三所國中三所高中的學生六八五名(男生三五○名,女生三三五名),在「自 我發展量表」、「自尊量表」、「焦慮量表」、「內外控量表」和「成就動機量表」 上的得分情形。以雙因子變異數分析和單因子變異數分析來處理資料。 研究結果發現:(一)在自我統整方面:性別有顯著的差異,男生在活潑自主、自動 自發、勤奮努力、自我統整和自我統整總分上均優於女生,女生在對人信賴上優於男 生;國、高中只有部份有差異,高中生在活潑自主和自動自發上優於國中生。(二) 在心理特質方面:男生只在自尊上優於女生,女生比男生有較高的焦慮程度和工作取 向;在國、高中比較上,高中生比國中生更為自尊、外控傾向、較高的精熱程度、工 作取向與競爭性。(三)自我統整與心理特質的關係:男女分別統計,均發現不同自 我統整程度者,在自尊、焦慮、內外控、工作精熱程度和工作取向上有顯著的差異。

企業學習能力對企業轉型升級策略選擇的影響------以鴻海與神通為例 / The Influence of Enterprise Learning Ability on Selecting the Strategy of Enterprise Transformation---Cases Study of FOXCONN and MITAC

王享元, Wang , Hsiang-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究主要是藉由探討台灣企業在面臨「轉型升級壓力」而必須做經營策略調整時,經由本研究所建構的理論模型與實際個案間的檢證研究突顯出「企業學習能力」在企業轉型升級與策略選擇過程中的關鍵地位。 本研究以創造台灣最高經濟產值貢獻的資訊科技(IT)產業之個案廠商為對象,探究其「企業學習能力」對「企業轉型升級策略」選擇的影響,以及「目標產業的知識特質」、「企業學習能力」、「企業轉型升級壓力」三者間的關聯性。本論文的研究方法是以對個案的資料文件做深度探究的內容分析法為主,選取國內具代表地位的二家資訊硬體大廠為研究對象,嘗試對其「企業學習能力」與「企業轉型決策過程」作系統性的探索。 本研究歸納分析所得到的研究發現如下: 【研究發現一】取得「企業學習能力」的實證觀察指標。 【研究發現二】「企業轉型升級壓力」的大小會影響「企業轉型升級策略選擇」。壓力愈小時,企業選擇「攻勢」之轉型升級的機會就愈大;反之,則企業選擇「守勢」之退守退出的機會就愈大。 【研究發現三】「企業學習能力」的強弱會影響「企業轉型升級策略的選擇」。企業學習能力愈強時,則企業選擇「攻勢」之轉型升級的機會就愈大;反之,則企業選擇「守勢」之退守退出的機會就愈大。 【研究發現四】「企業學習壓力數學關係式」的發現實證了「企業學習能力」與「目標產業知識特質」和「企業轉型升級壓力」之間,存有簡單的「數學關聯」。 【研究發現五】「企業轉型升級策略選擇」的決策關係式。 因此,本研究認為企業在做轉型升級的決策時,千萬不要忽略企業本身的「學習能力」是否能承載「目標產業的知識特質」?建議企業宜在所欲朝向轉型升級之「目標產業的知識特質」下,考量企業本身的「學習能力」強弱,評估本身「企業轉型升級壓力」的大小,最終對「企業轉型升級策略」做出合乎自身最佳利益的理性選擇。此外,本研究亦建議企業或可藉由參考「企業學習能力系統-SOFA模型」來規劃建構或是強化自身的「企業學習能力」,以因應未來無窮的變局與挑戰! / Abstract This research is conducted by exploration and explanation between theoretical model and case studies to prove the key role of the enterprise’s learning ability (ELA) in the procedure of the enterprise’s transformation and the option of strategy. The researcher selected cases from information technology industry which contributed most to Taiwan economic growth in recent years to explain the influence of ELA on selecting the strategy of transformation and to explore the relevance among the characteristics of objective industrial knowledge, ELA and the pressure of enterprise transformation. This thesis applied content analysis to explore the documents from two big enterprises of information hardware , trying to systematically study their learning ability and to find out how they make a decision of transformation. According to the analyses of these two cases, the study has got the following conclusions: 1.The collection of empirical indexes of enterprise learning ability (ELA). 2.The pressure of enterprise transformation will influence the option of transformation strategy. The smaller the pressure is , the bigger the chance for the enterprise choosing aggressive way to transform would be. On the contrary, the bigger the presser is , the bigger the chance for the enterprise choosing conservative way to withdraw would be. 3.The performance of ELA will influence the option of enterprise transformation strategy. The stronger the ELA is , the bigger the chance for the enterprise choosing aggressive way to transform would be. On the contrary, the weaker the ELA is , the bigger the chance for the enterprise choosing conservative way to withdraw would be. 4.The formula of enterprise learning pressure proves the existence of simple mathematical relevance among ELA, the characteristics of objective industrial knowledge and the pressure of enterprise transformation. 5.The decision-making formula of the option of enterprise transformation strategy. As a result , this research indicates that an enterprise making transformation decision should never neglect the fact whether its ELA could undertake the characteristics of objective industrial knowledge or not . This research suggests that enterprises facing transformation pressure from the characteristics of objective industrial knowledge had better take their learning ability into consideration , and finally make a rational choice of transformation strategy to meet their best needs. In addition , this research recommends that enterprises might use “Enterprise Learning Ability System (ELAS)” i.e. “SOFA model” to construct or strengthen their learning ability in order to cope with countless challenge in the future.

自我傷害動機、負向情緒、經驗迴避、情緒調節與青少年自我傷害行為之關係探索 / Exploring the Relation of the Motivation of Deliberate Self-harm, Negative Affect, Experiential Avoidance, Emotion Regulation and Adolescents’ Deliberate Self-harm Behaviors

呂孟真 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探索自我傷害行為的動機、相關現象與情緒調節功能,並以此為基礎釐清該行為的情緒內涵,包括正向情緒強度特質、負向情緒強度特質、平靜滿足、經驗迴避程度及情緒調節能力。此外,本研究以因素分析探索自傷動機的分類,並以此分類結果為基礎,探討不同自傷動機所引發的情緒種類、情緒強度是否有所不同,在自傷行為的進行方式、次數上是否有顯著差異,並瞭解其無法適當應用的情緒調節能力為何。研究採用問卷調查的方式,研究對象為839位私立高中職生,包括日間部與夜間部,調查所得資料以描述統計分析、卡方檢定、相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定、相依樣本t檢定、因素分析、邏輯迴歸分析和階層迴歸分析進行處理。 本研究主要結果如下:首先支持自傷行為具有負向情緒調節的功能,而經驗迴避對於自傷行為的影響有限。其次,將自傷動機進行因素分析的結果發現可以將其分為四類:人際影響、負向感受的因應、避免失控和負向自我評價。在區分是否有自傷行為部分,情緒調節困難的不接納與無助能夠有效解釋自傷行為的有無;在影響自傷行為的頻率部分,自傷動機的強度與情緒調節困難的衝動失控能夠有效解釋自傷頻率的多寡。此外,本研究發現不同的自傷方式與不同的動機、所處的自傷前情緒有關,且不同的自我傷害動機在情緒強度特質、情緒調節困難、負向情緒和自傷方式上會呈現出不同的樣貌。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the motivations, the phenomenon, and the function of deliberate self-harm behaviors(DSH), and based on these, to clarify emotional contents behind DSH, including positive affect intensity, negative affect intensity, serenity, experiential avoidance and the emotional regulation ability. Besides, the study investigated the classification of the motivations of DSH by exploratory factor analysis, and accordingly discussed whether the affect categories and the affect intensity resulted from the motivations of DSH were different, and whether the motivations of DSH resulted in significantly different using of methods and frequencies, moreover, the emotional dysregulation. The study was based on questionnaires, and the participants were 839 students from a private senior high school , including vocational schools. Data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, t-test, factor analysis (FA), logistic regression, and hierarchical regression analysis. The main results were as follows: First, the results supported that DSH has regulative function on negative affect, and experiential avoidance influenced DSH limitedly. Second, according to factor analysis, the motivations of DSH were classified into four categories: interpersonal influence, negative affect modulation, control, and negative self-evaluation. Moreover, nonacceptance of the emotion dysregulation could successfully distinguish students with DSH from students with no history of DSH in the past 1 year. Both intensity of motivations and impulse of the emotion dysregulation could reliably predict DSH’s frequency. Finally, different methods of DSH correlated to different motivations and different emotions before DSH, and there were various representations of affect intensity, emotion dysregulation, and methods depends on different motivations.


林千立 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討老年人寂寞及其相關因素模式。主要目的為:一、編擬老年人寂寞量表,以測量老年人寂寞。二、瞭解我國老年人的寂寞現況並比較不同背景變項之老年人在寂寞上的差異情形。三、建立人格特質(神經質與外向性)、自覺健康狀況、社會關係數量、社會供應(情緒共同感、價值肯定、社會共同感)與寂寞(情緒性寂寞與社會性寂寞)之間的結構方程模式,以瞭解變項之間的路徑關係。 為逹以上目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以702位老年人為研究對象,施以「人格特質量表」、「社會關係量表」、「自覺健康狀況量表」,修訂之「社會供應量表」、自編之「老年人寂寞量表」等量表,並以描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模式進行統計分析。研究發現:1.老年人寂寞量表經因素分析,可區分為情緒性寂寞與社會性寂寞。2.我國老年人的寂寞程度為中度偏低,社會性寂寞顯著高於情緒性寂寞。3.不同年齡、性別、婚姻狀況、參與社團與居住狀況的老年人在寂寞上有顯著差異。4.去除解釋力低的自覺健康狀況,人格特質、社會關係數量、社會供應與寂寞所建構之結構方程模式的適配度獲得支持,可以有效解釋相關變項間的關聯性。 最後本研究根據研究結果進行討論,並對諮商實務及未來研究提出建議。 / The purpose of this study was to develop a 「Loneliness Scale for the Elderly」 and to explore loneliness and related factors in the elderly. Moreover, this study created the structural equation model of personality traits(neuroticis / extraversion)、quantity of social relationship、self-perceived health status、social provision(emotional togetherness / reassurance of worth / social togetherness)and loneliness(emotional loneliness / social loneliness)in the elderly, which served the purpose of illustrating the linear structural relationships among the relevant variables. The participants in this study were 702 elderly people in Taiwan. Research instruments included Personality Traits Scale、Quantity of Social Relationship Scale、Self-perceived Health Status Scale、Social Provision Scale, and Loneliness Scale for the Elderly. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and structural equation model. The findings were as follows: 1. Two factors were extracted from the Loneliness Scale for the Elderly by factor analysis, they were emotional loneliness and social loneliness. 2. The level of loneliness among elderly was moderate and social loneliness is significantly higher than emotional loneliness. 3. There were significant differences in loneliness among different age groups, gender, marital status, group participations, and living arrangements. 4. The structural equation model of personality traits、quantity of social relationship、social provision and loneliness in the elderly could explain the relationship among main variables. Based on these findings, some suggestions were made for practice and future research.

台灣電腦網路廠商組織知識創造平台之研究 / The Platform of the Organizational Knowledge Creation : The Case Study in Taiwan Computer Network Industry

陳弘睿, Chen, Hung-Ruei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過新產品的開發專案,探討技術知識特質對組織知識創造平台的影響。研究範圍以台灣電腦網路廠商為主,針對其產品創新表現優秀的企業為主,深入訪談其產品開發專案負責人與核心成員,瞭解其產品開發的過程,與組織知識的創新平台。本研究結果顯示如下: 一、技術知識特質會影響台灣電腦網路廠商之知識創造平台 (一)技術知識路徑相依度低之產品開發專案,CEO在概念與生成及發展扮演重要角色。技術路徑相依度高的開發專案,概念的生成主要來自於各功能性部門。 (二)技術知識路徑相依度低的專案,與上游技術網路的成員保持較緊密的關係。技術知識路徑相依度高的專案,與上游技術網路成員保持較鬆散的關係。 (三)當組織開發的產品為新產品線的研究發展時,團隊管理者偏向「專案管理型」的角色,與市場方面的連結則以PM/行銷/銷售部門為主。當組織開發的產品為擴展公司現有產品線的深度時,團隊管理者偏向「總經理型」的角色。當組織開發的產品為改良或修正現有產品時,團隊管理者偏向「企劃型」的角色。 (四)當組織開發的產品為新產品線的研究發展時,組織傾向於使用「自主型團隊」來進行產品開發。當組織開發的產品為擴展公司現有產品線的深度時,組織傾向於使用「重型團隊」來進行產品開發。當組織開發的產品為改良或修正現有產品時,組織傾向於使用「輕型團隊」來進行產品開發。 (五)技術知識複雜度高,則技術網路成成員種類較多。技術知識複雜度低,則技術網路成員種類較少。 (六)技術知識複雜度愈高,組織溝通方式傾向以整合問題解決模式,若生產在專案過程參與較少,則研發與生產之間會透過產品工程做連結。 (七)技術知識複雜度高,則團隊成員組成多元程度較高。技術知識複雜度低,則團隊成員組成多元程度較低。 二、台灣電腦網路廠商知識創造平台的特性 (一)在組織知識創造的場域(Ba)中,對組織成員適度的關懷(Care)是台灣優秀電腦網路廠商的特色。 (二)在Dialoing Ba中,正式與非正式的溝通同樣為外化過程中不可或缺的方式。 (三)台灣優秀的電腦網路廠商的創新類型偏重於架構式創新,並與國外技術提供者保持適度的跨組織的知識交流。 (四)技術知識特質對組織知識創造的場域(Ba)的影響並不明顯。

組織知識流通之研究--以台灣資訊硬體業為例 / The research on organizational knowledge flow - take Taiwan information hardware industry as an example

賴威龍, Lai, Wei-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
依據資策會市場情報中心的統計,1997 年我國資訊硬體工業海內外的總產值已達 302 億美元,成長率達 24.8%,顯示台灣的資訊硬體工業佔世界市場--主要的地位。資訊硬體工業在我國發展相當成功,其發展歷程與分工方式值得探討,而更值得注意的是,資訊產業 廠商如何能在變動快速的外界環境條件下,運用組織內外部的資源不斷的進行知識吸收、創造與擴散。 本研究由「組織為知識流動、創造與蓄積的載體」的角度出發,試圖在本土優秀廠商組織能耐持續深化的過程中,歸納出台灣資訊硬體工業的組織知識創造模式,藉以發掘台灣獨特 (Taiwan-specific) 的競爭優勢。主要研究問題包括:(1) 技術特質如何影響組織知識流通?(2) 團隊領導與組織情境如何影響組織知識流通?(3) 臺灣資訊硬體業特有的創新模式與組織知識流通模式為何? 本研究採個案研究法,共訪問六家廠商,主要研究結論如下: (一) 技術特質不同,組織知識流通隨之不同 (1)路徑相依度:本研究發現當路徑相依度低時,知識吸收將較依賴外界的知識來源,知識創造過程中的團隊自主性將較高。反之,當路徑相依度高時,知識吸收將較依賴內部的知識來源,知識創造過程中的團隊自主性將較低。 (2)模組化程度:本研究發現當模組化程度高時,知識吸收將傾向分散式的知識交流網路,知識創造過程中成員間的分工較清楚,而且團隊創造的知識較能以模組的形式儲存擴散。反之,當路徑相依度高時,知識吸收將傾向集中式的知識交流網路,知識創造過程中成員間的分工較難切割清楚,而且團隊創造的知識較無法以模組的形式儲存擴散。 (3)技術複雜程度 本研究發現當技術複雜度較高時,知識吸收的來源較廣泛,知識創造過程中的團隊多樣性與正式化程度將較高,而且知識愈傾向於以外顯方式蓄積擴散。反之,當技術複雜度較低時,知識吸收的來源較狹隘,知識創造過程中的團隊多樣性與正式化程度將較低,而且知識愈傾向於以內隱方式蓄積擴散。 (二) 團隊領導與組織情境不同,組織知識流通隨之不同 本研究發現師徒制是台灣資訊硬體公司重要的訓練制度,專案的知識儲存方式因此傾向蓄積於個人之上,本研究亦歸納出不同形式的專案領導人對於組織知識流通影響的角度不同。此外,當個人激勵與團隊績效連結程度愈高時,愈有助於知識創造過程中的團隊合作程度,而且當組織各個團隊間的正式與非正式溝通較頻繁時,則有助於內部知識擴散,較能發揮整體組織知識的槓桿效果。 (三) 台灣資訊硬體業的創新特色 從個案的實地探索之中,本研究依據 Henderson and Clark (1990) 提出的學習模式,發現在替先進國廠商的代工經驗中,台灣逐漸吸取了先進國產品設計與製造的知識,因此近年來,雖然關鍵組件多操控在日商與美商的手裡,但是許多台灣優秀的廠商則試圖在產品架構方面進行創新,亦即在整體搭配方面進行突破,設法讓整個產品成本降低或功能提昇,這種現象可見於筆記型電腦產業、掃描器產業、CD-ROM 產業、Monitor,產業等。依據以上的觀察,本研究歸納出台灣資訊硬體業的創新特色是屬於架構方面的創新,對於關鍵組件的創新能力則相對較弱。此外,本研究同時發現本土廠商由於規模較小,因此很難像歐美廠商般以總部的中央貧驗室來進行長期的研發,所以主要扮演的角色為快速的追隨者.,負責盡快將新技術商品化,而透過上下游跨組織的知識流通使得我國廠商能在快速追隨者的定位上持續保有競爭力。

由多面向觀點探討理性思考與感性人格的關係 / A Study on The Relationship of Rational Thinking And Affective Personality Traits: From A Multidimensional Perspective

汪慧瑜, Wang, Hui Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究視理性思考與感性人格特質為多面向的結構,探討理性思考與感性人格特質各面向間的關係,並研究個人的性別、學科背景是否與其理性思考及感性人格特質有關。   本研究以台大、政大共386位學生為樣本,運用「修訂康乃爾批判思考測驗Z級」、「拓弄思語文創造思考測驗乙式」、「人際敏感性量表」、「美感追求量表」、「感情變異性量表」、「自發性量表」及「同理心量表」等工具收集資料,再以皮爾遜積差相關考驗及多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)進行統計分析。   研究結果發現:   1.理性思考與正面向感性人格特質有顯著正相關,與負面向感性人格特質沒有顯著相關。   2.在理性思考上,性別之間並無顯著差異;在感性人格特質上,女性在「美感傾向」、「同理心」、「情緒化」等三個面向上的分數都顯著高於男性,「情感表達」面向則是未達顯著水準,但是在「人際敏感」面向上卻是男性分數顯著高於女性。   3.不同學院學生的批判思考、創造思考及理性思考能力並未有顯著差異。文學院學生的感性人格特質則有「情緒化」面向顯著高於理學院學生及其他學院學生,「人際敏感」面向高於其他學院學生。   本研究建議,根據理性思考與感性人格特質之間的相輔相成互動關係,學校宜多鼓勵男學生培養感性人格特質,鼓勵女學生發揮理性思考的潛能,不受刻板印象所限;在大學的通識教育上亦有必要重新調整,提供學生培養經驗整合與整全判斷能力。 / The objectives of this study were to explore the relationship of rational thinking, consisted of critical thinking dimension and creative thinking dimension, and affective personality traits, consisted of four positive dimensions and one negative dimension, from a multidimensional perspective, and to examine if one's sex and major would have influence on his/her rational thinking and affective personality traits. Tests were administered to 386 college students, evaluating their levels of critical thinking, creative thinking, interpersonal sensitivity, aesthetic orientation, emotioanl expressivity, empathy and emotionality. Findings suggest that: (1) Subjects scoring high on Rational thinking have significant high scores in positive dimensions of affective personality traits, but it seems that rational thinking is not related to the negative dimension of affective personality traits. (2) There is no significant sex difference in rational thinking, meanwhile in affective personality traits, female score obviously higher in aesthetic orientation, empathy, and emotionality, and there is no significant sex difference in emotional expressivity, but male score higher in interpersonal sensitivity. (3) Students in different majors don't have significant differences in their critical thinking, creative thinking, and rational thinking abilities, but students majoring art and literature surely score higher in emotionality and aesthetic orientation dimensions than students majoring nature science or other subjects.


陳瑞陽, Chen, Rui Yang Unknown Date (has links)
在當前競爭日益激烈的網際網路商業環境中,企業對能提升經營績效之創新管理方法與工具的需求更形殷切。尤其在資訊科技快速發展的推波助瀾下,各式新型商品與新穎服務的開發與提供,不但改變了傳統的供需關係,更使企業經營面臨必須全面檢討與不斷創新的壓力。故在知識經濟時代裏,組織的經營重心將是擺在創新上,而新產品的開發又是在創新上最具體的成果,雖然研究發展活動需要投入相當多的資源,但是卻是一個科技公司所依賴維持競爭力的一項企業活動。   基於此,故本論文將在知識創新和研發程序二者之間做相關性探討,而所選擇的專案案例是以企業應用軟體研發程序專案為基礎,從此基礎試著以知識創新活動內容的過程中和技術知識特質中,分析出屬於企業應用軟體產業的知識創新活動內容中的行為為何?以及技術知識特質和這些知識創新行為之間關聯性,進而提供以知識創新行為基礎,架構如何發展成功的研發程序模式,來提昇企業競爭力。   為了分析客觀起見,所選擇的應用軟體研發程序專案案例將有三種不同個案---1.個案一「ERP導入專案」,2.個案二「企業應用客製化軟體開發專案」,3.個案三「企業協同作業方法論專案」。而這三種不同個案有其三個不同類型---導入程序、客製化軟體開發程序、作業方法論程序。這些不同類型在分析軟體技術知識特質和知識創新活動行為之間關聯性,將試著找出共同點,進而得出本論文的研究發現。   從整個論文發展過程中,可知最主要是要發現在企業應用軟體研發程序下的軟體技術知識特質應該運用何種知識創新行為,並以此行為做為企業應用軟體產業在研發程序專案順利完成的成功因素。 / On competitive internet business environment, corporate need innovation management methodology and tool , in order to submit business performance urgently. Especially, sorts of new product and service provide content by information technology development submit rapidly, but also change traditional supply-demand concern, not only corporate business must face to discussing impress with continual innovation totally. On knowledge economic decade, it's important to innovate that organization business aimed, and new product development is physical result in innovation. Maybe R&D activity need input more resources, it is need business R&D activity that one technology corporate maintain competitive.   Based on the above mentioned, The text do relate discussion between knowledge innovation and R&D procedure. Its selected case is base on business application software R&D procedure project, with knowledge innovation activity and software technical knowledge nature by these cases, analysis what is its content with knowledge innovation for corporate application software industry, and what is relation between knowledge innovation activity and software technical knowledge nature, more, it design module how to develop success R&D procedure based on knowledge innovation in order to submit corporate competition.   Because of analysis seriously. The text select three sorts of cases: case1: ERP implementation project; case2: business application customized development software project; case3: business collaboration process methodology project. The text try to find common item with these different cases in order to obtain research discovery by analysis relation between knowledge innovation activity and software technical knowledge nature.   From the text development procedure, it mainly find which knowledge innovation content on software technical knowledge nature for business application software R&D procedure, and take these content to success factory for R&D project on business application software industry.


高玉龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣工具機產業廠商,探索其研發專案知識管理對新產品開發績效的影響,及其技術知識特質對知識管理的關聯性。本論文以深入個案訪談法為主要的研究方法,訪談國內具代表地位的二家工具機業大廠之設計及開發部門,並自其中各選擇二個研發專案作為研究對象。   本研究歸納分析所得到的研究發現如下:   【研究發現一】研發專案知識吸收來源愈多、範圍愈廣、組織學習活動愈多,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現二】研發專案知識創造技術突破愈多、創新價值愈高,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現三】研發專案知識蓄積文件化程度愈高、蓄積活動愈多、累積專案核心能耐愈多,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現四】研發專案知識擴散方式愈多、擴散活動愈多,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現五】技術知識變動程度對研發專案的知識管理有明顯的影響。   【研究發現六】技術知識外顯程度對研發專案的知識管理有明顯的影響。   【研究發現七】技術知識路徑相依度對研發專案知識管理的影響,似乎不是很明顯。   【研究發現八】技術知識模組化程度對研發專案知識管理的影響,似乎不是很明顯。   【研究發現九】技術知識複雜化程度對研發專案的知識管理有明顯的影響。   因此,本研究建議企業為了提升新產品開發的成效,的確需要強化知識管理,同時其研發部門應設計符合技術知識特質及利於推動知識管理的組織型態與作為。平時應作好內部技術傳承及外部技術來源佈置工作,並在新產品開發不同階段妥善配置適合的資源與人力。 / This research is focused on Taiwan's CNC machine industries for exploring the impacts of knowledge management on the performance of new product development. The influence of the characteristics of technological knowledge on knowledge management is also studied. The research was conducted mainly based on deep case studied. The research subjects include four R&D projects two which are selected from two companies of CNC machine industry.   The preliminary conclusions are as follows:   1. The more the R&D project knowledge is absorbed from different sources, wide ranges,and multiple organizational learning activities, the better the performance of new product development would be.   2. The more the R&D project knowledge creates the technological breakthrough and thenewly added value, the better the performance of new product development would be.   3. The more the R&D project knowledge is accumulated with the documentation, the amass of activities, and the core resourcefulness, the better the performance of new product development would be.   4. The more the R&D project knowledge is diffused in different patterns and activities, the better the performance of new product development would be.   5. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of change of technological knowledge.   6. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of explicitness of technological knowledge.   7. There doesn't exist a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of path dependence of technological knowledge path.   8. There doesn't exist a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of modualization of technological knowledge.   9. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D projects and the degree of complexity of technological knowledge.   As a result, it is suggested that the R & D departments of the companies possessed with different characteristics of technological knowledge should design the organizational form and activities that are conformed to the characteristics of technological knowledge for facilitating the practices of knowledge management.   The internal technology inheritance and the external technology resource deployment have to be executed ordinarily; and the appropriate resources as well as human powershall be properly allocated in accordance with the different steps of new product development with a view to intensifying the satisfactory result.

資通訊服務公司策略經營模式研究—以NEC公司為例 / Strategic business model of ICT servicescorporation-case study of NEC group corporation

邱炳煌, Chiu, Ping Huang Unknown Date (has links)
2008 年擁有158 年歷史的美國投資銀行,雷曼兄弟控股公司( Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. )的破產,掀起全球性的金融風暴,進而促使全球經濟同時性大衰退。 曾經是美國、甚至全球最大的企業的通用汽車也蒙受嚴重波及,而宣告破產重整。 百年歷史的GM 公司的倒閉,使得『企業規模越大,越不會倒閉』的傳統觀念破滅 了!根據統計,一般企業的壽命,約在30 年,而世界上仍有許多維繫超過百年甚至 更久遠的企業。促使那些擁有百年歷史的企業,永續經營特質是什麼? 回顧1990 年,普拉哈(C.K. Prahalad) 和蓋瑞‧哈默爾 (Gary Hamel) 於「哈佛商 業評論」上發表了企業核心競爭力(Core Competence)模型的論文以及唐納.薩 爾 (Donald N. Sull) (2003) 在「成功不墜」所闡述企業永續經營模型。還有,日本 京都大學經濟學研究所的末松千尋教授於2002 年提出京都企業經營模式研究論 述。三者構成本論文研究的理論模型基礎架構。藉由NEC 的個案,以質化個案研究 的方式,對照這個模型架構,探討NEC 公司永續經營的特質,印證本理論架構基礎 的實用性與完整性。研究成果將可提供國內企業,邁向國際化、全球化、永續經營 上策略思考之參考。 本研究從NEC 個案中獲得企業永續經營準則、永續成功經營模式為: 一、 擬訂企業策略發展意圖,建構企業願景。 二、 藉由不斷創新,建構企業核心競爭能力。 三、 認識企業存在的意義,重視顧客滿意。 四、 建立開放平台,與供應商的水平分工。 五、 隨著經營環境變遷,勇於適時變革。 關鍵字:永續經營特質,企業核心競爭力,企業經營模式,成功經營模式 / A 158- year-old firm, the 4th largest investment bank in the USA, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. announced its bankruptcy in 2008.Rapidly stirred up a global financial credit crisis and became to a worldwide economic recession concurrently. The ever being biggest company in the USA and even in the world, General Motors Corporation was engulfed seriously and finally also sank into bankruptcy protection by the economic recession. Even having hundred years history company like GM Corp. was forced to reorganize by bankruptcy protection. The traditional concept, 「The larger of the scale of a company the less possibilty of the company will collapse」,was ruined!According to some statistics a company can last for about 30 years for average. But there are still many firms lasting for more than hundred years in the world. What is sustainable managerial essence of those firms? Let us review their theses of core compentence of the corporation in the article of Harvard Business Review in 1990 by Mr. C.K. Prahalad and Mr. Gary Hamel. and the theses of company`s sustainable managerial model in the book of「Revival of the Fittest」in 2003 by Mr. Donald N. Sull. Also let us review the theses of 「Kyo-siki strategic business model」in 2002 by Mr. Chihiro Suematsu, Professor of Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics. These three above expounding form the basic model of theory of this research. By the case study of NEC Corporation, taking antithesis of these expounding, a case study of qualitative research oriented, tries to find sustainable managerial essence of NEC and to prove the practicality and the completeness of the basic model of theory of this research. The research thesis is trying to offer some strategic references to the company in Taiwan during creating its sustainable managerial essence for company on the way of internationalization and globalization of company. From this research of NEC case study it has found some conclusions about company`s sustainable managerial priceples or company`s sustainable successful business model as the followings: 1. Implementing strategic intents and setting up visions for the company. 2. Building core competencies for the company by constant innovations. 3. Realizing the meanings of company`s existence and taking customer satisfaction as the first priority. 4. Constructting an open platforms for business collateral integration with vendors and partners. 5. Being brave in timly transfoming for the company fitting changes of the business environment. Key Words:sustainable managerial essence,core competence,managerial model,sustainable successful business model

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