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財稅差異與管理階層獎酬之探討 / A Research on the Tax-Book Difference and Management Compensation Incentive徐瑩杰, Hsu, Ying-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之實證結果顯示:(1)財稅差異之幅度可能為盈餘管理操弄手法之一;(2)管理階層獎酬誘因越大,透過財稅差異操弄盈餘之幅度越大,尤其以管理階層所獲取之現金紅利具有最高關聯性,且有持續三年影響效果;(3)公司治理機制之良莠,影響財稅差異幅度;(4)當財務所得大於課稅所得或是大於零時,管理階層透過財稅差異操弄盈餘之情形更加顯著。 / According to the report published by Internal Revenue Service in 1990s, corporate tax-book differences trends increasingly and consequently brings about the government and researchers’ concerns about whether managers’ incentives influence the way they manipulate the earnings by different regulation among financial income and taxable income. In this study, I will first develop the model to measure the relation between earnings management and tax-book differences.
On the other hand, compensation incentives are the major factors in earnings management. Therefore, the more the incentives, such as higher bonus, stockholding and bonus rates, the more possibilities earnings management. In addition, to enhance the result of the analysis; variables of corporate governance which have been testified as having connection with earnings management are added as robust test.
The result demonstrates that corporate tax-book difference is related to earning management, and that compensation incentives are the motives of managers to manipulate financial income for extra return. Moreover, corporate governance is also another factor which affects the degree of earnings management. Besides, this situation becomes more obvious when financial income is larger than taxable income or when it appears to be zero. This study may help explaining why large tax- book gaps trend increasingly.
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任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效表現與主管獎酬決策影響效果之研究 / The study of the effect of task performance, contextual performance and adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision簡博浩, Chien, Po Pao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究延伸工作績效內涵,驗證適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策有其影響。並以三個不同的研究來驗證假說,從不同的職務適用觀點及研究方法的角度,更具理論及實務的價值。 / The current research aims to examine how adaptive performance, contextual performance and task performance correlate supervisory reward decision. The study employed the methods of survey and laboratory experiments and virtually comprises three parts. In Part One, from the perspective of specific occupations or job families, 233 manager subjects were recruited to view a previously-videotaped simulated sales executive’s job performance and give rating afterwards in terms of his task performance, contextual performance, and adaptive performance. In Part Two, from the perspective of applicable across jobs, 150 manager subjects randomly chose one of their subordinates and rated his/her task, contextual and adaptive performance. The findings in either Study 1 or Study 2 were congruent with results of previous research, which indicated not only the main effects of task and contextual performance but also (that of) adaptive performance affected supervisory reward decision. In addition, the experiment study justified that the interactional effects of adaptive and contextual performance were crucial factors to modify the supervisory reward decision, while the field study illustrated how employees’ contextual and adaptive performances reinforced supervisory reward decision especially when task complexity were taken into consideration. In Study 3, based on the former findings and practical application, we found that a job position of high customer-contact requirements and high task interdependence significantly strengthened the correlation between adaptive performance and supervisory reward decision.
This study not only endorses the essentiality of job performance but also testifies effect of adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision. Moreover, this study, using different methodologies, has extended theory and provided practical implications.
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高階主管獎酬、盈餘結構與後續經營績效之實證研究王婉茲 Unknown Date (has links)
在高階主管獎酬結構與盈餘結構之關係方面,本研究發現:(1) 盈餘結構之應計項目中,應收帳款變動數、應付帳款變動數、存貨變動數與高階主管短期激勵性獎酬呈正相關,而折舊費用則與高階主管之短期激勵性獎酬呈負相關;反之,應收帳款變動數、應付帳款變動數、存貨變動數則與高階主管之長期激勵性獎酬呈負相關,而折舊費用則與高階主管之長期激勵性獎酬呈正相關。如預期地,這說明較高的短期性盈餘應計項目會導致較高的短期激勵性獎酬,及較低的長期激勵性獎酬;而與長期性投資有關的折舊費用則與長期激勵性獎酬呈正相關。因此偏向短期激勵性獎酬之結構,易誘使高階主管利用該四項應計項目,以獲取短期激勵性獎酬;反之,若高階主管獎酬結構以長期激勵性獎酬為主,則高階主管會較重視長期獲利能力與績效,無形中減少操縱短期盈餘之誘因。(2)高階主管現金獎酬比例越高之公司,其盈餘結構中之流動裁決性應計項目比例亦越高,說明現金獎酬比例較高之獎酬結構會誘導高階主管調節流動裁決性應計項目,以達到預定之盈餘目標。
綜合以上研究發現,高階主管獎酬結構對於經理人之經營誘因,扮演極重要之角色。 / This study investigates the relationship between CEO compensation structure and components of earnings and that between CEO compensation structure and firm's long-term performance. The larger the proportion of long-term incentive compensation in CEO's total compensation, the better the firm's long-term performance which is measured either as CFO, EVA<sup>R</sup>, stock return, or accounting performance measures. On the contrary, higher proportion of short-term incentive compensation in total compensation can be obtained by manipulating accrual components. Firms with larger proportion of cash compensation have higher current discretionary accruals so that managers could be motivated toward managing discretionary current accruals to achieve target earnings. Such evidence suggests that compensation structure can be an important mechanism that induces manager's efforts towards shareholders' interest.
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我國行政機關人事機構激勵管理之研究韓英俊, Han, Ying-Zun Unknown Date (has links)
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員工分紅入股費用化對上市櫃公司員工獎酬制度之影響---以台灣太陽能產業為例 / Impolication on distribution of employee bonus are considered as expenses for listing companies in Solar industry陳玫燕, Chen, Mei Yen Unknown Date (has links)
三、39號公報的適用屬估計變動或會計原則變動,依目前對外公告的39號公報版本看,以估計變動的方式來處理,即不追溯調整以前年度的財務報表,此規範適切與否值得探討。 / In order to converge with International Financial Reporting Standard, the accounting treatment for distribution of employee bonus should be considered as current expense and not be deemed as part of earnings distribution starting from January 1, 2008. Besides, share compensation also has to be recognized as current expense using it’s fair value to measurement. This accounting process changed will result in significant impact on the enterprise, shareholders and employee. This study will discuss what kind of approach might be adopted by those enterprises to mitigate this huge challenge.
The EPS and share price for those solar energy related industry are increasing dramatically recently. This study decided to select two solar cell IPO companies as sample to interview and analysis the impact on employee compensation scheme changed, due to the impact will be more observable compare with other industries.
There are variety types of employee compensation programs. After interviewed, the management of these two sample companies stated that they are not expecting to impact the company’s EPS significantly. By using these two sample companies’ 2006 financial figures as a base, to understand the effect after amendment of the regulation. Under the assumption of non-amended employees’ distributed shares recalculating
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