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Web 2.0 獲利模式之研究 / A study of the revenue model for web 2.0王昱富, Wang, Yu Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在發掘Web2.0網站的可能獲利模式,並找出不同獲利模式的關鍵成功因素。依據文獻探討,其獲利模式主要有三類:一、廣告獲利,二、訂閱收費,三、交易收費。本研究根據Web2.0定義:強調人際互動與內容分享,以「互動強度」與「內容來源」兩要素來將Web2.0網站分成四個象限之「網站分類IC矩陣」。象限一代表互動密切及內容原創,對應的例子為社群網站(SNS),象限三強調內容加值,對應的例子為資訊分享網站(Information Sharing),而社群與資訊分享正為最常見之兩類Web2.0網站。
研究結果得知愈靠近象限一之網站,如社群網站,愈適合向使用者收費作為獲利模式。愈靠近象限三之網站,如資訊分享網站,愈適合以廣告收費做為獲利模式。向使用者收費的方式包含訂閱收費與交易收費,若網站計畫進行訂閱收費,網站經營者必須檢驗自身網站服務的三個構面:這三個構面依重要性排列依序為「需求滿足、重要內容與差異化」、「資訊搜尋與服務品質」與「互動與安全機制」,其中最重要之區別因素為「差異化」。若網站欲以交易收費為主要獲利模式,則「重要內容」是影響使用者願意付費最重要的區別因素。 / The bursting of dot-com bubble in 2001 slows down the speedy trend of web. Until the emergence of Web 2.0, the internet rolls on again. The concept of Web 2.0 emphasizes on interaction among users and content sharing . It is a great challenge for Web 2.0 operator to convert the traffic to the profit.
The main purpose of the study is to discover the suitable revenue model for Web 2.0, and its key successful factors. There are three revenue models, (1) Advertising model (2) Subscription model (3) Transaction model. The study categorizes web environment into four quadrants by “Interaction intensity” and “Content source”, according to the Web 2.0 definition of user interaction and content sharing. The matrix is named as “IC Matrix” (“I” indicates interaction and “C” indicates content). Quadrant I indicates that the users interact each other closely and the content is created by user directly and creatively in the website. The corresponding example is Social Networking Service (SNS) website. Quadrant III indicates the site with value-added content. The corresponding example is Information Sharing (IS) website.
The study interview the actual websites to investigate the revenue model for different quadrant and its key factors, and a survey was to conduct to examine the impact of several factors on consumers’ willingness to pay for subscription–based service and transaction-based one.
The revenue model of the website can be decided by the location of IC Matrix, the more close to the quadrant I , such as SNS, the more suitable to the user fees as a revenue model, the more close to the quadrant III, such as IS, the more suitable to advertising fee as a revenue model. There are two kinds of user fees. One is subscription-base and the other is transaction-based. The most important factor of subscription-based fee is “differentiation” and the most important factor of transaction-based fee is “Essentiality”. Managerial implications based on our findings are discussed.
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台灣專營期貨商獲利率之研究謝夢龍, HSIEH, MENG-LUNG Unknown Date (has links)
一、 經營策略上應做下列項目調整
二、 管理能力上應做下列項目的改進
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簡單技術分析交易法則-亞洲股票市場獲利能力 / Simple technical trading rules - an empirical study on the profitability of Asian stock markets陳惠卿, Chen, Huei Cing Unknown Date (has links)
This paper analyzes the behavior of moving average and trading range break technical trading rules applied to two developed markets of Hong Kong, Japan and five emerging markets such as Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan. The samples cover the period from January 1990 to December 2008. We utilize some technical trading rules by replicating the framework of Brock et al. (1992) to explore whether we can also predict the stock price movement and make excess profits on certain trading rules with different efficiency level in Asian stock markets.On average, as far as the volatility results are concerned, we also obtain the same conclusion as Brock et al. (1992) that the returns following buy signals are less volatile than returns following sell signals. The FMA rules have the same conclusion as VMA rules that these rules have predictability in the five emerging markets. Unlike VMA and FMA trading rules, we find that the TRB rules are not quite successful in South Korea stock market anymore but still have greater forecast power in Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan. Moreover, we can also notice that most of the seven Asian stock markets averages across all rules are generating excess negative returns in the presence of real estimated transaction costs. / This paper analyzes the behavior of moving average and trading range break technical trading rules applied to two developed markets of Hong Kong, Japan and five emerging markets such as Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan. The samples cover the period from January 1990 to December 2008. We utilize some technical trading rules by replicating the framework of Brock et al. (1992) to explore whether we can also predict the stock price movement and make excess profits on certain trading rules with different efficiency level in Asian stock markets.On average, as far as the volatility results are concerned, we also obtain the same conclusion as Brock et al. (1992) that the returns following buy signals are less volatile than returns following sell signals. The FMA rules have the same conclusion as VMA rules that these rules have predictability in the five emerging markets. Unlike VMA and FMA trading rules, we find that the TRB rules are not quite successful in South Korea stock market anymore but still have greater forecast power in Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan. Moreover, we can also notice that most of the seven Asian stock markets averages across all rules are generating excess negative returns in the presence of real estimated transaction costs.
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以風險與獲利之平衡為前提來改造金融市場 / Restructuring financial market with balancing risk and profit徐國業, Tsui, Kwok Yip Unknown Date (has links)
以風險與獲利之平衡為前提來改造金融市場 / This case study provides an analysis of the global financial crisis that began in 2007. What caused the crisis, who had been impact by this event, where does the economy currently stand, and what is the outlook for future going forward? The economy will surely recover at some time in the future. This case study reviews key economic facts, provides an introduction to risk and financial management concepts.
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我國上市公司獲利能力指標與股價變動之研究楊炎杰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以各種獲利能力指標,衡量企業在一特定期間內之獲利能力情形與股價變動的關係,企圖以獲利能力指標來解釋股價變動,以充分瞭解投資者如何使用獲利能力指標等相關資訊。本研究之研究包括下列幾點:首先,可用以衡量企業在一特定期間獲利能力的指標有那些,又,這些指標彼此間的關係為何?第二,本研究所選取之獲利能力指標,是否對股價變動有充分的解釋能力?第三,會計盈餘是企業於一特定期問的獲利情形,但過去研究指出:以未預期盈餘解釋股價變動,解釋力往往偏低,同時亦無法充分衡量企業績效(Fisher and McGowan, 1983);而獲利能力指標既然表彰著一企業於特定期間的營運結果及其他績效結果,則當以未預期盈餘以外之獲利能力指標來解釋股價變動時,是否要比未預期盈餘對股價的變動,具有更高的解釋能力?第四,應用盈餘反應係數模式,即在獲利能力指標/股價關係模式中,若加入Collins and Kothari(1989)的獲利能力持續性、經濟成長機會與系統風險等因素後,該獲利能力指標是否更能解釋股價的變動?
四、若將各獲利能力相標變數,取代盈餘反應係數模式中之預期盈餘變數,再加上其他控制變數如系統風險、經濟成長機會及盈餘(獲利能力)持續性等,經由實證結果發現,除CAR為居中的一組難以獲致具體的結論外,其他各組均證實以獲利能力指標變數取代未預期盈餘變數後,其對股價變動解釋能力,要比單就未預期盈餘本身或單就各獲利能力指標本身有相對較高的解釋能力。 / The purpose of this study aims to investigate how investors apply profitability measures in their investment decisions. For example, does an investor prefer accounting rate of return or returns on investment or other specific profitability measure to evaluate the change in firm's value? This is the main research question of this study. Chen (1992), Chiau (1995) and others demonstrated that accounting earnings is an useful information but its usefulness is quite unstable. Therefore, a profitability measure other than accounting earnings may be the one causing the unstable results. In order to obtain a generalized empirical result, this study compares classic (for example, Ball and Brown, 1968) to ERC (Earnings Response Coefficient) models (Collins and Kothari, 1989). The results of this study can be used for explaining which profitability measure is more useful in Taiwan stock market. In addition, the results can provide a relative explanation whether ERC model is an appropriate one or not.
The samples elected from listed companies in Taiwan stock market between 1991 to 1995 during which Taiwan stock market enjoyed a stable market environment. This character fits the requirements of hypotheses. In addition, in order to properly describe price characteristics, this study applies a statistical classificatory method to classic all samples into three groups underlying the properties of CAR (Cumulative Abnormal Returns).
The empirical findings can be summarized as follows.
.Each defined profitability measure, including accounting earnings, can significantly explain the variability of stock returns. In addition, there exists significant correlation among defined profitability measures.
.The classification of samples underlying CAR does increase the explanatory power of profitability/return relationship, hi particular, the larger and smaller CAR samples exhibit better profitability/retum relationship than medium group does.
.No matter whether classic or ERC model is applied, the empirical results are similar each other. Thus, the ERC model may not be a generalized model in Taiwan stock market. It requires more research to develop a generalized empirical model for substituting ERC model referring the special characters of Taiwan stock market. The theory of economics of informational asymmetry may be the one.
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餐飲採購平台商業模式探討-以眾美聯集團為例 / A Case Study on the Business Models of Restaurant Procurement Platform張郡綸 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要藉由文獻研究與理論架構,來瞭解平台的本質與發展關鍵;再以(Osterwterwalder & Pigneur, 2012)所提出的商業模式圖作為分析眾美聯集團商業模式的主要工具,試圖窺探餐飲採購平台商業模式的經營元素與內涵、可能之獲利模式與成功發展的關鍵策略。
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出口型傳統產業之無風險獲利財務策略 / The risk-free profitable financial strategy for the traditional export-oriented industry曹芳瑜, Chao, Fang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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科技事業上市(櫃)後經營績效及股價表現之探討林佩姻 Unknown Date (has links)
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網路平台之獲利分析探討翟金誠 Unknown Date (has links)
對於全世界的資訊從業人員而言,最開始的希望,總是藉由優良的開發技術,發展出一套功能強大軟體,進行銷售,在個人的成就感與金錢的回饋方面,求取個人或團隊的最大效益,經過了20年之後,特別是在這幾年,電腦軟體業界逐漸發展出來的網路平台,慢慢成為許多人的創業平台,特別是從2006年開始,網路平台進入了一個嶄新的web 2.0時代,近三年來,有許多探討網路平台web 2.0成功案例的論述,但是對於營運模式與獲利之道,卻並不多見,這個大概是導因於撰寫這些論述的學者,大多是置身事外的觀察者,而非網路平台的經營者,誠如彼得杜拉克所言:「網路公司一開始無法獲利,不是罪惡,但如果18個月後,還沒有正向的現金流量(positive cash flow),那就是騙子了。」,這是他在接受Business 2.0專訪時所表達的意見,證諸過去十年前仆後繼的網路業者,這裡所謂騙子,並不只是涉嫌騙取投資人的金錢,實際上,網路平台的創業家為自己也編織了一個不切實際的網路夢想,因為在擬定營運計畫時由於對於後來的獲利方式並不清楚,或認為只要有人潮、內容吸睛,自然就會浮現獲利之道,最糟糕的是絕大多數的業者都如此的過度盲目的樂觀,而自我蒙蔽,而不自知,暴起暴落處處可見,故而,本研究的目的就在於1.研究網路平台的發展軌跡,蒐集目前已知的曾經失敗與曾經成功的網路平台的經驗,藉以得知過去的相關經驗,2.向未來的有志藉由網路平台運作模式來創業的業者,提出建言,3.整理出網路平台生存本質與營運的重要策略與方法,以利業者在採取實際行動、或創業行動中,整理出一套自己專屬的思考模式與行動方向。
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虛擬社群管理、社群績效、與獲利模式關係之探討王孟邦, Wang, Meng-Bang Unknown Date (has links)
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