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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣新移民女性生育狀況分析 / The Analysis of Fertility of Foreign Spouses in Taiwan

戴瑋葶, Tai, Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)

臺灣生育政策之研究-以雙北市家庭為例 / The birth policy in Taiwan: a study based on families in the Taipei metropolitan area

曾怡華, Tseng, Yi Hua Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於台灣生育率逐年降低,民國92年臺灣婦女總生育率僅1.23,正式邁向「超低生育率」(lowest-low)地區,為因應少子化危機,中央政府自民國93年著手研擬人口政策白皮書,而各縣市政府為催生獎勵,亦陸續於民國90年代之前開辦生育補助或津貼等獎勵金方案,其中嘉義縣及苗栗縣開辦最早(民國87年)、新竹市次之(民國88年)。因現行第3胎新生兒人數已不到新生兒總數一成,政府若繼續推行舊有的第3胎鼓勵生育政策,實已無太大具體效益。本研究希望了解台灣家庭生育率偏低情況,建議將鼓勵生育政策的胎次別下修至第2胎或以下,假定生育一胎子女是多數父母會做的事,在公共財政資源有限的情況下,政府可針對第2胎及以上胎次進行獎勵,以較低的成本及較有效率的途徑,達到提升生育率的目的。 因此,本研究將以第一胎家庭為研究目標,試圖了解影響繼續生育第2胎意願之相關因素,並採用民國99年行政院主計總處「婦女婚育與就業狀況調查」為資料來源,研究對象為雙北市(台北市及新北市)家庭生育1子或1女的一胎家庭,有效樣本數368人。民國99年適逢五都升格之直轄市市長暨市議員選舉,五都直轄市政府(台北市、新北市、台中市、台南市、高雄市)陸續於民國99年至101年推出各式生育補助政策,其中政策最完整並備有配套方案者,屬台北市於民國99年5月7日推出之「助妳好孕」專案最為完善。本研究將以行政院主計處「婦女婚育與就業調查」問卷為研究工具,輔以台北市及新北市政府等生育補助政策,就台灣現行鼓勵生育政策進行討論與建議。 研究結果發現,育齡婦女的理想子女數仍呈現以2個小孩恰恰好為趨勢,第1胎家庭之已婚有偶婦女並非不想生育,而是晚婚及年齡推遲等因素影響第2胎生育意願,其理想子女數與實際生育數存有落差,至於教育程度、妻子就業與否、家庭月收入及丈夫月收入等變數則與生育意願無顯著相關性;另外初婚年齡、第1胎子女性別經卡方檢定結果亦與生育意願無顯著相關性。若以政策面來說,台北市與新北市自民國100年每胎2萬元生育獎勵金發放起,新生兒人口數開始大幅攀升,台北市成長率34.56%,新北市24.84%,與全台出生總人口數增加19.14%相比,雙北市的出生率有偏高情況,其中台北市增幅較新北市偏高之原因,經推測可能與台北市政府助妳好孕政策中「每位兒童每月可領2,500元育兒津貼,領至5歲」方案有關,可能促使新生兒父母較有意願將戶口遷入台北市。 因婚育年齡逐年遞延,台灣婦女總生育率偏低將造成人力短缺、生產力下降、人口老化等負面影響,因此研究者希望政府可推動較積極的鼓勵生育政策,讓台灣生育率儘快提升至人口替代水準之上,建議政策包括適度提供人工生殖補助及配套方案、規劃不同胎次別的獎勵政策、同等重視育嬰留職停薪政策與托育政策。

台灣生育政策之研究 / The Study of Fertility Policy in Taiwan

易雅如, Yi, Ya Ju Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文的目的在理論的探討及生育政策的轉變的基礎之下,了解文化、社會、經濟和生育之間的關係、台灣政府在生育方面的政策所扮演的角色及這些政策對台灣人口所造成的影響。由法國、德國、英國、美國及日本的經驗,我們可以知道生育政策在人口變遷扮演了一個非重要的角色,而這些成功或失敗的政策可成為政府將來制定相關政策時的參考。 / The purpose of this master thesis “The Study of Fertility Policy in Taiwan” is to examine the relation between culture, society, economy and fertility based upon theories and to introduce the transition of fertility policy, the role of the Taiwan government in influencing and regulating childbearing and assess the demographic impacts of population. Based on the experience of France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States and Japan, fertility policies play an important role in demographic transition and may provide a window into Taiwan’s future development. This study finds that low fertility is a widespread phenomenon in Taiwan and is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Government policies, as in the cases of France and The United States, are effective in combating low fertility. France is a pioneer in providing financial rewards and services to families and children while minorities and immigration have contributed to increased fertility rates in United States. Without national subsidies and affordable childcare, Taiwan’s fertility policies have failed to maintain a replacement rate since 1983. Judging from policies and practices in advanced countries, Taiwan’s governments should foster a supportive working environment for women and families when they are having or raising children. Specifically, whether Taiwan’s birth rate can be pushed up will depend on measures that offer flexible work schedules, better subsidies for maternity leave, and affordable, high-quality day-care services for career women. Meanwhile, the government should also modulate the education system and redistribute education resources, re-evaluate the relationship between population and sustainable development, better utilize the ageing labor force and strengthen lifelong-learning for older workers.

台灣地區生育意願之研究:以超低生育率為例 / The Study of Fertility Intention in Taiwan:An Example of Declining Birthrate

林梅君, Lin, mei chun Unknown Date (has links)
由於台灣近年來生育率有逐年下滑的趨勢,形成少子化的現象,少子化代表著未來人口可能逐漸變少,對於社會結構、經濟發展等各方面都產生重大的影響,因此此一課題值得深究。 本研究以文獻分析及深度訪談法來進行,首先利用文獻資料來分析影響生育意願的相關原因,包括人口結構變遷對總體經濟的影響、生育行為的相關理論、現實經濟的因素、婦女勞動參與等,並歸納整理後作為深度訪談的基礎。深度訪問以大台北地區12位已婚婦女為對象,藉由深入訪談來了解箇中原因,歸結出台灣目前超低生育率的原因所在。 本研究結果發現,目前婦女生育意願低落的原因,主要是第一:傳統養兒防老的觀念式微,女性生育自主意識的崛起;第二:受教育延長、晚婚是催化高齡少子的趨勢之一;第三:現實經濟的考量下,加上養兒不易,導致多數家庭因此將生小孩的數量轉往養育的品質;第四:家庭分工的不平均也是降低婦女生育的意願的重要原因之一;最後現階段的托育政策與制度的不完善,加上生育補助有限,誘因不足之下,因而無法提高婦女的生育意願。 依據研究發現本研究建議(一)強化家庭功能,以增加婦女的社會支援;(二)提高育兒補助並視嬰幼兒為未來國家的資產,以減緩少子化的趨勢;(三)政府應以人口優質及避免人口短缺的方向努力;(四)政府應積極擬訂鼓勵男性參與育兒及家務政策,並將養育責任,由兩性來共同承擔,以達到美滿家庭的目標;(五)加強改善婦女的經濟地位,鼓勵並積極輔導婦女就業及強化專業職能的訓練,不致因婚育而影響其勞動參與,以提高其生育意願;(六)政府應正視目前超低生育率的現象,設立專責機構並參考國外(如日本或法國)生育政策及托育制度,以提高國內生育率。 關鍵字:少子化、超低生育率、生育行為、生育意願 / In Taiwan, the rate of fertility has been continually in decline in recently year, which is called ‘the phenomenon of declining birth rate.’ It signifies a less future population and impacts on every aspects of our social structure and economic development. This, it is worthy of probing. This research is conducted with the method of literature review and in-depth interviews.It first analyzes via literature review those factors influencing the will of bearing children, such as the impact of the structural change of population on the macro economy, the theory of fertility behavior, considerations of livelihood, and the women participation in labor, etc. All those factors are inducted and sorted as the basis of in-depth interview. Then, the in-depth interview is conducted on 12 married women, penetrating on the cause of extremely low fertility rate in Taiwan. This research finds the reasons to cause the low rate of fertility are as below: First, the traditional idea is decline currently to have children caring the agedness. Meanwhile, the females are learning the independent consciousness to decide how many children they want in life. The second: high grade education & late marriage is one of the trends of declining birth rate with elder females. The third: taking consideration into the family’s economy as well as hard teaching on child, most families turn to focus on life quality instead of having kid's amount. The fourth: the heavy loading of housework on females is also the reason to reduce the will of bearing children. Finally, not only the current child care policy/system but also the limited subsidization by the government is not perfect to meet the family’s requirements; which are unable to promote the will of bearing children. Based on such research findings, I come up with six policy recommendations as follows to encourage our country’s bearing rate:(一) to enhance family function according to the research, with increment women of social support;(二) look after the kids as the country’s property to promote the subsidization of bearing children to reduce the declining birth rate;(三) government should forward to superior quality population, and to avoid the population runs short;(四) the government should actively draw up some bearing plans to encourage male’s participation (sharing evenly) on child care, housework & teaching responsibility in family; which is aimed to build a sweet home for couples;(五) to improve the female’s economic position. And, to encourage/guide women to work with complete working training for proper job arrangement, which will encourage their will of bearing children when woman gets independent incomes;(六) the government should notice the serious declining birth rate currently – i.e. not only to establish some responsible organizations, but also to refer successful growing policy and child care system from other countries (such as Japan, France) in order to raise the fertility rate in Taiwan..

二十世紀的臺灣生育率變遷─時期與年輪生育率之關係 / Period and Cohort Fertility Transition in Taiwan, 1905-2008

黃博群, Huang, Po-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣在二十世紀中完成了人口轉型,特別是生育轉型的幅度與速度最為劇烈。也正因為生育轉型過於成功,臺灣此刻正面臨超低生育率導致的人口衰滅危機。近年來,人口學界針對生育率變遷,熱中於探討生育率的步調(tempo)與數量(quantum)效應,藉此瞭解時期生育率變遷的趨勢。 生育步調與數量的分析,本質上仍是時期性測量,未能真正瞭解年輪生育率的變遷,以致對於時期生育率趨勢的分析無法解決根本問題。這個現象,對於臺灣生育率研究特別必須加以處理。然而,臺灣雖然是人口資料的「寶庫」,有關生育的人口統計,卻只有存在於二十世紀下半葉,亦即,二十世紀前半葉的完整生育統計已經無法獲取。本研究試圖結合人口普查、戶籍統計,以及抽樣調查資料,運用參數式模型(parametric mode)和人口轉換(demographic translation)等人口分析方法,嘗試重建二十世紀完整的時期與年輪生育率,藉此,分析年輪生育率與時期生育率之間的變遷關係,最終瞭解未來生育率發展的可能後果。 / Demographic Transition has been completed during the middle of 20th century in Taiwan, and the extent and speed of transition are spectacularly rapid. Due to the over succeed of the demographic transition, lowest-low fertility pattern has stricken Taiwan society and probably led to a horrible extinction. Recently, in order to project the pattern of fertility rate, demographers endeavored to figure out how tempo and quantum effects contribute to fertility rate. Unfortunately, analysis of tempo and quantum effects is essentially periodic measurement. It leads no way to understand the pattern of cohort fertility in Taiwan. However, although Taiwan’s demographic statistics is well known as the world’s treasure trove, the fertility statistics are available for only 50 years. It means that we are not capable of having the first half 20th century’s fertility rate in Taiwan. We use demographic analytic methods such as parametric mode and demographic translation to analyze combined data which is constituted of census data, vital statistics, and survey data. The object of this research is to re-build the 20th century’s fertility rate in Taiwan. Once we have the intact fertility rate in 20th century, we could realize the pattern of period and cohort fertility transition. Furthermore, we will have a better chance to project Taiwan’s fertility rate in the future.


藍銘偉 Unknown Date (has links)

軍公教從業身份對生育決策的影響 / The impacts of the employment of civil servant on reproductive decision in Taiwan

李聖水, Lee, Sheng Shui Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用行政院主計處發布的民國99年度「臺灣地區婦女婚育與就業調查」,研究完成生育的樣本其軍公教從業身分對於生育決策的影響,探討生育的四個面向,包括有無生育子女、生育子女數、結婚至生第一胎的間隔和第一胎至第二胎的生育間隔,其中有無生育子女、結婚至生第一胎的間隔和第一胎至第二胎的生育間隔在實證分析上採用二元邏輯斯特迴歸模型(Binary Logistic Model),生育子女數則是採用順序邏輯斯特迴歸模型(Ordered Logistic Model)與卜瓦松迴歸模型(Poisson Regression Model)分析。迴歸結果顯示(1)配偶的從業身分為軍公教人員,相較於其他從業身分,有子女的機率較高,(2)婦女的從業身分為軍公教人員,相較於其他從業身分,生育子女數會較多,(3)配偶的從業身分為軍公教人員,相較於其他從業身分,第一胎至生第二胎的間隔會較短,而從業身分為軍公教人員的結婚至生第一胎之間隔會較短,則未從實證上獲得驗證。 / Using the data “Survey of Women's Marriage, Fertility and Employment of 2010 in Taiwan” conducted by DGBAS in this context, we want to realize how the women or their spouses who are civil servants will make their reproductive decisions. Moreover, we are concerned about whether they have children or not, their number of children, their intervals between the marriage and the first birth, and their intervals between the first birth and the second birth. In order to know whether they have children or not, their intervals between the marriage and the first birth, and their intervals between the first birth and the second birth, applying Binary logistic model to analysis them. Furthermore, we also apply Ordered logistic model and Poisson regression model to resolve how to make the decision of quantity of children. The empirical results show if the spouses are public servants, there is more probability in having children and short intervals between the first birth and the second birth. They also have more children than the other people. Besides, if the women are civil servants, they have more children than the other people. However, we can’t prove if the women or their spouses are civil servants, they have more probability in short intervals between the marriage and the first birth from this empirical analysis.

自有住宅與生育決策─台灣地區之實證分析 / The Influence of Home-Ownership on Fertility in Taiwan

吳閔鈺, Wu, Min-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣地區自有住宅與生育決策之間的關連性,利用1994年至2005年台灣地區23個縣市之自有住宅率與一般生育率作為實證研究的資料,欲說明一個家庭在面對預算限制式之下,自有住宅對於生育行為的影響,究竟兩者之間存在互補關係抑或競爭關係。本文參考簡單生育理論模型建立迴歸模型,再利用Panel Data實證模型,分析自有住宅與生育決策之間的關係。 根據台灣地區之官方資料所得出的實證結果,得出以下結論:當生育率遞延一期之時,住宅的持有對於生育行為存在負向關係,顯示出自有住宅於購買初期會延後生育決策的形成,兩者之間存在資源排擠效果;而當生育率遞延兩期時,兩者之間的資源排擠效果更為強大。此外,女性受教程度越高,隱含在工作中所獲得的報酬越高,養育子女的機會成本也就越高,與生育率為負向關係。家戶所得亦等同理論預期,與生育率為正向關係。其他變數,如:代表景氣循環的失業率與反應國情文化的龍虎年效應均與原先預期一致,生育行為有著順景氣循環的特性;台灣生育決策與龍虎年息息相關。 / The thesis presents the relationship between home-ownership and the birth of children in Taiwan. Housing factor might affects childbirth in complement or replacement way with limited budget in a family. In this study, general fertility rate represents decision of childbirth and homeownership rate means housing factor. This research uses 1994-2005 panel data from the statistic institutions in Taiwan to examine the factors which influence decision of having children, especially housing factor. The results of the empirical study are summarized as follows: If the decisions of childbirth are lagged a year and two years, they both suffer negative effects from home-ownership. The negative effect of the latter is larger that that of the former. This finding shows that the cost of home-ownership might compete with that of having children. This study also finds that there is a negative relationship between female education and the birth of children. Household income is significant to improve decision of childbirth. Both are consistent with the expectation of theory. Concerning the procyclical behavior of fertility, the study demonstrates that an increase in the unemployment rate generates a decrease in fertility. In addition, having children is correlated with the cultural factors.


郭蕙如 Unknown Date (has links)
這半個世紀多來,台灣的生育趨勢發生了劇烈的變遷,並引發熱烈討論,然而,除了聚焦於集體生育水準的變異外,我們至今仍對於人口行為造成母性經驗及女性育女養兒生命歷程等內容的動態變化所知有限,由此,本文透過微視模擬方法,希冀紀錄下更為細部且生動的媽媽們的故事。 藉由1976年至2006年台灣胎次別暨年齡別生育率與死亡率事實做為基礎,模擬出這31年來不同情境下的台灣女性生育史。分析結果發現:台灣女性「孓然一生」的比例呈現巨幅上升,擁有母親經驗的共同歲月愈來愈少。過去的「年輕媽媽」生育步調相當快,現今的女性則即使生育,其數量也是銳減的,因此媽媽經驗大抵以「新手媽媽」之比例漸增,尤其,生育年齡愈大也愈容易有獨生子女。模擬結果也發現,晚生育的台灣女性從來沒有因為育齡的限制,而加快她們的生育步調,依此,「何時生育第一胎」即成為影響台灣女性育女養兒經驗結果的重要因素,本文尤其發現「30歲」為一關鍵時間點。最後,由於生育各個胎次別的母親平均年齡不斷地往後延,養育各型子女的母親年齡亦增加,縱然,媽媽與子女重疊的生命歲月平均皆為半個世紀之久,過去「兒女成群」的現象使得母親的生命歷程呈現多樣的子女組合,然而,近來母親的生命狀態處於與一個子女共享的時光正逐年增加。

蠟燭兩頭燒?-台灣不同世代女性的生命圖像 / Burn the candle at both ends- women's life image in different generations in Taiwan.

羅舜元 Unknown Date (has links)
過去半世紀的台灣,隨著經濟的快速發展與社會變遷,使得人們的生活條件與行為隨之改變。於此同時,社會價值觀與經濟條件的差異,也使得台灣女性的社會地位與人力資本逐漸提升、在社會中所被賦予的社會期待與責任也與五十年前不同。台灣女性在社會中的角色已經從鑲嵌在家庭的「照顧者」之中脫離,然而,在這個過程當中,卻形成女性必須兼顧家庭與工作的責任,而產生「蠟燭兩頭燒」的現象。有鑑於此,本文藉由整理並討論過去台灣社會當中,女性在家庭照護與勞動參與之間的變化,以了解「蠟燭兩頭燒」此一情形是如何體現在台灣女性的生活之中。   本文以「人力資源調查資料庫附帶之婦女婚育與就業調查」作為基礎,整理1950至1974出生年次的台灣女性,其生、養育行為及勞動參與資料,分析不同出生世代的女性在教育、家庭與工作等行為之間的差異,以及已婚婦女是否因為工作身分及生、養育狀態的不同,而形成不同的「蠟燭兩頭燒」程度。結果發現:「蠟燭兩頭燒」的現象,來自於女性意識抬頭後,台灣女性希望能在職場上有所成就,卻仍被傳統的社會價值觀所束縛,造成已婚婦女在家庭與工作兩邊都不討好。雖然孩子的照顧壓力能由家屬協助分擔,然而,職業婦女的小孩若交由保母照顧,卻可能由於對外人的信任度不足,使得母親的負擔不減反增,最終形成近年來,台灣晚近出生世代女性「不婚」、「不育」的現況。   因此,政府若欲尋求生育議題的解決之道,建議從延長父母親留職停薪(育嬰假)時間,或是擴大托育補助對象至實際協助照顧孩子的家屬,才能真正減少台灣已婚婦女「蠟燭兩頭燒」情形發生。

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