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台灣保險業資產風險動態相關係數之探討 / The study on the dynamic correlation coefficients among the assets held by the insurance companies in Taiwan

劉佳卿 Unknown Date (has links)
過去針對動態相關係數的模擬多是固定條件相關(Constant Conditional Correlation; CCC)模型或動態條件相關(Dynamic Conditional Correlation; DCC)模型,且大多只針對權益風險相關係數。 本研究參照台灣RBC之C1風險與EIOPA (2014)對Solvency II的規範「The underlying assumptions in the standard formula for the Solvency Capital Requirement calculation」,針對市場風險:權益風險、利率風險、外匯風險,探討各類別間的相關係數是否顯著具動態性質。首先以Orthogonal-GARCH(O-GARCH)模型,對各個風險因子配適單變量的時間序列模型,此方法除了可縮減資料維度,也可改善多變量時間模型估計較不精準的問題。最後,以蒙地卡羅模擬出的動態相關係數情境,與原始非條件相關係數做比較。結果顯示許多相關係數顯著為動態序列,因此推斷保險公司的市場風險衡量,採用動態相關係數較為準確,更能符合保險監理本質。


林宗佑 Unknown Date (has links)
VaR和RBC的差別主要在於風險相關性的結構,RBC以人為的方式設定風險之間為完全相關或完全無關,而VaR則經由歷史資料估計得到相關性的結構,當然也可能因估計的誤差而造成錯誤。 本篇文章的目的為探討相關係數矩陣對於資本需求的設定是否會造成影響,我們將利用產物保險業的資料來作模擬分析,並觀察資本需求制度因為相關性結構的設定是否會影響其效率及有效性。 我們將建立一個模擬中的世界,在這個世界中,產險公司將面臨股票投資風險、利率風險和核保風險等三種風險並根據1999年底美國產險公司的平均值來設定一個起始的保險公司的財務分配狀況,經過模擬後,利用兩種比較標準來比較類似RBC和類似VaR的資本需求,第一種標準為在監理上要求某種程度的型一誤差下所造成的型二誤差,第二種為資本需求的有效性,是否能在面臨相同的破產風險下,要求較低的資本。 我們的結果可以看到因資料點的增加,使得估計誤差減少,但VaR卻未因此而此RBC來得好,經過對股票的市場價值、債券的市場價值和負債三個部位作簡單的分析發現VaR和RBC兩者問的關係約為一個近似於1的比例,而此比例會因假設的相關係數矩陣而改變。因此,當監理機關在選擇監理的制度時,是否估計相關係數矩陣並不會有太大的影響,因為對於相關性作不同假設約兩種制度之間為一個近似於1的比例。 / The major difference between risk-based capital (RBC) and value at risk (VaR) is the specification of the correlation structure among risks. RBC subjectively specifies that risks of insurers are either independent of each other or perfectly and positively correlated. Although VaR attempts to capture the underlying correlation structure through estimation of historical data, it is subject to estimation errors. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the mis-specification or mis-estimation of correlation structure affects the effectiveness of capital requirements in the property-casualty insurance industry. We first construct a representative insurer in a simulated world with stock market risk, interest rate risk, and underwriting risk. RBC-type and VaR-type of capital requirements are then calculated as the financial status of the insurer evolves. All parameters in the simulation are based on historical data to approximate the real world. We then examine the effectiveness of these two capital requirements in terms of their early warning capabilities and the levels of capital needed for various solvency rates. Our results show that the correlation estimation when using annual data has too big errors to bejustified. The capital requirement incorporating estimated correlation matrix was dominated by the one lacking correlation estimation. RBC-type requirement has lower chances to signal false alarms given the desired early warning capabilities and demands less capital for the same solvent probabilities. Insurance regulators therefore should not embrace correlation estimation into capital requirements before they could have insurance companies reported data more frequently.


鄭佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討口耳相傳效果在網際網路上之應用及對公司之影響。 在本研究中,採用實驗方法,以手機作為實驗標的。實驗設計分為12個實驗組:2(品牌形象好/品牌形象差) x 3(正面留言板/中立留言板/負面留言板) x 2(留言數多/留言數少)。 研究結果發現:(1)品牌在網路中仍然具有相當之影響力,品牌形象好之消費者總體評價明顯著高於品牌形象較差者;(2)中立敘述的留言具有和正面敘述的留言相似的影響力,且兩者之消費者總體評價皆高於負面之留言;(3)具有較多留言則數之留言板,其消費者總體評價高於留言則數少者。  由以上的研究結果再深入探討得出以下之結論: 1.對於網路留言板上之敘述,消費者仍傾向於以自身原有的刻板印象為基礎來作評價,且對不熟悉或形象較差之品牌,負面評價的敘述有誇大的效果出現。  2.在消費者認為網路留言板是一個資訊傳播媒體的前提下,品牌形象好者之公司留言板上的留言數愈多,消費者的印象會愈好;但對品牌形象較差之公司,不論留言數多寡,其總體評價沒有顯著差異存在。  3.中立敘述的留言在網路的世界中具有一定的影響力,因為中立留言會提高消費者的興趣。  因此,具有不同品牌形象之廠商,可以擬定不同的方法來利用公司網路留言板作為行銷宣傳甚或是闢謠的工具,以提昇品牌在消費者心中之形象、提高消費者的評價,間接影響產品之購買意願,及更有效率地配置、利用公司的資源。


許麗美 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


林婉蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
不同的作者賦予美麗島事件相關相片差異極大的圖說,混淆了我們對於美麗島事件的認識與記憶。本文的研究目的並非探究美麗島事件的歷史真相為何,而是從保有該事件記憶的相片著手,討論大眾傳播媒介如何運用相片再現此一事件,又呈現了什麼風貌的美麗島事件,以及從中形成了什麼集體記憶。對於美麗島事件的研究鮮少論及影像,因此本文期望能以相片與集體記憶的探討為起點,發現台灣民主化歷程中的軌跡與社會變遷的脈絡。 本研究的重心在於相片與集體記憶的相關意涵與二者之間的關連,應用論述分析的概念為研究取徑,以美麗島事件相關出版書籍中的相片為分析的對象。研究結果發現,相片可以再現真實,卻不一定能再現完整的真實。相片無法保存意義,因此不同的觀者因其知面之差異,與對相片背後社會文化脈絡理解之差別,賦予相片不同的意義,然而一則圖說只固定了相片的一種意義。美麗島事件發生二十年來,不同的解讀並非意味著對與錯的二分,而是反映了解讀背後的時空背景。我們由不同年代美麗島事件相關出版書籍中的相片與其所建構的集體記憶,可以發現歷史詮釋權的轉變,並了解社會脈絡對於相片與集體記憶的影響與重要性,以及台灣社會二十年來的相似與變化之處。 相片這樣的歷史記錄形式讓歷史詮釋有更大且更有力的詮釋空間,相片作為集體記憶表現、保存與傳遞的媒介形式,有助於集體記憶的建構與傳承。然而集體記憶的建構仍須受到歷史記錄的限制,有其不可任意性。因此集體記憶融合了「解剖者」與「拯救者」兩種研究取向,「現在」與「過去」在集體記憶中同樣重要,不可偏廢,二者相互扣連、互相辯證。

模糊統計在時間數列分析與相似度之應用 / Application of fuzzy statistics in time series analysis and similarity recognition

張建瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
在時間數列的分析上,由於一些辨識模型結構的方法,常受制於時間數列本身的非定態及不確定干擾的影響,因此若以單一模式來配適數列往往不能得到滿意的結果。 此外,傳統的統計方法太依賴數字本身,但當一時間數列其資料呈相當的模糊性時,我們往往僅對其走勢感興趣,故若能從圖形識別的觀點,找出與此時間數列具有高度相似性的資料,以作為此時間數列的領先指標或參考指標,應可比傳統單一時間數列模式(無論是線性或非線性)更能解釋資料走勢及解決結構性改變之問題,並能夠即時反應最丟出伏況,增加預測之準確性。 在本文中,我們考慮應用模糊理論建立一時間數列模糊相似性演算法 ,來辨識時間數列之間的相似性。在執行此演算法的過程申,我們依資料的特性如變異數是否改變、是否有離群值或突發值干擾等的不同,提出值域均分法、k-means值域均分法及Rank轉換法等三種方法來建構隸屬度函數 ,以求得對資料更好的解釋及預測結果。模擬的結果顯示 ,值域均分法在時間數列間的模糊相似性辦識表現最好。而在實證分析中,我們以此演算法來辨別GDP與民間消費、GDP與毛投資之間的模糊相似性,其結果相當不錯。 / An important problem in pattern recognition of a time series is similarity recognition. This paper presents the methods of similarity calculation for two time series. The methods considered include equally divided range method, K-rneans method and rank transformed method. The success of our similarity recognition relies a large extent on the fuzzy statistical concept. Simulation results demonstrate that, overall, the equally divided range method performed best in the similarity recognition. While other methods provide superior efficiency in calculating similarity for certain special time series. Finally two empirical examples, similarity calculating about GDP vs. Consumption and GDP vs. Invest, are illustrated.

新推個案競爭程度分析 / The analysis of the degree of the competition on residential projects

彭竹君 Unknown Date (has links)
市場分析目的在於掌握顧客需求並了解競爭對手,知己知彼、百戰百勝。住宅市場中,新推個案供給者會參考競爭個案的產品類型,做出「跟隨者」與「區隔者」之選擇。過去市場分析致力於次市場範圍界定,試圖找出具有替代性之競爭個案。然而,針對競爭個案的選取,過去缺少量化分析,多依主觀經驗判斷,況且隨著推案策略之不同,競爭個案之選擇應具有彈性。 因此,本研究就供給者立場,利用2007年7月至2008年6月新推個案資料,從相似角度切入,針對產品屬性、價格、時間與空間等四個面向,根據ANP專家問卷結果為權重參考,衡量個案間彼此競爭程度,以0到1表示,並以台北都會區為例,探討市場範圍內推案競爭情況。 若一次市場內兩個案之產品屬性越相似、推案總價越相近、推案時間越接近、推案地點越近,則競爭程度數值越接近1,個案間彼此競爭程度越大。研究結果發現,空間距離為最重要之影響競爭因子,其次為產品屬性。就地區別觀察,台北市推案競爭程度高於台北縣,且郊區推案競爭程度較市中心大,嘗試打破過往以推案數或總銷金額等少數指標定義「一級戰區」之迷思。就個案而言,本研究之量化方法能協助判斷個案間之競爭程度,做為推案分析時競爭個案選取之依據;就市場分析整體而言,進一步了解次市場之推案競爭結構,作為新推個案供給者推案策略或產品定位之參考。 / The aim of this real estate analysis is to know what home owners want and how the construction developers analyze their housing projects. This market analysis will help housing developers better understand current and future market trends. In residential markets, the housing developers closely follow leading development projects and then decide to either follow the market trends or take an alternative development path. In the past market analysts attempted to define housing submarket trends and then cross-reference these trends with current market developments. However, these developers have been questioned that it is too subjective to choose potentially attractive development projects by relying on what is more likely qualitative market analysis instead of more objective quantitative data. This paper creates a model to analyze competitive development projects more objectively than what was previously available. The paper will follow a comparison study of cross-referencing multiple development projects based on dual parallel models. The research area is based on Northern Taiwan in the metropolitan areas of Taipei City and New Taipei (previously known as Taipei County). The model used will first sample data from four market sensitive developer criteria which include housing attributes, housing prices, listing time and distance between dual project development models. Next, we measure the degree of competition between the development projects and give then a value between 0 and 1. To establish value, if the housing attributes and the housing price of the two development projects are similar, the listing time is in the same month, and they are located adjacently, the value of competitive degree is closer to 1 and therefore more competitive. From the research findings, the distance is the most important factor of the four criteria and the housing attributes are the second. The research established the degree of competition in Taipei City is greater than in New Taipei. This research demonstrates that if used it will increase a housing developer’s objective understanding of correctly choosing a competitive project, and therefore better understand the overall market environment. keyword:market analysis、similarity、the degree of competition


白詩瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探究,數位相機與人們之間的意義構連,在經過數位化後的數位相機進入生活之後,如何改變家庭關係、自我論述、個人生活記憶和社會網絡,而數位相機對其生命歷程意義何在。 本文透過文獻回顧,耙梳攝影和照片的基本概念,從底片相機的意義、功能和敘事方式,與其再現真實的討論,歸納出底片相機的可能性及運作方式,接著討論進入數位化後的數位相機,其意義和功能、分享特性、敘事方式以及再現危機,整理數位相機的特殊性和與底片相機的共通性。另透過敘述訪談(narrative interview),分析兩個案例,以發現其如何在生活情境中建構屬於他們和數位相機的互動意義。 研究發現兩個案例皆在現實生活中運用數位相機,使生活過得更順遂,心情更平穩(紓壓、平衡),兩者亦將數位相機作為解決(情緒、人際、生活困境)的方式,並從中又開啟了不同的領域(創作、部落格),並將之分享。兩人在現實生活中,皆因工作失去平衡,而後透過數位相機,找到調節生活壓力和彌補缺憾的方式,且獲得超越記憶與保存的意義,而衍生出更深層的情感。 因此數位相機不僅延續了傳統相機的記憶留存的功能,且更加的著重在溝通、分享與認同。數位相機並非只是一個科技物,而是實際深入於人們生活之中,參與並建構人們的生活,共同與人們創造出獨特的意義。再者,數位相機使得攝影的意義並不僅止於照片本身或事件之中,而是包括拍攝的動作、拍攝前的意圖和運用的方式,皆有其代表性。其產生的意義是延伸、互動的,透過被攝者、觀者和攝影者的定義,找出自身角色與意義,並將意義延伸出更為複雜的解釋,深入於生活之中,持續影響著彼此。

三維條件常態分配相容性的探討 / On the compatibility of three conditional normal distributions in three dimensions

何靉 Unknown Date (has links)
關於二維之變數,Arnold and Press (1989) 首先提出檢驗兩個條件分配是否滿足相容性的理論。本研究嘗試對n維之變數,探討n個條件分配滿足相容性的檢驗方式;並提出在三維聯合分配下,給定三個條件分配為常態(normal) 時,檢驗此三個條件分配滿足相容性的充分必要條件;最後,並推導出此三個條件分配滿足相容性時,其所對應的聯合機率密度函數之公式。若此三個條件分配其所對應的聯合機率密度函數進一步假設為常態時,檢驗其相容性的充分必要條件可更加以簡化。 / Arnold and Press (1989) first provide the theory about the compatibility of two conditional distributions in two dimensions. In this research, we extend the two dimensional cases to the high dimensional cases. In particular, we find the necessary and sufficient conditions of the compatibility of three conditional normal distributions in three dimensions. Furthermore, we also provide a formula to find the joint probability density function when three dimensional conditional normal distributions are compatible. Finally, simple sufficient and necessary conditions are also given when the joint distribution is further assumed to be normal.

創業計劃 內建相機模組 / Business Plan – Camera module house

張博凱, Chang, Allen Unknown Date (has links)
CMOS module house, which still enjoys the double digit gross margin in component supply chain, is one of the reasons facilitating the idea of start-up. We think this idea is practical and also profitable as we have solid network in high-tech industry, as well as comprehensive knowledge and relatively easier than others to find talent for the team up and to be one of key suppliers in the supply chain in the future. In order to make the business plan more structural, we explain the industry, product itself, market trend, market size and potential value we can earn, as well as the key names in the supply chain, including names of suppliers, competitors, and customers. Regarding to the business target, we are not aiming the goal too high to be reached. Instead, we set 3-5% of total market share (in Notebook PCs, Tablet PCs, and Smartphones) after 1-2 years business operations. We think this is practical and also profitable as the size of PC and consumer electronics (CE products) are huge, and the earnings is usually surprising even the gross margin is low, as long as the volume is huge enough.

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