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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊智先 Unknown Date (has links)
「創造力人才」是二十一世紀知識經濟社會的重要資源,培育人才第一現場的「教師」角色不容忽視。因此,探討引發創意教師主體能動性的「工作動機」、篩選其創意的「選擇壓力」及創造過程中必要的「社會互動」經驗是本研究的探索旨趣。 本研究分為兩部份進行,第一部份以問卷調查方式瞭解教師工作動機、選擇壓力與社會互動等變項與創造力的關係。研究工具包括「工作動機量表」、「專注力量表」、「選擇壓力量表」、「生活經驗量表」、「教學創新行為量表」及「社會互動頻率量表」。第二部分以訪談方式瞭解創意教師的社會互動內涵。 研究結果顯示,當教師在工作上擁有相當強烈的內在動機時、對事投入專一、樂意面對挑戰,同時也追求高度的自主之際,對於教師自身的教學及生活具正向影響:在生活方面,會擁有更豐富的創意經驗;在教學方面,會擁有更多樣的創新表現。此外,當教師在乎學生的多元表現及自身專業地位之際,會將之內化為自身的標準。此標準的內化,會提高教師自身在生活上及教學上的創意展現。在教師社會互動方面,由訪談的個案發現,教師自身專業的高度意識;學校充足客觀資源的支持,如:領導者的鼓勵與團隊的運作方式;以及所屬組織共同願景的引領等最有助於教師創意的展現。 最後,研究者提出三大層面的建議,供未來的研究者及教育第一現場的教師參考:在學校教育層面,應重視教師專注力時間的完整性、確保教師接受挑戰的動力、重視教師專業自主的適切認知、提倡資深優良教師的傳承工作、形成教師團隊及在整個師資培育過程應重視「專注力」、「接受新挑戰」及「自主性」的培養;在教育行政層面,應建立良性的選擇機制;在未來研究層面,應改善教師創意評定方式、採取質性研究取向、進行跨年代比較、再探究「動機綜效」觀點、再編製「工作動機」工具、再探究「他人肯定」與守門人關係及建立模式作為師資創造力培育之參考。

獨輪車在幼兒園內的教育意涵 -奎山幼兒園幼童搬運牛奶日常活動的影像分析 / Educational Meaning of Wheelbarrow in Kindergarten - Documentary Analysis to Children’s Daily Activity of Delivering the Milk in Kui-Shan Preschool

曾舒萍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過解析與詮釋奎山幼兒園幼童使用獨輪車來搬運牛奶的日常活動影片,來理解「獨輪車」存在於幼兒園的教育意涵。具體而言,即是以幼童透過使用獨輪車搬運牛奶的日常活動經驗為研究對象,探討該經驗如何在幼童的身體知覺、社會互動關係、勞動的身體經驗等面向上帶來學習。研究方法採「影像解讀分析」及「個人經驗訪談」兩個部分進行,前者主要從拍攝的12部幼童使用獨輪車搬運牛奶活動影片中選取其中具代表性的3部影片進行影像微觀解析;後者則訪談從奎山幼兒園直升至小學部三年級、六年級的學生各3名,共計6名,回觀其個人使用「獨輪車」之主觀經驗整。透過爬梳奎山學校歷史及創辦人熊慧英的「社會化統整性活動課程」教育理念,以及「獨輪車」在人類生活歷史演化圖像作為本研究之參照背景,以理解奎山幼兒園每日由3名幼童協同用獨輪車,在長達近400公尺的路途中為全班將「牛奶」搬回活動室的複雜任務,對幼童學習與發展的教育意涵。在資料解析與詮釋後,研究結果讓我們認識孩童共同協力推動「獨輪車」中,過程中的「衝突」將可帶來孩童間群性關係的拓展(合作、協商、解決問題)及養成觀點取替的能力;而為了能推動笨重難行的獨輪車,用力的同時孩童的身體自然會產生需要達成平衡的知覺;而象徵人類身體勞動經驗的「獨輪車」也在服務他者的搬運中,讓孩童完成以「勞動身體」作為認識自我的途徑,此也是熊慧英推動「社會化統整性活動課程」以建構幼童健全人格之教育目標所強調的一環。 / By analyzing and interpreting the documentaries of Kuei-shan Kindergarten which let children use wheelbarrow to transport milk, this thesis illustrates the educational meaning of wheelbarrow’s existence. Generally speaking, by using the daily practice of transporting milk by wheelbarrow, the study try to examine the learning process in different aspects, such as children’s perception, children’s social interaction and laboring’s body experience. First of all, from the perspective of wheelbarrow’s cultural history to clarify the symbolization of human laboring. In the second place, by introducing Kuei-shan Kindergarten’s 51 years history and the founder (Miss Xiong Hui-Ying)’s background, to demonstrate how she established “Socialize Integrated Curriculum ” through experiments. “Socialize Integrated Curriculum” use transporting milk as an example, to accomplish such difficult work, the three children cooperate with each other to transport the milk back to their classroom daily by nearly 400 meters way. In other words, by making 12 documentaries of how children transport milk by wheelbarrow, I observed the educational meaning of this daily practice. Then I picked 3 documentaries to analyze and interpret my observation. Furthermore, through the interview with 6 Kuei-shan elementary school students (3 from the third grade, 3 from the sixth grade) who graduated from Kuei-shan Kindergarten, I review the educational meaning of the practice. To sum up, the study suggests that Kindergartens should help children construct personality through “Socialize Integrated Curriculum ”,including perception, challenge, labor and sociability, in order to fulfill modern children’s needs. Key words: Child, Body of labor, Social Interaction,Sociability,Socialize Integrated Curriculum , wheelbarrow


鄭克蘋 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣常被稱為「素食者的天堂」,但對身處台灣的素食者來說,社會互動與人際關的經營仍是在選擇了這種飲食方式之後,所必須面對的挑戰。本研究以質性研究方法,來探討台灣素食者對素食者身份的認同基礎,以及如何以素食者的身分去面對社會互動及經營人際關係。依據參與觀察和深度訪談之資料所得,本研究發現:(一)在認同基礎方面,素食者透過了文化意義的認同與社會群體的認同,以建立其自我之身分意識,並學習素食在日常生活中的實踐方式。同時,其身份認同基礎的文化意義,是游移於社會改革與自我成長的光譜之間,並偏向強調素食與自我轉化間的關連。(二)在實踐過程中,素食者往往會面對五種社會困境,分別是營養缺乏的困境、選擇受限的困境、缺乏樂趣的困境、喪失主動性的困境和道德象徵的困境。在面對這些困境下,素食者傾向以六種方式作為回應:事先宣告、個人化歸因、避免暴露自身感覺、自我貶低、自行準備自我滿足以及建構新的論述。本研究發現,這些現象正呼應了Kanter(1993)對少數群體(minority)處於多數群體(majority)處於多數群體(majority)中的經驗與行為之探討。素食者作為社會上,特別是共餐場合中的少數族群,其所遭遇的社會困境和回應模式跟女性做為少數在以男性為主流的企業中極為相似。(三)對於素食者來說,「素食者」絕非他們唯一扮演的角色。當他們同時是家人、伴侶以及朋友的時候,這些角色有可能會與素食者的角色產生衝突,其反應的模式除了受到少數族群的身分影響之外,互動的過程也受到既有關係中權力分配以及台灣飲食文化的象徵意義所影響。 / Taiwan often is perceived as a “paradise of vegetarian”. However, for vegetarians in Taiwan, they still have to face the challenges in social interactions and relationships with others after choosing vegetarianism. This research used qualitative methods to examine vegetarians’ identities experiences of social interactions and relationships with others in Taiwan. Based on data collected through participant observation and in-depth interviewing, the study found that: According to the results of observation and in-depth interview, the finding is: (1) In the identity aspect, vegetarians construct their identity and learn how to practice vegetarianism through cultural meanings and groups. At the same time, the cultural meanings vegetarian identify across a spectrum between social reformation and self growth, emphasize the relationship between vegetarianism and self growth. (2) In practice process, vegetarians are often in fire five difficult positions: short of nutrition, lack of choices, short of fun, loss of active status and morality sign. Vegetarian prefer to reply those positions by six methods: claim at the beginning, individual reasoning, avoid telling personal feelings, disparaging self, preparing and being satisfied by myself and finally constructing a new discourse. This result responds to research that Kanter studied the experiences of minority in the majority in 1993. Vegetarian are minority in society, especially in meal time. Their difficult positions and responses are similar to the situation women faced in the company when men are the majority. (3) For vegetarian, “vegetarian” are not the only role they are acting. When they act the roles like a family member, a mate and a friend, they may encounter conflicts between vegetarian and the other roles. Those responses might be effected by identity of minority, power distribution in the relationship and symbol of diet culture in Taiwan.

Facebook上消費者類社會互動對品牌關係的影響 / Consumers’parasocial interaction on Facebook has an effect on Brand relationship

洪寧, Hung, Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本研究搜集299份線上問卷,以類社會互動理論的取徑去探究在Facebook中介下的品牌關係。研究結果發現,品牌吸引(包括社會吸引和任務吸引)以及粉絲的工具性媒介使用動機與類社會互動成正相關,但粉絲的年齡、教育程度、收入此三個人口統計變項與類社會互動間的關係則不顯著。而類社會互動與品牌關係亦成正相關,並完全中介品牌吸引且部分中介粉絲的工具性媒介使用動機對品牌關係的影響。 / This study collected 299 Web questionnaires and applied parasocial interaction perspective to examine the relationship between fans and brands on Facebook. Finding revealed a positive relationship between brand attractions (including social and task attraction) and instrumental media motivation to parasocial interaction. Demographics (including age, education, and income) did not have a significant relationship with parasocial interaction as expected. There is also a positive relationship between parasocial interaction and brand relationship. Parasocial interaction perfectly mediated the influence of brand attractions and partially mediated the influence of the instrumental media motivation on brand relationship.

粉絲與名人如何透過不同媒體進行類社會互動與後續效果研究 / Compare the level of parasocial interaction between fans and celebrities and follow up effects caused by television and online social media

江承瑀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是為了比較電視媒體和網路社交媒體在名人與粉絲間的類社會互動程度與後續情感及行為效果上是否有差異。藉由蒐集314份網路問卷,以類社會互動程度為自變項、情感效果與行為效果為應變項,分別比較這兩種媒體。研究結果顯示:第一、不同媒介在引發粉絲對名人的類社會互動上的確存在差異,且以電視的影響力較大。第二、在類社會互動程度引發的情感、行為反應方面,電視都顯著地高於網路社群。第三、整體來說類社會互動程度在預測網路社群上的情感、行為反應是有效的預測變數,與過去電視媒體的文獻結果一致。此外,本研究也發展出粉絲類型量表,以量化的方式將粉絲依照對名人的感興趣程度分成低、中、高三類。進一步將三類粉絲分開檢視,發現粉絲類型確實會調節類社會互動程度與情感、行為效果。 / This research was done to study the relationship between the level of fans’ parasocial interaction and the effects caused by television and online social media. This study collected 314 online questionnaires. The independent variable was the level of parasocial interaction and the dependent variables were affective effects and behavioral effects, including the importance of celebrities, emotions of celebrities’ disappearance, activity, and adaption.The findings of this study indicate that television produced significantly greater influence on the level of parasocial interaction toward celebrities than online social media.Furthermore, the affective effects and behavioral effects caused by parasocial interaction from TV are more significant than the result from social media. Generally speaking, the level of parasocial interaction effectively predicts fans’ affective and behavioral in the context of online social media, which is consistent with the result found in the past television studies. Besides, this study developed a fan scale to classify fans into three levels, including low-interest fans, moderate-interest fans, and high-interest fans. The result reveals that the level of fans can moderate the effects of the level of parasocial interaction, affective effects, and behavioral effects of television and online social media.

社會互動排名與學習夥伴推薦機制對於激發潛水者之成效評估研究 / A study on assessing the effects of social interaction ranking and learning partner recommendation mechanisms on motivating E-learning lurkers

徐慧芸, Hsu, Hui Yun Unknown Date (has links)
潛水是網路社群中的普遍行為,並且潛水者常為網路社群中的多數,通常潛水者從社群中獲取得多,但卻貢獻得少,雖然對於整體社群無害,但對於網路社群的貢獻卻相當有限,無助於整體社群的發展與成長。因此,如何激發潛水者更積極參與互動討論,樂於貢獻一己之力,對於網路社群的發展甚為關鍵。特別是在數位學習環境中,更應該積極發展有效激發潛水者策略,以促進潛水者更積極參與社群互動討論的意願,提昇整體社群合作學習動力。而透過讓潛水者感受到自己參與社群互動的重要,提昇潛水者的社會知覺,是否有助於激發潛水者表現出更積極的互動行為,值得進行深入的探討。 因此,本研究基於提昇潛水者的社會知覺,於問題導向學習環境中發展「社會互動排名」與「學習夥伴推薦」激勵機制,以探究其對於激發潛水者在社群互動之「討論區與訊息區的文章張貼篇數及內容層次」、「四階段問題導向學習閱讀心得寫作成效」,以及學習社群中的「網路密度」、「網路直徑」、「中心度」。除此之外,也探究「外向-內向」、「人際和諧-人際問題」、「信任感-迫害感」等基本人格特質,是否與潛水者被激發與否的成效有關,進而歸納激發潛水者的具體有效策略。 研究結果顯示,具「社會互動排名」與「學習夥伴推薦」激勵機制之問題導向學習平台,對於提昇社群討論互動以及學習成效具有正向顯著效益;激勵機制確實能有效激發潛水者,降低潛水情形,並且實施激勵機制對於凝聚整體學習社群網絡亦具有正向的效用。 / Lurking is a common behavior in the network community, and lurkers often take the majority in the network community. They often get more from the community, but give less to it. To the whole community, although it doesn’t do any harm, the contribution they make to the network community is so limited, which can’t help the development and growth of the entire community. Therefore, it is quite crucial for the development of the network community about how to motivate the lurkers to participate in the interactive discussion and contribute to the community actively. Especially in the digital learning environment, it should actively develop the strategies to motivate the lurkers effectively, so as to promote the willingness of the lurkers to participate in the interactive discussion of the community more actively. In this way, it can improve the driving force of the cooperative learning in the community. It deserves deep exploration about whether it can help to motivate the lurkers to present more active behaviors in the interaction by making them feel important to participate in the community interaction and improving their social awareness. Therefore, based on the purpose of improving the social awareness of the lurkers, this study develops the motivation mechanism of “social interaction ranking” and ” learning partner recommendation” in the learning-oriented environment to explore the effects of motivating the lurkers in the community interaction, such as “the number and content levels of the articles posted in the forum and bulletin board”, “writing effects of the four-stage problem-based learning and reading”, as well as the “network density”, “network diameter” and “concentration” in the learning community. Besides, it also discusses whether the basic personality is correlated to the effect of motivating the lurkers, including “introversion-extraversion”, “interpersonal problems- interpersonal harmony”, “sense of persecution- sense of trust”, so as to further summarize the concrete and effective strategies of motivating the lurkers. The study results show the problem-based learning platform with the motivation mechanism of “social interaction ranking” and ” learning partner recommendation” show positive and significant benefits to improve the social discussion interaction and learning effect. Moreover, the motivation mechanism system is proven to motivate the lurkers and reduce the lurking situation effectively, and the practice of the motivation mechanism system has positive effect on the cohesion of the whole learning community.

數位遊戲之行動載具使用者行為與開發分析─以智慧型手機為例 / Mobile device game player behaviors and games development analysis - using smartphone as an example

林姿旻, Tzu-Min Lin Unknown Date (has links)
數位遊戲已成為探討現代生活科技中一項重要的領域。智慧型手機,為近兩年興起的行動平台載具,根據資策會資料顯示,在手機進行娛樂活動應用程式的排行,第一為聽音樂,第二即為進行遊戲。觀察智慧型手機上的應用程式市集(如:android market、app store),使用者可以快速方便的利用網路下載遊戲,在眾多遊戲中,使用者選擇何種類型遊戲下載並進行遊戲,對遊戲開發商非常重要。在智慧型手機上結合許多科技技術(如:無線網路、各式感測器......等),皆有可能影響使用者進行遊戲和選擇遊戲的動機。因此,了解並且針對使用者需求與使用者行為設計遊戲,在數位內容領域進行數位遊戲研究與開發是重要的議題。 為了解使用者在智慧型手機上進行遊戲的動機,本研究使用科技接受模型和動機理論探討使用者的內在動機和外在動機,透過問卷分析初步了解使用者在智慧型手機上進行遊戲的原因,以及在智慧型手機上擷取使用者在手機上進行遊戲的行為和訪談使用者進行遊戲的因子,將兩資料進行比對驗證,找出使用者在智慧型手機上進行遊戲的模型,以及外在和內在動機之相互影響,作為未來規劃與策略發展方向的參考依據。 根據資料分析發現,使用者進行遊戲的動機會受到遊戲的操作性和在遊戲中得到的樂趣影響。並且使用者會因為他人推薦或看到他人進行遊戲,影響到使用者進行遊戲的意願,而使用者在進行遊戲時,遊戲中提供與他人互動的功能也能激發使用者進行遊戲。此外,在智慧型手機遊戲情境中,使用者會受到外在動機影響,改變本身對遊戲的觀點,影響到使用者的內在動機,進而改變使用者對遊戲的意願。 / Digital games have become an important domain of exploration the technology of modern life. The smartphone which is a mobile device rises due two years. Follow the MIC data of entertainment applications on mobile phone rank, the first is listening music and the second is playing games. User can easy download games quickly by wireless from application market like Android market or app store. It is important for game developers to know which game user chooses and downloads in large games. The smartphone combine different technology and sensors that may influence user’s motivations to choose games and play games. Therefore, to understand user’s need and user’s behavior for game design which is important discuss for digital game study and developer of digital content domain. To understand the motivations of user playing games on the smartphone, so this study uses technology acceptance model (TAM) to explore intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations of playing game. Through questionnaire to find the factors that user plays games on smartphone, and we also collect users’ behavior from smartphone and interview users. The study combines these data to find the model of user playing game on the smartphone, and the relationship between intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations. The study finds that perceived ease of use and the fun in games effect user’s motivation. The user intention influenced by people who around user and also affected in the game which provide user to interact with others. By the way, user’s extrinsic motivations affect intrinsic motivations on smartphone context, and change the mind of playing games.

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