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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


中村, 江里, Nakamura, Eri, 井上, 稔, Inouye, MInoru, 伊藤, 義美, Ito, Yoshimi 25 March 2001 (has links)
No description available.


伊勢田, 哲治, Iseda, Tetsuji 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

網站體驗之沉浸經驗與腦波分析 / Flow Experience and Electroencephalography Analysis of Websites Usage

陳思帆 Unknown Date (has links)
在電子商務網站上,網站設計的品質是影響使用者體驗和滿意度的主要原因。 在過去許多現有的文獻已證實他們之間的關係。不過,大部分研究則是透過問卷調查法了解用戶的反應,也就是說用戶回應有可能不準確並且存在著主觀的共同方法偏誤。而近年來,隨著腦神經科學方法的進步,利用神經科學設備去收集使用者身理資訊在社會科學和資訊系統領域已越來越受到關注。因此有趣的是,比較行為和腦神經研究結果,可以讓我們去了解是否這個新方法會幫助我們洞察網站設計效果。 基於上述目的,本研究設計了一個在台灣和中國現有的網路購物網站的現場實驗。本研究利用行為和神經科學方法去收集沉浸體驗和使用者滿意度的資料。收集腦波數據的特殊儀器是單點腦電圖(EEG),它被用於測量專注度和放鬆度。在本研究模型包括五個主要的網站設計元素(方便,美感,內容,互動性和客製化)做為自變量,沉浸經驗作為中介變量,使用者滿意度作為因變量。行為研究結果發現所有網站設計元素五個設計因素有顯著影響的沉浸體驗、沉浸經驗有顯著正向影響使用者滿意度。然而在神經科學的研究則有不同的發現,網站設計元素僅有方便,內容和客製化對沉浸經驗有正向的顯著影響。雖然沉浸經驗(由專注質和放鬆來衡量)對使用者滿意度的影響仍然存在,但是總體變異被解釋的比例值則較低(從0.56降低到0.10)。本研究認為有兩種可能的解釋:第一種是,我們所使用的腦波測量可能無法像問卷調查可以完全涵括到到整體沉浸經驗。另外可能的解釋是,先前的研究關於沉浸體驗和使用者滿意度可能在分析資料時忽略了潛在的共同方法偏差問題。 另外為了解不同地區網站設計差異,我們分析台灣大陸地區網站資料,行為研究結果發現台灣購物網站設計元素(方便、互動性、客製化)顯著影響的沉浸體驗、而大陸購物網站則是在內容、美感、客製化構面有顯著影響的沉浸體驗,兩者沉浸經驗對使用者滿意度的影響都存在。詢問受測者實際體驗經驗歸納出網站設計特性與行為研究結果相呼應。研究發現台灣一般購物網站具有反應時間快、人性化介面設計、好用搜尋和商品推薦功能特性,業者可以豐富商品內容、改進網站美感提升顧客網站體驗經驗。大陸購物網站具有商品內容豐富、商品平價大眾化、優良推薦功能、界面分類清楚好操作、網站圖片大小適中,配色和文字令人感到舒服等特性,業者可以改進網站反應時間、將網站採用繁體文字、或是提供台灣族群熟悉的網站版型方便顧客與網站互動。 / The quality of website design is a main factor that affects user experience and satisfaction with an e-commerce site. This has been confirmed by many existing literature. However, most of these studies are based on user response through questionnaire surveys. It is well-known that user responses are potentially inaccurate and are subjective to the common method bias. Recently, neuroscience method that takes advantage of neuro-scientific equipment to collect psychophysiological evidence has gained much attention in social sciences and information systems. Therefore, it is interesting to compare our findings from behavioral and neuroscience studies to see whether this new method may provide insights into our understanding of website design effect. With the above purpose in mind, this study designed a field experiment on existing e-tailing websites in Taiwan and China. Both behavioral and neuroscience methods were applied to collect data about their flow experience and user satisfaction. The particular instrument for collecting brain wave data was a one-point electro-encephalogram (EEG), which is useful for measuring attention and relaxation. Our research model includes five main website design factors (convenience, aesthetics, content, interactivity and customization) as independent variables, flow experience as a mediator, and user satisfaction as the dependent variable. Our results indicate that all five design factors had significant impact on the flow experience and the flow experience had significant positive effect on user satisfaction in our behavior study. Our neuroscience study, however, shows different findings: only convenience, content, and customization had positive impact on the flow experience. Although the effect of flow experience (measured by attention and relaxation) on user satisfaction still exist, but the R-square value is much lower (reduced from 0.56 to 0.10). We argue that there are two possible interpretations: one is that the measurement we used may not be able to capture the full flow experience as a questionnaire could do. Another alerting explanation is that previous research on flow experience and user satisfaction may have overlooked the potential common method bias issue in analyzing their data. In order to understand the difference of website design in Taiwan and China, we analysis these data. Our behavioral study shows that Taiwan online shopping design factors( convenience、interactive、customization) had significant impact on the flow experience. And China online shopping design factors (content、aesthetic、customization) had significant impact on the flow experience. Both regions data shows that the flow experience had significant positive effect on user satisfaction.The behavior study result is consistent with the website design features that inquire about users shopping experience. This study found Taiwan shopping sites have these features that including quickly response time、user-friendly interface design、 easy to search and good product recommendation function. Managers can consider enriching commodity content and improving website aesthetic feeling, in order to improve customer website experience. China shopping sites have these features that including abundant commodity、inexpensive merchandise、excellent recommendation function、clear interface classification、 appropriate image size、comfortable colors and character. Managers can improved site response time、use traditional text or provide Taiwan user familiar site type to facilitate customer interaction with website.

促進成年海馬迴神經前驅細胞增殖的藥物篩選 / Promoting proliferation of adult hippocampal neural

魏志安 Unknown Date (has links)
在成年的哺乳類動物大腦中有兩個區域,可以不斷的有新的神經細胞生成,一個位於大腦側腦室旁內側(Subventricular zone of anterior lateral ventricle ;SVZ),另一個位於海馬迴(hippocampus)內的齒狀迴(Subgran- ular zone of dentate gyrus ;SGZ) ,其中海馬迴是本論文主要探討的腦區。 神經前驅細胞(Neural progenitor cells :NPC)因具有自我更新(self -renewal)、增殖(proliferative)、多能(multipotent)的能力以及遷移性(Migration),所以可利用海馬迴內生性的神經前驅細胞(NPC),促進其增殖以替代因損傷、老化或疾病而損失的神經細胞。神經前驅細胞經由細胞體外培養過程會形成神經球(Neurospheres),神經球和神經前驅細胞同樣具有自我更新以及可以分化成其他神經細胞的能力。 本研究觀察到,對成年神經新生進行體外藥物的篩選中,化合物Chemical-X,有明顯的促進神經新生的能力。實驗中取健康成年雄性大鼠為實驗動物,分離出成年大鼠之海馬迴神經前驅細胞。用Chemical-X處理後,觀察神經球自我更新能力,以及再把新生成的神經球利用免疫螢光染色處理,瞭解神經前驅細胞經藥物處理後所新生成的細胞,是否仍維持在神經前驅細胞的狀態。進而評估藥物能否達到促進神經新生的目的。

社區精神康復者在康復歷程中主要照顧者之支持服務需求及資源使用之調查 / Survey of the Needs of Support Services and the Resources Used by Caregivers of Patients with Mental Illness in the Community

王珮靜, Wang, Pei Ching Unknown Date (has links)
精神疾病自發病之初至病程慢性化,不僅對精神康復者的生命歷程造成衝擊,亦帶給其照顧者家庭長期且全面性的影響,產生難以承受之身心負荷並衍生出相對的支持服務需求。本研究將其分為六大向度,包括:資訊支持、精神健康照護支持、照顧者教育支持、社會照顧支持、專業支持及心理支持。本研究旨在瞭解社區精神康復者在康復歷程中,其主要照顧者對於六項支持服務的需求及服務獲得現況,並分析不同背景變項對於主要照顧者支持服務的需求與獲得上的差異情形,及主要照顧者使用支持服務之障礙因素。以期對於提供主要照顧者支持服務時,能有效滿足照顧者之需求。 本研究以自編之「社區精神康復者之主要照顧者的支持服務需求與獲得現況調查問卷」進行資料蒐集,以立意取樣搭配滾雪球方式招募社區精神康復者之主要照顧者進行調查,選取提供精神康復者及家屬服務之社會福利機構及家屬團體作為研究對象來源。本次研究調查資料回收有效問卷共82份。 研究結果發現,主要照顧者對於支持服務在六大向度上皆有中度以上需求程度,並以「資訊支持」、「照顧者教育支持」、「心理支持」及「專業支持」的服務需求高於整體需求平均值。主要照顧者自評對於支持服務在六大向度上皆只有中度以下的服務獲得,僅「資訊支持」及「照顧者教育支持」的服務獲得高於整體獲得平均值。 主要照顧者對於支持服務的需求與服務獲得間沒有一致性的顯著相關,且對於不同支持服務需求程度的主要照顧者在服務獲得上並未有顯著差異。本研究之主要照顧者其資訊獲得來源以「社會福利機構/協會」及「醫護人員」為主,使用支持服務之障礙因素以「不知道該項服務」或「不清楚服務內容」之資訊障礙為首。 根據本次研究調查結果,研究者提出相關建議包括:提升「針對」主要照顧者需求之支持服務的品質及數量、健全資訊管道以改善照顧者使用服務障礙因素、加強精神疾病衛教及相關資源管道之宣傳,及政府應持續給予經費補助並鼓勵專業人員進入社區服務。

探討厚朴對神經毒素引起的神經傷害及行為異常之保護與治療效用 / Evaluation of the protective and therapeutic effects of cortex Magnoliae on neuronal damage and abnormal behavior induced by neurotoxins

廖筱玉 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 厚朴,採用厚朴植物之樹皮,是ㄧ種已知可應用於治療精神疾病的傳統天然藥物,例如:憂鬱症等。厚朴主要的有效多酚環成分已被證實具有抗氧化、抗發炎及抗興奮性毒殺等神經保護作用,因此,推測厚朴可作為一種潛在治療像是帕金森氏症這累神經退化性疾病之藥物。本研究之目的為探討厚朴是否可以預防與治療因百草枯及MPTP所誘導的毒害及學習、記憶和運動功能缺失等行為異常現象。本研究監測Oregon-R品系之果蠅(年齡:1-2, 20天或30天)之壽命在長期暴露於百草枯(5-20 mM)並先給予厚朴(100, 300或600 mg/L)治療之變化。其結果顯示,厚朴無法延長暴露在百草枯環境下之果蠅壽命。另外,我們給予雄性ICR小鼠(30-35 g),連續五天,每日一劑MPTP(25 mg/kg, i.p.),誘導神經毒性及行為異常現象。在共同投藥組別,在給予MPTP注射前一小時,先以灌餵方式給予小鼠厚朴(100或300 mg/kg)預防,連續五天後,只單獨給予厚朴治療連續十四天。後投藥組別,在給予最後一劑MPTP後,連續十四天給予厚朴(100或300 mg/kg).治療。在控制組別中,給予生理食鹽水(0.9%, i.p.)及灌餵玉米油。結果顯示,MPTP與厚朴並不影響小鼠之運動協調功能,然而,可利用新位置辨識能力測試及新物體辨識認知行為測試,檢測因MPTP所引起之認知功能障礙現象,由我們結果中顯示,不論是與MPTP共同給予厚朴治療抑或是後處理厚朴皆可恢復因MPTP所造成的認知功能障礙現象,此外,厚朴也可恢復因MPTP所造成多巴胺神經元及多巴胺轉運子受損之情形,另外,我們也初步發現,厚朴可在海馬迴中使Nrf2表現量提升。因此,初步結果表明,厚朴將可成為未來治療帕金森氏症之天然藥物。 / Cortex Magnoliae, the bark of Magnolia officinalis, has been prescribed in the traditional herbal medicine to treat a variety of mental disorders including depression. The main constituents of cortex Magnoliae contain the biphenyl compounds such as honokiol and magnolol. Both biphenyl compounds were shown to have the neuronal protective effect which is related to the anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation, and anti-excitatory toxicity. Thus, it was proposed that cortex Magnoliae may act as the potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). The aim of the present study was to examine whether cortex Magnoliae exhibits the neuroprotective and therapeutic action against the neuronal toxicity and behavioral deficits in learning, memory, and motor function induced by neurotoxin paraquat and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in PD-like models. The lifespan of flies from Oregon-R strain of Drosophila melanogaster (age: 1-2, 20 or 30 days) chronically exposed to paraquat (5-20 mM) with pre-treatment of Cortex Magnoliae (100, 300 or 600 mg/L) were measured. Results showed that pre-treatment of Cortex Magnoliae could not extend the lifespan of the flies reduced by paraquat. On the other hand, male ICR mice (30-35g) were administered with MPTP (25 mg/kg, i.p.) once daily for 5 consecutive days to induce neurotoxicity and behavioral impairment. In co-treatment group, male mice were orally administrated with cortex Magnoliae (100 or 300 mg/kg) 1 hour before MPTP injection for 5 days and then followed by oral administration of cortex Magnoliae alone for consecutive 14 days. Mice in post-treatment group were orally administered with cortex Magnoliae (100 or 300 mg/kg) for consecutive 14 days after the final injection of MPTP. Mice in control group were injected with saline (0.9%, i.p.) and orally administrated with vehicle (corn oil). Our results showed that MPTP and cortex Magnoliae did not affect mouse coordination and balance in beam walking test. However, cortex Magnoliae improved the cognitive impairments determined by novel-location recognition task (NLRT) and novel-object recognition task (NORT) in MPTP-induced PD mouse. Additionally, cortex Magnoliae restored MPTP-induced loss of dopaminergic neurons and recovered MPTP-induced loss of dopamine transporters in striatum. Cortex Magnoliae also activated Nrf2 in hippocampus. Therefore, the preliminary results suggest that cortex Magnoliae may be a novel candidate for the treatment of Parkinson's disease in the future. The pharmacological mechanism of cortex Magnoliae in PD treatment needs further study.

鎌倉末期の王朝の寺社政策 : 正安三年~元亨元年期について

INABA, Nobumichi, 稲葉, 伸道 31 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

自然美的神話:論小資女面容的微整型 / The myth of natural beauty: on the cosmetic surgery of Xiao-Zi-Nu (young working females)

許之瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討小資女的微整型風潮,主要由兩大部分構成全文。第一部分是藉由台灣美容歷史的梳理,凸顯1990年代後由醫學主導的美容場域所塑造出的自然美神話。這神話使得選擇微整型實作的個人從自我認同到人際互動,多少都承載著自然美的價值去展演、觀看。透過訪談,本文進而揭示以微整型為日常保養的小資女,當她們在職場中從面試到工作與團體相處時,是如何發揮那隱而不見的「針」功夫,又如何以各種互動和對話技巧規避他人對自我外貌變化的猜疑。此外,本文也指出小資女身處在美容資訊隨處可見、選擇看似無窮的環境中,其個人決定如何在社會凝視下擺盪。應用Goffman的戲劇互動論,本文指出她們在職場上的儀式行為,尤其探問到在不同職場文化中的自我如何已經成為可以彈性形塑並要求改變的符號-物,甚至連同服裝及儀容也必須轉換為應當的儀式表達。   第二部分則是從自然美神話裡的矛盾元素去探究醫療細微化的科技視野下所呈現的當代生活。透過訪談,本文初步揭示女性在神話結構當中對於自然美的渴求,並且藉由微整型實作完成神話的矛盾要素。應用Baudrillard的消費社會觀,本文指出當女性在尋求差異以強調自我獨特性時,卻正相反地在迎合社會的共同性價值。此處除了小資女的自我敘述之外,本文也結合理論文獻及二手資料進階探究自然美形塑過程的三大面向,亦即物質技術、廣告消費和數位微整型。首先,我們基於物質、技術與醫師經驗等三個判準,將當前四大微整型技術劃出一條自然光譜。其次,我們從醫美診所的廣告文宣,梳理其中針對微整形技術的自然主張,了解業者的自然宣稱及消費者的自然認知。第三,我們還探討了電腦技術下的數位修圖以便凸顯出微整形的自然美意涵。從數位攝影的普及到網路平台的展演,我們在數位自拍與修圖等虛擬真實的媒介實作中探索自然美神話的疆界。 / This research comprised of two parts studies the emerging trend of cosmetic surgery practiced by young working females in Taiwan. In the first part, a short history of cosmetic practices is outlined to mark the formation of a myth of natural beauty since medical science and technology dominated the traditional field of cosmetic practices in the late 1990s. The myth makes the individual who has gone through cosmetic surgery carry the value of natural beauty while regarding one’s self-identity and performing in social interactions. Through in-depth interviews, the study shows that these young working females who have made cosmetic surgery an integral part of their daily beauty maintenance tend to exercise subtle strategies (art or kung-fu) of simulation, acting and interacting as if their beauty were all natural and real beyond suspicion at work-related situations. In addition, our study finds that personal decisions struggle constantly with the injunction of the social value (of natural beauty) as these young females are exposed to an excessive array of beauty information and surgery options. With resort to Goffman's theory of dramaturgical interaction, this study reveals some interaction rituals performed in different workplaces by these young working females. As a result, the individual self has itself become a sign-object malleable to change along with proper ways of clothing and grooming. The second part proceeds to explore contemporary living under the miniaturized purview of medical technology through the contradictory elements embodied in the myth of natural beauty. Once again drawing on in-depth interviews, the study reveals the female desire of natural beauty derived from the mythical structure, as well as their practices of cosmetic surgery which further realizes those contradictory elements in reproducing the myth. By applying Baudrillard’s theory of the consumer society, this study indicates that the more women intend to stress on their unique selves by marking out individual differences, the more they unintentionally cater to the common value of our society. In this regard, our study, apart from the self reports of interviewees, also combines theoretical discourses and secondary data to further explore the natural beauty process in its three main aspects, which might be termed as the cosmetic surgery of the material (technique), the representational (advertising) and the digital (social media). First, we delineate a spectrum of naturalism for the four major techniques of cosmetic surgery based on substance, technology and experience of the physician. Second, we examine the clinical claims and the consumer perceptions of nature shaped by advertising images and slogans circulated in the beauty industry. Third, we observe the trend of digital retouching with computer technology to sharpen the meaning of natural beauty in the practice of cosmetic surgery. From the relay of digital photography to the display of internet platform, we explore the mythical frontier of natural beauty by witnessing the digital retouching of selfies as a mediatory practice of virtual reality.

應用迴歸分析與類神經網路預測棒球賽事 / Baseball Game Predictions using Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks

李日晟, Lee, Jeh-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內不少優秀的棒球選手進入美國職棒聯盟,而且運動彩券也於民國97年正式發行,除了創造專業運動評論的需求,也吸引了國人對於運動彩券投注的興趣,因此我們希望透過分析歷史資料來預測棒球賽事。 本論文中,我們從球隊得分的觀點切入,建立棒球賽事的預測模型,期望透過預測兩支球隊的得分,來推論賽事結果,並可當作投注運彩的策略。 我們的預測模型結合了類神經網路與迴歸分析的理論,首先透過類神經網路去預測球隊的打擊表現,接著利用迴歸分析的技術,並參考Pete Palmer提出的Batting Runs公式,為每支球隊建立專屬的得分公式,然後將預測的打擊表現套用得分公式,計算球隊的預測得分。最後根據預測結果來模擬投注棒球運動彩券,並分析報酬率。 實作時,我們採用美國棒球聯盟近三年之資料來測試我們的方法,實驗結果顯示,我們預測的結果能獲得不錯的報酬率。 / There are many outstanding Taiwanese baseball players who joined the MLB in the USA, and the sport lottery has been issued in 2008. These have not only generated the demand for professional commentaries on various sports but also attracted numerous interests in sport lottery playing. Hence, we hope to predict the future baseball game results through analyzing the historical data. In this thesis, we started from the scoring mechanism and developed a model to predict baseball games. We used the predicted results, together with the sports lottery playing regulations, to find the lottery winning strategies. We used artificial neural networks and regression analysis in our model. Through the neural networks we can predict the batting behaviors of each team. Then, we used the regression analysis and the batting runs formula, proposed by Pete Palmer, to establish the scoring formula for each team. Combining the batting behaviors and the scoring formula, we can predict the scores of the future baseball games. Finally, we used the predicted scores to estimate the winning rate of sports lottery on these baseball games. We used the materials in the past three years of MLB in USA to verify our method. The experimental results show that we can obtain good winning rate.

新產品概念產生階段的市場知識來源之研究-以神達電腦公司之掌上型電腦/PDA的發展為例 / The Sources of Market Knowledge at the Stage of New Product Concept Generation

曾齡瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技公司一直以來,在OEM/ODM領域有卓越的表現,隨著毛利逐步被壓縮之際,越來越多的我國廠商終於認知到,透過自有品牌(OBM)的建立是提升企業價值很重要的方式。但是,若要由OEM/ODM 跨入OBM,台灣廠商最缺乏的莫過於對「市場知識」的了解。本研究藉由對神達公司(近幾年內自有品牌Mio掌上型電腦/PDA上快速發展至全球前三大)的深入個案研究,探討「市場知識」的產生與能力建構之議題,並得到以下結論: 1、市場知識的來源似乎是很多元的;而對於剛採自有品牌策略之廠商的初期階段來說,似乎是較不完整的。 2、從事代工為主要業務型態的廠商,轉向發展自有品牌初期時,影響其市場知識來源的因素,受到內部因素(組織既有核心能力)影響及牽制的成分較多。 3、從事代工為主要業務型態的廠商,轉向發展自有品牌初期時,對其在取得完整市場知識的思考與運作上有所阻礙。儘管如此,組織既有核心能力對其所需要的部份市場知識仍有所助益。 4、企業在發展自有品牌的過程中,在取得市場知識與建構市場知識能力上似乎展現出「學習」的歷程。而在市場知識能力與行銷能力的建構上似乎又與高階主管的態度以及組織相關的管理有關。 5、除了本研究將「市場知識」定義為「關於顧客與競爭者的有系統、有意義且有用之知識」。從個案中發現,市場知識除了顧客與競爭者之外,其他環境因素也相當重要,例如政府的管制、社會文化的趨勢、科技的改變的趨勢等。 6、台灣資訊硬體製造能力,若能結合數位內容的創意,透過軟體與硬體的結合,似乎能創造更有價值和差異化的產品並創造更大的競爭優勢。 / Most of the high-tech corporations of Taiwan have remarkable performances in the OEM/ODM fields. Due to the compressing gross profit, more and more corporations realize that building own brand is a very important way to promote the enterprise value. However, if they want to make strides from OEM/ODM to OBM, the most deficient thing is the understanding of “Market Knowledge”. Through the case study of “MITAC international corp.”, we discuss the issue of the creation and the construction of ability of “Market Knowledge” and obtain the following conclusions. 1、The sources of “Market Knowledge” are diversified and they can be obtained by many different ways. For the new entered corporations in the OBM field, their sources of “Market Knowledge” are less complete at the initial period stage. 2、At the initial period stage of the OEM/ODM corporations in transformation to OBM, the factors which affect the sources of “Market Knowledge” are more affected and limited by the internal factors: the “Organizational Core Capabilities”. 3、At the initial period stage of the OEM/ODM corporations in transformation to OBM, they have the hindrance of the thinking and operation of obtaining the complete “Market Knowledge”. But, the “Organizational Core Capabilities” still can give some help in getting partial “Market Knowledge”. 4、In the process of obtaining “Market Knowledge” and establishing “Market Knowledge Capabilities”, there seems to be having some processes of “Learning”. And at the part of establishing “Market Knowledge Capabilities” and “Marketing Capabilities”, there seems to be having relationships with the senior managers’ attitudes and organizational management. 5、In this research, we define the meaning of “Market Knowledge” as the systematical, meaningful and useful knowledge which is about the customers and competitors. But from the case study, we find that “Market Knowledge” is not only about the customers and competitors, other environment reasons also have important impacts on it: the restrain of the government, the tendency of the society culture and the changes of technology. 6、If the OEM/ODM corporations can combine their hardware manufacturing capability with some contents of software, it seems a good way to them to create more values, more diversified products and more competition advantages.

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