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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔡慶樺 Unknown Date (has links)
黑格爾的哲學在政治思想史上佔有極重要的地位,自馬克思之後乃至許多當代思潮都從黑格爾處獲得豐富的靈感,對於黑格爾哲學也出現了許許多多不同立場的詮釋方式。這些不同的詮釋或把黑格爾解讀為一激進的哲學家,或視他為支持現存政治秩序的哲學家,其中的爭議至今仍然未解。 本文的工作就是在回答黑格爾的思想是激進的或保守的,而研究的途徑有三個方向他的辯證哲學是否是唯心的、他的政治哲學是否擁護現存政治權威以及他是否主張歷史終結。如辯證法是唯心的則黑格爾是保守的,因為所有的激進改革動作只在觀念中發生;如黑格爾擁護現存政治權威則他是保守的,因為所有改變現存政治權威的企圖都是不正當的;如果黑格爾主張歷史終結則他是保守的,因為在歷史終結時所有能改變歷史的激進政治動作都將不可能發生。 第一章從《邏輯學》與《精神現象學》等書中,說明黑格爾如何藉由批評形式邏輯以及康德的批判哲學以建構他的精神辯證法,並將說明黑格爾的辯證法如同馬克思所批評是一種唯心主義。第二章中,從《法哲學》一書探討了黑格爾的政治哲學,說明黑格爾的政治哲學主張一種理性國家,這理性國家並非現存的國家,在這理性國家中個人因為與國家有機地相互構成,而享有具體自由,毋須屈服於國家權力之下。第三章中,分別就《精神現象學》與《歷史哲學演講錄》討論黑格爾的歷史哲學,得出的結論是在辯證法的基礎上,黑格爾並不能被視為主張歷史終結的保守哲學家;但是在他的神義論中,世界歷史進程中必然出現的「理性之狡計」卻使他的哲學因為主張歷史必然性,排拒了個人自由,而更動了早期他在《法哲學》中共和主義的立場,成為一保守的哲學家。


沈綺容 Unknown Date (has links)
當市場上有訊息產生時,由於市場機制的限制或其他因素影響,例如投資人的心理,導致不同股票在傳導訊息時存在時間上的落差,因此產生反應訊息領先其他股票的指標股,在本研究中將利用兩種方法:矩陣自我迴歸及類神經網路檢測市場上是否存有指標股、其特性為何?及指標股是否具有穩定性。   實證結果發現規模較大及流動性較高的股票在市場呈現多頭行情時其訊息傳遞確實具有領先效果且領先時期達六至十二個營業日,而券商於報章雜誌上推薦之指標股並不具備領先反應訊息的能力。此外,在市場呈現空頭時期,所有股票反應訊息的速度幾乎一致。


吳慶輝 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀的來臨,公共行政面臨了前所未有的轉變。近十年來人民對政府政策執行的能力產生質疑,致而公部門一直在思索一個全新的作法,嘗試作某種形式的「再設計」或「再創造」,而BOT模式推動,正是政府為回應人民需求所作的反應而產生的公共政策,政府企圖藉由其提昇國家基本建設執行之效率及國家競爭力。 理論上,BOT模式可以降低公共部門財政負擔及人事費用的膨脹及提高經濟管理績效外,亦可分散政府投資之風險。但觀察國內在推動時都不是很順暢,本論文企圖以台灣目前正在以BOT模式推動的四個公共工程建設為對象(台灣南北高速鐵路案、國道公路頭城蘇澳及蘇澳花蓮段案、中正國際機場至台北捷運系統建設計畫案及徵求民間參與高雄都會區大眾捷運系統紅橘路線網路建設案),從公共行政的觀點來看其推動困難的原因,並試圖提出對策,以供政府參考。 本論文可分二大部分,第一部分為理論部分,從BOT的公共理論基礎理論開始論起,就公共管理意識形態的發展與轉變、民營化及公私部門協力理論等三方面加以研究,進而推論出公共管理的思潮有一個清晰脈絡可循的轉變,從由無政府混沌狀態開始啟動,至「夜警國家」公共管理政府的出現,再至「大政府」公共管理模式的產生,又至強調「小而美」政府公共管理模式鼓吹,其恰如「鐘擺理論」一般,從政府的光譜左端擺盪至右端,又從右端擺向左端。目前觀察公共管理模式的意識型態,則又有轉向「新中間路線」的趨勢。第二部分針對上述國內四大BOT案作個案研究,對照國外政府推動相同BOT模式時其成功與失敗經驗,找出我國採用推動時應考慮的因素與應有的作法。 本研究採用文獻探討法、訪談調查表及比較研究法等,來增強輔助說明本論文中四個個案研究的說服力。最後本論文得到這樣的結論:「任何特許興建營運BOT案,政府、民間投資者與融資者三方面是共同分擔風險,追求三贏的平等夥伴。BOT是政府在精神上藉BOT的機制將民間力量納為己用,擴大政府推動公共建設的能量;而不是政府把公共建設的包袱藉BOT機制丟給民間而從此不再理會;在執行上政府也應避免在BOT機制下,讓投資者與融資者享盡投資的合部好處,而政府卻仍需要承擔投資的全部風險。我們必須永遠記得完全防弊觀點,毫無彈性的規範,必然會扼殺BOT的推廣;但是不符專業標準的BOT合約,則會為整個社會帶來災難」。

以線性與非線性模式進行市場擇時策略 / Implementing the Market Timing Strategy on Taiwan Stock Market: The Linear and Nonlinear Appraoches

余文正, Alex Yu Unknown Date (has links)
This research employs five predicting variables to implementing the market timing strategy. These five variables are E/P1, E/P2, B/M, CP and GM. The investment performances of market timing under a variety of investment horizons are examined. There are four different forecasting horizons, which are one-month, three-month, six-month, and twelve-month investment horizons. Both the linear approach and artificial neural networks are employed to forecasting the market. The artificial neural network is employed with a view to capture the non-linearity property embedded in the market. The results are summarized as follows. (1) Both the linearity and nonlinear approaches are able to outperform the market. According to the results of Cumby-Modest test, they do have the market timing ability. (2) In the simple regression models, the performance of CP is relatively well compared to those of other variables. (3) The correct prediction rate increases as the investment horizon increases. (4) The performance of the expanding window approach is on average inferior to that of the moving window approach. (5) In the simulations of timing abilities over the period of May, 1991 to December, 1997. The multiple regression models has the best performance for the cases of one-month, three-month, and six-month investment horizons. On the other hand, BP(1) has the best performance for the case of one-year investment horizon. Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ……………………………………… 1 1.1 Background……………………………………………………………. 1 1.2 Motivations and objectives…………………………………………….3 1.3 Thesis organization ………………………………………………….. 4 Chapter 2 Literature Review…………………………………6 2.1 Previous studies on market timing……………………………………. 6 2.2 Predicting variables…………………………………………………… 8 2.3 Artificial Neural Networks……………………………………………10 2.4 Back Propagation Neural Networks…………………………………..11 2.5 Applications of ANNs to financial fields………………….………….12 Chapter 3 Data and Methodology……………………….….15 3.1 Data………………………………………………………………..….15 3.2 Linear approaches to implementing market timing strategy……….…18 3.3 ANNs to implementing market timing strategy…………..…………..23 Chapter 4 Results on Timing Performance……………..…26 4.1 Performance of linear approach………………………………………26 4.2 Performance of ANNs………………………………………………...38 4.3 Performance evaluation……………………………………………….39 Chapter 5 Summary…………………………………………54 5.1 Conclusions……………………………………………………….….54 5.2 Future works…………………………………………………………55 Appendix……………………………………………………..56 References……………………………………………………57 / This research employs five predicting variables to implementing the market timing strategy. These five variables are E/P1, E/P2, B/M, CP and GM. The investment performances of market timing under a variety of investment horizons are examined. There are four different forecasting horizons, which are one-month, three-month, six-month, and twelve-month investment horizons. Both the linear approach and artificial neural networks are employed to forecasting the market. The artificial neural network is employed with a view to capture the non-linearity property embedded in the market. The results are summarized as follows. (1) Both the linearity and nonlinear approaches are able to outperform the market. According to the results of Cumby-Modest test, they do have the market timing ability. (2) In the simple regression models, the performance of CP is relatively well compared to those of other variables. (3) The correct prediction rate increases as the investment horizon increases. (4) The performance of the expanding window approach is on average inferior to that of the moving window approach. (5) In the simulations of timing abilities over the period of May, 1991 to December, 1997. The multiple regression models has the best performance for the cases of one-month, three-month, and six-month investment horizons. On the other hand, BP(1) has the best performance for the case of one-year investment horizon.


安大玉 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 「科玄論戰」是民國重要論戰之一,不過其重要性不在於所討論的學術問題本身,而是在於其論戰的意義層面。論戰的真正背景是論戰參加者之間存在著「意義」層次的對立,所謂「意義」指的是價值取向的問題。在這種意義上說,至目前為止,在中國史學界最普遍接受的概念莫過於「中國科學主義」,以及它的評價問題。本文旨在(一)探討自中國與西方科學接觸以降,在近代中國思想界所產生的諸科學觀之性格;(二)以五四時期所發生的「科玄論戰」為例,探討兩種不同科學觀之間的衝突,以了解所謂「中國科學主義」在中國的意義何在。 首先,筆者欲呈現中國接受西方科學的模式,以便了解其科學觀的性格。因而將自明末清初西方科學第一次輸入至清末民初之際,分成三個階段,分別為:第一、明末清初(接受模式的預備期),第二、洋務運動時期(「器用」科學觀的成立,也是「中體西用」科學觀的確立期),第三、維新運動時期(制度化科學觀的成立期,同時擺脫「中體西用」科學觀的預備期),試論中國接受西方科學的諸模式。從中欲呈現中國傳統「格致」概念演變成近代「科學」概念的特徵,以利了解科學的地位在中國的歷史性格。 第二、以上述近代中國知識分子對科學的了解為基礎,以辛亥革命至「科玄論戰」為期限,試論五四時期新知識分子的科學觀的面貌。筆者將彼時的科學觀視為作為思想、文化的啟蒙科學觀,因而以其科學觀的兩個特徵,即科學精神與科學方法為主軸,欲呈顯其與歐美實證主義、經驗主義、進化論之間的關聯。 第三、筆者在探討「科玄論戰」時,將論戰視為「中體西用」科學觀與啟蒙科學觀之間的衝突。換言之,即以道德統攝知識的科學觀與以知識統攝道德的科學觀之間的對立,並將後者加以理解為「從倫理學到物理學的文化中心的轉移」。因而本文透過探討三個筆者以為與科學主義直接關聯的問題,即科學與人生觀對立的涵義,科學的人生觀,中國精神文化-西方物質文化之對立,試重新評估「科學主義」在解釋歷史現象的有效性。

類神經網路應用於國小教師需求之預測 / Forecasting the number of teacher in elementary schools im Taiwan Area by neural network

陳嘉甄, Chen, Chia-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
國小教師供需問題是目前教育界中的一個重要問題,教師需求量的預測精確與否,將影響及教育政策的制定。本研究中,我們使用單變量 ARIMA 及類神經網路,以預測台灣地區 1996 到 1998 年之間的國小教師需求量。 研究結果顯示,在預測國小教師數列上,ARIMA 及類神經望陸均有很好的表現。類神經網路的可用範圍寬廣,適於各種複雜的情境,然而就本研究的主要探討對象--國小教師數列而言,以單變數的神經網路便已足夠。如果能選擇適當、具明顯特徵的資料,則網路將有更佳的預測效果。 由於類神經網路具有自我學習、自我調適、及平行處理等優點,因此在發展教師供需預測系統時,除了 ARIMA 之外,類神經網路為另一可行方法。 / The demand for and supply of teachers in elementary schools is an important problem in education administration. An accurate forecast of the number of teachers needs in elementary schools may heavily affect educational policy. In this thesis, we use the univariate time series analysis and Neural Networks to forecast the number of teacher in elementary schools in Taiwan Area during a period from 1996 to 1998. According to the result, both Box-Jenkins model and Neural Network perform well for prediction. Neural Network can be widely used in different circumstance, especially complicated situation. In this research, however, it is enough to predict number of teacher by the univariate neural network. In other word, if selecting suitable data variables, we could obtain better predictable effect by neural network. With the advantages of self-learning, self adaptation, and parallel processing, the Neural Network approach is a promising alternative approach to time series for developing a teacher demand and supply forecasting system.

天主教大學教育理念與政策(第二屆梵蒂岡大公會議以後發展之研究) / Catholic University

陳錦子 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究的主要目的有二:其一,天主教與教育的關係如何?其二,天主教會為何興辦大學?天主教大學的使命及特徵為何?天主教大學的教學方法、教學內容有何特別之處?而探討的範圍,則集中在梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議以後發展的情形。 研究發現,教會傳福音就是一種廣義的教育,天主教會自古即興辦學校,大學產生於中古世紀後期,教會對其誕生前之孕育、誕生後之保護、引導、設立,幫助極大,而大學對教會教義之闡揚,亦貢獻良多。 本研究所得結果如下: 一、天主教會與教育之關係:天主教會自古迄今,藉著學校教育不停從事濟世救人的服務事業,透過愛對人生尊嚴及完整人格教育之宗旨,普遍辦各類各級學校培育人才。 二、天主教大學之本質與政府和教會之關係:天主教大學之本質尊重與維護大學的本質同時,也必須遵造教會福傳使命的領導。 三、天主教大學在天主教會內的地位:天主教大學雖然完全配合當地政府的教育制度,但也在各天主教大學設立梵蒂岡教育部之督導室而被指導。大學章程及主要政策必須由教廷教育部核准。 四、天主教大學之目的及使命:天主教大學工作所追求的目標為:(一)知識的整合(二)信仰與理性的對話(三)倫理道德的關注(四)神學方面的展望。天主教大學的使命為:(一)為教會與社會服務(二)牧靈職務(三)文化的交談(四)福傳工作 五、天主教大學教學方法的特徵:(一)注重神學,神學的研究即為神學的科學化的研究。(二)倫理道德的關注方面,則認為大學的階段為不斷追求人生意義及價值觀。 六、宗教與學術,信仰與理性的衝突方面:自創辦大學以來天主教為維護學術自由不曾間斷,教會和大學的目標互補而不相衝突。 天主教大學教育於世界文化貢獻至偉,其所本理念所採政策,因有基督愛與宗教使命作基礎,適應力特強,於學校所在地國家、社會、人民之利益,於教會本身之發展,於全人類之幸福前途軍有積極價值。 / The purpose of this study is to answer the following questions: First, what is the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Education? Second, why does the Roman Catholic Church has established the universities? Third, what are the missions and the charcateristics of the Roman Catholic Universities? Finally, in terms of the methods and the contents of the teaching and learning, what kind of things make the Roman Catholic Universities so different from the other universities? The results of this study are: The Church's evangelization work, in a sense, is one kind of education. The universities came out during the late Medieval Ages, and their reformation and thereafter development got much aids from the Church, and Church's doctrines got reasonable reorganization and advancement from them. I.The relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Education: The Roman Catholic has been undertaking services that helps people, the society and establishing schools of all levels to cultivate people with the aim of love toward human dignity and holistic education. II.The relationship between the nature of the Roman Catholic Universities and the government: The nature of the Roman Catholic Universities is to respect and maintain the nature of the universities; at the same time, these universities try to follow the guiding of the church in the mission of evangelization. III.The Status of the Roman Catholic Universities in the Roman Catholic Church: The Roman Catholic Universities cooperate with the educational systems of the local governments, but they are supervised by the Education Department of the Vatican. IV.The purposes and missions of the Roman Catholic Universities: The overall purposes of establishing the Roman Catholic Universities are :(1)The integration of knowledge;(2)the dialogues between religion and rationality;(3)the concern of ethics and morality; and (4)the vision of theology. The mission of the Roman Catholic Universities are :(1)The services for the church are the society;(2)the pastoral ministries;(3)the dialogue other cultures; and (4)the evangilical works. V.The characteristics of the methods of teaching and learning of the Roman Catholic Universities are the emphasis of the theology and the concerns of ethic and morality. VI.The conflicts between the religions and the academy, between faith and rationality: The Roman Catholic Church never cease defending the academic freedom since the setting-up of the Catholic universities. The aims of the Roman Catholic Church and Catholic Universities are complementary and not conflictiong. Historical facts testify that it's true the Roman Catholic University Education has made much advantage to the world. Its capacity has filled with religious charity and mission work, so its adjustment ability is such strong that the host country, community and people, even the local church's own development can get much help from it.

遊牧型作家米勒:以精神分裂模式剖析《北迴歸線》與《南迴歸線》 / The Nomadic Henry Miller: A Schizoanalytic Reading of Tropics

李年豐, Lee, Nien Feng Unknown Date (has links)
亨利.米勒作品素以自傳式的性意識著稱,而評家最易忽略的就是將其自傳視為事實,進而混淆敘事者與作者角色的岐異,作品的評論常流於對作者人格的批評。實則性意識的描述只是其整體敘述策略當中的一環。對於人性的惰性與奴性,以及制度的非人性與僵化,不論在家庭、社會、國家、傳統、乃至於宗教各個層面,他都施展了最嚴厲的批判。本文的目的即在彰顯其批判的策略與主題,試圖從《北迴歸線》與《南迴歸線》兩部文本,釐清其片斷、跳躍、而跡近精神分裂式的敘事風格與技巧。本文研究的方法及主題,乃借用法國思想家德勒茲與瓜達里著作裏的觀念,其中包括《反伊底帕斯》、《千座山台》、《卡夫卡》等。主要運用的概念,有遊牧策略、無器官身體、慾望生產及根莖多元論等,以期能更周延的詮釋米勒突破家庭、社會束縛的反隸屬化精神。   本論文分成三章:首章探討米勒的遊牧精神,與無器官身體如何達成逃逸陣線的目的。第二章分析米勒如何運用性意識,與對人性的描寫完成其慾望生產。第三章著重米勒的根莖式體裁與語言運用,以窺探其邁向「小」文學的堂奧之處。本文企圖闡明的終極目標即在於呈現反惰性、僵化與隸屬化的自由開放精神。 / Henry Miller is famous/notorious for a long time as an autobiographer coupled with sexual descriptions. Some critics tend to take Miller's auto-novel for a sheer autobiography, thereby identifying the narrator with the autor. In fact, sexuality is merely one of Miller's characteristic narrative strategies opposing to the institutions and establishments. One of his searing assaults is directed toward family, society, tradition, and God, all embody and reify his disappointments toward the inert human nature and dehumanized institutions.   This thesis deals with the important themes as represented in Miller's Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn and attempts to illustrate his fragmentary and schizophrenic narrative strategy. I use the conceptions of nomad, body without oragns, desiring- machines and rhizome adopted from Deleuze and Guattari's Anti- Oedipus, A Thousand Plateaus, and Kafka to detect Miller's spirit of deterritorialization. This thesis is divided into three parts: Chapter One deals with how Miller approaches his line of flight through the nomadic spirit and body without organs. Chapter Two Probes into the consummation of desiring-production through Miller's description of sexuality and humanity. Chapter Three emphasizes the crucial points of the minor literature through the functioning of Miller's language and rhizomatic structure. The final goal of the thesis tries to situate Miller's texts in the free spirit of deterritorialization from the institutions.

智慧型重要屬性篩選器之研究:以現場排程系統屬性篩選為例 / The research on the development of an intelligent attribute filter - A study to screen the important attributes of a shop floor scheduling system

施明賢, Shih, Ming Shang Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊來源日趨複雜化及多樣化之下,過多不必要的資訊反而造成決策上的困擾,因此資訊的篩選(Information Filtering)便成為設計資訊系統時所要考量的重要因素之一。資訊的有效篩選不僅使得決策的不確定性降低,同時讓決策人員能夠專注於對決策有重要影響的因素上,提高了決策的效率與品質。本研究即是以逆傳遞(Back Propagation)類神經網路模式(Artificial Neural Network Model)為基礎,設計一個能夠篩選出重要屬性的通用演算法;此演算法能夠幫助使用者去除一些對決策較無影響的屬性,讓使用者能夠減少資訊收集成本,並針對重要屬性做決策上的考量。同時在本研究中,我們還將此演算法應用在生產現場的屬性篩選上,幫助排程人員找出對於排程法則選取有重要影響的屬性;並藉此驗證篩選演算法的正確性及完整性。 / To screen the mformation effectively can improve the efficiency and quality of decision making dramatically. Since it does not only decrease the uncertainty of decision maldng, but also let decision makers can emphasize on the important factors which can significantly affect the result of decision. In this thesis we present an algorithm to find the important factors out based on the technique of back propagation neural network model. This algorithm can help users to remove some attributes which do not or seldom affect the result of decision, and let them can reduce the cost of data collection and emphasize on consideration of the remaining important attributes. And in this thesis, we also apply the algorithm to filter out the important production attributes of shop floor scheduling system which can significantly affect the selection of shop floor scheduling rules, and use the result of this experiment to verify the correctness and completeness of the algorithm.

論「人之解放」--馬克思主義與拉丁美洲解放神學的比較研究 / On Human Liberation

劉清虔, Liu,Ching Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本世紀中葉,在拉丁美洲興起了一股以「解放」為主題的思潮,這股思潮 是在基督宗教的脈絡中發展的,稱為「解放神學」(the theology of liberation)。拉丁美洲諸國在歷經歐洲霸權國家數世紀以來的殖民,已 感受到強烈的桎梏;加上二次大戰後美國強勢經濟的操控、國內政局的不 穩定、種族問題的嚴重,使拉丁美洲的處境如雪上加霜。基督宗教的神父 、牧師在實際的牧靈工作中看見了整個社會現象中最殘酷的一面:貧窮、 失業、疾病、死亡。上溯其原因,不外乎經濟資源的分配不當、政治的高 壓剝奪人民的參政權利、軍隊橫行致使政權不穩、社會動盪。於是,站在 基督宗教的立場、以聖經為依歸、以社會科學為分析工具,在對所在處境 做深度瞭解後,漸形成一套以「解放」為中心的情境化神學。從一九六八 年「解放神學」定名已來,其最為人注目的,即是馬克思主義的思想在其 理論中的醒目地位。神學家運用馬克思主義分析資本主義社會的方法,藉 以理解拉丁美洲的現況。因為,解放神學是從實踐中衍生的神學,強調「 正確實踐優先於正確理論」,故此,在運用馬克思主義思想的同時,亦傾 向社會主義的社會體制,甚至,較激進者更贊成以革命的手段來推翻現有 不公義的體制。本文基於以上的背景,即以「解放」為主題,以「人性與 社會」為主軸,探討解放神學與馬克思主義的解放觀、其解放方法,及二 者之間的種種關係。全文共一冊,分五章十五節,凡二十四萬字,各章內 容摘要如下:第一章:對拉丁美洲的處境作了一番介紹,以作為理論鋪陳 的基礎。 第二章:比較了馬克思主義與解放神學對於「解放」的概念及 範疇。 第三章:則比較二者對於邁向「解放」的方法論。第四章:則處 理二者之關聯性的問題,包括來源與運用,以及其批判。 第五章:從四 個方面對「解放」這個概念與行動提出哲學反省。

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