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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

參與過渡性就業之精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受 / A Study on the Work Adjustment and Empowerment of Persons with Psychiatric Disability Participating in the Transitional Employment Service

黃佳琦, Huang, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於瞭解(一)精神障礙者成功適應工作的情形、(二)適應工作期間的權能感受,以及(三)就業服務人員協助其適應工作與增強其權能之策略運用。藉由受訪者回顧參與過渡性就業期間的經驗以瞭解工作適應狀況和權能感受間的關係和影響。研究中以質化之深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,研究參與者的選取主要是來自中華民國康復之友聯盟「台北交誼中心」和「高雄交誼中心」,涵蓋十位精神障礙會員與兩位就業服務人員,並以半結構式的訪談方式進行資料蒐集。本研究結果歸納為以下重點: 一、影響精神障礙者工作適應的因素,主要分為三大層面:個人(就業動機、個人特質與能力、面臨的工作困難、採取的因應方法)、人際(家庭系統與職場系統)、社會環境(會所模式與醫療院所),而三者間具有循環且交互影響的作用。 二、精神障礙者的工作適應情況,則可區分為以下三個指標:外在滿意度(出席狀況、準時、工作主動性、工作專注力、工作配合度、工作效率及雇主評價)、內在滿足(正向感受與負向感受)、以及工作任期,其中他們的外在工作表現多能達到雇主要求,內在滿足則是正向感受遠多於負向感受,而工作任期是綜合外在滿意度與內在滿足的工作適應表現,他們皆能穩定就業,達到工作期滿。 三、精神障礙者的權能感受與工作適應狀況息息相關,而多半展現在個人(能夠接納自己與肯定自我、覺察自我效能、建立正向自我形象、激發正向內在動力、自我增權、能夠自我選擇與決定、覺得與所處的環境有良好的適配度)與人際層面(具備與人溝通的知識和技巧、與他人互動時能肯定自我、能夠與他人形成夥伴關係、得到他人的尊重)。 四、就業服務員是精神障礙者的適應工作職場的支持主力,主要是扮演「先鋒」、「支持」與「後盾」等重要角色;亦是運用多元的增強權能策略提升其權能感受之關鍵人物。 五、依據精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受型態區分為四大取向,分別為「內外權能展現取向」、「內在權能增強取向」、「外在支持調適取向」、「懷才不遇取向」。依循四取向之脈絡,筆者延伸發展出最為理想之核心類屬,即「內外權能實現取向」。 依據研究發現,筆者針對工作適應之關鍵角色--就業服務員提出下列幾點建議(一)對精神障礙者之個人處遇策略:增加精神障礙會員的社交能力、運用更多元的增強權能策略來激發復元因子;(二)催化雇主對精神障礙會員之認識與接納;(三)強化會所過渡性就業與就業職場間的連結;(四)建立友善且接納的社會環境。本研究結果分析與研究限制皆於文中提出說明,提供未來相關研究與實務之參考。 / The study explored the states of persons with psychiatric disability succeeding in work adjustment and empowerment during the Transitional Employment service, and the strategy that employment service staffs adopted to help psychiatric disabilities to adapt their jobs and empower them. Through the survey participants’experiences during the period of participating in the transitional employment service, the study attempted to find out the relationship between work adjustment and empowerment. Qualitative method of the profound experiences was utilized to collect data. The survey participants included 10 persons with psychiatric disability and 2 employment service staffs. All of them were selected from TAMI (The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of R.O.C.,Taiwan) and interviewed by using semi-structured interviewing method. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The factors that affected the work adjustment of persons with psychiatric disability were divided into three perspectives:individual (employment motivations, personal characteristic and capability, difficulties encountered at work, and the coping strategies), interpersonal (family and workplaces system) and social environment (the clubhouse and hospitals). Moreover, the three levels of factors had interactive impact on the subjects. 2.The state of psychiatric disability’s work adjustment was divided into three aspects:satisfactoriness (attendance, punctuality, positiveness, concentration, cooperation, working efficiency, and evaluation from the employers), satisfaction (positive and negative feelings),and tenure. For the most part, their performance at work could fulfill the employer’s requests, they have much more positive feelings than negative ones, and as the tenure, which was an integrated performance of both satisfactoriness and satisfaction, they were able to work steadily until the tenure expired. 3.To extend the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment and performance above, the empowerment of persons with psychiatric disability almost revealed itself at both individual (their capabilities to accept and approve of themselves, to perceive self-efficacy, to establish positive image, to stir positive internal motivation, to empower themselves, to make choices and decisions, and to fit the environment) and interpersonal (to possess the knowledge and techniques to communicate with others , to approve themselves while interacting with others, to build up partnership, and to obtain others’ respect) aspect. 4.Employment service staffs played an important role in supporting the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment at workspaces. For the most part, they served as pioneers, supporters, and backing; meanwhile, they were the key persons that adopted multiple strategies to empower the subjects. 5.Based on the states of work adjustment and empowerment, the subjects were categorized into four major types of orientation. Overall, the core category of the subjects extracted was “demonstration of internal and external power”. According to the findings, the investigator brought up some suggestions: 1.The treatment of psychiatric disability’s individual situation:improve psychiatric disability members’ ability to establish interpersonal relationship and adopt multiple empowerment strategies to stimulate resilience. 2.Encourage employers to understand and accept the psychiatric disability members. 3.Strengthen the connection between the Transitional Employment service of the clubhouse and workspaces. 4.Establish a friendly and acceptable social environment. The analysis and restriction of the study was brought up in the article, providing references to future related study and practice.

從體驗價值架構看香奈兒精品經營模式 / Examine Strategy of Chanel through Sharing Experience theory

蔡文, Wen, Tsai Unknown Date (has links)
從體驗價值架構看香奈兒精品經營模式,研究動機是基於金融危機之下,檢示對奢華產業策略及執行力的衝擊,並透過體驗價值的架構,了解香奈兒精品持續成功的要素。 研究的目的在了解香奈兒的經營策略,並以體驗價值分析香奈兒的創新能力及藝匠精神。 研究的流程除了探討相關的經營策略外,並試圖定義什麼是精品產業。透過香奈兒精品個案予以驗証,並以深度訪談方式,進一步歸納個案的發現,最後做出結論。 節略研究的發現,可分為從經營的角度及從體驗價值的角度分別展開。 從經營的角度,可發現香奈兒的經營準則與價值是: 1. 重視長期的品牌價值增加,而非每年的盈利多寡。 2. 品牌對消費者保持距離。 3. 銷售夢想。 4. 對創新者的推崇。 5. 產地來源的重要。 6. 不做副牌。 7. 不併購它牌。 8. 股票不上市。 從體驗價值則是從五種感官進行分析及結論: 1. 從感覺性體驗價值 (sense)。 2. 從情緒性體驗價值 (feel)。 3. 從知性體驗價值 (think)。 4. 從行動性體驗價值 (act)。 5. 從關聯性體驗價值 (related)。 透過兩種角度的觀察分析,研究的結論可歸納如下: 1. 品牌擁有者與專業經營者在人格特質上的互動。 2. 形塑品牌與體驗價值間距的縮小。 3. 形象的月暈效應對產品線廣度擴大的幫助。 4. 各功能性政策與執行的一致性。 最後建議可節略如下: 1. 創業者的體驗價值需轉化成目標消費者的體驗價值。 2. 體驗價值的豐富化及深度化。 3. 策略與執行的一致性。 4. 專注本業。 5. 堅持度過景氣循環及時尚循環。 6. 產地來源對精品的重要性。 / The motivation to study Chanel strategy and management is wish to understand a company like Chanel to survive from worldwide finance crisis and still can execute its policy. Through Theory of Experience Value to understand better what element to make Chanel succeed. The purpose of study is to understand business strategy of Chanel and use Theory of Experience Value to know the creativity and craftsmanship of the company. The procedure of the study will review not only the business strategy of Chanel, but also to define what luxury industry is and through Chanel as a sample to verify. The case study will use deep interview to find out conclusion. The study is examined through two angles, one is examine case through traditional business management, and one is through Theory of Experience Value. From examine Chanel through traditional business management, the study found: It is focus on enrichment of brand equity instead of just profit. Keep distance in between the brand and target consumer. Sell dream. Importance of creator and creativity. Importance of product of origin. Don’t build sub-brand Do not engage merge. Do not go to public. From examine Chanel through Theory of Experience Value, the study found: Through “sense” to explore relationship in between brand and target consumer. Through “feel” to explore relationship in between brand and target consumer. Through “think” to explore relationship in between brand and target consumer. Through “act” to explore relationship in between brand and target consumer. Through “related” to explore relationship in between brand and target consumer. The study concluded through examines traditional business management and Theory of Experience Value is: The prefect relationship in between brand owner and professional business manager. Narrowing the gap in between brand value and perceived of customer. Good image will increase the successful chance of extension of product range. Consistency in between each management function. And the suggestion from the study is: Experience Value of brand owner need to be agreed and acknowledge by target consumer. Importance of enrichment of Experience Value. Consistency in between strategy and execution. Focus. Do not follow cycle of economic and cycle of trend. Importance of product of origin.

高爾基小說《懺悔》中的主導概念─語言文化學層面的探討 / О ключевом концепте в повести М. Горького 《Исповедь》─ в аспекте лингвокультурологии

邱立旺, Chiou, Li Wang Unknown Date (has links)
文學文本是複雜的意義結構,是由語言層面和文化層面交織而成的場域,本論文所選用之概念分析法,是為綜合性質的文本分析法,並透過作者意象(Образ автора)、概念化(Концептуализация)與類別化(Категоризация)等分析過程,總結文學文本中語言和文化所結合呈現出的主導概念,重新詮釋文學文本的面貌。 高爾基是為二十世紀初俄羅斯文化的代表作家,對於其著作《懺悔》的分析在近一個世紀以來,往往帶有著政治性與片面性的解讀,故本論文的主旨,在於運用概念分析法的分析角度進入作品,給予高爾基著作新的解釋,並重新確立高爾基及其著作《懺悔》在俄羅斯文學史中的地位與價值。

應用資料採礦技術於信用卡使用行為及市場需求 / Applications of Data Mining Techniques to the Behavior of Using Credit Cards and Market Demand

游涵茵 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著金融自由化、國際化的趨勢,加上國民所得提高、電子化的普及,使得信用卡市場蓬勃發展,國內各大銀行紛紛積極投入信用卡發卡行列。台灣的信用卡市場競爭的程度,從各發卡銀行所提供消費者的各項附加服務,如辦卡送禮、持卡免年費、失卡零風險、購物優惠…等,幾乎都已是每一張信用卡的基本配備。 隨著卡債、卡奴的事件爆發,銀行業者舊有的信用卡行銷策略已經宣告失敗,但信用卡市場背後帶來的經濟效益,仍然是不容忽視,如今,要如何增加信用卡市場的佔有率已不是銀行業者的行銷重點,高佔有率並不一定就能帶來高經濟效益。銀行業者的行銷策略應該是做好信用卡市場區隔,找出不同特性的消費族群,依消費族者選擇信用卡的考量因素擬定行銷策略,進而提升市場競爭地位。 本研究選用四種模型建置方式,分別為羅吉斯迴歸、C5.0、CHAID以及類神經網路,經由分類矩陣評估比較四種模型,其中C5.0不論是在整體預測正確率、反查率或準確度,皆是高於其它三個模型,故最後選擇C5.0此一模型。 透過C5.0共獲得七項影響「是否有使用信用卡」之相關變數,其中「是否有出國旅行」、「經濟來源是否為自己」、「性別」、「是否畢業後找工作」、「是否有使用網路消費」、「認同環保意識」、「是否有投資或買保險」,此七項變數對使用信用卡消費具較大影響力,最後本研究會針對這些變數再給與發卡銀行建議。 【關鍵字】信用卡、資料採礦、C5.0、CHAID、類神經網路 / As the trend of financial liberalization and globalization and also the popularization of electronic business and the increase of domestic income, the credit card market has bloomed vigorously then ever, banks are urging on developing credit card markets. All those additional service of every bank could be seen as a clue to know the competitiveness in Taiwan, such as free gift, free annual fee, zero risk of losing cards, shopping discount…etc., and those service almost become a basic equipment of every credit card. With credit debt and credit card slaves increasing, bank’s former marketing strategies have failed. The economic benefits of credit card market still are not ignored. Today, how to increase market share of credit card is not the key point of bank’s marketing strategy. There is not necessary that high market share can bring high economic benefits. In order to follow this trend, the study aims to discover the corn factors of possessing credit cards through the application of Clementine 12.0 software. Since Decision Tree-C5.0 is excellent in the forecast accuracy and validity as compared to Logistic Regression, Decision Tree-CHAID and Neural Net were adopted in this research. Through using Decision Tree-C5.0, this study identified seven factors that have greater impact on using credit cards and they are”Whether respondent travel abroad”,“Is the source of income making by yourself”,“Gender”,“Do respondent look for jobs after graduating from school”,“Do respondent buy something on the internet”,“Approve the environmental awareness”.This research will chiefly use these seven factors to provide the marketing portfolio strategy recommendations for banks. Keywords:Credit Card, Data Mining, C5.0, CHAID, Neural Net

以社會資本理論探討監察院的角色與功能 / Using social capital theory to explore the roles and function of the control yuan

高偉唐 Unknown Date (has links)
監察院為我國五院之一,根據其角色與職權,理應具有人民普遍信賴和維繫規範之功能。但自2005年開始,監察院停擺三年有餘,政府運作似未受影響,民眾之生活亦未遭逢重大變動,是其與民眾距離太遠,還是角色和功能仍有待進一步釐清?本研究欲以社會資本理論來對監察院的憲法地位、監察委員的身分、監察權運作之相關案文進行分析。 本研究透過文獻檢閱建構社會資本概念架構,以正式網絡與非正式網絡分類,提出信任、規範與公民精神三項內涵。同時從監察院的憲法地位、組織法規、監察權行使案文與監察院內部人員之觀點,綜整監察院之角色與功能。盼藉所建立之社會資本概念架構發現監察院與社會資本的關聯,並檢視其是否足以解釋現下監察權與民眾的互動關係。 本研究發現,監察權的角色與職權與正式網絡的關係相當密切,而與非正式網絡的關聯性較為疏遠,但所謂「密切」或「疏遠」所代表者並非監察院角色和職權對正式網絡將產生正面效益,或對非正式網絡產生負面影響,其所欲表達者為監察院表現之優劣將直接且強烈的影響正式網絡,反之,監察院角色、功能之優劣則無法對公眾彼此的互動造成太大的影響。以上結果皆有助於解釋何以監察院與公眾信任如此相關,又在其停擺時,卻無法激起社會更多共鳴的現象。 在非正式網絡中,監察院對公眾互動所造成的直接影響,或藉由監督各機關造成的間接影響,相關法律、職權行使案文與訪談過程中雖皆缺乏相關證據,本研究認為此現象並不能單以監察權設計非以公眾為行使目標解釋,因實際上監察院促成諸多立法與行政上的法令更動,這些更動對公眾生活實影響至鉅。

抗憂鬱劑的使用及其影響因子—以精神疾病住院病患歸人檔 (PIMC) 為例

何慧敏 Unknown Date (has links)


阿毅蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
在講求品質創新與顧客導向之時代中,隨著顧客的需求和期望,創造產品之一元品質和魅力品質,是促使企業不斷地精益求精之動力,同時也使企業更具競爭力,進而使企業能永續經營。 本研究以CK電腦公司之工業用筆記型電腦HDD為研究對象。公司提出因RT686型號工業用筆記型電腦無法通過軍規振動測試,公司正準備開發新型號。本研究將對舊型號之電腦HDD內部緩衝材做設計,待找到防振效果最佳之緩衝材設計後,將其應用至新機型電腦,使其能通過軍規振動測試。 透過實驗設計方法規劃和執行三階段之HDD振動實驗,並收集實驗數據,再分別利用MSE法、變異數分析結合迴歸分析法、回應圖和回應表分析法、類別資料分析法和倒傳遞類神經網路方法分析,以決定最佳緩衝材設計。在進行確認實驗後,找到不會因為外部環境之振動,使HDD之運轉速度發生暫停和轉慢情形之最佳緩衝材設計,防振效果良好,而且此緩衝材設計只使用一種材質,更是節省公司材料生產上之成本。


張緒真, Chang, Shiuh-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
「瘋狂」(⑵□□□□□□)是契訶夫(⑴.□.□□□□□)作品中時常出現的主題之ㄧ。但在過去的研究中,都僅就單篇或數篇作品討論,無法窺見此主題的全貌。因此本論文特地蒐集「六號病室」(□□□□□□ □ 6)、「套中人」(□□□□□□□ □ □□□□□□□)等十七篇相關作品,將其中的「瘋狂」主題做有系統的整理與分析,由此歸納出作者的道德觀、價值觀與世界觀。 為了透徹瞭解契訶夫的作品,首先先從他對「正常」與「不正常」的定義出發,再結合契訶夫的價值系統與哲學觀,得出契訶夫對「瘋狂」獨特的解讀。另外,在契訶夫的「瘋狂」主題中,所討論的不僅是瘋狂的人,還包括了瘋狂的世界,以及兩者間的交互影響。最後得出一幅廣大的、悲哀的瘋狂圖像。

腸管平滑筋運動におけるカハールの介在細胞と壁内神経 (特集. Neurogastroenterologyの幕開け)

鳥橋, 茂子, Torihashi, Shigeko January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

宮沢賢治『土神ときつね』の特異性 - よだかとブドリの自己犠牲との関連において -

SETH, Rajdeep, セート, ラジャディープ 31 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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