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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


上田, 修平 23 May 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第17800号 / 生博第288号 / 新制||生||37(附属図書館) / 30607 / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科高次生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 根岸 学, 教授 松田 道行, 教授 垣塚 彰 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM


塚本, 明 25 January 2016 (has links)
『近世伊勢神宮領の触穢観念と被差別民』塚本明著(清文堂出版, 2014.3) / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(文学) / 乙第12976号 / 論文博第619号 / 新制||文||626(附属図書館) / 32446 / 京都大学文学研究科国史学専攻 / (主査)教授 横田 冬彦, 准教授 上島 享, 准教授 谷川 穣 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM


南, 翔一朗 24 November 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第20746号 / 文博第750号 / 新制||文||650(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科思想文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 芦名 定道, 教授 福谷 茂, 教授 杉村 靖彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

果戈理《狄康卡近鄉夜話》之神話境域 / The Mythological World in Nikolai Gogol's "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka"

陳怡錚, Chen,Yi- Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討果戈理早期浪漫主義作品《狄康卡近鄉夜話》中的東斯拉夫神話成分與題材,其神話成分屬「下層神話」或謂「魔鬼學」的領域,由於這些神話成分在故事中絕大部分扮演「惡」的載體,因此論文從作家個人對「惡」感受的生成切入,逐步剖析作家與「惡」爭鬥的歷程,進而延伸探討作品所傳達的善惡觀。 本論文共分為五章:第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究途徑、方法及限制、文獻評論、研究架構;第二章介紹東斯拉夫神話的緣起、發展、特色及研究情形;第三章則是對果戈理及《狄康卡近鄉夜話》這部作品進行分析、評介;第四章探討果戈理如何在《狄康卡近鄉夜話》中詮釋東斯拉夫神話的成分和題材,如何營造出《狄康卡近鄉夜話》中引人入勝的神話境域,又如何透過這些虛構的神話角色來體現人性中的善惡特質,傳達作者本身甚至擴及整個民族對善惡二元論的看法;第五章則為結論。


嚴文祥, Yen Wen-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)

艾爾弗雷德.耶利內克<鋼琴教師>--從心理學的角度探討艾瑞卡的精神官能症及施虐&被虐症 / Psychological Exploration of Erika's Neurosis and Sadomasochism in Elfriede Jelinek's The Piano Teacher

楊登媛, Young,Emma Unknown Date (has links)
鋼情教師的背景是設在音樂被所有人視為是最崇高、重要的維也納, 艾瑞卡從小也被母親期待要成為世界聞名的鋼琴家;母親的目標使得她必須活在永無止盡的練習、競爭比賽的壓力下。本論文主要在探討書中的女性為了要在父權的菁英文化中取得一席之地、為了求更高的社經地位及物質生活而抹滅情感上的需求所產生之病態。性一向被艾瑞卡的母親視為是罪大惡極的禁忌,但壓抑身體慾望的結果使得艾瑞卡有自殘刀割下體的習慣、背著母親去看色情表演、偷窺男女在野地做愛並在性慾被撩起時有拉尿的強迫症。第一章在說明本書的研究價值、摘要小說、回顧評論、和闡述為何以資本主義社會、現代人的精神官能症、自虐症為以下兩章的主題。第二章會從佛洛依德的性壓抑而造成心理疾病的心理學角度去說明艾瑞卡所受精神官能症的病徵及原因。第三章則是研究艾瑞卡的自虐、偷窺、性虐待幻想等的變態行為的起因及心理需求。最後於第四章我用佛洛依德在文明及其不滿中的觀點,來說明個人在被過度要求、否認自我慾望的過程中,精神不但無法超脫還會導致行為、心理的脫序。女性在男性資本主義社會中容易受到經濟、性別弱勢的雙重迫害,而導致極度的不快樂。艾瑞卡就是一位盲目服膺其價值觀而受害的中產階級女性之一。 / Jelinek was often commended for her frequent critiques of consumerism and the subjugation of women in the patriarchal society. In her avowedly autobiographical novel The Piano Teacher, she again uses the life of a pathological piano teacher to reflect the cruelties and the subjugating powers inherent in the capitalistic and patriarchal society. By adopting a psychological approach, this thesis will show that Jelinek’s fiction is an account of a larger analysis of female masochism than it initially seems to be. The protagonist’s regular practice of self-mutilation is more than an individual pathology, but an allegory of the result of the violence and deprivation inflicted on the individual by the capitalist society. The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter I is an introduction, including the overview of the novel and its critical backgrounds. In Chapter II, textual analyses as well as psychoanalysis will be made to explore the psychological depths of the protagonist’s compulsive behaviors and voyeurism. Erika’s relationships with men, especially with one of her musical students, Walter Klemmer, failed tragically and resulted in her final self-destruction. This chapter will study Erika’s neurotic personality and will investigate the factors which contribute to the protagonist’s neuroses and her consequent sufferings. In Chapter III, I will focus on studying Erika’s sadomasochistic fantasies and voyeurism; not only is she made to hurt herself in her tormenting relationship with her mother, she also repeats the sadomasochistic pattern in her relationship with Kelmmer. By researching into the causes and psychodynamics of sadomasochism, Iwill discuss why her non-erotic impulses would be transformed into perverse erotic desires and behaviors. My topics for discussion include: What caused her to develop her “perverse mechanism”? What forces propel her to live out her perversions? The answers lie in the childhood traumas inflicted by her mother and the cultural conditions which lend weight and color to the individual experiences and determine their particular forms. In order to excel and become an elite of Austrian’s high culture, Erika was made to deny her drive needs until later she can only experience a libidinal deadness. Forceful repression of her natural desires lead to her pathologies. The chapter also shows the danger of conforming too completely to the capitalistic ideology and exposes the ideology’s oppressing and alienating effects. Finally, the last chapter concludes that by presenting a cruelty revolting in its extremity, Jelinek is denouncing the Austria’s idolization of high music culture, and mourning the sacrifice of a pianist’s id under its system. Erika can be seen as the victim of society’s fetishization of petty-bourgeois values and her upbringing according to its norms. By exposing the superstructure that immobilizes her characters, Jelinek’s biting irony is directed at the capitalist superstructure and its restraining and deadening effect on the individual.


許秀美 Unknown Date (has links)


水戸, 博之 16 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


水戸, 博之 08 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

建構「讀人識人模式」之可行性分析─ 以高科技通路企業為例

黃惠娟 Unknown Date (has links)
企業所需要的優秀人才,必須具備「能力條件」與「人格特質」兩個面向條件,這是所有現代化企業都同意的觀點,然而,這兩個大面向均為籠統的概念,能否展開到更具體的、甚至有客觀衡量標準的要項,而且在不同階段都可能成為影響工作表現的關鍵因子。各企業間就有相當大的差異,甚至連企管學界的說法也都莫衷一是。因此,如何歸納出最重要的幾個判斷項目?要如何判讀?成為所有組織任用人的關鍵。 本文嘗試以個案研討的方式,說明個案公司如何基於其企業的特質與經營模式,如何透過擷取認知神經科學的學理,彙整出一套系統化的「讀人識人模式」,並輔以問卷調查的深度訪談,針對使用該模式的高階主管,印證該模式的實用性、不足與侷限處,嘗試了解系統化的建構一套判讀人的能力潛質與人格特質之可行性。

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