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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

汽車產業與智慧財產經營模式之研究-提升產業之經營策略以輪圈業為例 / The Business model of intellectual property management in automotive industrythe management strategy in upgrading the traditianl industry, utilizing alloy wheel industry as case study

黃翊珽 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討汽車零件商智慧財產相關議題與經營模式,汽車產業長久以來屬一個封閉的產業,傳統的供應鏈一直以來由製造商所主導,由中心廠根據其設計理念、市場需求、法規規範,安全性與舒適性及環保等多功能需求下,制訂規範與認證方式。儘管各車廠的認證體系與規範各有所不同以及零件商之屬性不同,對於汽車零件供應商來說,共同特點即無論是何種零配件的開發設計與製造,光是簡單的模具設計,動輒開發費用就需五、六百萬,以及經過連續性的試產與樣品送至中心廠之研發測試中心與第三單位等種種繁雜的與冗長之程序認證,這場競賽就像是馬拉松式之賽跑,需要高精密技術、資金、與人力密集。 由於全球化之經濟組織例如WTO引導市場逐漸開放,中心廠採購逐漸以全球市場為採購導向,專屬零件商之模式已不存在,台灣廠商由於全球化一則可藉由此一潮流拓展市場版圖,二則所面臨到的危機不再只是歐美等技術專業大廠,廠商原本慣用的低價之紅海策略,已不敵新興國家或是中國大陸挾帶著廉價人工及土地、水電等之成本優勢。 綜觀台灣的零件商,有多年產業經驗,這些寶貴的無形資產包含研發、生產know-how、以及客戶關係與管理等等,然而,觀察智慧財產長久以來不被台灣的汽車零件商所重視與輕忽之下,往往無形資產之流失,實在可惜,導致許多傳統企業,所面臨的是在人員的替換之下,呈現技術斷層。在內憂與外患之雙重威脅下,如何提升台灣傳統產業,以創新之專業知識為主,台灣豐富之產業經驗為輔,找出一條藍海策略,將是本研究起草之動機。 本研究以汽車零件-鋁輪圈為案例分析,由如何通過嚴格的認證進入汽車產業,成為供應鏈體系下之家族,並經由輪圈之開發、結構以及製程等技術,探討其智慧財產之相關議題,運用創新經營之方式於核心技術下做智慧財產之管理,在OEM/ODM之代工模式下或是自由品牌之模式作品牌之規劃與管理。 欲瞭解鋁圈產業之生態,必定先介紹汽車產業之整體規模與情形。 一、汽車產業之生態 本研究發現,近年來,原本百家爭鳴之汽車品牌,藉由整併進而共用品牌且整合資源之優勢下,增加市場之市佔率、提昇技術、增加品牌之價值,也因交叉持股或併購而達到多角化之經營。因整併所造成的優勢如下: (一) 供應商因增加經濟規模,增加營收。 (二) 供應商遵循之各車廠規範與認證方式,汽車廠也因整併之故,統整其規範,供應商也因此減少其開發與管理成本。 (三) 藉由中心廠之整併,供應商由原先之供應鏈體系進而擴展其新市場。 未來可見的是歐美地區車市漸趨飽和之下,新興之中國市場與印度市場,也因政府之開放與需求量遽增,將成為下一個汽車產業之後起新秀。 二、汽車供應鏈體系複雜且長 汽車零件銷售管道,主要可分為OEM,由車廠與成車一同銷售,或與保險公司或零售業作自由品牌之售服零件。本研究將針對兩種不同方式的認證與合作模式,作一系列之套探討,並以輪圈業為輔助說明。 由原物料之管理至產品製造,物流之配送,實屬高度垂直整合之行業,本研究將剖析汽車產業供應鏈,延伸探討其價值鏈,並以輪圈產業作為個案分析,探討如何管理與整合不同層次之供應商,以及對於輪圈廠如何創造有利之價值鏈,並作垂直整合或是企業聯盟之方式。以降低交易成本並減少其零組件採購之交易風險。 三、輪圈市場智慧財產行銷與管理之現況 本研究以輪圈個案作為智慧財產經營為案例,探討專利佈局、行銷策略、市佔率之分佈等等。國外專業大廠貫以專利做其技術保護方式,然而由專利分析可發現有些歐美專業廠在過度專利化情形下,反而將公司內部之機密洩漏及不當之公開,而導致競爭對手有機可乘,反觀台灣,有些廠商不重視核心技術而導致競爭力之流失,或是實施營業秘密之予以保護,但無完整支配套措施導致技術外流時有所聞。 因此,本文將藉由台灣之兩大輪圈廠為例:巧新科技與源恆工業,兩家個案不僅是值得探討的輪圈個案,更是台灣典型的傳統產業之廠商,由個案廠商來解析台灣輪圈產業於國際輪圈業之市場定位;源恆工業進入輪圈市場已近三十年,藉由國內中心廠與國外之大廠接軌,以成熟之鑄造技術聞名輪圈業,但近十年來由於大陸與印度廠商挾著廉價之人工與材料,帶給源恆工業之威脅,侵蝕原本之市佔率與產品毛利,本研究將剖析此個案之競爭優、劣勢,並剖析在已發展成熟之鑄造技術下,源恆工業如何利用原有之智慧資本,例如選擇產品難度偏高但毛利較高之產品、經營自有品牌、或是以自有之豐富經驗協助新興地區建廠做整廠輸出之服務性等業外收入,以創新方式,有別於大陸廠商繼續生存。 巧新科技以鍛造高爾夫球頭起家,近五年來轉型為汽車零件商,於今年更獲選為未上市股營收前五十強之排行榜,以技術門檻高贏得先機,如何維持此競爭優勢,以保存無形資產之管理,將是本研究之重點。 儘管智慧財產之管理行之有年,輪圈業也因法規與客戶之需求,創新之技術日新月異,許多長久之know-how 並未妥善之管理,輪圈業者今後需加快建立完整的智慧財產管理,並實際應用其作為行銷之手法。 試圖由研究個案建立起一套完整的管理流程,針對核心技術之管理與行銷之商業模式,建構流程和步驟。並延伸將核心技術受專利或營業秘密保護之後,對內以技術人員專門管理之規範,對外以專利,內部know-how 進而經營輪圈業之品牌。 / This research aims to discuss the intellectual property management in automotive industry. For a long time, the value chain of automotive industry is controlled by the automotive manufactures. Specification and plant certification are different according to each manufacture’s requirement, such as market, regulations, safety and so on. However, it needs to takes lots of time and money to be the one of the automotive family. This expensive prolonged process involves high technology, investment and man-power. Besides, the international market becomes open under the influence of many global economic organizations, for example WTO. Therefore, the Taiwan’s suppliers are the threatened by not only the US or European’s suppliers, but also the China or India suppliers with cheaper labor cost and raw material. Taiwan’s suppliers had abundant experiences, including R&D, know-how and customer relationship management. However, those intangible properties were ignored for a long time by most suppliers and the information was not treated as important trade secrets and preserved properly. Those suppliers are situated in a crucial moment. From one side, the prices competition becomes intensified in the market. From the other side, without proper preservation, there will be a gap of professional technology in the company. Therefore, this thesis will focus on how to promote Taiwan manufacture industry on the basis of the abundant experiences of Taiwan and develop a route into the blue ocean strategy. This research will be focus on the automotive suppliers. We will apply alloy wheel industry as case study. The thesis will describe how a company can pass the certification and participate in the group of automotive family. Besides, the discussion will connect product R&D, wheel structure, and production technology to brand management. How to make innovations into intellectual property and the IP management would be the main concerns of this research. Before the discussion on the wheel industry, we will need to know about the current condition of automotive industry. A. The automotive industry The research discovers that the automotive market were controlled by the biggest ten automotive manufactures due to company merger and acquisition. The action of merge and acquisition can increase the market share and the brand value and bring new product technology by sharing trademark and resource to the manufactures. The merger and acquisition by manufactures also changes the supplier’s situation and bring suppliers the following success in the future: 1. The supplier increase the sales due to new market expanded. 2. The supplier could decrease the management cost of specification and certification due to the merger and acquisition between automotive makers. 3. The supplier increases its market share due to the manufacture’s merger. Besides, China and Indian will become the biggest market of automotive industry because of the economic growth in both countries. B. The supply chain of automotive industry is long and complicated. The sales channels of automotive components can be divided into two ways, OEM and After Market. This research will explain the different certification and collaboration between those two ways and apply alloy wheels as case study. The automotive industry is a highly vertical integrated industry from the raw material management to product logistic. This research will elaborate the automotive supply chain and further discuss the value chain between tier 1 and tier 2. We will also discuss about how to manage the supply chain and to create profits from the value chain. It can be done through the decrease of the exchange cost, the purchase low-risked components, the vertical integration of industry and the joint venture. C. The intellectual property management in alloy wheel industry In this research, the patent strategy, marketing management and market share of each alloy wheel manufacture will be analyzed to elaborate the patent situation of alloy wheel industry. Form the analysis, we can find that over-filing patents in some American alloy wheel manufactures caused the disclosure of trade secret to their rival companies. On the other hand, some Taiwan suppliers ignore the protection of intellectual property. As a result, their core competence will not be developed. This research will choose two famous alloy wheel companies, Super Alloy and Rosta as case study. Both companies are typical companies of traditional manufacturers in Taiwan. From the analysis of the two cases, we can understand the position of Taiwan’s suppliers of the world. The Rosta Group has been in the alloy wheel industry over 30 years. It maintains its international business through the connection with foreign manufactures. Except for the customer relationship, the excellent foundry technology is well-recognized by its customers. However, in past 10 years, China and Indian suppliers offer cheaper price by their lower manufacturing cost. The low cost strategy brought the impact of the market share and original profits of Rosta Group. The research will analyze the Rosta Group by SWOT. The advantage of Rosta group will be its abundant experience and excellent production technology. How to transform the intangible capital into the profitable intellect property will be the main concern of this case study. The thesis suggests to choose the products of higher production technology and high profits, to well apply the trademark value or to offer technology consulting for new suppliers who want to start its alloy wheel business. The conclusion will be a advice of the market strategy for Rosta Group to differentiae from China suppliers. The Super Alloy was a manufacture of golf iron head in the beginning. In 2003, it started its automotive business. The Super Alloy is strong at its forge technology. It was also chosen as the best 50 profit private companies in 2008. How to maintain the competency and manage the intangible asset would be the key point of this case study. Though the concept of intellectual property has been promoted for years, it is more practiced in the high technology industry. For the alloy wheel industry, the know-how of design, structure and production technology was not maintained and managed properly. It is suggested that the wheel suppliers should develop an intellectual property management and apply it in marketing strategy. Through the case study, the thesis will try to build a complete managing process of intellectual property, step by step, including protection of core technology and marketing strategy of business model. Besides, the trade secret management, the patent management, the management and promotion of trademark will also be involved in discussion.

營業秘密合理保密措施之研究 / A Study of Reasonable Measures to Maintain Secrecy in Trade Secret Law

楊雅竹, Yang, Ya Chu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國內營業秘密相關侵害問題爭迭不休,使國內產業之營業秘密權人危機意識提高,因為營業秘密本是企業取得產業競爭力的關鍵要素,若遭到洩漏,影響範圍除自身公司外,甚至遍及整個產業鏈,都將遭受動盪,因此為使營業秘密能受到更有效的保護,期能嚇阻侵害營業秘密之行為,立法院於2013年1月11日修訂完成營業秘密法,並於同月30日公布之,增加刑事與民事責任,自始營業秘密之保障將更為周全,因此如能建立完善的智慧財產管理,加上營業秘密法賦予營業秘密權人之保障,將能提升產業競爭力。然要受到營業秘密法律之保護,需符合營業秘密法規範之三大要件,而其中要件之一「合理保密之措施」究為所指,綜覽學界與實務之見解,尚未有一致之看法,除相關「完善」之保密措施論述外,並無明確闡釋「合理」此一要件之見解,但對國內中小企業而言,建立完善之合理保密措施的成本高,非其所能負擔。 因而本文嘗試整理國內與美國學說之見解,並進一步蒐集我國法院營業秘密法判決,加以歸納統整,期從中找出「合理」保密措施之參考依據,以作為我國企業所能參考之依據。詳言之,係以國內司法判決之實證研究為主,並加以美國法制體系及相關實務判決作為比較法研究之基礎,嘗試能從中統整出「合理」之保密措施,讓企業得以在成本規劃與洩密風險承擔此二者間,尋找一平衡點,方能使國內各企業在能力所及範圍內,亦達保護公司營業秘密之目的,維持整體產業公平競爭之秩序。 / A trade secret is a form of intellectual property that gives the firm who owns it an advantage over its competitors as long as the firm manages to keep it. Recently, Trade secret infringements occur more than thought. For example, employees thieve the firm’s secret and intend to sell it to competitor., therefore the Legislative Yuan passed the amendments to the completion of the Trade Secrets Act On January 11, 2013, and was released on the 30th of the same month, the proposal has increased in criminal and civil liability, the Legislative Yuan expect the amendments have more comprehensive protection of trade secrets.A secret.under Trade secrect protection have to satisfy three requirements, and one of the requirement is “reasonable measures”, therefore this paper attempts to sort out the domestic and U.S. doctrine of insights and further to collect court judgment in Taiwan, try to be summarized integration "reasonable" security measures. Expect to figure out what is common definition of “reasonable measures”,as the basis for Taiwan’s enterprises can reference. In particular, empirical studies of domestic judicial decisions based, and the U.S. legal system and related practices judgment as the basis for the study of comparative law, to try from integration in a "reasonable" measures, to enable enterprises to cost planning bear both the risk of disclosure, to find a balance point, can the domestic enterprises in the abilities within up to protect the company's trade secrets, to maintain the overall industry fair competition order.

論客戶資訊之保護--- 以個人資料保護法與營業秘密法為核心 / The Protection of Customer Information Based on Privacy and Trade Secrets

吳展宇 Unknown Date (has links)
客戶資訊對於企業而言是重要資產,其為企業帶來許多競爭上優勢。為了解消費者之需求及喜好,以提供合適之商品或服務,企業多半會將其彙整並建置成資料庫。然而,該等資訊多涉及客戶個人之資訊隱私,企業在蒐集、處理及應用時,應特別注意各該法規之要求,故本文將美國針對個人資訊隱私保護之各類判決及專法加以介紹,並與台灣之「個人資料保護法」(以下簡稱個資法)相互對照,提醒跨國企業在客戶資訊的蒐集及應用上所應注意之事項,並降低企業之遵法成本與違法風險。 另外,客戶資訊若符合法定要件,可構成企業之營業秘密而受保護。美國「統一營業秘密法」、「經濟間諜法」及「反不正競爭法」中提供數種判斷標準,而這些標準已逐漸被各州法院所採納。相較之下,台灣營業秘密法於民國85年制訂施行後,近期亦參考美國經濟間諜法而增訂刑事責任,用以嚇阻惡意侵害營業秘密之行為。至於我國公平交易法就營業秘密之保護,則集中在該法第19條第5款的規定,其與營業秘密法之適用上競合,亦為本文探究之重點。 因此,本文基於台美法制之比較目的,將研究範圍限於美國之個人資訊隱私保護專法及判決、統一營業秘密法、經濟間諜法及反不正競爭法等層面;台灣法亦限於個人資訊保護法、營業秘密法及公平交易法之探討,以及各該法規之交錯適用,並以表格的方式,將違反上述法規時所應負之民事責任、刑事制裁或行政罰之異同作出比較,便利讀者參考。 另一方面,個資法之「安全措施」及營業秘密之「合理保密措施」兩者雖皆屬保護客戶資訊之措施,但實務上之認定標準並不相同。企業應如何妥善保管其所擁有之客戶資訊,方能符合上述兩種措施之要求,亦為本文討論之重點,故本文將針對台美兩國就上述兩種措施之認定標準進行介紹並相互比較,以提供業界一套具體之管理措施,便利跨國企業維護其所擁有之客戶資訊,提升企業營運效能,並增加客戶之信賴度。當客戶個人資料不幸被他人盜取時,企業得以控管損害之範圍,甚而可對客戶資訊之盜取者主張營業秘密侵害之損害賠償及相關罰則,以便公司順利經營,避免不必要的損失。

民事訴訟之證據保全程序 / Perpetuation of Evidence in Civil Procedure

李冠儀, Li, Guan-Yi Unknown Date (has links)


何穎怡, He, Ying-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 研究動機與目的 一貫道乃台灣少數秘密宗教之一,本研究要探討此一特殊 團體成員之傳播媒介使用與認知,並探討何者因素影響其媒介使用與認知。 第二章 文獻探討 本研究理論架構俱重媒介使用與認知,國外已有針對特殊團體所 做之研究,本研究則希望一探國內特殊團體之媒介使用與認知。 第三章 研究方法 本研究使用問卷調查蒐集資料,採立意取義法,分南、此、鄉村 、都會區在全省共抽十二個一貫道廟宇做調查,共取三百七十個樣本。 第四章 資料分析 本研究採用電腦分析ヾ信徒媒介使用情形ゝ信徒媒介認知情形ゞ 人口學變項、宗教涉入與媒介使用及認知之關聯性。 第五章 結論與建議。

論企業商業秘密權與自由擇業權的衝突與平衡 :以競業禁止為研究視角 = A discussion on the conflicts and balances between the right of the commercial secrets and the right of freedom in choosing a job : based on the "non compete aggrement" / Discussion on the conflicts and balances between the right of the commercial secrets and the right of freedom in choosing a job : based on the "non compete aggrement";Based on the non compete aggrement

張雯吉 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

論自白信用性之分析與審查標準-以江國慶案為例 / 無

陳先成 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是陳述自白濫用之困境與解決途徑。過去法院在審理案件時,相當重視犯人的自白,然而過份強調自白容易違反無罪推定原則及公平法院原則,且易造成誤判。自白信用性應如何確定,一直是刑事法學及偵審實務上最具爭議且影響事實認定之重大的課題,但深入探討此議題的文獻有限。在台灣最著名的冤案之一就是江國慶案,其冤案成因,主要是法院與偵查機關過度依賴江國慶的自白,研究者為監察院調查官,於民國92年奉命調查此案,調查期間因案件需要,遂開始研究此議題。拉丁法諺明確說明「自白是證據之王」。過去常見使用非任意性自白作為裁判基礎,但對於如何獲取自白方式較不被重視,使用酷刑取得非任意性自白很常見。雖然現代社會使用拷問及酷刑方式取得非任意性自白並不多見,但法官與檢察官仍十分重視自白,因與其他證據相較,自白較容易勾畫犯罪事實之全貌,具有較優勢的地位。雖然自白之取得縱未經強暴、脅迫、利誘、詐欺或其他不正方法,然仍有許多案件顯示有虛偽自白情形。到底是何種原因產生虛偽自白,應該用何種分析方式與審查標準評價該自白,首先必須探討國家機關獲取自白之方式與過程對於犯罪嫌疑人心理影響,始能明瞭自白內容其實是偵訊者透過訊問與犯罪嫌疑人溝通互動之產物,存有偵訊者主觀的意念。因此,本研究之目的主要是藉由江國慶案件深入分析自白信用性,並訂定出審查標準。 本文引用日本有關自白信用性之學說、研究結果以及現行實務,配合我國實務現狀,再藉由江國慶案卷證,描繪自白信用性審查標準。江國慶案因受限軍事審判法規定,不得上述上訴最高法院審酌,其中有關江國慶自白部分具有相當疑義,包括自白之成立係在高壓偵訊環境中所生, 自白與證物不一致等。本案為密室偵訊之典型案例,其中雖自白任意性之爭議極大,但因任意性舉證極為困難,導致歷審軍事法院均三言兩語駁回被告有關任意性之調查證據之聲請,此即為自白任意性在實務操作最大的問題;就自白信用性部分,歷審法院認定方式較無標準,這也是我國實務上之通病。綜合文獻及實務,研究者認為在審查自白信用性的標準應包括:(1)自白成立過程 (2)自白內容變動之合理性 (3)體驗供述之陳述 (4)秘密的暴露 (5)自白與客觀證據之一致性 (6)可供證實之物證不存在與欠缺相關情況證據 (7)犯罪嫌疑人對犯行前後偵訊者以外之人言行與被告的辯解等7項標準。 希望藉由本研究所訂定之標準,提供從事司法實務者在審判審案件時有一清晰客觀的標準,以達成維護公共福祉與保障人權。 / The focus of this study was to describe the dilemma regarding the abusive use of confessions and its solution. In the past, a great emphasis has been placed in course on the confessions of the accused. However, an overemphasis on confessions may violate the principles of presumption of innocence and just court, resulting in miscarriage of justice. Determining the credibility of confessions has been one of the most controversial issues in the criminal law and in the investigation and trial practice. However, limited studies have explored on this issue. In Taiwan, one of the most well-known cases of injustice is the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching. The primary reason for the injustice was the over-reliance of the court and investigation agency on the confession of Chiang Kuo-Ching. As an inquisitor at the Control Yuan, the researcher was involved in the investigation of the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching in 2003. During the investigation, the researcher began a more in-depth study on the issue of abusive use of confessions. Latin law principles proclaim that “confession is the king of evidence”. Involuntary confessions have been commonly used in the past as a foundation for judicial judgment. However, the strategies for acquiring confessions were not stressed. Torture was used in the past for the acquisition of involuntary confessions, while it is not a current practice. Currently, judges and prosecutors greatly value confessions due to their greater capacity of providing an overall picture of the criminal facts, as compared to other strategies. In many cases, false confessions are commonly present. To understand the causes of false confessions and to develop standardized determining criteria for false confessions, it is critical to explore the psychological impacts of the processes and strategies of acquiring confessions on the criminal suspects. Such exploration will provide an understanding that a confession is the product of the interactive communications between the investigator and the suspect, involving the subjectivity of the investigator. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the credibility of confessions and to develop an evaluation criteria based on an analysis of the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching. A Japanese theory of credibility of confessions, research findings, current practice in Taiwan and the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching were used to develop credible evaluation criteria for confessions. Due to the restriction from the military trail law placed on the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching, appeal to the Supreme Court was not permitted. Several elements of the confession of Chiang Kuo-Ching were questionable, such as the highly stressful interrogation environment for the confession, and the inconsistency between the confession and evidences. The case of Chiang Kuo-Ching is a typical case of secret interrogation, which generates great controversial on the voluntary nature of confessions. Due to the difficulties in obtaining evidences for voluntary confessions, the requests to acquire evidence for voluntary confessions were denied by the military court. This is the greatest problem related to the practical operation of voluntary confessions. Currently, there are no standardized evaluation criteria to review the credibility of confessions, which has been a common issue in the practical judicial operation. Derived on the literature and practice experiences, the researcher proposed the application of seven criterions in the evaluation of the credibility of confessions: (1) process of acquiring confessions, (2) rationality of changes in the contents of confessions, (3) existence of criminal experiences, (4) exposure of secrets, (5) consistency between the confessions and objective evidences, (6) lack of evidence to proof the crime of the accused, and (7) the words and actions of the suspect toward the individuals other than the investigators before and after the crime, and the argument of the defendant. The finding of this study will provide an objective and standardized criteria for judicial practice for the purposes of protecting public welfare and human right.

唐吉訶德的騎士精神─法官發表分別意見書之可行性探究 / Don Quixote's Chivalry─The Feasibility Study of Judges deliver separate opinions

許毓民, Syu, Yu Min Unknown Date (has links)
我國實務向來以法院組織法第一百零三條及第一百零六條第一項所規定的「評議保密」,做為限制普通法院法官公開其分別意見書的理由;「違反審判獨立」、「破壞上訴機制」、「有損司法權威性」,似乎成為了普通法院法官公開其分別意見書的代名詞。   然而,本文認為,這些口號,就像是「嗡嘛呢叭咪吽」的咒語一般,套用在分別意見書制度上時,徒具形式,不富有實質內容。反之,觀察國內外實務之運作,從主觀上確保法官之良心自由,到客觀上民主政治公開的實現;從落實評議制度及促使裁判理由更為豐富的現實面,到有助於憲法及法律進步的未來面,都是法官公開其分別意見書所可能帶來的好處。   是以,本文從比較英美法系與大陸法系的司法制度面切入,檢視這兩個法系對於分別意見書制度運作的差異,且將重心放在評估我國普通法院向來拒絕適用分別意見書制度之理由的妥適性,並對現行未臻完善之制度,做一番檢討。

雙方相等性驗證機制的設計及其應用 / A study on the design of Two-Party equality testing protocol and its applications

吳承峰, Wu, Cheng Feng Unknown Date (has links)
雙方相等性驗證即是在不洩漏任何自身私密資訊的情況下,進行秘密計算來了解彼此的資訊是否相等。然而在大多數的現有協議之中,多數為不公平的協定,也就是說其中的一方(被告知方)只能相信另一方(告知方)所告知的比較結果,而無從驗證。雖然邱等學者在2011 年提出的〝具隱私保護功能之兩方相等性驗證機制之提案〞已經提供了具雙方驗證的協定,但此方案因為在加密演算法上的限制導致實作較為困難。因此,在本論文中,將利用ElGamal 的加密機制,提出了一套新的雙方相等性驗證的協議,具備相同的雙方相等性驗證的功能,但對加密演算法的限制較少,實作及運算也較為有效率。另外,搭配模糊傳輸的協定,讓使用者藉由本研究所提出的協定跟伺服器端溝通,來獲得所欲取得的資料,並同時保障使用者以及伺服器端的隱私。同時除了理論的證明安全性及正確性之外,也撰寫程式模擬並證實協定的正確性及討論其效能。 / Two-party equality testing protocol allows two entities to compare their secrete information without leaking any information except the comparison result. In previous works, the comparison result can only be obtained by one entity (ie. informer) and then the entity informs the result to the other entity (ie. receiver). The receiver has to accept the received result since he has no way to verify its correctness. Ciou et al. in 2011 first mentioned this problem and proposed a new protocol to solve the aforementioned problem. However, their protocol has some specific restrictions which making it unpractical. In this paper, based on the ElGamal encryption, we propose a new two-party equality testing protocol. Our protocol has the same feature (ie. allows the two entries to test the correctness of the comparison result) as Ciou et al.’s protocol but is more efficient and practical than theirs. On the other hand, combining our protocol with an oblivious transfer protocol can let users communicate with servers and to get the data in a private way. It is useful on the issue of privacy protection. Finally, the security and correctness are discussed and proved. The efficiency of the protocol is also provided.

以智能合約實現分散式電子投票與投標系統 / Distributed E-Voting and E-Bidding Systems Based on Smart Contract

蕭人和, Hsiao, Jen-Ho Unknown Date (has links)
區塊鏈有著不可否認性、可追溯性以及共識性等特點,所有的交易內容都會完整的被記錄在區塊鏈上,基於上述幾項特性,我們利用區塊鏈來記錄公開資訊,將私密資料經由分散式秘密共享後再加密存放於智能合約中。其中,智能合約是一個能將交易狀態和交易狀態內嵌於區塊鏈上的應用,透過智能合約作為媒介,我們能夠將加密後的私密資料完整的存放於區塊鏈上,最後經由區塊鏈網路上的節點驗證後,達到資料正確性驗證的目的。 本研究分析現有的電子投票以及電子投標等應用的系統架構後,發現兩者皆存在著可信賴的第三方進行開票及開標的角色,且驗證流程繁瑣,無法提供一個便利性的投票與投標流程。此外,上述兩種應用皆須滿足機密性、不可否認性、匿名性以及可驗證性等安全性質,若能結合區塊鏈與智能合約於上述應用中,將可提升資料的可驗證性以及降低成本的負擔,對參與應用的人而言也能達到公開透明的需求。 因此,本文提出一個分散式架構下的電子投票與投標機制,結合區塊鏈以及智能合約的優點與技術,讓所有參與投票的選民、投標的廠商共同參與驗證與計算,並加強參與者的匿名性、資料傳輸的隱私性、開票與開標階段資料的可信賴性以及可驗證性。 / With the rise of blockchain technology, the core concept of decentralization has gradually drawn attention. In this context, the main objective of this study is to realize more convenient and secure electronic applications with the use of blockchain technology. This research is aimed to design a distributed e-voting and e-bidding system. The core idea is to combine the blockchain technology with secret sharing scheme and homomorphic encryption in order to realize the distributed e-voting and e-bidding application without a trusted third party. The system allows voters to participate in opening phase. It provides a public and transparent process while protecting the anonymity of voter’s and vendor’s identity, the privacy of data transmission and verifiability of data during the opening phase.

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