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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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今井, 達也 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第23650号 / 法博第270号 / 新制||法||173(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 曽我部 真裕, 教授 土井 真一, 教授 毛利 透 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DFAM

處方藥品試驗資料保護之研究─以資料專屬權為中心 / The Protection for Test Data of Prescription Drugs- an Analysis of Data Exclusivity

楊代華, Yang, Tai-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在歐美國家的強大貿易談判壓力下,我國立法院於民國九十四年一月二十一日完成藥事法第四十條之二的立法,同年二月五日由總統公布實施,進入實施資料專屬權制度的時期。 資料專屬權乃以處方藥品試驗資料為保護對象,由美國首先立法,利用貿易談判、國際協定向外推動的法律制度;美國對於新成分新藥及非新成分新藥、補充申請之試驗資料,分別賦予五年及三年的保護,於此資料專屬權期間內,其他藥廠不得使用或援引試驗資料權利人的試驗資料提出新藥上市申請。本文參酌美國最高法院於EPA v. Monsanto案例之見解,認為資料專屬權制度之法理基礎,乃係對於試驗資料權利人營業秘密之保護,以防止來自其他藥廠之不公平競爭;這項制度之經濟上意義,則在於藉由賦予藥品試驗資料權利人一段資料專屬權期間,要求學名藥廠必須進行其考量本身資力及市場後,不可能自己實施的藥品安全性及有效性試驗,使因而間接獲得市場獨占利益的試驗資料權利人,得到足以回收其藥品試驗資料投資之機會。 TRIPS第三十九條第三項規範保護藥品試驗資料的國際最低標準,它的保護標的限於藥廠為了取得於申請國第一次提出之「新化學成分」藥品之上市許可,所提出其花費相當時間、金錢始取得,而未經揭露之必要試驗或其他資料。會員國對於符合此項條件之資料,負有避免其被不公平商業使用之義務。本文認為所謂「不公平商業使用」,係指未提供藥品試驗資料權利人回收其對於試驗資料所為投資之機會,所為客觀上足以使得他人自其試驗資料獲得商業上利益的一切使用或應用試驗資料的行為;所以如果政府機關於「參考」藥品試驗資料權利人所提出藥品試驗資料時,未提供任何使其得以回收對於試驗資料所為投資之機會,即應認為政府機關此等參考行為,屬於「不公平的商業使用」行為。因此,資料專屬權制度可謂符合TRIPS第三十九條第三項所規範保護藥品試驗資料之標準;但如果會員國能夠建立另外一套賦予藥品試驗資料權利人回收其對於藥品試驗資料所為投資機會之制度,同樣也可以符合TRIPS第三十九條第三項的最低保護標準,並不一定必須採取資料專屬權之保護模式。 我國新修正藥事法第四十條之二採行資料專屬權制度,相關條文規定多有闕漏,本文認為新修正藥事法第四十條之二第一項之保護客體,應以「新成分新藥」之查驗登記申請人本身享有權利,為通過查驗登記所提出,且支付相當成本所取得之尚未公開營業秘密資料為限。第四十條之二第二項、第三項之保護方式,則係規定學名藥品於原廠藥品上市後滿三年,始得引據其查驗登記申請資料提出查驗登記申請,且滿五年之後,始能取得藥品許可證。至於第四十條之二第四項有關外國上市新藥的准用規定,可謂缺乏法理依據及執行可能,且實際上也不會發生任何效用的條文,建議應予刪除。 藥品試驗資料屬於原廠所有無形資產,提供適當保護以維公平競爭,有其正當性,但無論自藥品試驗資料之公益屬性、重複試驗的人道問題、重複試驗與獨占市場缺乏經濟效益等觀點來看,資料專屬權制度都有相當的負面影響,所以一套可以提供藥品試驗資料權利人回收其對於藥品試驗資料所為投資,且可以避免重複試驗或市場壟斷之「補償」制度,應有必要。 依據哈佛大學Aaron教授對於學名藥廠應分擔原廠藥品試驗資料投資之補償金,所提出的可重新調整補償金模式,每個學名藥廠都可以依據當時在市場上的學名藥廠總數,平均分擔其當年度應支付原廠的補償金比例,每個適用這套計算補償金架構的國家,都可以依據其國家學名藥產業及藥品市場的發展狀況,設定適當之參數,本文以為,乃足以替代資料專屬權制度之最佳選擇。 至於應該如何計算藥品試驗資料之成本,本文則提出下列公式: ( S ) C = --------------------------------- x ( N ) + H S +S1+S2+˙˙˙ C:學名藥廠應分擔原廠試驗資料成本之範圍。 N:原廠於第一個申請上市國家所花費的試驗資料成本。 H:原廠於學名藥申請上市國家所花費的試驗資料成本。 S:學名藥申請上市國家的國民生產毛額(GDP)。 S1+S2+˙˙˙:由主管機關所核定包括第一個申請上市國家的世界主要藥品市場國的GDP總和。 亦即本文認為,發生在學名藥申請上市國家的藥品試驗資料成本,應該全額列入學名藥廠應分擔成本的範圍;發生於第一個申請新藥上市國家的藥品試驗資料成本,則應該由每個學名藥申請上市國家的學名藥廠,依據該國GDP(表彰藥品支出費用)占世界主要藥品市場(包括第一個上市國家)各國GDP總和的比例,分攤其應負擔之部分。 因此,本文認為,以本文建議之計算公式核算各國應分擔之藥品試驗資料成本,並以「可重新調整補償金模式」之公式計算各學名藥廠每年應支付之補償金,應係較佳之保護藥品試驗資料模式。


呂明訓 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路科技的發展,網路垃圾郵件的總量亦隨之快速成長,成為全球網路使用者的共同夢魘。目前大多數的國家均有以立法方式作為管制依據。然而,就憲法人權保障的觀點而言,相關立法是否能合於憲法原理原則的檢視?是否已逾越其界線?仍有待進一步商榷。 是以,本文分別從「比較法論」以及「人權保障論」二大部分出發。一方面藉著比較觀察各國立法,並作為我國立法參考借鏡;另一方面則從憲法的觀點,特別是基本權利的保障出發,分別從商業言論自由的觀點、秘密通訊自由的觀點與隱私權的觀點探討。就商業言論自由的觀點而言,將首先探究商業言論自由的意涵與憲法上的發展比較,再分別就美國法制與我國法制探討相關濫發商業電子郵件法制是否對於發信者的商業言論自由形成過度的限制。就秘密通訊自由的觀點而言,除了將說明秘密通訊自由在通訊服務自由化的時代,在憲法上具有的時代意義之外,亦將討論濫發商業電子郵件法制當中可能涉及干涉人民秘密通訊自由的制度與通訊服務提供業者攔截阻擋商業電子郵件的手法對秘密通訊自由的影響,另並試就我國立法參考最多的日本法制進行比較與分析。就隱私權的觀點而言,除了說明隱私權在憲法上的意義外,將討論重心置於在濫發商業電子郵件的行為對於收信者隱私權侵害的態樣,是否已能藉由現行的法制找到保障依據,另外則是討論我國濫發商業電子郵件法制對於隱私權的保障是否充分;最後則是嘗試就論者提出的商業電子郵件法制規範對於發信者的「網路匿名」侵害的見解,進行評論。 最後則提出結論,說明研究發現以及對我國規範之建議與未來展望。

智慧財產權管理策略研究-以模具業及其關連高科技產業為例 / Study on Strategy of Intellectual Property Rights Management: Taiwan Mold and Die Industry and Its Related High-tech Industry

廖文璋, Johann Liaw, V. C. Unknown Date (has links)
台灣模具產業具有交期短、品質好、價格具有競爭力、製程安排彈性大等優勢,因此在高科技產業供應鍊中扮演關鍵性的角色。唯近年來,台灣許多高科技產業的外移,造成模具業產值最近連續三年呈現下降與核心技術外流,成為模具業所面臨的嚴重考驗。如何留住核心技術人才,加強研發新的關鍵技術並將研發成果取得智慧財產權相關法律保護,並以必要的組織、制度、人才、措施等妥善加以管理,已經成為模具業以及關連高科技產業必須面對的重要課題之一。 本研究以策略管理的角度切入,探討由策略前提所形成之策略,與智慧財產權管理實際運作下,對「台灣模具業及其關連高科技產業的智慧財產權管理發展現況及當前問題」提出適當建議與解決之道。 研究對象為台灣五家經營績效良好之模具業者及關連高科技業者。模具業者包含金屬沖壓、塑膠射出成型、與壓鑄模具業者;關連高科技業者則包含連接器、筆記型電腦、與行動電話業者。其中三家模具業者尚未擁有專利保護,而兩家關連高科技業者之專利保護已有相當成效。本研究主要發現如下: 一、不同的企業規模,對改善技術能力作法有其差異: (一)共同研發新技術:中小企業傾向與國內研發機構共同研發,並取得新技術之全部或部份智慧財產權或取得授權使用新技術;大型企業則傾向自行研發為主。 (二)自國外引進新技術:中小企業傾向委託財團法人或智財科技服務公司從技術先進國家引進技術;大型企業則傾向自行引進技術為主。 (三)向技術相對落後國家移轉技術方面: 1.中小企業傾向透過財團法人或智財科技服務公司之協助移轉技術,對於較單純之案件可自行為之。 2.大型企業可自行為之或採上述方法,委託專業之單位或公司為之。 3.台灣企業對大陸投資之子公司,大部分並未針對技術移轉收取權利金,僅由子公司之獲利盈餘分配取得回饋,尤以持股比例較大者最為普遍。 二、國內模具業及關連高科技產業智慧財產權管理現況為: (一)制定「營業秘密管理辦法」,規範各業務或利害關係人之營業秘密保護要項: 1.影響製造精度之技術 2.訪客參訪流程與動線 3.與供應商相關之營業秘密 4.顧客之營業秘密 5.矯正預防措施單 (二)制訂「專門技術管理辦法」,加強專門技術保護 1.規範「提案改善制度」 2.培養技術專家 3.掌握專門技術人力資源,塑造: (1)尊重專業 (2)對等報酬 (3)生涯規劃等制度完善之企業文化。 (三)專利管理制度: 1.建立提案與獎勵制度: 對創新提案、申請專利、專利核准、與達成技術移轉等階段均核發獎金,以鼓勵員工技術創新。 2.專利維護: 對專利佈局同時重質與量之提升,專利權之維護,則以成本效益為主要考量,以具市場價值者為優先申請與維護對象。 (四)技術授權考量有二: 1.視技術生命週期採行不同之授權策略,如導入與成長期採技術引進、成熟期採交互授權、衰退期技術則對外移轉。 2.以對子公司持股比例,調整技術移轉之權利金分配,持股較高則以盈餘分配取代權利金,持股較低則傾向依市場機制收取權利金。 由本研究之策略意涵得知,個案公司目前所採行之策略,均能適當地反映出其目前所處環境。如鴻海精密以綿密之專利佈局保護其技術,鉅祥、竣盟、谷崧則實施營業秘密與專門技術管理,神達機構則是專利保護與營業秘密管理兼具。 由此可知,模具業及關連高科技產業之智慧財產權管理作法具有多種不同之形式,專利保護並非模具業與關連高科技產業智慧財產權管理之唯一解答。尤其對中小企業而言,注重營業秘密與專門技術保護,塑造良好的企業文化、工作環境,設計合理對等報酬、制度完備的人力資源管理措施,亦不失為智慧財產權管理的良好解決方案之一。 目前大型之關連高科技企業非常重視智慧財產權,並已發展出一套以專利保護為主軸的管理制度。展望未來,模具業與關連高科技產業之連動性將逐漸加深,模具業者今後亦必須加快建立智慧財產權管理制度之腳步。 / Taiwan's mold & die industry plays a very important role of the supply chain for the high-tech industry around the world due to its advantages of short delivery time, good quality, competitive price and production flexibility, etc. However, in recent years, the continuing migration of the high-tech industry is resulting in production decreases and movement of core technology out of Taiwan. How should we keep the core technology, human and financial resources left in Taiwan; what can be done to strengthen research and development (R & D) on new and core technology; how can the core technology be protected by patents managed by a sever system. This is a matter of great urgency and an important issue that Taiwan’s mold & die industry and its related high-tech industry are facing. In view of the above, this study offers Taiwan's mold & die industry and its related high-tech industry some suggestions and solutions for the problems that they faced, based on their current Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management development situation. This study was researched from the strategy management view and included five (5) outstanding mold & die manufacturers and their related high-tech companies in Taiwan. These mold & die manufacturers are in the metal stamping die, plastic injection mold and die casting mold industries; these high-tech companies are in the connectors, notebook computer and cellular phone (telecommunication) industries. Three of the companies, the mold & die manufacturers, do not hold any patents, while the other two high-tech companies are well protected by their patents. The main finding of this research is as follows: 1.The strategy of technical improvement for companies of various sizes is different: 1) R & D for new technology- Small and medium companies prefer to cooperate with other local R & D institutes in developing, researching, and obtaining full or partial intellectual property rights protection; or obtaining the rights to use the new technology (invention). On the other hand, large companies tend to do the R & D in-house. 2) Technology transfer from overseas– Small and medium companies prefer to transfer the technology from high-tech orientated countries through local R&D institutes or an IPR service provider. However, large companies prefer to transfer the new technology by themselves. 3) Technology transfer to developing countries– (1) Small and medium companies tend to transfer the technology to developing countries through local R&D institutes or IPR service provider except in the case of simple projects. (2) Large companies tend to transfer their technology out by themselves or through a professional agency. 2.The IPR management situation of Taiwan’s mold & die industry and its related high-tech industries– 1) Establish “Trade Secret Management Regulations” to prevent the following trade secrets from being disclosed: (1) Technology that will influence the accuracy of machining. (1)-1 On site know-how – Limiting the visitors touring sensitive areas. (1)-2 Trade secrets of suppliers. (1)-3 Trade secrets of customers. (1)-4 Corrective action reports. 2) Establish “ Know-how Management Regulations” to: (1) Regulate “Proposal improvement systems” (2) Train and develop technical specialists (3) Retaining knowledgeable human resources by (3)-1 Professional appreciation (respect) (3)-2 Equal award (return) (3)-3 Good and complete system, employees’ career planning and enterprise culture. 3) IPR management system: (1) Establish a proposal and reward system: Encourage employees’ technology inventions by rewarding them for their proposals, applications, and completion of technical transfer for IPR. (2) Patent protection: Consider not only the number of patents, but also the quality of patents. 4) Technology transfer policy Different policy for different technique life cycle. From this research, we realized that companies apply different strategies in response to their recent situation. For example, “Hong Hai” is applying the practice of IPR management in protecting his technology; G-Shank, Giant Union and Coxon are applying the practice of trade secret and know-how management; MiTac is applying the practice of both IPR management and trade secret management. From the above, we also realize that patent protection is not the only solution for IPR management in the mold & die industry and it’s related high-tech industries. Trade secret management and know-how protection, a good corporate culture, good business and human resource management, an improved working environment, reasonable and rewarding work are also the major solutions for IPR management. For the time being, large high-tech companies highly respect IPR and have developed a good management system, especially for patent protection. Therefore, due to the close relationship between the mold & die industry and high-tech industries, speeding up the development of IPR management becomes an urgent issue for the mold & die industry.

公開的秘密—從網路日記看網路上的公開與私密 / Open Secret-The Publicness and the Privateness of the Online Diary

廖思逸 Unknown Date (has links)
在大多數人的日記經驗中,藏匿、上鎖、被偷窺後的憤怒總是如影隨形,因為所有說不出與不能說的秘密,都被寄情於日記之中。然而隨著網路普及,越來越多的基本生活需求可藉由網路滿足後,傳統的紙本日記也開始轉以網路作為記載與儲存的媒介,成了任何人都可公開遊賞的園地。 / 本文基於研究者本身在網路日記社群三年來的親身書寫參與經驗,以「愛情國小」作為主要研究場域,除了以日記作為文本分析的對象外,並深入訪談重度使用者以及退用者,以瞭解使用者如何處理既公開又私密的網路日記書寫。本文自日記在東西方的歷史發展出發,先行定位私密在日記中扮演的角色,再輔以從社會心理學層面對秘密本質的探討,來重新探討公開與私密的問題。最後以Goffman分析日常生活之人際互動的戲劇理論為本,佐以社會學中的陌生人理論,解析人們如何在公開的網路日記裡進行表演,其間的變與不變。 / 顛覆了傳統紙本日記之私密形式的公開網路日記,之所以能為日記書寫者接受或喜愛,無非是它既能滿足日記書寫的基本需求,同時又能在日記書寫之餘創造與他人社交互動的樂趣。雖然紙本日記「自我忠實紀錄」之要素,必須仰賴將他人隔離的秘密形式才得以達成,但日記書寫者仍是企圖向日記中想像的對象揭露公開,解決秘密無處可訴的焦慮。而網路日記不僅隔離了現實生活中的親友熟人,更進一步為日記書寫者帶來了能提供積極聆聽,並能給予回應互動的具體觀眾。這些網路上似近實遠、似遠實近的陌生人,讓網路日記書寫者願意公開與之分享私密自我,並且無須擔憂網路日記紀錄的後台面向會對現實生活之前台演出造成破壞。換言之,網路日記既有公開面對觀眾、在意觀眾反應的前台特性,亦有自現實生活前台角色解放、呈現私密自我的後台性質,實則為一結合了公開與私密、前台與後台之「私密自我的展演」的中間地帶。因此,網路日記書寫者只能透過訊息管道的操弄與分寸拿捏,隨著與不同觀眾間親疏遠近的關係變化,揭露不同層面或程度的私密,且更進一步控制與不同觀眾間的心理距離。 / Diaries, on which personal matters are inscribed, are defined as a literary form that is written for oneself and therefore are kept privately, some even locked up, to avoid prying. However, the privateness, the distinguishing characteristic of diaries, has abated since the prevalent internet has become one of the media of storing content of diaries. The study is to investigate how diary writers coping with the conflict between the privateness and publicness in online diaries. / This study is based on the personal online diary writing experience of the author for three years in "Love School" ( http://love.youthwant.com.tw), the field of this study. The interviews with nine persons, including heavy users and dropouts that had ever been indulgent in Love School, are the main qualitative analysis material with some online diaries for textual analysis. / Beginning from exploring the changes in the nature of diaries both in eastern and western history, the study proceeds with probing to the characteristic of secrecy to comprehend that diaries inherently are both public and private. Moreover, Goffman's theory of human interaction in daily life and Simmel's of strangers offer steppingstones to detail the features—interacting and sharing intimacy with others unknown—of writing diaries on public internet. / Briefly speaking, the prevailing phenomenon of online diaries reveals that making diaries public can satisfy the needs of recording private life and of social contact simultaneously. Despite that traditional diary is kept away from anyone to ensure frankness, all the diary writers indeed still reveal themselves in it to some object(s), real or imaginary. Online diaries not only can exclude, if writers want, people who know them in person, but also bring in the unlimited audience with real feedback. Since the audience is composed of strangers, somehow far enough not to reach online diary writer's everyday life but virtually close to see his/her innermost, the online diary writer doesn't have to be anxious about the destruction of frontstage performances in everyday life, caused by backstage behaviors in diary being revealed. In other words, online diary is a frontstage as well as a backstage, that is, a middle region, where the division of the public and private is blurred. In online diaries, diary writers are able to disclose private selves hidden from frontstage role playing while audience¹s gaze and applause, absent in backstage, is all around. To reconcile the conflict between publicness and privateness, online diary writers master in manipulating information accesses and discretion. Therefore, they can disclose different aspects and degrees of privacy to various audiences according to various relationships, and can be the dominators subsequently to control psychological distances between them.

論營業秘密法之不可避免揭露原則 / Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine in Trade Secret Law

陳詩帆, Chen, Shih Fan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來頻傳科技業高階主管跳槽到競爭對手,而我國於二〇一三年增訂營業秘密的刑事責任,營業秘密的保護與人才流動兩者之間的關係,越來越受到關注,特別是台積電與梁孟松案,智慧財產法院於二〇一二年三月台積電訴梁孟松案假處分裁定採納不可避免揭露原則,在後續的判決中亦論及不可避免揭露原則,使此一原則開始受到國內智慧財產權法實務及學術界之相當關注。 不可避免揭露原則係源自美國法上之司法實踐,本文首先介紹美國法上不可避免揭露原則的理論基礎,透過五個重要判決(Allis-Chalmers v. Continental案、PepsiCo v. Redmond案、Bimbo v. Botticella案、Whyte v. Schlage案和EarthWeb v. Schlack案)介紹不可避免揭露原則的發展,分析不可避免揭露原則的要素,包括兩間公司的競爭程度、營業秘密之認定、員工職務的近似程度、違反誠信的行為和與保密協議、競業禁止條款的關係,並且整理出四種不同的適用類型即完全適用、擴張適用、限縮適用和拒絕適用,繼而以之分析美國各州的適用情形。最後,回歸到我國台積電訴梁孟松案,分析該案是否適合導入或參考美國法之不可避免揭露原則之各項考量因素,並評析法院對於不可避免揭露原則的見解包括採納不可避免揭露原則的適用類型,輔以我國目前實務發展,探討不可避免揭露原則是否應該引入我國,包括是否違反我國法律規定、與美國法制的差異是否影響不可避免揭露原則的適用和價值衡平與政策考量。 / In recent years, hi-tech companies in Taiwan occasionally need to cope with crisis where their executives decide to join competitors’ firms. Along with the 2013 amendment in Trade Secrets Law, which crminizlized trade secrets infringemenet, the relationship between the trade secret protection and job mobility has drew wide attention from IP practitioers and academia. In the case of TSMC v. Liang, the Intellectual Property Court first applied the inevitable disclosure doctrine in an injunction relief. Since the inevitable disclosure doctrine originates from the judicial development of the United States (U.S) trade secret law, the thesis first introduces the basic idea of the inevitable disclosure doctrine in the U.S., and then through five representative cases, including Allis-Calmers v. Continental, PepsiCo v. Redmond, Bimbo v. Botticella, Whyte v. Schlage, and EarthWeb v. Schlack. It then investigates the overall development of the inevitable disclosure doctrine in the U.S.. Based on the case-law development, the thesis further analyzes the essential factors of the inevitable disclosure doctrine incluing the competition between rivals, indentification of trade secrets, job similarity, dishonest act and the relationship with non-disclosure agreement and covenant not to compete. It also catalgorizes four types of judicial application of the inevitable disclosure doctrine, including the original, extended, limited and rejected type. Furthermore, the thesis analyzes the type of application of the inevitable disclosure doctrine in each state in the U.S.. Last but not least, back to TSMC v. Liang, the thesis analyzes if the above-mentioned factors of the inevitable disclosure doctrine fit in the case, and reviews the court ruling about the inevitable disclosure doctrine. In conclusion, based on the current development of judicial practice, the thesis assesses the application of inevitable disclosure doctrine in Trade Secrets Law in Taiwan with the polict goal to balance various interests.


謝亞杰 Unknown Date (has links)
本文所謂的臥底偵查,係指為抗制特別危險之重大犯罪或偵查困難度極高之犯罪,刑事偵查機關為達成追訴犯罪並實現國家具體刑罰權之目的,在一定期間內安置具有司法警察身分或不具司法警察身分之人員蟄伏於犯罪組織或犯罪環境中,以隱匿真實身分之方式蒐集犯罪證據及提供犯罪情報之特殊偵查方法。 臥底偵查目的既在於臥底者以隱匿真實身分之方式,暗中蒐集犯罪證據以及提供犯罪資訊,然運用此種特殊偵查手段的結果卻有可能會侵害到人民受憲法保障之隱私權、秘密通訊權、居住自由權、資訊自決權等基本權利或牴觸不自證己罪、人性尊嚴等憲法原則,故刑事偵查機關如運用臥底偵查而攫取龐大訴追利益的同時,亦逾越基本權利的保護界限,則該臥底偵查行為自宜定性為干預基本權之強制處分,此時,如臥底偵查仍未取得法律授權基礎,其取得之證據自有罹於無證據能力之虞。 鑑於法務部以及立法院均已提出不同版本之臥底偵查法草案,以期將實務上行之有年但卻備受適法性指摘之臥底偵查予以法制化,是以在方法上,本文將就臥底取證規範之現行規定與未來立法動向進行必要之比對,換言之,本文除將論述在現行法制不備的情況下,如何透過學說上法哲學、法解釋學之觀點或歷來實務判例(決)累積之見解,在臥底取證可能面臨之適法性困境及兼顧人權保障的議題上,提供一個兼具「發現真實」與「程序保障」的調和解決方式。此外,針對臥底偵查在取證規範上之立法趨勢,本文亦期能就相關草案中有待商榷或有所疏漏之處提出建言,以達到適時導正立法動向與彌補規範漏洞之研究目的。 本文架構之舖陳,首先,擬先行探討臥底偵查可能違反哪些「法律」規定之取證規範,換言之,亦即先行探討臥底偵查之「違法」取證與證據排除之程序關聯問題,而這些「法律」規定之取證規範,有刑事程序法之規定,有刑事實體法之規定,另亦有兼具刑事程序法與實體法性質之規定,本文在上開取證法律中,將先探討具有共通規範性質的取證規定,再依取證手段及取證客體之差異次第論述個別取證規定的違反與證據排除之關聯性。 其次,再上探臥底取證可能違反之「憲法」規定或憲法原則,換言之,亦即探討臥底偵查之「違憲」取證與證據排除之關聯問題,由於作為「應用憲法」之刑事訴訟法與憲法的關係極為直接而密切,故在判斷某一證據有無證據能力時,現行法律有無規定並非唯一依據,蓋如憲法基於維護更高價值的考量,則縱使國家機關取證過程合法,其所取得之證據也未必有證據能力,是以論究臥底取證可能違反哪些「憲法」規定或憲法原則以及與證據排除之關聯爰有必要。

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