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我國監察院糾正權之研究汪美芳, WANG, MEIJ-FANG Unknown Date (has links)
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論我國銀行法之立即糾正措施及程序保障 / Prompt corrective action (PCA) of the banking act of the republic of China吳柏諭 Unknown Date (has links)
我國金融市場近年競爭激烈,部分金融機構發生經營不善問題,為保障存款戶與債權人權益,並建立健全金融環境,監理機關須對該等機構採取必要介入措施。立即糾正措施(Prompt Corrective Action, PCA)即為金融機構財務及業務惡化導致對存款人與債權人權益造成有損害之虞時,主管機關得介入干預之機制。此機制內容由國際銀行監理組織諮詢文件與美國、加拿大與日本立法例可知,乃監理機關以金融檢查確認金融機構之資本構成、經營與風險管理。若無法達成監理要求,則可對金融機構、管理階層與股東依不同程度之缺失進行正式行政處分、行政契約或非正式之行政指導以達監理目標。
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健全我國農業金融體制與監理之探討--兼論差異化管理措施 / An investigation to agricultural finance system and supervision -Differential supervision scheme林重境, Lin, Chung Ching Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,農業金融改革後信用部之經營確實在改善中。然而,在80年代農業金融危機下遺留的問題尚未完全克服。對於我國農業金融發展,本研究從組織面、業務面與監理面進行探討,提出改革建議包括:全面檢討修訂農會法與漁會法、儘速恢復股金制、建置合併法規鼓勵合併、儘速處理經營不善之信用部並建構多元退場機制、加強農業金融體系連結與加速資訊共用平台之整合、強化對全國農業金庫與信用部之監理、落實金融監理加強實地檢查與場外監控措施、導入差異化管理與立即糾正措施等,農業金融機構有必要繼續改革,以健全農業金融體系,保障存款人權益,促進農漁村經濟發展。 / The Farmers’ and Fishermen’s Associations played an important role in the field of agricultural production. They helped agriculture develop, increased farmers’ and fishermen’s welfare, flourished the countryside and contributed a lot to the early progress of Taiwan economy. With the transition of economic structure, the whole environment became quite disadvantageous to credit departments of farmers’ and fishermens’ associations, which face the changes of the industrial structure and fierce competition from other financial institutions. With the experiences of the settlement of 36 problem credit departments by the Financial Restructuring Fund, announcement of differential supervision scheme and demonstration of 120,000 agriculturists, the government implemented the Agricultural Finance Act on 30th January 2004 and built an integrated agricultural finance system governed by the Council of Agriculture (COA) to solve many problems of credit departments. Through those reformations, the financial index showed that the condition of these credit departments has improved gradually.
This study aimed to discuss those difficulties that our agricultural finance system and credit departments encountered and bring up suggestions to complete this system and the government’s supervision referring to the reformation of agricultural finance system in Japan.
What our study found is that the operation of credit departments has undoubtedly improved after taking reformations to agricultural finance system in Taiwan. However, problems that the agricultural finance crisis left behind in 1980s have not been completely conquered yet. As to the prospect of our agricultural finance system, from the aspects of organizational structures, business activities and government’s supervision, we suggest the reforms include to examine and amend both the Farmers’ Association Law and the Fishermen’s Association Law from stem to stern, re-enforce paid-in capital system with all speed, draw up laws to encourage mergers, deal with problem credit departments and build up plenty selections to help them exit as soon as possible, strengthen the connection of agricultural finance system and the integration of information sharing stations, intensify our supervision towards the Agricultural Bank of Taiwan and credit departments, reinforce on-the-spot examination and off-site monitoring, bring differential supervision scheme and prompt-corrective action into practice and so on. Hence, we may achieve the goal to complete the agricultural finance system, protect the rights of depositors and prosper the rural villages’ and fishing villages’ economy.
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中、美存款保險法制之比較研究黃國偉, Huang , kuo wei Unknown Date (has links)
「存款保險」係以收受存款之金融機構為要保機構,並以該機構內除不保項目外之各類存款為保險標的,於要保金融機構倒閉或經勒令停業之保險事故發生時,由存保公司依存款保險契約約定及相關法令規定,履行保險責任之保險制度。從消極面而言,存款保險制度得於金融機構倒閉時,直接保障該機構存款人之存款,舒緩擠兌誘因,降低對經濟及金融體系之衝擊,進而維持金融體系之穩定。從積極面而論,對存款人提供限額保障,可將金融機構倒閉之損失,合理分配予政府、金融機構、股東、存款人及非存款之債權人,以落實市場紀律、強化金融體系之競爭,並經由結合政府信用及金融機構間之互助,維繫存款人對個別金融機構之信心,避免個別金融機構之倒閉惡化為系統性金融危機。 / 又存款保險制度之建構,涉及金融體系、監理架構、法律制度等各方面系統整合之金融法制工程,由於法規範本身具有滯後性,現行法律制度充其量僅係在既有環境之條件下所形成之規範體系,故參酌各國之實施經驗,去蕪存菁擇優汰劣,對制度之建構而言,實屬必要。在比較法上,美國與大陸地區對金融機構退出市場之救助,分別建立了顯性與隱性存款保險制度兩種模式。前者,十分重視存保公司之職能、明確規範對存款人之保險義務,並事先累積存款保險基金,以減少公共資金之動用。後者,嚴格而論應僅係「存款人保障機制」而非存款保險制度,且由政府隨時準備動用公共資金,對問題金融機構之存款人及債權人提供保障,亦即由行政主導金融機構退出市場之方式,壓縮系統性風險,防止危機擴散。然而,以大量的再貸款為基礎之行政主導模式,實質上是將金融機構對存款人、債權人之負債,轉變為金融機構對中央銀行之負債,債務風險由個人轉移到中央銀行,本質上僅能暫時舒緩風險,而非化解風險。 / 再者,存款保險制度於問題金融機構之處理上乃涉及存保公司、要保金融機構及存款人三方之法律關係,並影響各該當事人及利害關係人之權益甚鉅,故釐清存款保險之性質、究明相關法規解釋、適用之原則,自有其必要。基於存款保險之制度設計,多承襲英美法系之架構,且我國保險法本身於解釋、適用上,早深受二大法系混用之害,且鑑於存款保險本質上特殊之政策性、公益性、強制性、目的性,若無必要,即無須隨普通法為同一解釋,脫勾處理反能使其在適用上更為明確。準此,本文乃採在英美法系之架構,以存款保險契約之當事人為保險人與被保險人(即要保機構),存款人僅為利益第三人,而存款保險性質上應屬責任保險,其保險標的則應界定為除不保項目外之各類存款契約所延伸之第二次責任,較為精確。 / 而存款保險在我國已行之有年,其間歷經多次修正,制度上雖逐漸趨於完善,惟制度本身最根本之問題實仍未解決,諸如《存款保險條例》之性質,究屬「公法法規」或「私法法規」?依據本條例所簽訂之存款保險契約究係「公法契約」,抑或「私法契約」?存保公司依本條例所擬定之作業程序及辦法是否屬法規命令?存保公司依本條例所為之金融檢查,其行為性質為何?均不無疑問。其次,我國「類似」立即糾正措施之監理規範,散見於銀行、信用合作社、金融控股公司合併、票券金融公司等之《資本適足性管理辦法》,該等糾正措施,係將金融機構依資本適足率分為兩個等級,分別施以不同之強制性措施與選擇性措施。惟上開資本等級劃分過於簡單,且以選擇性措施為主、強制性措施為輔,乃與美國之立即糾正措施有相當差距,而以選擇性措施為主在實務操作上,不免有流於恣意之疑義,而失其制度之本旨,故實有予以檢討、修正之必要。
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改制後我國監察制度與瑞典國會監察使制度之比較研究郝思麗 Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第一章 緒論----------------1
第一節 前言----------------- 1
第二節 研究動機與目的------------ 6
第三節 研究範圍與研究方法---------- 8
第四節 研究架構---------------10
第二章 監察理論--------------12
第一節 監察之定義--------------12
第二節 中國監察理論-------------14
第三節 西方監察理論-------------21
第四節 瑞典國會監察使制度之界定-------26
第三章 當前監察院之職能分析--------32
第一節 改制後監察院之組織結構--------32
第二節 改制後監察院之職權分析--------38
第三節 監察權的功能分析-----------48
第四章 瑞典國會監察使制度---------61
第一節 瑞典國會監察使制度的源起與發展-----61
第二節 瑞典國會監察使制度的組織結構------67
第三節 瑞典國會監察使制度的職權分析------72
第四節 瑞典國會監察使職權行使功能-------79
第五節 國會監察使與國會的關係---------82
第六節 國會監察使與新聞界的關係--------83
第五章 中華民國監察院制度與瑞典國會監察使制度之比較---------------85
第一節 組織建制之比較-------------85
第二節 職權之比較---------------93
第三節 小結------------------101
第六章 結論----------------104
第一節 修憲後監察院的改進方向---------104
第二節 改進方案之建議-------------121
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物件導向分類法於DMC航照影像萃取崩塌地之研究 / Object-oriented Classification for Extracting Landslides Using DMC Aerial Images孔繁恩, Kung, Fan En Unknown Date (has links)
台灣位於環太平洋地震帶上,地形為山地居多,且地質脆弱,加上位於西太平洋副熱帶地區,使得山區常受到颱風的侵擾而發生崩塌,導致土石流和洪水等災害發生,進而影響人民的生命和財產安全。因此,如何有效地建置崩塌地區域資料庫,成為國土保育與災害防治的重要課題。以往利用遙測與航測技術於崩塌地萃取的研究中,大多是於幾何糾正後衛星影像或是航測正射影像上分析崩塌地,但產製正射影像或是糾正衛星影像時,都需要花費較多的時間,對於講求時效性的救災行動而言頗為不利。本研究之目的為發展一套不需使用正射影像萃取崩塌地的方法,以物件導向影像分類法,於DMC(Digital Mapping Camera)航測原始影像上直接萃取崩塌地資訊。首先採取多重解析影像分割的技術,將航測影像依像元光譜和形狀同質性分割成不同區塊(物件),接著利用影像光譜統計值搭配區域成長法,偵測影像中的雲覆蓋地區並過濾。其次,根據光譜亮度統計特徵值,將影像區分成陰暗地區、正常地區以及較亮地區之三種土地覆蓋類型,使用線性相關糾正法(Linear-correlation Correction)將陰暗地區光譜亮度值轉換至正常地區,並利用物件的特徵值,如光譜、面積、形狀以及相關性依序萃取此三種土地覆蓋類型內的崩塌地。最後,使用光線追蹤法 (Ray-tracing),將崩塌地區塊從影像坐標轉換至地圖坐標,使其可以套疊地形資料如坡度、坡向,並進行空間分析以提升崩塌地的判釋精度。研究結果顯示,崩塌地萃取之使用者精度和生產者精度,均有82%以上,並且整個實驗可大量批次處理影像,及快速建立崩塌地資料庫,本研究之方法和崩塌地資料庫將有助於國土保育與崩塌地的災害防治。 / Being located in a subtropical and seismic zone of the West Pacific, the geology is fragile and topography is mountainous in Taiwan. Landslides, floods and other disasters induced by typhoons occur frequently, and it cause the life-threatening and property loss of human beings in Taiwan. Therefore, how to establish landslides data effectively become an important issue of land conservation and disasters management.
In recently years, most of the researchers used aerial ortho-images or satellite georeferencing images to detect landslides sites. However, it spent a lot of time generating aerial ortho-images and rectifying satellite images, and it also reduced the efficiency of landslides analysis. Thus, this study developed an object-oriented classification method, which can be directly applied in raw image data, to detect landslides sites. Firstly, this study used multi-resolution image segmentation technique to segment images acquired by Z/I DMC(Digital Mapping Camera) into individual regions (objects) according to the homogeneity of spectral and shape features, and then removed cloud areas by using brightness features depended on the spectral information of images. Secondly, the study divided the entire image into three areas, which are darker area, normal area and lighter area, according to brightness value. Next, Linear-correlation correction (LCC) method was used in this study to transform darker area to normal area so that it can easily detect the landslides sites in darker area, and the object features, such as spectral, area, shape and space correlation indices, were used to extract landslide sites in images. Finally, in order to enhance the accuracy of landslide, the initial landslides were converted from image coordinate system to map coordinate system by ray-tracing method, so the initial landslides data can be further extracted by using topographic data, including slope and aspect data.
The results of this study showed that the user and producer accuracies of detecting landslides can reach up to 82%. Moreover, the entire experiments process of this study can batch analyze automatically and establish landslides database quickly. It is expected that the method and landslides data of this study may have contribution to land conservation and disasters management.
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金融預警、合併監理與分級管理制度之研究 / A Study on Early Warning System, Unified Financial Supervision, and Classified Regulatory Principle.鄭璟紘, Cheng, Ching Hung Unknown Date (has links)
三、金融預警模型中,Logistic模型較Z-Score模型有較高的正確區別率。 / This research analyzes 49 domestic banks, 55 credit cooperative unions, 287 credit department of farmer associations and 27 credit department of fisherman associations above four kind of financial institution´s management situation, and refers the operation ways of various countries financial early warning system, selects suitable financial ratios , utilizes SAS statistics software and Z-score, Logistic models, it identifies the root cause of bankruptcy thus reveals finance of ratio the correlation, appraises management efficiency, the defeat probability each kind of financial institution if the correct difference rate. It appraises each kind of financial institution´s management efficiency, defeats probability and correct difference rate. It establishes early warning model that forecasts financial institutions failure rate. The research model and period: used 49 domestic banks from 2001 in 2nd season to the end of 2003 total 11 seasons and 25 items of finance ratio、55 credit cooperative associations from the end of 1998 to the end of 2003 total 21 seasons and 26 items of finance ratio、287 credit department of farmer associations and 27 credit department of fisherman associations from the end of 1998 to the end of 2003 total 21 seasons which used respectively 25 items of finance ratio.
The conclusion of this research are:
Firstly, it collects the entire Z-Score model to have significant financial indicator to each kind of financial institution, the domestic banks have 6 items, the credit cooperative associations have 7 items, the credit department of farmer associations have 6 items, and the credit department of fisherman associations have 4 items.
Secondly, it collects the entire Logistic model to have significant financial indicator to each kind of financial institution, the domestic banks and the credit cooperative associations have 6 items respectively, the credit department of farmer associations have 5 items, and the credit department of fisherman associations have 4 items.
Thirdly, in the financial early warning model, when comparing Z-Score with Logistic model , the latter appears to have a higher correct difference rate.
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