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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

新聞組織之經營與會員滿意度調查─以台灣新聞記者協會為例 / Analysis of management of journalist organization and members’ satisfaction: A case study of Association of Taiwan Journalists

李建忠, Lee, J J Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣新聞記者協會的組織經營與會員滿意狀況,以全體正式會員做為問卷分析對象,分別在非營利組織、組織認同感及會員滿意度等影響層面做為分析指標,輔以主導整個會務組織發展方向與決策擬定之理、監事之深度訪談,並加上未加入台灣新聞記者協會之現職記者進行焦點團體訪談,找出台灣新聞記者協會之定位、功能與服務,是否能滿足會員與現職記者群的期望及認同;並分析現有的服務與活動滿意度。 問卷調查的對象是以台灣新聞記者協會全體正式會員的電子郵件信箱做為問卷調查的樣本,依序探討會員滿意度、參與度、服務品質與組織認同感等四大指標,對於會員的影響程度進行分析。 深度訪談的對象是13位理、監事當中的7位,以「半結構性訪談」的方式,了解記協如何經營會員服務、創造參與意義,並剖析現有之困境與關鍵成功因素,以及未來之方向。 焦點團體訪談則是針對六位現職記者,分析台灣新聞記者協會現有之會員服務及組織認同感兩大層面之成效如何,並且深度探討他們為何不加入記協這關鍵問題。 研究結果發現台灣新聞記者協會之會員滿意度僅是及格邊緣的成績,會員主要依賴對組織的專業認同感而對該協會有所認同,卻對於協會的相關服務與品質,多半不滿意而要求再加強。而會員人數不足、經營走向衝突、政治色彩影響、專業性再提升與溝通及參與管道不足等問題,都是記協之困境與眾人期待改善之方向。 / This study aims to investigate the position, function and service of Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) on the one hand, and members and journalists’ satisfaction, expectation, and identification to ATJ on the other. Research methods include general survey, in-depth interview with council members and supervisors who direct organizational management of ATJ, and focus group interview with non-member journalists. The survey was sampled from electronic mail account of ATJ members. Indices include the extent of members’ satisfaction and participation of organizational activities, and organizational identification to ATJ. Based on 7 interviewees out of thirteen council members and supervisors, in-depth interview was conducted with semi-structured questions. It not only seeks to understand the ways in which ATJ provides members with services and meaningfulness, but to analyze organizational obstructions, benefits and prospects of ATJ. Focus group, composed of 6 non-member journalists, is interviewed for analyze performance of ATJ with respect to member services and organizational identification, and for grasp the interviewees’ reasons of not join ATJ. The research findings are several. First, members are barely satisfied with services and performance of ATJ. Second, their identification with ATJ depends upon professionalism. Third, among many organizational obstructions, insufficient amount of member, conflicts of diversified organizational strategy, the effects of political positions, improvement of professionalism, and the increase of channels of communication and participation are the most demanding.

非營利組織內部行銷、組織認同、組織承諾研究:以兩岸種子人才培訓計劃為例 / The relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in Seed Talent Program

吳家銘, Wu, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的,係透過理論與實務的檢測,探討在種子人才培訓計劃中,內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的關係。在內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的變項中,哪些構面會影響三者關係的成立?組織認同與組織承諾在不同的個人背景下是否會有差異?台北與上海的種子人才培訓計劃成員,在性別、家鄉、年齡、級別、院所、幹部經驗是否會有差異? 本研究係組織理論的量化分析,量化分析的資料係透過線上問卷與現場發送的方式而得。有鑑於種子人才培訓計劃係一橫跨兩岸的組織,本研究設計兩份問卷,以確保兩地的樣本有一定的數量。本研究使用的統計分析,包含:敘述性統計分析、信度分析、樣本代表性檢定、卡方檢定、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析。 本研究的結論如下:上海種子人才培訓計劃的成員,在內部行銷、組織認同、組織承諾的各個變項均較台北種子人才培訓計劃要來得高。內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的關係存在,且內部行銷會透過組織認同影響組織承諾。當組織的內部行銷機制完整度越高,成員對組織的認同感會提升,也會越容易對組織做出承諾。此外,當組織成員對組織的認同度越高時,越容易對組織做出承諾。 / The purpose of the study is to find the relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in “Seed Talent Program”. In those dimensions, what variables influence the connection? Are the different personal backgrounds influence the organizational identification and organizational commitment? The members in Shanghai and Taipei have difference in sex, hometown, age, level, institutes, guide experience or not? Our survey uses the quantitative analysis. The data was collected through online questionnaire and visit the place in Taipei. In view of the program have foundations in Taipei and Shanghai; we design two questionnaires to make sure get enough samples. The statistical methods used in the survey include: descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, representative rample analysis, t-test, one-way anova, correlation analysis, regression analysis. After testing 252 members in Shanghai and Taipei, we found that the members in Shanghai have higher scores in three dimensions than those in Taipei. The relationship among the internal marketing, organization identification and organization commitment exists. When the internal marketing mechanisms become well, the members have higher identification and easily to make promise in the organization. The relationship is controlled by the hometown variables.

國民小學學校組織氣候、教師內外控信念與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / A study on the relationships between school climate 、teachers internal-external control and organizational commitment in elementary school

蔡寬信, Tsay Kuan shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學學校組織氣候、教師個人背景變項、學校背景變 項、教師內外控信念與教師組織承諾之關係。從相關理論分析和實證調查 的結果,獲得結論和建議以作為提升或改進國民小學教師組織承諾之參考 。研究樣本來自高屏地區公立國民小學教師,採分層隨機取樣方式,共抽 取76所國小1022位教師,所得有效樣為859人,以組織氣候描述問卷、內外 控量表和組織承諾問卷進行調查研究。根據實證調查結果與討論,本研究 結論歸納如下:一、教師在開放型的學校組織氣候中,組織承諾最高;在 投入型和離心型的學校組織氣候中,次之;而在封閉型的學校組織氣候中 ,組織承諾最低。二、內控型信念教師的組織承諾高於外控型信念教師。 三、學校組織氣候和教師的內外控信念在組織承諾上無交互作用。四、個 人背景變項與教師組織承諾的關係: (一)男性教師在組織認同方面高於 女性教師。 (二)年輕、未婚和新進教師的組織承諾較低。 (三)教師服務 年資愈長,組織承諾愈高。 (四)一般大專院校畢業背景的教師組織承諾 最低。五、小型學校和偏遠地區、鄉鎮地區的學校,教師組織認同高。六 、組織變項對教師組織承諾的影響大於個人屬性變項。七、校長的支持行 為影響教師的組織承諾最大。最後,根據研究結果與結論,對教育行政機 關、師資培育機構、學校校長、教師本身和進一步研究等五方面分別提出 具體建議。


陳建廷, Chen, Chien Ting Unknown Date (has links)
行銷觀念一開始被非營利組織所抗拒,直到一九六九年才開始被非營利組織接受並加以運用,之間的轉變是由於多位學者認為,行銷理念不但適合用於企業組織,更可拓展至非營利組織。因為非營利組織具有雙重的顧客群-捐贈者與服務使用者,非營利組織行銷的功能可以更精確的區分為資源分配、資源募集以及非捐贈者的說服。白話的說即是非營利組織希望透過行銷活動傳達組織使命與價值的同時,亦可達到持續的募集資源(資金和志工)之目的。 Schmitt(1999)將「體驗行銷」定義成「基於個別顧客經由觀察或參與事件後,感受某些刺激而誘發動機產生思維認同或消費行為,增加產品價值」,一般而言體驗行銷多運用在一般消費性產品的活動上。但在現實中可以發現,一些非營利組織透過舉辦體驗活動的方式,一方面讓民眾進一步認同組織使命,一方面希望這些民眾在參與活動過後,可以成為長期的種子志工,例如台灣世界展望會舉辦之「飢餓三十」活動、台灣環境資訊協會舉辦之「生態工作假期」活動,皆是屬於此種類型的活動。 本研究針對台灣環境資訊協會、荒野保護協會與千里步道舉辦之生態工作假期志工活動,對其參與志工發放問券。探討工作假期志工體驗、工作假期志工滿意度、志工─組織認同以及持續參與志工意願的關係。結果發現工作假期志工體驗會正向顯著影響工作假期志工滿意度;並且透過工作假期志工滿意度的間接中介效果,進而影響志工─組織認同以及持續參與志工意願。

由認同觀點探討組織變革 -以衛福部組織變革為例 / A study of organizational change in organizational identification perspective: The case of Ministry of Health and Welfare

陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
2011年修正公布行政院組織法草案,明定於行政院下新增衛生福利部,經過兩年組織規劃後,於2013年衛生署正式合併部分內政部與教育部單位,升格並改名為衛生福利部。對於此一新組織來說,內部涵蓋了來自不同背景之三大單位,在整併成新組織的過程中,不免須面臨劇烈的組織變革行動,身在其中的組織成員不僅自身需調適來到新組織的心態與工作模式,更肩負組織變革行動的規劃與執行,可謂是整個組織變革的重要關鍵。 因此,本研究以中華民國衛生福利部為主體,就衛生福利部所進行的一系列變革行動進行深入探討,並從認同觀點切入,透過訪談方式了解衛生福利部在組織變革的過程中,是否有哪些行動影響成員對新組織的行為與決策表現,而成員面臨組織變革時,此新組織的條件以及經歷組織變革所得的感受,是否有增加或減低成員對新組織的認同度,這個認同度的幅度,是否有會影響其在組織變革中的行為,進而造成變革的成功或失敗。 本研究從五芒星理論與變革程序理論出發,分析變革過程中的行動,對於成員對組織認同度的影響,並找出變革中對認同程度負向影響的因子,提出行動建議。本研究以單一個案深入探討之方式進行研究,個案主體所進行的組織變革亦仍在進行,因此透過此研究除期望能向衛生福利部提出更具體之變革決策建議,亦希望能做為其他有意要進行大規模變革的組織,在變革行動上之參考。

克服組織認同衝突—網絡策略、組織認同與合作間關係之研究 / Overcoming orgaiizational identity conflicts – the relations hip among network strategy, organizational identity, and cooperation

吳紹慈 Unknown Date (has links)
組織認同衝突嚴重影響著組織的生存。可惜的是,過去研究多著重於探討組織認同衝突所帶來的影響與嚴重性,但卻較少提及衝突雙方該如何解決此問題。在本論文中,我觀察一個被購併進集團的公司,如何運用網絡策略去培養更多與集團內其他成員相容的價值,同時保存與發展了獨特的價值,進而幫助個案公司跳脫認同衝突的困境並成功整合進集團。為了呼應個案研究之發現,我以一個集團企業做為研究情境,搜集資料並進行實證研究,我發現當一家公司同時具備高整合與高差異化的組織認同時,可得到較多與集團內其他成員合作的機會。此外,在集團網絡中佔據邊陲掮客網絡位置的成員,較有可能培養出高整合與高差異化之組織認同,進而得到較多的合作。本論文亦於結尾提供研究意涵與未來研究方向。 / Identity conflicts can seriously endanger an organization’s survival. Extant studies emphasize the consequences of identity conflicts but not how conflicting parties extricate themselves from this trap. I investigate how an acquired firm uses network strategies to develop more integrating values and distinctive values, resolve identity conflicts, and successfully integrate into the group. To echo these qualitative findings, in my empirical study in the setting of a business group, I found that firms with high identity integration and high identity differentiation have more chances to cooperate with other group members. In addition, peripheral brokers are more likely to achieve high identity integration and high identity differentiation, and further have more cooperation. Implications and future research directions are also provided.


曹志宏 Unknown Date (has links)
在組織合併的過程中,不同組織文化的成員,對其原屬院校有深厚的情感認同,而其對原組織認同程度的高低,是否會影響對於組織合併的態度;以及哪些人口統計變項會影響組織成員對於原組織的認同;哪些人口統計變項可用來解釋組織成員對組織變革理解程度的差異,都是本研究所欲探討的問題。 本研究針對國軍六所軍校的教師及隊職官為調查對象,探討他們對於「軍官基礎院校調併專案」的相關態度,藉以提供專案推動者及國防部政策高層去消弭抗拒變革的力量,或規避變革過程中的不良影響;以及規劃未來新設「軍官大學」之組織系統、課程規劃與設計之參考,使院校調併專案能如期如質地順利達成組織變革預期的目標。 本研究問卷設計內容包括「原組織認同度」、「社會支配傾向」、「變革接受度」與「變革理解度」、以及「變革擬案偏好選擇」等變項,以Likert 6尺度來衡量,並以變異數分析(ANOVA)、多元迴歸分析以及卡方檢定等統計方法進行檢定。總計回收有效問卷202份,回收率達67.3%。 經分析有效樣本結果如下: (一)組織成員背景中,性別與校別對原組織認同程度關係不會產生差異;(二) 組織成員背景中,年資對組織變革理解程度的關係不會產生差異;(三) 組織成員中,不會因性別因素而產生變革接受程度的差異;(四)個人的原組織認同程度的高低,對個人在選擇生活教育方案時,不會造成影響,但對選擇學年教育方案時,原組織認同高者,會使個人傾向選擇多元化學年教育方案;(五)個人的組織變革理解程度的高低,對個人選擇生活教育與學年教育方案時,並不會造成影響。本研究建議:(一)加強溝通以化解變革阻力、(二)積極建構「新組織意象」的認同度、(三)重視領導軍官與專業軍官的學年教育差異性、(四)整合各校優點發展軍官大學的特色等。


張麗美, Chang, Li-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 成功的人力資源管理策略,方能有效提昇組織效能,而組織能否「得才」,為組織效力,更是影響組織成功與否之關鍵。組織投注大量資源培育人才,冀望成員對組織忠誠及有所貢獻,是以個人與組織的適配性,對組織及個人生涯發展而言,具有密不可分之重要性。 人力晉用與教育訓練功能整合,對於「警政再造方案」具關鍵性影響力,本研究以臺灣警察專科學校專科警員班第23期正期組行政警察科,及93年基層行政警察特考班學生為研究對象,探討學生人格特質、工作價值觀與組織認同之相關性,透過問卷調查蒐集資料,取得有效樣本937份,利用獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數、卡方檢定、皮爾森相關係數及迴歸分析等統計方法,分析結果發現: 一、在人格特質方面:55%學生人格特質較多傾向於內控型。 二、工作價值觀及組織認同之知覺情形 (一)社會地位:53%覺得警察工作是受社會大眾尊重,有良好的聲譽與地位。 (二)利他:79%認為警察工作是深具利他價值的,可以服務人群,伸張正義、濟弱扶傾,可為社會做些有意義的事, (三)安全:79%對於警察工作的安全性深感擔心,顯示學生個人及家人對於其從事警察工作之身體安全均感到擔憂。 (四)休閒:僅有46%覺得從事警察工作可以有自己的假期,安排休閒活動與陪伴家人,可見警察工作之休閒價值普遍偏低。 (五)自我實現:62%覺得從事警察工作得以發揮自我的能力與抱負。 (六)經濟:78%覺得警察工作的待遇,符合其經濟需求,對於警察工作的薪資待遇,普遍感到滿意。 (七)升遷:約有69%滿足於警(隊)員的職務,顯示出「升遷」對將近七成的學生之工作價值觀而言,並非首要追求目標。 (八)組織認同:70%對警察組織感到認同。 經統計77%以上學生表示服務期滿仍願留任警職;畢業分發意願以專業警 察單位最高佔33.1%,其次為警察局或分局的內勤單位佔30.3%。 三、各項檢定結果分析 (一)在人格特質方面:僅「有無親屬任職警界」在人格特質上,有顯著差異情形存在。 (二)在工作價值觀方面:「班期」、「役別」、「年齡」、「入校前教育程度」、「有無親屬任職警界」及「任職警界親屬人數」之不同,在工作價值觀上,有顯著差異情形存在。 (三)在組織認同方面:「班期」、「役別」、「年齡」、「有無親屬任職警界」,在組織認同程度上,有顯著差異情形存在。 (四)對於各變項之相關分析,「人格特質」及「工作價值觀」與「組織認同」均有顯著相關,人格特質與工作價值觀,亦有顯著相關。 (五)學生服務期滿後之留任意願與個人基本屬性之「班期」、「役別」、「年齡」、「入校前的教育程度」、「親屬任職警界」、「父親職業」,有關聯性存在。 (六)學生分發意願與個人基本屬性之「性別」、「役別」、「親屬任職警界人數」、「父親職業」,有關聯性存在。 四、組織認同的預測力 對於整體學生、正期組學生、基層特考班、男性學生而言,均以「自我實現」預測力最佳,「利他」及「社會地位」次之,對女性學生則以「利他」預測力最佳,「社會地位」次之。 關鍵詞:臺灣警察專科學校、專科警員班正期組、基層特考班、 內外控人格特質、工作價值觀、組織認同。 / Abstract A successful management strategy of human resource can usually result in a great increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. But more often than not, the key factor that directly leads to its success is whether the organization can gain the necessary “brain”. Thus, the good fitness between the organization and its members, are vital to the development of the organization and its members’ careers. Recruit the manpower and the integration between the function of education and training are influentially important to police reform program. This study that bases on 937 valid samples from the survey of the 23rd phase Junior Police Officer of Administration Police Department of Taiwan Police College and 2004 Junior Special Examination for Police Officer are aiming to discuss the relativity of personalities, work values and Organizational Commitment. Through t-test, One Way ANOVA, Chi Square, Pearson's Contingency Coefficient and Regression Analysis, etc. the results of this study are as follows: 1. Personalities:55% of the samples are internal control. 2. Work values and Organizational Commitment a. Social status:53% of the students think policeman is publicly respected and reputable b. Altruism:79% think that they are altruism, Being a policeman could serve people, righteous and is meaningful to the society. c. Safety:79% feel insecure about the safety of being a policeman, which shows the surveyed students and their families are all worried about the safety of being a policeman. d. Recreation:Only 46% think policemen can have their own vacation, recreational activities and time with their family, which shows the value for leisure of policemen is low. e. Self-fulfillment:62% think being a policeman can achieve their goals in life. f. Financial need:78% think what they earn can afford what they need. They show average satisfaction for their salary. g. Promotion chance:69% feel contented to be a policeman. Getting promoted is not a main pursuit in their work value. h. Organizational Commitment:70% identify with the police organization. In the survey, more than 77% are willing to continue their job after they have finished their compulsory term. According to the intention of dispatch program after graduation, the professional police units is account for 33.1 %,the rate of regular office units of police bureau or station is 30.3%。 3. The test results: a. Personality: Only “whether or not relatives work for the police” makes an obvious difference. b. Work values: “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Student”, “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “the number of relatives who work for the police” cause differences in this aspect. c. Organizational Commitment: “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, and “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “How many relatives works for the police” cause differences in this aspect. d. To analyze the correlation among different variables, we find that personalities, work values, and Organizational Commitment are significantly different at α=.05 level. so are the personalities and work values. e. The willingness to continue their job after tenure is over is relative to “classes”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Students”, “whether or not relatives work for the police” and “their father’s occupation” f. The desired work is relative to class”, “service term”, ”age”, “the education before getting into the Taiwan Police College Students”, “the number of relatives who work for the police” and “their father’s occupation” 4. Predictability of Organizational Commitment To either all the tested students, Junior College Classes, Junior Special Examination for Police Officer, or male students, the predictability of self-fulfillment works best. Next come altruism and social status. The predictability of altruism works best to female students and then the social status.

企業社會責任認知及企業志工參與對組織公民行為之影響 / The influence of perceived corporate social responsibility and voluntary participation on employees’ organizational citizenship behavior

張妤禎, Chang, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
企業社會責任(corporate social responsibility,簡稱CSR)的概念與實務發展在近年來已成為一門企業永續經營的顯學。本研究認為,有別於一般組織外部利害關係人的觀點,身為內部觀察者的員工身分具有特殊性,不僅較外部利害關係人更接近公司核心,亦有機會參與公司的企業社會責任政策制定與活動。因此,本研究旨在建構一研究模型,以員工觀點了解企業社會責任認知及企業志工參與對組織公民行為之影響過程與結果,包含探究員工對企業社會責任認知與企業志工參與程度是否與組織認同有正向影響?員工企業社會責任認知與組織認同是否為知覺外部聲望所中介?當員工組織認同提高時,是否增進其工作滿足、組織承諾、顧客導向?   本研究以Kim et al.(2010)所提出的企業社會責任影響員工企業認同模型概念為基礎,並拓展員工可能展現的反應及工作態度構念,以便利抽樣法回收有效紙本問卷201份、有效網路問卷115份,共計獲得316份樣本。經由驗證性因素分析與結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析後得出研究結論如下: 1.知覺外部聲望確實為企業社會責任認知程度與組織認同之中介變數,員工的企業社會責任認知程度對知覺外部聲望有正向的影響,而更進一步影響組織認同。 2.企業志工參與和組織認同具有正向關係,佐證當企業的社會責任相關活動能滿足員工的心理需求時,員工將會傾向認同該企業。 3.組織認同與顧客導向、工作滿足及組織承諾皆存有正向的影響關係。 4.顧客導向、工作滿足和組織承諾皆與組織公民行為有正向的影響關係,其中顧客導向和組織承諾的影響力皆大於工作滿足。 / The increasing development of corporate social responsibility has become a prevalent concern for business sustainability practices. In comparison to the viewpoint of outside stakeholders, employees play unique roles for their company for two reasons: (1) employees are closer to corporate core business (2) employees participate more easily in CSR activities and policy formulation. Therefore, this study aims to establish a model to understand how employees’ perceived CSR and participation in employee volunteer program (EVP) relate to their organizational citizenship behavior. This study also investigates whether perceived CSR and EVP participation has positive effects on organizational identification; whether perceived external prestige mediates the relationship between perceived CSR and organizational identification; and whether organizational identification acts as the antecedent of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and customer orientation. The model concept is based on the model of CSR and employee-company identification established by Kim et al. (2010), and modified by adding some employees’ attitude constructs. The survey, conducted by convenience sampling, consists of a total of 316 participants whose companies have EVP. Utilizing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM), the results are as follows: 1.Perceived external prestige is a partial mediator between perceived CSR and organizational identification. Meanwhile, perceived CSR positively affects perceived external prestige, and perceived external prestige has positive relationship with organizational identification. 2.The relationship between EVP participation and organizational identification is positive, which means employees tend to identify with their company when they are mentally satisfied by CSR activities. 3.Organizational identification positively affects variables, such as customer orientation, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 4.The attitude factors that positively affect employees’ organizational citizenship behavior include customer orientation, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Further, the impact of customer orientation and organizational commitment are greater than job satisfaction.

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