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理性投機與股價波動許振維 Unknown Date (has links)
當討論到股票市場的波動時,常常會認為股價的劇烈波動是由於非理性的投機者追高殺低所造成的。但根據Friedman (1953)的論點,若市場上存在投機者,則只有擁有成功策略的理性投機者能存活,而且這些理性投機者將不會造成市場波動。在此,顯現了一個令人關心的議題,是否理性投機者會因某些情況而使股價波動劇烈呢? 因此,理性投機者在市場中的角色有必要深入探討,尤其在國際資金快速移動的時代,外資的角色更是不容忽視。有鑑於此,本文也將探討外資的角色。
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台股認購權證交易次數對標的股價波動度影響之探討 / The impact of warrants' number of transactions on stock price volatility朱佳茹, Chu, Chia-ju Unknown Date (has links)
股價波動度在財務金融領域一直受到高度的關切,雖然過去學者研究結論皆一致認同交易量與股價波動度具有顯著正向關係,交易量的變化可以視為相關訊息的傳遞,然而交易量能夠進一步分解為交易次數與平均交易規模,Jones, Kaul and Lipson(1994)等多位國內外學者也發現,交易次數較平均交易規模更具資訊內涵,指出交易次數才是造成股價波動的主要原因。然而有關交易次數方面之研究僅限於單一市場,隨著國內權證市場的興起,引發本研究進一步探討台股認購權證交易次數對標的股價波動度之影響,樣本選取2002年國內上市之所有個股型權證作為研究對象,以觀察是否交易次數較平均交易規模更具資訊內涵,並且代表市場臨時資訊的未預期交易次數較預期交易次數,對股價波動度更具顯著解釋能力。
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台灣證券市場之限價單的研究詹宜潔, Chain, Yi-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣股市波動因素之研究-以高價電子股為例張安發, CHANG ,AN-FA Unknown Date (has links)
台灣擁有許多很好很賺錢的企業,這些企業形成高獲利投資的明星產業。為尋找台灣股市波動因素對股價的影響,與股票市場投資正確方法與目標,本研究試圖從高價電子產業股中以企業背景、產業特性、重大事件等依據研究出投資行為是否有跡可尋,進而擬定適當的投資策略,成為高價電子股是否可以追尋與研究之重要課題。爰此,本文旨在探討台灣股市波動因素研究與企業股價波動因素之關連研究,藉由電子相關類股研究以產業因素、大環境景氣循環統計變數及企業經營策略來進行討論研究,並透過次級資料分析及歷史資料事件分析,以高價電子股票來進行市場研究。研究結果顯示台灣股市波動因素可以經由企業經營策略、市場競爭資訊來源、景氣評估準則、重大事件特性與產業循環等方面予以適當解釋。此外,可將高價股企業股價波動因素研究分為三個區隔研究,並對此三個區隔研究目標研擬有效的投資策略。本研究之結果可藉由產業角度來分析股價波動因素有用之資訊,對台灣高價股價高股股價波動因素找尋一些投資策略的蛛絲馬跡亦有一定之對高價電子股之企業股價之參考價值。 / Taiwan and discuss factors affecting stock price fluctuations in quality companies by the corresponding industry structures,The existence of quality companies that are well positioned to benefit from the economic trends in Taiwan has developed into a unique industry for investment choice. In order to search for a proper method and objective for investing in the Taiwanese stock market, this paper attempts to infer a favorable investment behavior from the company background, industry characteristics, and event studies of specific growth stocks, and further proposes appropriate investing strategies. Specifically, the purpose of this paper is to conduct stock market research with quality companies in Taiwan and discuss factors affecting stock price fluctuations in quality companies by the corresponding industry structures, statistical indicators for economic cycle and event studies. The result of this research indicates that stock price fluctuations in quality companies can be justified by company management strategies, information source from the market, evaluation guidance for economic cycle, characteristic of event studies and industry cycle. Moreover, the research in sock price fluctuations in quality companies can be divided into three individual research areas and three effective investment strategies can be proposed accordingly. In conclusion, this paper demonstrates that factors affecting stock price fluctuations can be explained from the perspective of industry analysis and would contribute in providing beneficial reference for proposing the appropriate investment strategies.
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The Taxation on Capital Gains and the Stock Price Volatility / 資本利得稅與股價波動薛雅月 Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This study establishes a model of the stock market involving the rational speculators to investigate whether the imposition of tax on capital gains can reduce the market volatility. The finding is that the effect of tax on the stock price volatility varies according to the types of shocks hitting the market. In the cases of the issuing shock and the dividend shock, raising the tax rate could be a way to stabilize the stock market. On the contrary, when the margin-rate shock occurs, it tends to magnify the effect of the shock and therefore increases the market volatility. Thus, it could be concluded that an increase in the tax rate may increase or decrease the stock price volatility depending on the type of unexpected shocks.
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股價波動對投資行為之影響的研究-台灣之經驗1987-1994 / Stock Market Volatility and Investment: Experience of Taiwan 1987-1994施彥光, Shih, Yahn Guang Unknown Date (has links)
正因為股票市場具有如此之重要性,因此本文先從理論與台灣近幾年來的相關實證,針對台灣股票市場效率性做一番釐清,再從所得出之結論進一步借用Galeotti & Schiantarelli (1994)的研究,將股價區分成基本面與非基本面,以及各自適當的代理變數,推導出投資與這些代理變數之間的關係。
1. 台灣股價波動偏離基本價值具有市場異常現象,不符合效率市場假說。
2. 由股票市場價值區分出之基本面與非基本面因素,對投資均會產生影響,其中又以落後兩期之解釋變數最為顯著。此結果介於Bosworth (1975)與Merton & Fischer (1984)兩篇研究之間,非基本面亦會影響投資 決策,但非基本面之效果小於基本面效果。
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上限型股權連結保本票券之評價、避險和風險控管 / Valuation, Hedge and Risk Management of Capped, Equity-linked and Principal-protected Notes陳芬英, Chen, Fen-ying Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇文章為上限型股權連結保本票券之設計、評價和比較。本文考量投資人保守的投資行為與設限型股權連結票券所存在的delta跳躍(delta jump)現象,延伸Brennan and Schwartz (1976)模型,提出一個能在股價波動之際,使發行的避險部位delta呈現平滑變動且兼具保本(protected principal)功用的一般化模型(general form)。相較於一般的設限型股權連結保本模型,本模型具有以下特色。第一,加入股價成長率的調整因子(adjustable factor),當景氣低靡,股價不停下跌時,正的調整因子可減緩股價下滑之勢,進而增加投資人在票券到期日時獲取更多資本利得(capital gain)的機會。同時,調整因子縮小了當期股價成長率與股價上限成長率(capped stock growth rate)之間的差距,繼而減緩delta 跳躍的幅度,降低發行者的避險成本。並且在HJM利率模型下,delta隨股價與股價波動度的變化更顯平滑(smooth)。第二,在保本率(protection rate)和參與率 (participation rate)不變之下,本模型的期初合理價格(fair price)較低,投資人能以較低的成本取得同等的投資保障。第三,若將本票券的名目面額(notional principal)視作共同基金(mutual fund)的淨值(net value),而該淨值與股價連動,則本模型即成為股權連結的保本型基金(principal-protected fund)。
第二篇文章是路徑依賴之上限型股權連結保本模型之評價和風險測量。該文是擴展Brennan and Schwartz (1976)模型發展一個路徑依賴之上限型股權連結保本模型,並且提出一個比二元數模型更精確的封閉解。此外,也對七個時間序列進行股價波動度之精確檢定,得知AR-ARCH(1)模型對上限型股權連結保本票券而言,較其它時間序列模型,更能有效估計股價之波動度。
第二篇文章是外國資產的風險管理。目前在國內金融市場上,國外金融商品很多,大都以外幣計價,因此匯率風險是投資人不可忽視的因子。本文拓展Kupiec(1999)模型,將匯率風險加入模型中,使投資人更有效進行風險管理。 / This thesis studies valuation, hedge and risk management of capped equity-linked and principal-protected notes by means of the following essays:
(1) Design, Valuation and Comparison of Capped Equity-linked and Principal-protected Notes
(2) Valuation and Risk Measurement of Capped Equity-linked and Principal-protected Notes with Path Dependence
(3) Risk Management of Foreign Assets
Capped equity-linked and principal-protected notes are similar with barrier options. There exists delta jump as stock price or growth rate reaches the barrier. But previous studies about equity-linked and principal-protected notes with a restricted growth rate of stock price never explicitly discussed how the delta jump could be solved. In my first essay, I present a new design for capped equity-linked and principal-protected notes and add an adjustable factor to growth rate of stock price in such a way that the adjustable factor narrows the gap between the current stock growth rate and the capped stock growth rate and thus really reduces the magnitude of the delta jump and hence lowers the hedging cost for brokers.
Recently, the focus of previous studies about principal-protected notes has been on either the restriction on the rate of stock return or the path dependence on the underlying asset, but not both in the same context. In my second essay, I develop a model on the capped, equity-linked and principal-protected notes with path dependence. There are two issues in this article. The first issue is valuation on the capped, equity-linked and principal-protected notes with path dependence. I find a closed-form approximation using the 2nd-order Taylor approximation and the method of Vorst (1992) that has higher accuracy than binomial tree model as maturity time or volatility becomes large. The second issue is risk measurement. I use VaR model to evaluate market risk of the principal-protected notes, and employ seven univariate time series models to forecast volatility and examine the accuracy.
Additionally, investors may well encounter potential loss as the prices of financial products are reduced in the secondary market. The VaR is mainly concerned with the downside risk and becomes a standard measure of financial market risk that is increasingly used by investors. But if we want to apply 〝textbook〞formulation to risk management of foreign assets, there leaves exchange rate risk out of consideration. Therefore, I extend the work by Kupiec (1999) to present VaR formula with exchange rate risk for foreign assets and then to manage market risk usefully.
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