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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

日月潭紅茶智慧資源規劃 / Intellectual resources planning in Sun Moon Lake black tea

陳映如, Chen,Yin Ju Unknown Date (has links)
日月潭紅茶是台灣魚池鄉的地區特色茶,得天獨厚的風土條件下,有足以與世界紅茶相提並論的優良品質及悠久歷史,但沒有相應的價格及知名度。本研究以智慧資源規劃的觀點分析當地紅茶產業事實及市場概況,歸納優質農產品背後的智慧資源所創造的競爭優勢,進行產品定位。在既有的營運模式下導入智慧資源規劃思維,結合實體商品及智慧資源,發揮綜效(synergy),創造更高的市場價格。日月潭紅茶產業以自產、自製、自銷的小農為主,私品牌林立,形成許多小供應鏈,資源整合不易。價值活動中存在茶樹育種人員品種權保護意識不足、茶葉相關技術過度專利化且未能廣泛應用於產業、茶作及製茶技術欠缺流程化管理、日月潭紅茶品質及產地認證標準不具公信力、技術竅門多內隱在人身上等問題,削弱商品的競爭優勢。當地紅茶產業參與者宜依照不同環節的價值活動,規劃各類智慧資源的優先順序,強化產製銷一元化的小茶農競爭優勢,其中徹底導入產銷履歷制度,將是整合日月潭紅茶各類智慧資源的重要推手。 / Sun Moon Lake black tea is a local tea growth in the specific area of Yuchi in Taiwan. Although its fine quality, owing to Yuchi’s unique growing conditions with long history comparable to world-renowned black teas, but lacks corresponding price and popularity. Intellectual Resources Planning (“IRP”) is a method for conducting industry and market research, including intellectual resources to identify competitive advantages in product positioning. IRP involves a combination of tangible products as well as intellectual resources into an existing business model to maximize value. Currently most of the teas in Yuchi are sold by individual farmers, various private labels and small supply chains are formed independently, making it difficult to integrate resources. Other problems which lead to weaken competitiveness include inadequate plant variety rights, over-patenting of methods and technologies, insufficient documentation in tea production, low credibility of geographical indications of the products, and the fact that tea production techniques are largely tacit knowledge. For the above reasons, Yuchi’s tea industry should prioritize intellectual resources depending on the core content of value activities to strengthen the competitive advantages of small tea farmers. It is also critical to implement traceability systems to track the authentic products so as to the credibility can be preserved and defend.

涼茶產業創新策略及對澳合作發展健康產業的啟示 / Innovation strategy of herbal tea industry and its implication for cooperative development of health industry in Guangdong and Macau

彭學韜 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences


近藤, 康子 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18262号 / 工博第3854号 / 新制||工||1591(附属図書館) / 31120 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 門内 輝行, 教授 髙田 光雄, 教授 山岸 常人 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

兒茶酚胺類神經傳遞系統與多角迷津行為表現之探討 / Catecholamine Neurotransmission Systems on the Behavioral Performance of the Radial Arm Maze in the Rat.

賴文崧, Lai, Wen-Sung Unknown Date (has links)
兒茶酚胺類神經傳遞系統被認為與包括記憶學習等行為功能有很重要的關連,在記憶多元化理論的假設下,該神經系統與其它者對於特定記憶學習行為應有再確認之必要。過去對於空間性記憶的研究,其相關支持證據所依據之實驗操弄泰半集中在海馬迴系統上。但仍有部份研究指出大腦中的其他區域可能同樣與一般記憶的運作有密切的關連。特別是兒茶酚胺系統所在之紋狀總體組織部位(包括尾狀核與阿控博核),vP A僅與感覺接受、運動反應及增強作用等機制有關外,同時可能也扮演影響記憶表現的重要因子。本研究使用慾求性的八角迷津為工具,藉其地點學習與反應學習這兩種不同的迷津作業,及利用兒茶酚胺類的藥物或神經毒素,探討相關的記憶習得與記憶保持歷程所造成的影響。實驗的操弄包括:(1) 迷津作業之地點學習與反應學習以探討這兩種記憶之行為機制。(2) 記憶習得與記憶保持階段以瞭解這兩種迷津作業所引發記憶之全部歷程。(3) 中樞(阿控博核或尾狀核)神經毒素之破壞以及周邊藥物注射以確認兒茶酚胺類藥物對於記憶之神經藥理機制。本研究分為兩大實驗進行,實驗一以地點學習為主,實驗二以反應學習為主。實驗結果可以簡單歸納如下:(1) 兩 種學習作業的記憶策略有不同的習得歷程及需要不同的處理訊息。(2) 在迷津學習前用神經毒素 6-OHDA 破壞尾狀核或阿控博核,皆會影響地點記憶的習得,但對於反應記憶的習得,則需要同時破壞尾狀核及阿控博核才有類似的干擾效果。(3) 相對於神經毒素 6-OHDA的干擾效果,DSP-4皆不影響地點學習與反應學習的習得歷程。(4) 在記憶保持階段中,周邊注射兒茶酚胺類藥物 d-amphetamine、haloperidol 與 propranolol均會干擾地點記憶的提取,但卻不影響反應記憶的提取表現。(5) 於地點記憶與反應記憶習得後,給予尾狀核加阿控博核的雙側 6-OHDA 注射均不影響這兩種記憶的提取表現。實驗結果顯示兒茶酚胺類神經傳導系統對於記憶功能具有明顯的影響,其中紋狀體扮演了相當重要的角色。相對於不影響記憶提取之歷程,紋狀體的破壞對記憶習得歷程有阻滯之效果,其內部之尾狀核與阿控博核分別依不同之迷津作業具有相異之效果,且多巴胺系統較正腎上腺素系統明顯的參與了影響效果,這些結果顯示兒茶酚胺類神經傳導系統與記憶表現有密切的關連。 / Catecholamine (CA) neurotransmission systems are critically involved in the control of many behavioral functions including learning and memory. The role of CA in mediating learning and memory is recently focused on the basis of multiple memory hypothesis. In addition to the previous finding of spatial memory relevant to the hippocampal areas, the striatum containing the caudate nucleus and the nucleus of accumbens is thought to be important for executing the learning and memory function. By the use of radial arm maze (RAM), the present study examined the effects of CA related neurotoxins and drugs on the acquisition and retention stages of both place and response tasks. Two major parts of experiments were designed to reveal the neurobehavioral mechanisms for the place and response tasks of RAM. Food-deprivated rats were trained to enter the arms baited with chocolate in the eight-arm maze. Specific four arms were baited for each rat in the place task, while randomly selected four arms each cued with a piece of sand paper on the arm entrance were baited for the rat in the response task.The results can be summarized as followings. (1) Differen behavioral processes were shown in performing the place and response tasks. (2) The acquisition deficits were significantly produced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion on either caudate or accumbens for the place task, whereas the acquisition of response task was only impaired by 6-OHDA lesions of both caudate and accumbens together. (3) In contrast to 6-OHDA, adrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4 did not significantly affect subjects to acquire either task. (4) During the retention stage, the performance of place task was significantly disrupted by d-amphetamine, haloperidol, or propranolol. However, this was not the case for the retrieval of response task. (5) Once acquired, neither place nor response task performamce could be influenced by 6-OHDA simultaneously administered on the caudate and accumbens areas.Taken together, these data collected from RAM support the idea that the striatal CA is essential for the leraning and memory. Shift of the CA neurotransmission function induced by either 6-OHDA lesions or relevant drugs can disrupt the RAM behavior, which impairment to be detectable is depended on the learning task itself as well as the time of a specific task being leraned.

地方文化產業治理機制評估研究:以貓空茶文化產業為例 / A study of evaluation on the governance mechanism of local cultural industry: a case study of Maokong tea industry

林亦杰, Lin, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
貓空製茶歷史悠久,獨特的鐵觀音茶為遠近馳名的地方特色產業,而貓空結合茶產業與休閒觀光產業的經營型態,長久以來塑造出今日貓空獨特的地方茶文化產業。本研究以貓空的茶文化產業為研究對象,並結合地方治理理論與回應性評估方法,目的在建構出貓空茶文化產業發展的治理架構,確認此架構中公部門、地方與非營利組織、茶農與茶產業經營者三方行動者的任務,並描述三方互動的動態治理機制,最後透過回應性評估的方式,對貓空茶文化產業治理機制進行評估。   本研究運用文獻分析法與深度訪談法,與貓空茶文化產業治理中三方行動者進行訪談,研究結果發現貓空當地茶農與茶產業經營者為發展的基礎,但隨著內外部不利因素的威脅,茶農與茶產業經營者面臨勞動力老化、氣候變遷、法令限制等問題;在地方與非營利組織方面,木柵區農會是治理機制運作中最重要的角色,主要任務是扮演水平與垂直溝通平台、提供茶農所需資源、辦理對產業發有所助益的優良鐵觀音茶比賽,另一方面貓空茶情社區發展協會是由地方自組而成的社區組織,目的在發展貓空社區與市政府方面的業務合作及協調,但在當地經營上也面臨些許問題;公部門方面,茶業改良場文山分場具茶葉專業知識,給予茶農在上游栽植方面許多幫助,而主管貓空發展的產業發展局則是退居二線進行產業輔導,工作內容為多元經營硬體與文化設施、定期撥列經費進行補助;在釐清各方行動者任務後,本研究整合茶產業與休閒觀光產業,建構出貓空茶文化產業治理的運作機制。在治理機制評估方面以「治理機制妥適性」、「參與者的輔導推廣能力」、「計畫目標達成度」三個指標進行評估,主要爭議點有四:(1)在於水土保持法令上一方面維持貓空茶區生態,一方面也限制了發展;(2)貓空纜車與當地茶產業發展關聯性不大;(3)產業發展局退居二線與當地茶農接觸較少,平行機關多且人員調動頻繁;(4)貓空茶文化產業面臨轉型困境。研究建議三點:(1)貓空茶文化產業的轉型與行銷;(2)茶比賽模式的推廣;(3)根留貓空當地人才。 / MaoKong cultural tea industry is a unique local industry of Taiwan. This study integrated Maokong cultural tea industry, local governance, and responsive evaluation theory, moreover the main purpose is to construct a governance framework of MaoKong cultural tea industry, and find out the task of those three operations in the framework: (1) governmental departments. (2) local and nonprofit organizations. (3) tea farmers and tea industry operators.   Additionally, literature analysis and depth interviews are the research methods of this study, through the interview with the actors of Maokong cultural tea industry , we found that: (1) local tea farmers and operators are the basis of tea industry, but they confront some inside and outside threats. (2) the most important role of the part of local and non-profit organization in Maokong tea industry governance, is the Muzha Farmers’ Association, which the main task is to establish a horizontal and vertical communication platform for the framework. The jobs of Muzha Community Development Association are to development this community, and collaboration and co-ordination with the Taipei city government, but also facing some issues with the local farmers. (3) In the public sector, first of all, Tea Research and Extension Station - Wenshan Substation with expertise provides lots of help in tea to the tea farmers. The Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government in these days is to step aside for operating the hardware of cultural facilities, and providing subsidies to the tea industry operators. As well as this study suggestions are: (1) integrating all the resources of governance actors and using marketing methods to development Maokong cultural tea industry. (2) the promotion of Maokong tea competition mode. (3) root and reward local tea industry talents.

臺灣客家採茶戲之發展及其文本形成研究 / The study of the development of Taiwan Hakka Tea-Picking Opera and its text formation

蘇秀婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣客家採茶戲的發展及其文本形成為題,針對客家採茶戲的「劇目形成」、「文本型態」、「劇本改編」進行文學向度的考察。 一、劇目的形成與發展 自從1910年代客家三腳採茶戲發展為改良採茶戲之後,演出場域歷經「內台」、「外台」、「電台」、「文化公演」、「電視台」等不同的表演場域。由於每個場域的性質使然,而有不同的劇目產生、類型的形成,以及表演風格等。 二、文本型態的考察 探討採茶戲常見的兩種文本類型「幕表戲」與「定本戲」,考察文本的特徵及結構、導演的說戲、演員的即興演出,以及民間戲班對於「幕表戲」與「定本戲」的運用。 三、特定作品的跨場域改編 選取黃天敏的內台戲《太平天國》,討論由「定本戲到幕表戲」的改編歷程。以及曾先枝三齣公演代表作《三娘教子》、《李阿三嫁母》、《緣訂三生》,討論「幕表戲到定本戲」的改編歷程。 / The study using the development of Hakka tea-picking drama and its text formation as the topic aims at the repertoire formation, text types, and opera revision as the aspects of literature to review. I. The formation and development of repertoire: The Hakka three-role tea-picking drama has developed as the improved tea-picking opera since the 1910s, the different performing field has experienced of indoor, outdoor, radio station, cultural performance, and TV station, and so on. Due to the impact on each field, there is different generation of repertoires, the formations of types, and performing style, etc.. II. The review of text types: It discusses of two frequently shown text types in the tea-picking opera: scenario drama and standard drama to review the characteristics and structures of text, the director’s explanation of the story, the player’s improvisation, and the folk theatrical troupe’s the applications of scenario drama and standard drama. III. The revision of drama in cross-field theatre There are selected of indoor Taiwan directors’ revised course, Tien-Ming Huang’s discussion of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom from standard drama to scenario drama and Xian-Zhi Zeng’ three represented publications, the discussions of Third Madame educates her son, A-San Li’s remarried mother, and Fate for three lifetimes from scenario drama to standard drama.


李心齡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討的是針對休閒餐飲業之一的「休閒茶店」所做的消費行為研究,欲瞭解休閒茶店消費者所擁有的人口特徵、消費型態、所重視的商店屬性、所偏好的商店空間形象設計以及其消費後的商店屬性滿意度、整體消費滿意度、未來再消費意願和推薦意願等等,還有這些項目彼此之間的關係又是如何。因此,本研究目如下: 一、探討休閒茶店的消費者特徵(人口統計變項和生活型態)為何。 二、探討消費者對於休閒茶店的商店屬性重視度及商店空間形象設計喜好為何。 三、探討消費者於休閒茶店的消費型態為何。 四、探討消費者對於休閒茶店的消費態度(滿意度和忠誠度)為何。 五、探討休閒茶店的消費者特徵、商店屬性重視度、商店空間形象設計喜好、消費型態與消費態度之間的相互關係。 六、藉由資料蒐集與分析,予以茶店經營業者行銷建議,做為展店經營參考。 本研究採用的研究方法是「調查研究法」,使用「紙本問卷」和「網路問卷」二種方式來收集意見,共收集到894份問卷。紙本問卷發放與收集是由研究者親自前往台北市與台中市執行研究調查,收集時日皆跨及非假日與假日,收集時段皆於每日上午11點至晚間12點間陸續前往各店家發放與收集,故問卷收集的時日與時段皆已兼顧可能的消費時機,可以避免問卷收集時日與時段選擇偏頗的問題。發放問卷店家選定方式與問卷發放方式係以「研究者獲得該店家同意得以進入其店內向顧客發放問卷」為選定店家的關鍵,且依「桌次順序」一桌一桌地拜訪店內消費者,徵求消費者協助填答。紙本正式問卷的施測共計前往台北市及台中市共17家茶店進行調查,台北市7家,台中市10家,共計發放出463份問卷,其中有效問卷428份,無效問卷35份,有效問卷回收率為92.5%。網路問卷發放與收集是透過BBS(批踢踢實業坊)上的「喫茶版」、「飲料版」、「美食版」等餐飲相關討論版,以及研究者所擁有的E-mail名冊等,執行網路的研究調查。網路正式問卷的施測共計發放出467份問卷,其中有效問卷465份,無效問卷2份,有效問卷回收率為99.6%。 根據本研究所提出的研究假設,經假設驗證後得到以下之研究結果: 一、不同人口統計變項的茶店消費者,於生活型態上有顯著差異。 二、不同消費者特徵的茶店消費者,於商店屬性重視度上有顯著差異。 三、不同消費者特徵的茶店消費者,對商店空間形象設計的喜好有顯著差異。 四、不同消費者特徵的茶店消費者,於消費型態上有顯著差異。 五、不同消費者特徵的茶店消費者,於消費態度上有顯著差異。 六、不同商店重視屬性集群的茶店消費者,於消費態度上有顯著差異。 七、不同商店空間形象設計喜好的茶店消費者,於商店屬性重視度上有顯著差異。 八、不同商店空間形象設計喜好的茶店消費者,於消費態度上有顯著差異。 九、不同消費型態的茶店消費者,於商店屬性重視度上有顯著差異。 十、不同消費型態的茶店消費者,於商店空間形象設計喜好上有顯著差異。 十一、不同消費型態的茶店消費者,於消費態度上有顯著差異。 十二、不同商店滿意屬性集群的茶店消費者,於整體消費滿意度上有顯著差異。 十三、不同商店滿意屬性集群的茶店消費者,於忠誠度上有顯著差異。 十四、茶店消費者的忠誠度,與茶店的整體消費滿意度有顯著相關。 十五、茶店消費者的推薦意願,與茶店消費者的再消費意願有顯著相關。 最後,本研究提出以下行銷策略建議: 一、產品策略 (一)首重產品品質與口味的堅持。 (二)提供給消費者符合其心目中優先順序需求的產品。 (三)讓「服務」始終成為茶店最優質的產品。 二、價格策略 (一)滿足消費者能力許可的價格。 (二)提供「平價奢華」的感受。 三、通路策略 (一)提供消費者所期待的茶店環境。 (二)迎合消費者偏好的茶店空間形象設計。 (三)改善消費者前往茶店消費的便利性問題。 (四)不要讓店內的顧客素質成為營業的致命傷。 四、推廣策略 (一)「口碑」的力量。 (二)製造吸引消費者目光的機會。 (三)主動曝光。 以及,本研究對於未來研究方向建議如下: 一、茶店的「商店空間裝潢設計」與「商店空間形象設計」研究再深入。 二、與「咖啡店」進行消費行為的比較研究。 關鍵詞:休閒餐飲、茶店、消費行為、消費者特徵、生活型態、商店屬性、商店空間形象設計、消費型態、消費態度、滿意度、忠誠度

貓空纜車興建之政策形成過程研究:政策網絡觀點 / The study of policy formation process in construction of Maokong Gondola: A policy network approach

黃柏榕, Huang, Po Jung Unknown Date (has links)
全台第一座都會型纜車「貓空纜車」於2007年7月4日正式營運,並在一年三個月創下617萬搭乘人次,成果輝煌;然而在2008年9月,因遭逢辛樂克與薔蜜颱風接連肆虐下,發生纜車T16塔柱邊坡崩塌事件進而停駛。當各界重新檢討這座興建順利的纜車背後隱藏了多少問題之際,本研究運用政策網絡分析,檢視貓空纜車政策形成過程,分別就參與者性質、行動者策略、權力關係與網絡整合性四大面向,就問題形成、政策規劃、政策合法化三個階段,逐段建構政策網絡、確立利害關係人,並探討興建過程中產生的問題。 研究發現,貓空纜車成案的關鍵並非專業評估使然,乃是為了實現馬英九市府的競選承諾。貓空纜車因為規劃過程中受到動物園的影響,導致纜車路線變更,鄰近棲霞山莊,並衍生後續噪音污染等爭議。貓空纜車在木柵觀光茶園社區發展協會及指南宮等民間團體的支持下,削弱了反對聲音;而主要的政策反對者棲霞山莊,則在當時問題意識不明確、預算順利通過等因素下,錯失反對時機。 / The first urban-type cable car in Taiwan “Maokong Gondola” had been inaugurated since 4th of July in 2007. It has successfully achieved 6.17 million hits in one year and three months. However, during September 2008, typhoon Sinlaku and Jangmi struck one after another and incurred serious mudslide erosion underneath pillar T16. The disaster had crippled the whole cable car system and had urged the public to re-examine the whole construction. This study utilizes policy network analysis to evaluate policy formation process regarding the construction of Maokong gondola in terms of four major factors: character of participants, actions’ strategies, power relationship and network integration. Demarcating the policy network while identifying the policy stakeholders and exploring issues arising from the construction process has been carried out in all three stages of the event: problem formation, policy formulation and policy legitimation. This study shows that the key to the approval of Maokong gondola program was not due to professional evaluation, but instead, it was for the political motivation of Ma’s administration to attain victory in campaign. Being affected by the location of Taipei city zoo in the stage of program formulating, the cable car system has been rerouted closer to Chi-shia village, causing noise pollution and other harassment. By strong support from Muzha tea park community development association and Zhinan temple, the opponent’s opinions were gradually suppressed. Due to uncertainty of problem-knowing and easy approval of budget, the main opponent Chi-shia village had finally missed the opportunity in stopping the program.

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