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吳家聲, Wu, Jia-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,開發中國家由於技術落後,引發出許多相當嚴重之問題,諸如成本高昂、品質低劣,同時由於落後國家低生產力所導致低真實所得與低購買力,實無法產生足夠的投資誘因,造成了貧困的惡性循環現象(the vicious circle of poverty) ,因之有所謂技術差距(technical gap) 之,存在,而此問題不僅牽涉到科學與研究發展問題,同時亦須注意外來技術邁入之途徑。 本文主要目的,乃在於了解各國在引進技術與研究發展上所作之努力及其所獲成果情形,並試圖以實證資料來解說技術與經濟發展是否息息相關? 技術進步對台灣經濟發展究有多少貢獻? 同時探討在過去二十年來我國各種產業技術進步是屬中性,抑屬資本集約或勞動集約型態? 最後擬將我國技術進步情形與其他主要先進國家技術進步情形作一比較,冀能由此看出台灣今後在技術上所應努力之方向。 為了估測台灣技術進步之偏向與效果,本文共採用了四種分析方法。( 一 )R.Solow 非體現技術進步測定方法。( 二 )E.F. Denidion 非體現之殘差推算方法( 三 )R. Nelson 之體現技術進步方法。( 四 )利用CES 生產函數之技術進步測定方法。


謝中興 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由三篇相關的文章所組成,第一篇文章討論勞動能力分配如何影響國際分工的型態,可分割生產技術的採用對所得分配的影響,以及國際貿易在這當中所扮演的角色。第二篇文章分析開放體系下,廠商滿足大眾訴求的核心能力和生產模式間的關係。第三篇文章建構動態的產業調整模型,分析廠商的異質性在生產模式的變遷過程中所扮演的角色,以及國際貿易如何進一步影響產業的調整時徑。 第一篇文章以一般均衡的異質性勞動模型,探討國際垂直分工的比較利益來源,以及從整合生產到國際垂直分工的經濟效果。各財的產出受象徵知識與經驗的勞動能力所影響,異質性最終財的生產涉及勞動能力邊際生產力遞增,與線性技術兩種不同性質的生產任務。在整合生產,兩種任務需一起執行,勞動能力在不同任務間具有模組互補的現象;在可分割生產時,不同的任務可以獨立由不同的生產單位執行,因此可以分地進行生產。第一篇文章的主要結論是:1. 國際垂直分工的比較利益來自於兩國勞動能力的絕對差異,或分配上的相對差異,這與傳統資源秉賦理論的精神相符;2. 當生產技術由不可分割演進到可分割時,兩國的所得分配均更為惡化,國際分工進一步影響兩國的所得分配。 第二篇文章探討最終廠商在消費價值創造上所擁有的核心優勢強弱,與其最適生產模式的關係。最終財廠商將一單位的中間投入,輔以消費價值的創造,才能將所得到的最終財銷售給消費者,而消費價值的創造直接反映在消費的效用水準。對於中間投入,最終廠商需決定整合生產或委外分工,二者均需考慮南北的區位選擇。企業家在決定其生產模式時面臨以下兩難問題:首先,垂直分工的價值來自供應商的專業經營,但除不完全契約問題外,還需要額外的固定成本。其次,在區位選擇方面,南國的工資水準較低,但組織成本要比北國高。本文說明在創造消費價值創造上所擁有的專業能力不同,上述兩難問題的得失輕重也有所不同。此外,關於國際委外的組織成本下降如何影響國際委外活動之進行,以及對各階層所得的影響,本文也提供相當直覺的剖析。 第三篇文章建構動態的產業調整模型,分析廠商的異質性在生產模式的變遷過程中所扮演的角色,以及國際貿易如何進一步影響產業的調整時徑。當中,最終廠商在滿足大眾訴求的專業能力各不相同。廠商可以將生產工序標準化為可交易的中間財,並與專業供應商垂直分工。委外分工可以降低生產成本,但也存在隨時間遞減的調適成本,最終廠商要決定的是最適化的調整時點。這篇文章的主要結論是:1. 對消費大眾愈具吸引力的廠商,調整生產模式的時點愈早; 2. 國際貿易同時具有催化延緩產業調整時徑的作用,開放體系下,外銷廠商的調整時點較封閉體系早,內銷廠商較封閉體系晚;3. 互惠性的降低貿易障礙或技術進步所致的貿易成本下降,將使外銷廠商的調整時點提前,內銷廠商則延後。

技術知識特質與產業特性對代工關係的影響 - 以台灣資訊電子產業為例

郭子維, Jason Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
國外大廠為了因應產品需求下滑以及降低成本的壓力,不斷的將電腦、手機和半導體的設計與製造外包;而台灣長期以來便具有成本、設計與製造上的優勢,這使得台灣在全球資訊產業的價值鏈上,一直佔有舉足輕重的地位。從台灣資訊電子產業的發展過程來看,代工業務已經成為台灣資訊電子業極為重要的業務及策略形態。 本研究認為,瞭解代工關係的發展與變化,有利於協助國內代工供應商對於資源與策略的選擇。因此,代工關係是否會受到技術知識特質的影響?台灣產業網絡的特質與代工供應商自身的能力,又是否會影響代工關係的強弱?這些都是本研究想要探討的重要議題。本研究希望將代工業務視為代工供應商的根本策略定位,探討技術知識的特質、產業特性與代工供應商能力對代工關係強弱之影響。 本研究所選定之研究對象,以台灣資訊電子產業中前十大資訊產品製造商為目標對象,透過深入訪談的個案研究,瞭解個案公司不同產品事業部之技術知識連結性與產業特性之差異。另外,也請受訪者回顧該公司經營發展歷程中,公司與顧客間關係變化的程度是否會因技術特質、產業特性與代工能耐的差異,而有所不同。本研究則針對個案公司與其合作顧客在某些個案或事件上,採用歷史回顧性的方式加以紀錄與分析。 本研究的幾個重要發現分別說明如下:(一)代工供應商的產品線廣度,對代工關係的發展具有正向的幫助。(二)台灣代工供應商以應用技術見長。(三)產業標準的形成,台灣代工供應商進入產業的障礙降低;使得代工供應商的產品差異化程度低,代工關係容易成為交易型關係。(四)當技術知識的累積性越高,代工供應商與客戶之間的代工關係就越緊密。(五)技術知識移轉的初期,知識的「內隱性」大過於「外顯性」,技術移轉的載具以「人」為主體,代工供應商與客戶間密切地交流,會使得代工關係更緊密。(六)產品生命週期的長短,並不影響代工關係的緊密程度。(七)台灣資訊/通訊產業網絡的基礎深厚,有利於代工產業的發展。(八)代工關係的初期,雙方合作的關係以產品開發為主體;當產業逐漸成熟後,合作的範疇會擴大到至行銷業務的價值活動。(十)代工供應商為客戶建立及投資專屬性資產,有助於代工供應商強化與客戶的代工關係。(十一)代工供應商的能力會影響代工供應商與品牌客戶的關係。(十二)產業在成長期時,「產品研發能力」、「製造能力」與「關鍵零組件採購能力」是影響代工供應商與客戶之間,代工關係發展的關鍵因素。(十三)當產業在成熟期,「全球運籌管理能力」與「關鍵零組件採購能力」則是品牌客戶特別重視的代工能力,也是影響代工關係變化的重要因素。


吳子敬 Unknown Date (has links)
論文名稱:後冷戰中共國防現代化之研究      頁數:160 校系(所)組別:政治大學國際事務學院外交學系國際安全與戰略組 畢業時間及提要別:92學年度第1學期碩士論文提要 研究生:吳子敬      指導教授:朱新民 博士 論文提要內容:   90年代初蘇聯解體,冷戰結束。國際情勢進入後冷戰時期,由於蘇聯全球性的軍事威脅消失,西方國家普遍要求削減國防經費,希望享受和平紅利之際。在正常思維下,中共起始於80年代初之國防現代化受到外部軍事威脅減輕、內部經濟全面開放格局的影響,應該延遲或趨緩。令人質疑的是,中共國防經費自1989年起卻持續每年呈百分比兩位數字大幅成長,凸顯中共有加速國防現代化之現象。鑑於冷戰時期中共威脅亞太安全及我國國防安全之歷史經驗,因此中共違反國際普遍的趨勢,持續國防現代化究竟有那些意圖、作為及變化,為本論文之研究動機。     本論文之研究重點,主要透過1985年中共建構之國防發展戰略體系架構,藉由上而下之層次分析法,瞭解中共持續國防現代化真正的意圖、國防戰略構想、常規軍事武力整建的過程與成效。並試圖對其整體軍力及未來發展趨勢作一評估與預判,以及對亞太地區、台海安全可能潛在的威脅。   通過本論文的分析,我們可以明顯看出,中共90年代國防現代化的建設佈局,投入的重心不再是放在大規模傳統戰爭的準備上,而是放在高技術局部戰爭和小型軍事衝突快速反應能力的建構上。後冷戰中共軍力整建最具特色的部份:一是陸航兵力、海空軍境外投射兵力的整建,讓中共已經具有局部取戰略攻勢之能力;二是二砲M族地對地戰術導彈的成軍與部署,加大中共的威懾戰力。初步達成中共國防所應具備保衛國家利益、適應戰爭需要等兩項基基本任務之軍力結構轉型,同時也在綜合國力的提升上作出一定的貢獻。就實力的對比角度言,中共的軍力優勢未來與亞太地區周邊國家的軍力比較,如果差距越來越大,相對安全威脅之程度也愈來愈大。

美術影像中顏色風格探勘之研究 / Mining Painting Color Style from Fine Arts

劉勁男, Chin-Nan Liu Unknown Date (has links)
資料探勘技術的研究,隨著資料庫系統的普遍建置而日益重要。但是尚沒有研究針對美術繪畫影像的風格探勘。本研究的目的也就是發展資料探勘的技術,從繪畫的低階影像特徵中探勘出繪畫風格,並以分類規則的方式來表示繪畫風格。畫家的畫風是指表現在大部分畫作裡的繪畫風格,也是與其他畫家相比,在畫作的共同特徵上之獨特性與差異性。基於以上的兩個特性,我們把畫風探勘分為三個議題︰一、feature extraction,從美術影像中萃取低階影像特徵,我們使用的有主要顏色與相鄰顏色。為了因應MPEG-7標準即將統一描述多媒體資料的內容表示方式,所以我們也針對MPEG-7規格的低階影像特徵。二、mining frequent patterns,從所有該畫家畫作的低階影像特徵找出共同的個人畫作特徵,我們利用association rule中mining frequent itemset的方法找出畫風中顏色的搭配,而且我們也發展了一個新的規則,frequent 2D sequential pattern,用來表示畫風中顏色的佈局。三、classification,找出每個畫家與別人不一樣的個人畫作特徵,就是定量描述的繪畫影像風格。我們分別利用C4.5與修改過的associative classification。我們提出了二個改進associative classification的分類演算法,single-feature variant support (SFVS) classification,容許各個class進行不同minimum support的mining以及與multi-feature variant support (MFVS) classification,同時用不同低階影像特徵進行分類。有關實驗的進行,我們有兩組測試畫家,一組是西方印象派畫家,另一組則是受西方印象派影響的臺灣本土畫家。每組畫家都進行兩人配對,分別建出2-way的associative classifier、SFVS classifier與MFVS classifier,並評估畫風探勘演算法的效果。最後,本論文實作了一個「影像風格查詢系統」。查詢系統的基本功能提供使用者以風格查詢藝術影像的功能。例如,使用者可以查詢具有梵谷畫風的畫作或是查詢融合雷諾瓦與莫內畫風的畫作。 / The data mining researches become more and more important. However, no studies have investigated on painting style mining of fine arts images. The purpose of this paper is to develop a new approach for mining painting style from low level image features of fine art images and represent painting style as the classification rules. The painitng style of an artist is characterized not only by the frequent pattern appears in most works but also by the discrimination patterns from others. According to these two characteristics, we identified three design issues for painting style mining: feature extraction, mining frequent patterns and classification. Feature extraction extracts low level image freatures from fine arts images. In this thesis, we extract dominant color and adjacency color relationship as low level image features. Besides, we also extract MPEG-7 descriptors. Mining frequent patterns finds the frequent patterns appear in all works by one artist. We apply the technique of frequent itemset mining in association rule mining to find which colors are likely be used together in artist’s painting style. Moreover, we proposed a new pattern, frequent 2D subsequence, to represent painting style in terms of color layout. Classification finds the artist’s discriminating patterns from others and presents those patterns as painting style in quantitative manner. We utilize C4.5 and modified associative classification as classification methods. We developed two association classification algorithm, single-feature variant support (SFVS) classification and multi-feature variant support (MFVS) classification. The experiment is conducted by two groups of painting work. One is the work of impressionism artists and the other is the work of Taiwan artists that were influenced by impressionism. The 2-way associative classifier, SFVS classifier and MFVS classifier are constructed for each group of painting work and evaluate the proformance. Finally, we implemented a “Painting Style Query System” which provides users to query fine arts images by painting style. For example, user can query those images that matchs VanGogh’s style or query those images that matchs integration style with Renoir and Monet.

知識工作者與組織績效關聯性之研究 / The Relationship between Knowledge Workers and Firm Performance

翁淑雅, Shu-Ya Weng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過行政院主計處民國八十年製造業抽樣調查資料庫,探討台灣地區大型企業與中小企業在不同產業(非金屬製品業、金屬製品業及電力電子業)下知識工作者與組織績效之關聯性,並針對知識工作者之性別與組織績效的關聯性進行探索性的研究。 本研究在知識工作者與組織績效的關聯性部分,根據文獻資料提出了二個假設,其分別為: 假設1:知識工作者占全體員工的比例與組織績效呈正相關。 假設2:在製造業,專門技術人員占全體員工的比例與組織績效呈正相關。 而資料驗證的結果得知: 1. 知識工作者與組織績效的關係,在金屬製品業的中小企業及非金屬製品業的大型企業皆呈顯著的負相關,而根據進一步的瞭解,此與組織的年齡及規模有關。 2. 在組織擁有較多知識的專門技術人員,其與組織績效的關係只有在電力電子業的大型企業中呈現顯著之正相關,此應與該產業的技術需求性及對研發的投入程度有關。 而在知識工作者的性別與組織績效的探索性研究上,其研究結果有部份呈現顯著,有部份則否,至於為何會有這樣之結果,在本研究中並未進行更深入的探討,相信後續學者在從事相關之研究時,應能有更深入的解說。 / The Two primary purposes of this study is: firstly discussing the relationship between the knowledge workers and the firm performance under different firm size and industries through the database that was constructed using sampling survey by the auditing department of Executive Yuan in 1991; secondly, conducting exploratory research to study correlation between the gender of knowledge workers and the firm performance. This study proposed two hypotheses regarding the correlation between knowledge workers and firm performance based on the existing literature: Ø Hypothesis one: Positive correlation exists between the proportion of knowledge workers and the firm performance. Ø Hypothesis two: Positive correlation exists between the proportion of technical experts and the firm performance in the manufacturing industry. The results of this research revealed that: 1. There is a negative correlation exists between the knowledge workers and the firm performance in small- and medium-scaled companies of the metal products industry. Further analysis showed that the above finding could be related to the age and the scale of the company. 2. An organization that has technical experts with more knowledge could achieve better performance. However, this positive correlation is mostly statistically significant only in the companies with larger scale in the electronic industry. The requirement of advance technology and the degree of investment in R&D could partly explain this finding. The exploratory study on the correlation between the gender of knowledge workers and the firm performance present partly significant results and some results were not. Further discussion is not included in the study to offer explanation for the above observation. Hopefully, other researchers could conduct more detailed study regarding this aspect in the future.

Product Innovations and Path Dependence -- The Experience of a Taiwanese High-Tech Company

陳守維, CHEN, SHOU-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
對大多數台灣高科技廠商而言,產品創新已是公司生存及精進之必要。根據研究文獻的探討,我們發現影響產品創新的因素有三個,它們分別是:技術相關性、市場能力、及公司在吸收新知以轉換、內化並應用到新產品開發的能力。每一個因素我們皆根據文獻探討以給予定義的解釋,接著再將三因素皆分為”高” 及“低”兩方向來看。在行成一個三維的矩陣後,我們將其簡化成三個二維矩陣並一一解釋。每一矩陣皆有四個象限,皆有舉例說明探討。 接著,我們在產品創新中考慮路徑相依的特性並以實際個案分析之。首先,我們配合個案公司在過去曾經歷過的變革挑戰依時間點畫出”雙技術樹狀圖”(DTT),接著我們分析出研究個案公司的產品發展路徑。所得出的研究資料告訴我們,在公司產品創新的路徑相依歷程中,產品及客戶能力兩者是彼此互相影響的。 接著,我們討論本研究個案中產品銷售的路徑順序。我們以每五年為一分斷點再各別作出一矩陣並一一分析之。我們發現,個案大多數產品線在不同客戶屬性間銷售路徑幾乎一致。即產品銷售皆由具有技術背景的系統整合商開始,接著銷售及於區域性或連鎖性之代理商,最後在一段時間後當公司產品達到穩定且做出公司名聲後,一些潛在全美國性質或泛歐洲的大通路商、甚至或具有大量銷售能力的競爭對手,雙方便開始以ODM或OEM方式合作。 最後,我們再以策略技術領域(STA)矩陣來分析一公司技術領域之強點與弱點。以公司的技術能力及各個產品線組成此一二維矩陣。研究發現所研究的個案公司其核心能力是在資訊產品元件中的硬體及韌體,而軟體為其弱點。本研究的個案公司以其對區域網路所擁有的專業知識、韌體能力,公司適當的切入策略(以能讓資訊週邊產品具有網附分享功能的周邊加值廠商)及其對PC週邊設備的瞭解,將持續增加個案公司在其網路領域的相對競爭優勢。 / For most Taiwanese high-tech companies, their product innovations have been recognized as a primary means of corporate renewal. Based on the literature review, we concluded that three factors affect the product innovations. They are: technology-relevance, marketing-capability and assimilation-capability. Each factor is divided into “high” and “low” conditions. We gave the definition to each factor and depicted their inter-relationships by three 2-dimension matrices accordingly. Each 2-diemsion matrix has four patterns. We explain each of these patterns by examples. Take into account of path dependence in product innovations, we analysis the real situation from our study case (TDK Corp.). We draw out the DTT (Dual Technology Tree) matching with the firm’s technological challenges in time sequence. We also analysis the TDK product developing paths, this figure offers insight into the resource dynamics through product innovation over time. The present data from TDK suggest that the reciprocal interplay between product and customer competence accounts for these path dependencies. Following, we also discuss the selling paths and sequence to TDK LAN products by a customers and products segmentation matrix in time sequence (with three different stages and each last 5 years). It shows that almost every of TDK’s product selling sequence is beginning from system integrators or small retail (with tech. background) first then accepted by national distributors. After achieving a good level in product quality and company reputation, some key customers or even competitors will do ODM/OEM business with the firm. Finally, we analysis a firm’s core abilities by STA(Strategic Technical Area) matrix. This matrix consists of technological abilities and product lines. Our research result shows that the TDK Corp. core competences are both LAN and firmware fields. However, the software area is its weakness. With its LAN knowledge, firmware competence, an appropriate strategy (as an embedded IT company to penetrate into niche markets around PC peripherals with network sharing functions), and the knowledge in different PC peripherals are continuously increasing the firm’s core abilities with higher comparative competition advantages than other firms in LAN field.

我國中小型資訊軟體業技術知識特質與創新行為之研究 / An Exploratory Study on Relationship between Characteristics of Technological Knowledge and Innovation Behavior on SME in Computer Software Industry in Taiwan

吳健鑫, Chien-Hsin Wu Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業在台灣的經濟發展過程中的地位是眾所皆知的,然而,有關科技型中小企業的創新行為的研究,無論是國內或國外都不是很多。本研究即以個案研究法,針對台灣的中小型資訊軟體公司,探討其軟體專業類型、中小企業特質與研發創新專案的技術知識特質,對創新行為之關聯性及影響。本研究之主要研究發現如下: 一、不同軟體專業類型之中小型資訊軟體公司,其技術知識特質不同。 二、技術知識特質會影響中小型資訊軟體公司的創新行為.: 1.創新專案之技術知識特質會影響:(1)共同解決問題時,團隊成員背景異質/多元性;(2) 共同解決問題時,問題時,藉由鼓勵創造性摩擦產生創造性的知識結合;(3)組織鼓勵實驗的風氣;(4)是否藉由參加教育訓練課程作為知識吸收之來源。 2.創新專案之技術知識的標準化程度高低不同,使用原型溝通的方式不同。 3.創新專案之技術知識的路徑相依程度會影響創新行為中鼓勵智慧型失敗的風氣。 三、中小企業特質會影響中小型資訊軟體公司的創新行為: 1.中小型資訊軟體業由於軟體專業類型不同,使得企業主參與程度不同,組織的創新行為(鼓勵創造性的知識結合與實驗的風氣)亦不相同。 2.中小型資訊軟體業的正式化程度與組織的創新行為無明顯關聯性。 3.中小型資訊軟體業的研發人員之自主性越高,對於組織的創新行為越有正面的影響。 四、不同軟體專業類型之中小型資訊軟體公司,其創新行為與管理作法不同。 五、本研究之次要研究發現: 1.中小型資訊軟體公司的軟體專業類型不同,企業主參與程度不同。 2.中小型資訊軟體公司的軟體專業類型不同,其研發人員自主性不同。 3.中小型資訊軟體公司的技術知識特質多元化程度與標準化程度不同,研發人員自主性不同。 4.中小型資訊軟體公司之創新行為中執行與整合新科技與工具時,使用者參與程度以諮詢模式為主。 5.中小型資訊軟體公司之企業規模越大,對於創新行為越有正面的影響。 因此,本研究建議,中小型資訊軟體公司若要持續性的創新以增強企業體質,確實需要瞭解不同的技術知識特質對創新行為的影響,藉由創新活動與程序的管理,來提升企業的創新能力與成效。 / It is well known that the SMEs (Small & Medium-sized Enterprises) have played an important role in the process of economic development in Taiwan. This thesis attempts to take an exploratory study of the relationship between characteristics of technological knowledge and innovation behavior on SMEs in computer software industry in Taiwan. There are primary figures found in the thesis: Ⅰ.Different categories of computer software in SMEs have the different types of characteristics of technological knowledge. Ⅱ.Characteristics of technological knowledge have the effect on the innovation behavior of SMEs, such as: 1. Characteristics of technological knowledge in an innovative project have an influence on a).the diversity of team members, when the team work is held; b).whether there comes a creativity of knowledge combination via creative abrasion or not, when the team work is held; c).the intensity of encouragement of R&D in a company; d).whether the company takes the formal training courses as a knowledge source. 2. The standardization of technological knowledge in an innovative project has an influence on how the prototype is used in the R&D process of the project. 3. The path-dependency of technological knowledge in an innovative project has an influence on the intensity of encouragement of failing forward in a company. Ⅲ. Characteristics of SMEs have the effect on the innovation behavior of SMEs in computer software industry, such as: 1. Due to different categories of computer software, the proprietors of SMEs have different intensity of involvement and then make innovation behavior of the organization different. 2. The organizational formalization of the SMEs in computer software industry has no apparent relationship with innovation behavior. 3. The extent of autonomy of R&D employees in SMEs in computer software industry has a positive relationship with innovation behavior. Ⅳ. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different innovation behavior and management methods. Ⅴ. Other submary figuress of this thesis are as follows: 1. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different intensity of involvement of proprietors. 2. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different extent of autonomy of R&D employees. 3. When SMEs in different categories of computer software have the different diversity along with standardization of technological knowledge, there is a different extent of autonomy of R&D employees. 4. In innovation behavior, most of SMEs in computer software industry take inquiry method as the intensity of involvement of users, when they attempt to implement and to integrate new technology or tools. 5. The larger scale of SMEs in different categories of computer software takes more positive effects on innovation behavior. As the results, this thesis suggests that SMEs in different categories of computer software should understand the how different characteristics of technological knowledge affect the innovation behavior, when they attempt to make the company stronger via continuous innovation. They can also improve the innovative capability and performance by innovation management.


徐健銘 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,推動臺灣經濟不斷成長的幕後英雄,正是占全部企業達九成七以上的中小企業,過去五十餘年來,中小企業在台灣經濟成長與產業發展過程中,無論在拓展對外貿易、增加國民所得、創造就業機會、或是促進社會安定等方面,一直扮演著極為的重要角色,大部分的大企業也都曾歷經由中小企業之草創時期,進而轉型、蛻變而成長為大型企業。儘管中小企業的重要性,但是有關的這方面的研究,尤其是對於高科技中小企業的產品與知識創新管理上,卻仍然不多。 本研究以個案訪談法為主要研究方式,主要訪問得獎過的、以及表現良好的6家台灣高科技中小企業。以『技術知識特質』與『中小企業特質』兩個構面來探索其對於『產品創新與知識管理』之影響。所得到的初步研究發現包括: 1. 高科技中小企業之研發創新的技術知識內隱程度會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為 技術知識內隱程度越高時:(1)外部知識吸收上越需透過人員密切互動來完成;(2)共同解決問題上越需透過更多的人員互動;(3)人員是重要的知識蓄積載體。 2. 高科技中小企業之研發創新的技術知識標準化程度會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為 技術知識標準化程度會影響組織進行知識吸收時的廣泛程度與吸收方式。技術知識標準化程度越低時:(1)組織內越需利用原型來溝通產品概念(2)開發團隊成員越傾向自行設計製作設備。 3. 高科技中小企業之研發創新的技術知識複雜程度會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為 技術知識複雜程度愈高:(1)知識吸收來源愈廣泛(2)成員多元化程度愈高(3)共同解決問題時越需要透過頻繁的溝通。 4. 高科技中小企業的特質會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為 高科技中小企業其正式化程度越高,越有助於知識的蓄積。而且,在創新研發專案的進行上,越高的研發人員自主性與企業主參與程度,越有助於產品創新與知識創新管理的成效。 本研究最後並提出對業界及後續研究者的建議。 / Topic: A Study on Product Innovation and Organizational Knowledge Management of High Technology Small Business Enterprise. Introduction: This study discussed how the characteristics of technological knowledge and the characteristics of Small business Enterprises influence the knowledge management, including input, adsorption and integration, storage, and circulation via New Product Development project in Taiwan high technology small business enterprise. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to discuss the following topics: 1.What characteristics do the Taiwan SMEs have? 2.What characteristics of technological knowledge do the Taiwan high technology SMEs have? 3.How do the characteristics of technological knowledge influence the product innovation and knowledge management of high technology SMEs? Research Methodology: Very few studies about product innovations and knowledge management of high-tech SMEs have been completed. Therefore, this work is merely exploratory, making the use of a case study approach to enhance understanding appropriate (Yin, 1989). Research Findings: According to the analyses of six cases in Taiwan high-tech SMEs, the study has generated the following conclusions: 1.Tacitness of Technological Knowledge in high-tech SMEs’ innovation project can influence the product innovation and knowledge management. □ When the Characteristic of Technological Knowledge is more tacit , the organization’s knowledge absorption depends on more direct personnel interaction. □ When the Characteristic of Technological Knowledge is more tacit , the team members depend on more direct personnel interaction to solving the problem. □ When the Characteristic of Technological Knowledge is more tacit , the firm store its knowledge through documents; otherwise it will be stored through people. 2.The standardization of Technological Knowledge in high-tech SMEs’ innovation project can influence the product innovation and knowledge management. □ The standardization of technological knowledge can affect the input of knowledge. □ Standardization of Technological Knowledge can affect Technological Knowledge Creation. When Technological Knowledge Standardization is higher, RD team would communicate the concept and technology of products with the marketing standard. In opposition when Technological Knowledge Standardization is lower, RD team would communicate the concept and technology of products with the prototype. □ When Technological Knowledge Standardization is lower, RD team would tend to make the tool or instrument by themselves. 3.Complexity of Technological Knowledge in high-tech SMEs’ innovation project can influence the product innovation and knowledge management. □ The complexity of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the input of knowledge. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the. □ The complexity of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the composition of team members. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the complexity of members is higher. □ If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the team members depend on more direct personnel interaction and communication to solving the problem. 4.The Characteristics of Small business Enterprise can influence the product innovation and knowledge management. □ The higher formalization of high-tech SME , the more to be contributive in firm’s knowledge store. □ During the process of new product development, the more decision-making power which R&D member has and the entrepreneur participates in the project much , the more to be contributive to the effect of product innovation and knowledge management. Keywords: The Characteristics of Technological Knowledge、knowledge management、The Characteristics of Small business Enterprise、High-tech SMEs


姜波英 Unknown Date (has links)
根據民國88至90年教育部統計處出版的資料,本文首先利用資料包絡分析法評估個別國立大學之技術效率;然後,以Tobit截斷迴歸模型探討可能造成國立大學技術效率差異之因素。技術效率評估結果顯示,在不同投入產出組合下,國立大學整體的技術效率平均值介於115.30﹪與122.17﹪之間,並且,規模效率平均值大於1,代表:台灣國立大學在產出上仍存在改善空間;且造成其不效率之原因,主要歸咎於純技術無效率及規模無效率。Tobit截斷迴歸實證結果顯示,大學部學生比例與技術效率之關係為負向,競爭程度的提高可提昇國立大學的經營效率,師範與科技類大學的技術效率低於其他大學。 關鍵詞:技術效率、資料包絡分析法、Tobit截斷迴歸方法 JEL Classification:L83、M11、M21

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