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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


関本, 真乃 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第18720号 / 文博第678号 / 新制||文||616(附属図書館) / 31671 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科文献文化学専攻 / (主査)准教授 金光 桂子, 教授 大谷 雅夫, 准教授 大槻 信 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM


莊正民, Zhuang, Zheng-Min Unknown Date (has links)
本論文內容大概如次:第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、研究目的、研究方法與研究限 制。第二章為衵灣塑膠衣著製造業概況分析,介紹本業之發展展背景,目前台灣塑膠 衣著製造廠家的規模分析與生產概況,及分析廠商經營上所面臨的困難。第三章為台 灣塑膠衣著製造業的外銷產品結構與外銷市場結構,說明台灣塑膠衣著外銷的概況, 及所面臨的競爭情形。第四章為台灣塑膠衣著製造業當前國際行銷策略之分析,檢討 當前廠商外銷時所採用的產品、價格、通路、推廣等策略,發掘問題之所在,並提出 改進的辦法。五章為結論與建議,乃依據分析之結果,提出具體可行之建議,作為政 府與業者的參考。

"留意這腐爛帶蛆性行為": 論艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>深刻書寫的性愛、疾病、死亡議題 / "Alert to even the grubbiest sexual possibility": The Immersive Writing of Sex, Disease, Death in Edmund White's The Married Man

胡家銘, Hu, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>愛滋書寫裡、對男同志性愛/死亡在愛滋年代的辨證關係,探討愛滋文學所能扮演的文化功能。第二章、利用傅柯式圓形監獄概念衍生下主體自我內化規訓,討論男同志性愛原先具有的顛覆本質,如何隨著80年代、HIV病毒出現,在生物醫學論述下對男同志進行”再次病理化”的辨證關係。 第三章參考喬瑟夫.凱迪在1993年發表的文章、 分類愛滋書寫為深刻書寫和反深刻書寫,討論<已婚男人>裡愛滋深刻書寫裡、藉由呈現詭異疾病身體來製造驚嚇感、引發讀者對於愛滋議題另一層次的反思。第四章、則是探討<已婚男人>呈現無病徵的衣櫃身體、其造成主體/客體在視覺上/心理上、介於有病/無病的模糊詭譎狀態,可以被視為愛滋文學、一種提供讀者在愛滋年代裡、在絕望中仍可懷抱希望的正面力量。透過以上探討、艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>豎立愛滋書寫之中、呈現男同志文化與愛滋病複雜關係的傑出作品。 / This study discusses Edmund White’s AIDS writing in his The Married Man, a fiction that depicts the issue of gay sex and death in the age of the Epidemic. In chapter two, I intend to discuss about how biomedical discourse of HIV/AIDS fosters a Focauldian apparatus of panoptical surveillance and self-discipline in relation to gay sex. With the advent of HIV virus, the once subversive lifestyle of gay sex becomes more problematic. In chapter three, I attempt to employ Joseph Cady’s definition of AIDS writings as either immersive or counter-immersive, and argue that Edmund White’s The Married Man should be viewed as an immersive AIDS writing wherein the ugliness of the grotesque body is used as a literary weapon to engender its readers a sense of shock. In chapter four, I contend Austin’s HIV asymptomatic/closet body in The Married Man should be viewed as an ambiguous symbol by which a dialect between hope (future) and despair (no future) is discussed. To conclude, Edmund White’s The Married Man, a subversive text as it is, thus stands as a masterpiece of AIDS writing not only explicitly depicts the history of HIV/AIDS of the 1990s but that promises its gay readers a potentiality of hope for the misty future.

訴說的身體:內衣電視廣告的符號學研究 / Narrative of female body: semiological study of lingerie TV commercials

楊青婉, Yang, Qing Wan Unknown Date (has links)
本文對台灣2010-2015.6期間的女性內衣電視廣告進行符號學研究,探討其中的符號與敘事規則,女性及其身體的符號意義、以及符號結構如何建構內衣的消費迷思。研究認為,廣告多元地講述了女性在男女關係、公共關係、朋友關係和個人關係中所體驗的情緒和情感,呈現較為豐富的女性角色和個性,很多文本亦表現出對傳統陰柔特質和男性權威的挑戰,藉由女性個人風格和獨立意識的展現,內衣廣告積極透過文本的搭建闡釋女性自主。研究文本將身體謀劃運作為自我認同的過程,女性因為身體資本而獲得肯定和賦權, 但同時也不斷重複著女體標準的階級化霸權,符號擇用透露了新舊結構的拉扯中,父權體制、資本主義商業邏輯與女性消費者進行著女性主體性的協商。內衣之為符號,被塑造成與外界發生關連的媒介(medium),同時是許多正面積極意義的載體(vehicle),內衣電視廣告繼續深化內衣的性感迷思、美麗迷思,還敘述了自信自主的迷思、自我意識的迷思,個性化迷思,滿足女性對主體性的想像,對生活夢想的期望。 / This is a semiological study of lingerie TV commercials in Taiwan from 2010 to June 2015, which explores the symbolic structure and narrative rules, symbolic significance of women and their bodies, and how lingerie myth constructs. Research suggests that ads show the various emotions and feelings females experiencing in different relationship, including male-female relationship, friendship, public relations and self-relation, while females appearing in relatively rich characters and personalities. Many ads present the challenge to traditional femininity and masculine authority. Though demonstrating the personal style and sense of independence, lingerie ads attempt to bulid a positive interpretation of female autonomy. Self-identity is shaped during practising one`s body plan, as a result, women get recognition and empowerment because of the physical capital in these ads. However, we can see the repetition of the body standard, which constructs hegemony of body. Overall, the research finds the wrestling between the old and the new social and cultural structure, in other words, a negotiation of expressing subjectivity among patriarchy, capitalist business and women customers in lingerie TVC. In terms of its symbolic value, lingerie is portrayed as a medium to connect females with the external world, and a vehicle carrying lots of positive implication. Furthermore, these ads deepen sexuality myth and beauty myth of lingerie, at the same time, add the myth of self confidence, independency and personality to it, meeting women's imagination of subjectivity and expectations for life.

論ECFA下之原產地規則-以成衣業為中心 / The analysis of ECFA from prospect of garment industry

朱苔心, Chu, Tai Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
原產地規則隨著區域整合之興起,已成為一個相當重要的貿易問題。其不僅與國內整體產業發展有關,對於個別廠商之生產決策與外銷優勢亦有相當程度之影響。尤其對於部分相對弱勢之產業,若制定過於寬鬆之原產地規則,除將面臨區域內國家之進口壓力,區域外國家還可能透過違規轉運藉由優惠性關稅進口。台灣自從與經貿關係密切之中國大陸洽簽了兩岸經濟合作架構協定(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,ECFA),隨著貨品逐步之關稅調降,許多區內產品認定問題亦隨之而來。 而本文之研究目的,即為透過原產地規則之制定,在適當的彈性空間下,避免區外國家透過中國大陸轉運,使過多產品享有優惠性關稅進入國內市場,造成國內廠商受到衝擊。而本文所研究之產業為台灣之成衣產業,相較於中國大陸之成衣產業,其目前發展情形相對弱勢,故政府未來針對此產業制定原產地規則時必須更加謹慎地考量國內產業發展,並參考其他FTA所制定相關原產地規則。本文希望透過比較研究其他FTA,並審酌產業發展現況,經適當調整後,試擬一套適合台灣成衣產業之原產地制度。最後,為了解所建議原產地規則之可行性,本文以實際採訪政府機關之方式,了解原產地制度制訂者之看法與意見。 / Rule of origin is a quite important issue since the trend of regional integration. This is not only relevant with the development of domestic industries, but also has impact for the strategies of production and export each firm made. Domestic industries, especially for the relatively weak industries, will burden much pressure if the rules of origin are too simple and less restrictive. Sine Taiwan signed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA)with China, we need to consider all the issues and impact rules of origin may occur. The main subject of this thesis is to set up appropriate rules of origin to avoid the severe impact to domestic industries caused by excessive import from China. Due to the condition of industry, I chose garment industry as a focus of my study and analysis. Since domestic garment industry involves more employed population compare to the other weak industry, government should consider more cautious when they set up rules of origin for garment industry in the future. By making the comparison for the rules of origin for garment industry in different free trade agreement, I tried to imitate the rules of origin for garment industry with some adjustment. In the last part, I made an interview with the researcher of Industrial Development Bureau to understand their opinion for the applicability of the rules of origin.


徳山, 倫子 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第21145号 / 農博第2271号 / 新制||農||1058(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H30||N5119(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科生物資源経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 足立 芳宏, 教授 秋津 元輝, 教授 小山 静子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

半總統制中準內閣制與內閣制政治運作比較 / A Comparison of Quasi-Parlimentarism in Semi- Presidentialism and Parlimentarism in Political Practice

石鵬翔, Shih, Peng Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
半總統制的運作特色是行政權力分別由總統和總理掌握,當半總統制的總統權力較小,就會由總理主導行政權力,此時半總統制的運作模式趨近於內閣制。但過去較少有文獻比較總統權力較小的半總統制國家,與內閣制國家的實際政治運作,是否有顯著的差異。本文先參照Wu(2012)的分類,選擇準內閣制做為總統權力較小的半總統制次類型,再與內閣制國家做比較。 本文的研究結果,發現準內閣制與內閣制之間,在國會的有效政黨數目、無黨籍總理出現的機率、總統總理同黨的機率沒有顯著的差異。顯示準內閣制的總統如同Wu分類的定義,不會介入任命過程,另外,總統選舉的衣尾效應也無法使大黨的席次增加。在總理任期的比較方面,雖然兩種制度的總理任期沒有顯著的差異,不過準內閣制的總理遭遇提前選舉下台的風險,低於內閣制,且準內閣制的總理連任機率也低於內閣制。這些結果皆表示,準內閣制的總統雖然不會介入組閣過程,但有可能對於國會的選舉時程產生影響,使總理無法在最佳時機發動國會提前選舉,進一步降低總理的連任機率。 綜合本文的研究發現,再對照過去的相關理論。半總統制與內閣制在實際運作上,仍然有一些差異。近年來,學界認為總統權力不是半總統制的重要條件,實際上,即使在總統權力較小的國家,總統權力可能還是有重要的影響。 / The executive power in semi-presidentialism is shared by the president and prime minister where the prime minister will control executive power with a weak president, and the political practice will be like those found in parlimentarism. There are very few articles examining the difference between parlimentarism and semi-presidentialism with a weak president. This paper compares the political practice of semi-presidentialism with a weak president and parlimentarism in different countries. The case selection criteria of a weak president is based on Wu(2012). In his research, quasi-parlimentarism is a subtype of semi-presidentialism, that the president has weak power. The result of this research demonstrates that effective number of parties in parliamentary, probability of non-party prime minister, president and prime minister in the same party have no significant difference between two institutions. This means that in the quasi-parlimentarism the coattail effect of a presidential election does not ensure more seats for a large party, and the president has a weak power to appoint the cabinet. Although the duration of the term of a prime minister has no significant difference, the hazard of early election, and probability of prime minister renewal in quasi-parlimentarism is less than parlimentarism. This means that a president in quasi-parlimentarism has blocked dissolution of parliamentary, and the prime minister cannot call for an early election at his or her favorable time. In summary, the political practice of semi-presidentialism is different than parlimentarism. Presidential power is an important feature of semi-presidentialism, even in small presidential power, a semi-presidentialism country, and its president have great influence on politics.


劉振仁 Unknown Date (has links)
軍事制度為廣義政治制度的一種。傳統有關中國政治制度的研究,多將焦點集中於職官制度或是監察制度部分;相形之下,有關軍事制度所受到的注意就遜色許多。事實上,軍事制度對國家整體局勢的影響,遠較一般人想像中來的重要。軍事制度又稱﹁兵制﹂,其制度建構的優劣,嚴重左右一個朝代的興衰;如觀察中國的歷史就可以發現:往往一個朝代的兵制設計良好,則其武功強盛,享國亦較久;相反的,兵制的建構若存有嚴重的缺失,則該朝代很容易積弱不振,這些實例可從唐、宋兩帝國明顯的對比中得到證實。 基本上,若從歷史的發展過程來看,明代衛所制度與其國勢強弱間,亦存有密不可分的關係。早期衛所制度上軌道之際,國力強盛;如太祖的統一天下、成祖的幾次北征等,均有賴其強大的軍力為後盾。而從明正統以後,因軍屯的兼併、私役到軍士的逃跑等緣由,促使衛所制度日益崩解。而在衛所軍士不能用且無法用的情況下,嘉靖中期為應付各地戰亂的需要,開始進行大規模的募兵;此舉對明帝國來說,無疑是一個相當大社會經濟上的負擔。後來,為支應內外戰事所催征的剿餉、練餉及遼餉等,更是促使明帝國覆亡相當重要的關鍵之一。故如欲了解明代由盛轉衰的關鍵,實在必須對明代衛所制度的相關建構,進行更澈底的研究。 原則上,本論文共分九章,其中: 第一章「緒論」,主要探討論文寫作的由來,此外,更說明本論文的研究方法、範圍、限制與主題為何。並藉由相關文獻的檢閱來觀察以往學界對於明代衛所制度的研究概況。 第二章「明代衛所制度的淵源與形成原因」,旨在敘述歷代兵制的概略演變,並且從當中的更迭情形,了解明代衛所制度與前朝兵制的差異,及其參酌歷代兵制而來的成分、要因為何;另外,更從當時時空背景等要素,推敲此一制度的主要形成原因,大約係出於政治、經濟及國防上的諸多考量而來。 第三章「明代衛所的組織」,分成一般衛所組織的設置與京營組織的概況演變兩部分。其中,一般衛所組織分成組織概況、設置情形、地方軍事體制的演變等來論述;京營部分則係以時間區分來做探討。 第四章「明代衛所的職掌」,一般衛所多具有屯田、巡捕、備禦、製造軍器等功能;但因所處地理位置的差異,或是最早設置之目的即有不同,有些衛所在上述職掌外,必須負擔京操、漕運、護陵、邊班或是馬政、草場、營建、採木等任務。而從當時衛所軍士職掌的多樣化,可以發現過重的勤務是後來促使軍士逃亡,乃至於衛所逐漸瓦解的主因之一。 第五章「明代衛所軍士的訓練、裝備與獎懲」,早期衛所軍士的訓練嚴格確實、裝備精良、賞罰嚴明,因此能提供明初統一天下與明成祖對北方數次征戰所須;中期以後,衛所人力淪為私用,裝備不齊、器具敗壞、軍紀喪失,衛所軍幾無戰鬥能力可言;此處從衛所軍士的訓練、裝備、獎懲等方面來觀察,恰好可以得到一鮮明的對照。 第六章「明代衛所制度的社會基礎」,所謂社會基礎,意指以人為根本的各項討論議題,包括衛所的軍士來源、軍籍與軍戶的設計、勾軍與清軍、武官的世襲等。 第七章「明代衛所制度的經濟基礎」,亦即衛所的給養問題,早期衛所設置的目的,很重要的立意在於自給自足,只是隨著軍屯田地的兼併、屯軍私役等,促使衛所軍士的大舉逃亡,軍屯逐漸破壞;而為供應龐大的軍餉支出,於是又有各種補救措施的出現,包括商屯、太倉銀等;只是隨著國家財政支出的日益擴大,後期任何加稅措施,均是飲酖止渴而已;明廷就在內憂外患的雙重夾擊下,最後終於以亡國收場。 第八章「明代衛所與其他政治組織的關係」,明代政治組織約略可分成軍事組織、官僚組織、監察組織與宦官組織四大部分;衛所為廣義政治組織之一,自然會與前述四大部分有所關連,本章主要即在探討衛所與這四大組織的互動情形。 第九章「結論-明代衛所制度的作用、毀壞及其影響」,衛所制度的作用較早顯然具有軍事及經濟上的重大功用,然至中期以後,竟慢慢淪為政府力役的供應場所;其中的變化除因制度本身的設計盲點外,更因社會及經濟等層面因素影響而漸趨毀壞;而明代的國勢則是跟衛所制度間,存在不可分割的關連性。本章重點即是針對衛所制度的功過作一總評。

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