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雙向分類中有影響力觀察值的診斷葉昭瑛, YE, ZHAO-YING Unknown Date (has links)
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網路上觀察立體影像之研究 / A Study on Stereoscopic Viewing on Internet蕭巧如, Hsiao, Chiao Ju Unknown Date (has links)
實驗呈現若以柯達DC280數位相機進行近景攝影測量,前方交會地物檢核點之空間位置可達像空間上次像元之精度,像比例尺為1/1680時,相對精度可達物距之1/8400。研究結果顯示:結合攝影測量與網際網路可充分展現影像之三維空間。 / The ideal of this study is to put together the knowledge of Photogrammetry and web technology and then provide the 3D pictures for web browsers.
A non-metric digital camera is used in this research to shoot two building on the ground vertically. The color-contracting theory is applied to construct the website and create a stereoscopic viewing on the targets within the experimental range. In addition to color-contracting theory, floating mark designed with Java program is also used to help the web users better understand the distance and altitude in proportional to the surrounding objects.
According to the experiment in this research, pictures taken with Kodak digital camera model #DC280 together with help of close-range photogrammetry. turn out to beas accutate as those taken with sub-pixel standard (1:1680 proportion versus 1:8400 accuracy). Photogrammetry joins with Internet will successfully disclose the 3D concept and will promote the idea of Photogrammetry.
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兩階段工具變數估計量應用於二元反應變數之比較與實證研究 / The performance of different two-stage Instrumental Variable methods for binary outcomes莊安婷, Jhuang, An Ting Unknown Date (has links)
工具變數為處理非隨機試驗所面臨問題的方法之一,近來廣泛應用於計量經濟及流行病學領域;其主要目的在於控制不可觀測的干擾因素,使資料經過調整後「近似」於隨機試驗所得的資料,進而求出處理效果的一致估計值。由於先前研究大多探討連續型變數的情形,本篇論文將透過模擬與實證分析,針對二元之工具變數、反應變數及處理變數,比較一階段廣義線性估計量,two-stage predictor substitution (2SPS),two-stage residual inclusion (2SRI),及two-stage residual inclusion-Taylor expansion (2SRI-T) 這四種估計方法。
模擬結果顯示,當偏誤為主要考量時,2SPS與2SRI有較好的表現;然而,同時考慮偏誤及變異的情況下,2SRI-T則為較適合的估計方法。值得注意的是,模擬試驗所得出的結果與Terza等(2008)不同,2SRI並未優於2SPS。另外,將此四種方法套用至探討有小孩與否對生活的滿意度的影響之實際資料,其表現結果與模擬試驗結果一致。 / Instrumental variable (IV) analysis, one of the techniques to solve problems generated from non-random experiments, has been increasingly applied in many fields such as econometrics and epidemiology. Its utility stems from the belief that IV, if correctly selected, can potentially mimic randomization by adjusting for unmeasured confounders. However, because of less concern about IV analysis on categorical data, we center our discussion on binary outcome, treatment, and IV in this study. Four methods are compared: the one-stage generalized linear model (GLM), two-stage predictor substitution (2SPS), two-stage residual inclusion (2SRI), and two-stage residual inclusion considering Taylor expansion (2SRI-T). We conduct both the simulation and the empirical study to evaluate the performances of these four estimators.
The simulation results indicate that, while 2SPS and 2SRI have better performances than the other two estimators with respect to the bias, they suffer from larger variability. On the other hand, 2SRI-T generally has smaller standard error than 2SPS and 2SRI, and hence might be preferred if MSE is the main concern. Noticeably, it also suggests that 2SRI does not outperform 2SPS which was inversely shown in Terza et al. (2008). The same conclusion is also found when implementing these methods on a real dataset to investigate whether having children has significant effect on one’s life satisfaction.
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經濟發展與勞動思想之探討陳耀宗, CHEN, YAO-ZONG Unknown Date (has links)
第壹章 緒論。包括:導言、人類社會、人類社會的經濟機能,以及研究目的、研
第貳章 經濟發展與勞動思想關聯之基本概念。包括:資本主義精神、經濟發展、
第參章 資本主義發達前之社會經濟結構與勞動者定位。關於中古時期的社會經濟
第肆章 資本主義前期之社會經濟結構與勞動者定位。關於西元十六世紀至十八世
第伍章 資本主義中期之社會經濟結構與勞動者定位。關於工業革命時代至二十世
第陸章 現代資本主義之社會經濟結構與勞動者定位。自俄羅斯十月革命起迄今,
第柒章 經濟發展與勞動思想。首先,就資本主義、社會主義及馬克思主義的「勞
第捌章 結論。
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自動導覽系統中智慧型觀察者的運動計畫 / Motion Planning for an Intelligent Observer in Automatic Tour-Guiding Systems游宗翰, Yu, Tzong-Hann Unknown Date (has links)
在本論文中,我們設計了一個以運動計畫演算法為基礎的自動導覽系統,讓使用者能透過計畫程式的輔助輕鬆地瀏覽虛擬場景。這系統包括一個我們稱之為智慧型觀察者的照相機模組,而這個模組便是本論文的研究焦點。其包含了三個主要功能:第一、追蹤導覽員(目標物),在任何時刻都要看到移動中的導覽員;第二、當使用者對照相機(觀察者)的路徑不滿意時,可以線上進行即時修改,而系統能保證其不與障礙物碰撞;第三、允許設定慣用動作(Idiom),以豐富導覽活動。我們實作了這個自動導覽系統,並且根據二維以及三維空間的特性,提出有效率的搜尋演算法,以解決智慧型觀察者追蹤目標物的問題,並讓搜尋的時間能符合線上計算的需求。另外針對線上即時修改路徑和設定慣用動作的部分,我們也提出了線上累進的搜尋方法以及內插權重參數的方式,並以實驗證明了這些設計的有效性。我們相信此類智慧型觀察者的研究,能有效地應用在自動導覽系統或其他應用中,提供使用者以方便的介面瀏覽虛擬環境。 / In this thesis, we have designed an automatic tour-guiding system based on motion planning algorithms to assist users in navigating a virtual environment. This system includes a camera module that was called intelligent observer, which is the focus of this thesis. This module includes three main functions as follows. First, the camera must be able to track the moving tour guide (target) at any time. Second, when a user is not satisfied with the camera’s (observer’s) path, he/she can choose to modify the path on-the-fly without letting the camera collide with the environmental obstacles. Third, it incorporates Cinematographic idioms to enrich tour activities. We have proposed and implemented efficient search algorithms in this system to solve the motion-tracking problem according to the characteristics of the 2D and 3D workspaces. Our experiments show that the performance of this planning system is satisfactory for our on-line application. Moreover, for the parts of modifying paths on-line and
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社交威脅情境下,自我聚焦注意對社交焦慮者之影響--以心像內容、觀察者視野以及焦慮情緒為探討 / The Influence of Self-focused Attention on Social Anxious Individuals in a Social Threat Context:The Exploration on the Imagery, the Observer Perspective, and the Anxiety Emotion陳品皓, Chen,Pin Hao Unknown Date (has links)
高社交焦慮者的自我心像會受到當下注意力投注狀態的影響,當越處於自我聚焦的狀態下,其心像的內容也充滿越多的負面訊息,心像呈現的方式也越傾向以被他人所觀察的形式。由於自我聚焦注意在社交焦慮症狀發展與維持上扮演相當重要的角色,故在釐清高社交焦慮者在自我聚焦注意下的心像內容,有助於選擇適當的治療策略,協助高社交焦慮者因應環境中的威脅。 / This study aimed to explore the imagery of high social anxious individuals in the social-evaluative context by manipulating self-focused attention , and also attempted to clarify the content of the imagery, the perspective formed by the context, and the influence on the anxiety emotion. The past studies on the issues of whether the negative self-imagery of high social anxious individuals spontaneously occurred in a social threat context or only occurred in the self-focused attention have not carried out any empirical research so far, and thus it is the main research purpose of this study.
In this study, 37 high and 36 low social anxious individuals were selected to conduct the experiment. After being manipulated the self-focused attention according to the groups to which they had been assigned, the participants had to engage in a social evaluation task, and a further investigation would be undertaken according to their content of inner imagery obtained in the task.
The research results showed that high social anxious individuals being manipulated the self-focused attention apparently had a higher proportion of negative messages in their content of imagery and also had a relatively higher change in their anxiety emotion before and after the experiment. On the contrast, no higher proportion of negative messages in the content of imagery was observed in the group of high social anxious individuals that were not being manipulated the self-focused attention and in other two groups of low social anxious individuals. Similarly, there were no significant differences in the forms presented and the anxiety emotion in those groups as well.
The inner imagery of high social anxious individuals would be influenced by the present status of the focus of attention. While in a higher self-focused attention, the content of imagery tends to be more negative, and tends to be observer perspective.
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同理心對於決策中觀察學習的調節作用 / Empathy modulates observational learning in decision making高常豪 Unknown Date (has links)
生活中許多決策情境是「不確定下的決策(decisions under uncertainty)」,只瞭解選項的結果,不知道結果發生的機率。人們會累積經驗,以學習到適當的決策。許多證據支持,自身會透過增強學習(reinforcement learning)機制學習,根據每次獲得的經驗,調整對於選項的期望,之後選擇期望最大的選項,幫助做出適當的決策。經驗可以透過自身決策或觀察他人決策所獲得,然而,過去較少研究探討觀察學習。因此,本研究欲探討決策中的觀察學習,並釐清同理心對於觀察學習的調節作用。實驗一中,改善過去了研究限制,量測膚電反應、學習速率與行為表現,讓參與者在自身學習、觀察他人與觀察電腦情境進行作業,並透過同理心問卷測量參與者的同理心特質。結果顯示,觀察學習在正向學習與負向學習不同,正向學習為趨向優勢選項,負向學習為避開劣勢選項。正向學習在三種學習情境中無任何差異,負向學習在觀察他人學習時,會受到同理心的調節作用。同理心分數越高,觀察他人的負向行為表現越好,觀察他人負向回饋的膚電反應越大。實驗一只透過問卷測量同理心,無法推論因果關係,因此實驗二直接操弄了不同的同理程度。回饋呈現的同時,呈現他人的情緒或中性臉孔圖片,以引發參與者的同理程度高或低。實驗中,量測回饋相關負波(Feedback-Related Negativity,FRN)、學習速率與行為表現。如同實驗一,只有負向學習受到同理程度不同的影響。同理程度高時,負向學習表現較好。FRN則顯示了同理程度與預期性的交互作用,同理程度低時,與過去研究一致,非預期FRN比預期FRN更加負向;同理程度高時,則無此預期性效果。雖然FRN無預期性差異,但依然能學習到符號機率,行為表現不受影響,推測可能有其他系統參與決策學習。綜上所述,本研究顯示,只有負向學習中,觀察學習會受到同理心的調節,同理心越高,行為表現越好。 / In daily life, we made many decisions under uncertainty. In each decision, we know only the outcome but no probabilities of the outcome. We have to accumulate the experience to learn adaptive decisions. Bunches of studies have shown that people may learn adaptive decisions by reinforcement learning. People modified the expectation for each option according to decision feedbacks, and, in the next time, chose the option with the maximum expectation. People can receive feedback from decisions making by self or others. However, fewer studies examined observational learning in decision making. Therefore, present research would clarify observational learning in decision making, and examine how empathy modulated observational learning. In experiment 1, skin conductance response, learning rate and behavioral performance were recorded and analyzed. Participants would learning decisions in different situations of self learning, observing others and observing computer. The questionnaire of empathy was also measured to examine its modulation in observational learning. The results showed that there were difference in positive learning and negative learning. Positive learning is to approach to the advantageous option, while negative learning is to avoid from the disadvantageous option. In positive learning, there were no difference among the three learning situations, but, in negative learning, empathy would modulate learning by observing others. The higher the empathy score was, the better the behavioral performance of negative learning was. Moreover, the skin conductance response when participants observing others’ negative feedback positively correlated with the empathy score. In experiment 2, the empathy level was manipulated by display pictures of others faces with feedback. Displaying the emotional faces or neutral faces would induce high or low empathy level for others, respectively. The feedback-related negativity (FRN), learning rate and behavioral performance were recorded and analyzed. Similar to experiment 1, only the negative learning was modulated by the empathy level. When participants were induced high empathy level, the behavioral performance was better. The results of FRN showed the interaction between empathy levels and expectancy of feedback. When participant’s empathy level was low, unexpected FRN was more negative than expected FRN. This result was consistent with previous studies. Nevertheless, when participant’s empathy level was high, there was no difference between unexpected FRN and expected FRN. Although FRN didn't show the effect of expectancy, participants could still learn the probabilities of each signs and made adaptive decisions. This result may result from other systems involved in observational learning. From the results of experiment 1 and 2, present research showed that, only in negative learning, observational learning was modulated by empathy, and the higher the empathy level was, the better the behavioral performance was.
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以語料庫為本之近似詞教學成效之研究:以台灣大學生為例 / The Effect of Teaching Near-synonyms to Taiwan EFL University Students: A Corpus-based Approach陳聖其, Chen, Sheng Chi Unknown Date (has links)
根據上述研究結果,本研究建議大學英語教師在教學現場能夠融入語料觀察學 習法並依照不同程度的學生進行教材設計,以助提升學生學習英語單字。
關鍵字:資料觀察學習法、近似詞、語料庫為本 / Corpus Linguistics has progressively become the center in different domains of language research. With such development of large corpora, the potential applications and possibilities of corpora in second language teaching and learning are extended. A discovery-based authentic learning environment is provided as well as created by such corpus-based language learning. Synonym or near-synonym learning is a difficult aspect of vocabulary learning, but a linguistic phenomenon with ubiquity. Hence, this research aims to investigate the effectiveness of the application of data-driven learning (DDL) approach in near-synonyms instruction and compare the teaching effect on the high and low achievers through the near-synonyms instruction.
Participants of this study were given instruction throughout the eight-week corpus-based teaching with materials compiled by the teacher. This is a quasi-experimental study consisting of comparison between two experimental conditions, with a pre-post test and control-experimental group design, followed by qualitative method of semi-structure interviews and questionnaire provided to the experimental group of EFL university students in Taiwan. Two intact classes of 86 college students participated in this study. The quantitative analysis of the pre- and posttest scores and questionnaire were conducted through descriptive statistics and frequency analysis in order to explain the learning effects and learners’ perceptions.
The results of the study revealed that: (1) participants in the experimental group made significant improvement in the posttest; (2) EFL high proficiency learners with DDL approach performed better than high achievers who were taught by the traditional method. However, low achievers may not be able to benefit from DDL approach in the form of concordance teaching materials; (3) the majority of the participants had positive feedback on DDL activities. Also, types of preferred DDL activities were strongly influenced by students’ proficiency level. Low achievers preferred activities that should involve Chinese translation as the supplementary note while as for the high achievers, they were looking for the teacher’s explanation of words’ usages and functions in the end.
This study demonstrates the importance in illuminating the dynamic relationship between DDL approach and second language near-synonyms learning, as well as provides English EFL teachers with a better concept to incorporate corpus or concordance lines into vocabulary instruction.
Key words: data-driven Learning, near-synonym, corpus-based approach
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非營利組織的「認同」管理-以基督教的「細胞小組模式」等教會為例陳川正 Unknown Date (has links)
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探討 2010 至 2015 年間台灣之創業趨勢 / Taiwan’s Entrepreneurial Trends from 2010 to 2015.鄧麗妍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要利用全球創業觀察(Global Entrepreneur Monitor, 簡稱 GEM)中 之成人人口調查資料庫(Adult Population Survey, 簡稱 APS)進行台灣自 2010 年 2015 年間創業趨勢分析。
藉由敘述性統計觀察台灣自 2010 年至 2015 年的整體創業趨勢,包括民眾對創業的認知態度、整體社會對創業的觀感,以及創業行為的變化趨勢;藉由交叉分析,比較台灣各階段創業者的人口統計變數、創業態度及創業觀感之比較,以了解位於不同創業過程的受訪者的特徵;並利用卡方獨立性檢定找出在不同的創 業行為階段,創業態度、創業觀感以及人口統計變數是否與其有顯著關聯,最後整合上述分析結果,提供國家層次創業活動的政策意涵,並分別為產、官、學界提出建議,期望活絡台灣創業活動。
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