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臺北市國中小英語課程銜接之研究 / Study on the Continuity of English Curricula between Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taipei City

陳秋紅, Chen, Chiu Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市國中小英語課程銜接的相關問題與策略。研究者採用 「臺北市國中小英語課程銜接策略探討問卷」為研究工具。研究對象依隨機抽樣選出三百二十位國小五、六年級以及國中之英文老師,有效回收問卷為二百三十八份,無效問卷為十二份,總計有效問卷回收率約為百分之七十四。 本研究最主要之結果顯示,各銜接因素的重要性比較如下:(一)書面課程銜接最重要,其次是運作課程銜接,再其次是學習經驗銜接。(二)就書面課程銜接而言,提供銜接補充資料最為重要。(三)從運作課程銜接的來看,評量方式的銜接影響最大。(四)就學習經驗銜接的層面分析,了解國一新生的英語學習背景是其中關鍵。 根據本研究相關結果,研究者提出以下建議:(一)英語課程銜接的短期目標應為促進書面課程的銜接。教材出版者應提供國中小英語銜接補充教材,並調整國中英語教材的份量及內容難度。臺北市教育局應編纂及公佈臺北市國中英語課程綱要,並加強現有的英語教科書審查。(二)中程目標應促進運作課程的銜接。教育部應調整國中基測之英語測驗題型及內容;在英語教師方面,國中小英語教師宜採用多元評量、從國小高年級到國中逐漸增加紙筆測驗之比重、適當調整聽、說、讀、寫教學活動之比例以及使用多樣化的教學方法及練習活動。此外,補救教學的實施則是彌補學生英語程度差異的最有效策略。(三)就長程目標而言,應力求學生英語學習經驗的銜接。國中英語教師宜透過不同的方式和國小英語教師進行溝通,以了解國一新生的英語學習背景,如參與銜接會議、校際合作或其他方式。同時,國中英語教師可以參考區內國小使用之英語教材,來預測國一新生的英語程度。最後,也建議政府相關單位編纂標準化國一新生英語能力測驗,以協助進行七年級新生的英語程度評估工作。 / This study explores the continuity of English curricula between elementary and junior high schools in Taipei City. ‘Questionnaire on the Strategies for Connecting the English Curricula between Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taipei City’ was adopted as the research instrument. The participants included the English teachers of Grade Five, Six and junior high schools, randomly selected from each district of Taipei City. Three hundred and twenty copies of the questionnaire were delivered with 238 valid and 12 invalid responses returned; hence, the valid return rate is around 74%. The results were obtained via statistical analysis of the collected data. The continuity of written curricula is ranked as the most important, followed by operational curricula, and then learning experience. As for the continuity of written curricula, providing the supplementary materials is most emphasized. Concerning the operational curricula, the continuity of assessments takes the first place. With the continuity of learning experience, understanding the new 7th graders' English learning background is considered the most critical. Based on the results, some pedagogical implications are proposed as follows: 1.The short-term goal is the continuity of written curricula. The publishers could provide the supplementary materials and adjust the quantity and degree of difficulty of English textbooks for junior high schools. The government could publish the English curriculum guidelines for junior high schools in Taipei City and strengthen the review of English textbooks. 2.The mid-term goal is the continuity of operational curricula. The government is recommended to modify the task types of the BCT. The English teachers are suggested to employ multiple assessments, gradually increase the proportion of written tests, arrange different types of activities with appropriate proportion of the four skills, and exert diversified teaching approaches and activities. Still, conducting remedial instruction is the most effective strategy to bridge the gap of the students’ English proficiency. 3.The long-term goal is the continuity of students’ learning experience. The English junior high school English teachers should understand their new students’ English learning background by communicating with the elementary school teachers through meetings, cross-school cooperation or other means. Moreover, to evaluate the new seventh graders’ English capabilities, the junior high school English teachers could refer to contents of the textbooks employed by the elementary schools in the area, and also the government is advised to design a standardized English proficiency test for the seventh graders.


黃永和, Huang, Yung-Ho Unknown Date (has links)
自17世紀以來,自然科學在人類物質文明的成就,已成為其它所有科學的「模型」,也成了影響人類文化與世界觀的重要來源。在笛卡兒與牛頓等人的引導下,科學家們運用一種機械性的世界觀來發展並精煉他們的概念架構,這種機械性的概念架構被擴展到我們生活的每個層面,根深蒂固地深植在我們的文化裡。課程作為一門正式學術探究領域的誕生也因而感染了濃厚的機械論色彩,奠基於工廠機械生產模式的課程理論不僅成為課程研究的起源,同時也未被加以批判地成為現代課程理論的基礎。而更令人驚訝的是,自二十世紀初以來,自然科學在歷經幾次觀念革命,並明顯放棄現代機械典範而朝向後現代有機典範發展的時候,當前主流的課程理論卻仍然固守著過時的機械論思想。為了促進課程理論與實務的變革,我們必須尋求新典範的轉移。本研究的目的,便在藉由科學從機械典範到有機典範的轉移,批判現代課程理論的缺失,並探討後現代有機典範對課程理論的意涵,建議一種有機典範的課程觀,期以對我國課程的發展與改革有所助益。藉由理論性的課程探究形式,本研究指出如下數點結論: 一、科學從現代典範轉向後現代典範的特徵 綜合對現代科學與後現代科學的探討結果,本研究指出自然科學從現代典範轉向後現代典範的特徵為:(1)從機械論到有機論,(2)從原子論到系統論,(3)從決定論到非決定論,(4)從線性到非線性,(5)從他組織到自我組織,(6)從靜態封閉到動態開放,(7)從簡單性到複雜性,(8)從「主客體二分」到「觀察者參與」,(9)從現實性到潛能性,(10)從物件階層到關係網絡,(11)從二元區分到互補統合,(12)從獨斷支配到謙遜關愛。 二、現代機械典範在課程中的體現與批判 本研究指出,機械典範被體現在巴比特與查特斯的科學化課程編製、泰勒的基本原理、塔巴等人對泰勒模式的補充,以及Gagne、Glaser與Popham等教學設計者對泰勒模式的特殊化,而諸如行為目標運動、能力本位教育運動、精熟學習、成果本位教育、課程本位評量等,也都體現機械性課程的共通樣式,它們都可視為是「牛頓學說的轉世化身」。本研究並進一步分析與批判這些課程理論或模式的機械性特徵。 三、建議一種有機典範的課程觀 藉由後現代科學返魅的啟示,本研究建議一種「有機典範的課程觀」,試圖為課程理論與實務指出一條能使學習者恢復主觀性、內在知覺、內在經驗與內在演化能力的道路。此種課程觀的要點如下: 1、課程目標:應是「特定性」與「創新性」交互運作的結果。 2、課程決定:必須「賦權」教師與學生成為「課程的共同創造者」。 3、課程發展:課程必須是在學習的歷程中不斷自我組織與演化成形的。 4、學習經驗的特徵:包括多元整體性、脈胳性與自我組織等特徵。 5、學習經驗的評鑑:多元方式且「互為主觀」的成長性歷程。 四、啟思與建議 基於上述研究結論,本研究針對我國課程改革提出啟思與建議: 1、應將「課程」的定義直指教室實際歷程的師生互動經驗,將課程標準視為一參考與輔助的架構,將教科書視為教學資源。 2、有機典範的「課程統整」具有下列特徵:(1)課程統整是師生在教室互動的實際歷程中不斷演化開展的歷程;(2)就經驗型式而言,應強調多元與整體的認知參與型式;(3)就經驗內容而言,應試圖去使學科內容產生許多連結,產生脈胳化的意義;(4)應以促發自我組織的經驗統整為首要目標。 3、教科書審查制度必須超越現有的審查規準:好的教科書必須具有適度的不確定性、異例、混沌、不平衡、耗散與生動的經驗,方能激發教師、學生與教科書之間的不斷對話與自我生成,產生創新性的學習目標與探究行動。 4、依本研究探討範疇,建議有助於教師發展與實踐有機課程的專業能力之策略如下:(1)課程專家與教師專業成長團體的協同合作,(2)培養教師有機的自然觀與世界觀,(3)教師在教室情境中與學生共創課程的能力,應作為評鑑教師專業能力的關鍵指標。 5、就未來研究而言,本研究建議有二,一是探討教室實際歷程中的師生共創教育經驗之歷程,另一是開發故事、敘事與隱喻在課程建構中的潛能。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the postmodern turn in science and its implications for curriculum. The study employs theoretical inquiry methodology to generate new understanding of curricular phenomena and processes. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. The differences between modern and postmodern science can be represented in the following shift of emphases: from mechanism to organicism, from atomism to systemism, from determinism to indeterminism, from linearity to nonlinearity, from passive matter to active matter (autopoiesis), from static-close to dynamical-open, from simplicity to complexity, from subject-object split to observer-participancy, from actuality to potentiality, from object-hierarchy to relationship-network, from either-or to both-and, and from assertive-control to modest-respect. 2. The tenets of mechanistic paradigm have directly dictated our conceptions of modern curriculum. It is reflected in Bobbitt’s and Charters’ scientific curriculum making, Tyler’s rationale, Taba’s curriculum development, and Gagne’s instructional design. Further more, the study analyzes and criticizes the mechanical characters of the above curriculum theories or models. 3. With the metaphors of postmodern science, this study proposes an organic paradigm perspective on curriculum. The main points are: (1) curriculum objectives should include “specific” and “ creative” ones; (2) teachers and students should be empowered as co-creators of curriculum; (3) curriculum development is indetermined; (4) learning experiences should be multiple, holistic, contextual, and self-organized; (5) evaluation should be an intersubjective process with multiple ways for the purpose of growing. Based on these results, the study offers suggestions for Taiwanese curriculum innovation.


呂昆娣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要研究目的在於探討我國綜合高中之課程規劃與實施之現況、相關問題及具體改進建議,包含綜合高中教育基本理念之相關問題、課程規劃之相關問題以及課程實施之相關問題三個部分。為達成上述研究目的,研究者採用文獻分析法以及問卷調查法;首先探討課程規劃與實施的理論基礎與相關研究; 接著探討我國辦理綜合高中的相關理論基礎與研究;之後分析美國、英國與我國綜合高中的沿革與發展現況;最後編制『我國綜合高中課程規劃與實施現況問題之分析研究問卷』,針對2003學年度接受教育部綜合高中輔導訪視150所學校進行調查研究;然後依問卷回收後分析之結果,建議我國綜合高中課程規劃與實施可行之改進途徑,以提供相關單位決策及後續之研究。 本研究之問卷調查對象以學程主任、學科召集人、承辦綜合高中業務之組長或教務主任以及輔導人員為母群體。首先在學校部分進行普查,而學校相關教師樣本之取得則採取隨機抽樣而來,共抽取150所學校,900位教師,回收有效樣本為530份,問卷資料處理採用SPSS10.0版進行統計分析。 據此,研究者係將本研究之調查結果發現與文獻探討發現作成結論如下: 一、綜合高中教育基本理念未能落實 (一)就編班方面來說:學校未能落實高一不分流及依意願分類編班。 (二)就開始教授專業科目的時間來說:有部分的學校未能在「高二上」實行,高一未進行性向試探及輔導,即開始教授專業科目。 (三)就規劃綜合高中課程的主體來說:部分學校未能透過「該科老師於教學研究會時參與討論」之後,經由「課發會」進行協調,再由校務會議通過後實行。 (四)就各類課程及各學程課程之規劃經何種會議討論通過方面來說:仍有學校相關人員對此議題不甚清楚。 (五)就一年級職業試探課程之實施方式方面來說:仍有學校「未開設」或直接教授專業科目。 (六)就『高一不分流』、『提供多元課程』、『學生適性選課』這幾方面來說:各校由於理念不清,學校在各面向均自覺已符合綜合高中相關精神。 (七)就二、三年級學生選課之方式來說:仍有學校抱持選學程不能選課的觀念。 二、綜合高中課程規劃之意見調查分析 (一)就校訂必修科目數為多少學分數來說:仍有學校理念不清,將校訂必修學分數視為學程概念或「不清楚」,甚而無校訂必修科目。 (二)課程規劃以升學導向為主:課程規劃仍有考試領導課程規劃的情形。 (三)就學校在修訂或調整綜合高中課程時的決定主體方面來說:仍有學校決定主體未能落實綜合高中相關理念。 (四)就課程發展委員會之成員方面來說:學校課程發展委員會的家長代表及學者代表比例仍低。 (五)就生涯規劃課程由誰擔任方面來說:學校仍有配課的情形產生,未能給予學生專業的輔導。 (六)就規劃空白課程之單位以及學生遇空白課程時,負責到班或活動地點的負責老師方面而言:學校多數以「教務處」為主。 三、綜合高中課程實施之意見調查分析 (一)就學生空白課程節數方面而言:學校對綜合高中的理念並不清楚,因此大部分學校並無空白課程的實施。 (二)就學生改選科目方面的主要程序方面而言:學校輔導機制並未落實。 (三)就學生課表中之科目包含哪些類而言:課程的實施仍受限於升學導向的限制。 (四)就一年級學生說明有關綜合高中理念與具體做法之方式而言:學校便宜行事,使效果不彰。 本研究根據文獻探討、調查研究發現與結論作成以下建議: 一、強化綜合高中教育基本理念 (一)宣導綜合高中理念 (二)正確瞭解空白課程及職業試探的意義 二、綜合高中課程規劃之意見調查分析 (一)課程之規劃本著學校本位課程之精神,除教師積極參與之外,宜增加學者專家、社區及家長之意見 (二)課程規劃時,增加學生課程選修空間 (三)輔導人員需加強瞭解課程之規劃,以利輔導 (四)規劃空白課程及職業試探課程 (五)除升學及檢定科目之外,宜兼重人文素養之科目 三、綜合高中課程實施之意見調查分析 (一)豐富空白課程之內容及職業試探的廣度 (二)處室之間密切合作 (三)接受教育改革挑戰,行政上不宜方便行事 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the current situation, related issues and concrete suggestions of the curriculum planning and the curriculum implementation of Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan. This study had three parts: the related issues of basic educational ideals of Comprehensive High Schools, the curriculum planning and the curriculum implementation. To achieve above-mentioned goal, the researcher adopted literature review and questionnaire survey as research methods. First, the theories and related researches of the curriculum planning and implementation were reviewed, and then the development and current situation of Comprehensive High Schools in America, England and Taiwan were discussed. Finally the researcher made “Current Problems Analysis of the Curriculum Planning and Implementation of Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan Questionnaire” and took 150 schools interviewed and guided by the Ministry of Education in 2003 as samples to conduct the survey. According to the result of analyzing these questionnaires, suggestions of the improvement about Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan were offered for related authorities' execution and the following researches. The investigation took heads of programs, heads of subjects, the section chiefs or directors of academic affairs who are responsible for the affairs of the Comprehensive High School and the counselors. 900 teachers in 150 schools were randomly chosen as research samples and 530 valid copies were retrieved. The questionnaires were analyzed by conducting SPSS10.0 statistic software. The conclusion according to the result of this survey and findings of literature review are as follows, 1.The Incomplete Implementation of Educational Ideals of Comprehensive High Schools (1)Class Assignment:The implementation of integrating the academic and vocational programs for the first-grade students was incomplete and students were not grouped according their willing. (2)The Beginning Time to Teach the Professional Subjects:Students didn’t learn the professional subjects in the first semester of their second-grade years but during their first-grade yeas without accepting the aptitude tests. (3)The Subjectivity to Planning the Curriculum of Comprehensive High Schools:The implementation of the Curriculum didn’t follow the procedures of subject teachers’ discussion in the teaching committee, negotiation in the curriculum development committee and approval in the school affair conference. (4)The Conferences to Discuss and Approve the Curriculum of Different Programs:Some school staff didn't realize it clearly. (5)The Implementation of the Occupation Exploration Curriculum for the First-grade Students:Some schools didn’t provide it or taught students the subjects directly. (6)The Academic and Vocational Programs Integration during Students’ first year in High School, the Multiple Curriculum Offering and Adaptive Course Election:Schools had vague ideal and didn’t correspond to the spirits of the Comprehensive High School. (7)Curriculum Election for the Second and Third-Grade Students:Students couldn’t elect courses but programs. 2.The Analysis of the Survey about the Curriculum Planning of the Comprehensive High School (1)The Credits of the School Required Subjects:Some schools regarded the credits of school required subjects as the level of programs, ill-defined or not established. (2)The Exam-oriented Curriculum Planning:The curriculum planning relied on the exams. (3)The Subjectivity Deciding the Revision and Adjustment of the Curriculum of the Comprehensive High School:Some couldn’t put the ideal of Comprehensive High School into practice. (4)The Members of the Curriculum Development Committee:The participation rate of the representatives of parents and scholars in the curriculum development committee was low. (5)The Teachers Responsible for the Career Planning Curriculum:The career planning curricula were taught by teachers of different subjects and students didn't accept the professional counseling and guidance. (6)The Responsible Administration and Teachers of the Alternative Learning Period:The offices of academic affairs in schools were assigned. 3.The Analysis of the Survey about the Curriculum Implementation of the Comprehensive High School (1)The Number of Students' Alternative Learning Periods:Most school didn’t provide the null learning periods. (2)The Main Procedures of Students’ changing elective subjects:The counseling and guidance mechanism were not put into practice. (3)The Dimensions of the Subjects:The implementation of the curriculum was confined to the exam-orientation. (4)The Announcement to the First-grade students about the Ideal and Concrete Methods of the Comprehensive High School:The schools acted in haste and it turned out inefficiency. Suggestions according to the literature review, findings of the survey and the conclusion are as follows, 1.Strengthening the ideals of the Comprehensive High School (1) announcement of the ideal of the Comprehensive High School (2) to realize the meanings of the alternative learning periods and the occupation exploration curriculum 2.The Analysis of the survey of the Curriculum Planning of the Comprehensive High School (1)the curriculum planning according to the spirit of the school-based curriculum, teachers’ active participation and scholars, communities and parents’ suggestions adopted (2)flexibility of students’ selecting the elective courses (3)counselors’ deeper realization about the curriculum planning. (4)planning the alternative learning periods and the occupation exploration curriculum (5)emphasizing the subjects for the entrance examination, skill tests and humanities cultivation at the same time 3.The Analysis of the survey of the Curriculum Implementation of the Comprehensive High School (1)enriching the content of the alternative learning periods and broadening the occupation exploration (2)the close cooperation among offices in school (3)taking the challenges of educational reform

課程統整之理論性研究及其對九年一貫社會領域課程綱要(草案)之啟示 / A Theoretical Research of Curriculum Integration and The Analysis of The 1-9 Social Studies Curriculum Programs from The Perspective of Curriculum Integration

陳新轉, Chen, Shin-tsuang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以國民中小學課程統整為範圍,旨在探討「課程統整」概念之涵義、理論基礎、課程統整的理由、統整模式、實施原則,以及與課程統整相屬的觀念,並根據理論探討的結果,評析「九年一貫社會領域課程綱要草案」。經過文獻分析及概念分析,最後得到的發現如下: 第一,課程統整的涵義。從歷史的角度探討課程統整的演變,本文發現近代課程統整概念源於十九世紀之「學問的統整」、「社會的統整」、「學習者(人格)的統整」及「學習的統整」的思想。到了進步主義教育思想盛行的時代,課程統整已經發展成為統合學習者、知識及社會三者的課程理論,其形式與內涵都相當完備,二次大戰後迄今,由於課程科學化、概念重建、人本主義以及後現代思潮的影響,課程統整的內涵從知識的統整逐漸擴展為統整知識、學習者(自我意義、認知結構、社會文化、生活經驗)、社會(社會所期望之價值、能力與公民素質)的課程設計方法或理論。 第二,課程統整與「科際整合」的概念有關,但不宜視之為「一而二,二而一」的關係。 第三,教育人員對課程統整的認識,除了「找出課程組織核心」、「打破學科界限」、「組織有意義、統整的學習內容」之外,更要有課程統整乃促成知識與學習者之自我意義、認知結構、生活經驗及社會文化相聯結的思考,因為課程統整最後乃是統整在學習者身上。 第四、了解課程統整的涵義之後,必須掌握課程統整的特性及正確觀念,才能架接從「認識」到「實踐」的一致性。 第五、當代課程統整的理論依據,從課程統整概念的演進過程來看,至少包括杜威教育哲學、認知學習理論、建構論、人本主義心理學、腦相容學習理論、多元智力理論及後現代課程思潮。 第六,從課程改革的立場而論,實施課程統整需要「好理由」,但是從「功能」層面出發,往往遭到反對者質疑沒有充分的證據、並不比傳統分科課程優越、或者與課程無關而是教師專業能力的問題。因此論課程統整的理由應從「學理」與「理想」層面著手,找出當今教育上必須努力或值得努力,而課程統整在實踐上要比分科課程具「優越性」的目標,做為實施課程統整的理由,本文將這些理由分成教育方面、學習方面、社會統整及適應社會變遷方面、反應時代特性方面等四個範疇。 第七,課程統整設計必須能帶給學生獲得以主題為核心的完整的學習,以及提高思考層次,從這種標準而論,有些統整型課程其實只是分科課程的變形,但並不表示統整性越高越有價值,這必須視課程主題及學習目標而定,因此設計統整型課程必同時考慮課程主題的性質與統整模式的功能,本研究探討主題之選擇與課程組織原則,並結合主題的學術性強弱及學科界限之濃淡這兩個向度,將統整型課程的設計模式分成:概念性多科並列統整、概念性學科互動統整、主題性多科並列統整、主題性學科互動統整、主題性超學科統整等五種類型,各舉實例說明。 第八,推行課程統整應遵循某些必要的原則,也需要配合措施。原則方面本研究指出主題處理的原則、課程組織原則;配合措施則從建立全校性課程藍圖;「教」、「學」與「評量」的一致性措施;統整的校園文化;充分的行政支援;以及與課程統整相屬的觀念等方面討論之。 第九,關於「九年一貫社會領域課程綱要(草案)」之評析,本研究根據研究結果,採取「支持統整而求其完美」的立場,針對課程綱要與「課程統整」有關的陳述加以評析。發現其統整取向是正確的,但仍有若干待補強的地方: (一)缺少對於「追求統整」從「認知」到「實踐」所需的觀念、原則與要件之陳述。 (二)缺少社會領域課程非統整不可的基本理由。 (三)社會領域目標仍有進一步統整的可能。 (四)九大主題軸僅顧及社會領域知識統整,導致經過轉化的「分段能力指標」過於向知識學習,因而出現能力指標在各學習階段分配不均,甚至從缺的現象。 (五)「實施要點」內容不敷所需,也需要調整其定位。 最後本研究依據前述之發現,針對「如何實踐課程統整」、「九年一貫社會領域課程綱要(草案)」之修訂,以及後續研究三方面提出建議。 / The purposes of this study are: (1) to explore the meanings, theoretical foundations, rationales, models, principles, character and relevant ideas of curriculum integration; and (2) to analyze what the “1-9 Social Study Curriculum Program “involves in curriculum integration. Through the methods of literature review and concept analysis , the researcher has had the following main findings : 1. Tracing the changing of the concept of curriculum integration(CI), we know the original thinkings of CI were discipline-integration, society-integration, personal-integration and learning integration in the nineteen century. During the progressivism era, curriculum integration had fully developed both in pattern and content. After World War II, the concept of CI affected by Curriculum-Scientific movement, Reconceptualists movement, Humanistic Psychology and Post-modern Curriculum Thinking, the concept of CI has grown into a curriculum design theory and method which bring knowledge, society and learner(cognitive schema, social-culture, self-signification )together. 2. It is not true to think “interdisciplinary” is equal to “curriculum integration”. 3. If teachers want to know CI completely, they will recognize the CI not only to find out “core”, to break the discipline barriers, and to organize whole experience, etc. but also to facilitate the integrated knowledge, society and the learner. 4. According to CI concept evolution, the theory foundations of CI included John Dewey educational thinking, Cognitive Learning Theory, Constructivism Humanistic Psychology, Brain-Compatible Learning Theory, Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory and Post-modern curriculum thinking at least. 5. The rationales for CI to be practiced , including four major aspects: the reasons of education, the reasons of learning, the reasons of social integration and social changing, as well as the reasons of time-changing necessity. 6. Although most of experts believe that there is a continuum along which progressively more and more connections are made, but the growth toward a more progressive state may not be better; it may be just complexities. So, design an integrated curriculum must consider both curriculum theme and model. In this study, provided five curriculum integration models: conceptual multidisciplinary approach, conceptual interdisciplinary approach, thematic multidisciplinary approach, thematic multidisciplinary approach, and thematic transdisciplinary approach. 7. To carry out curriculum integration idea ,we need to hold some disciplines and create supportive conditions which are to build curriculum mapping, to make teaching, learning and assessment in alignment, to grow up an integrative culture in a school and integrative idea in staff development. 8. The “1-9 Social Studies curriculum Program” is a progressive curriculum plan , but something with curriculum integration have to supply: (1) to add some explanation to practice. (2) to add some rationale to implement. (3) to integrate the social curriculum objects more. (4) to expand the curriculum theme content to include both knowledge and abilities elements which have to be learned for the students in compulsory education level. (5) to adjust and supply some “ implement guidelines ”. At last, this study draws some suggestions about how the curriculum integration idea to be practiced, the curriculum program to be adjusted and what the next study step is in the future.


蘇雅莉 Unknown Date (has links)
「國文」是本國語文、本國文學與本國文化的總稱,為奠定國民基本語文能力,培養人文素養,涵詠精神品德的最主要學科。影響國文教育的因素很多,其中居於核心者為課程標準,因課程標準為教學之最高領導原則,它明確規定各學科的教學目標、課時分配、教材大綱及實施方法,課程標準的更動將直接影響國文教學的面貌。其次是國文教科書,因為教科書是課程理念轉化為師生具體教學經驗的主要連結,而中學國文教科書係以文選型的編輯型態為主軸,選文的變化為影響教科書內容的主要關鍵。當我們想探究高中國文教育之歷史演變,釐清國文教育應興應革的問題時,課程標準與國文課本選文都是不容忽略的研究議題。 本研究採取文獻分析、歸納、比較、內容分析、統計等方法,以遷臺後(1952-2004年)高中國文課程標準與國文課本選文變遷為研究主體,參酌清末新學制國文設科後到民國卅七年之課程標準、遷臺前國文審定本教科書,並以大陸高中語文課程、教科書、香港中國語文課程、教科書為參照對象,藉以呈現臺灣高中國文課程與教科書半世紀以來之演進歷史,並評論其利弊得失,以作為今後高中國文教育興革之取法及借鏡。 全文共分六章,第一章為「緒論」,概述研究動機與目的,說明研究之必要性與意義;其次確定研究對象與範圍,對論述之主體加以說明,並限定論述範圍;接著整理前人研究成果,指陳其不足之處;而後說明研究方法,並以本文侷限及有待開發之主題,期待更多學者投入課程與教材之研究。 第二章為「統編本時代課程標準之發展」,首先分析統編本時期課程標準制定之時代背景,以掌握課程標準與時代間的互動關係;其次就課程標準中之課程目標、範文選材原則加以梳理,觀察其不同時期之變化;而後評論統編本時期課程標準所呈現的現象與衍生的相關問題。 第三章為「統編本選文之面貌」,本章以統編本時期課程標準修訂為分節點,歷述民國四十二年(1953)、五十二年(1963)、六十年(1961)、六十四年(1975)、七十三年(1984)、八十三年(1994)五個階段之高中國文課本編寫概況與選文面貌,梳理國文課本選文之演進史,並評述統編本選文所呈現之現象與利弊得失。 第四章為「現行課程標準與審定本選文面貌」,首先說明現行(1995年公佈)高中國文課程標準之內容與變化,對課程標準修訂之背景與特色加以梳理;其次整理教科書開放後一綱多本編寫架構和選文變化的共同點;而後再分述三民版、東大阪、南一版、翰林版、康熙版、龍騰版等六家版本之編寫概況與選文特色;最後對現行課程標準與一綱多本所衍生的問題加以探討。 第五章為「新修訂之高中國文暫行課程綱要」,第一節就暫行課綱制定之背景加以說明,第二節則就暫行課綱的內容,包括課程目標、選材原則與選修課程之規定加以解讀,第三節則對暫行課綱所引發爭議,提出評論與建議事項。 第六章為「結論與建議」,分就課程綱要與教科書編選提出建言。課程綱要部分呼籲回歸國文教育的本質,課綱制定時應求周延與民主,並希望政府相關單位能重視課程的研究。教科書編選方面,希望選文應具有典範性,以學生為中心,建立具體而微的文學史系統,並期盼教科書編纂與業者能開發有效的編寫設計,提供適時的修訂。

國民小學校長儲訓之實務實習課程研究 / The study on internship course of elementary school principal preparation curriculum

鄭如秀, Cheng, Ju Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民小學校長儲訓之實務實習課程與校長專業能力之關係。本研究方法為文件分析法及問卷調查法,問卷調查樣本以臺北市12個行政區內之公、私立國民小學現任校長及主任為研究對象,共375位,可用問卷247份,可用率為65.87%;研究工具包含參考專家訪談結果分析自編之「國民小學校長儲訓之實務實習課程調查問卷」及採用之「國民小學校長專業能力調查問卷」。本研究之統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與薛費法事後比較、皮爾森積差相關分析、逐步多元迴歸分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果與發現,分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 壹、校長儲訓之實務實習課程的建置實屬重要,並以「標竿學校參訪課程」最 具實質幫助,而「原校實習課程」之建置則有待考量。 貳、應重視校長專業能力的涵養,並以「行政管理能力」為重。 参、背景變項中,調查對象之現任職務及最高學歷在校長儲訓之實務實習課程 看法的差異達顯著水準,但性別、年齡、服務年資、學校屬性及學校規模 未達顯著差異。 肆、背景變項中,調查對象之現任職務及最高學歷在校長專業能力的看法得分 差異達顯著水準,但性別、年齡、服務年資、學校屬性及學校規模未達顯 著差異。 伍、校長儲訓之實務實習課程得分高分組者,在校長專業能力得分顯著優於 中、低分組;校長儲訓之實務實習課程得分中分組者,在校長專業能力得 分顯著優於低分組。 陸、重視校長儲訓之實務實習課程可提升校長之專業能力。 柒、有效施行校長儲訓之實務實習課程,對校長專業能力的養成具有中度預測 力,並以「卓越校長訪談課程」之建置最具關鍵性。 最後,本研究根據研究發現及結論分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、參酌過往豐富的儲訓經驗以規劃實務實習課程具體方向及內容。 二、國小校長儲訓制度宜加強實務實習課程,並藉以提升校長專業能力。 三、應重視個別差異,依照學員的需求提供合適之課程模組。 四、建議增添副校長一職及赴教育行政當局實習制度。 五、參準專業核心能力為國小校長儲訓之實務實習課程規劃依據。 六、舉辦校長專業能力涵養之研習進修活動。 七、國小校長儲訓之實務實習課程規劃宜重視績效評量設計。 八、建置國小校長儲訓之實務實習課程數位資料庫及人才資料庫。 九、統合相關資源,建置校長資訊提供及分享之網絡。 貳、對國民小學校長、主任的建議 一、建議國民小學校長在實習過程中依據自我需求增強學習知能。 二、建置校長專業發展之知識分享平臺,提升校長之核心專業能力。 三、組成校長、主任專業社群以增進交流、激盪與對話。 四、注重專業知能與實踐能力,以持續進修達成自我之提升。 參、對後續研究的建議 可由研究架構、研究對象、研究內容及研究方法等方面加以精進,並整合量化與質化方法,裨益於整體研究建立更完整的資料與模式,使研究結果更為詳盡。 / The main purpose of this research is to study of relationship of principal’s preparation curriculum of internship course and principal’s professional competence in elementary school. The research methods used was documentary analysis and questionnaire survey. The research instrument was distributed to 375 school incumbent principal and director of public or private elementary schools in 12 administrative areas of Taipei. There are 247 valid samples which were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and Multiple Regression. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1.It is really important to establish internship course of principal preparation curriculum. Among the course dimensions, the “benchmarking schools visit course” contributes most, while the establishment of “original school internship course” still remains consideration. 2.The nourishment of principal’s professional competence should be underscored, especially for the dimension of “administrative government”. 3.The elementary school incumbent principals and directors’ background demography including incumbent duty and highest education reached a significant difference with all the preparation curriculum of internship course. 4.The elementary school incumbent principals and directors’ background demography including incumbent duty and highest education reached a significant difference with all the principal’s professional competence. 5.Elementary school incumbent principals and directors who got high score on the preparation curriculum of internship course were gotten better score in the principal’s professional competence than low and middle ones, who got middle score on the preparation curriculum of internship course were gotten better score in the principal’s professional competence than low ones. 6.Principal’s professional competence can be enhanced by the emphasis of internship course of principal preparation curriculum. 7.The efficient implementation of internship course of principal preparation curriculum can positively predict the achievement of principal’s professional competence. Among the course dimensions, the establishment of “remarkable principals interview course” is the most crucial. Based on the research results, the researcher proposed some suggestions for “educational administrative agencies”, “the principals and directors of elementary schools”, and “other researchers”, hoping to benefit the school principal preparation systems and in-service education of school principals and directors in the future.


陳慧嬪 Unknown Date (has links)
台北市政府在邁向新紀元之際,如何提高城際競爭力之關鍵係賴行政效能的提昇、公權力的伸張與法規制度的配合;而行政效能的提昇又端視政府組織是否能吸引、培育與留置具專業知能,且願意盡心盡力為民服務的公務人員;究其意,即「人」將成為左右組織的活力,甚至維繫組織命脈的基本要素;因此,台北市政府公務人員訓練中心(以下簡稱公訓中心)作為市府公務員之訓練機構,對於提昇人力素質,增進組織績效,其扮演了相當的角色與功能;而每年所規劃之年度訓練計畫即是展現中心所秉持之訓練理念,是以作者期藉由相關文獻與資料之探討,分析市府公訓中心年度訓練計畫的建構過程與訓練課程之內容,進而瞭解訓練在政府部門所扮演之角色。另自八十一年至八十九年止,隨著時代的演進,不同的領導者入主市府,所帶來的領導風格、施政理念、對於未來願景之勾勒及對市府公務員的期許亦有所不同,因此近九年公訓中心亦呈現了隨不同市政等需求,力求突破與實質提昇己身功能以強化市府人力素質之訓練計畫與課程內容,是以作者亦以這段期間歷任之三任市長為劃分基礎,比較各階段訓練計畫與課程所呈現之異同之處,且觀察不同領導者於其中所扮演之角色與影響力。 本文共計分為五章節,第一章說明研究動機、研究問題與相關概念之界定;第二章則檢視有關訓練、訓練計畫與訓練課程等三方面之理論基礎;第三章則就公訓中心八十一年至八十九年之年度訓練計畫為分析主體,且以黃大洲市長、陳水扁市長與馬英九市長之任職時期為區分基礎,比較分析其中的異同;至第四章則深入分析中心所擘畫之管理訓練課程,除縱切面以高階、中階與基層管理等面向分析外,亦從時間的橫切面予以比較八十一年至八十九年其中各類管理課程之演變過程與內容;最後第五章歸納出檢視比較分析後的研究發現,且對未來公訓中心訓練計畫與課程內容之規劃提出研究建議,以及後續研究之展望。 在經過相關文獻之探討與就公訓中心八十一年至八十九年年度訓練計畫及其管理訓練課程之深入分析後,本文以為公訓中心未來於構思規劃訓練計畫與課程時,或可由下述建議有另一層面之思考: 一、重新思索公訓中心未來之組織角色與定位,強化組織之功能性 二、評估公務人員所應具備之核心能力,強化訓練課程之前瞻性 三、訓練資源可藉由網路化,彼此相互分享 四、提高公務員本身對於課程規劃之參與度,促使課程的多元與創新 二十一世紀之開展,伴隨的是更多無法預知的挑戰等待公部門去克服與面對,尤其作為全國首善之區之台北市公務員,所要面臨的更是高標準市民的衡量尺寸,因此,再學習是公務體系培具應變能力的重要途徑之一;在作者撰述此篇碩士論文的同時,除深刻感受到中心不斷檢視訓練課程規劃之各面向的努力,也清楚觀得外在環境變遷,領導者更替對於中心課程規劃上之影響,或許會對訓練專業的執行有不同程度變革之發生,在此一合作性的工作推動中參雜了些許的政治性過程,但作者以為其無非都是希望在此一團隊中的每一分子具有一定的共識,能在領導者建構之願景下齊心努力,是以訓練課程的安排無不強調公務員因應環境之適應力,且要求其秉持不斷學習之精神,進而洞悉整體環境變遷的脈動,唯有如此,政府組織方能提高效能,不囿於過往的習慣領域,保持長久的活力與彈性,以達為民服務之終極目的。

國小教師的課程詮釋與課程運作經驗之分析-以一年級社會科教學觀察為例 / The analysis of the teachers' curriculum interpretation and curriculum operation experiences in the elementary school

陳秀玉, Chen, Hsow-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是對三位國小一年級教師的社會科教學進行觀察,以分析她們的課程詮釋與課程運作經驗,並深入理解與探討這些經驗所顯示的意義與教師課程詮釋時的內在世界。具體言之,主要研究目的如下: 一、瞭解教師在生活脈絡下所形成的課程詮釋觀點。 二、分析教師在與環境互動下所採取的教學統整方式。 三、瞭解教師在教學後對教學評量結果所作的省思。 四、探討課程詮釋與課程運作經驗所顯示的意義,及教師課程詮釋時的內在世界。 本研究採取個案研究法,最常用到的是教室觀察、訪談、文件分析、問卷、測驗等方式。研究對象是在同一學校任教一年級的三位教師,學歷分別是師範、師專和師院,曾任教一年級社會科年資是2年、10年和0年,研究時間約為一個多月,以進行社會科一個單元完整的教學觀察。 研究者建構了三位個案報告,並將所有資料加以綜合分析和歸納,以理解三位教師課程詮釋與課程運作經驗所顯示之意義,及教師的內在世界,主要研究發現如下: 一、三位教師的課程詮釋與課程運作經驗 (一)教師的許多課程詮釋觀點,會統合地呈現在對任教課程的理解上。 (二)教師的某些課程詮釋觀點會影響某些教學統整方式。 (三)教師的各種教學統整方式之間相互關連。 二、課程詮釋與課程運作經驗所顯示的意義 (一)教師在課程運作時主體意識的存在,並不為自己所察覺。 (二)教師在課程實施層面所扮演的角色,已不是忠實者,可算是調適者,某部份確實展現了課程締造者的角色。 三、教師課程詮釋時內在的教學需求 教師的教學統整行動是一套為了結合理想與現實的因應策略,大都是為了滿足下列需求:(1)重視課業表現(2)符合教師的人生觀和教育觀(3)因應學生的特性和能力(4)維持良好的常規(5)配合資源和時間等環境因素。這些需求的背後,即是教師心中最期盼的,一個能獲得成就感的成功教學。 / The purpose of this study was to find out what curriculum interpretation and curriculum operation experiences the elementary school teachers have, and to explore the meanings from those experiences, and also to understand the inner worlds of the teachers who interpret the curriculum. The researcher used the case study method. She collected data from observation, interview and test. The subjects of the study were three 1th-grade teachers teaching Social Studies in the same school. There were two years, ten years and zero years in their teaching 1th-grade Social Studies, and also graduated from different level teacher schools. It took more than one month to complete the observations of a whole unit instruction. The researcher wrote up three case reports, and analyzed the meanings of those experiences. The findings of the study were as follows: A. The teachers’ curriculum interpretation and curriculum operation experiences: a) The teacher’s curriculum interpretation perspectives integrated to comprehend the teaching subject. b) Some of the teacher’s curriculum interpretation perspectives influenced some instructional integration methods. c) All of the instructional integration methods were interactively connected. B. The meanings of those experiences: a) The fact that teachers were the subject instead of the object in the curriculum operation was not perceived by teachers. b) In the curriculum implementation process, teachers were not loyal to the curriculum but keep a mutual-adaptation relationship with it. They sometimes even created part of the curriculum. C. The instructional needs on the inner worlds of the teachers: a) Teacher’s needs emphasized the academic expectations. b) Teacher’s needs fit for their life and pedagogical perspectives. c) Teacher’s needs adapted to students’ characteristics and ability. d) Teacher’s needs emphasized maintaining a good classroom control. e) Teacher’s needs considered about instructional resources and time. These needs could be subsumed into the need toward a successful instruction.

澳門中小學教師對課程統整態度的調查研究 / Surveyal study on secondary and primary teachers' perceptions towards curriculum intergration

關啓佳 January 2002 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門小學品德教育課程政策的脈絡研究 = The context analysis of personal and social development curriculum policy in primary school of Macau / Context analysis of personal and social development curriculum policy in primary school of Macau

方炳隆 January 2000 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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