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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊家豪 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1991年後,證券商為擴大市場占有率,紛紛以購併策略來擴展營業據點;此外,近年來證券商業務朝多元化發展,過去文獻鮮少探討新金融商品業務對證券商經營效率之影響,加上網路交易之興起,改變投資人之交易習慣。究竟大型證券商比小型證券商具有較佳競爭力與經營效率?影響證券商經營效率之因素又有那些?值得進一步探究。本文以1998至2007年家專業經紀券商276個樣本及綜合券商310個樣本資料,第一階段利用資料包絡分析法分別評估專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率值,第二階段利用Tobit迴歸模型探討可能造成專業經紀券商與綜合券商經營效率差異影響之因素。技術效率評估結果顯示:(一) 就專業經紀券商而言,低用人費率券商之技術效率、純粹技術效率優於高用人費率券商;(二)就綜合券商而言,具外國背景券商之技術效率、純粹技術效率優於上市櫃或具金控背景之券商。迴歸實證結果顯示:(一)股價指數對專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率具正向顯著關係;(二)開辦網路下單對專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率具負向顯著關係;(三)專業經紀券商之營業據點數與技術效率具負向顯著關係;(四)綜合券商之營業據點數與技術效率具正向顯著關係;(五)業務愈集中、業務風險愈高、具金控體系及上市櫃背景則對綜合券商之技術效率具負向顯著關係。


劉建廷, Liu,Chien Ting Unknown Date (has links)
新巴賽爾協定已於2006年正式實施,國內各金融業為有效控制信用風險,近年來多致力於內部信用評等之建立;本研究透過建置違約預測模型的方式,讓金融機構可採用更科學且快速的方法預測客戶之違約機率,兼顧了金融機構的獲利與安全性。 本研究之研究對象為全國公開資料庫於民國85年至94年的服務業,其中違約客戶佔1.6%,非違約客戶佔98.4%;藉由企業財務報表與基本構面結合經濟變數,經誤差抽樣建立羅吉斯模型;經評估確立以1:2誤差抽樣比例下的羅吉斯迴歸模型效果最佳。接下來便針對模型去評估模型的有效性;最後,更進一步依照該模型所預測之違約機率,建立信用評分等級,同時檢視各等級內客戶之特性。 研究結果發現,以K-S Test以及ROC曲線進行模型正確性評估,本研究之模型有一定水準可以區隔正常授信戶及違約授信戶的能力;等級同質性檢定,也得到了同一等級內違約要素為同質且組內變異小的結果;表示本模型具有一定的穩定性與預測效力。


張中勳 Unknown Date (has links)
我國公股銀行民營化後,對於經營績效的影響目前未有定論,然而我國政府對於已完成民營化公股銀行更衍生出後續之政府持股管理問題。因此本研究整理相關文獻,希望可以透過資料包絡分析法,客觀評估銀行經營績效,並且研究政府持股如何影響公司經營效率。並且考慮資產品質會對銀行經營造成壓力,因此將備抵呆帳是為銀行投出的一部分,希望可以更廣泛的討論銀行經營績效,並且可以對政府持股管理問題提出可能觀點。主要研究結果如下: 一、 公股銀行平均技術效率値顯著優於民營銀行,主要來自於純粹技術效率的優勢。而資產品質主要對民營銀行產生規模效率之減損。 二、 100%公股銀行在純粹技術效率與技術效率,無論是否有考慮備抵呆帳皆顯著最佳,民營化銀行次之,民營銀行最差。然民營化銀行在無論有無考慮備抵呆帳的情形下,規模效率皆不如100%公股銀行或民營銀行。 三、 我國政府不同的持股比例對於公司經營效率之影響,可能並非單純線性關係。若政府低於33%,則持續降低政府對於經營之影響力,可能有助於公司經營效率。 四、 Malmquist生產力指數顯示100%持股公股銀行生產力因為生產技術的提升,累積後較民營化銀行為大,此與三類銀行間t-test之檢定結果相同。顯示政府持股較多的銀行可能有助於提升技術效率與純粹技術效率。


江彥聖 Unknown Date (has links)
科學研究中,我們常關注變數間是否存在某種相關,及其相關的程度與方向。但傳統的相關分析方法,並不適用於更能表達真實情況的模糊資料。 在統計學中,討論資料之相關性的統計量有許多,本研究旨在針對討論兩變數間之線性關係的皮爾森相關係數 (Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient),以模糊統計方法的角度,提出合理的模糊直線相關係數定義,以協助處理區間模糊資料,瞭解模糊資料間的線性關係。 / In the scientific research, we often pay attention to whether there are some relations between two variables, and the strength and direction of a linear relationship. But the traditional statistics method is not suitable for the fuzzy data. There are a lot of statistics of discussing the relevance between two variables. In this study, a modified method, combining Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and fuzzy theory, was applied to deal with the fuzzy data, and find the linear relation among them.


蕭瑀 Unknown Date (has links)
時至今日,公立大學在財務收入來源方面有企業捐助及教育部穩定來源支持,反觀私立大專院校,其收入來源卻是不穩定,可能造成其財務困難進而影響其辦學成效,私立大學如何提升其教學品質增加其收入,為首要關鍵點之一。而本研究透過資本人才密度比來展現學校的教學品質程度,並藉由相關文獻之彙總整理,歸納出影響大專校院資本人才密度比決策之因素。 本文以各私立大學院校所提供的財務報表,評估84學年度至94學年度各私立大學院校在資本人才密度比之影響,利用Panel Data統計方法,分析不同特質的學校,其經營產出上的差異,並提供學校經營者管理上的建議。 實證結果發現,學雜費收入、捐贈及補助收入、圖書支出,與資本人才比例為正相關。而在生師比方面會因不同的模型結構有不同影響變動。在機器設備之支出方面,若以碩博士生為研究對象,學校對於機器設備方面的投入建設,以提升全體碩博士生的設備使用。包含電腦儀器設備、投影設備等。設備投入越多,學生享有教學資源越多;但以全校人力為衡量標準,導致資源配置錯誤,無法達成配置效率(allocation efficiency)。 在虛擬變數方面,根據不同背景特性將其轉化,對醫學院而言,大多為小班制,醫學院的實習課都在醫院,教師品質來自於各醫院,與資本人才密度比呈現正相關的影響力。但在理工學院方面亦會因不同的模型結構有不同影響變動。而文法商學院,人力的訓練遠遠高於機器設備的使用率,較強調人才的管理組織整合能力的結合,與資本人才密度比呈現正相關。

分析眼動軌跡以自動量測閱讀理解程度 / Automatically Measuring Reading Comprehension by Analyzing Eye Movements

鍾政勳, Chung, Jaing Shien Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著電腦科技的進步,發展出了各種人機介面的應用。不同於傳統的滑鼠與鍵盤,新的人機介面往往在其他不同的領域能夠得到更好的發揮,眼動(eye movement)即是一個例子,利用眼球移動在螢幕上的眼動軌跡來操控電腦。另一方面,螢幕所呈現的內容也會影響使用者的眼動行為,例如閱讀文章時不同的文章內容就會影響使用者在看文章時的眼動行為,因此我們就可以從眼動軌跡去推測出使用者對於螢幕的內容(如文章或圖片)的反應。本論文的目的就是要找出閱讀文章時的眼動軌跡和閱讀者對該文章的理解程度之間的關連性,最後發展出一個系統,利用閱讀文章時的眼動軌跡就能去推測閱讀者對於文章的理解程度,而無需後續的閱讀測驗。 / 一般人通常對自身的眼動軌跡的進行方式不甚了解,認為閱讀文章的眼動應該是順著字句的進行而移動。其實仔細觀察細小的眼動軌跡會發現比想像中複雜的多,例如當我們閱讀到文意較為困難的片段時,通常都會放慢速度,或是反覆閱讀,又例如看到自己有興趣的主題時會凝視在某些區塊較久的時間等等行為,這些都是在各種不同的情境之下做出相對的反應。本論文提出了資料探勘的方法來分析複雜的眼動軌跡,能針對每個人不同的閱讀模式找出不同的眼動規則。此方法能適應各種使用者的閱讀習性,對閱讀理解程度的預測能達到更精確的效果。 / With the advance of the computer technology, there are many kinds of HCI (Human Computer interface) applications been developed in recent years. Different from mouse and keyboard, new interface will bring more benefits in different area, and eye-movement is an example. It extracts the trace of eye movement to control the computer. Furthermore, the screen content will also affect the eye-movement. For example, when the user reads the articles, the content will affect the eye-movement, so we can speculate the reaction of the user after seen the screen content (such as article or picture) by eye-movement. The goal of the paper is to find out the relationship between eye-movement and the degree of comprehension, and develop a system which can automatically measure reading comprehension without any follow-up comprehension test. / Most people don’t realize how there eye move. They think eye movements should be carried out along the words. In fact, eye movement will find more complex than imagined, for example, when we read the context of the article is more difficult, we often slow down or read over and over again. In another example, people will gaze at some of the subjects that they are interest in for a longer period of time. These reactions correspond to a variety of different situations. This paper presents a data mining approach to analyze complex eye movement. It can find out the different rules of eye movement for users who have different reading strategy. This method will be able to adapt to a variety of users reading habits, and make more accurate prediction with the degree of the comprehension.

台灣綜合商品零售業經營效率之研究-Metafrontier模型之應用 / A Business Efficiency Study of the Taiwan Retail Sale of General Merchandise - the Application of Metafrontier Model

蔡偉格, Tsai, Wei Ko Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣景氣持續低迷,台灣綜合商品零售業的成長也受到不小的衝擊,在市場漸趨成熟與飽和的情況下,產業內競爭也漸趨激烈。如何在外在經濟環境欠佳,內在市場飽和下,有效提升經營效率,加強產業競爭能力,是目前台灣綜合商品零售業者最重要的課題。   本研究以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis)為基礎,並結合Metafrontier分析法,針對台灣地區2000年到2006年25家綜合商品零售業者,以客觀的投入產出資料進行廠商的經營效率分析。本研究結果顯示:   1.整體而言,連鎖式便利商店的經營績效平均處於相對有效率狀態,購物中心的經營績效平均處於相對無效率狀態。   2.廠商技術無效率的原因主要為純粹技術效率的問題。廠商的規模報酬狀態與所屬業態關聯不大,而與廠商是否屬於連鎖集團較有關聯。   3.比較metafrontier模型與group frontiers模型所評估的效率值,顯示各業態廠商的平均技術水準有顯著差異,連鎖式便利商店的效率水準較接近metafrontier的效率邊界。   4.依據Norman and Stoker(1991)的效率值強度分類方法,發現在兩模型之下,各業態廠商屬於「邊緣無效率單位」與「確實無效率單位」的比例都較大,表示經營績效有很大的改善空間。   5.差額分析與敏感度分析方面,百貨公司業與超級市場業在兩模型之下的結論不一致,推論應是兩者評估的廠商樣本,其衡量的技術水準不同。各廠商依循group frontiers模型所得結論改善經營績效,將可以在業態內成為相對有效率的廠商,但如果想要進一步提高效率,則必須改變廠商本身所處的業態環境所造成的技術水準限制,便可依循metafrontier模型所得結論改善經營績效,所以選用何種結論,仍須由業者依據廠商未來發展自行判斷。 / Since the recession in Taiwan economy has arrived in recent years, it has a great effect on the growth of the Taiwan retail sale of general merchandise. Because the market has been saturated, the competition has become fierce in this industry. How to improve the management efficiency and the industrial competitiveness in the present economic environment is the most important issue of the Taiwan retail sale of general merchandise.   This study uses inputs and outputs data of 25 DMUs of the Taiwan retail sale of general merchandise from 2000 to 2006, applying Data Envelopment Analysis with Metafrontier model to evaluate the operational efficiency of those firms. The findings of this study are as below:   1. On average, the chain convenience store industry shows more technically efficient than the shopping mall industry.   2. The main source for the firms being inefficient is pure technical inefficiency. The returns of scale of the firms are not much related to the types of business operation, but to the firms being the chain store ones or not.   3. Comparing meta-frontier model with group frontiers model, we find that there are significant differences in the average technical efficiency levels among the various types of business operation, and the chain convenience store industry is most close to meta-frontier.   4. According to the classification of the efficiency by Norman and Stoker (1991), we find a major part of the firms is marginally inefficient and distinctly inefficient. It implies there is a great room for the firms to improve their managerial performance.   5. The slack analysis indicates there are differences in the resource wastes between the department store industry and the supermarket industry. The differences mainly come from the technological differences between the two industries. The information generated from the group frontier model is helpful to improve the firms’ efficiency within the group. However, if the firms want to further improve their efficiency, they should rely on the information from the meta-frontier model, which sheds light on the technology gap among sub-industries.

實作時序性資料集的形狀查詢語言 / Implementation of a Shape Query Language for Time Series Datasets

劉家豪, Liu, Chia Hao Unknown Date (has links)
越來越多帶有時間序列的資料普遍的存在醫學工程、商業統計、財務金融等各領域,例如:在財務金融分析領域中已知的形狀樣式用以預測未來價格趨勢做出買賣的決策。由於時序性資料通常非常的龐大,領域的專家看法也未必相同,所描述出新的形狀樣式剛開始也都是比較粗略的,必須透過不斷的修正才會得到比較精準的結果。有鑒於此,我們實做了一套時序性資料集的形狀查詢語言,透過簡單的語言描述,讓使用者簡便快速的定義出屬於自己的形狀樣式。此外我們也實作出互動式的環境並實際有效率應用於台灣證券交易市場。 / There are more and more time series data in the fields of medical engineering, commerce statistics, finance, etc. For example, in financial analysis, we can forecast the price trends by using some well known chart patterns. People want to find out some new patterns for making their purchase decisions fast and easily. However, it is technical challenging to implement a high-level pattern description language. This thesis implemented a shape query language for time-series datasets. Through the simple syntax, field users can find out there own shape patterns by using a more realistic, easily and fast way. We have also developed an interactive environment that users can apply our shape query language to the data of Taiwan Stock Market efficiently.

"Spaghetti "主成份分析之延伸-應用於時間相關之區間型台灣股價資料 / An extension of Spaghetti PCA for time dependent interval data

陳品達, Chen, Pin-Da Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 近幾年發展的區間型態資料之主成份分析,運用在某些領域的資料上尚未成熟,例如股票價格的資料,這些資料是與時間息息相關地,於是有了時間相關的區間資料分析 (Irpino, 2006. Pattern Recognition Letters 27, 504-513)。本文延續這個分析,針對時間相關之區間型台灣股價資料進行研究。Irpino (2006) 的方法只考慮每週的開盤價與收盤價,為了得到更多資訊,我們提出三種方法,第一個方法,將每週的最高價(最低價)納入分析,由兩點的分析變成三點的分析;第二個方法,我們同時考慮最高價與最低價,變成四點的分析,這兩個方法都能得到原始方法不能得到的資訊-公司的穩定度,其中又以第二個方法較為準確;第三種方法引用Irpino (2006) 的建議,我們改變區間的分配,而此方法得到的結果與原 始的方法差異不大。 本文分別收集了台灣金融市場三十家半導體與台指五十中的四十七家公司於民國九十七年九月一號到十二月二十六號共十七週的股價資料進行實證分析。以台指五十為例,分析結果顯示編號17的台達電子工業股份有限公司、編號24的鴻海科技集團,這兩家公司的未來被看好;而編號10的聯陽半導體股份有限公司、編號35的統一超商股份有限公司,此兩家公司的未來不被看好,這四家公司在民國九十八年一月五號到一月七號三天的走勢確實是如此!此外,結果顯示 金融體系的公司比電子體系的公司來得穩定。 關鍵字:主成份分析,區間型資料,時間相關 / ABSTRACT The methods for principal component analysis on interval data have not been ripe yet in some areas, for example, the data of stock prices that are closely related to the time, so the analysis of time dependent interval data was proposed (Irpino, 2006. Pattern Recognition Letters 27, 504-513). In this paper, we apply this approach to the stock prices data in Taiwan. The original “Spaghetti” PCA in Irpino (2006) considered only the starting and the ending prices for each week. In order to get more information we propose three methods. We consider the highest (lowest) price for each week to our analysis in Method 1, and the analysis changes from two points to three points. In Method 2, we consider all information to our analysis which considers four points. These two methods can get more information than the original one. For example, we can get the information of stability degree of the company. For the Method 3, we quote the suggestion from Irpino (2006) to change the distribution of intervals from uniform to beta. However, the result is similar to the original result. In our approach, we collect data of stock prices from 37 companies of semiconductor and 47 companies of TSEC Taiwan 50 index in Taiwan financial market during the 17 weeks from September 1 to December 26, 2008. For TSEC Taiwan 50 index, the results of this analysis are that the future trend of Delta (Delta Electronics Incorporation) which numbers 17 and Foxconn (Foxconn Electronics Incorporation) which numbers 24 are optimistic; And ITE (Integrated Technology Express) which numbers 10 and 7-ELEVEn (President Chain Store Corporation) which numbers 35 are not good. In fact, the trends of these four companies are indicated these results during January 5th to 7th. What’s more, the financial companies are steadier than the electronic industry. Keywords: Principal component analysis; Interval data; Time dependent

資料採礦之商業智慧於醫療院所經營管理之應用 / The application of data mining of business intelligence in the study of medical clinic management -- using an eye clinic as an example

鄭增加 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健保自開辦以來,財務一直存在入不敷出之隱憂,醫療院所頻頻呼籲健保的給付不足,將造成經營困難。除此之外,醫師人口逐年增長、診所成本入不敷出、人口老化迅速及新醫療設備之引進及各政策之影響下,本研究想瞭解在競爭及不確定的環境中,診所應如何以創新經營。本研究導入資料採礦之觀點,將商業智慧用於眼科診所之案例,利用忠誠度分析、流失度分析、獲利貢獻度分析、就診時段分析,想瞭解診所客戶之特性並且針對其習性及特點,並加上SWOT分析,清楚瞭解診所內部之優缺點及外部的機會與威脅,作好準備以謀取事業的永續發展。忠誠度分析之結果發現,其特點為家庭來診人數最多,性別比例較其他集群平均,案類分佈則以一般案類為主,年齡層為22歲以下及35歲以上居多;而在獲利貢獻度中,高利潤收入之地區分佈為竹北市、新竹市明湖路、福德街等;在流失度分析當中,研究發現客戶群在22歲以下,案類為一般案類,且兩人看診家庭的流失比例最高;最後就診時段分析當中,發現所有病例之地區時段、看診日分析看診人數除星期四外,皆以早上時段為最多。資料採礦是很好的輔助工具,將商業智慧應用於診所之經營上,可依照不同的分析集群搭配不同的行銷策略,增加競爭力,規畫創新之營運模式,以追求更好的發展。 / Since its start, expenditure exceeding income has always been a hidden concern in the finance of the National Health Insurance (NHI). Medical clinics have repeatedly said insufficient payment from the NHI will result in difficulty in their management. Moreover, other factors are affecting the clinics, namely, the growing number of doctors statewide, the income shortage of running a clinic, the rapidly aging population, the introduction of new medical equipment, and the various new policies. This paper intends to explore some innovative management plans for the clinics in a competitive and uncertain environment. Business intelligence is applied in the case study of an eye clinic. The analysis of client the degree of loyalty, run off, profit contribution, and visiting time help understand client habits and characteristics. A SWOT analysis further helps the clinic clearly understand its own strength and weakness, and the opportunities and threats from outside. Thus it can better prepare itself for a long term business. The analysis of client the degree of loyalty shows the following: most of the clients are family members; there is an even male/female ratio while in other categories it is not so; most medical cases are general cases; most of the clients aged under 22 or above 35. The analysis of the degree of profit contribution reveals that the districts related to higher profit are Zhubei City, and Minghu Road and Fude Road of Hsinchu City. In the analysis of The degree of run offs, it is found that most of them are under 22, most medical cases are general cases, and most of the clients are two people from a same family. Lastly, in terms of visiting time, analysis shows that most of the clients, regardless of their residential areas, visit in the morning except on Thursday. Business intelligence is an helpful tool. According to the analysis a clinic can match different client groups with different marketing policies, enhance it competitive edge, plan for an innovative management model, and pursue a better development.

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