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資本管制對銀行恐慌傳染現象之有效性探討 / The Effectiveness of Capital Requirement in Preventing against Bank Panic and Contagion Phenomenon湯士俊, Tang, Shih Chun Unknown Date (has links)
自1997亞洲金融風暴以來,區域性金融危機的傳染現象(Contagion, or Spillover Effect)便受到經濟學界高度重視,其重要性在2008年雷曼兄弟事件所引發的全球性金融海嘯後更加突顯,而相關的資本管制也陸續出籠,其中最引人注目的當屬2010年通過實行的三代巴賽爾條約(Basel III)。本文奠基於Allen and Gale(2000)所提出的銀行同業拆借市場(Interbank Market)模型,配合資本適足率的導入,試圖驗證在資本管制的設定之下,是否能有效預防銀行恐慌與其蔓延現象之發生。其結果證實提高資本適足率後,藉由銀行本身主動的提高緩衝性準備(Buffer),銀行倒閉的發生機率將顯著降低,換言之,資本適足率管制有效提高了銀行倒閉門檻。同時,本文亦證實資本管制對於銀行同業拆借市場所衍生的傳染現象具有顯著的改善效果。
然而,資本適足率之管制雖具有穩定金融體系的作用,其對存款人消費之緊縮效果卻無可避免會降低其效用。本文在考慮銀行倒閉風險機率後,建立一兩期之社會福利涵數,並利用計算代表性個人(Representative Agent)預期效用極大化條件下的最適資本適足率。在特定參數之下,所得到最適資本適足率為6.375%。我們並且進一步證實,在權益資金報酬率小於長期資產報酬率之下,最適之資本適足率將同步增加,進而使社會福利最大,此符合一般的經濟直覺,同時再次突顯金融體系穩定性對於社會福利的重要性。 / The financial contagion phenomenon, or the spillover effect, has become a crucial issue in recent years after the breakout of the financial crises in 2008. To deal with such problem, some regulations such as the capital requirement, has been introduced as a solution. In our paper, we develop a model based on Allen and Gale (2000) to testify whether the introduction of the capital requirement can successfully reduce the risks of bankruptcy and contagion phenomenon for the interbank system when suffering from the regional liquidity shock. We conclude that after the introduction of capital requirement, the bank will voluntarily hold more buffers to lower the bankruptcy risk and reduce the spillover effect. What’s more, we construct an optimal level of the capital requirement that maximize the social welfare utility and depends on the probability of bankruptcy, the percentage of early withdrawals, the relative cost of capital and other parameters. By simulation, we have the optimal capital requirement at 6.375% in our benchmark case, which is a reasonable one compared with the current Basel Accord. Finally, the paper shows that as the cost of capital is getting lower, bank uses more capital which enhances the social welfare significantly in equilibrium, indicating the great importance of financial stability.
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公股股權對銀行業資本適足性、淨值報酬及股價淨值比之影響-以公股派任之董監組成分析 / The Effects of Public Ownership on Banks’ BIS, ROE and P/E Ratio洪春熹 Unknown Date (has links)
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金融集團資本適足性及監理制度之研究 / Study on Capital Adequacy and Regulation of Financial Conglomerates邱虹元, Chiu, Hung-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國主管機關對於金融控股公司要求以合併基礎計算資本適足比率,並訂定了「金融控股公司合併資本適足性管理辦法」,以期能發揮適度的監理功能。然該辦法中僅以簡單的加減乘除運算求得之資本適足率,是否為反映集團資本需求的良好指標實不無疑問。因此,本文除了研究國際監理官組織所發布的相關報告外,並藉由介紹和討論歐盟指令對金融集團的補充監理原則和措施,如:資本適足性、集團內部交易、風險集中等問題,以及美國對於金融控股公司之相關監理規範,加以比較研究後,來探討我國現行規範是否妥當,並提出相關監理制度改善之建議,以期能作為我國建構健全金融市場之參考。 / Under current competitive circumstances, the development of Taiwan’s financial market will be bound to move forward in the direction of cross-sector business. In Taiwan, Legislative Yuan also has passed the “Financial Holding Company Act” in June 2001. With the passage of the act, it not only gives Taiwan’s financial institutions authority to operate cross-sector activities, but also creates a trigger for financial institutions to become financial conglomerates in order to meet the objectives of financial modernization and globalization. Although financial institutions may diversify their business, additional risks may arise. Financial regulatory mechanisms have to adjust their function to ensure the safety and soundness of financial system.
Our competent authorities demand financial holding companies calculating their capital adequacy ratio on a consolidated basis, and enact “Regulations Governing the Consolidated Capital Adequacy of A Financial Holding Company.” However, in this regulation, the ratio was calculated in simple aggregated method, and it is doubtful that such ratio is a good index to reflect consolidated capital requirement. Therefore, this thesis not only studies on related publications issued by international supervision organizations, but also introduces EU Financial Conglomerate Directive with regard to some supervisory issues (e.g. capital adequacy, intra-group transactions and risk concentrations etc.) and U.S. framework for financial holding company supervision. After investigating and comparing different models, this study tries to find whether current regulation is appropriate or not, and make some suggestions concerning the supervisory system in order to construct a sound financial market as a reference in our country.
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後海嘯新巴賽爾資本協定對公營銀行的挑戰與對策-以L銀行為例 / After The 2008 Financial Crisis Basel III on Challengers and Countermeasures State-Owned banks-as example to Landbank of Taiwan.邱天生 Unknown Date (has links)
為處理本次全球金融危機所凸顯的市場失靈(market failure),解決銀行部門的脆弱性問題,因此,2010年11月12日G20各國領袖通過『新巴塞爾協議』(Basel III),提高銀行資本適足率與流動性的標準。
本文係以國內某家公營銀行在後金融海嘯『新巴塞爾協議』(Basel III),提高銀行資本提列要求與加強銀行流動性管理的 Basel III規範, 將自 2013 年起分階段逐步實行,2019 年起則正式全盤施行;屆時更為嚴格的規定,可能會促使銀行改變投資組合、影響銀行的準備金需求與流動性管理策略,強化自有資本比率規範,並訂定槓桿比率、流動性覆蓋比率等相關規定,對其資本適足性及流動性要求的挑戰與對策。
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台灣銀行業同業購併之可行性分析-以台灣銀行、土地銀行及中央信託局為例謝懷恕, Shieh, Hwai-Shun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採用CAMEL評等系統,選取下列的財務指標做為本論文的研究變數,包括資本適足性(Capital adequacy)、資產品質(Asset quality)、管理績效(Management performance)、獲利能力(Earnings)與流動性(Liquidity),並加上「成長性」與「生產力」兩大項指標,可歸為七大類的財務比率,再加上非財務性質的指標—銀行個體特徵變數。本論文研究結論發現,在所有情況皆維持不變下,台灣銀行、土地銀行及中央信託局合併後,不論是在資本適足性、經營效率、獲利能力、流動力及生產力等各方面均近似於台灣銀行的水準;若三家銀行合併後進行人事精簡、改善逾放及資金成本下降,其經營效率、獲利能力以及生產力等方面皆高於在所有情況皆維持不變下的研究結果。
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財務再保險應用在壽險公司之研究與研究 / A study of the application of financial reinsurance to life insurers in Taiwan林世航, Howard Lin Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究限制與研究架構 2
第二章 財務再保險之介紹 5
第一節 發展背景 5
第二節 財務再保險的意義 9
第三節 財務再保險的種類 11
第四節 財務再保險的功能 25
第五節 相關問題探討 31
第三章 財務再保險與其它金融工具之比較 38
第一節 與傳統再保險之比較 38
第二節 與其它融資策略之比較 41
第三節 與衍生性金融商品之比較 50
第四章 財務再保險模擬在我國壽險公司之結果 55
第一節 壽險資本適足性之理論基礎 55
第二節 財務再保險之假設 60
第三節 模擬財務再保險之結果 62
第四節 小結 65
第五章 結論與建議 69
第一節 結論 69
第二節 建議 71
第三節 後續研究的建議 72
附 錄(一) YRT財務再保險與傳統再保險之比較 75
附 錄(二) 共同保險與修正制共同保險財務再保後之結果 78
附 錄(三) 發行公司債之作業流程 88
附 錄(四) 公開發行與申請上市 91
附 錄(五) 依保險法規定應增加資本額度試算表 93
附 錄(六) 台灣壽險業風險基礎資本比試算表 95
附 錄(七) 財務再保險可釋放之盈餘 96
附 錄(八) 依我國監理制度財務再保險後之變化表 98
附 錄(九) 依美國RBC監理制度財務再保險後之變化表 99
附 錄(十) 財務再保險合約範例 102
參考文獻 115 / Financial reinsurance is an innovative alternative to so-called traditional forms of reinsurance, and its recent popularity has led to a significant rise in premiums devoted to this category. It is a practical risk management tool, especially useful when the motivations of the reinsured insurance company are centered not only on cost effectively managing underwriting risk but also on explicitly recognizing and addressing other financially oriented risks such as credit, investment and timing risks.
We would like to perform a study on the innovative alternative and to try to apply it to life insurance company in Taiwan. Reinsurance is a versatile tool for financial planning. Financial reinsurance is an innovative one in the categories of reinsurance. Unlike the traditional form of reinsurance, financial reinsurance is structured to provide the desired financial objective while the risk transfer element is very carefully controlled. The transaction is not to make a loan from a reinsurer, but it provides a useful tool to improve the ceding company's current statutory earnings and surplus position.
Recently, some of new domestic life insurers are facing surplus strains. Most of them have to raise capitals over billions of NT dollars to meet the required regulations setup by MOF. Instead of raising capital, financial reinsurance is demonstrated later in this paper to accomplish the "surplus relief" objective. In this hypothetical example, we conclude that the other things being equal, the more policy reserves a company bears, the greater performance a financial reinsurance achieves.
The insurance industry has limited capital and must use it efficiently in order to provide adequately for the insurance needs of the public. Financial reinsurance is maturing in the developed countries. We believe that the accounting treatment prescribed by the authorities is reasonably developed and consistently applied, the attractiveness of financial reinsurance products is in sight.
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建立證券商綜合評等機制之研究史碩明 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣銀行業經營績效之分析杜昆澄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之主要實證結果顯示,研究期間台灣銀行業的獲利表現受到金融風暴影響。對金控銀行而言,資本適足率與獲利能力間呈正向關係。金控銀行放款成長率及投資成長率與獲利能力呈負向關係,表示透過多角化業務發展對金控銀行獲利有所幫助。針對官股銀行與非官股銀行獲利表現之探討,實證結果顯示其差異並未達顯著水準,表示非官股銀行與官股銀行的經營績效差異不顯著。 / Using a sample of 36 local banks in Taiwan over the period of March 2006 to June 2010, this thesis first investigates empirically that the effects of integration and diversification on operating performance of banks resulting from the formation of their financial holding companies (holding banks). In addition, this thesis also examines that the impact of capital adequacy ratio on operating performance. And finally, based on the ownership structure perspective, this thesis investigates the difference in operational performance between state-owned banks and non-state-owned banks.
The empirical results indicate that the financial crisis has a negative impact on the return of banks’ asset during the research period. The capital adequacy ratio is positively related to the operating performance of holding banks, while the growth in loan and investment of holding banks is negatively related to the operating performance. The results therefore implies that the diversification of the banking businesses probably enhance operating performance of holding banks. With respect to the findings regarding the effect of ownership structure on performance, this thesis fail to provide significant evidence. The results indicate that there is no significant difference in operating performance between the non-state-own banks and the state-own banks.
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金融集團監理之研究–以資本監理為中心 / A Study on Supervision of Financial Conglomerates – Focusing on Capital Adequacy and Regulation張少威, Chang, Shao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來金融市場產生金融機構業務多元化的特質,傳統銀行、證券、保險之金融商品區隔日益模糊。為此,各國均興起金融改革之風潮,而在跨業經營的環境中,許多金融業者在大型化與集團化下,如歐洲採取以綜合銀行(Universal Banking)、美國採取金融控股公司(Financial Holding Company)等方式朝跨業經營之方式以增強其競爭力,然此種集團化之經營亦容易伴隨相當之風險。因此,如何穩定而健全之金融機構係經濟成長之基礎,而如何對於從是銀行、證券及保險等各種金融業務之金融集團進行有效的監理與管制,亦是現代金融體系維持穩定及提升金融產業競爭力之關鍵之一。此外,2008年9月中旬爆發的美國華爾街金融風暴,並演變成全球金融危機,而金融監管之疏忽與不足是這波全球金融危機的主要原因之一,有鑑於此,各國亦紛紛推動金融改革,改革的範圍包括金融機構權責劃分、金融市場規範、擴大金融監理範圍、消費者與投資人之保護、國際間之合作,以及發生金融危機之及時處理。而我國主管機關也持續在尋找最適當之監理方式,期能在增加本國金融產業競爭力的同時,亦能有效維持金融穩定。
在金融機構業務營運多樣化之監理方式上,金融監理機制勢必得做一番調整,主要的問題包括:集團之資本適足性、集團內部交易、風險集中、監理機構間之資訊交流等,這也是金融機構在建構適當的金融集團政策時應加以考量的問題。而依照巴賽爾銀行監理委員會(The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)2003年所訂定之「新版巴賽爾資本協定(New Basel Capital Accord)」強調應重視資本適足性、主管機關之審查程序(Supervisory Review Process)及市場紀律(Market Discipline)等三大支柱,以期建構金融機構之穩定監理,即可看出金融監理模式的改變,企圖透過內國與國際間之相互合作之方式進行監理。除巴賽爾銀行監理委員會之外,國際證券監理關組織(International Organization of Securities Commissions,IOSCO)和國際保險監理官協會(International Association of Insurance Supervisors,IAIS)於1995年所組成的「聯合論壇」(Joint Form),也已經體認到監理金融集團所可能面臨的相關問題,並提供一些相對應之原則與方法提供監理機關進行參考。
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資本適足率對銀行流動性風險傳遞效果之研究 / The Effect of Capital Requirement on the Transmission of Liquidity Preference Shock among Banks蔡幸芳, Tsai, Hsing Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在說明資本適足率對於銀行業資訊傳遞效果之影響,利用Allen and Gale (2000)模型討論在不完整市場結構下,銀行間因為持有銀行同業存款而形成相連的傳染途徑,進而影響整個系統,本研究擴展Allen and Gale (2000)的模型,加入資本適足率的考量,從而進一步探討透過資本適足要求能否有效提高銀行整體穩定性。
模型假設因為不同區域對於早、晚期消費需求不同,可藉由區域間的資源移轉,來達到最適分配情況。隨著資本適足率的納入,將改變最適分配解,同時分析緩衝(buffer)、擴散效果(spillover effect)及傳染(contagion)的變化。文中傳染定義為擴散效果扣除緩衝力道的淨結果,並說明若有超額流動性消費需求衝擊時,一家銀行的倒閉將如何傳染至整個銀行體系。
此研究發現,在資本適足規定下,若長期資產報酬率越大,會更有機會取得較大的緩衝能力,但將面對較大的擴散效果。關於傳染現象,則是發覺當銀行同業存款越小,在資本適足規定下的傳染機會越低;若長期資產的早期報酬率越大,同樣可降低發生傳染現象機率,即驗證資本適足率對於銀行穩定性的貢獻。 / The objective of this study is to testify the effect of capital requirement with regard to information transmission among banks. We develop a model based on Allen and Gale (2000) to discuss that under incomplete market structure, contagion channel is built because of interbank deposits market. We also expand Allen and Gale’s model by putting new parameter, capital requirement, into this model to analyze the impact of capital requirement with respect to stability in banking system.
Due to different liquidity demands at each date in different regions, banks can exchange resources in the system to reach the first-best allocation. With capital requirement, the first-best allocation varies and so does buffer, spillover effect and contagion. In this article, contagion is defined as the net result of spillover effect minus buffer. Besides, we explain how the bankruptcy in one region evolves into the bankruptcy in the whole system under excess demand for liquidity.
We find out that with capital requirement, if return of long-term asset at final date is higher, there will be more chances to have more buffers but larger spillover effect. As for contagion, it shows that with lower interbank deposits or higher return of long-term asset at early date, the possibility of contagion will be reduced. As a result, we can conclude that capital requirement really improves the stability in banking system.
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