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官兵自我傷害原因的決定因素之研究黃至宏 Unknown Date (has links)
國人自殺死亡自1997年起已經連續10年進入國人十大死因之列,且其排名及自殺率有逐年上升的趨勢。國防部相當重視自殺防治工作1977年起國軍即設置有「趙老師」負責心理諮商與輔導工作,1994年更推廣設立心輔官制度,其主要目的就是要在部隊中從事心理衛生的防治工作,以避免自殺事件的發生。但從1997至2008年統計數據分析,軍中自我傷害死亡自1997年起逐年上升,至2002年達最高峰,2003年後雖有降低,但各年度因自我傷害死亡仍在20人以上。從數據來看,軍中自我傷害事件並未因國防部大力推動自我傷害防治工作下降。因此,本文的目的在於找出影響官兵自我傷害的原因,提供國防部在自我傷害防治策略上有更為周全的決策考量,以降低國軍官兵自我傷害事件的發生。 / Suicide has been one of the top ten reasons behind the deaths of our countrymen since 1997. In addition, its ranking and suicide rate are both climbing over the years. The Ministry of Defense puts a lot of efforts into suicide prevention. Since 1977, the military has set up ‘Teacher Zhao’ to be in charge of psychological consultations and counseling work. In addition, ‘counseling officers’ system has been set up and its main purpose is to do prevention work about mental health in the military in order to prevent the occurrence of suicides. However, analyzing the statistics from 1997 to 2008, deaths due to self-mutilations in the military are increasing since 1997 and peaked in 2002. Although the number decreases since 2003 but there are still over 20 deaths due to self-mutilations every year. Looking at the statistics, self-mutilations in the military did not decrease even though the Military of Defense pushes for prevention of self-mutilations. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to find out the reasons affecting self-mutilations, provide the Ministry of Defense a well-rounded decision making mechanism on how to prevent self-mutilations in order to decrease the occurrence of self-mutilations in the military.
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組織變遷邏輯之探討:易經哲學的觀點 / The Discussion of Logics of Organizational Change: Perspectives from the Philosophy of I Ching謝智偉, Chih-wei Hsieh Unknown Date (has links)
當前組織可謂處在一個「變動的年代」,大至政府,小到企業,絕大多數組織無不戮力實踐各種形式的變革運動,然而,根據近來統計數字顯示,多數的變革並未能達成其預期目標,深究其因,主要乃在於組織缺乏具備認識變遷及其層面的心智模式,也就是本文所謂的變遷邏輯(Logics of change)。
變遷邏輯係指組織對變遷議題所持的深層基本假定,它提供一種認知圖象(Cognitive map),持續地引導組織有意識或無意識地依循著本身的假定,解釋與認知浮現於組織內外的種種情境與現象,作出變遷過程中的各項抉擇。然而,變遷邏輯常被組織視為理所當然而未予重新檢視,此種對於變遷根本性問題的忽視,往往造成組織處理變遷問題的盲點或是箝制了組織的未來發展性。因此,本文藉由探討與檢閱相關研究,對變遷邏輯理論作系統性的歸納,凸顯吾人應以反思批判的態度來面對組織的變遷。
相對於現有之變遷邏輯相關論述,作為一部中國自古流傳至今的「變經」(The Book of Changes)——《易經》,其所提供吾人的變遷世界觀,對於身處日新月異環境中的組織而言,深具開放而不落伍的啟示價值。本文藉由援引《易經》「長於變」的思想精華,與「變遷邏輯」理論相互印證與結合,試圖建構出可為之依循的常道,提供組織一個以簡御繁的全觀性架構,來面對組織的實質變遷問題。是以,本文嘗試從剖析《易經》哲學四項變化律則作為起始,結合列舉的變遷邏輯理論類型,建構出「辯證與陰陽」、「線性與循環」、個體與整體」、「混沌與和諧」等四種層面的討論,驅使吾人重新以「陰陽變化」、「循環變化」、「整體變化」、「和諧變化」的思考角度去看待組織的變遷世界。
目 次
第一章 緒論……………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………2
第二節 研究範圍、方法與限制…………………………………6
第三節 研究架構與流程…………………………………………9
第二章 變遷邏輯概念分析…………………………15
第一節 變遷邏輯的背景系絡…………………………………15
第二節 變遷邏輯的意涵………………………………………18
第三節 變遷邏輯的重要性……………………………………22
第四節 變遷邏輯的理論類型…………………………………27
第三章 易經哲學與變遷…………………………….47
第一節 易經哲學體系概觀……………………………………47
第二節 易經哲學與變遷議題的關聯性………………………55
第三節 易經「變」的思想特質…………………………………61
第四章 易經觀點的組織變遷邏輯………………….73
第一節 辯證與陰陽變遷邏輯…………………………………73
第二節 線性與循環變遷邏輯…………………………………83
第三節 個體與整體變遷邏輯…………………………………95
第四節 混沌與和諧變遷邏輯………………………………105
第五章 結論…………………………………………119
第一節 研究回顧:變與常的矛盾與整合……………………120
第二節 未來展望:順天應人的變遷哲學……………………124
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選舉模式預測之探討與分析--民國八十六年縣市選舉劉遠浩 Unknown Date (has links)
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公司治理變數是否會影響銀行評等結果? / Does corporate governance variables influence the outcome of bank rating?吳夢萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以公司治理變數與銀行評等結果之關係為研究對象,並以累積邏輯斯迴歸模型(Cumulative Logistic Regression Model)研究2004年至2010年的31間台灣的上市銀行,探討公司治理對於公司決策的影響,及其是否會進而影響公司的表現,最終並改變公司的評等結果。
本文由股權結構以及董事會的組成這兩大結構來探討公司治理對銀行的評等影響,股權結構的部分主要選擇董監持股、外部法人董監持股、董監持股質押比例、大股東持股、經理人持股、最大外部股東、盈餘席次偏離比、股份席次偏離比等變數,而董事會的組成方面則選擇董事及監事兼任占經理人比例、股監事席次、獨立董監席次等變數來探討。研究發現董監事、大股東及外部法人董監的持股比率越高,對公司的評等結果有正向影響;反之,經理人之持股比率則與公司的評等結果呈負向關係。此外,獨立董監占董事會的席次越高,與公司的評等結果存在正向的關係。 / The bank rating system used to only consider the financial variables instead of corporate governance variables, but whether the corporate governance variables can influence the strategies of managers and the performance of the firm, then further change the outcome of the bank rating had never been considered. This thesis is trying to use cumulative logistic model figure out whether there exist any connection between corporate governance variables and bank rating outcome.
This thesis considered 9 difference corporate variables that can be divided into two different sectors, which are ownership structure and boardroom structure. The conclusion of this thesis is that the majority shareholder's holding、Supervisors and Directors' holding and institutional Supervisor and Director's holding、Managers' holding and the number of independent director and supervisor will influence the outcome of the bank rating.
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從存有到映象:黑格爾《邏輯學》本質論啟始的形上學意義 / From “Sein” to “Schein”: The Metaphysical Significance of the Beginning of the Doctrine of Essence in Hegel’s Science of Logic王鍾山 Unknown Date (has links)
《邏輯學》之「本質論」的首章「映象」,曾經被黑格爾自己表示過是最為困難的部分之一。然而,在當代研究中卻存在著二種截然不同的觀點:或是認為此章只是黑格爾多餘的插曲,或是認為此章乃黑格爾哲學系統的核心或基礎。對於後者,亦存在著不同詮釋取向:或是著重於本章作為系統的「形式方法」 (Henrich),或是議論本章作為「形上學批判/表現」的理論核心 (Theunissen)。對於這些詮釋,在經過對黑格爾文本的細膩閱讀後,我們可以發現這些詮釋都嚴重忽略了這本作為「邏輯-形上學」的著作在這裏所要探討的形上學主題,即以思辨的方式重構古代的οὐσία與συμβεβηκός的形上學,並且克服所謂的「分離問題」(the problem of χωρισμός)。本文即嘗試以此視角出發,對黑格爾本質邏輯最後的「絕對無差異」環節,至本質邏輯中的「映象」進行詮釋,試圖顯示這個形上學議題對於理解「映象」一章之抽象文字之為必要,並且由亦可回應上述詮釋:此章中作為思辨運動之原理的「絕對否定性」乃作為「邏輯-形上學」之「原理」,而非「形式方法」;並且黑格爾並非只對古代形上學進行批判,而是以新的思辨方式將之吸吶。
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會計師從事業務廣告可行性之研究藍克銘, Lan, Ke-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論, 說明本研究之動機、目的, 所採用的研究方法及邏輯網, 並介紹各章
第二章 分析專門職業之特質及各國禁止會計師從事廣告之由來與現況。並探討業務
第三章 介紹美國會計師公會因應環境變化而致最後允許會員廣告與直接行銷之發展
過程, 及其實證調查結果。
第四章 探討我國禁止廣告之現況, 並作實證調查研究。
第五章 探討會計師如何從事業務廣告, 例如訂立廣告準則, 如何決定廣告內容, 選
第六章 介紹其他行銷觀念與技術, 以使會計師之廣告能配合運用, 發揮整體與最大
第七章 為本文之結論與建議。
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應用模糊邏輯的攝影構圖辨認方法 / A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Recognition of Photographic Compositions黃瑞華, Huang, Jui Hua Unknown Date (has links)
實驗證明,本文所提出的方法能有效地辨認攝影構圖類別,針對不同攝影構圖所作的影像修正,才能更符合人眼的視覺喜好。 / This thesis addresses the problem of how to recognize the photographic composition from a given photo based on the theory of fuzzy logic. Composition is one of the important aesthetics for the plane figure photo art. To present the balance of its holistic picture, it takes the advantage of special object arrangement after acting perspective projection. A piece of professional and qualified photo work will realize these basic photo composition methods. For many applications about the digital photo, the operations, i.e., photo enhancement, segmentation, output, and synthesis, all need to match up the photographic composition to do accurate processing rather than “blind” processing that assumes each photo with the same “composition.”
An automatic recognition method using image features from some specific regions is described. The method is employed in a Mamdani model and combines outputs of multiple fuzzy logic rules and feature extraction algorithms to obtain confidences that can identify the correct photographic composition.
Experimental results show that the proposed method is robust and effective for photographic composition recognition. The feature with adjusting in different photo composing will be able to comfort our human sight.
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有限活化:中國黨國體制下的菁英流動,1978-2008 / Limited Renewal: Political Elite Mobility in Chinese Party-State, 1978-2008黃信豪, Huang,Hsin Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在理論上,本論文從共黨政權演變的視角出發,採用組織理論的脈絡建構中共的菁英甄補邏輯。在組織邏輯下,本文認為改革開放的「經濟發展」路線,是中共為維持「專政」生存的工具性目標。而由於江澤民、胡錦濤依序接班後仍依循鄧小平改革開放的基本路線,這使得改革開放至今中國大陸政治菁英甄補與流動模式具有相當一致性的邏輯:即彰顯「專政」生存目的與「發展」工具性目的的政權演變特性。中共將依外在環境與組織目標的改變來調整內部成員,但調整的幅度與廣度將不會危害其執政地位,使得菁英流動呈現「有限活化」(limited renewal)的特色。
最後,本論文也嘗試以菁英途徑解釋中國大陸未來的政體發展走向。透過有限活化菁英體制的現象檢證,我們認為菁英甄補的組織邏輯,應是中國大陸自80年代以來之所以能在快速經濟發展下維持共黨專政的重要因素。以此,本文認為中共在發展出以「黨職經歷」為重要資格的更替與晉升遊戲規則,短期內高層領導人應不至出現菁英分裂與衝突。而本文透過菁英流動課題來釐清中共「專政」與「發展」目的之邏輯本質,或許也能作為外界進一步闡述中共推行政治改革措施的思路。 / What kinds of political elites have been recruited and promoted by the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the Reform Era? What are the characteristics of elite mobility in China? Is there a consistent inner-logic governing the selection and promotion of Chinese elites? To answer these questions, the thesis explores the continuity and change of political elite mobility in Mainland China, from 1978 to 2008.
Theoretically, the author reveals the inner-logic of elite recruitment throughout China’s reform era by using the explanatory framework of organizational theory against the background of communist regime transition. According to the organization logic, “economic development” is merely a functional tool serving the higher ends of “one-party dictatorship” - the survival prerequisite for the CCP. Therefore, due to Jiang and Hu’s succession of party courses set by Deng, China’s elite recruitment and mobility have consistently embodied this organizational logic: While balancing between the survival prerequisite of one-party dictatorship and the functional target of economic development, the CCP has, on the one hand, adjusted its membership configuration in response to changing environment and organizational goals; whereas on the other hand, controlled the adjustment to a degree posting no threat to its ruling position, hence produced the characteristics of limited renewal within China’s elite mobility.
To attest the theoretical hypothesis of limited renewal, the author conducts the systematic empirical studies on all the political elites who have worked on province and ministry level positions (and above) within the Chinese government and communist party from March, 1978 to March, 2008. As the empirical result shows, and consequently, confirms the hypothesis: the CCP did have assigned significant weight to the survival consideration in the process of elite recruitment. At the same time, despite the recent scholars focus on the rise of Chinese technocrats, the author however finds that, among the rising elites, those who worked longer in, or promoted faster to, the government and/or party positions, the crucial similarity they share lies not in the technocratic background but their party-position appointments on a lower level immediately before their promotions to leadership positions. This pattern of promotion demonstrated that the CCP has been using the party-positions experience as a required qualification for promotion, so as to ensure the elites’ alliance with party interest and loyalty to party ideology. Moreover, these recruiting and promoting principles have undergone no systematic changes throughout the period of the Reform Era.
Finally, from the perspective of elite mobility, the author attempts to depict the potential direction of China’s regime development in the future. Having approved the pattern of limited renewal in China’s elite configuration and mobility, the author believes that the current recruiting criteria and the underlying organizational logic have significantly contributed to the success of the CCP in maintaining one-party dictatorship amid rapid economic development. Therefore, the author predicts that the likelihood for elite conflicts would remain fairly low, if the promotion requirement of party-position experience continues to function. But nevertheless, the research of elite mobility would uncover the inner logical relationship between the apparently-contradictory goals of dictatorship and development, which paved the way for the survival and the success of the CCP.
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從法律論證理論論土地徵收公益性之研究 / A study on the public benefit of land expropriation from the legal argumentation陳星佑 Unknown Date (has links)
針對土地徵收之法解釋論的範疇,我國大法官會議解釋已對相關法制問題、正當法律程序的問題以及損失補償基準及方法的問題為相當的詮釋,並於具體個案上,試圖針對土地徵收合法性要件公益性及必要性內容提出見解﹔相關司法實務、學說及比較法制之爰引,皆試圖建構對法制應有之理性認識及實踐之基準。該等先驗知識或爰以立法論範疇修訂法制,以法力拘束圖限縮差異為可能,惟從結果論後射觀察實仍未逮。故本文圖從土地徵收法規範可能涉及之問題範圍領域,併同考量其財產實體及人格自由等本質性的問題,以先驗反思為土地徵收法規範提出本文一點點看法 。
諾依曼(Ulfrid Neuman)之法律論證理論為法規範所涉問題域之探討,更指向邏輯分析、語言理論及商談理論等範疇。邏輯工具之核心雖是從普遍前提中演繹的結構,惟其並非自然主義因果關係必然性之絶對,傳統該當要件得到法律效果,不無是法規範之目的論之法學歸屬,藉由物化思維僅是觀察方式,現時與未來等量齊觀實不無是一種偶然性巧合,常具可謬性及被證偽﹔另法規範文本實涉至語言理論所涉之語義、語句及語用情境等範疇,文本內涵之詮釋實涉文化及價值背景的差異,難謂具有絶對性意涵,故土地徵收於既有憲法比例原則體系架構下,相關語義內涵究係所指﹔而所謂公益性內涵實涉土地異質性及不同之權利主體間之認知,雖實定法建構描述性內容,惟個案具體化尚待相關權利人、需用地人及核准機關等利用語用情境探究以限縮對公益性認知的差異﹔然為避免陷入極端之決斷論,本文認為藉由商談理論所重之平等原則,實是落實權利主體人格自由之表現。商談理論的係由哈伯瑪斯(Jürgen Harbermas)及阿列克西(Robert Alexy)等所為發展,其於法學領域不無受有批評,且現時藉由專家學者所組成委員會之決議亦是商談之型式,惟本文認為未來重大性之公益實現實非線性思維,藉由所重之平等原則擴大權利主體參與層面實現其其人格自由,實具有限縮差異認知的可能,更是民主法治國的顯現。
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選舉預測模型之研究-以公元2000年總統大選為例 / The Study of The Election Prediction Model─Take The 2000 Presidential Election for Example蘇淑枝, Su, Shu-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本篇研究之範圍,是以公元2000年總統大選為例,對選舉預測工作做更深層的探討,且檢驗邏輯斯預測模型(Logistic Regression Model)及模糊統計(Fuzzy Statistics)分析在本次總統選舉的預測力,考量本次總統選舉中各項可能影響選情的因素,進一步建構選舉預測模式,然而兩種預測模式的初步預測結果並不佳,經過棄保效應的可能性調整後,預測誤差已大幅降低,其中模糊統計(Fuzzy Statistics)分析預測結果經棄保效應調整後,與實際開票結果相當接近,因此與邏輯斯預測模型相較,模糊統計分析的應用對未表態選民投票意向的預測力較佳。一套完整的選舉預測模型研究,應包含問卷設計、抽樣訪問、資料處理、加權除錯、模型設計與預測評估等整套研究流程,然而在本次總統大選中,由於三強激戰,影響選情因素相當複雜,最後此兩種選舉預測模式皆無法獲致精確的預測結果。因此,我們期待選舉預測模型的建構,能突破主客觀環境的侷限,進一步達到「準」與「穩」的要求。 / With the successful staging of the 2000 presidential elections in Taiwan, scholars have been presented with a new opportunity to test their theories. Electoral predictions are an important field within the study of elections and have been among the most keenly studied questions over the past few years. Unlike many other research topics, there is an absolute standard for election predictions: the election results. Thus, combining theory, methodology, and facts to obtain a meaningful result is no simple task.
This thesis attempts to predict the 2000 presidential election using both a logistic regression model and a fuzzy statistics model. After constructing models which includes all kinds of different variables that might influence the electoral outcome, we find that neither the logistic regression model nor the fuzzy statistics model is particularly accurate. However, after accounting for the effects of strategic voting, model error decreases dramatically. In particular, after including provisions for strategic voting, the fuzzy statistics model is improved to the point that its predictions are extremely close to the actual outcome. Thus, we show that the fuzzy statistics model is superior to the logistic regression model in analyzing the vote choices of undecided voters.
Research on electoral predictions should include such aspects as questionnaire design, sampling, interviewing, data processing, weighting, data cleaning, model design, and evaluation of the prediction. However, because this election featured a particularly intense three way race, the factors affecting the electoral outcome were both numerous and intertwined in complex ways. Unfortunately, it is impossible to evaluate our electoral predictions of the two models precisely. We hope that in the future, election prediction models will be able to break through these environmental limitations and achieve more accurate and stable predictions.
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