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台灣股票市場執行統計套利之可行性分析羅君昱, Lo, Chun-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 持有配對股票庫存高之法人機構或自然人可降低投入資金,適合發展股票配對交易以提高統計套利之報酬率。
(二) 深入探討進出場之門檻策略,尋找最佳化參數。
(三) 挑選夏普指標值高者以減少投資組合的配對組數改善整體績效。
(四) 利用槓桿交易提高報酬率,並留意風險控管以免過度擴張信用。
此種統計套利策略屬於市場中立(market neutral)策略,可以為專業投資機構發展出績效穩定但相對風險較低的投資方式,在未來若國內法規允許的情況下,統計套利將適合產壽險公司、政府基金、私募基金、校務基金等許多專業機構將此策略納入其投資策略之一環。
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臺灣便利商店的空間分佈和群聚結構 / The Spatial Distribution and Cluster of Taiwan Convenience Store林佩運 Unknown Date (has links)
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門當戶對或賢內助:妻子教育成就對丈夫薪資的影響 / Productivity or Marriage Selection:The Relationship between Wife’s Education and Husband's salary葉家伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用「華人家庭動態資料庫」 (Panel Study of Family Dynamics, PSFD)資料,探討妻子教育成就如何影響丈夫的薪資,並實證上檢測除了婚配的影響外,婚姻是否的確存在分工效果。研究方法上採工具變數(instrumental variable)法,以解決傳統OLS法可能存在的內生性偏誤和能力偏誤的問題,並排除夫妻間教育的關聯性,使得抽離婚姻配對因素,而將所獨立出妻子教育對丈夫薪資影響的因果關係,定義為分工效果,藉以檢測妻子教育成就對丈夫薪資的影響是否的確存在分工因子。在本文的最後,更進一步探討在不同世代之下,妻子教育成就對丈夫薪資的分工效果是否有異。
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引導式構思及配對構思對英語學習者口語表達之影響 / The effects of using guided planning and paired planning on young EFL learners' oral production黃竹欣, Huang, Chu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在任務性教學的研究裡,構思時間大都有助於口語表達流暢度,但構思時間對口語表達複雜度與正確度的影響,在研究中則尚無定論。本研究旨在探討引導式構思(guided planning)與配對構思(paired planning)對學童英語口語表達的影響,期能對以上爭論做出貢獻。此研究以90位新竹市國小高年級學生為研究對象,並依照構思情境的不同將學生分成三組進行口述故事任務: (1) 無引導構思 (2) 引導式構思 (3) 引導式配對構思。本研究主要結論如下: (1) 就流暢度與複雜度而言,引導式構思與配對構思對學生在口語表達無顯著影響。值得注意的是,配對構思組的學生,會使用較更高程度的字彙來說故事;(2) 就文法正確度而言,引導式構思組學生的表現顯著優於無引導式構思組與引導式配對構思組。而配對構思組的學生雖然沒有使用文法較正確的語言來說故事,卻對配對構思在文法正確度方面的影響持肯定態度。本研究最後針對不同構思情境在口語教學上的應用提供建議,做為教育者參考。 / A general finding of task planning studies was that planning time significantly facilitates fluency in oral production. When it comes to complexity and accuracy, however, the effects of planning time were less certain. This study aims to contribute to the contradictory results by considering how guided planning and paired planning may impact upon the fluency, complexity and accuracy in learners’ oral production. Subjects were three groups of EFL beginners in Taiwan; they performed oral narrative tasks. Statistical results revealed that these two implementation variables (i.e. guided planning and paired planning) did not aid learners to narrate a story with more fluent and complex language. One thing to be noted here is that paired planners used remarkably greater number of higher level words to tell a story. In terms of accuracy, guided planning led participants to perform tasks with more accurate utterances, while paired planning had no evident effects on speech accuracy. Interestingly, paired planners held a positive attitude towards the valuable role of paired planning on accuracy. This study yielded illuminative information for teachers to boost students’ oral performance by manipulating various task conditions.
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挑三揀四--連續性搜尋的擇偶過程模擬陳佳穎, Chen,Chia-ying Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:擇偶、連續性搜尋、婚姻配對、理性選擇、電腦模擬、婚姻市場 / How do people pick their “another half” in their daily life? People now have more and more freedom in choosing their spouses, unlike the situation before when arranged marriage was the main stream. However, choosing spouses freely doesn’t mean that they are free to choose whomever they like or they are matched randomly. People tend to select their spouses within a pool in which the “candidates” share similar backgrounds with them. In this study, people’s mate selecting process, previously analyzed with single indicator, is now examined with multiple indicators. This study suggests that people, who intent to find mates, would follow the rational choice principle, go through a sequential “picking and choosing” process with multiple spouse-choosing criteria, and find their spouses in the “candidate pool” finally.
The purpose of this study is to explore the mate-selecting strategies and results with the technique of computer simulation, based on five principles of mate-selection preference people usually have. The five principles are 1) the immediately matching type, 2) the choosing for the best only type, 3) the deliberate type, 4) the individual diversity-admiring type, and 5) the compensatory type. The focuses of the analysis are twofold. Firstly, it looks into the chance of successfully finding a mate by people with different preference. Secondly, it tries to find out the number of “candidates” which are sifted out before people can make a final decision. Besides, although in the same marriage market, individuals tend to develop two types of searching strategies—rule of experience and rule of threshold—that depends on their grasp of the “range of the market price.” This study conducts simulation of the two rules. Moreover, the study also indicates some potential issues for following researches, for example, comparing the research outcomes with empirical data, combining topics such as the quality or satisfaction of marriage, and incorporating the “time” element in the simulation model.
Keywords: mate-selection (or mate-searching), sequential searching process, assortative marriage, rational choice, computer simulation, marriage market
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統計套利在台灣市場之理論與實證 / Theory and Empirical Research on Statistical Arbitrage in Taiwan Market黃杏愉 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業社會責任對現金股利影響性之研究 / The impact of corporate social responsibility on cash dividends吳昕樺, Wu, Hsin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討企業社會責任與現金股利之間的關聯性,並利用傾向分數配對方法(Propensity Score Matching method)控制可能會影響落實企業社會責任的因子,再進一步探討企業社會責任本身是否對現金股利仍具有正向影響性。由於企業社會責任由許多構面所組成,我們將繼續探討企業社會責任各個構面的落實是否對股利政策具有顯著的影響效果,並將研究落實企業社會責任是否會為企業帶來保險效果。本研究利用傾向分數配對方法,根據公司的傾向分數是否相近來進行樣本的配對,藉由分析落實企業社會責任公司與其反事實樣本(其特性變數和落實企業社會責任公司極為相似但實際上未落實企業社會責任的公司)來降低選擇性偏誤與內生性問題。本研究以2007年至2016年之上市上櫃公司(不包括金融類股)為樣本,實證結果發現落實企業社會責任的公司現金股利發放較多,且企業社會責任之評分與現金股利亦呈正向影響。此外,各項構面對現金股利發放皆有正面影響,然而落實企業社會責任並無顯著保險效果。同時以傳統解決選擇偏誤問題的Heckman(1979)兩階段估計法作為傾向分數配對法之穩健性檢定,實證結果與前述結果類似。 / This research examines the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on firm’s dividends and the impact between different components on dividends. (i.e. Corpo-rate Governance, Corporate Commitment, Social participation, Environmental Pro-tection). This research suggests that corporate social responsibility have positive im-pact on dividends. We also examine the insurance effect of CSR activities. In this research, we use propensity score matching method to prevent from the contamina-tion of CSR-effect and the selection bias. This research uses all listed company at stock exchange market and over the counter data which financial stocks are exclud-ed and defines the winners of Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility Award which conferred by Common Wealth Magazine as firms with CSR during 2007 to 2016. The findings support the view of relationship between CSR and dividends is positive. Moreover, each component has positive effect on dividends, while the in-surance effect does not exist. We also use the Heckman two-stage model (1979) as robust test, and find the similar results as using propensity score matching method.
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企業社會責任行為對財務績效的影響與金控銀行與獨立銀行的績效比較-配對方法的應用 / The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance and the Performance Comparisons between FHC-banks and Independent Banks-An Application of Matching Methods張元, Chang,Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文應用Rubin (1973)、Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983、1985a,b)所發展的配對方法(Matching Method)探討兩個議題,其一是評估企業從事社會責任行為是否可以改善績效,另一則是探討銀行加入金控後對其績效的影響。 / 針對第一個議題,我們將FTSE All-share 指數中被收錄於英國FTSE 社會責任指數的成份股定義為社會責任企業,未被收錄者定義為非社會責任企業,應用配對方法,根據特性變數是否相近為依據進行樣本配對。實證結果發現,不論使用配對前或是配對後的樣本進行分析,皆找不到社會責任企業的平均績效優於非社會責任企業的證據;相反地,部分的證據顯示社會責任企業的財務績效相對較低,因此我們的分析結果傾向支持焦點移轉假說,社會責任行為對財務績效的影響效果為負。 / 另外,我們以遠見雜誌於2006 年公佈的企業社會責任調查為基礎,將衡量企業社會責任績效的三個層面-社區參與、環境保護與財務透明,透過投資組合分析與迴歸分析來評估公司承擔社會責任與財務績效之間的關聯性。實證結果發現,第一,平均來說,公司的社會責任評分愈高,在評比結果公佈後的股票報酬愈低,兩者之間呈現負向關係;第二,公司在不同層面的社會責任行為對於股價報酬的影響具有差異性;第三、透過公司的長期財務資料發現,社會責任評分高的公司其長期平均會計績效相對較佳,但長期平均的股票報酬相對較低,表示社會責任型公司不一定是一個好的投資標的;最後,我們找不到支持社會責任行為可以做為公司績效保險的證據。本文使用各別層面的評比指標,更廣泛地評估社會責任行為對財務績效的影響,改進既有文獻中僅使用單一指標的不足之處。 / 就第二個議題而言,同樣地應用配對方法,根據銀行的特性變數是否相近為依據進行樣本篩選,利用台灣上市上櫃的銀行在2002 年第1 季至2006 年第2季的資料,我們發現在樣本配對前,平均來說,金控銀行在15 個CAMEL 績效指標的表現上皆相對較佳;樣本配對後,金控銀行除了在費用比率之外,其他的評比指標仍相對優於獨立銀行;不論使用配對前或配對後的樣本做分析,皆未出現金控銀行績效顯著較差的證據,因此,我們的實證結果偏向支持綜效假設,銀行加入金控對績效的影響效果為正向。 / 我們的研究架構與方案評估與政策衝擊分析文獻中的方法相一致,而貢獻則在於我們考慮樣本之間特性變數的差異性,進而以樣本配對的方式修正這個差異性,將有效降低既有文獻中在檢驗上述兩個議題上的選擇偏誤問題。 / In this thesis, we apply several matching methods, develop by Rubin (1973)、Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983, 1985a,b), on examing the effects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on firm financial performance (CSR-effect) and on evaluating the effects of banks being subordinated to FHC on CAMEL indicators (join-FHC effect). / For the former application, two competing hypotheses, social impact hypothesis and shift of focus hypothesis, are proposed, where the former suggests that CSR has a positive relation with performance and the latter are opposite. To ensure the CSR-effect is not contaminated by other factors or the sample is randomly drawn, we employ four matching methods, Nearest, Caliper, Mahala and Mahala Caliper to match the characteristics of the firms with CSR (CSR-firms) and without CSR (NonCSR-firms) to get rid of sample selection bias. Although the four methods yield slightly different results, to our surprised, firms engaging in CSR activities obtain lower values on the return on assets, return on equity, return on sales and earnings per share. Therefore, CSR at the very least does not improve the firm performance, supporting the shift of focus hypothesis. Engaging in CSR activities lead to more pain than gain, at least in the short run. / On the CSR topic, using a set of disaggregated social performance indicators for community participation, environmental protection and fiancail transparency from the Global Views Monthly, we examine the relationship between CSR and financial performance of TSE listing companies. Our main results show that first, scores on composite social performance indicators are negatively related to stock returns and this relationship cannot be rationalized by multi-factor models for explaining the cross-sectional variation in stock returns. Second, the effects of three disaggregated social performance indicators on stock returns are differenct among industries. Third, aggregated social performance indicator is positively related to long-term accounting performance but negatively related to long-term market performance, and thus implies that good companies are good in books, but not good investments. Finally, firms with high CSR ratings do no exhibit smaller decline of their financial performance during stagnations and thus not support the view that CSR is insurance of financial performance. / The second application, two hypotheses, synergy hypothesis and specialization advantage hypothesis, are raised too, where the former suggests that FHC-banks performer better and the latter are contrary. Above four matching methods are still used to fix the characteristics of two groups of banks in order to correct for sample selection bias. Based on after-matching samples, most of our empirical results suggest that FHC-banks, on average, outperform independent banks on most of indicators on capital adequacy, asset quality, earning ability and liquidity but not on management ability and being FHC-banks at the very least does not deteriorate the performance of banks, making our conclusion favors the synergy hypothesis and against specialization advantage hypothesis in Taiwan. / Our framework is identical to many applications of matching method such as Persson (2001), Hutchison (2004), Glick, Guo and Hutchison (2006), and are also parallel to standard medical and biological research.
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多角化、CEO更替與公司現金持有決策 / Diversification, CEO Turnover and Cash Holding Policy林佳賢, Lin, Chia Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用固守職位理論(Entrenchment theory)解釋在經理人更替後因風格不同及代理人問題造成繼任者有現金持有動機的轉換,此項交乘效果將造成公司現金持有決策的轉變。同時本研究使用多角化公司的財務決策轉變作為例子,解釋在能力配對理論(Ability-matching theory)中不同公司性質造成CEO更替之後決策轉變的原因。研究結果顯示在兩種理論之下,被強制替換或自動離職的狀況將會帶來經理人風格轉變、前任代理人問題減輕或在公司狀況不同下使得現金持有因素有顯著的增減。然而整體實證結果因增減效果彼此抵消,CEO更替對於現金持有的影響並不顯著。 / Our research used entrenchment theory to explain the changing in cash holding after CEO turnover can be caused by different managerial style and agency problem. The interaction of turnover and entrenchment effect will transform motivations of holding cash and further changing the liquidity policy. Meanwhile, we used the ability-matching theory to explain the changing of financial decision in diversified companies to show how different company characteristics affect corporate financial strategy after CEO turnover. Our results showed that based on the two theory, CEO characteristics, agency problem and firm characteristic will significantly affect the financial variables. However, the total effect of CEO turnover on cash holding policy is insignificant because the different effects off set the total effect.
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小型開放經濟政策工具的配對與穩定性─台灣實證分析吳明翰, Wu, Ming-Han Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 導論
第二章 模型建立
第三章 固定匯率
第四章 浮動匯率
第五章 最適政策配對
第六章 台灣實證分析
第七章 結論與建議
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