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基於非齊次卜瓦松過程之動態違約相關性描述及其應用 / On The Application of Inhomogeneous Poisson Arrivals in Default Intensity Modelling: Dynamic Default Correlations張宇賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本文假設信用事件為非致命性 (non-fatal),其發生為外生非齊次卜瓦松過程 (Inhomogeneous Poisson Process)。當信用事件發生時,導致債權群組之標的資產違約機率同時上升,與市場上違約叢聚現象 (clustering effect)相似。本研究允許信用事件發生之頻率為系統及非系統性風險因素,且服從三參數伽瑪分配。進而提供一可校準的動態違約相關性模型,藉由對於信用事件發生頻率與信用事件影響幅度之刻劃,更能與市場報價貼近。本研究並以信用擔保債權為例,驗證本模型於評價及校準上之可行性,並對遠期信用擔保債權進行評價與敏感度分析。根據市場報價校準出之參數可反應目前信用市場上對於債權群組之標的資產間違約關聯性之看法。當模型中之參數變動時,對於違約關聯性之影響,亦可觀察權益分券與其他分券之合理信用價差產生之變化。
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一個基於記憶體內運算之多維度多顆粒度資料探勘之研究-以yahoo user profile為例 / A Research of Multi-dimensional and Multigranular Data Mining with In-memory Computingwith yahoo user profile林洸儂, Lin, Guang-Nung Unknown Date (has links)
平擴充的方式組成叢集運算系統,成為一可行的選擇。Apache Hadoop 是Apache
基金會的一個開源軟體框架,它是由Google 公司的MapReduce 與Google 檔案
系統實作成的分布式系統,可以管理數千台以上的電腦群集。Hadoop 利用分散
式檔案系統HDFS 可以提供PB 級以上的資料存放空間,透過MapReduce 框架
12 月份即可挖掘出這些規則。
Apriori 演算法是挖掘關聯規則的一個著名的演算法,透過產生候選項目集
選獲得關聯規則的結果。若有k 種單一項目集合,則候選項目集合最多有2𝑘 − 1
個,計算高頻項目時則需反覆掃描整個資料庫,Apriori 這兩個主要步驟需要耗費
的演算法,解決大範圍挖掘遺失關聯規則的問題,結合spark 分散式運算的架構
實作程式,在電腦群集上平行運算減少關聯規則的挖掘時間。 / Because of improving technique of cloud-computing and increasing capability of
computer equipment, it is feasible to use clusters of computers by horizon scalable a lot
of computers. Apache Hadoop is an open-source software of Apache. It allows the
management of cluster resource, a distributed storage system named Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS), and a parallel processing technique called
Enterprises have accumulated a huge amount of data. It is a hot issue to process
and analyze these structured or unstructured data. Traditional methods and algorithms
of data mining must make adjustments and improvement to new cloud computing
technology and concept of decentralized framework.
Association rules is the relations of items from large database. In general, we find
association rules in fixed dimensions and granular database. However, it might loss
infrequent association rules.
Apriori algorithm is one famous algorithm of mining association rule. There are
two main steps in this algorithm spend a lot of computing resource. To generate
Candidate itemset has quantity 2𝑘 − 1, if there are k different item. Second step is to
find frequent, this step must compare all tractions in the database.
This approach divides database to segmentations and finds association rules of
these segmentations. Then, we combine rules of segmentations. It can solve the problem
of missing infrequent itemset. In addition, we implement this method in Spark and
reduce the time of computing.
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臺灣中區製造業結構與空間分佈之研究 / The structure and spatial distribution of manufacturing industries in Central region of Taiwan Area蘇月香, Su, Yueh Shiang Unknown Date (has links)
Because of unequilibrium growth phenomenon of Taiwan area the
purpose of this thesis is to study the manufacturing
development in Central region . Study is intended to discuss
some manufactur- ing that suitable for Central region to
develop for the purpose of pushing regional economic growth.
The methodlogy consists of coefficient of concentration ,co-
efficient of diversification,location quotient ,relative
growth analysis,shift-share analysis and input-output analysis
etc. . These methods are applied to analysis the structure
change and spatial distribution of manufacturing in Central
region. The findings show most of manufacturing industries are
slowly deconcentrated in Central region during the past fifteen
years . The relationship between manufacturing development and
the estab- lishment of industrial park in Central region is
very important. As a result,regional development is very often
dependent on government investment.
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以AIC與卡方適合度檢定檢驗關聯結構之探討李鴻明 Unknown Date (has links)
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以關聯式代數設計多租戶應用程式之SQL轉換規則 / Design and Implementation of SQL Rewriting Rules for Multitenant Applications Based on Relational Algebra周榆澤 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著雲端運算的服務租用理念越來越受到重視,SaaS 服務供應商在提供服務的時候無不希望可以以最少的成本服務最多的客戶,於是吸引了許多的研究者投入精力以及時間,希望可以設計出讓租戶們共享資源又能夠有客製化空間的解決方案。服務供應商為了順利推廣多租戶軟體開發,其中一項關鍵技術是支援 SQL 語句自動轉換機制,目的是協助 SQL 語句轉換成以多租戶資料架構邏輯表達的 SQL 語句,讓租戶應用程式的軟體開發人員能夠專注在自身的應用程式開發。
開發 SQL 語句自動轉換機制,必須先選定資料庫的資料架構,本論文採用 Universal Table Layout 這個 SaaS 多租戶資料共享常見的資料架構。 我們參考知名 SaaS 廠商 Force.com 的 Universal Table Layout 資料架構,並提出一些修正。其次,我們應用關聯式代數抽象化來設計 SQL 語句的轉換規則,這些理論結果不僅在表達轉換機制上更具有一般性,並且讓轉換規則的理解也變得更加容易。我們以這些理論推導為基礎實現一個實驗的工具,最後透過幾個實驗,觀察及探討實驗數據所呈現的意義。
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博物館行動導覽系統設計影響因素之探討與評估 / Review and evaluation of design factors for museum mobile navigation system林佑純 Unknown Date (has links)
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結合局部特徵序列的影片背景音樂推薦機制 / Background Music Recommendation for Video by Incorporating Temporal Sequence of Local Features林鼎崴, Lin, Ting Wei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著手持裝置的普及與社群網路的興起,大眾可以隨時拍攝影片並且上傳至網路上與他人分享。但是一般使用者產生的影片若少了配樂,將失色許多。除了原本影片帶給人們的視覺觀感之外,配樂可以帶給人們聽覺的觀感,進而使得人們可以更容易了解影片的情感,也可以讓人們更能夠融入在影片中。背景音樂推薦的研究主要有兩大種做法,Emotion-mediated Approach與Correlation-based Approach。我們使用Correlational-based Approach的方法,利用Correlation Modeling找出影片特徵值與音樂特徵值之間的關係。但是由於目前Correlation-based Approach的研究只有考慮到全域特徵,因此在此論文中,我們提出了區域特徵。區域特徵利用時間序列表達影片細部的變化,並且將區域特徵與全域特徵結合至Correlation Modeling中,透過 MLSA、CFA、CCA、KCCA、DCCA、PLS、PLSR演算法找出其中的關係並且產生背景音樂推薦的Ranking List,實驗部份比較了各個演算法在背景音樂推薦上的準確率,並且觀察Global Features與Local Features之間的準確率。 / Background music plays an important role in making user-generated video more colorful and attractive. One of current research on automatic background music recommendation is the correlation-based approach in which the correlation model between visual and music features is discovered from training data and is utilized to recommend background music for query video. Because the existing correlation-based approaches consider global features only, in this work we proposed to integrate the temporal sequence of local features along with global features into the correlation modeling process. The local features are derived from segmented audiovisual clips and can represent the local variation of features. Then the temporal sequence of local features is transformed and incorporated into correlation modeling process. Cross-Modal Factor Analysis along with Multiple-type Latent Semantic Analysis, Canonical Correlation Analysis, Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis, Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis, Partial Least Square and Partial Least Square Regression, are investigated for correlation modeling which recommends background music in ranking order. In the experiments, we first compare the results of only global features, only local Features and incorporating global and local Features among each algorithm. Then second compare the results of different clip numbers and Fourier coefficients.
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應用資料採礦於零售通路業之商品力矩陣分析-以某連鎖藥妝銷售資料為例 / The Application of Data Mining on Commodity Competitiveness Matrix Analysis of Retailing Industry-Case Study of Chained Drugstore Sales Data賴柏龍, Lai, Po Lung Unknown Date (has links)
1. 利用資料採礦中之集群分析建置商品力矩陣,代表他們的屬性與價值。透過商品力矩陣釐清各商品的定位,幫助決策者優化商品組合,針對各商品執行妥善策略安排。
2. 依循集群分析後的結果,更進一步進行商品分類的關聯規則分析。幫助決策者將集群分析之成果化為實務決策之參考,優化商品組合,針對各商品執行妥善策略安排,也為關聯規則的整理帶來新的應用方式。
3. 根據上述兩模型建置之結果,對H連鎖藥妝提出具體可行之行銷策略建議。
本研究利用資料採礦中的Two-step Cluster模型建置出H連鎖藥妝中各項商品的商品力矩陣,此矩陣的兩軸分別為「個別商品的平均毛利」及「個別商品的年交易筆數」,將各種商品概略分為明星、樂透、忠狗、問號四大類商品,分別代表他們不同的屬性與價值。同時配合關聯規則分析,提出具體可行之候選規則篩選模式:
1. 樂透型商品,應用方式有兩種,將樂透型商品放在Apriori模型中的後項,找出導購向樂透型商品的潛在模式;將樂透型商品放在Apriori模型中的前項,並將後項商品作為加價購搭售促銷標的,提升購買樂透型商品的意願。
2. 忠狗型商品,應用方式也有兩種,將忠狗型商品放在Apriori模型中的前項,找出可能導購的商品標的,推出合適的加價購搭售促銷活動;另外也可以藉由觀察忠狗型商品的消費行為,進而提供適當的促銷、推薦,提高其他品項交叉銷售的可能性。 / Taiwanese living standard raised due to the income growing, which lead to recognizing the importance of health toward personal and family. As a result, the market of dietary supplements and drugs flourishing these years, especially the spread of chained drugstores, which turned into combinative store by providing professional pharmacist consultant and selling of drugs, dietary supplements, skincare products and cosmetics. The drug and cosmetic retailers generally agreed that the main difficulty is “Industry Competition” due to the competition from different systems, including foreign chained drugstores, local chained drugstores and regional chained drugstores.
Commodity competitiveness is one of the key successful factors of chained drugstores, which expressed as commodity diversity, commodity profitability, commodity price competitiveness, commodity uniqueness, etc. Seldom drugstores own product planning or designing department although most drugstores have demand of product planning or designing. It could raise the commodity competitiveness of chained drugstores by applying data mining to help product planning or designing more efficiently without increasing too much labor cost.
This study focus on the application of data mining on chained drugstores, including goals below:
1. Building commodity competitiveness matrix by cluster analysis, representing their features and values. Through positioning products on commodity competitiveness matrix, helping decision maker optimize product mix and execute appropriate strategy toward products.
2. Based on the results from cluster analysis, proceed association rules analysis toward product categories. Help turning the results from cluster analysis into references of actual decision, optimize product mix and execute appropriate strategy toward products. Bringing new application pattern of association rules analysis.
3. Providing actual marketing strategy suggestions to H chained drugstore based on the two models built above.
This study built commodity competitiveness matrix of H chained drugstore by Two-step Cluster model, which take “average margin of individual product” and “annual transaction amounts of individual product” as two axes. Divided products into Star, Lottery, Greyfriars and Question Mark. Each of them represent different features and values. Providing practical filtering rules of candidate rules in association rules analysis:
1. Lottery Products:
Placing lottery products as consequents in Apriori model, searching for the potential pattern led to buying lottery products.
Placing lottery products as antecedents, which we can provide the consequents with additional purchase discount in order to raise the willing to buy lottery products.
2. Greyfriars Products:
Placing Greyfriars products as antecedents, searching for potential recommendation with additional purchase discount.
Providing appropriate sales and recommendation to raise the possibility of cross-selling by observing consuming behaviors of Greyfriars products.
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省政機構新聞發言人的角色認知與其處理新聞的關聯性研究周靜珩, Zhou, Jing-Heng Unknown Date (has links)
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我國新聞從業人員之專業性及其處理新聞之關聯性研究陳碧珍, Chen, Bi-Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
第一章導論:第一節研究主題及主要概念: (一) 研究主題, (二) 主要概念之界定
。第二節有關研究理論與文獻: (一) 守門理論, (二)有關新聞從業員專業性的研究
, (三) 中文可讀性的研究。第三節研究目的。
第二章研究設計:第一節研究設計模式,第二節研究方法之一--調查法: (一) 問
卷設計, (二) 選樣與訪問, (三) 資料處理。第三節研究方法之二--內容分析法
: (一) 分析對象與選樣, (二) 測量的單元, (三) 分析題目, (四) 資料處理。
第三章研究結果之分析:第一節信度與效度,第二節國會記者專業性之分析: (一)
國會記者之性別、年齡、教育程度與其專業性之關聯性, (二) 報紙經營型態與其客
觀報導國會新聞之關聯性, (三) 國會記者之專業性與其新聞寫作重點強調之關聯性
, (四) 國會記者之專業性與其新聞寫作可讀性之關聯性。
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