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基於雲端環境與服務導向架構之交易策略評估平台框架楊雅菱 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 採用服務導向架構以充分使用雲端運算的特性。
2. 建立非同步事件控制機制以提供服務間非同步運算能力。
3. 採用集中式資料結構,提出收縮式肋骨網絡(SRN)資料結構,減少運算需求。
4. 提供基因演算模擬環境,讓使用者可以發展符合個人投資偏好的投資策略。 / In this study, we designed a algorithmic trading system for large numbers of users on a cloud computing plateform. So the main features of the algorithmic trading system have been as follows.
1. The use of Service-Oriented architecture in order to fully use the characteristics of cloud computing.
2. The establishment of asynchronous event control mechanism to provide services to non-synchronous computing power.
3. A centralized data structure, proposed Systolic Ribs Network (SRN) data structure, reducing the computing needs.
4. To provide the genetic algorithm simulation environment that allows users to develop in line with the investment strategy personal investment preferences.
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以雲端支援架構建置RFID為基礎之個人化無所不在學習系統 / A cloud-supported framework for implementing RFID-based personalized ubiquitous learning system林彥志, Lin, Yen Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出一項無所不在的學習系統架構改變傳統數位學習之教育傳遞的方式,讓學習者能在任何時間、任何地點透過行動裝置,連結雲端上的學習系統便能自動取得數位化的教學課程及輔助教材等教學資源,並結合RFID標籤之唯一性及無線辨識功能,除了可感測、讀取周遭環境物件資訊以外,更作為學習者個人辨識登入的方法,進而驗證以取得個人所屬的學習課程或學習進度規劃等功能,創造個人化無所不在學習,期許改善目前數位學習在散播教育資源這塊領域,仍有不足之處所造成的數位落差。系統架構本身採用雲端運算作為後端開發技術,將系統、數位學習課程與資料庫分散在各地,以減少單一系統之資源負載量過大及頻寬不足等問題,讓學習者接受即需的教學服務。 / This paper proposes a ubiquitous learning system framework, in order to improve traditional e-learning method for delivering education. Learners could connect to the learning system on the cloud by mobile devices at any time and any place. It could automatically access digital educational resources such as learning courses and supplementary materials. Using the RFID tag for uniqueness and radio frequency identification function. In addition to context-aware and reading the information of objects around the enviroment. It also can be a personalised identify for learners to login and access one’s own function of learning courses or learning scheduling to create personalized ubiquitous learning. There is lack of education due to digital divide which calls for improvement of distributing educational resources. The proposed system architecture incorporates cloud computing for back-end development technology. In order to reduce resource overload of the single system and lack of bandwidth, distributing the learning system, e-learning course and database to several places enable learners to take on-demand educational services.
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設計鏈:豪華車輛行動服務體系與使用者導向創新 / Design chain: mobility service organizing for luxury vehicle and User - centric innovation李志豪 Unknown Date (has links)
進一步可預期,更多的應用程式可經由無線通訊,被安裝在車上,想像在不久的將來,我們只需記住自己的鑰匙編碼,到任何一部具有車身區域及無線網路的車輛上,就可以馬上使用你的電子信箱,你的Car App store,也可以將你個人化的設定做轉移,如:你習慣的乘坐的位置、習慣收聽的電台,甚至是你的駕駛模式等,這些都可以透過隨機存取功能的應用程式來實現。
本論文透過行動研究員的身份,採用質性研究方法,經過長時間的田野調查,從汽車雲端技術的組織、雲端技術在服務廠的維修應用、相關人員的工作形態與技能、使用者的行為模式等,做一全面性的資料搜集與整合,並逐一追溯每一細節,分析服務體系創新的元素為何,並透過進一步推論,找出對於其他豪華車廠、其他產業公司之間的啟示,並由此發現,經由雲端維修的應用,可以預見從汽車產業打開的新事業服務平台。 / The fast development of cloud computing has enabled applications in different industries. For the automotive industry, the competitions for cloud computing is particularly intensive in the luxury car sector. This is due to that CAN-BUS local area network specifically designed for in-car communication is widely implemented and utilized for data recording, transmission and management. A lot of services provided by the car manufacturers and dealers can be integrated with this system for more user friendly approaches. For example through the connectives of 3G and wireless network, related maintenances and diagnoses can be carried out over a distance, therefore the cloud network service providers do not need to be on-site for supports. This breakthrough also diminishes the location barrier, and improves the service efficiencies (e.g. remote unlock service and remote engine start service).
A peek into the future, there will be more applications enabled by the wireless connectives between the vehicles and the cloud networks. Imagine that by simply remember a set of P-I-N number, the user will be able to access personal email accounts, on-line Car App store accounts, frequently used GPS maps, and preferred driver setting such as seat positions, favor radio channels and engine driving models in the near future. All these are independent of which car the user is actually driving.
This thesis is developed through qualitative researches over a long period of field studies from a leading luxury car manufacturer in the industry. It has in-depth discussions on the organization infrastructures, technologies and service flows required to enable cloud computing services related to the after-sale supports and maintenances in the automotive industry. The skills and on-job awareness particular to the front-line staffs and back-end supportive staffs are highlighted, and will be analyzed with different users’ use scenarios. Over these step-by-step examinations, the key elements for service innovation will be identified. To take one step further, these findings will also be related for their implications to other luxury car manufacturers and industries. This is to justify that through the applications of cloud services in the vehicle maintenances, it opens the way for service innovation in service network platform.
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混合雲之帳號與檔案內容權限管理與同步系統之實作-以Google Docs及Hadoop為例 / Developing account and file synchronization in hybrid cloud platform-on example of google docs, hadoop and local hosts翁雋傑 Unknown Date (has links)
繼網際網路蓬勃發展後,人們的工作與生活更為便利。雲端運算問世之後,更多企業與個人將雲端運算做資料備份與發佈的平台。企業使用雲端的方式有以下三種:即公有雲、私有雲及混合雲。企業使用公有雲(Public Cloud)將服務與資料儲存交由雲端提供商託管,例如使用Google Docs、G-mail,以減少企業內部的成本。企業亦可建置私有雲(Private Cloud),以提供檔案備援與內部服務。另外,企業可結合公有雲與私有雲以構成混合雲(Hybrid Cloud),即使用公有雲儲存敏感度不高之資料並將敏感度較高的資料存至私有雲或本地端。
本研究將探討企業在使用混合雲時遇到的帳號以及檔案內容與授權問題,實作上公有雲應用服務以Google Docs為例、私有雲以Hadoop為例、本地端則以Linux-base電腦為例。本研究使用開放標準OpenID 與O’Auth達到對公有雲的帳號認證、檔案授權,以開發出一個跨本地端電腦或私有雲與公有雲帳號與檔案內容權限之管理與同步系統。本系統可解決在公有雲、私有雲與企業內部系統多重帳號的困擾與企業人員外部存取與內部存取時的權限不足或檔案版本不同的問題。 / Drawing on the rapidly growing Internet technology, people now work and live in a more convenient way. Due to the progress of cloud computing, more and more companies as well as people are using cloud computing as a platform in order to backup and publish data.
There are three ways that how enterprises deploy cloud computing: public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud. In order to reduce costs, enterprises now days store their data using public cloud and entrust to the public cloud providers, such as using Google Docs, G-mail. Enterprises can also build private clouds to provide files and internal services backup. In addition, enterprises are able to combine public cloud and private cloud into hybrid cloud. We are used to store less sensitive data on the public cloud, while using private cloud or local storage to store highly sensitive data.
This study aims to design a system that can solve the problems regarding authentication, file content synchronization and authorization, while enterprises benefit by using hybrid cloud storage. System is designed by taking Google Docs as an example for the public cloud, Hadoop as the example for private cloud, and Linux-base computer as an example for local storage. This research addresses the open standard, namely: “OpenID” and “O’Auth”, in order to solve data content and non-consistency permission between public cloud, private cloud and local hosts.
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混合雲帳號整合、檔案權限管理與同步系統之研究 / A Research into Account Integration, Authorization and Content Synchronization of Hybrid Cloud丁柏元 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展、雲端運算的興起,各種公有雲端服務林立,企業組織擁有更多不同的選擇與更經濟的解決方案,因此也願意投入更多花費在公有雲上。其中,最重要的一項服務為檔案同步與分享服務(File Synchronization and Sharing, FSS),其可為企業組織帶來生產力,但在無法完全信任公有雲端服務的情況下,在檔案管理及服務上勢必會採用混合雲部署,私有雲端環境用來處理敏感度較高的資料而敏感度較低的檔案及文件才會採用公有雲端服務。
本研究將探討在混合雲環境下會遇到的使用者多重帳號及身分,以及檔案一致性的問題。我們提出一套整合不同雲端平台帳號的架構和方法,在檔案同步上,設計出三次同步訊息交換和兩階段同步的機制,並且架構出一個入口網站(Portal)服務,根據以上設計架構,實作出一個在混合雲環境,跨本地端、公有雲與私有雲的雲端帳號整合,檔案權限管理與同步之系統,最終可以解決在混合雲環境,不同雲端平台多重帳號的困擾,並可以維持不同裝置和雲端之間檔案資料和權限一致性。本研究最後針對實作出的系統之三大功能模組進行測試,驗證本系統各元件模組的正確性和穩定性,測試結果都是通過的;也針對公、私有雲端,測試檔案同步時間,衡量各種大小檔案同步所需要花費的時間,驗證本系統的效能和實用性。 / As rapid growth of cloud computing and Internet, there are variety public cloud service providers on the market, and enterprises will have more choices and economical IT solutions, therefore, they are willing to spend more on public cloud.
Although, the most significant of cloud-based productivity services is file synchronization and sharing, enterprises cannot fully trust public cloud, they will deploy file management system with hybrid cloud which they store less sensitive data on public cloud and highly sensitive data on private cloud.
This study aim to design a system on hybrid cloud deployment that can solve the problems regarding too many online accounts and synchronize data and permissions between different devices and cloud to maintain consistency. We propose a method to integrate accounts on different cloud and design a mechanize of file synchronization which contains three steps messages flows and two stages synchronization to implement the system, otherwise, we also create a portal service.
Last but not least, we test three main modules of the system to verify correctness and stability and the results are all pass. Also, we measure the synchronization time of files with different size to verify effectiveness and practicality.
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在商業智慧系統中雲端行動運算應用之研究 / A Research into the Applications of Cloud-ready Mobile Computing with Respect to Business Intelligence楊瑞涵, Yang, Rui Hn Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過非結構化資料庫及行動應用程式設計新的行動商業智慧解決方案,實作雛型系統,並且透過異常申報健保費用醫院為案例,進行系統整體的測試,證明其架構及運作模式之可行性。經過驗證,本系統將能提供使用者使用巨量資料做為分析數據,並且透過行動應用程式立即取得分析報表。 / The volume of daily output data continues to grow world- widely. The huge amount of data and the disorder of data format cause the difficulty of data processing. Additionally, the number of smartphone sales is continuously growing, so everyone will own at least one smartphone in the future. In the meantime, the effectiveness of mobile internet and wireless is largely improved, so it can be loaded with more data flow. Because of this phenomenon, the number of mobile workers will be increasing per year. For business intelligence systems, through the analysis of enterprise's data we can find the relevance and facts hidden in information, allowing users to acquire more knowledge for decision-making. The more data sources we analyze, the more accurate information can be used to make decision.
In the past, business intelligence processes data sources through relational database and uses e-mail to notify users. However, the huge amount of data exceeds the number that can be effectively processed by relational database. On account of this, it becomes difficult regarding data acquisition, storage, application, sharing, and analysis. As far as the users are concerned, they only receive notifications by emails, so they still need a computer to view the analysis report.
In this study, I use cloud computing technology and mobile devices to solve the two aforementioned issues. First, we speed up the process of big data in data acquisition through Hadoop Hbase, and made it into data warehouse for Business Intelligence use. Secondly, we use mobile applications to receive push messages instantly and present analysis reports.
In the practical work, I use NoSQL database to acquire and store data. Compared with relational database, we can indeed effectively enhance the speed of big data processing. In reports’ presentation on mobile devices, the Tablet has better user experience then the phone. The phone is displayed comparatively poorly because of its small screen. This part needs to be improved.
In this research, I conceive a new solution of mobile business intelligence through NoSQL database and mobile applications, and implement this method into a prototype system. Moreover, through an example of the analysis of hospitals which have anomalous health-insurance reporting expenses we can test the whole system. It proves that this system’s structure and the mode of operation are feasible. The system will be able to provide big data as the source of analysis and present reports immediately through mobile devices to users.
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運用雲端運算於智慧型健保費用異常偵測之研究 / A Research into Intelligent Cloud Computing Techniques for Detecting Anomalous Health-insurance Expenses黃聖尹, Huang, Sheng Yin Unknown Date (has links)
我國健保費用逐漸增長,進而衍生出許多健保問題,其中浮報、虛報及詐欺等三種情況,會造成許多醫療資源的浪費。然而,目前電腦檔案分析只能偵測出浮報、虛報的行為,無法偵測出詐欺情況。對於健保詐欺之偵測只能仰賴傳統隨機抽樣檢驗及人力分析,而我國健保平均一年門診審查申報量約3.5 億件,其人力的負擔非常沉重。故本研究將探討如何利用電腦工具初步判別醫事機構之費用申報情況。
本研究透過大量文獻回顧,發現美國有研究指出結合Benford’s law 與智慧型方法來進行詐欺偵測,可獲得很好的效果(Busta & Weinberg 1998)。Benford’s law 指出許多數據來源皆會呈現特定的數字頻率分佈,近年來Benford’s law 亦被應用在許多不同領域的舞弊或詐欺的審查流程中。
本研究使用Apache Hadoop 及其相關專案,建構出一個大量資料儲存分析之環境,針對大量健保申報費用資料來進行分析。此系統結合了Benford’s law 數字分析方法並運用支持向量機(Support Vector Machine)來對健保費用申報進行大規模電腦初步審查,判別該醫事機構是否有異常申報之情況發生,並將初步判別之結果提供給健保局相關稽查人員,進而做深入的審查。
本研究所建構的智慧型健保費用異常偵測模型結合了Benford’s law 衍生指標變數與實務指標變數,並利用SVM 分析健保申報費用歷史資料,產生出預判模型,之後便可藉由此模型來判別未來健保費用申報資料是否有異常情況發生。在判別異常資料方面,本研究所建構的模型其整體正確率高達97.7995%,且所有的異常申報資料皆可準確地預測出來。
因此,本研究希望能結合Benford’s law 與智慧型運算方法於健保申報異常偵測上,如此一來便可藉由電腦進行初步審查,減少因傳統隨機抽樣調查所造成的不確定性以及審核大量健保資料時過多的人力資源浪費。
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軟體專案特性對專案管理與專案間互動的影響之研究-以趨勢科技之雲端運算專案為例 / Software project characteristics on project management and project the impact of interaction study:the case of Trend Micro Inc.陳彥甫 Unknown Date (has links)
4.當激進式創新的產品開發專案運用外部技術來源時,提供員工自我學習的空間,並透過知識分享討論會、知識管理系統、非正式溝通的多個群體協調活動,有助於專案間互動。 / In order to adapt to rapidly changing markets, cooperate managers tend to downsize the scales and define specific goals of projects for effective execution. Therefore, cooperates simultaneously deal with multiple projects which are inter-connected to each other. Good interactions benefit both projects and cooperate itself. Hence, the objective of this study is to investigate how the characteristics of software projects influence the managements and interactions of projects.
The study subject is Trend Macro Incorporated, the world-wide leading company of antivirus software. Its unique culture and foremost management style have become the model example of international companies. Therefore, this study investigated two projects of this company, which apply cloud computing, to explore the relationships of the characteristics, management and interactions within and between projects. By case interview and secondary databases, the main findings of this study are listed below.
1.Enterprise in the implementation of software project management, the fully authorized to contribute to the development of radical innovation projects carried out.
2.Leader in software project management role of the different stages. When the technology to external sources, the leaders need to play the role of coordination and communication. When the technology for internal sources, leaders need to play a technical support role.
3.Enterprise in the implementation of software project management, we will use the apprenticeship system to carry out transmission of tacit knowledge; and to use document management system to manage explicit knowledge.
4.When the radical innovation of the product development project the use of external technology sources, to provide space for staff self-learning and knowledge sharing through seminars, knowledge management systems, informal communication between the various groups of coordination activities to facilitate interaction between projects.
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大話雲端-妨害電腦使用罪之法益定性與立法建議 / Let's cloud computing!?: Legally protected good and Legislation of Computer crime王文成, Wang, Wen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
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雲端環境下台灣筆記型電腦代工業者轉型至平板電腦經營策略之探討 / A study of business transformation on Taiwanese ODMs - from notebook PC to tablet PC industry under cloud computing environment袁正華 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 降低筆記型電腦代工比重,尤其是適度減少Ultrabook投入,以挪出資源給新產品。
2. 增加伺服器等相關產品線的投入,轉型為雲端硬體供應商。
3. 發展在雲端運算與相關生態體系業者的合作夥伴關係,包括與印度軟體代工業者的合作。
4. 選擇平板電腦適合的行業用產業,先從小範圍的行業用雲端運算,例如雲端英語教學,作為培養實力與經驗的起點,藉以熟悉雲端運算的商業模式,同時尋求保持良好的營運利潤水準。 / After 20 years of endeavor, Taiwanese notebook PC, or Laptop, ODMs have gained more than 90% of world share in terms of annual notebook PC shipment. However, these ODMs have been facing detrimental challenges which the profit margin is getting slimmer, and even worse is their customers have been losing markets due to both the world economy downturn, and severe challenges from Apple’s so-called “iDevice” since 2010. Through the approach the case study of a notebook PC ODM who is diversifing from notebook PC to tablet PC industry, and through SWOT analysis, I hope to figure out some feasible solution to bail the ODMs out with some innovative and profitable business models.
By scrutinizing the trends of Cloud Computing and Global English under the macro environment, and the current industry status of notebook PC, tablet PC, Indian software ODMs, Apple’s iPad and its business model, we intend to figure out the overall opportunities and threats from the macro environment for the notebook PC ODMs who are keen to diversify into tablet PC field. Also, through the research to identify the internal strengths and weakness of the case company, the summary and suggestion to Taiwanese notebook PC ODMs are as follows:
1. Lower the percentage of notebook PC lines among their products portfolio. Ultrabook is not suggested to have heavy investment on.
2. Allocate sufficient resources to develop cloud-related equipments such as servers and tablet PCs.
3. Develop the crirical compentence set which are necessary for Cloud Computing, through the close partnership with major ecosystem participating companies. The cooperation between Taiwanese hardware ODMs and Indian software ODMs are highly recommended.
4. Start with one small but manageable ecosystem, such as English teaching through cloud, and get familiar with the business model and ways of sustaining profits.
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