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Současný stav tradičního teritoriálního dialektu v mluvě staré generace v obci Vír / The Present-Day State of the Local Dialect in the Speech of the Old Generation in the Village of VírOstrýžová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The M.A. thesis explores the dialect of the village Vír, which is situated in Czech-Moravian boundary dialectal area. The exploration focuses on selected features from phonetics and phonology and morphology, specified on the basis of isoglosses described in the Český jazykový atlas (Czech Dialect Atlas) or in older publications. The research of features followed is based on interviews with old generation informants, which is delimited in accordance with the Czech Dialect Atlas as speakers older than 65. The audiorecordings were further processed, the material was transcribed according to standard rules for dialectological transcription. A comparison with standard works of Czech dialectology (such as Běličʼs Nástin české dialektologie, Český jazykový atlas, Utěšenýʼs Nářečí přechodného pásu česko-moravského. Hláskosloví) shows that the oldest generation speakers in Vír still keep some of the typical traits of the Czech-Moravian dialectal group while other such features are retreating. Key words: Czech-Moravian dialectal group, old generation, local dialect, Vír
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Il filo di Arianna : letteratura in lingua veneta nel XX secoloBedon, Elettra January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Patterns of Vowel Production in Speakers of American English from the State of UtahReeves, Larkin Hopkins 06 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The English spoken in the United States has traditionally been divided into six dialect regions: New England, Mid-Atlantic, Southern, Midland, Northern, and Western. The acoustic properties of American English spoken in the Southern and Northern dialect regions have been the subject of intense research, but the acoustic properties of the Western dialect region have not been analyzed as thoroughly. The umbrella term, Western American English, includes the English spoken in a large geographic area that stretches from Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico to the Pacific coast. Research that has focused on the Western dialect has included participants from several states, which discounts the idea that smaller dialectical differences may exist within the West. This study describes several acoustic properties of American English as it is spoken in the state of Utah. Data collected from target hVd words were used to determine vowel formant frequency patterns using F1 and F2 values of monophthongal and diphthongal vowels, and calculate the vowel space area. Differences in vowel placement and vowel space area were found between the English spoken in Utah and the Northern, Southern, and Midland dialect regions. Similar to characteristics found in Western English, an analysis of the vowel productions in speakers from Utah indicated a fronted /ʊ/, as well as a near merger of /ɑ/ and /ɔ/. However, the analysis also revealed differences in Utah English when compared to the larger Western dialect region. In particular it was found that, unlike descriptions of Western English, Utah English speakers produced /æ/ with a relatively higher F1 than /ɑ/. The vowel space area of Utah English was found to be smaller than the vowel space area of Northern English, but larger than the vowel space area of Southern or Midland speakers.
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Har du sett husena därborta? : En morfologisk dialektundersökning i nutida EskilstunaGran, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Eskilstunamålet har tidigare uppmärksammats, främst i de två studierna av Nordberg (1985) och Sundgren (2002). Dessa studier har tjänat som inspiration för denna undersökning. Syftet med denna uppsats är dels att undersöka vilka dialektala variabler som är synliga i nutid och om dessa skiljer sig i olika åldersgrupper och mellan de biologiska könen. Syftet är dels också att ta reda på om det skett någon förändring sedan tidigare studier. Utöver detta undersöks även attityden till dialekten hos Eskilstunaborna. Metoden som ligger till grund för att undersöka det upplevda dialektbruket hos informanterna är enkätundersökningar. Resultatet av informanternas upplevda bruk visar att Eskilstunamålet fortfarande lever kvar och det pekar på både ökningar och minskningar i användandet av variablerna sedan 1960- och 1990-talet. Informanternas attityder till de olika variablerna skiljer sig också åt mellan de olika informantgrupperna. Det generella resultatet följer även trenden från annan tidigare forskning om att kvinnor tenderar att tala mer standard än män.
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Μορφολογικός δανεισμός : δεδομένα από ελληνικές διαλέκτους σε επαφή με την Ιταλική και την ΤουρκικήΜαρίνης, Μιχαήλ 12 June 2015 (has links)
Η δυνατότητα δανεισμού των διαφόρων λεξικών και ελεύθερων λειτουργικών κατηγοριών είναι ένα ζήτημα που έχει κατά καιρούς απασχολήσει έντονα την διεθνή βιβλιογραφία στον χώρο της επαφής γλωσσών. Με την παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διατριβή: (α) εξετάζω την δυνατότητα δανεισμού των διαφόρων λεξικών και ελεύθερων λειτουργικών λέξεων, (β) διερευνώ την αξιοπιστία και την καθολικότητα ορισμένων ευρέως διαδεδομένων κλιμάκων δανεισιμότητας, όπως είναι για παράδειγμα οι κλίμακες των Haugen (1950), Muysken (1981), Matras (2007) κ.λπ., (γ) ελέγχω τους παράγοντες οι οποίοι έχει προταθεί ότι επηρεάζουν την διαδικασία, και προτείνω τους παράγοντες εκείνους οι οποίοι την καθορίζουν.
Για τον λόγο αυτό, διερευνώ και συγκρίνω τον λεξιλογικό δανεισμό (α) της Γκρίκο από τις Ρομανικές διαλέκτους, (β) της Καππαδοκικής από την Τουρκική, και (γ) της Κρητικής τόσο από τις Ρομανικές διαλέκτους, όσο και από την Τουρκική.
Εξετάζω πόσο εύκολο ή δύσκολο είναι για την καθεμιά από τις μελετώμενες λεξικές κατηγορίες να γίνουν αντικείμενο δανεισμού, καθώς και τους παράγοντες που φαίνεται να επιδρούν στην δανεισιμότητα των στοιχείων. Προτείνω μια κοινή κλίμακα δανεισιμότητας, για όλα τα συστήματα που μελέτησα, της μορφής (ονόματα > ρήματα > επίθετα > επιρρήματα), και με αυτό τον τρόπο δείχνω ότι ορισμένες λέξεις είναι ευκολότερα δανείσιμες από άλλες.
Τα βασικά ευρήματα της έρευνας αυτής ενισχύουν την άποψη ότι καμία γενίκευση με απόλυτη ισχύ δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει στο χώρο της γλωσσικής επαφής. Η ένταση της επαφής (intensity of contact) (Thomason Kaufman, 1988; Thomason, 2001) φαίνεται να είναι ο καθοριστικός παράγοντας που μπορεί να εξηγήσει την μεγάλη διαφοροποίηση η οποία καταγράφεται μεταξύ του λεξικού και του δομικού δανεισμού. Με τον τρόπο αυτό μπορεί να εξηγηθεί γιατί για παράδειγμα στην Γκρίκο και τα Καππαδοκικά, όπου η διγλωσσία και ο δανεισμός είναι ιδιαίτερα εκτεταμένα, τα ελέυθερα λειτουργικά στοιχεία γίνονται εύκολα αντικείμενο δανεισμού, ενώ αντίθετα στη Κρητική, όπου το επίπεδο της διγλωσσίας είναι εμφανώς μικρότερο, ο δανεισμός των ελεύθερων λειτουργικών στοιχείων είναι εξαιρετικά περιορισμένος.
Επιπλέον, η διαφοροποίηση που καταγράφεται ως προς τον δανεισμό των ελεύθερων λειτουργικών στοιχείων μεταξύ της Γκρίκο και της Καππαδοκικής, δείχνει ότι ο δανεισμός δεν εξαρτάται μόνο από εξωγλωσσικούς παράγοντες (π.χ. ένταση της επαφής), αλλά σε μεγάλο βαθμό καθορίζεται από εργολαβικούς παράγοντες όπως είναι η τυπολογική απόσταση (typological distance) και η δομική (α)συμβατότητα (structural (in)compatibility) μεταξύ των σε επαφή συστημάτων. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα αποτελεί η απουσία δανεισμού προθέσεων στην Καππαδοκική, γεγονός που εμφανώς οφείλεται στην ιδιότητα της Τουρκικής να έχει μόνο μεταθέσεις. / A prevailing issue of debate in language contact studies involves the borrowability of various lexical and free grammatical categories. In this MA Thesis (a) I examine the borrowing of different lexical and free functional words, (b) I investigate the reliability of well-known borrowability scales, like those that have been formulated by Haugen (1950), Muysken (1981), Matras (2007), etc, and (c) I examine the factors that determine the borrowing process.
For this purpose, I examine data from the Modern Greek Dialects. More specifically, I examine the borrowing of (a) Romance words in Griko, (b) Turkish words in Cappadocian, and (c) both Romance and Turkish words in Cretan.
I investigate how easy the borrowing of a particular lexical and free functional word- category can be as well as the language-contact factors affecting the process. I propose a common borrowability scale for the lexical categories (nouns > verbs > adjectives > adverbs) for all of the dialectal varieties that I have studied, and I show that certain words are relatively easy to be borrowed.
My main findings show that no absolute generalization can be drawn within the language contact domain. The intensity of contact factor (Thomason & Kaufman, 1988; Thomason, 2001) seems to be the key factor in explaining the split between lexical and structural borrowing. It explains why, for example, both in Griko and Cappadocian, where bilingualism and borrowing is vastly extensive, free-functional-words are borrowed with ease, whereas in Cretan, where the level of bilingualism is obviously less extensive, the borrowing of free-functional-words is extremely restricted.
Moreover, the differentiation between the borrowing of free-functional words in Griko versus that in Cappadocian shows that borrowing depends not only on external factors (e.g. the intensity of contact) but also on intralinguistic factors such as the typological distance and the structural (in)compatibility of the systems in contact. A concrete example is the absence of borrowed prepositions in Cappadocian due to Turkish containing only postpositions.
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Föllenskan : en sociolingvistisk studie av en landsortsdialekt och dess förändring / Dialect of Forlanda : a sociolinguistic study of a rural dialect and its changeFors, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, dialekten i landsorten Förlanda har förändrats. Beskrivningen av Förlandas dialekt bygger på det som har dokumenterats i Ahlquist (2010) Förlanda: svunna tider från Skäreskog till Lövsjöns strand. Studien har genomförts med en sociolingvistisk metod och genom två gruppsamtal, ett med äldre informanter och ett med yngre informanter, samt en enkätundersökning. Med hjälp av detta material vill jag svara på frågorna: Har dialekten förändrats? Vad i dialekten har förändrats? Samt vilka faktorer kan ha påverkat förändringen? Gruppsamtalen ligger till grund för att besvara de två förstnämnda frågorna och enkäten, som bygger på informanternas uppfattningar kring dialekten, orten och hur fysiskt och socialt rörliga de är samt deras attityd mot den egna dialekten och dialektförändring, används för att besvara den sistnämnda frågan. Tidigare forskning har visat att anknytning till orten, kön, ålder och rörlighet alla har varit faktorer som har påverkat en dialektförändring mer eller mindre. Denna studies resultat visar att dialekten i Förlanda har genomgått en förändring. Den yngre generationen använder sig inte av de tidigare dokumenterade dialektvariablerna i lika hög utsträckning som den äldre generationen. Dock använder sig den yngre generationen av en uppsättning dialektvariabler som inte är dokumenterade tidigare i högre utsträckning gentemot den äldre generationen. Den faktorn som var den viktigaste för att en informant skulle tala den lokala dialekten var anknytning till orten. De informanter som hade gått i skolan på orten eller arbetat där använde sig av dialektalavariabler i högre utsträckning än övriga informanter.
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Införlivandet av svenska ord i arabiska – hos en svensk-syrisk familj / The incorporation of Swedish words into Arabic - in a Swedish-Syrian familyDuberg, Emil January 2020 (has links)
During the last decade Arabic has become the second most common mother tongue in Sweden, so the relationship between Swedish and Arabic is a relatively new area of interest. The purpose of this study is to examine the incorporation of Swedish words into Arabic among Arabic speakers in Sweden. The primary source is an in-depth interview of three fluent speakers of Arabic and Swedish (with origins in Damascus, Syria). My aim was to examine which Swedish words are used in Arabic by Arabic speakers in Sweden and how they are used. Regarding which words are used, my hypothesis was that I would find support for the pattern of how word borrowing functions in general, i.e. that the language follows power; loan words tend to be borrowed from powerful languages and cultures. Thus, I intended to examine whether a similar tendency would also be demonstrated in this study, that is, if the individual L2-words used while speaking L1 were associated with power and authorities. The interview manifested an overrepresentation of words that could be associated with power, but no clear support that this was a correlative relationship. Other factors, such as the simultaneous introduction of the word and the phenomenon, were found to be more plausible. With regards to how words are used, my proposition was that the person having left the L1-environment (in this case Syria) at the oldest age would, in analogy with the prevalent notion concerning L1-attrition in general, incorporate the L2 into the L1 to a greater extent than other interviewees. The study found that the interviewee who had left her L1-environment at oldest age did adapt the Swedish words to Arabic phonology and morphology to a greater extent.
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Dialect Preterites and Past Participles in the North Central States and Upper Midwest : A Generative AnalysisFrazer, Shirley Steele 08 1900 (has links)
This paper will propose a generative analysis of McDavid's dialect verb forms. The concepts of Chomsky and Halle as presented in SPE form the framework for this study.
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An American Actor's DialectBruckmueller, Michael J. 01 January 2004 (has links)
Over the course of the past ten years, both studying and teaching Voice & Speech for the Actor, I have become frustrated with the status quo of so called 'standard speech'. The two dialects that I have studied in depth are Edith Skinner's 'American Classical Stage Standard' and Kenneth Crannell's 'Career Speech'. I have found something lacking in both the Skinner dialect and Crannell's 'Career Speech'. Yet, I believe that each has a strength from which the other could benefit. The specificity of the Skinner dialect makes 'American Classical Stage Standard' not only easy to learn but also an excellent tool in ear training. The problem with this dialect is that before its artificial creation, it did not exist in the American English language. Additionally, 'American Classical Stage Standard' is not appropriate for theatrical works in a contemporary setting. Conversely, the 'standards' that have been formed in reaction to Skinner's method, such as Crannell's 'Career Speech', are rooted in American English Speech. But since Crannell's 'Career Speech' relies heavily on observation, the resulting paradigm avoids specificity because in the real world not everyone speaks in the same way. The dialect that I am setting forth in this project is my attempt to combine the Skinner dialect and Crannell's 'Career Speech' to create a dialect that is contemporary but non-geographic specific in sound. My American Actor's dialect will be simple and efficient to learn and teach and will provide the student with a base dialect for further study in voice and speech for the stage and for contemporary American theatrical works set post 1980 if there is no dialect called for in the script or if the director chooses not to include dialect work in that specific production.
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A tradução dialetal em Don Segundo Sombra / Dialectal translation in Don Segundo SombraMartins, Vinicius 10 October 2013 (has links)
As variantes dialetais de cada idioma possuem características geográficas, sociais, situacionais e culturais muito próprias e que podem vir a ser diferentes das encontradas em qualquer outra língua. Portanto, a tradução dessas variantes estaria diante de problemas para os quais seria necessário empregar uma variedade de técnicas tradutórias que, a nosso ver, merecem uma investigação mais detalhada. Assim, esta pesquisa tem como tema o estudo da tradução da representação literária do dialeto rural no romance Don Segundo Sombra (1926) do escritor argentino Ricardo Güiraldes para o português. A necessidade de um trabalho que vise analisar a tradução da representação literária do dialeto deve-se à falta de pesquisas sobre traduções de variantes dialetais que tenham como corpus original uma obra literária de língua espanhola e se baseie numa metodologia que exponha os dados de maneira qualitativa. A pesquisa fornece respostas às problemáticas que envolvem a tradução de dialeto e se beneficiarão dela todos os interessados nos aspectos da tradução de romances regionalistas, tal como aqueles que buscam amostras para os estudos dialetológicos na área de tradução. Analisamos a tradução com o auxílio do modelo de avaliação de qualidade de tradução de Juliane House (1997), baseado em quatro níveis de análise: função do texto individual, gênero, registro e linguagem/texto. Concluímos que o tradutor realiza um trabalho bastante satisfatório ao se aproveitar do contínuo dialetal existente entre o português brasileiro e espanhol, mais especificamente o português do Rio Grande do Sul e o espanhol do Rio da Prata, para marcar a linguagem da tradução como regional e estrangeirizadora. Por meio disso, ele consegue transmitir ao leitor a noção de que as personagens produzem uma variante marcada dialetalmente como não padrão/neutra, sem descaracterizá-las. / The dialect variants of each language have geographical, social, cultural and situational features very unique and that may be different from those found in any other language. Therefore, the translation of these variants would face problems for which it would be necessary to employ a variety of translation techniques that, in our view, deserve a more detailed investigation. Thus, this research theme is the study of translation of literary representation of rural dialect in the novel Don Segundo Sombra (1926) by Argentine writer Ricardo Güiraldes into Portuguese. The need for a work aimed to analyze the translation of literary representation of dialect is due to the lack of research on translations of dialect variants that have as source corpus a literary piece written in Spanish language and based on a methodology that expose data in a qualitative way. The research provides answers to problems involving the translation of dialect and it will benefit all interested in aspects of translation of regionalist novels, as well as those seeking dialect samples for studies in the field of translation. We analyzed the translation with the help of Juliane Houses model of translation quality assessment (1997), based on four levels of analysis: individual textual function, genre, register and language / text. We conclude that the translator performs a quite satisfying work as he takes advantage of the dialect continuum between Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish, more specifically the Portuguese from Rio Grande do Sul and Spanish from Rio de la Plata, to mark the language of translation as regional and foreignizing. By this, he manages to convey to the reader the notion that the characters produce a variant marked as dialectally nonstandard / neutral without uncharacterize them.
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