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Modificações epigenéticas da cromatina e sua relação com a reprogramação nuclear de bovinos / Epigenetic modifications of chromatin and their relation with the nuclear reprogramming of bovineSampaio, Rafael Vilar 31 March 2015 (has links)
A reprogramação nuclear de uma célula somática a um estado embrionário tem diversas aplicações, como pesquisas básicas na biologia do desenvolvimento, terapia celular, melhoramento genético em animais de produção e conservação de espécies. As principais técnicas utilizadas para a reprogramação nuclear são a transferência nuclear de células somáticas (TNCS) e a geração de células tronco pluripotente induzidas (iPS). Muitos trabalhos têm mostrado uma baixa eficiência no processo de reprogramação nuclear nas duas técnicas, além disso, modificações epigenéticas tem sido apontada como a principal barreira para uma reprogramação nuclear eficiente. Por esse motivo, medidas como a utilização de células menos diferenciadas e/ou alteração do perfil epigenético das células somáticas podem aumentar a eficiência destas técnicas. Por isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência de marcas epigenéticas em células bovinas utilizadas na reprogramação nuclear mediada por TNCS ou superexpressão de genes relacionados a pluripotêcia (iPS). Para isso, utilizamos 3 abordagens. Primeiro, analisamos marcações epigenéticas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento embrionário e pluripotência (H3K9me2, H3K9me3, H3K9ac, 5mC e 5hmC) em diferentes tipos celulares, analisamos a expressão gênica de genes responsáveis por essas marcações em células de diferentes tecidos (ex. células tronco mesenquimais (MSC) e fibroblastos) e as utilizamos como doadoras de núcleo na TNCS. Na segunda e a terceira abordagem, utilizamos células com menores níveis de H3K9me2 para a geração de iPS e na TNCS, respectivamente. Além disso, por se mostrar eficiente na TNCS, analisamos o efeito da sincronização do ciclo celular por privação de soro fetal bovino (SFB) na geração de células iPS. Com o intuito de diminuir os níveis de H3K9me2, as células foram tratadas com UNC0638, um inibidor especifico das metiltransferases de histona G9a/GLP. Nossos resultados do primeiro experimento mostraram que as MSC podem ser utilizadas como doadoras de núcleo na TNCS, no entanto, mesmo com algumas diferenças na expressão gênica em relação aos fibroblastos, a produção de blastocistos não foi diferente entre as duas células. No segundo experimento, as células privadas de SFB geraram mais colônias que as células controle, enquanto que as células tratadas não apresentaram diferença. Por último, as células tratadas com o UNC0638 apresentaram um menor nível de metilação no DNA em zigotos em relação às células controle. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho podem contribuir para o melhor entendimento dos mecanismos epigenéticos envolvidos na reprogramação nuclear de bovinos / Nuclear reprogramming of somatic cells to embryonic state has several aplications, such as basic research on developmental biology, cell therapy, genetic improvement in livestock animals and preservation of endangered species. The principal techniques utilized to achieve nuclear reprogramming are Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) and induced pluripotency. Several works has reported low efficiency rates of nuclear reprogramming when these techniques are used to reprogram somatic cells. Moreover, epigenetic modifications acquired during development act as epigenetic barrier to the complete reprogramming process. For this reason, strategies such as use of less differentiated cells and/or modification of epigenetic profile of somatic cells might increase the efficiency these techniques. The objective of this work was investigate the influence of epigenetic marks in bovine cells utilized on nuclear reprogramming experiments mediated by SCNT or induced pluripotency. To investigate it, we used three approaches. First, we analyzed the epigenetic marks related to the embryonic development and pluripotency (e.g H3K9me2, H3K9me3, H3K9ac, 5mC and 5hmC), gene expression of genes involved in these epigenetic marks in different tissues (i.e. mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and fibroblasts) and their use as nuclear donor cells on SCNT procedure. Regarding the second and the third approach, we utilized cells with reduced levels of H3K9me2 to generate iPS cells and cloned embryos, respectively. Furthermore, since serum starvation has been demonstrated increase SCNT developmental rates, we assessed the effect of cell cycle synchronization mediated by serum starvation on nuclear reprogramming using iPS cells. Aiming decrease the levels of H3K9me2, cells were treated with UNC0638, a chemical probe that works as a specific inhibitor of the histone methyltransferases G9a and its counterpartner GLP. Our results showed that MSC are suitable to be used as nuclear donors on SCNT procedures, however, in spite of differences on gene expression comparing with fibroblasts, the embryonic developmental rates were not improved. On the second experiment, cells privated of fetal calf serum produced more iPS cells colonies than control cells, whereas cells treated with UNC did not show differences when compared with untreated cells. Lastly, UNC treated donor cells treated produced cloned zygotes with lower levels of DNA methylation compared to zygotes derivated from untreated cells. The results presented here will contribute to the better understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms involved on bovine nuclear reprogramming
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Étude structurale des protéine arginine méthyltransférases : reconnaissance des substrats et conception rationnelle de modulateurs / Structural study of protein arginine methyltransferases : substrate recognition and structure-based design of modulatorsMarechal, Nils 14 September 2018 (has links)
Les protéine arginine méthyltransférases (PRMT) sont impliquées dans de nombreux processus cellulaires, incluant la régulation de l’expression des gènes, le contrôle de l’épissage, le maintien de l’intégrité du génome et la transduction du signal. De nombreuses études montrent que la dérégulation de l’activité des PRMT est associée au développement de pathologies, et en particulier de cancers. Les PRMT constituent ainsi une des nouvelles cibles potentielles en chimiothérapie. Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit portent sur trois cibles : PRMT2, PRMT3 et PRMT4/CARM1. Combinant des approches biochimiques, biophysiques et structurales (cristallographie et cryo- microscopie électronique), ces travaux comportent deux aspects : (I) comprendre au niveau atomique la régulation de la réaction de méthylation des protéines (reconnaissance protéines-protéines et interactions entre modifications post-traductionnelles) ; (II) découvrir des inhibiteurs spécifiques et puissants de plusieurs PRMT cibles. / Protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMT) are involved in many cellular processes, including gene expression regulation, splicing control, maintenance of genome integrity and signal transduction.Since deregulation of those biological processes appears to be implicated in the pathogenesis of different diseases, PRMTs have emerged as potential new targets for the development of novel therapeutic modulators. Despite the large amount of biological and structural data on PRMTs, two challenges remain to be solved by structural biology ; (I) understanding how PRMTs recognize and bind their full-length substrates ; (II) revealing how PRMTs achieve specific arginine methylation on different target sites. The works presented here focused on 3 targets: PRMT2, PRMT3 and PRMT4/ CARM1. We used biochemical, biophysical and structural methods (bio-crystallography and cryo- electron microscopy) to decipher structural clues that drive PRMT-substrate recognition. We developed new chemical probes that can be used in early drug discovery for the conception of PRMT inhibitors.
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Normal and pathological mechanisms of TCRα/δ locus rearrangement in thymic lymphopoiesis / Mécanismes de régulation normale et pathologique des remaniements du locus TCRα/δ dans la lymphopoïèse thymiqueCieslak, Agata 28 November 2016 (has links)
La maturation des cellules lymphoïdes T est un processus thymique hautement régulé au cours duquel les réarrangements ordonnés des loci du TCRδ, y, β et enfin α déterminent le développement des lignées yδ et αβ. Les remaniements somatiques des segments géniques V, (D) et J du TCR font intervenir les protéines RAG1/2, les séquences RSS jouxtant ces segments et des éléments régulateurs (enhancers) assurant une cis-régulation de ce processus. Le contrôle de la recombinaison V(D)J se fait grâce à divers mécanismes incluant des mécanismes épigénétiques, l’intervention de facteurs de transcription et la conformation/séquence des RSS. Dans ce travail, nous montrons que les réarrangements du locus TCRδ sont strictement ordonnés chez l’Homme. Le premier réarrangement Dδ2-Dδ3 se produit à un stade ETP (Early T-cell Precursor) CD34+/CD1a-/CD7+dim, et précède systématiquement le réarrangement Dδ2-Jδ1. L’analyse in silico du locus a permis d’identifier un site de fixation clé pour le facteur de transcription RUNX1 à proximité immédiate de l’heptamètre Dδ2-23RSS chez l’Homme mais absent chez la souris. Le recrutement de RUNX1 sur ce site dans les thymocytes très immatures CD34+/CD3- permet d’augmenter l’affinité de fixation des protéines RAG1/2 sur le Dδ2-23RSS de manière spécifique. Ce travail identifie un rôle original de cofacteur de RUNX1 au cours de la recombinaison V(D)J dans la thymopoïèse humaine. Une série d’analyses épigénétiques exhaustives, menées dans le cadre du projet Européen Blueprint, sur les sous-populations thymiques humaines, nous a permis d’établir que l’enhanceosome du TCRα est constitué, comme chez la souris, dès les étapes les plus précoces de la thymopoïèse sans pour autant pouvoir s’activer avant la fin de la β-sélection. Nos résultats préliminaires suggèrent que les protéines homéotiques HOXA (notamment HOXA9) répriment l’activité de l’enhancer alpha (et donc les réarrangements du TCRα en interagissant avec le facteur de transcription ETS1 via leurs homéodomaines. Leur répression, induite par le passage de la β-sélection, aboutit à l’ouverture chromatinienne des segments Vα/Jα via l’activation du TCRα. Ces résultats apportent un éclairage nouveau sur le découplage jusqu’ici inexpliqué entre la formation de l’enhanceosome du TCRα à un stade très immature et son activation, permettant les réarrangements du locus, à un stade thymique bien plus tardif. / Maturation of T lymphoid cells is a highly regulated process where ordered thymic rearrangements at the TCRδ, TCRy, TCRβ and finally TCRα loci determine the development into either yδ or αβ T-cell lineages. Somatic rearrangements of V, (D), and J gene segments of TCR loci involve RAG1/2 proteins, RSS sequences juxtaposing V, D, and J genes segments and regulatory elements (enhancers) providing a cis-regulation of this process. The control of the V(D)J recombination is achieved through various mechanisms including epigenetic modifications, involvement of transcription factors and RSS conformation/sequence. In this work, we show that TCRδ rearrangements are strictly ordered in Humans. The first Dδ2-Dδ3 rearrangement occurs at ETP (Early T-Cell Precursor) stage CD34+/CD1a-/CD7+dim, and always precedes Dδ2-Jδ1 rearrangement. In-silico analysis of the locus identified a key binding site for a transcription factor RUNX1 in close proximity to the Dδ2-23RSS heptamer in human, but not in mice. The RUNX1 recruitment at this site in immature CD34+/CD3- thymocytes increases binding affinity of RAG1/2 proteins. This work identifies an original cofactor of human VDJ recombination. A set of comprehensive epigenetic analysis conducted within the Europeen Blueprint project on human thymic subpopulations allowed as to establish that the TCRα enhanceosome (Eα), as in mice, is already formed from the earliest stages of thymopoiesis without being able to be activated before the end of β-selection. Our preliminary results suggest that HOXA homeobox proteins (including HOXA9) suppress the activity of the Eα (thus TCRα rearrangements) by interacting with the transcription factor ETS1 via their homeodomains. Induced by β-selection HOXA repression results in the chromatin opening of the Vα/Jα gene segments through TCRα activation. These finding shed new light on the so far unexplained shift observed between the formation of Eα enhanceosome at a very immature stages and its activation at a much later developmental stages.
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Efeitos da associação entre vitamina A e ácido butírico em células de adenocarcinoma mamário humano da linhagem MCF-7 / Effects of the association between vitamin A and butyric acid on MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma cell lineAndrade, Fábia de Oliveira 23 June 2010 (has links)
O câncer de mama é a principal causa de morte por neoplasias em mulheres no mundo. Nutrientes, como vitamina A (VA) e ácido butírico (AB) podem modular a carcinogênese por meio de mecanismos epigenéticos, como acetilação de histonas e metilação do DNA. A associação de agentes desmetilantes do DNA e inibidores de desacetilases de histonas representa estratégia promissora para controle do câncer, inclusive de mama. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da administração de vitamina A e ácido butírico, isolados ou em associação, em células de adenocarcinoma mamário humano da linhagem MCF-7. Para tanto, em células MCF-7, tratadas com VA (10 µM) e/ou AB (1mM) durante diferentes períodos, foram avaliados: crescimento celular, padrão de acetilação de histonas e de metilação global do DNA; expressão dos genes RARβ e CRBP-I, padrão de metilação da região promotora do gene RARβ e concentração celular de retinóides. Em comparação ao controle, representado por células MCF-7 não tratadas com as substâncias, o tratamento com VA e AB associados, mas não isolados, resultou em inibição significativa do crescimento de células MCF-7 (p>0,05) após período de 120hs. Nesse caso, observaram-se inibições do crescimento de 10%, 34% e 46% para os tratamentos com VA, AB e VA+AB, respectivamente. Em comparação ao controle, AB e associação de VA+AB, mas não VA isolada, aumentaram (p<0,05) o nível de acetilação de H3K9, mas não de H4K16, após 96hs de tratamento, não se verificando diferenças (p>0,05) entre os tratamentos com AB e VA+AB. VA e AB, isolados ou em associação, não alteraram (p>0,05) o padrão de metilação global do DNA e nem a expressão do gene CRBP-I, em comparação ao controle. AB e associação de VA+AB, mas não VA isolada, aumentaram (p<0,05) a expressão do gene RARβ após 120hs de tratamento, em comparação ao controle, não se verificando diferenças (p>0,05) entre os tratamentos com AB e VA+AB. Células MCF-7 tratadas ou não com VA e AB, isolados ou em associação, apresentaram promotor do gene RARβ predominantemente metilado e níveis não detectáveis de palmitato de retinila. Em comparação ao controle, apenas o tratamento com VA isolada aumentou (p<0,05) da concentração de retinol após 120hs. Com base nos resultados, a associação de VA e AB resultou em efeito inibitório aditivo do crescimento de células MCF-7. Acetilação de histonas H3K9, mas não de H4K16 e metilação do DNA, parece representar alvo epigenético do AB. Aumento da expressão do gene supressor de tumor RARβ parece estar envolvido na inibição do crescimento de células MCF-7 pelo AB. O gene CRBP-I não parece estar envolvido na inibição do crescimento de células MCF-7 pela VA e AB, isolados ou em associação. Ausência de esterificação do retinol em células MCF-7 tratadas ou não com VA e AB, isolados ou em associação, parece se relacionar à expressão reduzida do gene CRBP-1. / Breast cancer is the leading cause of deaths among women diagnosed with neoplasia worldwide. Nutrients such as vitamin A (VA) and butyric acid (BA) may modulate carcinogenesis through epigenetic mechanisms, such as histone acetylation and DNA methylation. The combination of DNA demethylating agents and histone deacetylase inhibitors represent a promising strategy for cancer control, including breast cancer. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of administration of vitamin A and butyric acid, isolated or combined, on MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma cell line. For this, the following parameters were evaluated in MCF-7 cells treated for different periods with VA (10 µM) and/or BA (1 mM): cell growth, histone acetylation status, global DNA methylation pattern, RARβ and CRBP-I gene expression, RARβ promoter methylation status, and cellular concentration of retinoids. Compared to controls, represented by untreated MCF-7 cells, treatment with VA and BA combined, but not isolated, significantly (p<0.05) inhibited the growth of MCF-7 cells after 120hs. In this case, 10%, 34% and 46% growth inhibitions were observed after treatment with VA, BA and VA+BA, respectively. Compared to controls, BA and its association with VA, but not VA isolated, increased (p<0.05) acetylation level of H3K9, but not of H4K16, after 96hs; no differences were observed between treatments with BA and VA+BA. VA and BA, isolated or combined, did not alter (p>0.05) global DNA methylation pattern and CRBP-I gene expression, compared to controls. BA and its association with VA, but not VA isolated, increased RARβ gene expression after 120hs, compared to controls; no differences were observed between treatments with BA and VA+BA. MCF-7 cells, treated or not with VA and BA, isolated or combined, presented RARβ promoter predominantly methylated and undetectable levels of retinyl palmitate. Compared to controls, only treatment with VA isolated increased (p<0.05) cellular retinol concentration after 120hs. Based on these data, association between VA and BA resulted in additive inhibitory effect on MCF-7 cell growth. Acetylation of H3K9, but not of H4K16, seems to represent a BA epigenetic target. Increased expression of tumor suppressor gene RARβ seems to be involved in BA inhibitory action on MCF-7 cell growth. Neither CRBP-I gene nor global DNA methylation seem to be involved in VA and/or BA inhibitory actions on MCF-7 cell growth. Lack of retinol esterification in MCF-7 cells treated or not with VA and BA, isolated or combined, could be related to reduced CRBP-I gene expression.
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Epigenetic regulations by insulin and histone deacetylase inhibitors of the insulin signaling pathway in muscle / Régulation épigénétiques par l’insuline et un inhibiteur des histones déacétylases sur la voie de signalisation de l’insuline dans le muscleChriett, Sabrina 03 October 2016 (has links)
L’émergence et le développement des maladies métaboliques est sous le contrôle de multiples facteurs génétiques et environnementaux. Le diabète et la résistance à l’insuline sont des maladies métaboliques caractérisées par des défauts dans la sécrétion de l’insuline ou son utilisation périphérique, ou les deux. L’insuline est l’hormone clé de l’utilisation du glucose, et régule également transcriptionnellement et épigénétiquement l’expression des gènes.En travaillant sur le muscle, l’implication de l’épigénétique dans la régulation de l’expression des gènes de la voie de l’insuline a été mis en évidence. L’hexokinase 2 (HK2) est régulée par l’insuline et participe au métabolisme glucidique. Le rôle de l’épigénétique y est démontré avec l’augmentation de l’acétylation des histones autour du site d’initiation de la transcription (SIT) de HK2 et l’accumulation d’une isoforme permissive des histones, H2A.Z. Ces deux phénomènes sont le signe d’une transcription permissive.Nous avons ensuite étudié le rôle de l’acétylation des histones dans les régulations amenées par l’insuline dans les myotubes L6. Nous avons utilisé le butyrate, un inhibiteur des histones deacetylase (HDACi), dans un contexte d’insulino-résistance induite par une lipotoxicité. Le butyrate a en partie restauré la sensibilité à l’insuline visible au niveau des phosphorylations de la PKB (protein kinase B) et de la MAPK (Mitogen-activated protein kinase), inhibées par le traitement au palmitate. Le butyrate a augmenté l’expression de l’ARNm et de la protéine d’IRS1. La surexpression génique d’IRS1 est épigénétique-dépendante car liée à une augmentation de l’acétylation des histones au SIT d’IRS1.L’ensemble de ces résultats démontre l’existence d’un lien entre les modifications épigénétique et l’action de l’insuline. Cela suggère qu’une intervention pharmacologique sur la machinerie épigénétique pourrait être un moyen d’améliorer le métabolisme, et l’insulino-résistance / Diabetes and insulin resistance are metabolic diseases characterized by altered glucose homeostasis due to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action in peripheral organs, or both. Insulin is the key hormone for glucose utilization and regulates gene expression via transcriptional and epigenetic regulations.We determined the epigenetic implications in the regulation of expression of insulin signaling pathway genes. Hexokinase 2 (HK2) is known to be upregulated by insulin and directs glucose into the glycolytic pathway. In L6 myotubes, we demonstrated that insulin-induced HK2 gene expression rely on epigenetic changes on the HK2 gene, including an increase in histone acetylation around the transcriptional start site (TSS) of the gene and an increase in the incorporation of the histone H2A.Z isoform – a histone variant of transcriptionally active chromatin. Both are epigenetic modifications compatible with increased gene expression.To elucidate the role of histone acetylation in the regulation of insulin signaling and insulin-dependent transcriptional responses in L6 myotubes, we investigated the effects of butyrate, an histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), in a model of insulin resistance induced by lipotoxicity. Butyrate partly alleviated palmitate-induced insulin resistance by ameliorating insulin-induced PKB (protein kinase B) and MAPK (Mitogen-activated protein kinase) phosphorylations, downregulated with exposure to palmitate. Butyrate induced an upregulation of IRS1 gene and protein expression. The transcriptional upregulation of IRS1 was proven to be epigenetically regulated, with butyrate promoting increased histone acetylation around the TSS of the IRS1 gene.These results support the idea of the existence of a link between epigenetic modifications and insulin action. Pharmacological targeting of the epigenetic machinery might be a new approach to improve metabolism, especially in the insulin resistant condition.Key words: Muscle, insulin resistance, epigenetic, chromatin, histone acetylation, histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), butyrate, palmitate
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Lipídios estruturados obtidos por interesterificação da tributirina com óleo de linhaça e seu potencial quimiopreventivo durante a fase de promoção inicial da hepatocarcinogênese experimental em ratos / Structured lipids obtained from intersterification of tributyrin and flax seed oil and their chemopreventive potential during early promotion phase of experimental hepatocarcinogenesis in ratsOrtega, Juliana Festa 08 January 2016 (has links)
A combinação de agentes quimiopreventivos com diferentes mecanismos de ação tem sido considerada uma estratégia promissora para a prevenção do câncer. Dentre os diversos compostos bioativos em alimentos, destacam-se a tributirina, um pró-fármaco do ácido butírico presente em laticínios e produzido pela fermentação de fibras dietéticas, e o óleo de linhaça, fonte de ácido alfa linolênico. Nesse contexto, foi avaliada a atividade quimiopreventiva de lipídios estruturados obtidos a partir da interesterificação enzimática de tributirina e óleo de linhaça durante a fase de promoção inicial da hepatocarcinogênese experimental. Ratos Wistar machos submetidos ao modelo do hepatócito resistente receberam diariamente, por via intragástrica (i.g), maltodextrina, óleo de linhaça, tributirina, a mistura não esterificada ou lipídios estruturados durante a fase de promoção inicial. O tratamento com lipídios estruturados demonstrou atividade quimiopreventiva comparável à da tributirina, mesmo resultando em menor concentração hepática de ácido butírico. Tanto a tributirina quanto os lipídios estruturados não inibiram a proliferação celular em lesões preneoplásicas, mas induziram a apoptose naquelas em remodelação. Os efeitos inibitórios da tributirina em fases iniciais da hepatocarcinogênese experimental estão relacionados ao aumento da acetilação de histonas e à modulação de processos de translocação nuclear da p53. No presente estudo, foi observado aumento substancial da razão nuclear/citoplasmática de p53 e importina-alfa em fígados de animais submetidos ao modelo e tratados com tributirina, mas não nos tratados com lipídios estruturados. Por outro lado, o tratamento com lipídios estruturados reduziu a expressão dos oncogenes Bcl2, Ccnd2, Pdgfa, Vegfa e aumentou a expressão dos genes supressores de tumor Cdh13, Fhit e Socs3. Assim, embora o potencial quimiopreventivo dos lipídios estruturados seja comparável ao da tributirina, os resultados sugerem que o novo composto não exibe atividade de HDACi, e que seus efeitos inibitórios na hepatocarcinogênese possam ser atribuídos à modulação da expressão de oncogenes e genes supressores de tumor. / Combination of chemopreventive agents with different mechanisms of action has been considered a promising strategy to cancer prevention. Among several bioactive food compounds, tributyrin, a butyric acid prodrug obtained from dairy products and dietetic fiber fermentation, and flax seed oil, a rich source of alpha linolenic acid have shown chemopreventive potential. Here, we evaluated the chemopreventive activity of structured lipids obtained by enzymatic interesterification of tributyrin and flax seed oil during the early promotion phase of experimental hepatocarcinogenesis. Male Wistar rats subjected to the resistant hepatocyte model were treated daily, i.g, with maltodextrin, flax seed oil, tributyrin, non-sterified blend, or structured lipids. Treatment structured lipids showed similar chemopreventive activity compared to tributyrin, even when structured lipids yielded lower concentrations of butyric in the liver. Tributyrin and structured lipids did not inhibit cell proliferation in preneoplastic lesions, but both of them induced apoptosis in remodeling preneoplastic lesions. In addition, histone acetylation and p21 restored expression tributyrin molecular mechanisms were related to modulation of p53 nuclear shuttling mechanisms. In the present study, it was observed a substantial increase in p53 nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and importin-alpha in preneoplastic livers of tributyrin treated rats, but not in those treated with structured lipids. In contrast, treatment structured lipids downregulated expression of major oncogenes Bcl2, Ccnd2, Pdgfa, and Vegfa; and upregulated expression of critical tumor suppressor genes, Cdh13, Socs3 and Fhit. Hence, although structured lipids and tributyrin show similar chemopreventive potential, the results suggest that the new compound does not exhibit HDACi activity, and that its inhibitory effects may be attributed to the modulation of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes expression.
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Análise da expressão gênica das sirtuínas nos somatotropinomas e adenomas hipofisários clinicamente não funcionantes e sua relação com a invasividade tumoral / Gene expression of sirtuins in somatotropinomas and nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas and their relationship with invasivenessGrande, Isabella Pacetti Pajaro 10 April 2018 (has links)
As sirtuínas 1-7 (SIRT) constituem uma família altamente conservada de desacetilases de histonas que, de modo geral, participam da regulação da longevidade em diversos organismos, modulando a resposta celular frente ao stress oxidativo e promovendo mecanismo de reparo de DNA, parada do ciclo celular, estabilidade telomérica, senescência e apoptose celulares. O envolvimento das SIRTs no processo tumorigênico tem sido bastante investigado, contudo ainda não existe descrição do estudo desses genes nos adenomas hipofisários. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a expressão gênica das SIRT1-7 nos somatotropinomas e adenomas hipofisários clinicamente não funcionantes (ACNF) e sua relação com o tamanho e a invasividade do tumor. A expressão das sirtuínas foi ainda correlacionada à expressão dos marcadores de senescência CDKN1A (p21) e CDKN2A (p16) e do proto-oncogene PTTG (pituitary tumor transforming gene). Foram selecionados 68 pacientes, 37 somatotropinomas e 31 portadores de ACNF. Desses casos, 33 apresentavam tumores invasivos e 35 eram não invasivos. A quantificação do RNAm das SIRT1-7, CDKN1A, CDKN2A e PTTG foi realizada nas amostras tumorais pela técnica de PCR em tempo real utilizando o método de quantificação relativa 2-??Ct. A hiperexpressão da SIRT1 foi observada em 86,5% dos somatotropinomas versus 41,9% dos ACNF (P < 0.01), não sendo observada perda de expressão desse gene. A SIRT3 foi mais hipoexpressa nos ACNF em relação aos somatotropinomas (77,4% e 40,5%, respectivamente; P < 0.01). A SIRT4 foi hipo e hiperexpressa, respectivamente, em 45,2% e 12,9% dos ACNF e 16,2% e 24,3% dos somatotropinomas (P=0.03). A hipoexpressão da SIRT7 também foi maior nos ACNF (67,7%) versus somatotropinomas (32,4%; P=0.01) e, para ambos os subtipos, o percentual de casos apresentando hiperexpressão desse RNAm foi baixo. O padrão de expressão das SIRT2 e 5 não diferiu entre os subtipos tumorais e não se mostrou alterado em relação ao pool de hipófises normais. Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante na expressão dos genes das sirtuínas entre os grupos de tumores invasivos e não invasivos. Contudo, a expressão das SIRT1 e 3 foi relacionada ao tamanho tumoral; nos casos com hiperexpressão da SIRT1 a média do maior diâmetro tumoral foi 2.4 ± 1.1 enquanto nos pacientes com expressão normal foi de 3.3 ± 1.3 (P < 0.01). Já os casos com perda de expressão da SIRT3 apresentaram tumores maiores (3.1 ± 1.2) em relação aos casos com expressão normal (2.2 ± 1.1; P < 0.01). A expressão de todas as SIRTs apresentou correlação positiva moderada (SIRT1-5,7) ou forte (SIRT6) com a expressão do CDKN1A. Uma correlação positiva foi observada também em relação a expressão do CDKN2A. Contudo, essa foi fraca e presente apenas para as SIRTs 3-5. Em relação ao PTTG, foi observado apenas uma fraca correlação com a expressão da SIRT1 e SIRT3. Em conclusão, esses resultados sugerem que a hiperexpressão de SIRT1 e a hipoexpressão das SIRTs 3, 4 e 7 podem estar relacionadas ao processo tumorigênico nos somatotropinomas e ACNFs, respectivamente e, em especial as SIRT1 e 3, ao controle da proliferação celular nesses adenomas / Sirtuins 1-7 (SIRT) are a highly conserved family of histone deacetylases. In general, these proteins are involved in the regulation of longevity in several organisms, modulating the cellular response to oxidative stress. SIRTs can also regulate DNA repair, telomeric stability, cell senescence and apoptosis. Due to their functions, there is a growing interest in the role of sirtuins in tumorigenesis. However, these genes were not investigated in pituitary tumors so far. In this study, SIRT1-7 gene expression was evaluated in somatotropinomas and nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas (NFPA) and related to tumor size and invasiveness. SIRT1-7 expression was also correlated with cellular senescence markers CDKN1A (p21) e CDKN2A (p16) and with the proto-oncogene PTTG (pituitary tumor transforming gene). Sixty-eight patients were selected, 37 with somatotropinomas and 31 with NFPA. Tumor invasion was observed in 33 patients. SIRT1-7, CDKN1A, CDKN2A and PTTG mRNA levels was evaluated from pituitary tumor samples by the real-time PCR using 2-??Ct relative quantification. Pronounced differences in SIRT1, 3, 4 and 7 expressions were identified between somatotropinomas and NFPA. Overexpression of SIRT1 was observed in 86.5% of somatotropinomas versus 41.9% of NFPA (P < 0.01) whereas underexpression was not detected. SIRT3 was more underexpressed in NFPA than somatotropinomas (77.4% and 40.5%, respectively, P < 0.01). SIRT4 was under and overexpressed, respectively, in 45.2% and 12.9% of NFPA and 16.2% and 24.3% of somatotropinomas (P=0.03). SIRT7 underexpression was also higher in NFPAs (67.7%) versus somatotropinomas (32.4%; P=0.01) with few cases showing overexpression. SIRT2 and 5 expressions did not differ between tumors subtypes and was not altered in relation to the normal pituitary gland pool. No statistically significant difference was observed in the expression of these genes between invasive and non-invasive tumor groups. However, SIRT1 and 3 expressions were related to tumor size. Mean of the largest tumor diameter was 2.4 ± 1.1 and 3.3 ± 1.3 (P < 0.01) in adenomas with SIRT1 over- and normal expression, respectively. On the other hand, cases with SIRT3 underepression exhibited larger tumors (3.1 ± 1.2) compared to cases with SIRT3 normal expression (2.2 ± 1.1, P < 0.01). Moderated (SIRT1-5.7) or strong (SIRT6) positive correlation was observed between sirtuins and CDKN1A expression. A weak correlation was observed with respect to CDKN2A expression and SIRTs 3-5. Regarding PTTG mRNA, only a weak correlation with SIRT1 and SIRT3 expression was observed. In conclusion, these results suggest that overexpression of SIRT1 and underexpression of SIRTs 3, 4 and 7 could be related to the tumorigenic process in somatotropinomas and NFPAs, respectively. SIRT1 and 3 could also play a role in control of pituitary adenomas cell proliferation
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Levantamento e estudo das ocorrências de grafita do Distrito Grafitífero Aracoiába-Baturité, CE / Survey and study of graphite occurrences in the Aracoiába-Baturité graphite bearing District, CEPaulo Roberto Pizarro Fragomeni 23 March 2011 (has links)
O Distrito Grafitífero Aracoiába-Baturité apresenta depósitos do tipo gnaisse grafitoso (minério disseminado) e veio (minério maciço) com diferentes origens genéticas e com características físicas e ambientes geológicos de formação próprios. O minério tipo gnaisse grafitoso é de origem sedimentar, singenético, com teores de 1,5 a 8% de C, que se distribuem ao longo de duas extensas faixas paralelas, hospedadas na Subunidade Baturité, que constitui um importante metalotecto regional. A associação de grafita metamórfica disseminada em metassedimentos da Sequência Acarápe constitui um geoindicador de antiga bacia sedimentar neoproterozóica e, também, pode ser considerado como zona de geosutura resultante do subsequente fechamento de um oceano primitivo. As rochas desta subunidade correspondem na paleogeografia da Sequência Acarápe aos fácies de sopé de talude e de planície abissal. O minério tipo veio (fluido depositado) é epigenético e, com teores entre 20% e 70% de C, forma corpos tabulares e bolsões, controlados em escala local por estruturas de alívio (falhas, fraturas, zonas de contato, eixos de dobras etc.) que permitiram a percolação de soluções penumatolíticas relacionadas ao corpo plutônico de Pedra Aguda. As variações dos valores das relações entre isótopos estáveis de carbono (δ13C) na grafita do minério disseminado são de -26,72 a -23,52 e do minério maciço de -27,03 a -20,83, revelando sinal de atividades biológicas (bioassinaturas) e permitem afirmar que a grafita das amostras acima são derivadas de matéria orgânica. Foram apresentados os principais guias de prospecção para grafita e testados os seguintes métodos geofísicos: Eletro-Resistividade; GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar; Magnetometria; VLF (Very Low Frequency); e Polarização Induzida Espectral (IPS) / Resistividade (ER). A conjugação dos métodos de Polarização Induzida Espectral (IPS) e Eletro Resistividade (ER) foi o que demonstrou a melhor eficiência. Com relação à determinação do teor de carbono por termogravimetria (ATG), que é o método mais utilizado para este elemento. Verificou-se, que as faixas de queima atribuídas ao carbono no minério do Distrito de Aracoiába-Baturité (340 a 570C e de 570 a 1050C) eram diferentes das faixas do minério de Minas Gerais (350C a 650C e 650C a 1.050C). Esta constatação indica a necessidade de se determinar previamente as faixas de temperatura para cada região pesquisada. / The Aracoiába-Baturité Graphite-bearing District has graphitic gneiss deposits (disseminated ore) and vein (solid ore) with different genetic origins and their own physical characteristics
and geological environments. The graphite gneiss ore is of sedimentary, syngenetic origin, with 1.5% to 8% C content, which is distributed along two long parallel belts, hosted in the
Baturité Sub-unit, which consists of a major regional metallotect. The association of metamorphic graphite disseminated in metasediments of the Acarápe Sequence consists of a geoindicator of an old Neo-Proterozoic sedimentary basin and also can be considered a geosuture
zone, the result of the subsequent closing of a primitive ocean. The rocks of this subunit correspond in the paleogeography of the Acarápe Sequence to the facies of the bottom of a slope and of an abyssal plain. The vein ore (deposited fluid) is epigenetic and, with C contents of between 20% and 70%, forms tabular bodies and pockets, controlled on a local scale by relief structures (faults, fractures, contact zones, fold axes, etc.), which allowed
seepage of pneumatolithic solutions relating to the plutonic body of Pedra Aguda. The variations in the values of the ratios between stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) in the graphite of the disseminated ore are -26.72 to -23.52 and of the solid ore -27.03 to -20.83, showing a sign of biological activities (biosignatures), and it can be said that the graphite of the above samples is derived from organic matter. The main prospecting guides for graphite were presented and the following geophysical methods tested: Electro-resistivity (ER);
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR); Magnetometry; Very Low Frequency (VLF); and Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) / Electro-resistivity (ER). It was found that the combination of the Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) and Electro-resistivity (ER) methods proved the most efficient. In relation to determining the carbon content using thermogravimetry (TG), which is the most commonly used method for this element, it was found that the bands of burning attributed to the carbon in the ore in the Aracoiába-Baturité District (340 to 570C and from 570oC to 1050C) were different from the bands of the ore in Minas Gerais (350C to 650C and 650C to 1050C). This finding suggests the need to determine beforehand the temperature ranges for each region studied.
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Régulation épigénétique d’un rétrovirus endogène, tirant, dans la lignée germinale de la drosophile / Epigenetic regulation of endogenous retrovirus, tirant, in drosophila germlineAkkouche, Abdou 13 April 2012 (has links)
Une grande partie du génome des eucaryotes est constituée d’éléments transposables(ET). Ces séquences d’ADN répétées ont la capacité de se déplacer d’un site chromosomiqueà un autre et de multiplier le nombre de leurs copies, pouvant ainsi être la cause d’uneinstabilité génétique. Face à ce potentiel de mutagénèse, un certain nombre de systèmes ontété sélectionnés dans les génomes eucaryotes qui conduisent à une réduction de l’activité desET. Notamment, chez la drosophile, on a récemment mis en évidence des mécanismes derégulation impliquant les modifications d’histones, et une nouvelle classe de petits ARN,appelés piARN, qui contrôlent spécifiquement les éléments transposables dans les tissusreproducteurs.tirant est un rétrotransposon à LTR de la drosophile, de type Gypsy, isolé au sein dulaboratoire dans les populations naturelles de D. simulans, où le nombre de ses copies estvariable entre populations. Cet ET possède la même structure génomique que les rétrovirus.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, j’ai caractérisé un élément tirant actif dans lespopulations naturelles de D. simulans. Je me suis intéressé en particulier au gène de laprotéine d’enveloppe (env), qui confère le caractère infectieux du rétrovirus. La comparaisondes transcrits et de la protéine du gène env entre populations de D. simulans a montré quetirant est actif dans une population, et cette activation est associée à sa mobilisation, alors quedans les autres populations tirant est présent, mais régulé.Dans la deuxième partie de mon travail, je me suis intéressé à l’étude de l’influence detirant sur la structure de la chromatine au niveau de son site d’insertion et à son influence surl’expression des gènes voisins. J’ai étudié trois modifications d’histones dans troispopulations naturelles, dont une où tirant est inséré dans un intron du gène tkv. Les résultatsobtenus montrent que tirant est capable de modifier la structure de la chromatine au niveau deson site d’insertion, mais aussi en amont, par l’hétérochromatinisation d'un promoteur du gènetkv, en affectant ainsi son taux de transcription.Enfin, je me suis intéressé à la régulation post-transcriptionnelle de tirant par lespiARN. Par l’analyse de croisements intraspécifiques entre des souches contenant ou non descopies de tirant dans l’euchromatine, j’ai montré qu’une régulation post-transcriptionnelle parles piARN germinaux qui contrôle tirant dans les cellules folliculaires de l’ovaire. J’ai aussipu montrer une expression variable entre populations des gènes de la voie piARN. / Eukaryotic genomes harbor a wide variety of repeated sequences, such as transposableelements (TE). These sequences are able to move from one chromosomal site to another, tomultiply their number of copies, and can be the cause of a genetic instability. Sophisticatedgenomic defenses have evolved to restrict their activity. In Drosophila, epigeneticmodification such as post-translational histone modifications and RNAi interference areinvolved in TE silencing in reproductive tissues. The silencing of an LTR like element, tirant,has been deeply analyzed in this work. Tirant is a Gypsy like element, isolated in ourlaboratory in natural populations of D. simulans, in which a high level of copy numbervariability is observed between strains.Here, I first describe an active tirant element in natural populations of D. simulans. Ihave focused on the envelope protein gene (env), which confers the infectious behavior to theretrovirus. By comparison of tirant transcripts level and protein localization between naturalpopulations of D.simulans, I showed that tirant is active in one population, and this activationis correlated with its mobilization.I then focused on the effects of TE insertions on chromatin structure and in its influenceon the expression of the nearby genes. I studied three histone modification marks in threenatural populations, in the locus in which tirant was inserted. I show that tirant is associatedwith repressive marks and active marks, which explains the activity of the element. We alsoshowed that tirant modifies the structure of the chromatin at the level of its site of insertion,but also upstream, by the heterochromatinization of the promoter of tkv gene, interfering withthe level of transcription of the gene.Finally, I was interested in the post-transcriptional regulation of tirant involving thepiRNA pathway. By crossing D.simulans strains which contains different copy numbers ofthe tirant element, I showed that tirant is regulated in the follicular cells by the germ linepiRNA pathway. I was also able to show a variable expression between populations of theproteins of the piRNA pathway.
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Trabalhadores da cidade de São Paulo expostos à poluição atmosférica: avaliação da genotoxicidade / Workers of São Paulo exposed to air pollution: assessment of the genotoxicityDaniel Siquieroli Vilas Boas 06 July 2016 (has links)
Os problemas da poluição atmosférica atingem todos os grandes centros urbanos, em particular as megacidades com população maior do que 10 milhões de habitantes. Emissões veiculares e industriais destacam-se entre as principais responsáveis pelas altas concentrações de poluentes do ar nesses centros urbanos. Os diferentes componentes da poluição atmosférica, a dose e o tempo de exposição, podem levar a diversos impactos na saúde humana. Esse estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a genotoxicidade da poluição atmosférica (PM2,5 e NO2) e sua correlação com modificações no perfil de metilação das citocinas IL-10 e TNF-alfa, em trabalhadores da cidade de São Paulo/SP ocupacionalmente expostos. Participaram deste estudo 57 indivíduos do gênero masculino, com idades variando entre 28 e 66 anos de idade, trabalhadores em turnos diários de atividades externas na cidade de São Paulo e, portanto, ocupacionalmente expostos à poluição atmosférica. Foram recrutadas 3 categorias de profissionais: 1) controladores de tráfego (n=18); 2) taxistas (n=21) e profissionais do Instituto Florestal (n=18). Esses trabalhadores foram divididos em dois grupos em função dos locais de trabalho e exposição: 1) grupo área urbana (AU), composto pelos controladores de tráfego e taxistas e 2) grupo área periurbana (APU), composto pelos profissionais do Instituto Florestal. Amostradores individuais de poluição atmosférica foram utilizados para a coleta dos poluentes PM2,5 e NO2. A análise da genotoxicidade foi realizada pelo teste de micronúcleos nas células epiteliais da mucosa oral e em linfócitos do sangue periférico. O perfil de metilação das citocinas IL-10 e TNFalfa foi realizado por sequenciamento de nova geração. Nossos resultados mostraram uma diferença na concentração do PM2,5 entre os grupos (AU=32,92?g.m-3, APU=25,77ug.m-3; p=0,0311). Não foi encontrada diferença na concentração de NO2 entre os grupos. Foram encontradas diferenças nas frequências de micronúcleos, tanto em mucosa oral (AU=2,78%, APU=1,16%; p < 0,0001) quanto em linfócitos periféricos (AU=1,51%, APU=0,73%; p < 0,0001). Também foi encontrada diferença na metilação média do gene IL-10 entre os grupos (AU=25%, APU=30%; p=0,0120). Não foi encontrada diferença na metilação média do gene TNF-alfa entre os grupos. Concluímos que os trabalhadores da área urbana da cidade estão expostos a maiores concentrações de PM2,5, possuem maiores frequências de micronúcleos tanto em células da mucosa oral quanto em linfócitos periféricos e apresentam um perfil de hipometilação do gene IL-10 em comparação com os trabalhadores da área periurbana da cidade / The problems of air pollution affect all major urban centers, particularly megacities with populations greater than 10 million. Vehicular and industrial emissions stand out among the main responsible for the high concentrations of air pollutants in these urban centers. The different components of air pollution, the dose and time of exposure, can lead to different impacts on human health. This study aimed to evaluate the genotoxicity of air pollution (PM2,5 and NO2) and its correlation with changes in the methylation profile of the cytokines IL-10 and TNF-alpha in workers of São Paulo/SP occupationally exposed. The study included 57 male individuals, with age range between 28 and 66 years old, workers in daily shifts of outdoor activities in the São Paulo city and therefore occupationally exposed to air pollution. Were recruited professional of three categories: 1) traffic controllers (n=18); 2) taxi drivers (n=21) and professionals from the Forestry Institute (n=18). These workers were divided into two groups according to workplaces and exposure: 1) urban area group (UA), composed of traffic controllers and taxi drivers and 2) peri-urban area group (PUA), composed of professionals from the Forestry Institute. Individual samplers of air pollution were used for the collection of PM2,5 and NO2 pollutants. The analysis was performed by genotoxicity micronucleus test in the buccal mucosa epithelial cells and in peripheral blood lymphocytes. The methylation profile of the cytokines IL-10 and TNF-alpha was done by next generation sequencing. Our results showed a difference in PM2,5 concentration between the groups (UA=32,92ug.m-3, PUA=25,77ug.m-3; p=0,0311). No difference was found in NO2 concentrations between groups. Differences were found in the frequency of micronuclei in both buccal mucosa (UA=2,78%, PUA=1,16%; p < 0,0001) and in peripheral lymphocytes (UA=1,51%, PUA=0,73%; p < 0.0001). Difference was also found in average methylation of the IL-10 gene between the groups (UA=25%, PUA=30%; p=0,0120). There was no difference in the average methylation of TNF-alpha gene between the groups. We conclude that the workers of the urban area of the city are exposed to higher concentrations of PM2,5, have higher frequencies of micronuclei in both the buccal mucosa cells and in peripheral lymphocytes and have a hypomethylation profile of IL-10 gene in comparison with workers the peri-urban area of the city
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