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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An indigenous South African perspective on workplace bullying

Mabasa, Fumani Donald January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. Commerce (Human Resource Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Workplace bullying is a complex and widespread phenomenon, which has become a challenge to understand as an organisational phenomenon because of its complexity and numerous labels and terms that are used interchangeably by researchers, media and the public, when describing the behaviour. The potential for bullying in the workplace is always present in situations where people continually interact. Currently, workplace bullying has become a phenomenon that has caused significant problems when ignored. This study endeavoured to explore workplace bullying from African indigenous perspective with no predominantly continuation of the work from Western countries and develop strategies and model of managing workplace bullying from an African perspective. This empirical study was conducted in Limpopo province and grounded theory was used as methodological strategy with twenty-one indigenous research participants selected through the use of snowball sampling. Furthermore, the constructivist worldview formed the basis of the study on workplace bullying accounts, which was generated through semi-structured interviews with the support of interview guide. Interviews were recorded using call phone recorder, transcribed, coded and analysed using Microsoft Excel and interpreted. Thus, six key themes emerged from this study to address shared themes from individual accounts of workplace bullying incidents, causes and consequences from indigenous, contextualised perspective. The findings of the study identified nine accounts of bullying behaviour. These are disrespect, rumours or bad-mouthing, name calling, threats, unfair treatment, yelling to cause public humiliation, infringement of rights, work overload and domineering. Furthermore, contracts of employment and demonstration of power was identified as causes and dynamics of bullying behaviour. The findings also showed that workplace bullying accounts resulted in high turnover rate, compromised employee well-being and performance. Most participants managed workplace bullying by “doing nothing”. The data also showed that age and gender play a significant role in the African contexts, taking into consideration shared cultural believes and customs. The study further provided a practical model for managing workplace bullying from an African perspective. Furthermore, the study proposes a need for workplace bullying legislation to further increase the severity of bullying behaviour. The study also highlights a need to incorporate indigenous knowledge when managing workplace bullying. Keywords: Workplace bullying; Indigenous knowledge; Western knowledge; Consequences; Conceptual framework; Culture

Motives, perceptions and experiences of electric bicycle owners and implications for health, wellbeing and mobility

Jones, Tim, Harms, Lucas, Heinen, Eva 11 November 2020 (has links)
The sale of electrically assisted bicycles (‘e-bikes’) is growing at a rapid rate across Europe. Whereas market data is available describing sales trends, there is limited understanding of the experience of early adopters of e-bike technology. This paper investigates the motives for e-bike purchase, rider experience and perceived impact on mobility, health and wellbeing through in-depth interviews with e-bike owners in the Netherlands and the UK. Findings revealed that the motive for purchasing e-bikes was often to allow maintenance of cycling against a backdrop of changing individual or household circumstances. E-bikes also provided new opportunities for people who would not otherwise consider conventional cycling. Perceptions of travel behaviour change revealed that e-biking was replacing conventional cycling but was also replacing journeys that would have been made by car. There was also a perception that e-biking has increased, or at least allowed participants to maintain, some form of physical activity and had benefitted personal wellbeing. Technological, social and environmental barriers to e-biking were identified. These included weight of bicycle, battery life, purchase price, social stigma and limitations of cycle infrastructure provision. Additional research is necessary to quantify actual levels of mode substitution and new journey generation among new e-bike owners and the impact of e-biking on promoting physical health and mental wellbeing.

An Urgent Crisis of Chronic Neglect: Lessons on Water Justice and Wellbeing in the Time of COVID-19

Humphreys, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
The COVID-19 crisis represents a major disruption to societies across the planet, magnifying existing threats to social-ecological resilience. Illustrating these threats are links between inadequate water and sanitation services, climate stressors, and the challenge of coping with a global pandemic. In an urban context, water services are an intermediary between the built and natural environments, making sustainable water management a crucial aspect of cities’ resilience and efforts towards sustainable development. Yet, there is a growing need to understand how urban resilience functions across scales in order to develop sustainable transformations that align a city’s resilience goals with the wellbeing of its communities. Global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing water crisis threaten wellbeing beyond disease risk, highlighting the need for a broader understanding of risks that make communities vulnerable to such crises. Examining these connections within Cape Town, this case study investigates issues of water service delivery in low-income communities both before and during the pandemic. The city encounters increasing impacts of the climate crisis such as drought and flooding, while disadvantaged communities also experience basic service inequities. Existing problems involve leaking pipes, blocked drains, water contamination, and limited access to water taps and toilets. To understand how water issues could impact people’s wellbeing directly and indirectly, this thesis analyses perspectives of community members who describe their experiences with water-related risks. They speak of obstacles to daily tasks like cleaning and practicing basic hygiene, which are essential for disease prevention during a pandemic. However, the results indicate that water issues can also threaten wellbeing in less visible ways than immediate disease risk and can lead to psychological stress, social conflicts, and food insecurity. Identifying water-related risks through people’s own experiences is important for developing shared meanings of resilience for communities and the city as a whole. Risk management focusing on community-centred approaches to these challenges could help clarify how cities can collectively influence their own transformation. This thesis hopes to identify a broader scope of threats to community water justice and wellbeing, contributing to our understanding of urban resilience in a time of rising crises.

Long-term outcome, quality of life, and socio-economic consequences of surviving pediatric intensive care

Kyösti, E. (Elina) 05 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract Critical illness or staying in intensive care unit (ICU) may have a negative impact on a child’s quality of life or the family’s life. The aim of this study is to clarify the long-term mortality and causes of death in Finnish pediatric intensive care population, as well as the health-related quality of life (HRQL), psychological outcome, schooling difficulties, and family socioeconomical situation in those alive six years after intensive care. The study population consisted of all ICU treated pediatric patients in Finland in 2009 and 2010. The long-term mortality and causes of death were retrospectively compared with the population of all other Finnish children who had not been on an ICU. Survivors were sent questionnaire material regarding their HRQL and psychological and social situation. 68 out of 2729 (2.5%) patients died before the end of 5 years follow-up. The standardized mortality rate for the ICU patients was 53.4. The most common causes of death were cancer (35.3%), neurologic (17.6%), and metabolic diseases (11.7%), whereas trauma was the most common cause of death in the control group (45.3%). Questionnaires were answered by 1109 (30.1%) children. 90 children (8.4%) had poor HRQL. They had a higher rate of chronic diagnoses, medication on a daily basis and a greater need for healthcare services than those with normal HRQL-scores. Asthma, neurological diseases, chromosomal alterations, cancer and long-term pain were associated with poor HRQL. Psychological outcome was abnormal for 84 children (7.6%), and was also associated with chronic diseases. Children with difficulties in school more often had a severe disease and frequently need for healthcare services. In conclusion, mortality after intensive care is low, but the risk of death is increased even at 3 years after discharge. The burden of chronic diseases hamper the quality of life, psychological wellbeing and school performance. / Tiivistelmä Vaikea sairaus tai tehohoito voi vaikuttaa haitallisesti lapsen kehitykseen sekä perheen hyvinvointiin. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää suomalaisten tehohoidettujen lasten pitkäaikaiskuolleisuus ja kuolinsyyt sekä lasten elämänlaatu, psyykkinen hyvinvointi, erityisen tuen tarve koulussa ja perheen sosioekonominen asema kuusi vuotta tehohoidon jälkeen. Tutkittava joukko koostui kaikista Suomessa v. 2009 ja 2010 tehohoidetuista lapsista. Kuolleisuutta ja kuolinsyitä verrattiin niiden suomalaislasten kuolinsyihin, jotka eivät olleet saaneet tehohoitoa vuonna 2009 tai 2010. Eloonjääneiden lasten elämänlaatu, psyykkinen vointi ja sosioekonominen tilanne selvitettiin kyselyiden avulla. Tutkittavista 2 729 potilaasta 68 (2,5 %) kuoli ennen seuranta-ajan päättymistä. Vakioitu kuolleisuussuhde oli tehohoidettujen lasten osalta 53,4. Yleisimmät kuolinsyyt tehohoidetuilla olivat kasvaimet (35,3 %), neurologiset sairaudet (17,6 %) ja aineenvaihduntasairaudet (11,7 %), verrokkiryhmässä onnettomuudet olivat merkittävin kuolinsyy (45,3 %). Kyselyihin vastasi 1109 (30,1 %) lasta. Heistä 90 (8,4 %) koki elämänlaatunsa huonoksi. Useat pitkäaikaissairaudet, lääkityksen ja terveyspalveluiden tarve oli yleisempää elämänlaatunsa huonoksi kokevien joukossa. Astma, neurologiset sairaudet, kromosomimuutokset, kasvaimet ja pitkäaikainen kiputila liittyivät huonoon elämänlaatuun. Psyykkinen vointi oli heikentynyt 84 lapsella (7,6 %). Myös huono psyykkinen vointi liittyi pitkäaikaissairauksiin, samoin erityisen tuen tarve koulussa. Yhteenvetona todettakoon, että lasten kuolleisuus tehohoidon jälkeen on Suomessa matala, mutta kuoleman riski on koholla usean vuoden ajan tehohoidon päättymisestä. Vaikeat pitkäaikaissairaudet lisäävät kuolleisuutta tehohoidon jälkeen sekä heikentävät eloonjääneiden elämänlaatua, psyykkistä vointia vaikeuttavat koulunkäyntiä, ja aiheuttavat taakkaa lapsen perheelle.

Coaching in the Collective: How Group Coaching Affects the Progress and Well-being of PhD Students

Varley, Amanda 26 January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Hur olika tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat påverkar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbollsspelare

Berntsson, David January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande studie är en kvantitativ studie där syftet var att undersöka hur olika typer av tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat påverkar samt predicerar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbolsspelare. I studien deltog 95 ungdomsfotbollsspelare, antingen tillhörande en SEF certifierad akademi eller ett ungdomslag vars representationslag tillhör någon av de fyra högsta divisionerna i Sverige. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av digitala enkäter som skickades ut till ansvariga i sju olika fotbollsföreningar där deltagarna var i åldrarna mellan 16 och 19 år (M=16.97, SD=2.6). De enkla regressionsanalyserna visade att tränarbeteendet tävlings-/matchstrategier indikerade på störst positiv effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande och var den typ av tränarbeteende som predicerade mest psykologiskt välbefinnande. Fortsättningsvis indikerar resultatet på en positiv effekt mellan uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnande, och en negativ effekt mellan resultatorienterat motivationsklimat. Studiens resultat skulle sannolikt kunna anses vara användbart för att facilitera psykologiskt välbefinnande och i förlängningen utveckling för ungdomsfotbollsspelare genom lämpliga tränarbeteenden och uppgiftorienterat motivationsklimat. / The present study is a quantitative study aimed at examining how different types of coaching behaviors and motivational climates affect and predict the psychological well-being of youth soccer players. The study included 95 youth soccer players, either belonging to a SEF-certified academy or a youth team whose representative team belongs to one of the four highest divisions in Sweden. Data collection was conducted using digital surveys sent to responsible parties in seven different soccer associations where the participants were between 16 and 19 years old (M=16.97, SD=2.6). The simple regression analyses showed that coach behavior of competition/match strategies indicated the greatest positive effect on psychological well-being and was the type of coaching behavior that predicted the most psychological well-being. Furthermore, the results indicate a positive effect between task-oriented motivational climate and psychological well-being, and a negative effect between result-oriented motivational climate. The study's results could likely be considered useful for facilitating psychological well-being and, in turn, development for youth soccer players through appropriate coaching behaviors and task-oriented motivational climate.

Hur olika tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat påverkar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbollsspelare

Berntsson, David January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande studie är en kvantitativ studie där syftet var att undersöka hur olika typer av tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat påverkar samt predicerar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbolsspelare. I studien deltog 95 ungdomsfotbollsspelare, antingen tillhörande en SEF certifierad akademi eller ett ungdomslag vars representationslag tillhör någon av de fyra högsta divisionerna i Sverige. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av digitala enkäter som skickades ut till ansvariga i sju olika fotbollsföreningar där deltagarna var i åldrarna mellan 16 och 19 år (M=16.97, SD=2.6). De enkla regressionsanalyserna visade att tränarbeteendet tävlings-/matchstrategier indikerade på störst positiv effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande och var den typ av tränarbeteende som predicerade mest psykologiskt välbefinnande. Fortsättningsvis indikerar resultatet på en positiv effekt mellan uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnande, och en negativ effekt mellan resultatorienterat motivationsklimat. Studiens resultat skulle sannolikt kunna anses vara användbart för att facilitera psykologiskt välbefinnande och i förlängningen utveckling för ungdomsfotbollsspelare genom lämpliga tränarbeteenden och uppgiftorienterat motivationsklimat. / The present study is a quantitative study aimed at examining how different types of coaching behaviors and motivational climates affect and predict the psychological well-being of youth soccer players. The study included 95 youth soccer players, either belonging to a SEF-certified academy or a youth team whose representative team belongs to one of the four highest divisions in Sweden. Data collection was conducted using digital surveys sent to responsible parties in seven different soccer associations where the participants were between 16 and 19 years old (M=16.97, SD=2.6). The simple regression analyses showed that coach behavior of competition/match strategies indicated the greatest positive effect on psychological well-being and was the type of coaching behavior that predicted the most psychological well-being. Furthermore, the results indicate a positive effect between task-oriented motivational climate and psychological well-being, and a negative effect between result-oriented motivational climate. The study's results could likely be considered useful for facilitating psychological well-being and, in turn, development for youth soccer players through appropriate coaching behaviors and task-oriented motivational climate.

Aktivitet och delaktighet i vardagen hos asylsökande och flyktingar - En scoping review / Activity and participation in everyday life among asylum seekers and refugees – A scoping review

Rydell Lehto, Julia, Johansson, Nathalie January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: År 2022 befann sig minst 100 miljoner människor på flykt. Asylsökande och flyktingar som tvingats fly har många gånger utsatts för traumatiska händelser. Flykten innebär stora livomställningar som påverkar individens aktivitet, identitet, känsla av kompetens samt hälsa och välbefinnande. Syfte: Beskriva aktivitet och delaktighet i vardagen hos asylsökande och flyktingar. Metod: Scoping review användes för att besvara syftet. Datainsamling gjordes genom litteratursökning i databaser samt genom manuell sökning. Sökord som användes var refugee or refugees or asylum seeker or asylum seekers or forced migrant or forced migrants or displaced, occupational participation or occupational engagement or participation, activity or occupation. Inklusionskriterier var artiklar på svenska och engelska, publicerade 2010 – 2023. Grå litteratur och andra litteraturstudier exkluderades. Totalt inkluderades 17 artiklar. Resultat: Studien resulterade i två huvudkategorier: Asylsökande och flyktingars aktivitetsidentitet och Kontexters betydelse för aktivitet och delaktighet. Ett genomgående tema i studien framkom: Ovisshet inför framtiden. Resultatet indikerar på att asylsökande och flyktingar utsätts för aktivitetsberövning, aktivitetsobalans och förändringar i individens aktivitetsidentitet samt aktivitetsförmåga. Individens aktivitet och delaktighet påverkas av kontextuella faktorer. Slutsats: Asylsökande och flyktingar begränsas i sin aktivitet och delaktighet i vardagen. Resultatet indikerar på att delaktighet i och möjlighet till meningsfulla och nödvändiga aktiviteter är av betydelse för hälsa och välbefinnande. / Introduction: Year 2022, around 100 million people were estimated to be on the run. Asylum seekers and refugees who are forced to flee their home country may have been exposed to traumatic events. The flights results in lifestyle changes that affect the individual’s activity, identity, sense of capacity, health and well-being.  Aim: Describe activity and participation in everyday life of asylum seekers and refugees. Method: A scoping review was used. Data collection was carried out through literature search in databases and by manual search. Keywords used were refugee or refugees or asylum seeker or asylum seekers or forced migrant or forced migrants or displaced, occupational participation or occupational engagement or participation, activity or occupation. Inclusion criteria were articles in Swedish and English, published 2010 – 2023. Grey literature and other literature reviews were excluded. A total of 17 articles were included. Results: The study resulted in two main categories: Asylum seekers and refugees activity identity and The importance of contexts for activity and participation. An overarching theme emerged: Uncertainty about the future. The results indicate that asylum seekers and refugees are exposed to activity deprivation, activity imbalance and changes in the individual’s activity identity and ability. The individual’s activity and participation are influenced by contextual factors. Conclusions: Asylum seekers and refugees are limited in their activity and participation in everyday life. The result indicates that participation in and opportunity to meaningful and necessary activities is important for health and well-being.

Planting Our Own Tree: A Womanist Ethnographic Contemplative Inquiry

Brown, Dominique Marie 15 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Psychological Well being of Residents in Senior Care Homes Case work Intervention / Psychological Well being of Residents in Senior Care Homes Case work Intervention

Johal, Kirandeep Kaur January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: Aging is an unstoppable phenomenon which starts fromconception to last until death. During person’s life goes through certain changes suchas biological, psychological, sociological, and environmental. From all periods of life, Old age is one of important part of person’s life when psychological and sociologicalrelations drifts. It can be defined by three ways (1) chronology, (2) shift in socialstatus, and (3) change in capacity. In a nutshell, aging is a dynamic process that leadsto physical and mental shifts. The change cannot be stopped or reversed, but it may bedelayed by aiding older people in continuing to live their existing lifestyles. AIM: For Nordic countries, aging population is the most pressing challenge incontemporary period. The aim is to assess the psychological wellbeing of old agepeople staying in care home or institution care. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: By using scooping methodology and old age peopleage limit 65 to 84 yrs took data from secondary validated sources in which explainabout good and very good health countries such as Sweden and Norway and Finlandwith lower percentage of good health in both genders and also how decrease mortalityrate increase the dependency ratio in these countries. CONCLUSION: In Nordic countries, Government provide numerous facilities fortheir residents such as home care, institution care for their well being. But even aftergood care, old people suffer from psychological problems such as loneliness, depression and suicide. The conclusion of this study include some interventions whichcan improve their mental as social health such lifelong learning participation , activeaging policies to stay active at their own capacity, identify the vulnerable groups anduse compensatory strategies to stay active and participate in social activities.This ideais not only explain the individual's right and responsibility to remain active, but alsothe government's responsibility to create an age-friendly social system andcommunity environment. Moreover, I focus on quality of health care provided toresidents and also on emotional well being of old people.

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