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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visuals in foreign language teaching

Zewary, Sayed Mustafa January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Modern Languages / Mary T. Copple / This study investigates the effectiveness of visuals in the language classroom. Two types of visual aids commonly used in the language classroom, video and still pictures, are used to elicit narratives from L2 English speakers, and these narratives are subsequently compared. The data come from eleven international students from a university English Language Program, who voluntarily participated in two separate 15-minute interviews. In each interview session, they were shown either a series of pictures or a video, both depicting a story. Upon completion of the presentation of each visual, participants were asked a prompt question and their narration of the events portrayed in the visuals recorded. The narratives were transcribed and analyzed in order to test (1) if still pictures and video are equally effective in eliciting elaboration in the narratives, defined in this case, as the number of new referents introduced and the number of adjective and verb types produced; and (2) if exposure to still pictures and video elicit narrations of similar length. Both kinds of visuals stimulated learners to create narratives and elaborate on what had been shown in them. The video task elicited narratives roughly 10% longer than the picture task in regards to the raw number of words. When linguistic factors were compared, participants introduced new referents at comparable rates in both tasks while they employed 10% more verb types in the video task. Additionally, the series of still pictures prompted participants to employ a much higher number of adjective types. These observations suggest that a series of still pictures are an effective alternative for video for eliciting narratives. This study provides support for the use of still pictures as an equivalent to videos in situations where videos are less accessible in language classrooms (due to lack of technological access).

Los artistas del mundo de habla Española

Oviedo-Loredo, Blanca January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Modern Languages / Douglas K. Benson / Students have opportunity to reach learner autonomy and achieve real world applications utilizing communicative competence, a learner centered environment and comprehensible input, incorporated into a unit for student success. The acquisition of language and culture is facilitated in the classroom environment with low affective filters and comprehensible input combining different learning strategies. The activities in this cultural thematic art unit engage student’s interest and activate his or her background knowledge, making meaningful connections with the unit content and their personal lives. Literature, paintings, grammar and vocabulary enable students to build communicative competence in L2. Language learners collaborate and engage in the target language while simultaneously learning about literature, history and culture and learning how artists and writers represent empathy for others as they process words by various Spanish speakers. Additionally, authentic texts and the use of technology enhance students’ linguistic performance. The unit begins with my teaching philosophy followed by a sequence of activities that allow students to process language while they study the consequences of war on those who are affected by it, and a brief section on potential learning outcomes for those who participate in the activities.

On improving natural language processing through phrase-based and one-to-one syntactic algorithms

Meyer, Christopher Henry January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / William H. Hsu / Machine Translation (MT) is the practice of using computational methods to convert words from one natural language to another. Several approaches have been created since MT’s inception in the 1950s and, with the vast increase in computational resources since then, have continued to evolve and improve. In this thesis I summarize several branches of MT theory and introduce several newly developed software applications, several parsing techniques to improve Japanese-to-English text translation, and a new key algorithm to correct translation errors when converting from Japanese kanji to English. The overall translation improvement is measured using the BLEU metric (an objective, numerical standard in Machine Translation quality analysis). The baseline translation system was built by combining Giza++, the Thot Phrase-Based SMT toolkit, the SRILM toolkit, and the Pharaoh decoder. The input and output parsing applications were created as intermediary to improve the baseline MT system as to eliminate artificially high improvement metrics. This baseline was measured with and without the additional parsing provided by the thesis software applications, and also with and without the thesis kanji correction utility. The new algorithm corrected for many contextual definition mistakes that are common when converting from Japanese to English text. By training the new kanji correction utility on an existing dictionary, identifying source text in Japanese with a high number of possible translations, and checking the baseline translation against other translation possibilities; I was able to increase the translation performance of the baseline system from minimum normalized BKEU scores of .0273 to maximum normalized scores of .081. The preliminary phase of making improvements to Japanese-to-English translation focused on correcting segmentation mistakes that occur when attempting to parse Japanese text into meaningful tokens. The initial increase is not indicative of future potential and is artificially high as the baseline score was so low to begin with, but was needed to create a reasonable baseline score. The final results of the tests confirmed that a significant, measurable improvement had been achieved through improving the initial segmentation of the Japanese text through parsing the input corpora and through correcting kanji translations after the Pharaoh decoding process had completed.

The weak link in the language teaching system and what to do about it

Moore, Eric January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Modern Languages / Douglas K. Benson / This thesis answers the questions: How should the terms interaction, individualization, and personalization be applied to Computer Aided Language Learning (CALL) software? What progress has been made in their implementation? How can CALL software developers better incorporate them in the future? For each of the three terms, I explain how it is applicable to the CALL software environment by defining it, describing the pedagogical research supporting it, and then giving general guidelines for incorporating it into a CALL software program. I measure the progress of the implementation of the three terms in CALL software through compiling and analyzing data from reviews of 44 software titles. The publication dates of the software titles are from 1981 to 2008. I propose through description and a proof-of-concept software program ways to improve the incorporation of the terms in question into CALL software. As a result of answering the three questions, this thesis shows that the current accepted definitions and ways of implementing interaction, individualization, and personalization need to be improved in order to comply with pedagogical research and make full use of current technology. The general guidelines given in the explanation of each term relative to CALL and the attributes under each term in the analysis of the compilation data provide examples of areas on which to focus development. Additionally, I specifically comment on pedagogically supported attributes within each term that have a weak representation in the software compilation and therefore need more development. In addition, this thesis is accompanied by “Mis vacaciones”, a proof-of-concept software program, which demonstrates ways to improve the incorporation of interaction, individualization, and personalization into CALL software. In “Mis vacaciones”, the learner takes a virtual trip to Nuevo Leon, Nicaragua. The multimedia sent to the learner by a previous traveler shows Nicaraguan city people and the La Gigatona festival. After visiting, the learner is asked to describe the Nicaraguans that they saw. If the learner needs help, Structured Input activities lead the learner to develop the third person singular imperfect form. Buttons in the software environment provide access to internet sources. The learner is able to draw and take photos to create a visual prop to aid in the description task.

An analysis of native Dari speakers’ errors in university-level Dari and English writing

Naderi, Shamim January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Modern Languages / Young-Ok Yum / Writing well, especially in English, is an asset to anyone who aspires to succeed in the academic or other professional fields in this age of English as a lingua franca. Numerous scholars have investigated errors committed by English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) learners. However, to date there is no empirical study on the error patterns displayed in native Dari speakers’ EFL writing in English and in Dari. The present study investigates error occurrences in 20 native Dari speakers’ English and Dari writing. These participants were English majors attending Balkh University, in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan. Most of the participants self-identified their English proficiency levels as “advanced.” The data were collected through convenience sampling of the students enrolled in EFL writing courses who voluntarily participated in two writing tasks of different levels of difficulty; they completed these first in English and then a week later in Dari. In order to observe any patterns, all spelling and word choice errors were identified by three independent judges (one Dari instructor at BU, one native-American-English-speaking graduate student in the English Department, and the author who is bilingual and works as an English instructor). All three worked separately initially and then discussed any discrepancies together in person (English) or via Skype (Dari), until they reached consensus. The analysis, concerning the three research hypotheses, supported these findings: (1) as predicted, the native Dari speakers committed a variety of errors similar to learners from previous studies; (2) as predicted, the participants made fewer errors in English than in Dari; and (3) counter to the hypothesis, the results indicated that the participants, when writing in Dari, demonstrated more errors in the simpler tasks; yet, the participants committed more errors in the more complex (versus simpler) English writing task, consistent with this hypothesis.

Análisis de las actitudes lingüísticas hacia el slang mexicano : usos y valoración de la palabra güey

Sinave, Naïla 05 1900 (has links)
L’étude des attitudes linguistiques, entreprise par la sociolinguistique et la psychologie sociale, a permis de confirmer que toutes les variétés linguistiques ne reçoivent pas le même traitement. La langue standard, étant en règle générale la langue du groupe de prestige, bénéficie d’une reconnaissance sociale en comparaison avec les variétés non-standards ou minoritaires, qui, au contraire, suscitent généralement des attitudes plus négatives. Dans ce mémoire, nous analysons les attitudes linguistiques des mexicains à l’égard du slang mexicain. La méthodologie du projet comporte deux parties principales. Dans un premier temps, des conversations spontanées et naturelles entre locuteurs de slang sont enregistrées. Des fragments de ces enregistrements sont ensuite écoutés par un groupe de sujets qui, simultanément, remplit un questionnaire évaluant leurs attitudes linguistiques dirigées envers l’usage du slang ainsi qu’envers les individus qui le parle. L’analyse statistique des résultats permet de faire quelques constats : Il y a une différence très significative entre la façon dont les dimensions de solidarité et de prestige sont jugées, les pointages donnés aux aspects tels que l’intelligence et le succès des locuteurs de slang s’avérant beaucoup plus bas que ceux accordés aux aspects reliés à leur personnalité, comme la bonté et la générosité. Aussi, les variables de l’âge et du sexe ont une influence sur les attitudes linguistiques : les femmes ainsi que la génération plus âgée s’avèrent plus sévères dans leur évaluation du slang. Ce mémoire se divise en cinq chapitres. Les deux premiers explorent les concepts théoriques sur lesquels se basent le projet, soit les attitudes linguistiques et le slang comme phénomène linguistique et social. Les trois chapitres suivants se consacrent au projet en soit : la méthodologie, l’analyse des résultats et l’interprétation de ceux-ci. / The study of language attitudes via sociolinguistics and social psychology has confirmed the notion that all varieties of language are treated differently. As a general rule, the standard language is the language of the prestigious group and is held at a high social esteem whereas non-standard or minority language varieties are, in general, judged negatively. This thesis analyzes the language attitudes of Mexicans towards Mexican slang. The project methodology consists in two main phases. Firstly, spontaneous and natural conversations are recorded. Following this, a group of individuals listen to fragments of these conversations while simultaneously filling out a questionnaire that evaluate their language attitudes towards the use of slang as well as towards the slang speakers. The statistical analysis of the results lead to the observation of several patterns: There is a very significant difference in the way solidarity aspects and prestige aspects are judged. The points given to aspects such as intelligence and success for speakers of slang are significantly lower than the points given to personality aspects such as generosity and kindness. Age and gender also have influence on language attitudes: women and the elderly are more severe in their judgment and evaluation of slang. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first two explore the theoretical concepts upon which the work is based, including language attitudes and slang as a linguistic and social phenomenon. The following three chapters are dedicated to the project itself: the methodology, the analysis of the results and their interpretation.

Lectura feminista de las Comedias bárbaras de Ramón del Valle-Inclán : Lilith y las mujeres en la decadencia del patriarcado

Gagnon, Anaïs 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite des Comedias bárbaras (« Águila de blasón », « Romance de lobos » et « Cara de plata », 1907-1908-1922) de Ramón María del Valle-Inclán (Espagne, 1866-1936), et en fait une interprétation novatrice, différente de la réception dominante. Inspiré par les études sur le genre, ce travail revisite la trilogie en mettant l’emphase sur la perspective des personnages féminins qui contraste avec la figure prépondérante du mythe de Lilith (ou l’idée de la responsabilité légendaire du péché qui repose sur la femme, démoniaque). L’analyse des relations de genre présentes dans l’œuvre apparaît primordiale étant donné que le personnage de Don Juan Manuel Montenegro est aussi une version de la légende de don Juan. De plus, en recensant les différents discours sur celui-ci ainsi que les éléments grotesques des récits, on perçoit dans le traitement du personnage principal une critique qui va au-delà de la société de l’époque, et qui révèle une critique universelle des logiques mêmes qui régissent le système patriarcal, en passant par une réflexion sur la légitimité du pouvoir. Toutes ces considérations permettent d’apprécier l’ensemble de la trilogie dans les aspects qui la rapproche de l’esthétique postérieure de l’esperpento. Cette interprétation contemporaine entre en dialogue avec les aspects centraux des différents débats qu’auront suscités ces œuvres depuis leur parution (représentabilité, genre littéraire, unité ou non de la trilogie, classification) et revitalise sa réception dans le XXIe siècle, révélant la fascinante actualité du théâtre de l’auteur. / This study presents an innovative interpretation of the Comedias bárbaras (« Águila de blasón », « Romance de lobos » and « Cara de plata », 1907-1908-1922) by Ramón María del Valle-Inclán (Spain, 1866-1936) that differs from the dominant reception. Inspired by gender studies, this work revisits the trilogy by focussing on the feminine characters’ perspectives in contrast to the omnipresence of the myth of Lilith (or the legendary idea of sin being originated by a demon woman). Analyzing gender relations in the plot appears essential since the character of Don Juan Manuel Montenegro is also a version of the legendary Don Juan. Moreover, by giving a special attention to the distinct discourses about him and the grotesque elements, we perceive in the character’s treatment a criticism that goes beyond the historical context, revealing a much more universal dimension that points out the very logics of the patriarchal system and the legitimacy of power. All of these considerations allow us to better appreciate those aspects of the trilogy that brings it closer to the further aesthetic of the esperpento. This contemporary interpretation establishes a dialogue with some of the central debates around the work since its first publication (representability, literary genre, unity of the trilogy, classification) and revitalizes its reception in the XXI century, showing the fascinating contemporary relevance of the autor’s theater. / Este trabajo de memoria se presenta como una interpretación novedosa de las Comedias bárbaras de Ramón María del Valle-Inclán (1866-1936), trilogía compuesta por Águila de Blasón (1907), Romance de Lobos (1908), y Cara de Plata (1922), que difiere de la recepción dominante. Inspirado por los estudios de género, revisita la trilogía poniendo énfasis en las perspectivas de los personajes femeninos que contrastan con la figura preponderante de Lilith (o la idea de la legendaria responsabilidad del pecado asociado a la mujer demoniaca). El análisis de las relaciones de género presentes en la obra aparece fundamental siendo el personaje de Don Juan Manuel Montenegro también una versión de la leyenda de Don Juan. Además, sopesando los diferentes discursos acerca de él y la suma de elementos grotescos, percibimos un tratamiento del personaje principal que sugiere una crítica que va más allá de la sociedad de la época y revela una crítica más universal de las lógicas propias del patriarcado, pasando también por una reflexión sobre la legitimidad del poder. Todas estas consideraciones permiten apreciar el conjunto de la trilogía en aquellos aspectos que la acercan a la estética del esperpento. Esta interpretación contemporánea entra también en diálogo con los aspectos centrales de los diferentes debates que hubo en torno a la obra desde su primera publicación (representabilidad, género literario, unidad o no de la obra, clasificación) y revitaliza su recepción en el siglo XXI, revelando la fascinante actualidad del teatro del autor.

La pronunciación de ELE en los alumnos quebequenses : dificultades concretas y pautas de corrección

Molinié, Luisa 02 1900 (has links)
Mon sujet de recherche traite sur la prononciation de l'espagnol comme langue étrangère chez les élèves québécois, sur leurs difficultés concrètes et lignes de correction qui peuvent leur être attribuées. Dans une première partie plus générale, nous traiterons sur l'enseignement de la prononciation, de la place qu'elle occupe dans l'enseignement d'une langue étrangère. Nous croyons que la prononciation est un aspect de la langue qui a été mis de côté pour mettre en valeur la communication. Si une "mauvaise" prononciation n'entrave pas à la compréhension ou à la communication, elle n'est pas corrigée ni travaillée. Nous pouvons donc nous retrouver avec des étudiants ayant un haut niveau d'espagnol mais dont la prononciation connaît certaines lacunes. Nous déterminerons également ce que nous entendons par "meilleure" ou "mauvaise" prononciation, nous nous interrogerons également sur la pertinence de l'enseignement de la phonétique. Nous nous poserons aussi la question sur la place de la prononciation selon la méthodologie didactique utilisée, et analyserons la quantité et qualité des exercices de prononciation présents ou pas dans les manuels scolaires, et s'ils correspondent aux exigences des documents officiels tels le Cadre commun européenne de référence, ou le Plan curricular de l'institut Cervantès. Dans une deuxième partie nous nous questionnons sur les facteurs qui conditionnent l'apprentissage d'une langue et le perfectionnement de la prononciation dans une langue étrangère, car nous croyons que peut importe l'âge de l'étudiant, il y a toujours place à l'amélioration dans la prononciation. Nous nous interrogeons ensuite sur les tendances générales des francophones lors de leur prononciation de l'espagnol, nous ferons une étude contrastive des phonèmes espagnols et français, puis nous étudierons plus en détail les tendances des élèves québécois, car nous croyons que ces derniers sont dotés de certains atouts en comparaison à d'autres francophones. Dans une troisième partie, nous proposons des exercices visant à améliorer la prononciation chez nos élèves, et afin de vérifier l'efficacité de ces exercices, nous enregistrerons des étudiants ayant bénéficié de ces exercices, et d'autres qui n'y auront pas eu droit. Cette étude comparative cherche à prouver que ces exercices aident réellement et qu'ils, ou d'autres exercices de ce genre, devraient être inclus dans l'enseignement. Le questionnaire dont il s'agit s'attarde principalement au phénomène du [r], que nous croyons être un, ou le son le plus difficile à prononcer en espagnol (autant la vibrante simple comme multiple). Bien entendu, une partie de ce chapitre sera consacrée à l'analyse de résultats. / My subject of study is about Spanish as a second language, in French Canadian students, about their difficulties and the correction aid. In a first part, more general, we discuss about teaching pronunciation, the place it has in teaching as a second language. We believe that pronunciation is an aspect in a language that has been left out to emphasize on communication. If a “bad” pronunciation does not interfere in the comprehension or communication, it is not corrected or worked on. We can then find ourselves with students having a very high level in Spanish, but their pronunciation is not as good. We also define what we intend by “better” or “bad” pronunciation, and we also ask ourselves about the pertinence of teaching phonetics. We also interrogate ourselves on the question of the place of pronunciation depending on the didactic methodology, and we analyze the quantity and quality of the pronunciation exercises we find, or not, in scholar manuals, and if they correspond to the demands of the official documents as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or the Curricular Plan of Cervantes Institute. In a second part, we ask ourselves about the factors that condition the learning experience of a language, and that is because we believe that no matter the student’s age, there’s always place for amelioration in the pronunciation of a second language. We we’ll also see the French general tendencies in their Spanish pronunciation, and we’ll make a contrastive study on Spanish and French phenomena and then elaborate on French Canadian tendencies, and that is because we believe that they have some sort of vantages in comparison to other French speaking people. In a third and last part, we propose exercises that tend to help our student’s pronunciation, and to verify the efficiency of those exercises, we will record students that beneficiated of those exercises, and others who did not practice. That study wants to prove that those exercises really help, and that they should be included in the teaching and learning experience. The questionnaire we use is especially dedicated to the [r] phenomenon, because we believe it is a, or the most difficult sound to pronounce in Spanish (simple and multiple vibration forms). Of course, a part of this study will be dedicated to the results analysis.

La enseñanza de la pronunciación en ELE : una asignatura pendiente

Ahumada, Gladys P. 09 1900 (has links)
Cette mémoire a pour objectif de mettre en évidence le délaissement dont a souffert et souffre encore dans l’actualité l’enseignement de la prononciation dans les cours d’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE), réaffirmer son importance et défendre la nécessité de son intégration dans les salles de classe. C’est un fait qu’avec l’actuelle approche communicative et « par devoirs », les étudiants acquièrent des connaissances supérieures en langue écrite et des résultats peu satisfaisants dans la prononciation. D’autre part, les enseignants ne comptent pas sur des méthodes d’intégration de la prononciation de ces approches, et la carence de matériels se fait plus qu’évidente. Les conceptions curriculaires actuelles n’ont pas intégré de forme naturelle l’enseignement de la prononciation dans ses exposés méthodologiques. La sélection et analyse de certains des manuels d’enseignement d’ELE, avec ce dont on travaille actuellement dans la province du Québec, confirme ces carences. Dans la dernière partie du travail on présente une sélection d’exercices que l’on considère utiles pour l’enseignement et le développement de la prononciation, incluant les éléments suprasegmentaires, d’une façon ludique, dans un contexte réel et communicatif et de manière intégrée. Une didactique de l’enseignement qui prête attention au système formel de la langue, la grammaire et le lexique, peut aussi contempler l’enseignement de la prononciation depuis la même perspective. L’important c’est qu’elle soit intégrée comme une phase supplémentaire du processus d’apprentissage, et cesse d’être une matière à repasser dans les curriculums. / This memory aims to highlight the renunciation that suffered, and still do nowadays, the teaching of the pronunciation in the Spanish courses as foreign language (SFL), to reaffirm its importance and to defend the need for its integration in the classrooms. It is a fact that with the current communicative approach and with the different duties, the students acquire higher knowledge in written language but do not have very satisfactory results in their pronunciation. In addition, the teachers don’t count on the integration of pronunciation methods in their approaches, and the deficiency of this material is more than obvious. The current curricular designs did not integrate a natural form of pronunciation teaching in its methodological talks. The selection and analyzes of some IT teaching handbooks, that are currently use in the province of Quebec, confirms these deficiencies. In the last part of this work, we present a selection of exercises that we consider useful for the teaching and the development of pronunciation, including the elements supra segmentary in a real and communicative context and in an integrated way. Didactic of the teaching that pays attention to the formal language system, grammar and the lexicon, can also contemplate pronunciation teaching by using the same prospect. Important it is that this perspective should be integrated like an additional phase of the training process, and stop to be a matter to be passed by in the curriculums.

Los métodos de enseñanza en ELE : el método comunicativo revisado

Agudelo, Sandra Paola 04 1900 (has links)
Cette étude se focalise sur la révision de l’approche communicative des manuels d’enseignement de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE) et, plus particulièrement, sur celle des manuels utilisés dans les institutions scolaires du Québec. D’un point de vue historique, les premières inquiétudes liées à l’enseignement et à l’acquisition de langues secondes sont apparues dans l’Antiquité. Pendant des siècles, l’enseignement fondé sur la répétition de structures a prédominé, mais une fois le Moyen Âge passé, d’autres avancées pédagogiques sont nées. Par exemple, au XVIIe siècle, des études sur la question, inspirées de penseurs comme Montaigne et Locke, ont révélé que l’apprentissage formel de la langue n’était pas utile et que les apprenants avaient besoin d’une motivation pour apprendre. Le XXe siècle a été caractérisé par le déploiement de propositions méthodologiques à utiliser dans l’enseignement de langues secondes, et c’est ainsi que des méthodes telles que Directe, Audio-linguistique, Apprentissage communautaire de la langue et Approche naturelle ont surgi. Au milieu du XXe siècle s’est développée en Europe une proposition basée sur les besoins communicatifs des étudiants et ce qui, au début, était connu comme l’approche notionnelle fonctionnelle a évolué et est devenu l’enseignement communicatif. Une telle approche concerne essentiellement l’usage de la langue et accorde moins d’importance aux connaissances linguistiques. Elle a pour objectif principal que l’étudiant-parlant développe des habiletés interprétatives et expressives de la langue objet. En nous appuyant sur un cadre théorique de l’enseignement des langues et en analysant les manuels Nuevo ELE, Prisma et Español en marcha (niveaux A1-B2), nous prétendons vérifier la présence de l’approche communicative dans ces manuels afin de pouvoir démontrer que dans les activités dites communicatives, il y a différentes applications possibles des méthodes traditionnelles de l’enseignement de langues secondes et que, par conséquent, l’approche communicative réunit plusieurs propositions qui proviennent d’autres méthodes. Mot-clés : Espagnol langue étrangère (ELE), approche communicative, analyse de manuels, Nuevo ELE, Prisma, Español en marcha. / This study emphasize the review of the communicative approach in the teaching Spanish as a foreign language manuals (ELE in Spanish), by referring to the ones used actually in the province of Quebec. From a historic perspective, the first preoccupation about the teaching and the acquisition of second languages appeared in the Antiquity. During many centuries teaching through mechanical structures ruled, but past the Middle Ages, other pedagogical plans saw the light. In the Spanish Golden Age, influenced by some thinkers such as Montaigne and Locke, these plans attempted to show that the formal study of the language wasn’t useful and that the apprentice needed a motivation. The 20th century has been characterized by the display of methodological propositions in the teaching of second languages, and this is how the direct method, the audio-lingual, the community language learning and the natural approach, among others, were born. In the middle of the 20th century, in Europe, a proposition was developed based on the communicative needs of the students, and what, in the beginning, was known as the notional functional focus, evolved and became the communicative teaching. This approach deals more with the use of language than with the linguistic knowledge, and its main objective is that the student-speaker develops the interpretative and expressive skills of the target language. Based on the relevant theoretical framework and the analysis of the manuals Nuevo ELE, Prisma y Español en marcha (levels A1-B2), we intend to verify the presence of the communicative approach in this manuals and demonstrate that in the activities known as “communicative”, we find different applications of traditional methods in the teaching of second languages, hence the communicative approach takes various propositions from other methods. Keywords: Spanish Second Language, Communicative Approach, Manuals Analysis, Nuevo ELE, Prisma, Español en marcha.

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