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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding the influence of lobbying on decisions made by the Kansas House Education Committee, 1995 - 2006

Horst, Deena L. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Robert J. Shoop / Lobbying and lobbyists have been a part of the national policymaking landscape since the inception of this country. In addition, lobbying and lobbyists play a similar role in the policymaking in every state in the Union. Recent and past media reports of dishonest politicians in Washington, D.C. who have accepted expensive gifts from powerful and unscrupulous lobbyists do little to cause the general public, including legislators in Kansas, to trust those individuals whose role includes being a source of information legislators can access when making decisions about issues. The purpose of this study was to discover the nature of the influence on Kansas K-12 education policy that each type of registered education lobbyist had from 1995 – 2006. The influence lobbyists have had on Kansas K-12 education policy was identified through interviews with each type of registered education lobbyist and with legislators who have served as the chief leadership of the Kansas House Education Committee, as well as through an analysis of documents related to bills the Committee considered from 1995 – 2006. A qualitative method of inquiry, in the form of a case study, was selected by the researcher as the methodology around which to structure the research. The focus of this case study was to learn how lobbyists influenced the decisions made by members of the Kansas House Education Committee from 1995 – 2006. The study identifies the significant education issues of the Committee as determined by an expert panel of educators, the strategies registered lobbyists indicated they used in their attempt to influence legislators’ decisions, and the information sources which were perceived to influence the positions lobbyists and legislators took on education policy. As a case study, the research is “based on one person’s encounter with a complex case” (Creswell, p. 187); and includes analysis of the data; a discussion of the implications of the understandings drawn from the analysis of data, and suggestions for future research.

De la formulation à l’implantation : expérience de la mise en oeuvre d’un projet éducatif et d’un plan de réussite d’une école primaire de la grande région de Montréal

Goulet, Sonia 03 1900 (has links)
En utilisant le cadre d’analyse de Honig (2006) qui étudie l’implantation d’une politique publique à la lumière des dimensions que sont le lieu, la politique et les acteurs, la présente recherche explore la relation entre l’implantation et la formulation d’une politique publique. Introduite en éducation par l’adoption, en 2002, du projet de loi 124 (Québec, 2002), la gestion axée sur les résultats s’est traduite par l’élaboration d’une planification stratégique pour la commission scolaire et d’un plan de réussite découlant d’un projet éducatif pour l’établissement scolaire. Or, l’étude de cas unique de cette recherche qui s’insère dans un projet dirigé par le professeur Martial Dembélé sur la gestion axée sur les résultats à l’ordre d’enseignement primaire au Québec (FQRSC, 2007-2008 ; CRSH, 2007-2010) permet l’examen de la relation formulation - implantation du projet éducatif/plan de réussite d’une école primaire située dans la grande région de Montréal. Les résultats de cette recherche démontrent que la formulation d’une politique a un impact sur son implantation, mais cette dimension n’est pas exclusive à une implantation effective. Les autres dimensions que sont les acteurs et le lieu ont tout autant d’effet : une ou deux dimensions peuvent pallier à la faiblesse de la troisième. / Using the analytical framework of Honig (2006) which studies the implementation of public policy from dimensions that are location, policy and actors, this research explores the relationship between implementation and formulation of public policy. Introduced in education by the adoption of Bill 124 (Quebec, 2002) in 2002, the results-based management framework has led to the development of a strategic plan for the school board and a success plan from an educational project for the school. However, the study of single case of this research which is part of a project led by Professor Martial Dembélé on results-based management framework at the primary level of education in Quebec (FQRSC, 2007-2008; SSHRC 2007-2010) examines the relationship formulation - implementation of the educational project/success plan of a primary school located in the greater Montreal area. The results of this research show that the formulation of a policy has an impact on its implementation, but this aspect is not exclusive to an effective implementation. Other dimensions that are the actors and place have as much effect: one or two dimensions can compensate for the weakness of the third one.

Quel mode de gestion politique en éducation? Le cas de l’enseignement des langues étrangères au primaire dans le Bade-Wurtemberg (1998-2011)

Beaulieu, Marie-Eve 04 1900 (has links)
Dans le Bade-Wurtemberg, land du sud-ouest de l’Allemagne limitrophe à la France, on enseigne une langue étrangère dans toutes les écoles primaires dès la 1re année depuis l’année scolaire 2003-2004. Certaines communes composant un corridor d’une trentaine de kilomètres de large longeant la frontière française se sont vu imposer le français, et non l’anglais comme ailleurs dans le land. Pour cette raison, le règlement a été dénoncé par des opposants lorsqu’il fut rendu public en 2001. La recherche a pour objectif dans une première étape de reconstituer, à l’aide de protocoles parlementaires du land, de publications ministérielles et de jugements de la Cour administrative, les événements entourant l’élaboration, l’implantation et la réception de cette politique éducative entre 1998 et 2011. La question qui nous intéresse dans une deuxième étape se rapporte aux causes des tensions entre le ministère de l’Éducation et les citoyens. La recherche mettra en évidence le fait que les citoyens n’étaient pas seulement contre l’enseignement du français plutôt que de l’anglais, mais aussi contre l’imposition de l’objet d’enseignement. Pour ce faire, un corpus d’articles de journaux dressera le portrait des opinions saillantes de la population, et les positions du débat pourront être systématisées. Une troisième étape proposera une analyse à l’aide de théories de l’évolution des modes de gouvernance en politique de l’éducation et proposera de nouvelles pistes de réflexion. / In Baden-Württemberg, a German federal state neighboring France, a first foreign language has been taught at school starting in grade one since 2003-2004. Along the French border, all municipalities in a 30km-wide corridor have been required to teach French, whereas schools in the eastern part of the state have to teach English. The new ministerial imposition concerning which foreign language has to be taught in school has been the cause of tension since it was publically announced in 2001. In a first step, this thesis reconstructs the events surrounding the development, implementation, and reception of this education policy between 1998 and 2011, using the data collected in documents published by the ministry, the parliament, and the administrative court. We will explore, in a second step, the reasons why this tension arose between the ministry of education and citizens, systematizing the different positions in the debate. This study suggests citizens were not only aggravated by the language required (French or English), but also, as users of educational services, they felt they should have the freedom to choose. The citizens’ main interests will be synthesized from a corpus of newspaper articles. A third step compares the case studied with theorized trends in the evolution of educational governance, thereby offering new perspectives from which to understand the debate. / In Baden-Württemberg steht seit dem Schuljahr 2003-2004 flächendeckend eine Fremdsprache ab der ersten Klasse auf dem Lehrplan für die Grundschule. Die jeweilige Sprache wird durch das Ministerium bestimmt und variiert je nach Wohnort; in einem etwa 30 Kilometer breiten Korridor an der Grenze zu Frankreich wird Französisch unterrichtet, im Rest des Landes Englisch. Die Kritik an der Verordnung von 2001 richtete sich vor allem gegen die Rolle des Französischen in den grenznahen Gebieten. Diese Arbeit untersucht im ersten Schritt Landtagsprotokolle, Veröffentlichungen des Ministeriums und Urteile des Landesverwaltungsgerichts, die sich mit der Frage des Fremdsprachenunterrichts in der Grundschule beschäftigen, um sowohl die Vorbereitung und Einführung der neuen Regelung als auch die Reaktion darauf zwischen 1998 und 2011 nachzuzeichnen. Im zweiten Schritt wird der Frage nachgegangen, wo die Ursachen der Spannungen zwischen dem Ministerium und der Bevölkerung liegen. Dafür wird die öffentliche Kontroverse auf der Grundlage von Zeitungsartikeln untersucht, um zu zeigen, welche grundsätzlichen Fragen in diesen Konflikten zur Debatte standen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass nicht allein die Frage der Sprache Unzufriedenheit auslöst. Vielmehr geht es vor allem darum, dass das Land eine Sprache von oben verordnete, statt den Eltern die freie Wahl einer ersten Fremdsprache zu lassen. Im dritten Schritt der Arbeit wird diese Frage mit Hilfe von bildungspolitischen Theorien der „Neuen Steuerung“ betrachtet und mögliche Erklärungen werden angeboten.

Exploring teacher emotional intelligence and its impact on school climate

Morton, Cleion L. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Robert Shoop / Teachers and administrators are struggling. They must do more with less. Children come to school from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. These issues, as well as numerous others, provoke emotions that run rampant—sometimes out of control and sometimes minimized to the point of being destructive. In turn, the school climate and learning environment is affected. Teachers need support to enhance their understanding of emotional intelligence (EI). Application of EI competencies can positively influence school climate. The purpose of this intrinsic case study was to understand the perceived impact of enhancing teacher knowledge and application of emotional intelligence on school climate. The study explored teacher emotional intelligence, school climate, and the intersection of the two. Emotional intelligence instruction and education were provided to the teacher research participants during the study to support their personal growth. This study provided an understanding of the impact of teacher emotional intelligence on school climate. Results indicated that teacher emotional intelligence can be developed or enhanced and that it does affect their perception of the school climate. The impact was reflected in greater teacher awareness, intentional application of EI strategies, recognition of the benefits of EI on school climate, acknowledgement of factors impeding EI and school climate, and an altered perception of their role in the school climate. The study revealed a continued need for emphasizing and enhancing teacher emotional intelligence as a means of improving school climate. Utilizing a model such as the Six Seconds Model for Emotional Intelligence proved worth the time and effort because it enhanced teacher EI and changed teacher perceptions of school climate. A need for additional time and continued EI training was also noted as a means for additional growth in a more positive school climate.

La distribution du leadership dans l’organisation d’interventions en santé mentale au travail chez le personnel scolaire : étude de cas dans une école secondaire du Québec

Houde, Marc-André 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

How Undergraduate Students Think about Higher Education and Prepare for Employment

Chindalo, Pannel 28 February 2011 (has links)
This study explores of how university students understand the relationship between a liberal arts undergraduate degree and becoming employment-ready. The study employs a phenomenological approach. Surveys and interviews of students were conducted on the Faculty of Arts and Science students at the St. George Campus of the University of Toronto. Supplementary data were obtained from National Survey of Student Engagement. By employing Bourdieu‟s theory of practice (especially with regard to capital, habitus and field), the study reveals how students went about preparing for the labour market differed by their social class, immigration status and race. Students‟ abilities to secure skill-enhancing extracurricular activities and maintaining high GPA scores appeared related to their cultural capital. Most racialized first generation students experienced levels of difficulties in securing skill-enhancing extracurricular skill activities and maintaining high GPAs, which affected their employment readiness, clarity about occupational direction and their entry to graduate studies. New immigrant students were least aware of the extracurricular activities needed to prepare for employment. The study concludes that most liberal arts undergraduate students are not ready for employment at the completion of their studies and that social class and race may be related to their ability to make themselves employment-ready

How Undergraduate Students Think about Higher Education and Prepare for Employment

Chindalo, Pannel 28 February 2011 (has links)
This study explores of how university students understand the relationship between a liberal arts undergraduate degree and becoming employment-ready. The study employs a phenomenological approach. Surveys and interviews of students were conducted on the Faculty of Arts and Science students at the St. George Campus of the University of Toronto. Supplementary data were obtained from National Survey of Student Engagement. By employing Bourdieu‟s theory of practice (especially with regard to capital, habitus and field), the study reveals how students went about preparing for the labour market differed by their social class, immigration status and race. Students‟ abilities to secure skill-enhancing extracurricular activities and maintaining high GPA scores appeared related to their cultural capital. Most racialized first generation students experienced levels of difficulties in securing skill-enhancing extracurricular skill activities and maintaining high GPAs, which affected their employment readiness, clarity about occupational direction and their entry to graduate studies. New immigrant students were least aware of the extracurricular activities needed to prepare for employment. The study concludes that most liberal arts undergraduate students are not ready for employment at the completion of their studies and that social class and race may be related to their ability to make themselves employment-ready

De la formulation à l’implantation : expérience de la mise en oeuvre d’un projet éducatif et d’un plan de réussite d’une école primaire de la grande région de Montréal

Goulet, Sonia 03 1900 (has links)
En utilisant le cadre d’analyse de Honig (2006) qui étudie l’implantation d’une politique publique à la lumière des dimensions que sont le lieu, la politique et les acteurs, la présente recherche explore la relation entre l’implantation et la formulation d’une politique publique. Introduite en éducation par l’adoption, en 2002, du projet de loi 124 (Québec, 2002), la gestion axée sur les résultats s’est traduite par l’élaboration d’une planification stratégique pour la commission scolaire et d’un plan de réussite découlant d’un projet éducatif pour l’établissement scolaire. Or, l’étude de cas unique de cette recherche qui s’insère dans un projet dirigé par le professeur Martial Dembélé sur la gestion axée sur les résultats à l’ordre d’enseignement primaire au Québec (FQRSC, 2007-2008 ; CRSH, 2007-2010) permet l’examen de la relation formulation - implantation du projet éducatif/plan de réussite d’une école primaire située dans la grande région de Montréal. Les résultats de cette recherche démontrent que la formulation d’une politique a un impact sur son implantation, mais cette dimension n’est pas exclusive à une implantation effective. Les autres dimensions que sont les acteurs et le lieu ont tout autant d’effet : une ou deux dimensions peuvent pallier à la faiblesse de la troisième. / Using the analytical framework of Honig (2006) which studies the implementation of public policy from dimensions that are location, policy and actors, this research explores the relationship between implementation and formulation of public policy. Introduced in education by the adoption of Bill 124 (Quebec, 2002) in 2002, the results-based management framework has led to the development of a strategic plan for the school board and a success plan from an educational project for the school. However, the study of single case of this research which is part of a project led by Professor Martial Dembélé on results-based management framework at the primary level of education in Quebec (FQRSC, 2007-2008; SSHRC 2007-2010) examines the relationship formulation - implementation of the educational project/success plan of a primary school located in the greater Montreal area. The results of this research show that the formulation of a policy has an impact on its implementation, but this aspect is not exclusive to an effective implementation. Other dimensions that are the actors and place have as much effect: one or two dimensions can compensate for the weakness of the third one.

The Results and Implications of Fundraising in Elementary Public Schools: Interviews with Ontario Principals

Pistiolis, Ioanna Vana 24 July 2012 (has links)
A growing pressure to fundraise at the school level in Ontario is a direct result of funding cuts by the Ministry of Education. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the kinds of different fundraising strategies principals use in select elementary public schools in a southern Ontario large city and to determine the positive and negative results of fundraising. Principals of eight elementary schools were interviewed from high and low fundraising schools. Five included school observation tours. The findings show a positive correlation between student achievement and fundraised amounts and utilization, but that the benefits of fundraising only apply to a small number of students. The findings also show that an equal educational opportunity is not being provided to all students, and that moral, civic and democratic values are being eroded. This study highlights the need for Ontario’s Ministry of Education to fully fund public education.

The Results and Implications of Fundraising in Elementary Public Schools: Interviews with Ontario Principals

Pistiolis, Ioanna Vana 24 July 2012 (has links)
A growing pressure to fundraise at the school level in Ontario is a direct result of funding cuts by the Ministry of Education. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the kinds of different fundraising strategies principals use in select elementary public schools in a southern Ontario large city and to determine the positive and negative results of fundraising. Principals of eight elementary schools were interviewed from high and low fundraising schools. Five included school observation tours. The findings show a positive correlation between student achievement and fundraised amounts and utilization, but that the benefits of fundraising only apply to a small number of students. The findings also show that an equal educational opportunity is not being provided to all students, and that moral, civic and democratic values are being eroded. This study highlights the need for Ontario’s Ministry of Education to fully fund public education.

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