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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En annan tid : Definitioner av tid i franska uppslagsverk, 1690-1835

Rydberg, Christina January 2019 (has links)
Another time. Definitions of time in French encyclopedias, 1690-1835 The point of departure for this study is the common conception that the idea of time became "modern" in the late 18th century, meaning among other things a new, future-oriented and empowered individual. Such a view has been expressed by scholars like Lynn Hunt, Lucian Hölscher, François Hartog, Dan Edelstein as well as Reinhart Koselleck. This thesis investigates whether such a transformation is visible in eight French encyclopedias, published between 1690 and 1835. Definitions of time-related key-words are studied from a perspective of conceptual history and discourse analysis. The result of the study indicates a change in the notion of time. However, this change does not concur with the presumed breakthrough of "modernity". The dominant change is rather words that disappear during the period. The study argues that the dichotomy of time versus eternity was questioned, which changed the expectations. Definitions eventually turned away from a predetermined future, however they did not include an individual freedom to act. A new temporal consciousness is visible with the update of history, as pointed out by Koselleck. Mythology was mocked when definitions underlined rationality. The texts substituted religion with science. Diversity between individual definitions is visible mostly during the middle of the 18th century. Finally, the study discusses a possible time lag for encyclopedias used as witnesses of a discourse. / Autres temps. Les définitions du temps des encyclopédies françaises, 1690-1835 La notion de temps au sens moderne semble avoir pris forme vers la fin du 18e siècle. Cette conception du temps comme « moderne » implique entre autres choses que l'homme est conscient de la dimension temporelle, et de sa liberté de créer son propre avenir. Depuis les années 1960, plusieurs penseurs, dont François Hartog, Lynn Hunt, Lucian Hölscher, Dan Edelstein et Reinhart Koselleck, ont abordé ce décalage de la dite notion. Dans cette thèse sont examinés les changements de la notion du temps à travers les définitions de huit encyclopédies publiées entre 1690 et 1835. Au 18e siècle, les dictionnaires et les encyclopédies jouaient un rôle important quant au savoir et à la maitrise de la langue. Les analyses des définitions sont conduites à la lumière des théories conceptuelles et discursives. Les résultats de l'étude, dont le matériau s'étend sur 150 ans, confirment un changement de la notion de temps mais non pas celui dont a parlé la recherche antérieure. Les définitions témoignent d'un certain nombre d'effacements et de substitutions de différentes parties des textes. Les textes semblent avoir été plus homogènes au début et à la fin du 18e siècle et plus hétérogènes au milieu du même siècle. Les références religieuses s'y sont souvent substituées à des textes provenant des sciences naturelles, comme par exemple la mécanique. Successivement, les explications mythologiques étaient qualifiées de purs « mythes ». La dichotomie temps—éternité est remise en question et commence à disparaître. Selon d'autres chercheurs dans ce domaine, cela signifie une des conditions d'un futur non prédéterminé. Cependant, même au début du 19e siècle, les définitions parlent d'un futur contingent et non d'un homme maître de son propre futur. Pendant cette période (1690-1835), il y a aussi eu lieu un changement dans la façon de concevoir la notion d' «histoire », un phénomène qui a été souligné par Koselleck. Ce changement semble avoir entrainé une nouvelle conceptualisation de la temporalité. Dans la thèse sont discutées les encyclopédies comme étant des sources scientifiques et la possibilité d'un « time lag » dû aux définitions comparées au discours où celles-ci sont produites. Les résultats montrent l'introduction apparemment tardive d'un nouveau discours. / <p>Masterprogram i historiska studier, inriktning idéhistoria</p>

Mikhail Vassílievitch Lomonóssov: uma apresentação / Introducing: Mikhail Vassílievitch Lomonóssov

Frate, Rafael Nogueira de Carvalho 11 November 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a esboçar a primeira apresentação em língua portuguesa de uma das mais importantes figuras do pensamento, letras e educação da Rússia, absolutamente central em seu desenvolvimento técnico, científico e literário, Mikhail Vassílievitch Lomonóssov. Nele, juntamente com uma introdução provendo uma contextualização geral do século XVIII russo, seguida de um panorama biográfico do polímata centrado em sua produção literária e findada em um relato sobre sua contribuição para a formação da língua russa moderna, são apresentadas as traduções integrais de quatro obras suas na área das letras, duas das quais poemas longos acrescidos de comentários, bem como outras traduções secundárias ilustrativas da primeira parte. / The goal of the present work is to provide a sketch presenting for the first time in Portuguese language one of the most important individuals in Russian thought, language and education, who played a fundamental role in the technological, scientific and literary development of the country, Mikhail Vasilievitch Lomonosov. Here, along with an introduction containing a general outline of 18th century Russia, followed by a biographical overview of the polymath and ending in an account of his main contributions to the shaping of the modern Russian language, four full translations of his works in the realm of letters are presented, two of which duly commented long poems, as well as minor secondary translations, illustrating the first part.

The Atlantic Revolutions and the movement of information in the British and French Caribbean, c. 1763-1804

Morriello, Francesco Anthony January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examines how news and information circulated among select colonies in the British and French Caribbean during a series of military conflicts from 1763 to 1804, including the American War of Independence (1775-1783), French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802), and the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804). The colonies included in this study are Barbados, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Saint-Domingue. This dissertation argues that the sociopolitical upheaval experienced by colonial residents during these military conflicts led to an increased desire for news that was satiated by the development and improvement of many processes of collecting and distributing information. This dissertation looks at some of these processes, the ways in which select social groups both influenced and were affected by them, and why such phenomena occurred in the greater context of the 18th and early 19th century Caribbean at large. In terms of the types of processes, it examines various kinds of print culture, such as colonial newspapers, books, and almanacs, as well as correspondence records among different social groups. In terms of which groups are studied, these include printers, postal service workers, colonial and naval officials, and Catholic missionaries. The dissertation is divided into five chapters, the first of which provides insight into the operation of the mail service established in the aforementioned colonies, and the ways in which the Atlantic Revolutions impacted their service in terms of the different historical actors responsible for collecting and distributing correspondences. Chapter two looks at select British and French colonial printers, their print shops, and the book trade in the Caribbean isles during the 18th century. Chapter three delves into the colonial newspapers and compares the differences and similarities among government-sanctioned newspapers vis-à-vis independently produced papers. It uses the case of the Haitian Revolution to track how news of the slave insurrection was disseminated or constricted in the weeks immediately following the night of 22 August 1791. Chapter four examines the colonial almanac as a means of connecting colonial residents with people across the wider Atlantic World. It also surveys the development of these pocketbooks from mere astrological calendars to essential items that owners customized and frequently carried on their person, given the swathes of information they featured after the American War of Independence. The final chapter looks at the daily operations of Capuchin and Dominican missionaries in Martinique and Guadeloupe at the end of the 18th century and how they maintained their communications within the islands and with the heads of their Catholic orders in France, as well as in Rome. Overall, this project aims to fill in some of the gaps in the literature regarding how select British and French colonial residents received and dispatched information, and the effect this had in their respective Caribbean islands. It also sheds light on some of the ways that slaves were incorporated into the mechanisms by which information was collected and distributed, such as their encounters with printers, employment as couriers, and use as messengers to relay documents between colonial officials. In doing so, it hopes to encourage future discussion regarding how information moved in the British and French Caribbean amid periods of revolution and military conflict, how and why these processes changed, and the impact this had on print culture and mail systems in the post-revolutionary period of the 19th century.

No ventre da baleia: o mundo de um padre judaizante no século XVIII / No ventre da baleia: o mundo de um padre judaizante no século XVIII

Araújo Júnior, Adalberto Gonçalves 08 November 2006 (has links)
Padre Manoel Lopes de Carvalho nasceu na Bahia no final do século XVII. Foi aluno da Companhia de Jesus, ordenado sacerdote em 1707. Grande admirador do Padre Antônio Vieira, deixou a Colônia em direção ao Reino, onde apresentando-se como um 2o Profeta Jonas, escreveu um \"Memorial à Sua Majestade\" El Rey D. João V. Prognostifica uma reforma da Igreja à luz de idéias vieirianas. Encontrou no judeu-cristianismo um referencial teológico que pudesse unir a Igreja à Sinagoga. Filosemita convicto, combateu com veemência a Inquisição e a perseguição aos cristãos-novos. Após acreditar que o Messias viria do Brasil, depois de sua prisão nos cárceres do Santo Ofício da Inquisição, iniciou um processo psicológico, onde acabaria por declarar-se Messias. Por fim, combinou uma série de complexos cruzamentos teológicos, sintetizando elementos judaicos, cristãos e gnósticos. Foi condenado à morte em Lisboa como \"afirmativo, profitente da Lei de Moisés\" no Auto de Fé de 1726. / Priest Manoel Lopes de Carvalho was born in Bahia in the end of the 17th century. He was student of Jesus\' Company, ordered priest in 1707. Great admirer of Priest Antônio Vieira, he left the Colony towards the Kingdom, where presenting himself as a 2nd Prophet Jonas, he wrote a \"Memorial à Sua Majestade\" El Rey D. João V. He prognosticates a reform of the Church to the light of Priest Antônio Vieira\'s ideas. He found in the Jew-Christianity a theological referencial that could join the Church to the Synagogue. Convict philosemitic, he combatted with vehemence the Inquisition and the persecution to the newChristian. After believing that the Messiah would come from Brazil, after his prison in the jails of Saint Service of the Inquisition, he began a psychological process, where he would end for declaring himself Messiah. Finally, he combined a series of complex theological crossings, synthesizing Jewish, Christians and Gnostics elements. He was condemned to the death in Lisbon as \"affirmative, professed of the Moses\' Law\" in the Act of Faith of 1726.

Poor travellers on the move in Devon, 1598-c.1800

Hardy, Marion Ruth January 2017 (has links)
This study examines poor travellers who were on the move during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The focus is the County of Devon, with Exeter dealt with only briefly as it was a separate county. It is shown that the travellers, including numbers of Irish in the seventeenth century and foreign-born, particularly in the eighteenth century, were affected by a number of factors, but that the most important influence on their numbers and types was the incidence of wars. Economic factors, such as food supply, were of some importance, but the economy too was influenced by the effects of wars. Legislation also was found to have had less influence than expected. However, the legislation effective from 1700 did have a marked impact on the documentation available. The main sources used for this study are the parochial documents provided by churchwardens’ accounts of payments made to travellers in need and some of those of the parish overseers. These are supplemented by the records of Devon’s County Quarter Sessions. A combination of Devon’s geography, its strong international maritime connections and the influence of wars and their locations combined to affect the chronological and spatial variations in the numbers and types of travellers through the two centuries.

Sur l'interprétation Heideggérienne du chapitre "Du schématisme des concepts purs de l'entendement" de la critique de la raison pure de Kant

St-Aubin Fréchette, Laurence 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Catégories esthétiques, catégories humaines, catégories animales et « race nationale » : les peintures de castes au Mexique ou les ressorts ambigus de la construction d’une identité moderne / Aesthetic categories, human categories, animal categories and "national race" : the castas paintings in Mexico or the ambiguous springs of the construction of a modern identity

Riebel, Maëva 07 December 2018 (has links)
Inscrit dans une approche croisant iconographie, anthropologie et histoire, ce travail porte sur les peintures de castes au Mexique au XVIIIe siècle. Ce genre – unique au sein de l’art colonial et plus largement occidental – narre le métissage entre Espagnols, Amérindiens et Africains en Amérique coloniale. Il s’agira ici d’étudier les représentations sociales et raciales engagées dans les œuvres, de dégager leurs logiques, tout en explorant leurs arrière-plans historiques et anthropologiques. Nous tenterons de démontrer que cette mise en image du métissage se nourrit d’un imaginaire aristocratique européen qui structure un rapport à l’animalité dont la famille consanguine est le parangon, mais également d’un mode de pensée indigène qui conçoit une certaine fluidité entre les ontologies humaine et animale. En même temps, nous mettrons en relief la manière dont ce genre pictural articule la classification spontanée du Nouveau Monde qui se donne libre cours aux prémices de la Colonisation et la classification savante caractéristique du Siècle des Lumières. Nées de l’interpénétration de ces différents cadres civilisationnels, les peintures de castes constituent un objet fondamentalement « métis ». / This study explores the paintings of castes in 18th century Mexico, combining iconography, anthropology and history. This type of painting, of a unique kind within colonial and even Western art, tells the story of the interbreeding between Spaniards, American Indians and Africans in colonial Central America. The research focuses on the social and racial representations that appear in the artistic productions and the logic that they reflect. The historical and anthropological background is also examined. We will attempt to show that the graphic presentation of miscegenation feeds on a European aristocratic fantasy that shapes a relationship to the animalistic nature symbolized by consanguineous family, and also on an indigenous pattern of thought that allows some fluidity between human and animal ontology. Moreover, we shall point out the way in which this pictorial genre expresses the spontaneous classification of the New World that flows freely during the premises of the colonization and the scientific classification specific to the Enlightenment. These caste paintings are the produces of two cultural surroundings and form an inherently cross-bred subject.

Samvetets röst : Om mötet mellan luthersk ortodoxi och konservativ pietism i 1720-talets Sverige / The Voice of Conscience : The Encounter Beetween Lutheran Orthodoxy and Conservative Pietism in Sweden, 1720-30

Nordbäck, Carola January 2004 (has links)
<p>This dissertation deals with the encounter between Lutheran orthodoxy and conservative pietism 1720–1730. The aim has been to compare their views on society and man. </p><p>In the pietistic conflict, orthodoxy gave rise to attitudes which proved to be key to its view on society and man. It was a deeply rooted traditionalism, patriarchal order of society, demand for confessional uniformity and a corporativistic view on society. The above mentioned contained a specific view on the relationship between the church, state and individual. By using the Organism Metaphor, i.e. society depicted as a body, orthodoxy made visible the church’s collective unity. This body was also identical to the Swedish kingdom. If uniformity in faith and ceremonies was to be dissolved, it implied a disintegration of the social body and breaking of the bonds which held together both church and country. Uniformity was upheld through confessionalism and the partiarchal order of the church. The priests’ monopoly on official functions, and the legal calling created a barrier protecting this relationship to power. Where the views on society and man intersected, one specific theme can be identified – conscience. This spiritual function connected man to law, society’s patriarchal order and God. </p><p>I have emphasised five distinct traits of pietism: its polarizing tendencies, strong emotionalism, its reformist attitude towards church and social life, its egalitarianism and religious individualism. All of these traits collided with orthodoxy’s view on society and man. Pietism can be described as a massive christianization project, which included moral and ethic education of the people on an individual and collective level. Where pietism and religious individualism coincided with egalitarianism, a new discourse for conscience was established, where conscience became both an internal court of law – with God acting as judge – and a spiritual authority whose integrity grew in proportion to authority and church.</p>

Chaconnes and passacaglias in the keyboard music of François Couperin (1668-1733) and Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer (1665-1746)

28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available

La Garde du Roi. Pouvoirs, élites et nations dans la monarchie hispanique (1700-1823)

Glesener, Thomas 26 November 2007 (has links)
Il est dusage de considérer que la dynastie des Bourbons est parvenue à sinstaller sur le trône des Rois Catholiques en faisant appel à de nombreux étrangers auxquels elle a confié les principaux emplois de commandement militaire et territorial. Cette présence étrangère dans lEtat bourbonien a été interprétée par lhistoriographie comme la preuve dune méfiance profonde de Philippe V et de Louis XIV à légard des élites espagnoles. La thèse trouve son point de départ dans lanalyse du rôle et de la place des étrangers dans la monarchie hispanique au XVIIIe siècle, à travers le cas des Flamands, lun des groupes numériquement les plus nombreux. Néanmoins, lexamen détaillé des trajectoires individuelles et des processus de sélection a rapidement permis de prendre une distance critique à légard des présupposés de départ. En effet, dune part, les Bourbons dEspagne nont pas établi de distinction entre les sujets régnicoles et non régnicoles en accordant un régime de faveur aux seconds au détriment des premiers. Dautre part, les individus qui se revendiquent « Flamands » recouvrent un éventail de trajectoires très diverses, beaucoup nayant parfois aucun des marqueurs didentification employés traditionnellement par lhistoire sociale pour fixer lorigine des individus (patronyme, lieu de naissance, ascendance, etc.). Loin de constituer une identité fixe, lappartenance flamande sest révélée davantage être une ressource mobilisée ponctuellement par des individus aux origines diverses à certains moments de leur trajectoire. Ce constat nous a conduit à réexaminer la signification du discours sur la nation flamande dans les contextes dusage. Il sest avéré que ce discours est employé par les acteurs sociaux pour réactiver le capital politique accumulé par les familles des Pays-Bas fidèles à la dynastie bourbonienne pendant la guerre de Succession dEspagne. En effet, au début de son règne, Philippe V a attiré à lui les familles de la monarchie hispanique les plus dévouées à sa cause, et leur a garanti un statut de privilèges. La refondation de la Maison militaire a notamment permis de constituer un bastion contrôlé par ces familles. Le philippisme cette politique de fidélisation des élites sest exercé sans distinction dorigine dans tous les territoires de la monarchie. Pour les familles philippistes des Pays-Bas, la récompense sest traduite par des emplois réservés dans lentourage du roi et la promesse dune mobilité professionnelle dans lappareil dEtat. Loin de constituer une proto-identité nationale, le discours sur la nation flamande se décline sur le mode des langages corporatistes et vise à réactiver la mémoire des services rendus pendant le conflit successoral pour garantir le maintien demplois réservés. Suivre lévolution de cette identité professionnelle fossilisée a permis danalyser la prégnance de la mémoire du conflit successoral dans lEspagne du XVIIIe siècle, et de voir jusquà quand et comment léconomie des faveurs des Bourbons sorganise autour des clivages politiques hérités du début du siècle. En continuant à récompenser les héritiers des lignages philippistes, longtemps après la fin de la guerre de Succession, la dynastie entretient de profondes divisions au sein des élites du royaume. La disparition de ce langage corporatiste sur la nation flamande correspond dailleurs à une importante transformation des configurations sociales et politiques à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, qui voit lémergence dune nouvelle opposition nobiliaire. It has usually been considered that Philipp V used foreigners to reimplace Spanish nobles, notably in the army and in territorial administration, because of his profound mistrust towards local elites. This research is an attempt to appraise the validity of this interpretation, studying Flemish units officers of the royal guard. Reformed by 1701, this institution gave the opportunity to numerous Netherlands families to establish themselves permanently in Spain. Furthermore, all along the 18th century, a majority of territorial administrations commanders came from the royal guard. Since then, the prosopographical analysis, based on private, administrative, and notarial sources, focuses on social and political dynamics which were set up around the institution. The aim is to understand the mechanisms of military elites professional mobility within the borbon State. This study challenges the relevance of a cleavage which would oppose "foreigners" and "Spaniards". Opposite, it emphasizes the importance of the fidelity to Philipp V built by a few families during the War of Succession. The king rewarded these family groups by giving them an institutional basis the military household which enabled them to monopolise main employments in the army and the territorial administration. The memory of "Philippism" allowed these families to remain powerful long after Philipp Vs death, being opposed to any reform of the privileged corps. When Charles IV, thanks to Godoy, finally managed to control them, the military oligarchy rose up in Aranjuez in 1808.

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