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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of metals on the deterioration of steam-turbine oils

Clower, Marion Grove 11 May 2010 (has links)
Tests were conducted in the Lubrication Laboratory of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute to study the effect of several metals on the deterioration of steam-turbine oils. A special test apparatus was constructed and three commercial turbine oils were tested in the presence of 14 different metal and metal combination. Included in this group of metals were five bearing metals, several metals now extensively used in turbine lubricating systems, and several metals that are not at present used in turbine oiling systems. Oxidation of the oils was accomplished by heating the oil in glass containers at 275°F for 200 hours, in the presence of the metals. The oil samples were then subjected to laboratory inspections to determine the extent of oxidation. It was found that in the case of oil A copper, lead and the copper-lead combination were increasingly effective in increasing the viscosity and acidity. Brass, copper, and copper-lead were increasingly effective in promoting sludge formation. With oil B copper, lead, and the copper-lead combination were increasingly effective in promoting sludge formation and increasing the viscosity. Steel, lead and the copper-lead combination were increasingly effective in producing acidity. Copper, metal No. 9, and the copper-lead combination were increasingly effective in increasing the viscosity of oil C. Copper, metal Ho. 5, and copper-lead produced acidity in increasing amounts. Aluminum, zinc, and cooper were increasingly effective in promoting sludge formation. Tin showed the least effect on solidity in the case of all three oil. It caused the lowest sludge formation with oils A and B and was low with oil C. The viscosity of oil A was least affected by metal No. 6, of oil B by metal No. 8, end of oil C by steel. / Master of Science

Population patterns of Szechwan Province, China

Li, Mingliang January 1940 (has links)
Master of Science

A study of trends in yields of crops grown in rotation, the residual effects of fertilizer applications, and the relationship between plant food removed and that added on Dunmore silt loam soil

Hawkins, Barney Stewart January 1940 (has links)
Master of Science

The survival of restocked deer in Virginia

Woolley, Donald J. January 1940 (has links)
Master of Science

Teaching data dealing with corn for the use of teachers of agriculture in Virginia

King, Rufus Bucher January 1940 (has links)
Master of Science

A study of runoff losses from different slopes and lengths in a small watershed

Azar, Emanuel January 1940 (has links)
In recent years, both the state and federal governments of the United States have at last recognized erosion as a serious problem affecting the people of this land socially and economically, just as it affected the people of those kingdoms now buried in the sands of the deserts. Because of the seriousness of the problem, studies are being instituted on larger scopes than ever before and there is a greater realization of the pressing need for more adequate information about erosion, its causes, effects, prevention, and other related factors. That intense rainstorms result in higher rates of runoff is an acknowledged fact. These rates of runoff play an important part in studies made by soil conservationists, and upon their studies will depend the same success or failure of conservation practices. Soil conservationists have already espied the need for planning projects or designs that will take care of maximum runoffs which are to be expected at definite frequencies. The United States Geological Survey has collected records and made investigations of great value to engineers of navigation and flood control projects, as well as power developments and other such works which interest students of hydrology and soil conservation. Moreover, experiment stations in practically every state are cooperating with soil conservationists and soil specialists in attacking erosion problems facing the nation. The goal of all these investigations is towards finding means by which to help Nature in keeping the land so clothes that erosion may be kept within the natural limits. Hence, work is being conducted on many various problems. One particular problem upon which more information is needed is that runoff, its causes and effects in the Limestone Valley and Uplands Region in the State of Virginia. With the idea of making some contribution, therefore, that may help effect a solution by making available data for the above region, this problem was chosen as a subject for a Master’s thesis. / Master of Science

A study of the binary systems salicylic acid-biphenyl and salicylic acid-diphenylamine

Marsh, Lloyd Russell January 1940 (has links)
1. From a study of the system salicylic acid-biphenyl it was concluded that there was no compound formation in the system. The solution is very nearly ideal, having an eutectic temperature of 67.6℃ at a mole fraction of .903 for the biphenyl. 2. The system salicylic acid-diphenylamine was studied and no compound formation was found to be present. The system and no compound formation was found to be present. The system is not as ideal as the salicylic acid-biphenyl system, but follows the ideal solution curve fairly well. The system has an eutectic temperature of 48.5℃ at .926 mole fraction of diphenylamine. / M.S.


WELLS, PATRICIA ANN. January 1983 (has links)
Since the turn of the century Scottish drama has struggled to create drama distinct from England's. The four century dearth in playwriting is attributed to the antipathy of the Scottish Kirk holding sway in Scotland after King James moved his court to London in 1603. Inspired by Dublin's Abbey Theatre, the Scots' dream of a national theatre is traced through three major periods: Rebirth, Inter-war and Postwar. Analysis reveals organismic development where spurts of growth are followed by plateaus of consolidation. An early stage of Kailyard drama was followed by a return to the Scots dialect. Thus they created their own pseudo-indigenous drama. The national theatre torch first carried by the Glasgow Repertory Company in 1909 passed to the Scottish national Players in the 1920s before settling with the Citizens' Theatre in the 1940s. The Post-war Edinburgh Festival has acted like a pressure-cooker to drama. Two Scottish historical studies point to talented writers and theatrical craft in abundance. Nevertheless, first magnitude writers failed to emerge. Scholars identified major weaknesses as: writers poorly based in dramatic theory; bridging the gap between the parochial and universal; historical themes lacking cognizance of the present; and a reliance on derogatory comic stereotypes. This study of three recent Scottish plays, Chinchilla by David Robert MacDonald, Animal by Tom McGrath and The Jesuit, by Donald Campbell concludes that Scottish drama has overcome its weaknesses. It now passes the test of universality without loss of Scottish ethnicity. Dealing with man's relationship to art, his fellowman and God, all three proclaim their Celtic origins through the imaginative use of space, time and consciousness. The authors' sophisticated, poetic use of language indicates that Scottish drama has arrived at last on the threshold of maturity.


LICIA RUBINSTEIN 28 August 2007 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação é resultado de uma pesquisa na área de história do design, baseada em estudo de cultura material. Seu objeto principal é a propaganda gráfica criada para divulgação do Recenseamento Geral de 1940. O material encontrado é composto por onze peças formadas por ilustração e texto, pertencentes ao acervo iconográfico do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), órgão responsável por esse inquérito. Tanto a criação do IBGE quanto a realização do Recenseamento fizeram parte do projeto modernizador do Estado Novo e vieram suprir a necessidade de informações estatísticas confiáveis e de conhecimentos geográficos sobre o território nacional. Os modelos de governo autoritários marcaram os anos trinta e quarenta em diversos países e trouxeram a institucionalização da propaganda como forte arma de controle ideológico. No Brasil não foi diferente. O objetivo desta pesquisa, portanto, é analisar de que forma esse material se insere no discurso visual do Estado Novo. Para isso são apresentados os contextos político e cultural do período em questão. A seguir há uma discussão sobre o papel da estatística e da geografia no Estado Novo a partir de imagens criadas no IBGE. Por fim é feita uma análise gráfica de cada peça de propaganda do Recenseamento e um levantamento de características recorrentes, verificando-se de que maneira elas transmitem as idéias do regime e as suas semelhanças com outros exemplares de design gráfico produzido no mesmo período. / [en] This MA thesis is the result of research in the area of design history, based on the study of material culture. Its main object is the graphic propaganda created to advertise the General Census of 1940. The material under study comprises eleven items made up of text and illustration, which belong to the iconographic collection of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), the institution responsible for conducting the census. The creation of IBGE, as well as the setting up of this Census, was part of the broader modernizing project of Estado Novo and was intended to fill in the gap of reliable statistical information and geographical knowledge about the national territory. Authoritarian models of government were characteristic of the thirties and forties in different countries, and they brought about the institutionalization of propaganda as a means of ideological control. This was no different in Brazil. The aim of this study is, therefore, to analyze in which way the images under consideration are part of the visual discourse of Estado Novo. For this reason, the political and cultural contexts of this period are first presented. There follows a discussion of the role of statistics and geography as used by Estado Novo based on the images created for IBGE. Finally, a graphic analysis is undertaken of each individual item of propaganda for the census, seeking to identify common themes and verifying how they transmitted ideas about the system, as well as pointing out similarities with other examples of graphic design produced in the same period.

Boyd, Warden och slaget om Storbritannien : håller förhärskande luftmaktsteori vad den lovar?

Månsson, Mikael January 2003 (has links)
− Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att pröva förhärskande luftmaktsteori på ett verkligtskeende. I uppsatsen prövas därför giltigheten av John Boyds och John A. Warden III teorier påSlaget om Storbritannien. Min avsikt med detta är inte att ställa Warden mot Boyd för attdärigenom pröva vilken av teorierna som framstår som bättre än den andra, utan metoden attpröva dessa på ett verkligt skeende syftar endast till att pröva dem var för sig. Min frågeställningblir därför;Fråga: Håller dessa teorier för en prövning på en verklig händelse?− För att svara på min frågeställning har jag gått till väga på följande sätt. Uppsatsens förstadel handlar om vad luftmakt är, dess grundläggande egenskaper, fördelar samt begränsningar.Detta för att skapa förståelse för uttrycket som sådant. Därefter följer en genomgång och analysav vad förhärskande luftmakts teori är och tankarna bakom denna. De teorier som behandlasunder detta epitet är de av John Boyd och John A. Warden III. Därefter knyts denna och förstadelen ihop för att därigenom skapa förståelse och en helhetssyn av begreppet luftmakt ochförhärskande luftmaktsteori. Som tredje del i uppsatsen kommer själva prövningen av teoriernamot Slaget om Storbritannien. Denna del är uppdelad i fyra olika faser som avgränsas viadatum. Detta för att skapa en lättöverskådlig struktur. Faserna är i sig indelade i beskrivning avfasen, genomförande och slutresultat. Teorin prövas genom att jag jämför teori med verkligtskeende i varje fas, slutsatser rörande teorins giltighet dras därav och sammanfattas i varje del.Slutligen avslutas uppsatsen med en sammanfattning där svar ges på frågeställningen.− Avgränsningar och motiv till dessa görs under uppsatsens gång varför jag endast redovisardessa i punktform här.Jag behandlar enbart Slaget om Storbritannien, tidsperiod 10 juli 1940-31 oktober samma år.Jag behandlar enbart luftkrigetJag behandlar Warden på det tyska agerandet och Boyd på det brittiska. / My purpose with this Essay is to examine if the theories of John Boyd andJohn A. Warden III will stand a test of reality. I therefore look at theplanning, execution and result of The Battle of Britain in order to do this.The essay is divided into four different parts. The first part deals with theexpression Air Power, its basic characteristics, advantages and limitations.This part is meant to lead a non air force officer into the essay and make itunderstandable. The next part is an analysis of the theories and the thoughtsbehind them. After this the two parts is amalgamated in order to createknowledge and a comprehensive view of Air Power and its theories. Thethird part is the test of the theories. In this part The Battle of Britain isdivided into four different phases in order to create a good structure and apossibility for the reader to follow me in my discussions. The theories aretested by looking at preparation, carrying through and results in bothGerman and British behaviour. By saying this I want to stress that thepurpose with the essay is not to examine why the German campaign endedas it did or why RAF took the victory, nor is it a test of which one of thetheories is the better one. It is a test where I look at Boyd by examineRAF/FC planning, carrying through and results and Warden by doing thesame on Luftwaffe. The fourth part is a summing up, where the question ofthe essay is answered.In my answer I level criticism against the “five ring model” of JohnWarden. The remark I do concerns the idea of separating the political willfrom the people. I find this separation valid only when looking on adictatorship not a democracy. In this discussion I find that the targetingmodel affects the theory in the way that it only suits physical destructionbased on parallel attacks and not psychic breakdown.The theory of John Boyd passes without remarks.Having said this I discuss what these results tells us. I find that the essayproves the possibility to falsify a theory but that the result is valid in thiscase only. The main issue I want to point out with my result though is thatit can work as a springboard for further examinations of these theories. Ifother authors come to the same result as I, with their examinations made onother real events, the conclusion must be that the answers all togetherproofs that the theory limps. How many answers that must point in thesame direction I don’t know, the important thing is that the theories aretested, otherwise the risk is that they can be looked at as truths, which theyare not. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 01-03

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