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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stigmatisation et précarité des travailleuses du sexe pendant la pandémie de COVID-19

Desfossés, Maxime 22 February 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur les effets de la crise sanitaire de la COVID-19 et des mesures prises par les gouvernements français et québécois pour freiner sa propagation sur les travailleuses du sexe (TDS). Bien que les enjeux liés à la stigmatisation et la criminalisation des TDS sont déjà bien documentés dans la littérature féministe pro-TDS, ils n'ont encore été que très peu étudiés dans le contexte de la pandémie de la COVID-19. L'objectif de cette recherche est donc d'examiner les effets de la pandémie sur les TDS au prisme de la stigmatisation et du déni de reconnaissance (Fraser, 2011) dont elles font l'objet. Pour ce faire, des témoignages de TDS produits durant la pandémie et diffusés dans les médias traditionnels au Québec et en France, dont la presse écrite francophone, ainsi que sur les réseaux sociaux et YouTube ont été recueillis. À cela s'ajoutent des prises de parole d'organismes par et pour les TDS diffusés durant la même période, ainsi que des rapports de recherche concernant les effets de la pandémie sur les populations stigmatisées. Prenant appui sur les concepts de stigmatisation et de déni de reconnaissance, l'analyse identifie deux grands thèmes : 1) celui de la stigmatisation des TDS révélée et amplifiée par la pandémie et 2) celui des difficultés financières importantes mais néanmoins largement ignorées qu'ont vécues les TDS pendant la pandémie. Les résultats de l'analyse montrent que la surveillance et la répression policières se sont accentuées durant la pandémie et qu'elles ont particulièrement affectées les TDS qui pouvaient difficilement respecter les mesures sanitaires dans l'exercice de leur activité. Cela leur a causé beaucoup de stress, en plus de renforcer l'isolement social vécu par certaines et de rendre leurs conditions de travail moins sécuritaires. Puisqu'il leur était plus difficile voire impossible de continuer à travailler au plus fort de la crise sanitaire, les TDS ont également souffert financièrement et elles n'ont pas eu droit aux aides financières d'urgence offertes par les États français, québécois et canadien. L'oubli ou l'exclusion des TDS dans les programmes d'aide durant la pandémie atteste du déni de reconnaissance dont elles font l'objet, elles qui ne sont pas conçues comme des travailleuses ordinaires, ni même comme des « vies pleurables » (Butler, 2009). / This thesis focuses on the effects of the COVID-19 health crisis and the sanitary measures taken by the French and Quebec governments on sex workers (SW). Although the pro-sex feminist literature has already well documented the issues related to the stigmatization and criminalization of SW, these issues have still been little studied in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this research is therefore to examine the effects of the pandemic on SW through the lens of their stigmatization and denial of recognition (Fraser, 2011). To do this, testimonials from SW produced during the pandemic and broadcasted in traditional media in Quebec and France, including the French-speaking print media, as well as on social media and YouTube, were collected. In addition, statements from SW organizations broadcasted during the same period, as well as research reports concerning the effects of the pandemic on stigmatized populations were also collected. Drawing upon the concepts of stigmatization and denial of recognition, the analysis identifies two main themes: 1) the stigmatization of SW revealed and amplified by the pandemic, and 2) the significant but nevertheless largely ignored financial difficulties that the SW experienced during the pandemic. The results of the analysis show that police surveillance and repression have increased during the pandemic and that they have particularly affected SW who could hardly comply with health measures while working. This caused them a lot of stress, in addition to reinforcing the social isolation experienced by some and making their working conditions less safe. Since it was more difficult or even impossible for them to work at the height of the COVID-19 crisis, SW suffered financially but were not eligible to the emergency financial aid offered by the French, Quebec and Canadian states. The omission or exclusion of SW from the aid programs during the pandemic shows the denial of recognition of SW who are not seen as ordinary workers, nor even as "grievable lives" (Butler, 2009)

La nuit comme un visage suivi de Paradoxes de l'écriture du deuil dans La plus que vive et Noireclaire de Christian Bobin / Paradoxes de l'écriture du deuil dans La plus que vive et Noireclaire de Christian Bobin

Garneau, Sara 12 April 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore la relation entre la littérature et le deuil. La première partie, « La nuit comme un visage », constitue un récit de deuil à caractère autofictionnel. Il met en scène une femme qui écrit à son amoureux après que celui-ci l’ait quittée en posant un geste suicidaire. Il lui laisse en héritage un petit paquet contenant des oeuvres de Friedrich Nietzsche, d’Henry-David Thoreau, d’Albert Camus, d’Herman Melville et de Lou-Andréas Salomé. À travers ces lectures, la narratrice entreprend une sorte de pèlerinage pour retracer l’origine de l’insaisissable fissure qui lui avait échappé. Un impératif d’écriture s’impose à elle, envahissant l’espace laissé vacant par la perte. Le récit pose la question des raisons qui enjoignent le sujet à mettre en récit son expérience. La problématique qui sous-tend ce projet est celle des interactions entre l’écriture du deuil et sa résolution. Nous nous attarderons à cette question dans la partie critique : « Les paradoxes de l’écriture du deuil dans La plus que vive et Noireclaire ». L’écriture favorise-t-elle la résolution du deuil ou, au contraire, en révèle-t-elle l’impossibilité ? La poétique du deuil de Christian Bobin sera analysée à partir de cette interrogation.

Construction de l'identité professionnelle en temps de pandémie : le cas des étudiant.e.s en soins infirmiers

Phaneuf-Fournier, Marie 13 December 2023 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 22 mai 2023) / La pandémie de COVID-19 a engendré une pression énorme sur les systèmes de l'éducation et de la santé. Au printemps 2020, les établissements postsecondaires, dont les collèges, ont fermé leurs portes : l'enseignement est passé à la formation à distance (FAD) et les stages cliniques ont été suspendus. Les personnes étudiantes dans le domaine des soins infirmiers se sont retrouvées au cœur des enjeux liés au travail de soins : formation initiale hautement pratique, pénurie de personnel soignant et enseignant, mesures incitatives à l'emploi, risques de contamination, difficultés de conciliation études-travail-famille. Ces futures professionnelles sont à l'aube de s'insérer dans un réseau surchargé, plusieurs ayant déjà intégré le marché de l'emploi durant leurs études. Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur la construction de l'identité professionnelle des étudiant.e.s en soins infirmiers durant la pandémie de COVID-19. Le premier objectif est de reconstituer les parcours scolaires des étudiant.e.s depuis le début de la pandémie. Le deuxième objectif est d'identifier les thèmes transversaux propres à la construction de l'identité professionnelle dans un contexte d'alternance des modes d'enseignement et de forte pression vers l'emploi. S'appuyant sur une méthode qualitative, des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été menés auprès de onze étudiant.e.s de niveau collégial. L'expérience des répondant.e.s est marquée par une formation initiale incomplète, des messages contradictoires de la part d'autrui et une pression pour travailler plus, aboutissant à une socialisation sous tension, entre solitude et résilience. Les résultats pointent vers une prédominance de la sphère professionnelle durant la période pandémique, au détriment des autres sphères de la vie (études, loisirs, famille, ami.e.s). En outre, la pandémie de COVID-19 semble avoir accéléré leur entrée dans la vie adulte. / The COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous pressure on the education and health systems. In the spring of 2020, post-secondary institutions, including colleges, closed their doors: teaching shifted to distance education and clinical placements were suspended. Nursing students found themselves at the center of issues related to care work: highly practical initial training, shortage of nursing and teaching staff, employment incentives, risks of contamination, difficulties in balancing studies, work and family. These future professionals are on the eve of entering an overloaded network, many having already entered the job market during their studies. This master's thesis focuses on the construction of the professional identity of nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first objective is to reconstruct the educational paths of the students since the beginning of the pandemic. The second objective is to identify the transversal themes specific to the construction of professional identity in a context of alternating teaching modes and strong pressure towards employment. Using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven college students. The respondents' experience is marked by incomplete initial training, contradictory messages from others and pressure to work more, resulting in socialization under tension, between solitude and resilience. The results point to a predominance of the professional sphere during the pandemic period, to the detriment of other spheres of life (studies, leisure, family, friends). Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have accelerated their entry into adulthood.

La personnalisation dans la communication de crise du gouvernement québécois lors de la pandémie de COVID-19

Bédard, Gabrielle 07 June 2024 (has links)
La communication de crise des directeurs nationaux de la santé publique a marqué la pandémie de COVID-19 au Québec. Horacio Arruda et Luc Boileau se succèdent dans le rôle de communicateurs des restrictions sanitaires. Le présent mémoire analyse les différences d'expression entre les deux directeurs et le rôle de la personnalisation de la communication dans ces dissemblances. Notre mémoire répond à la question de recherche suivante : est-ce que la personnalité du directeur national de la santé publique est mise en valeur dans sa communication de crise ? Notre hypothèse de recherche, qui prend source dans la théorie de la personnalisation, pose que la *communication s'adapte à l'individu responsable de la communication institutionnelle, ainsi la personnalisation de la communication s'observe dans l'appel aux éléments personnels dans le discours*. La méthode d'analyse de contenu utilisée est inspirée de Seignour (2011). Les résultats de l'analyse posent que la communication de ces directeurs nationaux de la santé publique se caractérise effectivement par une différence de modalité d'expression. L'analyse de contenu des déclarations d'Horacio Arruda et de Luc Boileau montre la personnalisation dans les propos de ces communicateurs. La personnalité de chacun de ces fonctionnaires est valorisée dans leurs interventions orales respectives.

Specifické podmínky rozvoje regionálního školství v hlavním městě Praze a ve Středočeském kraji / Specific conditions for the development of regional education in the City of Prague and in the Central Bohemia Region

Dvořák, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT This final thesis is focused on the description of the specific conditions of the current development of regional education in Prague and the Central Bohemia Region. This is particularly true in relation to the use and creation of basic conceptual documents (long- term Plan for Education and the Educational System in the City of Prague and Central Bohemia Region) and other policy materials created for specific regional education in the City of Prague and Central Bohemia Region. The aim of this final thesis is to describe the specific fundamental conditions for the development of regional education in each region, the specific shared conditions of City of Prague and Central Bohemia Region. The final thesis also describes the current functioning of regional education in terms of financing, legislation and some decision-making responsibilities of local governments - municipalities and regions. The aim of this thesis is also to find common requirements and recommendations of a shared approach to solving problems in regional education in the City of Prague and Central Bohemia Region. KEYWORDS Regional education, preschool education, elementary education, secondary education, education funding long-term plan for education, specific conditions of education, Strategy 2020, City of Prague, Central Bohemia...

Projeto de estruturas de concreto armado reforçadas com compósitos FRP: dimensionamento à  flexão e à força cortante. / Reforced concrete structures strengthened with FRP: bending and shear design criteria.

Orlando, Igor Del Gaudio 04 April 2019 (has links)
Esta dissertação contempla o estudo sobre os principais aspectos que norteiam as propostas normativas com critérios de dimensionamento de estruturas de concreto armado reforçadas com Polímeros Reforçados com Fibras (FRP). Este trabalho procura avaliar e discutir as metodologias de cálculo sugeridas pelas publicações American Concrete Institute (ACI) \"Committee 440\" e Fédération Internationale du béton (FIB) e propor um procedimento para a análise e dimensionamento do reforço aos esforços de flexão e discutir a importância do esforço cortante com relação à flexão. Primeiramente, efetuou-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o estado da arte no que concerne ao dimensionamento de reforços com materiais compósitos de FRP. Em seguida, apresentou-se a análise da verificação de segurança de elementos reforçados à flexão segundo a perspectiva das publicações acima mencionadas: ACI440.2R (2017) e FIB Model Code (2010). Posteriormente, estabeleceu-se um estudo de análise comparativa entre os resultados experimentais encontrados na bibliografia, os previstos pelos referidos manuais para os modelos aqui estudados. Os valores máximos da capacidade resistente dos modelos serão confrontados e a importância do conhecimento das características dos materiais discutidos. Com tais informações sistematizaram-se os procedimentos de cálculo a se adotar em um projeto de reforço estrutural com sistemas compósitos de FRP, respeitando as propostas normativas que mais se adequam ao Brasil. / The present dissertation results from a study concerning the main design criteria for reinforced concrete structures through externally bonding Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) systems. This paper tries to evaluate and discuss the design methodologies proposed by the guidelines publications American Concrete Institute (ACI) \"Committee 440\" and Fédération Internationale du béton (FIB) and seek to propose a procedure for the analysis and design of FRP strengthened RC elements in bending and discuss the importance of shear stress regarding the bending efforts. Initially, a state-of-art concerning design criterias on the use of FRP composites is presented. Then, the analysis and procedures of the safety concept is exposed from the perspective of the publications: ACI440.2R (2017) and FIB Model Code 2010. After, it established a study of comparative analysis between the experimental results found in the bibliography and the ones predicted by international guidelines for beams and slabs. The maximum ultimate capacity of the strengthened element will be compared and confronted and the importance of the knowledge of the characteristics of the materials discussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn out and recommendations concerning the design and safety concepts are presented, respecting the guidelines proposals that are most appropriate to Brazil.


CARLOS EDUARDO SILVA DA LUZ 20 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] A abordagem Quality Function Deployment (QFD) integrada a métodos multicritério de apoio à decisão vem sendo amplamente aplicada a projetos de novos produtos, particularmente quando integrada à lógica fuzzy. O objetivo da dissertação é propor um modelo conceitual baseado na abordagem fuzzy ANP-QFD para definir e priorizar requisitos de projeto de novos produtos de defesa à luz de requisitos dos clientes. A pesquisa pode ser considerada descritiva, metodológica e aplicada. A partir dos resultados da revisão bibliográfica e documental sobre os temas centrais da pesquisa, desenvolveu-se um modelo conceitual para definição e priorização de requisitos técnicos de novos produtos de defesa, buscando-se preencher lacunas identificadas na literatura especializada no período 1987-2017. A aplicabilidade do modelo foi demonstrada mediante um estudo empírico no âmbito do Projeto COBRA 2020, uma iniciativa estratégica do Exército brasileiro. Para este estudo, selecionou-se um dos produtos do referido Projeto – um monóculo de visão térmica. Destacam-se como principais contribuições da pesquisa um modelo para definir e priorizar requisitos de projeto de novos produtos de defesa, que considera a complexidade, subjetividade e incerteza como características inerentes a projetos de novos produtos de defesa. Os resultados desta pesquisa poderão ser replicados em outros projetos de novos produtos de defesa – no Centro Tecnológico do Exército – CTEx – e em outras instituições militares envolvidas com atividades de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação (PDeI) no Brasil e no exterior. / [en] The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach integrated with multicriteria decision-support methods has been widely applied to development of new product, particularly with the support of fuzzy logic. The objective of this dissertation is to propose a conceptual model based on the fuzzy ANP-QFD approach to define and prioritize project requirements of new defense products. The research can be considered descriptive, applied, and methodological. Based on the results of the bibliographic and documentary review on the central themes of the research, a conceptual model was developed to determine and prioritize project requirements of new defense products, seeking to fill gaps identified during the literature review covering the period of 1987-2017. The applicability of the model was demonstrated by an empirical case study having as experimental context the Project COBRA 2020, a strategic initiative of the Brazilian Army. For this study, one of new products to be developed within this Project was selected – a monocle of thermal vision. The main contribution of the research is a model for determining and prioritizing project requirements of new defense products, which considers the complexity, subjectivity, and uncertainty as inherent characteristics to the design of new defense products. The research findings could be replicated in other projects of new defense products - at the Army Technological Center - CTEx - and other military institutions dealing with research, development and innovation (RDandI) activities in Brazil and abroad.

Zvyšování bezpečnosti a výkonnosti navigace dopravních letadel po trati letu / Commercial Aircraft Track Navigation Safety & Performance Enhancement

Oharek, Aleš January 2009 (has links)
Thesis presents description of the air traffic safety, efficiency, capacity and preferences of navigation equipment. Those aspect are further used to suggestion of future advancement airspace, which occur during almost all phases of the flight.

Sfi-lärares erfarenheter av distansundervisning våren 2020 / Sfi-teachers’ experiences of distance education in the spring of 2020

Söderlund, Svetlana, Öllsjö, Margareta January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sfi-lärares erfarenheter av distansundervisning under våren 2020. Studiens fokus ligger på att undersöka hur digitala verktyg anpassades till elevernas olikheter, hur kommunikationen med eleverna etablerades och vilka arbetssätt och metoder som kännetecknade sfi-lärares distansundervisning.  Genom att beskriva omställningen till distansundervisning orsakade av pandemier som SARS och Covid-19, redogörs för de utmaningar och möjligheter som lärare ställs inför i den digitala klassrumsmiljön. Därefter lyfts teoretiska aspekter kring kommunikation och lärarrollen i att skapa relationer med eleverna i den digitala lärmiljön. För att förstå fenomenet med distansutbildningen i sin helhet redovisas vidare utgångspunkter som bör tas hänsyn till när en sådan utbildning utformas och designas. Detta är en empirisk studie där metodtriangulering har använts med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa undersökningar. Totalt deltog 126 respondenter i webbenkät och sex respondenter i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet pekar på att lärarnas förhållningssätt till distansundervisning under pandemin och ojämlikhet i elevers digitala kompetens och elevernas bristfälliga tillgång till digitala teknik i samband med omställningen, var avgörande för hur nya arbetssätt och undervisningsstrategier formades. Sfi-lärarna använde sig av de digitala verktyg och digitala resurser som redan var inarbetade i klassrumsundervisningen. Både synkron och asynkron kommunikation tillämpades i stor utsträckning, där synkron kommunikation värdesattes tack vare dess likhet med det fysiska klassrummets upplägg och asynkron kommunikation ökade tillgänglighet till undervisningsmaterial. Sfi-lärarnas utmaningar bestod av svårigheter att vara tillgängliga för de elever som behövde stöd och att följa upp elevernas lärandeprocesser på distans. / The purpose of this study is to investigate sfi-teachers’ experiences of distance education in the spring of 2020. The study focuses on examining how digital tools were adapted to students’ differences, how communication with students was established and what teaching methods characterized sfi teachers’ distance education. By describing the transition to distance education caused by pandemics such as SARS and Covid-19, the challenges and opportunities that teachers face in the digital classroom environment are described. Thereafter, theoretical aspects of communication and the teacher’s role in creating relationships with students in the digital learning environment are highlighted. In order to understand the phenomenon of distance education in its entirety, further points of departure are presented that should be taken into account when such education is designed. This is an empirical study where method triangulation with both quantitative and qualitative studies. A total of 126 respondents responded to the online survey and six respondents participated in semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that the teachers’ approach to distance education during the pandemic, and the inequality in students’ digital competence and the students’ inadequate access to digital technology in connection with the transition, were decisive for how new teaching methods and teaching strategies were formed. Sfi teachers used the digital tools and digital resources that were already incorporated in the classroom education. Both synchronous and asynchronous communication were applied to a large extent, where synchronous communication was valued thanks to its similarity to the physical classroom layout and asynchronous communication because of the increased accessibility to teaching materials. The sfi teachers’ teaching challenges consisted of difficulties in being available to the students who needed support and in following up the students’ learning processes at a distance.

Nejnovější informatizační programy a iniciativy EU / The latest information programs and initiatives of the EU

Jůzová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of the Information Policy of the European Union. It is focused on the development, principles and strategic plans from the beginning of the 21st century to the present. The aim of the thesis is to characterize and evaluate the past and current information programs of the European Union. The thesis describes the Lisbon Strategy which was the first major document that defined the direction of the European Union. The next part of the text deals with the eEurope 2002 and eEurope 2005 and the related i2010. The main attention is paid to the current program of Europe 2020. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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