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Development of 3D surfaces based on an energy model for woven fabricsChong, K. W. January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Oljeavskiljare för biltvätt : Från idé till prototypNahid, Mustafa Hammodi January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of a device called "Oil Separator" which is used for washing vehicles and particularly car washing. The device developed for Mr. Car Bilvård AB in Uppsala, the company's work involves passenger transport and courier services. The company needs an external device that meets the environmental standards to wash their own cars in the premises without the need to modify or reconstruct on the premises ground as the premises is on a leased contract. Work began with a preliminary study on the literatures that describes both the function and structure of designing the device. A few interviews with other car wash companies had been implemented, and some measurements. After collection of the necessary information the specifications of customer requirement was presented . With these requirements a few concepts was generated and weighed using the Pugh matrix for concepts selection for further development. The final concept was further developed and a design has been presented. A design of the washing place was taken up also which does not require any change in the premises by putting it on the ground. A functional smaller prototype of the oil separator was developed and tested.
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Integrating 3D-CAD and Cost Estimating at the Conceptual Design Stage of Bridge ProjectAl-Dosary, Bashar January 2015 (has links)
Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM), as a concept, has been introduced to enhance the procedures of the whole phases of a bridge life-cycle starting with concept and design, through construction and operation, and ending with maintenance and rehabilitation. Integrating BrIM and design tools will help improve the methods used in designing and constructing bridge projects at early stages taking into considerations their cost and time constraints. The main objective of this research is to develop an integrated model that helps owners, designers and construction managers visualize bridge projects in a 3D mode and accordingly automate the process of generating preliminary cost estimates during the conceptual design stage. To achieve the above mentioned objective, a proposed methodology will be applied where all the aspects needed to develop an efficiently integrated model are realized. Thus, this research describes the proposed methodology that incorporates three modules, which are the core of the integrated model. These modules are: a knowledge based system module, which is used to generate conceptual dimensions and parameters depending on algorithmic and heuristic knowledge gathered from codes, guidelines and design experts; a conceptual cost estimation module, which is used to generate conceptual cost estimate based on the results of the first module; and a 3DCAD module, which is integrated with the previous modules where users will visualize the proposed bridge in 3D based on the results of the knowledge based module. The successful development of the model would help owners and investors identify the cost and visualize the proposed projects at the early stages of the project life, so they have an idea of the budget required and the aesthetics of the proposed projects. The integrated model is validated through an actual case project to test its workability and output.
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Work method for 3D modeling in pro/ENGINEER / Arbetsmetod för 3d modellering i pro/engineerKandelid, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
This is a 15 credits thesis in mechanical engineering performed at the PLM Solutions group at the Rocktec division within Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB, Örebro, during spring 2012. When designers working with 3D CAD modeling uses different work methods in Pro/ENGINEER (Pro/E) it sometimes results in problems. It is also a problem when designers do not follow the specific work methods defined by Atlas Copco. The purpose of this thesis was to identify the most common problems with 3D models at Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB (RDE) Örebro related to work methods, for example why models crash, why they cannot be checked in to Pro/Intralink or why there are unstable references. The objective was to present a work method to avoid one or two of the most severe problems identified at RDE Örebro. To achieve the objective I started with going through the CAD support call data base, to find out in what areas the organization needed help from the CAD support. The result shows that the engineers request most support in how to use both the modeling and the drawing modules in Pro/E. I also came up with a suggestion for redesign of the CAD support call data base system, that could reduce the time needed for this kind of analysis from days to minutes. Thereafter a number of engineers, all with high skills in Pro/E, were selected for personal interviews. The topic was to identify any lack in defined work methods in Pro/E causing problems that are taking long time to correct. The result shows that the biggest issue for the users is references. I also performed a benchmarking with two other companies within the Atlas Copco Group looking at their CAD guidelines regarding the issues found during the interviews. Thirdly, one assembly each from six different departments were selected and sent to PTC for an in depth analysis with their software tool Expert Model Analysis. The goal was to find any systematic issues regarding work methods in Pro/E. The analysis confirmed what the engineers earlier had brought up as the main issues, namely, references, mass/weight handling and structure in the model tree. / Detta är en 15 hp examensarbete i maskinteknik som utförs på PLM Solutions Group på Rocktec divisionen inom Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB i Örebro, under våren 2012.När konstruktörerna arbetar med 3D CAD modellering använder de olika arbetsmetoder i Pro/ENGINEER (Pro/E) vilket ibland leder till problem. Det är också ett problem när konstruktörerna inte följer de arbetsmetoder som definierats av Atlas Copco.Syftet med detta examensarbete var att identifiera de vanligaste problemen med 3D-modeller på Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB (RDE) i Örebro relaterat till arbetsmetoder, till exempel varför modellerna kraschar, varför de inte kan checkas in i Pro/Intralink eller varför det finns instabila referenser. Målet var att presentera en arbetsmetod för att undvika ett eller två av de mest allvarliga problemen identifierade vid RDE Örebro. För att uppnå målet började jag med att gå igenom CAD-supportens samtalsdatabas, för att ta reda på inom vilka områden användarna behövde hjälp från CAD-support. Resultatet visar att konstruktörerna behöver mest hjälp med hur man använder både modellerings- och ritningsmodulerna i Pro/E. Jag tog också fram ett förslag till hur CAD-supportens samtalsdatabas kan göras om, som skulle kunna minska tiden som behövs för denna typ av analys från dagar till minuter. Därefter valdes ett antal ingenjörer ut, alla med hög kompetens inom Pro/E, för personliga intervjuer. Syftet var att identifiera eventuella brist i befintliga arbetsmetoder i Pro/E, vilka orsakar problem som tar lång tid att rätta till. Resultatet visar att det största problemet för användarna är referenser. Jag utförde också en benchmarking med två andra bolag inom Atlas Copco-gruppen genom att jämföra deras CAD rekommendationer kring de problem som kom fram under de tidigare intervjuerna. Som tredje del i examensarbetet valdes en CAD-modell från vardera sex olika avdelningar och skickades till PTC för en fördjupad analys med deras program Expert Model Analysis (XMA). Målet var att hitta systematiska problem gällande arbetsmetoder i Pro/E. XMA-analysen bekräftade vad ingenjörerna tidigare hade fört fram som de viktigaste frågorna, nämligen referenser, massa/vikt hantering och struktur i modellen trädet.
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SkiPo – Ein skizzen- und portbasiertes Modell für die Entwicklung von mechanischen SystemenGrundel , Martin, Abulawi, Jutta 10 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Beitrag stellt ein neues, hybrides Modell für die Entwicklung mechanischer und mechatronischer Systeme vor. Ziel ist es, die derzeitig bestehende Lücke zwischen abstrakten Funktionsmodellen und sehr konkreten, geometrieorientierten 3D-CAD-Modellen zu überbrücken. Das hier vorgestellte SkiPo-Modell beschreibt die Interaktionen zwischen den Komponenten eines Systems basierend auf den zugehörigen Material-, Energie- und Signalflüssen. Ergänzt wird diese abstrakte Darstellung mit Skizzen, die wichtige Konstruktionsentscheidungen in einer strukturierten, semistandardisierten Weise dokumentieren. Das Ziel dieser hybriden Modellierung ist es, die unvermeidbaren Iterationen zwischen abstrakten und sehr detaillierten Betrachtungen von mechanischen und mechatronischen Systemen in der frühen Phase der Produktentstehung zu unterstützen. In Erprobungen mit Studentengruppen zeigte sich, dass dieser Modellierungsansatz das Verständnis und die Kommunikation im Team fördern kann.
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[pt] Grandes projetos de engenharia como prédios e infraestrutura urbana demandam milhões em investimentos e estreita colaboração entre equipes de especialistas ao longo de vários anos de projeto, construção e operação. Para vencer estes desafios, a indústria de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção (AEC) está ativamente desenvolvimento métodos e ferramentas baseadas na Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM). BIM promove o uso de modelos CAD 3D como uma base de dados centralizada para todas as características físicas e funcionais de uma instalação e suas informações associadas de projeto e ciclo de vida. A complexidade inerente de um modelo BIM oferece um desafio crítico de visualização: como melhor apresentar informações relevantes necessárias para diferentes análises de engenharia? Este trabalho contribui para responder esta questão através de uma abordagem teórica e prática. A tese primeiro apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o estado atual de visualização de informação (VIS) em pesquisas BIM. A revisão analisa em detalhe as visualizações adotadas em diversos casos de uso ao longo das fases do ciclo de vida de um projeto de engenharia. Baseado nesses resultados, a tese descreve a especificação e avaliação de um novo sistema 4D para planejamento da construção que supere várias limitações de trabalhos anteriores. Colaboradores de engenharia utilizaram o software para revisar os planos reais de construção de uma planta industrial de Óleo e Gás. As ferramentas de visualização desenvolvidas tornaram evidente incertezas no cronograma, conflitos de espaço de trabalho e outros problemas de construtibilidade. A tese contribui para pesquisas em BIM com importantes recomendações de visualização e também contribui para pesquisas de VIS ao trazer à tona desafios interessantes em um domínio de engenharia cada vez mais relevante. / [en] Large-scale engineering projects such as buildings and city infrastructure require millions in investments and tight coordination between expert teams across several years of design, construction, and operation. To tackle these challenges, the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry is actively developing methods and tools based on Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM promotes the use of 3D CAD models as a centralized database for all physical and functional characteristics of a facility and its related project/life-cycle information. The inherent complexity of a BIM model offers a critical visualization challenge: how to best display relevant information required by different engineering analyses? This work
contributes to answering this question through both theoretical and practical approaches. The thesis first presents a systematic literature review on the current state of information visualization (VIS) in BIM research. The review analyzes in detail currently employed visualizations in diverse use cases across an engineering projects life cycle. Based on these findings, the thesis describes the design and evaluation of a novel 4D construction planning system that overcomes many limitations of previous work. Engineering collaborators used the software to review the real-world construction plans of an Oil and Gas industrial plant. The developed visualizations made evident schedule uncertainties, workspace conflicts and other constructability issues. The thesis contributes to BIM research with important visualization guidelines and also contributes to VIS research by raising awareness to interesting challenges in a increasingly relevant engineering domain.
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SkiPo – Ein skizzen- und portbasiertes Modell für die Entwicklung von mechanischen SystemenGrundel, Martin, Abulawi, Jutta January 2016 (has links)
Dieser Beitrag stellt ein neues, hybrides Modell für die Entwicklung mechanischer und mechatronischer Systeme vor. Ziel ist es, die derzeitig bestehende Lücke zwischen abstrakten Funktionsmodellen und sehr konkreten, geometrieorientierten 3D-CAD-Modellen zu überbrücken. Das hier vorgestellte SkiPo-Modell beschreibt die Interaktionen zwischen den Komponenten eines Systems basierend auf den zugehörigen Material-, Energie- und Signalflüssen. Ergänzt wird diese abstrakte Darstellung mit Skizzen, die wichtige Konstruktionsentscheidungen in einer strukturierten, semistandardisierten Weise dokumentieren. Das Ziel dieser hybriden Modellierung ist es, die unvermeidbaren Iterationen zwischen abstrakten und sehr detaillierten Betrachtungen von mechanischen und mechatronischen Systemen in der frühen Phase der Produktentstehung zu unterstützen. In Erprobungen mit Studentengruppen zeigte sich, dass dieser Modellierungsansatz das Verständnis und die Kommunikation im Team fördern kann.
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Underlagshantering i projekteringsprocessen : En studie om datasamordning från underlag till BIM-modell / Supporting documents in the design-process : A study concerning data coordination from supporting document to BIM-modelHärdstedt, Linus, Snäll, Joel January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine how material, vital for the designprocess (supporting documents) is handled throughout the entire process. From obtaining the material from the document-administer until the material is transformed and applicable in a BIM-software in the design-process. Method: The first method is a case study that contains semi-structured interviews with one large as well as one small design-firm in Sweden, but also the biggest client regarding infrastructure in Sweden. Secondly, the other part of this thesis work is to perform an experiment containing two parts where the first one is to examine supporting material of an ongoing infrastructure-project and evaluate the quality, as well as constructing conversion rules to evaluate how supporting documents can be implemented. Findings: All the respondents in the conducted survey reported that supporting material regarding electric-, telecommunication- and fibre-optic cables were supporting material with the lowest degree of accuracy. Furthermore, the most used file-format is DWG, but file-formats like PDF, JPG, XML and LAS are also file-formats that is used according to the respondents. All the respondents suggest that a standardised way of using supporting documents would be an efficient way of standardising the process. The findings from the experiment concluded that the most used file-format used as supporting material is DWG (79%), followed by PDF (21 %). The quality varied between different providers. Supporting material provided straight from the contractor in DWG had great or excellent quality. Material as PDF/JPG needed to be processed in order to be used in a BIM-software. The implementing of conversion rules resulted in way of implementing these. In order to use this, the supporting document needs to be digital, in this case as DWG-files. Well established ways of using colours, layers and names in the CAD-software is vital. Implications: In order to make the way of handling the supporting material more efficient, a standardised way of handling these need to be used, as well as standardised file-formats. By making the supporting material digital, this will make the material more accessible, thus is the quality of e.g. PDF and JPG “not sufficient” because a BIMuser must convert these files manually, which provide one source of error. Therefore, these files lack interoperability. Regarding the material provided by the contractor, the design-firm need to have direct communication with the provider of the supporting material to take advantage of DWG-files and use the same file-formats, layers etc., to reduce the time it takes to convert the supporting documents manually. Limitations: A limitation is that only one large and one small design-firm is analysed. One part of a complete BIM-software is used, so the external validity is low, because the result may only be used in another small design-firm with the same project configurations and programmes. The experiment, where Conversion Rules were examined did only embrace wells (water-systems). / Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på hur underlagshanteringen ser ut igenom hela processen från tillhandahållning av underlaget till implementering i projekteringsprocessen. Metod: Den första är en fallstudie som består av kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med en stor och en liten konsultfirma inom projekteringsprocessen, såväl som den största beställaren av infrastrukturprojekt i Sverige. Den andra delen är ett experiment som är uppdelat i två delar där den första är att ta reda på hur underlag ser ut och bedöma dessa i ett pågående infrastrukturprojekt. Den andra delen är att upprätta så kallade konverteringsregler för att importera underlag i en BIM-mjukvara. Resultat: Samtliga respondenter i intervjuerna svarade att underlag gällande el-, teleoch fiberoptikkablar är underlag med lägst grad av träffsäkerhet/noggrannhet. Vidare svarade respondenterna att DWG är filformatet som oftast används. Andra filformat som PDF, JPG, XML och LAS är även det filformat som används. Samtliga respondenter redogjorde även för vissa åtgärder som kan vidtas för att standardisera underlagshantering i branschen. Däribland efterfrågas en standardisering av underlagshantering gällande lagernamn, färger, filformat osv. I experimentet visade det sig att underlag i DWG-format svarar för (79 %) av underlagen, följt av PDF (21 %). Kvaliteten varierade mellan olika källor, där underlag tillhandahållna direkt av entreprenören i DWG hade bra eller utomordentlig kvalitet. Underlag i from av PDF/JPG måste omvandlas för hand för att kunna används i en BIM-mjukvara. Implementeringen av konverteringsregler resulterade i en arbetsgång för att implementera konverteringsregler i projekteringsprocessen. För att göra detta krävs underlag i DWG-format. Konsekvenser: För att göra underlagshanteringsprocessen mer effektiv, behövs ett standardiserat sätt att använda dessa, såväl som filformat. Genom att digitalisera underlag bidrar detta till att höja antagningsgraden i CAD- och BIM-mjukvaror. Således är kvalitén av exempelvis PDF och JPG ”inte tillräckligt” på grund av att en person manuellt måste omvandla dessa filer, som bidrar till en felkälla. Därav är interoperabiliteten bristfällig. Gällande material tillhandahållen av entreprenören, så måste en god kommunikation upprättas mellan de båda parterna för att dra nytta av underlag i DWG, och använda samma filformat, lager etcetera, för att reducera tidsåtgången i att konvertera exempelvis PDF-filer manuellt. Begränsningar: Endast en stor och en lite konsultfirma analyseras. Endast en del av en komplett BIM-mjukvara används, därav låg extern validitet, då resultatet endast kan appliceras i en annan liten konsultfirma med samma projekt-konfigurationer och program. I experimentet där konverteringsregler utreddes inkluderades endast brunnar (VA).
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Development of a recycling centerthrough design thinkingNilsson, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Tarkett AB is one of the world's largest companies that manufacture floors and operates in over 100 countries. Tarkett Ronneby is one of two larger recycling centers the company possesses, and they are currently recycling all of the spare material and waste material from the manufacturing processes. Customers to Tarkett are lately offered to bring back used floors to recycle the material. Currently, Tarkett is annually importing and recycling 17 000 tons of material from the production and their customers, and the amount of material handled is estimated to increase to 30 000 tons per year. To handle the amount of material Tarkett Ronneby is going to build a new recycling center. The initial research questions for this master thesis were:• How to dimension the recycling center to handle the predetermined capacity?• How to organise the transport of materials to handle the predetermined capacity?On a higher level, this contribution has also highlighted several findings in relation to the following research question:• How can Design Thinking be used in practice to design a warehouse?To answer the question of whether design thinking can be used as a method for developing a recycling center, this was used as a method. Design thinking was used in all the steps of the development process - to know about both explicit and tacit needs related to the development of the recycling center. Company visits allowed to emphasise with the different stakeholders for the solution, getting in touch with employees and learn more about the processes connected to the recycling center. During the ideation phase, brainstorming has been used to create ideas focusing on smaller parts of a solution. The generated ideas have been combined to create final ideas which were prototyped in a digital environment and the first two were also simulated in discrete-event simulation software. The result was more insights into the problem and an iteration to the define phase was conducted. The iterative nature of the Design Thinking process also meant that new needs were stated along the process and the research questions were redefined to the following:• How shall the predetermined units be stored to fit in the predetermined storage area?To solve this question, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) was used to systematically explore solution strategies for the given problem and propose original ideas. The result is a final prototype in a digital environment showing how the structure of the units stored in the recycling center will look like. According to the model the warehouse will only consist of stackable units and the tent will consist of both stackable and non-stackable units. From the results, it is clear that an investment must be done to store the desired amount of units in the tent and in narrow aisle forklifts. The main future work will be to contact the forklift supplier used at Tarkett Ronneby, STILL, and order GX-X/GX-Q-forklifts, lay a concrete slab, and to update the placing software to cope with the changes and to maintain a high placing accuracy of the units.
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Entstehungs- und Verwendungskontexte von 3D-CAD-Modellen in den GeschichtswissenschaftenMünster, Sander January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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