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The relationship between career anchors, organisational commitment and turnover intentionClinton-Baker, Michelle 22 January 2014 (has links)
The primary objectives of the study were as follows: (1) to explore the relationship between career anchors (as measured by the Career Orientations Inventory), organisational commitment (as measured by the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire) and turnover intention (as measured by a three-item questionnaire, developed by Mobley, Horner, and Hollingsworth, 1978); and (2) to determine whether employees from different gender, race, employment positions and age groups differ significantly in their career anchors, organisational commitment and turnover intention.
A quantitative survey was conducted on a non-probability sample of 343 employed adults at managerial and general staff levels in the South African retail sector. The results of this study suggest that there was a significant but weak relationship between employees‟ career anchors and their organisational commitment. Career anchors were also found to be significantly related to organisational commitment and turnover intention; with entrepreneurial creativity, lifestyle and service/dedication to a cause career anchors being the best predictors of these two variables. The relationship between organisational commitment and turnover intention was significant and negative, with affectively and normatively committed participants being more likely to remain with the organisation (i.e. having lower turnover intentions). In addition, the findings indicate that although gender has no relationship with turnover intention, race, employment position and age do. African, general staff and 30 years and younger participants indicated higher intentions to leave the organisation. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Le présentéisme professionnel dans un contexte de rareté de l'emploi formel : la place des femmes salariées dans les entreprises industrielles du Mali / Professional presenteeism in a context of scarcity of formal employment : the role of women employees in industrial enterprises of MaliKante, Aboubacar Sidiki 13 December 2018 (has links)
Nous avons engagé ce processus doctoral à travers le mémoire propédeutique sur l’absentéisme dans les entreprises industrielles au Mali. Cette étude sur l’absentéisme nous a permis de constater le présentéisme des femmes salariées. A la demande de la Directrice de thèse Pascale de ROZARIO, nous avons focalisé la thèse sur ce sujet. Son aboutissement a permis de constituer quatre idéaux-types de femme salariée présentéiste selon le modèle de Max Weber: *La femme salariée présentéiste de type traditionnel dont les présences régulières et continues au travail sont influencées par les cérémonies de funérailles. *La femme salariée présentéiste de type affectif dont les comportements présentéistes sont essentiellement fondés par les soutiens des collègues et de la hiérarchie. *La femme salariée présentéiste de valeur dont le présentéisme est justifié par les soutiens multiformes de ses proches et ses soutiens financiers à ces derniers. *La femme salariée présentéiste de type rationnel qui anticipe les sanctions disciplinaires et pécuniaires en privilégiant le respect des textes règlementaires. / We began this PhD research on the topic of absenteeism in industrial plants of Mali. This study on absenteeism allowed me to mention the regular presence of some women at work. That is why; the PhD Director Pascale de Rozario recommended focusing our research on this topic. The implementation and processing of data in liaise with the theoretical model of Max Weber allowed to identify four ideal types of presenteeist employee women: The traditional presenteeist woman influenced by funerals and burials. The affective presenteeist woman influenced by colleagues and managers’ support. The valued presenteeist woman whose behavior is justified by relatives support and her financial contribution towards those relatives. The rationale presenteeist influenced by standing orders and financial punishments resorting to respect of statutory acts.
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The relationship between personality and biographical factors in absenteeismKruger, Pierre Carl 31 March 2008 (has links)
This research deals with personality and biographical factors in absenteeism.
The literature review looks at personality traits and absenteeism. The
following question must then be asked: Can the construct ”personality” be
analysed and described within the context of the work environment, and can
the relationship between personality, biographical factors and absenteeism be
studied empirically. The empirical study focuses on measuring the relationship
between personality and absenteeism.
The construct ”personality” is presented within the dimensional or trait
perspective. The empirical investigation is presented within the functionalistic
paradigm (quantitative approach). The chosen measuring instrument, namely,
the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF SA 92) was administered
by means of a random sample to 72 Aviation Security Officers. The reliability
of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire was determined using the
Cronbach Alpha coefficient method. To determine if personality is a predictor
of absenteeism, stepwise regression analysis was done. The results indicate
that the degree (category) of absenteeism is associated only with marital
status and number of dependants. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial Psychology)
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L’engagement organisationnel lu sous le prisme du contrat psychologique : le cas de l’association AL AMANA microfinance – Maroc / The organizational commitment read through the lens of the psychological contract : the case of the association AL AMANA microfinance - MoroccoLakhdar, Motia Eddine 17 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche traite de l’engagement organisationnel au sein d’une association de Microfinance au lendemain d’un changement organisationnel. Une stratégie de sortie de crise a été mise en place dans le cadre dudit changement et a eu une incidence sur les contrats psychologiques des agents organisationnels et par conséquent sur les relations qui les lient à leur organisation (association).Notre objectif à travers l’adoption du contrat psychologique comme grille de lecture des contrats d’AL AMANA est d’expliquer les processus d’évolutions des contrats psychologiques individuels et collectifs des agents organisationnels suite à l’évènement du changement qui constitue, comme nous le verrons, un incident critique. Cela permettra de déterminer les facteurs intra-organisationnels et extra-organisationnels de l’évolution des contrats psychologiques qui impactent la résilience de l’organisation observée au sein de l’association et permettant la sortie de la crise. / This research is about the organizational commitment within a microfinance association after an organizational change. An exit strategy was put in place as part of this change and had an impact on the psychological contracts of the organizational agents and consequently on the relations that bind them to their organization (association).Our objective through the adoption of the psychological contract as a grid for reading AL AMANA's contracts is to explain the processes of evolution of the individual and collective psychological contracts of the organizational agents following the change event which constitutes, as we will see, a critical incident. This will help us to determine the intra-organizational and extra-organizational factors of the evolution of the psychological contracts that impact the resilience observed within the association and allowing it to exit the crisis.
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Reconnaissance et organisation du travail : perspectives françaises et européennes / Recognition and Work Organisation : French and European PerspectivesBigi, Maëlezig 05 December 2016 (has links)
À partir des années 1990 la reconnaissance est de plus en plus souvent un mot d’ordre des mobilisations de groupes professionnels. Aujourd’hui, les sociologues du travail s’approprient de nouveau cette notion aux origines ambivalentes, après les travaux de R. Sainsaulieu et de P. Bernoux de la fin des années 1980. Les entretiens menés auprès de salariés en France montrent que les attentes de reconnaissance se déploient en quatre registres, l’activité, les relations, la récompense et la personne. Le découpage de l’activité et l’intensification du travail empêchent l’exercice de soi et le sentiment d’utilité dans l’activité, dans un contexte où la crainte de la précarité confine le plus souvent les plaintes au niveau individuel. Une comparaison entre des ingénieurs en France et en Finlande fait ressortir la mesure du temps de travail comme condition de la reconnaissance de la contribution et de la vie hors travail. Les analyses menées sur l’Enquête européenne sur les conditions de travail 2010 confirment la structure des attentes de reconnaissance pour les salariés du secteur privé en France bien que celle-ci varie dans le reste de l’Europe. Enfin, un modèle de médiation- modération souligne le rôle déterminant de la reconnaissance dans la construction de la santé au travail, notamment lorsqu’une plus grande implication est attendue des salariés. / Since the 1990’s, recognition has taken on greater importance as a watchword for mobilization by occupatio- nal groups. Nowadays, Labour sociologists have again appropriated this notion that has ambivalent origins, after R. Sainsaulieu and P. Bernoux’s works from the late 1980’s. Interviews carried out with employees from different firms in France show that recognition expectations open out into four categories, activity, relation- ships, reward and the person. The cutting up of activity and work intensification prevent the deployment of self-hood as well as the feeling of usefulness in a context where the lack of job security tends to limit complaints to the individual level. A comparison between engineers in France and in Finland emphasize working time measurement as a necessary condition for one’s contribution as well as time off work to be recognised. Factor analysis using the data of the European Working Conditions Survey 2010 confirm the structure of recognition expectations for French employees from the private sector, whereas it differs in the other European countries. Finally, the elaboration of a mediation-moderation model provides results that underline the key role of recognition in the building of health at work, notably when a greater involvement is expected from employees.
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The relationship between organisational trust and quality of work lifeVan der Berg, Yolandi 02 1900 (has links)
Recent organisational changes have refocused attention on the productivity and performance of sales representatives and consequently brought about a re-evaluation of the QWL these employees experience, as well as their trust in the organisation to support them.
Responses to an internet-based survey methodology were analysed using quantitative techniques and structural equation modelling. Results confirm a positive relationship between Managerial Practices and Organisational Trust, and a lower relationship between the dimensions of Personality and Organisational Trust. A positive relationship was noted between QWL and Managerial Practices, and a lower relationship between QWL and the Personality constructs.
This study accentuates the importance of management to be aware of the trust employees have in the organisation as well as their experience of QWL, as it seems as though the Personality traits and Managerial Practices of managers influences both the trust relationship and QWL experienced by employees. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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An investigation of Locke's model of work motivation for the financial services-industryOlivier, Lynette Dianne 01 1900 (has links)
This research empirically investigates Locke's (1997) model of work motivation by means
of quantitative research. The OCQ consisting of three tiered questionnaires was
constructed based on Locke's model. OCQ-Tierl deals with core components of Locke's model.
OCQ-Tier2 determines which factors caused the incidence of dissatisfaction in OCQ-Tierl. OCQ-Tier3
enables the identification of corrective actions.
The OCQ was administered to financial services employees. The results were analysed and Locke's
model was tested by means of structural equation modelling using the AMOS graphics programme.
The results indicated that the model, suggesting causal links between components within OCQ-Tierl, could not be confirmed. A better fit was found at OCQ-Tier2 and OCQ-Tier3.
In testing the causal links across the three tiers per component, the models did not fit the data
for "personal actualisation" and "goal achievement". Moderate confirmation of the models was found
in the case of "goal setting" and "goal behaviour" across the three tiers after some adaptations
were made to the models on the basis of "modification indices", suggested by AMOS. A reasonably
good fit was found for the models across the three tiers for "quality of work life". The level of correlation between factors was high because of this, and in some cases some of the factors were merged.
Modification indices in the statistical output suggested that improvement was possible if covariance between error terms in the model was allowed. This suggested possible systematic sources of covariance between items not accounted for by the factors in the models.
As confirmed by the Cronbach Alpha coefficients within tiers and across tiers, the general level of internal consistency was very high. Possibly response set and response style were the cause of this. This made the testing of models difficult in the present study. So too was it difficult to draw a conclusion about the internal consistency reliability of the measurement of each component across the three tiers, because the high Cronbach coefficients may to some extent be due to the indiscriminate high correlations between items / D.Litt. et Phil. (Industrial Psychology)
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Les modes informels d’apprentissage numérique : le cas des travailleurs du savoir / The digital informal learning paths : the case of knowledge workersBenabid, Myriam 04 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse examine une réalité managériale où le développement des apprenants est opérationnel et autosuffisant grâce à des modes informels d'apprentissage numérique renforcés par un monde interconnecté croissant. Nous proposons d’analyser cette réalité auprès de ceux qui ont pour fonction de créer, diffuser ou vendre des connaissances : les travailleurs du savoir.Notre cadre théorique s’appuie sur les travaux de Bandura (1962) autour de l’apprentissage vicariant, qui se construit à partir et avec les autres. L’analyse fait émerger quatre pratiques que nous qualifions d’« anthropocentrées ». Nous expliquons les conditions d’un tel apprentissage en mobilisant le prisme de l’apprenance, suggérant des facteurs de recours. Enfin, nous interrogeons le lien entre pratiques et facteurs afin de mettre en évidence des modes informels d’apprentissage numériques. Nous mettons en avant quatre modes évoquant les célèbres personnages de Goscinny et Uderzo, les modes :Astérix, consistant à mobiliser toutes les ressources nécessaires pour répondre à une ambition précise ;Idéfix, illustre pour l’apprenant une mise à jour réactive afin s’ajuster aux évolutions ;Obélix, est mis en œuvre pour répondre efficacement au bon besoin, au bon moment ;Panoramix, révèle les créations et diffusions de contenus.Notre travail enrichi les modèles existants de l’apprentissage vicariant et de l’apprenance, au sein de leur spécificité numérique. L’identification de ces quatre modes par les organisations s’associe d’un accompagnement adéquat. / This doctoral work examines the learning experience as an operational and self-sufficient development through informal paths of digital learning reinforced by an increasing interconnected world. We purpose an analysis with those whose function is to create, disseminate or sell knowledge : the knowledge workers.Our theoretical framework is inspired by Bandura (1962), which provides a reading grid of vicarious learning, i.e. learning from others. First, our analysis identifies four informal learning practices that we describe as "anthropocentric". Second, we explain the conditions of such learning by mobilizing the prism of “apprenance” which allows us to identify the factors favoring the use of these practices .Finally, we question the link between practices and factors in order to highlight informal modes of digital learning. We put forward four paths evoking the famous characters of Goscinny and Uderzo :Asterix mobilizes all the necessary resources to meet a specific ambition ;Idéfix updates his knowledge in reaction to changes ;Obelix responds effectively to the right need, at the right time ;Panoramix, reveals the creation and the diffusion of contents.Our work enriches and refines existing models of vicarious learning and “apprenance” with the specificity of the symbolic world.This distinction of four paths allows organizations to better distinguish learner profiles among collaborators as well as the appropriate support methods in their learning.
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The relationship between career anchors, organisational commitment and turnover intentionClinton-Baker, Michelle 08 1900 (has links)
The primary objectives of the study were as follows: (1) to explore the relationship between career anchors (as measured by the Career Orientations Inventory), organisational commitment (as measured by the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire) and turnover intention (as measured by a three-item questionnaire, developed by Mobley, Horner, and Hollingsworth, 1978); and (2) to determine whether employees from different gender, race, employment positions and age groups differ significantly in their career anchors, organisational commitment and turnover intention.
A quantitative survey was conducted on a non-probability sample of 343 employed adults at managerial and general staff levels in the South African retail sector. The results of this study suggest that there was a significant but weak relationship between employees‟ career anchors and their organisational commitment. Career anchors were also found to be significantly related to organisational commitment and turnover intention; with entrepreneurial creativity, lifestyle and service/dedication to a cause career anchors being the best predictors of these two variables. The relationship between organisational commitment and turnover intention was significant and negative, with affectively and normatively committed participants being more likely to remain with the organisation (i.e. having lower turnover intentions). In addition, the findings indicate that although gender has no relationship with turnover intention, race, employment position and age do. African, general staff and 30 years and younger participants indicated higher intentions to leave the organisation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Talent retention framework for the hospitality industryKruger, Patsy Loura 12 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This research study aimed to propose a talent retention framework for the hospitality industry in the Indian Ocean region by examining the relationship between fit, flourishing and organisational commitment in relation to employee retention. In addition, the study aimed to determine whether demographic factors (age, gender, nationality, marital status and employment status [local or expatriate]), work role fit and flourishing significantly and positively predict organisational commitment, and whether demographic factors (age, gender, nationality, marital status and employment status (local or expatriate) differ with regard to these variables. The study was directed at a random sample of employees at international hotels represented in the Indian Ocean region. The data was collected using the Work Role Fit Scale, the Flourishing-at-Work Scale and the Organisational Commitment Scale. The study revealed significant positive relationships between fit, flourishing and organisational commitment in the hospitality industry. The results found that fit and flourishing positively and significantly predict organisational commitment. Lastly significant differences were found between the fit, flourishing and organisational commitment of employees in the hospitality industry in terms of demographic variables: age, gender, nationality, marital status and employment status (local or expatriate). / Hierdie navorsingstudie het ten doel gehad om 'n talentbehoudraamwerk vir die gasvryheidsbedryf in die Indiese Oseaan-streek voor te stel deur die verhouding tussen gepastheid, florering en organisatoriese toewyding met betrekking tot werknemerbehoud te ondersoek. Verder het die studie gepoog om te bepaal of demografiese faktore (ouderdom, geslag, nasionaliteit, huwelikstatus en werknemerstatus [plaaslik of uitgestuur]), werkrolgepastheid en florering die organisatoriese toewyding beduidendheid en positief voorspel, en of demografiese faktore (ouderdom, geslag, nasionaliteit, huwelikstatus en werknemerstatus [plaaslik of uitgestuur]) rakende hierdie veranderlikes verskil. Die studie is gerig op 'n ewekansige steekproefneming van werknemers by internasionale hotelle wat die Indiese Oseaan-streek verteenwoordig. Die data is deur die werkrolgepastheidskaal, die floreer-by-die-werk-skaal en die organisatoriese toewydingskaal versamel. Die studie het beduidende positiewe verhoudings tussen gepastheid, florering en organisatoriese toewyding in die gasvryheidsbedryf aan die lig gebring. Die resultate het bevind dat gepastheid en florering die organisatoriese toewyding positief en beduidend voorspel. Laastens is beduidende verskille gevind tussen die gepastheid, florering en organisatoriese toewyding van werknemers in die gasvryheidsbedryf met betrekking tot demografiese veranderlikes: ouderdom, geslag, nasionaliteit, huwelikstatus en werknemerstatus (plaaslik of uitgestuur). / Lolu cwaningo lwaluhlose ukuphakamisa uhlaka lokugcinwa kwamakhono embonini yezokungenisa izihambi esifundeni sase-Indian Ocean ngokuhlola ubudlelwano phakathi kokuzibophezela okufanelekile, okuchumayo nokuhlelekile maqondana nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lolu cwaningo kuhloswe ngalo ukuthola ukuthi izici zabantu (ubudala, ubulili, ubuzwe, isimo somshado nesimo sokuqashwa ([okwendawo noma okudingisiwe]), indima yomsebenzi efanelekile nokuchuma kahle okuphawulekayo kubikezela ukuzibophezela kwenhlangano, nokuthi ngabe izici zabantu (ubudala, ubulili, ubuzwe, isimo somshado nesimo sokuqashwa (okwasekhaya noma okwamanye amazwe) ziyahluka maqondana nalezi ziguquko. Ucwaningo luqondiswe kusampula engahleliwe yabasebenzi emahhotela aphesheya amelwe esifundweni sase-Indian Ocean. Imiphumela ithole ukuthi okufanelekile nokuchuma kahle okuphawulekayo kubikezela ukuzibophezela kwenhlangano. Okokugcina umehluko obalulekile utholakale phakathi kokuzibophezela okufanelekile, okuchumayo nokuhlelekile kwabasebenzi embonini yezokungenisa izihambi ngokuya ngokuhlukahluka kwezici zabantu: ubudala, ubulili, ubuzwe, isimo somshado nesimo sokuqashwa (okwendawo noma okudingisiwe). / Human Resource Management / M. Com. in Business Management (Human Resource Management)
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