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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Public Service Labour Relations: Centralised Collective Bargaining and Social dialogue in the Public Service of South Africa(1997 to 2007)

Clarke, Arthur Russel January 2007 (has links)
Magister Administrationis - MAdmin / Through South African labour legislation, bargaining councils are empowered to conclude collective agreements between employers and trade unions. While bargaining councils were created for virtually every sector within the South African private sector, only one bargaining council exists for the public sector. This public sector bargaining council is known as the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC). The PCSBC subsequently established four sectoral councils to further collectively bargain on matters pertaining to sectoral issues relevant to the sector it represents. However, the PSCBC remains the apex of these four public service sectoral bargaining councils. This thesis focuses on how the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) contributes to social dialogue within South African public service. This thesis seeks to fill a significant literature gap on collective bargaining as accomplished by the PSCBC. The thesis briefly examines the history of collective bargaining in the South African public service. The research methodology utilised includes information gleaned from annual reports published by the PSCBC. Interviews of selected stakeholders such as government officials and labour organisations involved in the PSCBC were conducted. The PSCBC objectives are identified and analysed against the performance of the PSCBC for the period 1997 to 2007. The relevant PSCBC role players are identified. The power realities between these role players are reflected. The criteria for remaining a party to these PSCBC will be explained. The thesis holds that historically an adversarial relationship existed between the state as employer and the recognised trade unions. The establishment of the PSCBC created the opportunity for the historical adversaries between an employer and trade union to be converted into social dialogue interactions, which are commonly believed to be a better approach in resolving their differences. / South Africa

Sledování polohy s využitím GPS a PDA / Position Tracking with GPS and PDA

Černohorský, Vilém January 2008 (has links)
This work presents steps in creation of remote position tracking application. Document introduces history of geographical positioning and navigation, and describes development of navigation from primitive utilities to complex radio navigation systems. Global Positioning System is described in more detail including NMEA protocol used by GPS receivers. This work also presents several current navigation applications. Based on obtained information work presents analysis, object-oriented design and implementation of remote position tracking system.

Konkurrerande kollektivavtal : Andrahandskollektivavtalets rättsliga ställning / Competing Collective Agreements : The Legal Status of the Secondary Collective Agreement

Hedin, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
När en arbetsgivare är bunden av två konkurrerande kollektivavtal får andrahandskollektiv-avtalet – enligt principen om konkurrerande kollektivavtal – endast en begränsad rättsverkan i jämförelse med rättsverkan hos ett förstahandskollektivavtal. Principen om konkurrerande kollektivavtal, som utvecklats i Arbetsdomstolens praxis, innebär att arbetsgivaren som huvudregel endast är skyldig att tillämpa bestämmelserna i förstahandskollektivavtalet. För att principen dock ska aktualiseras krävs det att bestämmelserna i första- och andrahands-kollektivavtalet konkurrerar på ett sådant sätt att en samtidig tillämpning av båda bestämmelserna skulle medföra betydande olägenheter för arbetsgivaren. För att avgöra om så är fallet krävs det dock att innehållet i båda bestämmelserna först tolkas för att därefter avgöra om arbetsgivaren riskerar att åläggas att agera på olika sätt i förhållande till de olika bestämmelserna. Så är alltid fallet om bestämmelserna är oförenliga såtillvida att en tillämpning av bestämmelsen i andrahandskollektivavtalet står i strid med en bestämmelse i förstahandskollektivavtalet. Så kan dock även vara fallet trots att bestämmelserna inte är direkt oförenliga men då under förutsättning att bestämmelserna ändå skiljer sig åt såtillvida att arbetsgivaren måste anpassa sitt agerande i förhållande till bestämmelserna i respektive kollektivavtal för att inte strida mot endera.

The powers and authority of directors to act on behalf of a company under South African law

Frantzen, Erinda 01 1900 (has links)
As a company is a juristic person it can only act through human agency. A question that arises because of this fact is under what circumstances a company can be held to a contract by a third party where its representative was unauthorised to enter into such contract. There should be a careful weighing and balancing of the interests of the shareholders and the company on the one hand and the contracting third party on the other. It is further important to have legal certainty on the validity and enforceability of contracts concluded by and with companies as the absence of certainty can hamper business dealings with companies which would have an impact on the economy. The common-law principles of agency form the foundation upon which representation within the context of company law takes place. The law of agency has been adapted in the context of company law to satisfy the unique needs that have originated in this regard. One such adaptation is the creation of the Turquand rule by the English courts which rule was taken over by the South African courts. One of the primary reasons for creating the Turquand rule was due to the harsh effect that the common-law doctrine of constructive notice had on third parties dealing with a company. In this study an examination of the current legal position regarding representation of a company in South Africa was undertaken. The history and development of the common-law principles of agency and doctrines that are unique to representation in a company law context are analysed and the relevant sections of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 are discussed. The integration of the common-law principles with the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 is considered and recommendations are made in respect thereof. In support of the analysis, a comparative study was undertaken of the history and development of this subject matter in England. It was concluded that South African company law, with all its shortcomings and uncertainties is still to be preferred above the position in England. / Aangesien ‘n maatskappy ‘n regspersoon is, kan dit slegs deur middel van natuurlike persone as agente optree. ‘n Vraag wat as gevolg van hierdie feit ontstaan is onder watter omstandighede ‘n maatskappy deur ‘n derde party gebonde gehou kan word aan ‘n kontrak waar die maatskappy se verteenwoordiger nie gemagtig was om die kontrak aan te gaan nie. Daar behoort ‘n versigtige afweging te wees tussen die belange van die maatskappy en sy aandeelhouers aan die een kant en ‘n derde party wat met die maatskappy kontrakteer aan die ander kant. Dit is verder belangrik om regsekerheid te hê oor die geldigheid en afdwingbaarheid van kontrakte wat met maatskappye aangegaan word aangesien die afwesigheid daarvan besigheidsverkeer met maatskappye kan kortwiek wat ‘n impak op die ekonomie tot gevolg sal hê. Die gemeenregtelike beginsels van verteenwoordiging vorm die basis waarop verteenwoordiging binne die konteks van maatskappyereg plaasvind. Verteenwoordigingsreg is aangepas binne die konteks van maatskappye om voorsiening te maak vir die unieke behoeftes wat in hierdie verband ontstaan het. Een sodanige aanpassing is die skepping van die Turquand reël deur die Engelse howe, welke reël deur die Suid-Afrikaanse howe oorgeneem is. Een van die hoofredes vir die skepping van die Turquand reël is die onregverdige uitwerking wat die gemeenregtelike leerstuk van toegerekende kennis op derde partye gehad het wat met ‘n maatskappy onderhandel. ‘n Studie van die huidige regsposisie rakende verteenwoordiging van ‘n maatskappy in Suid-Afrika is hierin gedoen. Die geskiedenis en ontwikkeling van die gemeenregtelike beginsels van verteenwoordiging en leerstukke eie aan verteenwoordiging in die konteks van maatskappyereg is geanaliseer. Die betrokke artikels van die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 word bespreek. Die integrasie van hierdie gemeenregtelike beginsels met die betrokke bepalings van die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 is oorweeg en aanbevelings in verband daarmee gemaak. Ter ondersteuning van die analise is ‘n vergelykende studie van die gekiedenis en ontwikkeling van hierdie onderwerp in Engeland onderneem. Daar is tot die slotsom gekom dat die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg, met al sy tekortkominge en onsekerhede nogsteeds bo die posisie in Engeland te verkies is. / Mercantile Law / LL. M.

Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out? Exploring the Venture Emergence in Technology-based Firms

Giones Valls, Ferran 22 February 2016 (has links)
Els emprenedors prenen decisions com la d’engegar o no la seva idea de negoci, adaptar-se i ajustar-se a les peticions del mercat, i desafortunadament la de continuar o deixar el procés de creació del nou negoci. Tot i que la constant progressió tecnològica obre oportunitats als emprenedors per engegar idees de negoci en base a noves innovacions tecnològiques, només alguns d’ells i elles aconsegueixen complir amb aquestes expectatives. Les investigacions prèvies en emprenedoria s'han centrat en entendre com els recursos poden explicar l'evolució de les empreses de nova creació. No obstant, quan es planteja l’estudi de l’emprenedoria de base tecnològica trobem dificultats per poder explicar les diferències de resultats si només ens fixem en les combinacions de recursos inicials. Aquesta recerca proposa introduir altres perspectives teòriques que ens poden ajudar a identificar factors per entendre millor com sorgeixen les organitzacions de base tecnològica. Fem servir un mètode mixt, combinant un estudi qualitatiu exploratori amb un estudi quantitatiu. En primer lloc explorem factors i accions que influencien el procés d’emprenedoria tecnològica. Seguidament, ampliem el marc teòric inicial per donar suport als aspectes que han aparegut en el treball qualitatiu, i formular les hipòtesis de recerca. Fem servir un set de dades longitudinals per testejar aquestes hipòtesis. Finament, es conclou el document reflexionant sobre la combinació dels resultats del treball qualitatiu i quantitatiu. Utilitzant la teoria de senyals expliquem que els recursos tecnològics poden tenir una funció com a símbol diferencial de qualitat. Observem que aquests recursos han de ser transformats per tal de generar valor pels potencials clients. Fent servir la perspectiva teòrica de màrqueting i del capital humà es detalla com l’experiència i la intensitat de les seves accions de creació de mercat tenen una influència positiva en el procés de sorgiment. Aquesta recerca contribueix al coneixement actual sobre el desenvolupament de les empreses de nova creació de base tecnològica. Es suggereix que l’orientació de les accions de l’emprenedor, en concret l’activació de capacitats d’interacció amb el mercat, influeixen en sorgiment d’aquest tipus d’organitzacions. Els resultats també tenen implicacions pràctiques per emprenedors, inversors i agents implicats en el desenvolupament d’emprenedoria tecnològica; es proposa que més enllà d’analitzar les combinacions inicials de recursos d’un emprenedor, s’ha de dedicar més atenció a la capacitat de transformar aquests recursos en propostes de valor, i la seva orientació a mercat. / Los emprendedores toman decisiones como la de empezar o no su idea de negocio, adaptarse o no a las necesidades del mercado, y desafortunadamente la de continuar o dejar su proyecto. A pesar de que la constante progresión tecnológica abren oportunidades para generar ideas de negocio a partir de las innovaciones tecnológicas; sólo algunos de ellos y ellas logran cumplir estas expectativas. Las investigaciones previas en emprendimiento han observado como los recursos pueden ayudar a entender la evolución de las empresas de nueva creación. No obstante, cuando se plantea el estudio del emprendimiento de base tecnológica nos encontramos con dificultades para poder explicar las diferencias de resultados si nos limitamos a observar las combinaciones iniciales de recursos. Esta investigación propone introducir perspectivas teóricas que nos permitan identificar factores y su influencia para entender como surgen las organizaciones de base tecnológica. Utilizamos un método mixto, combinando un estudio cualitativo y un cuantitativo. En primer lugar exploramos factores y acciones que influyen en el proceso de emprendimiento tecnológico. A continuación ampliamos el marco teórico inicial para dar soporte a los aspectos identificados en el trabajo cualitativo, y formulamos las hipótesis de investigación. Usamos un set de datos longitudinales para testeas estas hipótesis. Finalmente, se concluyen el documento con una discusión de los resultados obtenidos. La teoría de señales nos permite entender como los recursos tecnológicos pueden tener una función como símbolo de calidad. Observamos que estos recursos deben ser transformados para generar valor para los potenciales clientes. Utilizando la perspectiva teórica de marketing y de capital humano detallamos como la experiencia y la intensidad de las acciones de creación de mercado tienen una influencia positiva en el proceso de creación de las empresas. Esta investigación contribuye al conocimiento actual sobre el desarrollo de empresas de nueva creación de base tecnológica. Se sugiere que la orientación de las acciones del emprendedor, en concreto la activación de orientación a mercado, influyen en desarrollo de estas organizaciones. Los resultados tienen implicaciones prácticas para emprendedores, inversores y agentes implicados en el desarrollo de emprendimiento tecnológico; se propone que más allá de fijarse en las combinaciones iniciales de recursos, debemos dedicar más atención a las capacidades de transformar estos recursos en propuestas de valor y su orientación a mercado. / Despite the remnant promises that sustained technological progress offers to entrepreneurs eager to introduce disruptive technological innovations, we observe that only few of them live up to the expectations. In fact, there is a limited understanding on the factors underlying the transformation of promising technologies into viable organizations, and how they influence the decisions to turn on, tune in with the market, and drop-out or continue with their organizing efforts. Prior entrepreneurship research relying on the resource-based view finds difficulties to explain the technology-based firms' performance. We propose to complement the current understanding with additional perspectives that could help to identify factors that provide further insights on the emergence of new technology-based firms. We adopt a mixed-method approach to combine an exploratory qualitative field work with a quantitative research approach. First, we gather insights on the factors and actions that are seen to be influencing the technology entrepreneurship process, from the initial opportunity to the creation of a stable business. Then, we extend our initial theoretical framework on the technology entrepreneurship process to support the qualitative findings and build propositions; these are tested as hypotheses on a larger sample of technology-based firms. Finally, we combine the findings from the qualitative field work with the findings from the hypotheses test. Using the signaling theory we explain how some resources value goes beyond its direct impact on firm’s performance, suggesting that they are also used for their symbolic value. We observe that technological assets need to be transformed in order to generate value for the potential customers of the new venture. Marketing and human capital theory insights provide an explanation on how experience and market presence positively influence the venture emergence of new technology-based firms. We contribute to the current understanding of new technology-based firms with the introduction of human capital, marketing and technology commercialization theory. Describing how the orientation of entrepreneur's actions and the early development of market capacities influence on the venture emergence of this type of firms. The results also have implications for entrepreneurs, investors in technology startups, and stakeholders in technology entrepreneurship; as they suggest that further attention should be given to the market actions of the entrepreneurs, regardless of their initial combinations of resources.

The process of retrenchment in a public institution with reference to the independent electoral commission

Tshifura, Khaukanani Obadiah 30 June 2004 (has links)
The dissertation examines the process of retrenchment in a public institution with reference to the execution of such a process by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). The aim is to establish whether or not the retrenchment was substantively and procedurally fair as required by legislation. Notwithstanding the fact that the staff may have been disadvantaged by the short retrenchment notice (the staff did not have representation prior to the announcement, and the swiftness of the process did not, under the circumstances, provide the staff with enough time to comprehensively apply their mind to the underlying issues), the dissertation finds that the retrenchments had been substantively fair given the fact that the IEC could not retain all staff because of budgetary constraints. The dissertation also finds that the process had been procedurally fair in accordance with section 189 of the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995. / Public Adminstration & Development Studies / M.A. (Public Administration)

The powers of the Labour Court to review arbitration awards of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration : a comparative study

Bezuidenhout, Susan Antoinette 30 November 2004 (has links)
A critical and in-depth discussion of the powers of the labour court to review arbitration awards of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration, the application of the author's findings relating to common-law, legislation and case law and a critical analysis thereof. Special reference is made to the provisions of sections 145 and 158(1)(g) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 including, in particular, the alternative application thereof in practice and scope for improvement in order to address potential prejudice to parties occasioned by the compulsory nature of (certain) dispute resolutions. This thesis incorporates a comparative study of the British and German labour law systems with reference to the relevant appeal and/or review procedures (as applied in their tribunals/courts), together with a discussion and application of certain other provisions relevant to South Africa labour law. / Jurisprudence / LL.M

A comparative survey of the law relating to strikes in South Africa and the Netherlands

Troskie, Herman R. W. 06 1900 (has links)
In the first section of the dissertation, strike law in the Netherlands is focused upon. The following issues are inter alia dealt with: the historical background of the strike phenomenon, the right to strike and restrictions on this right, the reluctance of the Dutch legislature to legislate in the field of industrial action, and the directly applicable provisions of the European Social Charter. The second section of the dissertation deals with South African strike law and also starts off with a discussion of the historical background thereof, whereafter the provisions of the 1995 Labour Relations Act are analysed and discussed. The third and last section highlights some of the major differences and points to some similarities between the two legal systems. It concludes that the detailed South African labour legislation does not provide more certainty than the Dutch judge-made law in respect of the law relating to strikes. / Law / LL.M.

A socio-historical analysis of Jewish banditry in first century Palestine 6 to 70 CE

Lincoln, Lawrence Ronald 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Dept. of Ancient Studies) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / This thesis sets out to examine, as far as possible within the constraints of a limited study such as this, the nature of the Jewish protest movement against the occupation of their homeland by the Roman Empire in the years after the territory had become a direct province of the Empire. These protests were mainly instigated by and initially led by Jewish peasants who experienced the worst aspects of becoming a part of the larger Roman world.

Josephus' reasons for the Jewish War

Benson, Derrick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis I will examine and discuss the reasons given for the Jewish War of AD 66 - 70. Reasons put forward by modern scholars specializing in the study of the works of Flavius Josephus are examined and discussed. However, the bulk of my study centres on the reasons that Flavius Josephus supplies for the war as found in his major work Bellum Judaicum. One is lead to the conclusion that he firmly believes that reasons on the human and transcendent planes contributed to the catastrophic events that lead to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. The worldview of this Jewish priest, general and accomplished historiographer was strongly influenced by the religious tenets of the Torah and the past history of the Jewish nation. He cannot countenance the wicked and evil deeds committed shamefacedly by his people against the clear standards that God had given to the nation, and believes that retribution by God will follow. He cannot forget occasions on the past when God intervened in the affairs of his nation by using a pagan world power to accomplish the purposes of God. He sees a similar recurrence of the events that lead to the destruction of the Jerusalem and the Temple in 587/6 BC being manifested in the Jewish War of AD 66 - 70. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die redes wat vir die Joodse Oorlog van AD 66-70 aangebied word, ondersoek en bespreek. Veral die redes wat moderne geleerdes wat in die bestudering van Flavius Josephus se werk spesialiseer, word nagespeur en bespreek. Die grootste deel van die studie fokus egter op die redes wat Flavius Josephus self vir die gebeurtenis voorhou, soos wat hy dit in sy belangrike werk, Bellum Judaicum, uiteensit. 'n Mens kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat hy met groot oortuiging glo dat die redes wat tot die katastrofiese gebeure rondom die vernietiging van Jerusalem en die Tempel 'n bydrae gelewer het, op die vlak van sowel die menslike as bomenslike te vinde is. Die wêreldbeskouing van hierdie bedrewe geskiedskrywer en Joodse priester is deur beide die Torah se godsdienstige voorskrifte en volksgeskiedenis sterk beïnvloed. Hy kan nie sy steun aan die blatante en bose dade van sy volksgenote teen die duidelike standaarde wat God gegee het, toesê nie. Volgens hom moes God se vergelding volg. Hy kan ook nie vergeet hoe God in sy volk se verlede ingegryp het deur om goddelose wêreldmagte aan te wend om sy Goddelike doelwitte te bereik nie. Hy gewaar 'n soortgelyke herhaling van gebeurtenisse wat tot die vernietiging van Jerusalem en die tempel in 587/6 vC gelei het, in die aanloop tot die Joodse Oorlog van AD 66-70.

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