Spelling suggestions: "subject:"donationsoperation""
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En global logistikkedja : En deskriptiv studie av doktriner och på den nya globala Försvarsmaktens krav av logistikkedjan vid strategisk nivå / A global logistics chain : A descriptive study of the doctrines of the new global Swedish armed forces logistic chain at thestrategic levelKarlsson, CarlOtto January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den nya globala försvarsmakten ställer nya krav, inte minst på logistikkedjan där avstånden ökar och förutsättningarna för insats inte är lika klara som under det kalla kriget. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka krav ur en doktrinär synvinkel som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå kopplat till en strategisk rörlighet vid en framtida Svensk insats. Som empiri i uppsatsen används de doktriner och reglementen som finns i Sverige och i NATO som avhandlar logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå och strategisk rörlighet. Samt en fallstudie från Operation Iraqi freedom för att exemplifiera de krav som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå. Uppsatsens metod är deskription och fallstudie där fallstudien exemplifierar de problem som kan komma att uppstå. Empirin ligger sedan till grund för en analys och diskussion där ett antal slutsatser utkristalliseras. Slutsatserna som uppfyller syftet med uppsatsen är att krav på en precis logistikkedja ökar för att leverera i rätt tid vilket möjliggörs av kravet på ett bra logistikledningssystem.</p> / <p>The new global Swedish armed forces are putting new strains, especially in the logistics chain where the distances increase and the conditions of operation are not as clear as during the Cold War. The purpose of this paper is to examine the requirements from a doctrinal perspective that might be claimed in the logistics chain at the strategic level, coupled with strategic movement at a future Swedish operation. As empirical evidence in this paper the doctrines and regulations are used that exist in Sweden and in NATO, which deals with the logistics chain at the strategic level and strategic mobility. A case study of Operation Iraqi Freedom is used to exemplify the requirements that may be imposed on the logistics chain at the strategic level. Thesis method is description and case study. The case study exemplifies the problems that may arise. Empiric then forms the basis for analysis and discussion and a number of conclusions emerge. The conclusions that meet the purpose of this paper is to call for a precise logistics chain to deliver in time increases this is made available by the requirement of a good logistics management.</p>
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Situationen i Adenviken : en del av Fourth Generation Warfare? / The Situation in the Gulf of Aden : a part of Fourth Generation Warfare?Hartman, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
<p>Följande uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt ur den rådande situationen i Adenviken som präglas av illegal piratverksamhet. Adenviken med dess särskilda karaktäristik granskas i syfte att undersöka om det av militärteoretiker formulerade begreppet ”Fourth Generation Warfare” i någon mån är applicerbart på situationen. I syfte att svara upp mot uppsatsens frågeställning avhandlas begreppet 4 GW och dess historik, innebörd samt utveckling. Den empiriska delen av uppsatsen behandlar Adenviken och fokuserar på situationen i landet Somalia med dess pirater och deras illegala verksamhet. Problemområdet är intressant då Sverige idag bidrar med enheter (ME02) till den marina multinationella styrkan, EUNAVFOR, som verkar i Adenviken. Det huvudsakliga syftet för de ingående nationerna är att eskortera fartyg tillhörande WFP (World Food Program), men även bidraga till ökad säkerhet för handelssjöfarten. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att begreppet 4 GW till stor del är applicerbart. Dock är Adenviken och dess specifika karaktäristik säregen varvid vidare forskning krävs i syfte att militärteoretiskt definiera situationen i Adenviken.</p> / <p>The following essay is based on the current situation in the Gulf of Aden, which is characterized by illegal piracy activity. The Gulf of Aden with its peculiar characteristic is being examined inpurpose to identify if the conception “Fourth Generation Warfare” (4 GW) in any means is possible to apply on the situation. In purpose to answer the main issue, the essay will discuss the conception 4 GW considering history, meaning and development. The empirical part of the essay deals with the Gulf of Aden and focuses on the situation in Somalia with the pirates and their illegal activities. The problem area is interesting because today Sweden is contributing units (ME02) to the marine multinational force, EUNAVFOR, which operate in the Gulf of Aden. The main purpose of the participating nations is to escort vessels in WFP (World Food Program), but also contribute to greater security for commercial shipping. The essay concludes that the conception 4 GW in many means is able to apply on the situation. However, the Gulf of Aden and its specific characteristics is peculiar and further research is required in order to define the military situation in the Gulf of Aden.</p>
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Teknologi & Numerär : Frågan om vem som vinner / Technology vs. Preponderance : The Question of How to be VictoriousHansson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>The reason for this study is to settle the balance between technology and preponderance in war. Each theory claims its own superiority to be decisive when it comes to achieving military victories, but this study will show what actually happens when the two theories are analyzed together in the same conflict. To prove the conclusions, a case-study on Operation Gazelle is used. The study will describe the theories, what a military victory is and which party in the conflict came out victorious after this specific operation. Both sides’ forces will be shown and compared. The most significant technological systems will be analysed and compared. When this is done, the victory and the theories’ importance can be explained. Operation Gazelle was an act performed by Israel in October 1973 during the conflict with Egypt. It was an attempt to cross the Suez Canal and in that way gain an improved political status during the peace negotiations that were to come. The main question that will be answered is:- Which of the two theories, numerical preponderance and technology, is decisive when it comes to achieving military goals? To answer this question three other questions are answered:- What were the numerical conditions during Operation Gazelle?- What were the technological conditions between the parties?- Which party was victorious?</p>
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En global logistikkedja : En deskriptiv studie av doktriner och på den nya globala Försvarsmaktens krav av logistikkedjan vid strategisk nivå / A global logistics chain : A descriptive study of the doctrines of the new global Swedish armed forces logistic chain at thestrategic levelKarlsson, CarlOtto January 2010 (has links)
Den nya globala försvarsmakten ställer nya krav, inte minst på logistikkedjan där avstånden ökar och förutsättningarna för insats inte är lika klara som under det kalla kriget. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka krav ur en doktrinär synvinkel som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå kopplat till en strategisk rörlighet vid en framtida Svensk insats. Som empiri i uppsatsen används de doktriner och reglementen som finns i Sverige och i NATO som avhandlar logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå och strategisk rörlighet. Samt en fallstudie från Operation Iraqi freedom för att exemplifiera de krav som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå. Uppsatsens metod är deskription och fallstudie där fallstudien exemplifierar de problem som kan komma att uppstå. Empirin ligger sedan till grund för en analys och diskussion där ett antal slutsatser utkristalliseras. Slutsatserna som uppfyller syftet med uppsatsen är att krav på en precis logistikkedja ökar för att leverera i rätt tid vilket möjliggörs av kravet på ett bra logistikledningssystem. / The new global Swedish armed forces are putting new strains, especially in the logistics chain where the distances increase and the conditions of operation are not as clear as during the Cold War. The purpose of this paper is to examine the requirements from a doctrinal perspective that might be claimed in the logistics chain at the strategic level, coupled with strategic movement at a future Swedish operation. As empirical evidence in this paper the doctrines and regulations are used that exist in Sweden and in NATO, which deals with the logistics chain at the strategic level and strategic mobility. A case study of Operation Iraqi Freedom is used to exemplify the requirements that may be imposed on the logistics chain at the strategic level. Thesis method is description and case study. The case study exemplifies the problems that may arise. Empiric then forms the basis for analysis and discussion and a number of conclusions emerge. The conclusions that meet the purpose of this paper is to call for a precise logistics chain to deliver in time increases this is made available by the requirement of a good logistics management.
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Situationen i Adenviken : en del av Fourth Generation Warfare? / The Situation in the Gulf of Aden : a part of Fourth Generation Warfare?Hartman, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
Följande uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt ur den rådande situationen i Adenviken som präglas av illegal piratverksamhet. Adenviken med dess särskilda karaktäristik granskas i syfte att undersöka om det av militärteoretiker formulerade begreppet ”Fourth Generation Warfare” i någon mån är applicerbart på situationen. I syfte att svara upp mot uppsatsens frågeställning avhandlas begreppet 4 GW och dess historik, innebörd samt utveckling. Den empiriska delen av uppsatsen behandlar Adenviken och fokuserar på situationen i landet Somalia med dess pirater och deras illegala verksamhet. Problemområdet är intressant då Sverige idag bidrar med enheter (ME02) till den marina multinationella styrkan, EUNAVFOR, som verkar i Adenviken. Det huvudsakliga syftet för de ingående nationerna är att eskortera fartyg tillhörande WFP (World Food Program), men även bidraga till ökad säkerhet för handelssjöfarten. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att begreppet 4 GW till stor del är applicerbart. Dock är Adenviken och dess specifika karaktäristik säregen varvid vidare forskning krävs i syfte att militärteoretiskt definiera situationen i Adenviken. / The following essay is based on the current situation in the Gulf of Aden, which is characterized by illegal piracy activity. The Gulf of Aden with its peculiar characteristic is being examined inpurpose to identify if the conception “Fourth Generation Warfare” (4 GW) in any means is possible to apply on the situation. In purpose to answer the main issue, the essay will discuss the conception 4 GW considering history, meaning and development. The empirical part of the essay deals with the Gulf of Aden and focuses on the situation in Somalia with the pirates and their illegal activities. The problem area is interesting because today Sweden is contributing units (ME02) to the marine multinational force, EUNAVFOR, which operate in the Gulf of Aden. The main purpose of the participating nations is to escort vessels in WFP (World Food Program), but also contribute to greater security for commercial shipping. The essay concludes that the conception 4 GW in many means is able to apply on the situation. However, the Gulf of Aden and its specific characteristics is peculiar and further research is required in order to define the military situation in the Gulf of Aden.
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The workings of co-operation : A comparative study of consumer co-operative organisation in Britain and Sweden, 1860-1970Friberg, Katarina January 2005 (has links)
This thesis explores the workings of co-operation. It proceeds by way of a two-case comparative study, where the units of comparison are local consumer co-operatives: the Newcastle upon Tyne Co-operative Society Ltd., situated in the north-east of England, and Konsumentföreningen Solidar in Malmö, in the south-west of Sweden. We get to follow the two societies through minutes from member meetings, and from several other data sources, from their dates of birth to 1970. This material is utilised for cross-case and within-case comparisons as we follow the interaction between the societies and their environments, between organisational structure and decision-making, and between different factions within the societies. The primary purpose is to charter, understand, and explain the complexities brought out by the empirical inquiry. But in doing so, we also discern more general underlying principles for variations in the workings of co-operation. While this makes the thesis into an exploratory endeavour, it also contains an attempt to map the historiography of co-operation in Britain and Sweden: themes and research questions are construed so as to make a contribution to both literatures. One such contribution is the description and analysis of two separate organisational logics, of their dynamics, conditions, effects, and development over time.
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Lever vi som vi lär? : transportplaneringsprocessen ur ett teoretiskt och praktiskt perspektiv / Do we live as way we learn? : the transport planing process from a theoretical and practical perspectiveWalldén, Göran January 2009 (has links)
Operation Atalanta är en EU gemensam marin operation utanför Somalias kust som syftar till att skydda Word Food Program sjötransporter från piratattacker i området. Försvarsmaktens styrkebidrag till operationen består i huvudsak av Internationella Korvettstyrkan (IKS) som innehåller korvetterna HMS Stockholm, HMS Malmö och stödfartyget HMS Trossö. Förbandet transporterades till insatsområdet med strategisk sjötransport. Att transportera svenska örlogs-fartyg på detta sätt är tämligen nytt inom marinen. Strategiska sjötransporter kräver framförhållning då sjötransportresurserna i vissa fall kan vara svårt att få tillgängliga på den tid som önskas. Därför har denna uppsats inriktats på transportplaneringen av operation Atalanta. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka och jämföra teori med praktik där kvalitativ textanalys har ställts mot kvalitativa intervjuer. Genom en undersökning av transportplaneringen under operation Atalanta som jämförts med Handbok Försvarsmaktens Transporter Grunder (H FM Tp Grunder) har skillnader identifieras. Dessa skillnader har senare värderas mot hur transportplanerings- processen följdes. Processen har i denna uppsats begränsats till att undersöka de tre första delprocesserna, som författaren valt kalla för faser: inhämtning, bedömning och upphandling. Faserna används genomgående genom empirin där underaktiviteterna i respektive fas presenteras. Faktorer att beakta under planeringen är kostnadseffektivitet, tid och kvalitet. Dessa faktorers inverkan undersöks närmare i respektive fas. Fallstudien visar att transportplaneringsprocessen inte följts enligt H FM Tp Grunder. Den främsta orsaken är tidsbrist som forcerat planeringen. Erfarenhet hos dem som varit involverade i planeringen har dock medgett att kontrollerade avsteg från processen kunnat göras. / Operation Atalanta is an EU combined maritime operation outside Somalia’s coasts. The main objective of the operation is to protect World Food Program sea transports in the area from pirate attacks. The Swedish Armed Forces has contributed with a maritime task force containing two corvettes and a supply ship. The ships were transported by a strategic sealift to area of operations. The knowledge of transporting Swedish naval vessels this way is limited due to lack of experience. Sea transports of this kind need to be planned with a long-term view due to the competitive situation on the sea transport market and the limitation of resources. This essay is therefore focused on the planning process of the described transport where an investigation of theory and practice is done. The theory comes from an internal handbook which describes The Swedish Armed Forces planning process for military transports. This planning process will be compared to the case study, operation Atalanta in order to sort out differences. These differences will show how well the planning process was followed in this particular case. The author has limited the planning process to involve three different stages in the planning process, these are: Information gathering, Assessment and Procurement and hereafter called phases. The stages will in time be set from the political directive to a sea transport has been procured. Different aspects are to be considered during the planning process. These are cost efficiency, time and quality. These aspects will be examined in each phase in order to investigate how they have affected the planning process. The case study shows that the planning process has not been followed according to what the handbook describes. The main reason is the lack of time. The time has been a crucial factor which has driven the transport planning to make deviations. However this deviation has been done with good knowledge about the planning process thru experience.
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Adherence to Psychotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress in Veterans of Military Combat in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom)Angeli, Nicolle C. 01 December 2009 (has links)
Elucidating factors associated with adherence to treatment for physical and mental health conditions is important, given well-documented associations between non-adherence and poor treatment outcomes. Researchers have worked to identify such factors; however, most studies focus on adherence to medical, rather than, psychological treatments. Clarifying variables that predict adherence to psychotherapy is particularly important for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for whom treatment, which typically involves exposure to trauma-related stimuli and imagery, can be aversive. It may consequently be associated with high nonadherence rates, even though studies indicate that greater adherence to PTSD treatment relates to better treatment outcomes. Research needs to identify factors that increase or decrease the likelihood that affected individuals will enter and complete therapy. Although several studies to date have examined adherence to treatment for PTSD, this literature is limited on several fronts. First, studies on psychotherapy adherence have identified few consistent predictors of treatment adherence. Second, adherence to psychotherapy is rarely a central focus of treatment-related research; more typically, researchers treat adherence as secondary in importance to treatment outcomes. Third, little research on psychotherapy adherence has been theoretically driven. Fourth, little adherence research has focused on combat veterans with PTSD, who tend to have particularly poor treatment outcomes. Especially lacking is knowledge about predictors of adherence in veterans who have recently returned from combat; most research focuses on veterans of the Vietnam War, many of whom were initially traumatized decades earlier. The study tested the hypothesis that elevated reports of a specific type of PTSD symptom--avoidance/emotional numbing-- predicted poorer adherence to treatment in 160 veterans who received psychotherapy. No significant associations between avoidance and emotional numbing symptoms and adherence were found. However, emotional numbing was negatively related to psychotherapy adherence. Other variables typically related to PTSD and treatment outcomes were found to be important predictors of psychotherapy adherence and completion/noncompletion of therapy.
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The Information Architecture Model Supporting Global Logistics Strategy : A Case Study on the Printed Circuit Board Industry of TaiwanSu, Sheng-I 10 August 2006 (has links)
Under the competitive situation of globalization, the competition and challenges that the enterprises are confronting now are more rigorous than in the past. The PCB industries in Taiwan had ever ranked the third biggest in the world. However, on account of the shifting of the manufacturing bases in the worldwide, in 2002 the PCB output value in China had taken the place of Taiwan and become the third biggest in the world. And in the course of PCB industry development in China, the PCB enterprises from Taiwan had also participated in it early or late. The main inducing reasons were because of the undeveloped markets, low labor and land cost.
When the arising of new and developing markets has made the scale of the enterprises expand from the arrangement of single area (Taiwan) into regional areas (Asia), the management range of the enterprise has also expanded at the same time and the management and cost problems it derived and the related problems caused by the management risks due to obscure information will be coming up. Therefore, how to connect the nerve center of the enterprise with each subsidiary, logistic warehouses, customers and suppliers of the group and integrate and set up the information network of upper and lower reaching customers and manufacturers and subsidiary and establish a set of mode suitable for the implement of information plans of the group and for the organization management so as to achieve the goals of fast information obtaining, policy making and real-time reaction and enable the overall arrangement of globalization to elaborate multiple effects, which is the purpose of the study.
The study has analyzed the management of supply chain, the global planning and management mode and the application and development of information technology and also proceeded extensive analysis and research from the industrial structure, characteristics of PCB and its future competition superiority. Under the information goal of enhancing enterprise¡¦s competition superiority, the study has proposed related suggestions from the organization and management dimensions and information technology and application support dimension.
1. On the organization dimension and the plan of organization functions, achieve centralized planning so as to conform to the company¡¦s overall biggest profits; to maintain and implement of the subsidiary in each area to conform to the effects of localization and discrepancy; to avoid excessive centralized management which will cause the ineffectiveness of operation in each subsidiary or the excessive independence of the area which will cause the difficulties of the overall information establishment standardization and integration. Therefore, in addition to the original vertical framework, it has increased the planning of investigation organization functions (horizontal organization) so as to assist to help with the management and operation among between multi-site companies.
2. On the management dimension, it has developed modes from information system according to five stages of work: (1) the system planning stage (2) the system analysis stage (3) the system development stage (4) the conduction stage of system duplication and (5) system maintenance stage to scheme discussion topics like multi-area resources integration, multi-area coordinated collaboration system and multi-area rights and duties of labor division to be developed into an information construction management mode.
3. On the dimension of information technology and application support, according to the trade object and trade conduct of the enterprise, it has advanced the framework o f enterprise¡¦s information operation strategy and logistics management. Besides, it has conferred the framework of the information integration according to the aspect of resources sharing among the group¡¦s subsidiary so as to achieve the goals of supporting enterprise¡¦s strategy development and management optimization.
Eventually it has proposed the blueprint of PCB industry system construction, the steps of system construction, and the constructional labor division mode of information among regional subsidiary of the group to be offered for the trade to refer to this framework under such global operation strategy and logistics management to develop the information system of supporting the enterprise¡¦s core competition superiority.
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The roles of regional organisations in international peace and security in the post-modern era : the case of the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe with the former Soviet Union Republic StatesNara, Takako January 2011 (has links)
The thesis analyses the systems, dynamics and conditions of international cooperation/non-cooperation in the international community that is embodied through international/regional institutions and organisations. As Robert Cooper describes, the international community consists of the three worlds in which the differences between them may be confrontational in international cooperation. While the post-modern civilisation and values are introduced into the institutions and organisations for international peace and security, the state actors from the pre-modern and modern civilisations and values are vigorously defending the traditional version of state sovereignty. Then, all these are equally the member of the international community and, as Robert Axelrod's Prisoner Dilemma game sets, neither state actors nor structural actors of international relations can escape from it. Therefore, it is hoped that, as Axelrod's theory suggests, the closed community, in the end, produces cooperation and a positive peace for a better future for all. In the case studies, the OSCE faces a number of non-cooperative state actors, like Russia. An anti-OSCE civilisation exists and is resisting the organisational values, while it is staying in the framework. Thus, the organisation is suffering from defectors and free-riders. Knowing the limitation of the organisation, it still has a space for improvement and a useful function which is to provide a long term process to make a non-cooperate actor cooperative.
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