Spelling suggestions: "subject:"detrain"" "subject:"1strain""
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Simulations aux grandes échelles des écoulements instationnaires turbulents autour des trains d'atterrissage pour la prédiction du bruit aérodynamique / Large-eddy simulation of unsteady turbulent flows around landing gears for aerodynamic noise predictionGiret, Jean-Christophe 26 May 2014 (has links)
L'augmentation globale du trafic aérien mondial est susceptible de fortement augmenter les nuisances sonores induites autour des aéroports. De fait, des initiatives à diverses échelles sont prises afin de réduire le bruit des aéronefs. Le "bruit de cellule" de l'avion (airframe noise) est un contributeur majeur du bruit total en phase d'approche, dont environ un tiers est émis par le train d'atterrissage. La simulation aux grandes échelles (LES) des équations de Navier-Stokes compressibles a été identifiée comme une candidate pour la prédiction du bruit de train d'atterrissage. Elle permet de résoudre l'écoulement intrinsèquement instationnaire autour du train, et de capturer les différentes échelles des structures turbulentes mise en jeu dans le sillage. En outre, une approche non-structurée est retenue afin de traiter des géométries réalistes et complexes de trains d'atterrissage. Répondant à ces critères, le logiciel AVBP est choisi pour de telles simulations. Une analogie de Ffowcs-Williams et Hawkings est ensuite utilisée pour propager les sources acoustiques en champ lointain. La détermination des paramètres de simulation optimaux ainsi qu'une validation du code sont effectuées sur le cas académique du "barreau-profil" réalisé à l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Un bon accord des résultats aérodynamiques et acoustiques est observé avec la base de donnée expérimentale ainsi qu'avec d'autres résultats numériques. Une analyse des sources acoustiques a également été mise en oeuvre, mettant en évidence une contribution significative du cylindre aux angles rasants ainsi que des phénomènes interférentiels entre les émissions du cylindre et du profil, constructifs ou destructifs selon l'angle d'observation. Le code AVBP est ensuite utilisé pour la simulation des écoulements autour des trois trains simplifiés de la base de donnée LAGOON, supportée par Airbus. Un bon accord est globalement obtenu pour les résultats aérodynamiques et acoustiques pour les trois géométries de train, et les tendances des résultats expérimentaux lors de le complexification de la géométrie sont retrouvés à l'aide de la LES. Une étude des sources acoustique est ensuite réalisée. Les contributions respectives de chaque élément des trains sont identifiées, et une attention particulière est portée sur les tons de cavité. La structure de ces derniers est clairement mise en évidence à l'aide d'un solveur des équations d'Helmholtz (AVSP), expliquant également l'absence de tons pour les micros en survol. Les effets de l'ajout d'éléments supplémentaires pour les deux dernières configurations de train sont également étudiés, et il est montré en particulier qu'un bruit d'interaction, similaire à celui observé dans le cas "barreau-profil", entre le sillage de la barre de traction et l'essieu du train explique la prédominance d'un ton supplémentaire dans les spectres en champ lointain sur les tons de cavité. / Global air traffic growth is most likely to increase the community noise around airports. Consequently, several initiatives have been taken to reduce aircraft noise. Airframe noise has been identified as a major contributor to aircraft noise at approach, and one third is emitted by the landing gear. Compressible Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is a promising candidate for landing gear noise prediction. It is able to solve the unsteady flow around the landing gear, and also to capture the broad range of turbulent structures in the wake. Unstructured meshing approach has been selected to handle industrial-like and complex landing gear geometries. The AVBP software fulfills these criteria, and thus has been chosen to conduct the simulations. A Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings analogy is also used to propagate the noise sources to the far-field. The best practices determination and the code validation are carried out on the academic "rodairfoil" configuration, which has been experimentally studied at Ecole Centrale de Lyon. A good agreement is observed between the numerical aerodynamic and acoustic results and the experimental database, as well with the other numerical simulations from the literature. A noise source analysis is also carried out, showing a significant contribution of the rod at grazing angles, as well as interferences between the rod and airfoil contributions, either being constructives or destructives depending on the observation angle. Then, the AVBP code is used to simulate unsteady flows around the three landing gear configurations of the LAGOON database, supported by Airbus. A good agreement is found for the aerodynamic and acoustic results for the three geometries, and experimental results tendencies are retrieved with LES while increasing the landing gear complexity. A noise source analysis leads to the identification of the noise source contributions of each landing gear element. A special attention is also paid on the cavity modes. Their structure, exhibited with a Helmholtz equation solver (AVSP), explains the absence of tone in the flyover direction. For the second and third geometries, it is also shown that interactions between the tow bar wake and the axle, similarly to the ones observed in the rod-airfoil benchmark, lead to an additional tone in the far-field spectra, which prevails on the initial cavity modes.
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Přepravy nebezpečných látek na území České republiky / Transport of Dangerous Substances in the Czech RepublicVANDAS, David January 2014 (has links)
The topic of the diploma written assignment is "Transport of Dangerous Substances in the Czech Republic" and it was chosen for elaboration of the wholesome view on the road, train, ship and plane transportation of the hazardous materials and mixtures. These transportations represent a possible risk of damage to life, health, property or environment for the society. Hazardous materials and mixtures nowadays are being transported in large measures and there is an assumption in the future that the volume of the transported hazardous materials and mixtures will increase. For elaboration of this written assignment three hypothesis were given: a) Legal regulations of the European Union and the Czech Republic solve the problematic of the transportation of hazardous materials and mixtures well enough. b) The public has enough information about the transportation of the hazardous chemical substances or mixtures. c) People that work in the field of the transportation of hazardous materials or mixtures are well informed about the transportation of hazardous chemical substances or mixtures. For determining whether the legal regulations solve the problematic of the transportation of hazardous materials and mixtures well enough the literary sources which deal with this issue, legal regulations of the Czech Republic and the European Union and other international agreements were used. After working through these sources it was found out that the international, the EU and Czech legal regulations or agreements solve this issue well enough and emphasis is given on convergence of legal regulations of all transportations. Implementation of international agreements and legal regulations of the European Union into the legal regulations of the Czech Republic happens in the present time very fast and without failures. For figuring out the awareness of the public and awareness of the people working in the field of the transportation of hazardous materials and mixtures for the diploma written assignment on the topic of "The Transportation of Hazardous Materials and Mixtures on the Territory of the Czech Republic" there was a quantitative research made. The quantitative research was made with the help of handed out questionnaires. The public was represented by the employees of the Regional Municipalities of the Czech Republic. Both of the groups were given the same questionnaires. The results of the questionnaire research were evaluated, expressed in percentage and statistically assessed. For the statistical assessment the double selection T-test was used to find out whether the difference between the assessed groups is statistically important. People working in the transportation of hazardous substances and mixtures have sufficient information which was confirmed by the questionnaire research. By the made statistical assessment it was found out that the difference between the groups is statistically significant and so the public does not have sufficient information related to the transportation of hazardous substances and mixtures. Due to the results of the questionnaire research and mainly that the hypothesis b) - The public has enough information about the transportation of hazardous chemical substances or mixtures was not confirmed. In the conclusion of the written assignment there are a couple of suggestions for improvement of the awareness of the public. For example as a part of education at primary and high schools and training schools where this education is already running as a part of The Protection of Human during Incidents. This education has been going on since 2003. And that is why the older people in the public are not well met with this issue and they should be introduced to it by for example a media campaign by means of short TV spots on public television channels or by means of spots that already the Independent BESIP Department of the Ministry of Transportation makes up. These spots are called Besipky.
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Att inkludera räddningstjänsten i träningsverktyget Emergo Train SystemHanson, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Med anledning av det förändrade säkerhetspolitiska läget i Sverige arbetar flera myndigheter, på uppdrag av regeringen med att förbättra samhällets beredskap på flera olika sätt. Ett sätt att säkerställa att de aktörer som blir involverade vid någon typ av kris är förberedda är att låta dem träna i simulerade miljöer. Denna studie hade som uppgift att specificera räddningstjänstens roller, uppgifter och verktyg för att sedan kunna utveckla en modul för träningsverktyget Emergo Train SystemÒsom tillåter utökade träningsmöjligheter för räddningstjänstpersonal, enskilt eller i samverkan med övriga blåljusaktörer. Detta gjordes genom att samla in information från fokusgrupper med räddningstjänsten och sedan analysera detta med hjälp av hierarkiska uppgiftsanalyser. Resultatet är tabeller som specificerar roller, hierarkiska uppgiftsanalyser som beskriver räddningstjänstens uppgifter samt tabelluppgiftsanalyser som specificerar dessa i kombination med verktyg. Resultatet kan användas av ETS för att skapa symboler och simuleringsövningar för räddningstjänsten där deras prestation kan mätas såväl som utvecklas. / Due to the changed security policy situation in Sweden, several authorities work on behalf of the government to improve society's preparedness in several different ways. One way to ensure that the actors involved in any kind of crisis are prepared is to let them train in simulated environments. The aim of this study was to specify the roles, tasks and tools of the emergency services to develop a module for the Emergo Train SystemÒtraining tool, which allows for increased training opportunities for emergency staff, individually or in collaboration with other first responders. This was done by collecting information from focus groups with the rescue service and then analyzing it with hierarchical task analyzes. The result is tables that specify roles, hierarchical task analyzes that describe the tasks of rescue services and tabular data analyzes that specify these in combination with tools. The result can be used by ETS to create symbols and simulation exercises for the emergency services where their performance can be measured as well as developed.
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Passeio de trem Maria-Fumaça: os diferentes olharesDebenetti, Valdete Elza Spindler 10 August 2006 (has links)
Este estudo teve como propósito investigar se os atrativos turísticos e os serviços agregados ao Passeio de Trem Maria-Fumaça atendem às expectativas do turista. O paradigma adotado foi o de corte qualitativo servindo-se da metodologia descritiva do tipo estudo de caso. Análise documental, observação, entrevista, história oral, questionário, memorial descritivo, nota de campo e registro de relatos orais foram utilizados como instrumentos para coleta de informações. Os participantes do estudo foram os protagonistas definidos como sendo as diversas categorias de turistas estudadas, os animadores lúdicos e Susana Giordani, gestora do passeio, além de testemunhas oculares e fontes primárias. Por se tratar de estudo qualitativo, para descrição, análise e discussão dos resultados, foram elaboradas categorias de análise. Para os turistas definiram-se as seguintes: expectativa do turista (1); e emoções e sentimentos que o passeio desperta (2). Já em relação à gestora do passeio, as categorias foram: o produto pensado pela gestora (1); o sucesso do passeio na ótica da gestora (2); e o significado do passeio para a região, os animadores lúdicos e a comunidade na ótica da gestora (3). Aos animadores lúdicos, as categorias foram assim definidas: o olhar do animador lúdico em relação ao passeio (1); e o sucesso do passeio na opinião dos animadores (2). Os resultados apontaram que as animações culturais e lúdicas são o diferencial do passeio. Apesar das críticas negativas assinaladas, o Passeio de Trem Maria-Fumaça corresponde às expectativas da demanda turística. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-13T17:55:17Z
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Dissertacao Valdete E S Debenetti.pdf: 4301724 bytes, checksum: 305ab67694426e4042376655806c4ace (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-13T17:55:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Valdete E S Debenetti.pdf: 4301724 bytes, checksum: 305ab67694426e4042376655806c4ace (MD5) / This study had by purpose to investigate if attractive tourists and the aggregate services to the Maria-Fumaça Train Trip take care of the tourist expectations. The adopted paradigm was the qualitative cut serving itself of the descriptive methodology type case study. Documental analysis, comment, interview, verbal history, questionnaire, descriptive petition, field note, and verbal reports register were used as instruments for information collect. The study participators were definite protagonists as being the several tourists categories studied, the playful entertainers and the trip manager, beyond eyewitnesses and primary sources. By being a qualitative study, for description, analysis and discussion of results, the categories of analysis were elaborated. For tourists the following ones were defined: tourist expectation (1); and emotions and feelings that the trip awakes (2). Regarding the trip manager the categories were: the product thought by manager (1); the success of the trip in the manager optics (2); and the meaning of the trip to the region, the playful entertainers and the community in the manager optics (3). To the playful entertainers, the categories were: the playful entertainer look regarding the trip (1); and the success of the trip in the entertainer opinion (2). The results pointed that the cultural and playful animations are the trip differential. Despite the negative critics, the Maria-Fumaça Train Trip corresponds to the tourist demand expectations.
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Modelagem e simulação de reatores industriais em fase liquida do tipo Loop para polimerização de propileno / Modeling and simulation of liquid phase propylene polymerization in industrial loop reactorsLucca, Eneida Aparecida de 13 November 2007 (has links)
Orientadores: Rubens Maciel Filho, Jose Carlos Costa da Silva Pinto, Priamo Albuquerque Melo Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T00:03:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Lucca_EneidaAparecidade_M.pdf: 1657459 bytes, checksum: 56b6b6c35a2802734e03ed28ceb76c67 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Reatores tubulares do tipo loop são amplamente empregados nas indústrias de poliolefinas. No caso da produção de polipropileno, compõem a tecnologia Spheripol. São constituídos de duas seções tubulares interconectadas por um ponto de alimentação e por uma bomba, que promove a recirculação da massa reacional. O simulador dinâmico desenvolvido nesse trabalho é capaz de estimar valores de diversas variáveis chave no monitoramento do processo; dentre elas, o XS e o MFI. As validações feitas mostraram que o simulador é capaz de representar de forma acurada os dados experimentais disponíveis em uma planta real de polimerização, inclusive para ¿N¿ reatores em série / Abstract: Tubular loop reactors are widely used in the polyolefins industries. In the particular case of polypropylene production, loop reactors are part of the Spheripol technology. Loop reactors are composed of two tubular reactors that are connected by a feed point and a pump that is responsible for promoting recirculation of the reaction mass. The dynamic simulator developed here is able to estimate values of several important variables used to monitor the industrial process, like the XS and the MFI. The model was validated with actual industrial data obtained for different reactor configurations, including ¿N¿ reactors in series / Mestrado / Engenharia de Processos / Mestre em Engenharia Química
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Passeio de trem Maria-Fumaça: os diferentes olharesDebenetti, Valdete Elza Spindler 10 August 2006 (has links)
Este estudo teve como propósito investigar se os atrativos turísticos e os serviços agregados ao Passeio de Trem Maria-Fumaça atendem às expectativas do turista. O paradigma adotado foi o de corte qualitativo servindo-se da metodologia descritiva do tipo estudo de caso. Análise documental, observação, entrevista, história oral, questionário, memorial descritivo, nota de campo e registro de relatos orais foram utilizados como instrumentos para coleta de informações. Os participantes do estudo foram os protagonistas definidos como sendo as diversas categorias de turistas estudadas, os animadores lúdicos e Susana Giordani, gestora do passeio, além de testemunhas oculares e fontes primárias. Por se tratar de estudo qualitativo, para descrição, análise e discussão dos resultados, foram elaboradas categorias de análise. Para os turistas definiram-se as seguintes: expectativa do turista (1); e emoções e sentimentos que o passeio desperta (2). Já em relação à gestora do passeio, as categorias foram: o produto pensado pela gestora (1); o sucesso do passeio na ótica da gestora (2); e o significado do passeio para a região, os animadores lúdicos e a comunidade na ótica da gestora (3). Aos animadores lúdicos, as categorias foram assim definidas: o olhar do animador lúdico em relação ao passeio (1); e o sucesso do passeio na opinião dos animadores (2). Os resultados apontaram que as animações culturais e lúdicas são o diferencial do passeio. Apesar das críticas negativas assinaladas, o Passeio de Trem Maria-Fumaça corresponde às expectativas da demanda turística. / This study had by purpose to investigate if attractive tourists and the aggregate services to the Maria-Fumaça Train Trip take care of the tourist expectations. The adopted paradigm was the qualitative cut serving itself of the descriptive methodology type case study. Documental analysis, comment, interview, verbal history, questionnaire, descriptive petition, field note, and verbal reports register were used as instruments for information collect. The study participators were definite protagonists as being the several tourists categories studied, the playful entertainers and the trip manager, beyond eyewitnesses and primary sources. By being a qualitative study, for description, analysis and discussion of results, the categories of analysis were elaborated. For tourists the following ones were defined: tourist expectation (1); and emotions and feelings that the trip awakes (2). Regarding the trip manager the categories were: the product thought by manager (1); the success of the trip in the manager optics (2); and the meaning of the trip to the region, the playful entertainers and the community in the manager optics (3). To the playful entertainers, the categories were: the playful entertainer look regarding the trip (1); and the success of the trip in the entertainer opinion (2). The results pointed that the cultural and playful animations are the trip differential. Despite the negative critics, the Maria-Fumaça Train Trip corresponds to the tourist demand expectations.
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Análise paramétrica da vibração do solo induzida pelo tráfego ferroviário / Parametric analysis of ground vibration induced by railway trafficCarvalho, Ana Flávia Paulino de 17 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-10-20T18:30:20Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-10-21T19:25:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Ana Flávia Paulino de Carvalho - 2016.pdf: 2131091 bytes, checksum: 15ddf737ba58887ff8135af85c0c08d0 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-17 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The expansion of the railway network together with the urbanization process resulted in the train induced vibrations analysis. In this work was developed a parametric analysis of ground vibration induced by railway traffic from the representation of the train through a point load, normal to the ground, moving with constant velocity. The wheel load is elastically distributed on the railway track composed by rails, sleepers and ballast, generating the resulting load on the ground. The soil is formulated as a homogeneous, elastic, isotropic and linear solid material, and their displacements are calculated by the use of triple Fourier transform, assuming that the velocity of the train traffic is less than the Rayleigh waves. The methodology of this study is based on developing a computational code using the numerical tool MATLAB. After the validation of this program, the influences of the vibrations induced by rail traffic are analyzed parametrically considering variation in the type and train speed, the characteristics of the railway track, the soil properties and the distance between the observation point and the railroad. The results show the strong influence of several parameters of the problem in the displacement and the instantaneous velocity of ground vibration, especially when the train speed approaches to the speed of Rayleigh waves in the soil. The vibration values obtained are then compared with acceptable levels of current regulations according to the type and human use of buildings which are close to the railway. / A expansão da malha ferroviária aliada ao processo de urbanização acarretaram na necessidade de análise do impacto da propagação da vibração no solo induzida pelo tráfego de trens. Neste trabalho é desenvolvida uma análise paramétrica da vibração do solo induzida
pelo tráfego ferroviário a partir da representação do trem através de uma carga pontual normal ao solo movendo-se com velocidade constante. Esta carga de roda é distribuída elasticamente sobre a pista ferroviária composta pelos trilhos, dormentes e lastro, gerando o carregamento resultante no solo. O solo é formulado como um sólido homogêneo, elástico, isotrópico e linear e os seus deslocamentos são calculados através do uso da transformada
tripla de Fourier, assumindo que a velocidade de tráfego do trem é inferior à velocidade das ondas de Rayleigh no solo considerado. A metodologia deste trabalho se baseia no desenvolvimento de um programa computacional com a utilização da ferramenta numérica MATLAB. Após a validação deste programa, as influências das vibrações induzidas pelo tráfego ferroviário são analisadas parametricamente a partir da variação do tipo e da velocidade do trem, das características da pista ferroviária, das propriedades do solo e da distância entre o ponto de observação e a ferrovia. Os resultados obtidos apresentam a forte influência dos diversos parâmetros do problema no deslocamento e na velocidade instantânea da vibração do solo, principalmente quando a velocidade do trem se aproxima à velocidade das ondas de Rayleigh no solo considerado. Os valores de vibração encontrados são então comparados com os níveis aceitáveis estabelecidos nas normas vigentes de acordo com o tipo e uso humano da construção que se encontra próxima à ferrovia.
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Estrada de ferro Vitória a Minas: conversas de beira de linhaDelage, Raquel Gotardelo Audebert 01 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:42:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Raquel Gotardelo Audebert Delage.pdf: 3934601 bytes, checksum: 2a171c48c7c93c0b27dc505e39852be6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-02-01 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This work outlines the story of the Vitória-Minas Railway, told from different points of
view. Through ethnographic research, which has a qualitative character, the memory
of the railway is revealed by those who lived or still live near it. The acknowledgment
and valuing of experiences lived by men and women, related to the object of study,
made it possible for the researcher to preserve these memories and acquire new
details about the Vitória-Minas Railway story. Contributions by oral tradition,
individual and collective memory concepts have been considered under the light of
authors like Alessandro Portelli, Pierre Nora, Oswaldo Truzzi, Michael Pollak, Ecléa
Bosi among others. Although the main focus of this research is on life stories, and
how the railway story can be retold through them, images researched were also
explored as possible means of investigation. Authors like Barthes and Boris Kossoy
have helped in this process of understanding images as contents to be deciphered,
which led us to discuss some of the photos related to the railway and their
composition process. Through field research, people s voices could be recorded
giving them the opportunity of being heard. The speeches made it possible to
understand the changes brought by the railway not only to the small towns and cities
but also to those who have narrated their own life story and shared their memories. / Este trabalho traz a história da Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas sendo contada por
uma multiplicidade de pontos de vista. Por meio da pesquisa etnográfica, de caráter
qualitativo, revela-se a memória da ferrovia por parte daqueles que viveram/vivem
próximo a ela. O reconhecimento e a valorização de experiências vividas por
homens e mulheres em relação ao objeto possibilitaram que o trabalho preservasse
essas memórias, trazendo, com isso, novos registros sobre a história da ferrovia. As
contribuições oferecidas pela história oral e por conceitos de memória individual e
memória coletiva são discutidas com base em autores como Alessandro Portelli,
Pierre Nora, Oswaldo Truzzi, Michael Pollak, Ecléa Bosi, dentre outros. Apesar de a
proposta principal ser as histórias de vida e, através delas, a história da ferrovia
sendo recontada, buscou-se nas imagens pesquisadas uma possibilidade de
investigação. Autores como Roland Barthes e Boris Kossoy auxiliaram nesse
processo de entender as imagens como conteúdos a serem decifrados, o que levou
à discussão sobre algumas fotografias referentes à ferrovia e seu processo de
construção. Por meio da pesquisa de campo, foi possível registrar as vozes dos
entrevistados e, com isso, dar-lhes a oportunidade de serem ouvidos. As falas
possibilitaram compreender as mudanças trazidas pela ferrovia não apenas para as
cidades, como também para aqueles que narram sua própria história de vida e
compartilham suas memórias.
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《城市之間》——音樂創作與空間展演 / Between Cities: The Production of a Music Album and Live Performances鄭興, Zheng, Xing Unknown Date (has links)
本創作論述提供創作的背景與動機,關於城市、空間、民謠的歷史的文獻探討和其他作品討論,以及專輯和火車音樂會的創作內容說明,觀眾回饋。最後附上結論與參考文獻,構成共五章的創作論述。 / Between Cities is a comprehensive work which combines music album and live show(train concert). It intends to discuss the journeys between cities and time-space transposition. Also, the process of creation is a process of finding myself.
Inspired by the travel experience among Yangzhou, Beijing and Taipei over the years, the music album contains 14 tracks through a clue of “Departures” “The island” “Cities” and “Homecoming”. It also records soundscapes of different cities’ corners. I hope these songs can let the audience think about the appearance of their imaginative cities and find themselves by starting from somewhere.
Consisting of music performance which is arranged in train cabin, the train concert intends to bring the audience back to my original scene of songwriting and make them learn my songs more deeply.
The thesis declares my motives and songwriting background of this creation in the first part. It then reviews the literary writings about cities, space, folk history and other songwriters’ artworks. In the third and fourth part, I explain all the treatment of my album and train concert, including the audience feedback. Adding on the conclusion and reference, working records above become a five-chapter thesis in the end.
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Visualisation Studio for the analysis of massive datasetsTucker, Roy Colin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the research underpinning and the development of a cross platform application for the analysis of simultaneously recorded multi-dimensional spike trains. These spike trains are believed to carry the neural code that encodes information in a biological brain. A number of statistical methods already exist to analyse the temporal relationships between the spike trains. Historically, hundreds of spike trains have been simultaneously recorded, however as a result of technological advances recording capability has increased. The analysis of thousands of simultaneously recorded spike trains is now a requirement. Effective analysis of large data sets requires software tools that fully exploit the capabilities of modern research computers and effectively manage and present large quantities of data. To be effective such software tools must; be targeted at the field under study, be engineered to exploit the full compute power of research computers and prevent information overload of the researcher despite presenting a large and complex data set. The Visualisation Studio application produced in this thesis brings together the fields of neuroscience, software engineering and information visualisation to produce a software tool that meets these criteria. A visual programming language for neuroscience is produced that allows for extensive pre-processing of spike train data prior to visualisation. The computational challenges of analysing thousands of spike trains are addressed using parallel processing to fully exploit the modern researcher’s computer hardware. In the case of the computationally intensive pairwise cross-correlation analysis the option to use a high performance compute cluster (HPC) is seamlessly provided. Finally the principles of information visualisation are applied to key visualisations in neuroscience so that the researcher can effectively manage and visually explore the resulting data sets. The final visualisations can typically represent data sets 10 times larger than previously while remaining highly interactive.
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