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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh optimalizace logistických procesů společnosti ARKOV / The ARKOV Logistic Processes Optimization Proposal

Urban, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The intent of diploma thesis is to propose the optimization of current logistic processes with utilization of modern information technology. The work will propose the tool for stock classiffication, further evaluates the options of the warehouse management system implementation, including on-line connection to SAP Business One ERP system, and proposes its utilization in optimization of company’s business processes. The result of this work is the recommended proposal of the best and as well as cost friendly solution for company ARKOV, Ltd.

Studie řízení zásob v logistickém řetězci automobilového průmyslu / The Study of Inventory Management in Logistics Chain

Vráblová, Miluše January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on stock management and related issues in the automotive industry. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part discusses general concepts of logistics and stock management. There are described patterns of production and its connection to the warehouse and logistics issues and more. The practical part focuses on a specific environment of companies operating in the automotive industry and describes its parts and logistics processes that are somehow related to the stock management. The practical part is also more elaborated on Aftermarket issues.

Studie dodavatelského řetězce a návrh na optimalizaci / The Study of Supply Chain and Optimization Proposal.

Výborná, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on problems related to the low turnover of stocks in IMI International, s.r.o. The thesis is divided into three parts – theoretical, analytical and design part. In the first part there is presented a basic theoretical knowledge of logistics for this work. The second part analyses the causes of high stock holdings in relation to low turnover. Based on the analyses there are finally proposed the solutions in order to reduce the value of held stocks by reducing the quantity which then leads to increased turnover.

Effektivisering av varu-och lagerhantering för ökat kundfokus : En fallstudie inom detaljhandeln

Trosell, Sanna, Waage, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Swedish retail industry is facing a challenging future in terms of creating positive customer experiences due to an increasingly digitized world. The market and shopping patterns have changed drastically, and customers expect a higher level of customer service while retail staff spend a lot of time receiving deliveries and handling goods. Successful work with Lean has long helped other industries to streamline their tasks. The question remains whether Lean can help create enabling conditions for the retailer to streamline product and inventory management and be able to allocate time to customer experiences instead. The purpose of this work is therefore to identify opportunities with methods such as ABC-analysis and 5S for improvement in goods and inventory management in retail in favour of increased customer satisfaction. The study was conducted as a case study at a retail store with an internal warehouse. To respond to the purpose, the delivery of goods was examined through observations as well as interviews were conducted with the store manager and two employees. The study was further supplemented by an interview with the logistics department at the company headquarters. The result shows that a frequency placement according to the picking frequency at the warehouse saves both time when delivering goods but also when picking out, this as the A-products are closest to the entrance. Improvement opportunities such as standardization of work tasks, visualization in store warehouses, focus on inventory turnover and structure in warehousing according to 5S were significant for the efficiency of the warehousing. The study is expected to contribute with understanding that methods developed for other industries can also be applied within the retail. Lean in retail is a recently explored area and our study gives an indication that warehouse efficiency is important for improved customer service. To make the study possible it is limited to streamlining storage of goods and handling of goods in the store warehouse.

A more efficient supply chain through categorization / Effektivisering av försörjningskedja genom kategorisering

BILICH, PAUL January 2014 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är det oerhört viktigt att hitta nya sätt att kunna förbättra sitt företag på och genom förbättringar öka lönsamheten. Ett förbättringsområde är företagets försörjningskedja som kan göras bättre genom effektivisering och att se över försörjningskedjans design vilket kan leda till ökad konkurrenskraft. Effektivisering av försörjningskedjan kan bland annat åstadkommas genom att införa kategoriseringsmodeller för att strukturera, prioritera och använda försörjningskedjans resurser optimalt. Målet med examensarbetet är att visa vad användandet av olika kategoriseringsmodeller kan bidra med, hur dessa modeller fungerar i verkligheten och hur de kan användas för att nå optimalt resultat. Fokusen för examensarbetet ligger på kategorisering när det kommer till företagets försörjningskedja och hur kategoriseringen av produkter och leverantörer kan påverka olika delar inom försörjningskedjan som lager, inköp, produkt/leverantör styrning, relationer och strategier. Uppdragsgivaren för detta examensarbete är Cykloteket som ska förändra och effektivisera deras försörjningskedja. Genom att bland annat införa ett centrallager istället för butikslager undersöks möjligheten att strukturera verksamheten för att förtydliga dagliga uppgifter som rör försörjningskedjan. Resultatet från examensarbetet tar upp lämpliga modeller för kategorisering, vad kategorisering bidrar med, rekommendationer hur produkter/ leverantörer bör klassificeras för en tydlig kategorisering och diskuterar vad som kan generaliseras från studien. / In today's society, it is extremely important to find new ways for companies to improve their businesses and in that way increase profitability. One area for improvement is the company's supply chain that can be improved by streamlining and reviewing the supply chain design which can lead to increased competiveness. Streamlining the supply chain can be achieved by introducing categorization models to structure, prioritize and to use supply chain resources optimally. The aim of the thesis is to show what the usage of categorization models can contribute with, how these models work in reality and how they can be used to achieve optimal results. The focus of the thesis is the categorization when it comes to the company's supply chain and how the categorization of products/ suppliers can affect different parts in the supply chain such as inventory, purchasing, product / supplier management, relationships and strategies. The commissioner for this thesis is Cykloteket they are in the process of modifying and streamlining their supply chain. For instance they will introduce a central warehouse instead of local warehouses and examine the possibility of structuring the business to clarify the daily tasks related to the supply chain. The result of the thesis addresses the appropriate models for categorization, what categorization contributes with, recommendations how products / suppliers should be classified for a distinct categorization and discusses what can be generalized from the study.

ABC-klassificering och dess användningsområde : En fallstudie inom inköp mot lagerorder / ABC Classification and its Area of Use

Carlsson, Camilla, Rommedahl, Jonna January 2021 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of how the inventory can becontrolled and managed when purchasing in conjunction with an ABC-classification. To fulfilthe purpose, two research questions have been formulated: [1] How can the ABC classification be used to manage the purchasing process? [2] How can the ABC classification contribute to improved warehouse service? Method – The study was initiated with a feasibility study in order to shed light on the problemarea and its context which the study intends to investigate further. The feasibility study incombination with a literature review contributed to the formulation of the purpose and researchquestions. The study is designed in accordance with a case study with a singular analysis unit, in this case the purchasing unit in a business system. Furthermore, data collection wasgenerated via literature study, interview, and questionnaire. The interviews and thequestionnaires contributed to qualitative primary data which were intended to illustrate theusers’ knowledge and use of the studied phenomenon. Findings – It was found in the study that ABC classification is an effective method fordifferentiating purchasing and inventory management. This study demonstrates that aninterconnection of ABC classification and inventory service level is the most effective approachin order to control and minimize the occurrence of shortages, resulting in improved warehouseservice. Implications – The subject areas, which first and foremost are ABC classification andinventory management, are thoroughly researched as proven by existing literature, hencegenerating new knowledge to the fields are considered to be challenging. Despite the givencircumstances, this study adds knowledge to a certain extent, as the study presents andstrengthens existing research regarding how a combination of an ABC classification and acertain degree of service level has been shown to streamline the purchasing process andimprove the warehouse service as well as the inventory management. Limitations – This study only includes the users of the business system and the purchasingmodule provided by the case company, which can be considered to affect the generalizability ofthe study. The fact remains, however, that generalizability should also apply in other systemsin connection with purchasing, since the starting point of the theory and its area of applicationis so well known and generally accepted. Keywords – ABC analysis, ABC classification, inventory management, inventory control,safety stock, service level, warehouse service. / Syfte – Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur olika artikelklassificeringar bör styrasvid inköp. För att besvara syftet har det brutits ner i två frågeställningar: [1] Hur kan ABC-klassificering användas för att styra inköp? [2] Hur kan ABC-klassificering bidra till förbättrad lagerservice? Metod – Studien initierades med en förstudie för att belysa det problemområde och desskontext, vilken studien ämnar undersöka. Förstudien i kombination med litteraturstudie bidrogtill formulering av studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Studien är av enfallsdesign med enanalysenhet, i det här fallet inköpsmodulen i ett affärssystem. Vidare genereradesdatainsamling via litteraturstudie, intervju samt enkät. I samband med intervju och enkäterhölls kvalitativa primärdata som avsåg åskådliggöra användarnas kunskap och användningav det studerade fenomenet. Resultat – ABC-klassificering visar sig vara en effektiv metod för differentiering av inköp ochlagerstyrning. Den här studien påvisar att en sammankoppling av artikelklassificering ochlagerservicenivå är det mest effektiva tillvägagångssättet i syfte att kontrollera och minimerauppkomsten av bristtillfällen som ger upphov till förbättrad lagerservice. Implikationer – Ämnesområdet kring ABC-klassificering och servicenivå är väl utforskatinom befintlig litteratur, vilket bidrar till mindre utrymme att generera ny kunskap till området.Trots given omständighet tillför studien i viss utsträckning kunskap, då genomförd studieframlägger och stärker befintlig forskning då en kombination av ABC-klassificering ochservicenivå har visat sig effektivisera inköpsarbetet. En sådan kombination visar sig i empirinha minimerat antal bristtillfällen och på så vis förbättrat lagerservicen. Begränsningar – Studien inkluderar enbart användare av inköpsmodulen som fallföretagettillhandahåller, vilket kan påverka studiens generaliserbarhet. Faktum kvarstår dock attgeneraliserbarhet även bör gälla i andra fall då inköp görs eftersom utgångspunkten för teorinoch dess användningsområde är så pass känt och allmänt godtaget. Nyckelord – ABC-analys, ABC-klassificering, lagerhantering, lagerservice, lagerstyrning,servicenivå, säkerhetslager.

Integrated classification methods for spare parts : A case study on a mass production factory

Yesilkayali, Selin January 2020 (has links)
Inventory management is a complex system which involves different stakeholders from multiple areas in a company which creates a limitation when seeking information between involved staff. Having the right procedure of tracking regular and critical spare parts will give a better control and efficiency in the production process. It is important to have the right classification method to facilitate critical spare parts. The incorrect criteria classification can be achieved in case inventory management have the wrong systematic procedure. Classification methods have different purposes and achieve the highest utilization by combining a variety of methods. By integrating classification methods, set limits and combination of multiple criteria decision analysis can be performed. The study has conducted a case study to compare and evaluate the performance of inventory management in a trustworthy and efficient way. A theoretical framework is constructed with the intention on identify which classification methods can be combined and applied to a production factors criterion. Based on interviews with stakeholders from maintenance, warehouse, and production area related to spare parts and the company’s software system. Two perspectives were used to map the qualitative and quantitative measures. The results show 14 criteria were defined as parameters that measure the performance of criticality in spare parts. The conclusion of both perspectives suggests combining and implement an integration of AHP and ABC classification methods. A proof of concept is demonstrated on AHP analysis and ABC analysis to identify the critical spare parts and the criteria.

Åtgärder för en effektivare intern materialförsörjning : Genomlysning av förbättringsområden för lager till slutmontering av gruvmaskiner med fördjupning inom frekvensläggning – en studie vid Epiroc Rock Drills AB / Measures for a more efficient internal material supply : Review of improvement areas in warehouse for final assembly of mining machines with a focus in slotting optimization – a study at Epiroc Rock Drills AB

Eskilsson, Niklas, Magnuson, David January 2019 (has links)
Epiroc har åtnjutit en längre period av kraftig tillväxt samtidigt som flertalet effektiviseringsprojekt har genomförts med syfte att öka produktionsvolymen för att möta marknadens efterfrågan. Detta genom att bland annat implementera en variant av Lean production – The Way We Produce. En av dessa förändringar är en takad flödesorienterad montering med just-in-time sekvenserad materialförsörjning. Detta har i sin tur ökat kraven på materialförrådet Logistikcenter (LC) där ledningen nu börjat undersöka möjliga effektiviseringsåtgärder. Därav är studiens syfte till att ta fram realiserbara förbättringsförslag för logistikverksamheten vid Logistikcenter tillhörande Epiroc Rock Drills AB i Örebro för att öka effektiviteten och leveranssäkerheten. Studien har genomförts i två faser; identifieringsfasen och fördjupningsfasen. Under identifieringsfasen genomfördes en kartläggning av nuläget i LC, där underlaget för kartläggningen baserar sig på intervjuer, observationer och analyser. Genom en rotorsaksanalys, med målet att identifiera källor till ineffektivitet, kunde nio förbättringsområden identifieras varav en av dessa vidare skulle utredas i fördjupningsfasen. Dessa utvärderades utifrån en effekt-insats matris för att välja det förbättringsområde med störst effektiviseringspotential i förhållande till den förväntande insatsen. Analysmodellen för effekt-insats matrisen var de åtta slöserierna i Lean (Petersson, et al., 2015), dess förväntade påverkan på effektiviteten samt den förväntade komplexiteten av en implementation. Resultatet från rotorsaksanalysen gav artikelklassificering som det primära förbättringsområdet där den undersökta åtgärden var en alternativ tillämpning av frekvensläggning för att minimera rörelsetiden mellan lagerplatser vid plock. Under fördjupningsfasen undersöktes den nuvarande artikelklassificeringen och frekvensläggningen genom syntes av en alternativ modell för klassificeringen av artiklar och lagerplatser utifrån en fördjupad litteraturstudie. För att undersöka om en alternativ klassificering kan öka effektiviteten utvecklades en utvärderingsmodell som modellerar rörelsetiden för historiskt data från plocklistor. Den användes för att testa vilken kombination av storlekar på artikelklasserna som gav den minsta möjliga totala rörelsetiden. En kombination av 60/30/10 % (A/B/C) av det ackumulerade antalet plock gav den lägsta totala rörelsetiden för en plockhistorik på 15 månader med en reduktion av rörelsetiden motsvarande 33 % (1760 h) jämfört mot nuläget. Vidare undersöktes en alternativ sortering av plocklistorna för automathissar respektive pallställage med utvärderingsmodellen som gav en reduktion på 4 % respektive 11 % mot nuläget. Slutligen undersöktes olika former på zonerna för klassificering av lagerplatser i pallställage W3, där utlämningsplatsen är placerad halvvägs in i ställaget. En tyngdpunkt placerat centralt mellan ingången och utlämningsplatsen gav det bästa simuleringsresultatet. Sammanfattningsvis fastställdes artikelklassificering som det förbättringsområde med störst realiserbar effektiviseringspotential med lägst komplexitet utifrån en rotsorsaksanalys. Epiroc rekommenderas att implementera klassificeringsmodellen med tre klasser av storleken 60/30/10 % (A/B/C) av den ackumulerade antalet plockrader, samt att implementera att den alternativa sorteringen av plockrader på plocklistor för pallställage. / Epiroc has had a long period of strong growth, where several efficiency projects have been implemented to increase production volume in order to meet market demand. A variant of Lean production has been implemented over several years – called The Way We Produce by Epiroc. A large part of that change has been the implementation of sequenced flow-oriented assembly with just-in-time sequenced material deliveries to the assembly floor. This, in turn, has increased the requirements for the warehouse Logistic Center (LC) and management has now begun to investigate ways to improve efficiency at LC. Hence, the aim of the study is to develop realistic improvement proposals for the logistics operations at Logistics Center of Epiroc Rock Drills AB at Örebro to increase efficiency and delivery reliability. The study has been conducted in two phases; the identification phase and the in-depth phase. During the identification phase, a mapping of the current situation in LC was carried out, where the basis for the survey is based on interviews, observations and analyzes. Through a root cause analysis, with the goal of finding sources of inefficiency, nine areas of improvement could be identified, one of which would be chosen for further investigation in the in-depth phase. The areas of improvement were evaluated with an effect-input matrix to choose the area of improvement that provides the greatest efficiency potential in relation to the expected effort. The analysis model for the effect-input matrix was the eight wastes of Lean based on Petersson et al. (2015), its expected impact on efficiency and the expected complexity of an implementation. The result of the root cause analysis gave article classification as the primary area of improvement, where the measure is an alternative slotting strategy to minimize the movement time between storage locations. During the in-depth phase, the current article classification and frequency setting were examined by synthesis of an alternative model for the classification of articles and storage locations based on an in-depth literature study. To investigate whether an alternative classification can increase efficiency, an evaluation model was developed that models the movement time from historical data from pick lists. It was used to test which combination of sizes for the article classes gave the smallest possible total movement time. A combination of 60/30/10% (A/B/C) gave the lowest total movement time for a picking history of 15 months with a reduction corresponding to 33% (1760 h) compared to the current situation. Furthermore, an alternative sorting of the pick lists for the vertical lift modules and pallet racking was examined with the evaluation model, which gave a reduction of 4% and 11% respectively. Finally, various forms for the zones were examined for the classification of storage locations in pallet rack W3, where the delivery site is located three-quarter way into the pallet rack. A center of gravity for the for the A-class placed between the entrance and the delivery point gave the best simulation result. In summary, the article classification improvement area was established with the greatest realizable efficiency potential with the least effort based on the root cause analysis. Epiroc is recommended to implement the classification model with three classes of size 60/30/10 % (A/B/C) of the accumulated number of picking rows, and to implement that alternative sorting of pick rows on picklists for pallet racking.

Studie standardizace určené komodity pro činnosti nákupu / The Study of Standardization for the Business of Buying Commodities

Vlašic, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Master’s thesis deal with commodities of metallurgical and connecting material in engineering firm. For these commodities is concocted an analysis of current statement, based on it will be designed its material standard. Purpose of this dissertation should be reaching of potential savings of money, time and increasing of productivity.

Optimalizace logistických procesů v konkrétní organizaci / Optimization of logistic processes in a specific organization

Kubát, Michael January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on some ways of optimizing logistic processes. In the theoretical part are described important terms which are going to introduce the reader to the processes, their analysis followed by optimization. Then there is the space devoted to the metrics by which processes are possible to be evaluated and managed. The practical part offers case study. It contains introduction to the organization, mapping of their processes, analysis of warehouse processes, and their subsequent evaluation and proposed improvements. Suggested improvements were made in the spirit of Lean Management. As another proposal to improve warehouse processes an analysis of inventories have been made and evaluated, which resulted in proposal for new layout of the warehouse, which will encourage further optimization.

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