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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uppgradering av stabilitetsberäkningsprogrammet NYSTAB / NYSTAB

Hamander, Jonathan January 2011 (has links)
This is a report founded on a project by Atlas Copco called NYSTAB.  The application Nystab is a calculation program that can calculate the stability of the rockdrill-rigs made by Atlas Copco. The original version of Nystab is stored in a database from 1997 and the code is made in an old version of Visual Basic. My assignment was to develop the application in to a newer programming environment and make it last better in the upcoming years. The software I decided to use to accomplish this project is C# .NET in Visual Studio and Microsoft Access 2010. All the code is written in C# with some insertions from ADO.NET which helped me to easier connect the code with the database. The coding part was split into two pieces; the first was to develop the application scale done with Windows Forms, the second was to write the code for calculations in the application. This report will cover some methods of how you can connect the database to an application and why Microsoft Access was the best alternative for database in this project. The report also shows the difference between VB and C# to get an overview on why  people today often chose to develop their applications in C#. Exceptions is a big part of the handling of errors or search for errors in the application and the report shows concrete examples on how you use exceptions in different situations and why. / Detta är en rapport grundat på ett projekt för Atlas Copco vid namn NYSTAB. Programmet är ett beräkningsprogram som kan beräkna stabiliteten av Atlas Copcos borr-riggar, det ursprungliga programmet ligger på en databas från 1997 och är kodat i en gammal variant av Visual Basic. Mitt uppdrag var att utveckla programvaran till en nyare miljö med bättre framtidssäkerhet och kompabilitet samt att sätta mig in i Visual Basic miljön för att kunna få fram information om hur dessa stabilitetsberäkningar utförs. Den programvara jag har valt att arbeta i under detta projekt är C# .NET i Visual studio 2010 samt Microsoft Access 2010. All programmering är gjord i C# med inlägg från ADO.NET som hjälpt mig att koppla programmet med databasen. Programmeringen var uppdelad i två delar; dels skulle jag utforma en applikation som jag gjort med hjälp av Windows Forms och dels var det programmeringen av beräkningarna. Rapporten tar upp metoder att koppla databaser mot applikationer och varför Microsoft Access är den bästa databasen till just det här arbetet. Rapporten tar även upp skillnader mellan VB och C# för att få en överblick till varför man idag ofta väljer att programmera i C#. Exceptions är en stor del i felhanteringen eller felsökningsfunktionen i applikationen och rapporten tar upp konkreta exempel på hur man använder sig av exceptions i olika situationer och varför man gör detta.

Les caractéristiques des jeunes et des parents associées à l'établissement de l'alliance thérapeutique au sein d'un programme d'intervention brève et intensive de crise

St-Laurent, Chrystelle January 2012 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur l'alliance thérapeutique perçue par les jeunes, les parents et les intervenants en début d'intervention dans le cadre d'un programme d'intervention brève et intensive de crise. L'alliance thérapeutique est considérée comme un facteur favorisant la réussite des interventions offertes aux jeunes et aux familles en difficultés ou en situation de crise. Toutefois, il existe, à ce jour, peu de connaissances sur les caractéristiques des jeunes et des familles associées à l'alliance thérapeutique.Ce mémoire tente de pallier cette lacune en identifiant les caractéristiques des jeunes et des familles associées à l'alliance thérapeutique. L'échantillon à l'étude est composé de 123 familles ayant bénéficié du programme d'intervention CAFE en 2010-2011 dans un des sept Centres de la santé et des services sociaux (CSSS) de la Montérégie. Les résultats indiquent que le fait que le jeune et l'intervenant soient tous deux de sexe féminin, le ratio de flexibilité au sein de la famille et le manque de supervision parentale prédisent l'alliance thérapeutique évaluée par le jeune alors que le ratio de cohésion perçu à la fois par le jeune et le parent, le fait de vivre de nombreux évènements de vie stressants, la détresse cognitive chez le parent et la fréquence des conflits conjugaux perçue par le jeune prédiraient l'alliance perçue par le parent. Du coté de la perception de l'alliance par l'intervenant, l'engagement parental, perçu à la fois par le jeune et le parent, les évènements de vie stressants vécus par le parent et une relation parent-enfant détériorée sont associés à l'alliance thérapeutique, mais n'apparaissent pas comme étant des prédicteurs significatifs de l'alliance perçue par l'intervenant.

Ado??o e uso de comunica??es mediadas por computadores : uma an?lise sob a ?tica integrativa das teorias do comportamento planejado e teoria de usos e gratifica??es

Martins, Jo?o Paulo Capelli 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T18:22:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_JOAO_PAULO_CAPELLI_MARTINS_COMPLETO.pdf: 9245905 bytes, checksum: b39758774bc62641e234c869463002e0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-30T18:22:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_JOAO_PAULO_CAPELLI_MARTINS_COMPLETO.pdf: 9245905 bytes, checksum: b39758774bc62641e234c869463002e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / Understanding witch motives are chosen by consumers for adoption and the use of technologies, especially about computer-mediated communications (CMC), represents a fundamental issue both from the academic and managerial point of view, being the subject of several theoretical and empirical studies. Based on this central question, the present study analyzed two theories of different aspects: The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) with a sample of users of digital messages (371 cases). With the use of structural equation modeling procedures, a model was tested integrating these two theoretical currents used to explain the adoption and use of digital communication technologies. The results show an impact of TPB variables as attitude with intention to use an CMC. In addition, it was identified the impact of Perceived Control over the behavior of using digital messages. The UGT constructs have a positive effect on TPB also, throughout the variables Entertainment, Pleasure Perceived and Social Interaction over Attitude. In addition, it was verified in this research that Attitude, when incorporated into the complete structural model, becomes a mediating agent in the relationship between Entertainment/Enjoyment Perceived variables and the Intention to Use communication technologies. Based on the results, contributions to the academic knowledge of consumer behavior, as well limitations and developments for future studies are presented in this work. / Entender os motivos escolhidos pelos consumidores para ado??o e o uso de tecnologias, em especial as comunica??es mediadas por computadores (CMC), representa uma quest?o fundamental tanto do ponto de Vista acad?mico quanto gerencial, sendo objeto de diversos estudos te?ricos e emp?ricos. Partindo deste questionamento central, o presente estudo analisou duas teorias de diferentes vertentes: a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado (TCP) e a Teoria de Usos e Gratifica??es (TUG) junto a uma amostra de usu?rios de mensagens digitais (371 casos). Com o uso de procedimentos de modelagem de equa??es estruturais, foi testado um modelo integrando essas duas correntes te?ricas empregadas para explicar a ado??o e o uso de tecnologias de comunica??o digital. Os resultados apontam para um impacto de vari?veis da TCP como a atitude sobre a inten??o de uso de CMC. Al?m disso, identificou-se o impacto do Controle Percebido sobre o comportamento de uso de mensagens digitais. Os constructos da TUG exercem um efeito positivo em rela??o a TCP, por meio das vari?veis Entretenimento, Prazer Percebido e Intera??o Social sobre a Atitude. Al?m disso, foi verificado na pesquisa que a Atitude, quando incorporada ao modelo estrutural completo, torna-se um agente de media??o na rela??o entre as vari?veis Entretenimento/Prazer Percebido e a Inten??o de Uso de tecnologias de comunica??o medidas por computadores. Com base nos resultados, contribui??es para o conhecimento acad?mico da ?rea de comportamento do consumidor, bem como suas limita??es e desdobramentos para futuros estudos, s?o apresentados neste trabalho.

Tempo de Espera: Narrativas de casais que aguardam pelo primeiro filho adotivo. / Pending time: narratives of couples who are waiting for their first foster child.

Pekny, Vivian Mazzini 06 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-03-21T13:46:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VIVIAN MAZZINI PEKNY.pdf: 1588603 bytes, checksum: 56e1a0fd204b4cf574d85089f7f819b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-21T13:46:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VIVIAN MAZZINI PEKNY.pdf: 1588603 bytes, checksum: 56e1a0fd204b4cf574d85089f7f819b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-06 / CNPQ / The many senses attributed to adoption throughout the years, as the different legislations and processes that have emerged and changed, affect the societies and the future foster parents? imaginary, constituting a part of the way these parents consider their children and their parental roles. The consideration and the meaning these parents attribute to their adoptive families will structure the relation built with the child. In this way, the objective of this dissertation was to understand the affective-emotional senses about adoption and the foster family for couples that go through the process of adoption for the first time. Five couples participated of this research, having been invited by the researcher who was present in the adoption support groups they attend. The meetings were held in each couple?s residence, using the Interactive Narrative as a methodological procedure of access to the emotional experience according to the psychoanalytic perspective. The interpretative analyses of the narrative material has allowed the configuration of the following field of affective-emotional meanings shared by the participants: Pending time: endless pregnancy; The weight of responsibility: will love be enough?; and The multiple aspects of the adoption process: training or preparation?; These fields, which articulate the participants? collective experience, when discussed according to the scientific literature and Donald Winnicott?s ideas, allow us to understand not only the complexity of the process that measures the proximity between parents without children and children without parents, but also the perversity by proposing a role model of parenthood that rather distances than approximates the adoptive family from a real experience. / Os diversos sentidos atribu?dos ? ado??o ao longo dos anos, assim como as diferentes legisla??es e processos que foram nascendo e se modificando, repercutem no imagin?rio da sociedade e dos futuros pais adotivos, participando do olhar desses pais sobre o filho e seu papel parental. O olhar e as expectativas dos pais sobre sua fam?lia adotiva podem contribuir ou dificultar a rela??o constru?da com a crian?a. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi compreender os sentidos afetivo-emocionais sobre a ado??o e a fam?lia adotiva para casais que est?o passando pelo processo de ado??o pela primeira vez. Participaram dessa pesquisa cinco casais, convidados pela pesquisadora em grupos de apoio ? ado??o os quais frequentavam. Os encontros foram realizados na resid?ncia de cada casal, utilizando-se a Narrativa Interativa como procedimento metodol?gico de acesso ? experi?ncia emocional de acordo com a perspectiva psicanal?tica. A an?lise interpretativa do material narrativo permitiu a configura??o dos seguintes campos de sentidos compartilhados pelos participantes: Tempo de espera: a gesta??o eterna; O peso da responsabilidade: o amor ser? suficiente?; e As m?ltiplas faces do processo de ado??o: prepara??o ou treinamento? Esses campos que articulam a experi?ncia coletiva dos participantes, quando discutidos ? luz da literatura cient?fica e das ideias de Donald Winnicott nos permitem compreender n?o somente a complexidade do processo que media a aproxima??o entre pais sem filhos e filhos sem pais, mas tamb?m toda a sua perversidade ao propor um modelo de parentalidade exemplar que mais distancia que aproxima a fam?lia adotiva de uma experi?ncia viva e real.

A atitude antissocial de crian?as adotadas como um caso particular de rea??o ? depriva??o / Antisocial attitude o f adopted children as a peculiar reaction to deprivation

Reis, Renata Mara Alves dos 03 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Mara Alves dos Reis.pdf: 617952 bytes, checksum: 598ce2f8b17ce8899613cd2e00ce607d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-03 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This research intends to bring some understanding to the antisocial reaction some children have as a special answer to environmental failures named by Winnicott as deprivation. To achieve this goal, Winnicott s general comments related to adoption will be analyzed later - the causes of antisocial attitudes, referring to the environmental failures as the causes of deprivation . It means to affirm that part of the antisocial attitude adopted children have, could be explained and treated in the light of the understanding of the antisocial attitude as we realize it as an attempt of the child towards the environment so that it doesn t fail again abandoning him/her. In this sense it is shown in the end which environmental care should be necessary to deal with these situations, giving some guidance for families and all those ones who take care of adopted children. / Esta pesquisa pretende oferecer uma compreens?o da atitude antissocial de algumas crian?as adotadas como um caso especial de resposta ?s falhas ambientais denominadas, por Winnicott, como depriva??o. Para atingir esse objetivo, ser?o analisados os coment?rios gerais que Winnicott dedica ao tema da ado??o e, posteriormente, as causas da atitude antissocial, referindo-as ?s falhas ambientais como casos de depriva??o. Isso significa afirmar que parte dos casos de atitude antissocial de crian?as adotadas pode ser explicada e tratada em fun??o da compreens?o da atitude antissocial, na medida em que a entendemos como um apelo da crian?a para que o ambiente n?o falhe novamente, abandonando-a. Nesse sentido, mostram-se, ao final, quais seriam os cuidados ambientais necess?rios para se tratar dessas situa??es, oferecendo orienta??o para as fam?lias e todos os que cuidam de crian?as adotadas.

Encontrando a crian?a adotiva: um passeio pelo imagin?rio coletivo de professores ? luz da psican?lise / Finding the adoptive child: a tour through the collective imaginary of teachers in the light of psychoanalysis

Ferreira-teixeira, Marcela Casacio 03 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARCELA Casacio Ferreira.pdf: 703823 bytes, checksum: 157272767891ee86addf5c3e77015f9a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-03 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / The present investigation takes part in a group of psychoanalytical researches on the social imaginary, focusing on the problems regarding adoption. Articulation happens around fieldwork constituted by individual encounters, with teachers of elementary and high school education, during which the procedure of picture story with a topic was used as a dialogic mediator. Psychoanalytical narratives from these encounters allowed a comprehensive elaboration of the communications obtained, from which are distinguished unconscious fields organizers of the imaginary: abandonment, lies, the uncanny and the psychopathology. Abandonment is inserted in a net that finds, in the issues of delivery of the child for adoption and in the experiences of helplessness and rejection, other significant knots. Lies are connected to the conducts of hiding the story of the adoption and the family truths. The uncanny seems to be projected in the adoption as a form of leaning over the unknown, possibly in consonance to the dimensions feared of self. At last, the last campo points to the phenomenon of creation of psychopathological theories, through which insuperable emotional frailties are attributed to the adopted children. Such verifications make us question ethically the current social practices prevalent regarding the adopted child. / A presente investiga??o insere-se num conjunto de pesquisas psicanal?ticas sobre o imagin?rio social, focalizando a problem?tica da ado??o. Articula-se ao redor de trabalho de campo constitu?do por encontros individuais, com professores de ensino fundamental e m?dio, durante os quais o procedimento de desenhos-est?rias com tema foi utilizado como mediador dial?gico. Narrativas psicanal?ticas destes encontros permitiram uma elabora??o compreensiva das comunica??es obtidas, a partir da qual s?o destacados campos inconscientes organizadores do imagin?rio: o abandono, a mentira, o estranho e a psicopatologia. O abandono insere-se numa rede que encontra, nas quest?es da entrega da crian?a para ado??o e nas experi?ncias de desamparo e rejei??o, outros n?s significativos. A mentira liga-se ?s condutas de oculta??o da hist?ria de ado??o e das verdades da fam?lia. O estranho aparece projetado na ado??o como forma de debru?arse sobre o desconhecido, possivelmente em conson?ncia com dimens?es temidas de self. Por fim, o ?ltimo campo aponta para o fen?meno da cria??o de teorias psicopatol?gicas, pelas quais fragilidades emocionais insuper?veis s?o atribu?das ?s crian?as adotivas. Tais constata??es fazem-nos questionar eticamente as pr?ticas sociais atualmente prevalentes frente ? crian?a adotiva.

A busca das origens na ado??o e seus efeitos

Giorgis, Jos? Carlos Teixeira 30 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-06-10T11:35:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 470209 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 308522 bytes, checksum: 8dac6017119665fdace2d783b35a44ad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-10T11:35:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 470209 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 308522 bytes, checksum: 8dac6017119665fdace2d783b35a44ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-30 / Knowing oneself is as well the essence of being human. This feeling, however, is not satisfied with a introjection that go unveiling the fibers of the organism, dissecting each part to bring together after the pieces and get acquainted with the tamed content. Instead, the human being craves more after fulfilling his inner journey: wants to know his origin, how he arose, where he came from, who his ancestors are, how to be situated in a place and also find his nest, their voices and ways, with the certain from this beginning. Different situation is of the adopted son that sooner or later had known of its purely affective host: in him arouse inquiries, questions and concerns that leads to the irrepressible urge to get answers that reach to them sometimes unduly, through relatives or friends, and in other times by, many times precarious, information from their adoptive parents. The willingness of researching the genetic ancestry is a psychological imperative, or an uncertain adventure, leading to unpredictable results, for it manages with the human feelings. This quest for the biological origins has received the legal support and from the doctrines and foreign jurisprudence, as well as from legislation of other people regarding the duly settled adoption, has migrated to the Brazilian nation especially after the 1988?s Constitution, diploma which, knowingly, swelled and protected the individual guarantees, ensuring for its recognition and protection through veneration for principles and due process.Being supported by the dignity of the human being and recognized as a fundamental guarantee, the right to knowledge of the genetic origins, before handled only by the treatises and referred to in sporadic decisions, has won its legal identity with the recent amendment in the adoption institute provided on the Civil Code, now interpreted, supplementary, by the Children and Adolescents Statute, which provides expressly the right of the adopted consult, without further formal preciosity, the records of the action in which he won a socio-affective family. The dissertation, therefore, takes care, of this right and its implications, seen through different shades, with appeal not only to the ordering and their exegesis, but also on the bridges that formulates with other disciplines or sciences, since the effects of this discovery, in face of irreversibility of adoption remain in preventing hereditary diseases and impediments to marriage, in addition to meeting, as stated above, the recurrent curiosity of the adopted son. / Conhecer-se ? tamb?m a ess?ncia do ser humano. Esse sentimento, todavia, n?o se satisfaz com uma introje??o que v? desvelando as fibras do organismo, dissecando cada parte como para juntar depois as pe?as e inteirar-se do conte?do desbravado. Ao contr?rio, a pessoa humana almeja mais ap?s cumprir sua viagem interna: quer saber sua origem, como apareceu, de onde veio, quem s?o seus ancestrais, como ainda situar-se num lugar e descobrir seu ninho, vozes e jeitos, logrando a certeza sobre quem a agasalha. Diversa ? a situa??o do filho adotivo, que cedo ou tarde tenha sabido do seu acolhimento meramente afetivo; nele despertam indaga??es, perguntas e inquieta??es que desembocam na insofre?vel ?nsia de obter respostas que lhe chegam, ?s vezes, indevidamente, por parentes ou amigos, e, em outras, atrav?s da informa??o muitas vezes prec?ria de seus genitores adotantes. Essa busca pelas origens biol?gicas recebeu o amparo jur?dico e, a partir de doutrinas e jurisprud?ncias estrangeiras, como tamb?m de legisla??es de outros povos com respeito ? ado??o devidamente sedimentada, migrou para a na??o brasileira, principalmente ap?s a Constitui??o de 1988, diploma que, sabidamente, avolumou e protegeu as garantias individuais, assegurando para seu reconhecimento e prote??o atrav?s de venera??o a princ?pios e processo adequado.Tendo por suporte a dignidade da pessoa humana e reconhecido como garantia fundamental, o direito de conhecimento das origens gen?ticas, antes cuidado apenas pelos tratadistas e referido em decis?es espor?dicas, veio a ganhar sua identidade jur?dica com recente modifica??o feita no instituto da ado??o previsto no C?digo Civil, agora interpretado, subsidiariamente, pelo Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente, onde se prev? de forma expressa o direito de o adotado consultar, sem maiores preciosismos formais, os autos da a??o em que ganhou uma fam?lia socioafetiva. A disserta??o, pois, cuida desse direito e suas incid?ncias, visto atrav?s de diferentes matizes, com apelo n?o s? ao ordenamento e sua exegese, mas tamb?m nas pontes que formula com outras disciplinas ou ci?ncias, pois os efeitos desta descoberta, ante a irretratabilidade da ado??o, se quedam na preven??o de doen?as heredit?rias e impedimentos matrimoniais, al?m de atender, como acima se disse, a curiosidade recorrente do filho adotivo.

Do ?tero ? ado??o: a experi?ncia de mulheres f?rteis que adotaram uma crian?a

Maux, Ana Andr?a Barbosa 28 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaAndreaBM.pdf: 525201 bytes, checksum: 4c034ea2a039d99af93d1b0b201dd2d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-28 / Even with all changes and ruptures related to the social roles that woman had performed, the literature had confirmed that the motherhood still configures it like one of the main roles that she hopes to play in some moment of her life. When the woman did not get pregnant or take ahead a pregnancy, some women find in adoption an alternative to play this role. This research aimed to understand the experience of being mother for adoption in the case of fertile women, but whose partner is infertile. Supported by existential-phenomenological theory, used it the narrative, how methodological instrument. Participated five women, whose adoption process followed the legal ways in the Youngness and Infancy Judgeship of Natal/RN. The results showed that in the selfish training, the woman to see herself how whose role principal is to generate children, although, she think that is natural her participation in others activities go out home too. In male infertile case is a tendency that the woman strikes the infertile status too. The adoption is an alternative to fulfill her desire of being a mother and, meanwhile, please her husband and guarantee the continuity of her love relationship. Through motherly care, the woman discover herself as a mother, what brings a new meaning for her live, independent of to generate a child. Though, exit frustration, sometimes, in association with suffering, on account of the pregnancy and childbirth absence. The end of the research suggests reflections that to become fulfilled herself as mother, the woman does not need, necessarily, to generate a child, being the maternity one of the uncountable possibilities that are shown, and that she can choose, or not, accomplish it / Mesmo com todas as mudan?as e rupturas em rela??o aos pap?is sociais exercidos pela mulher, a literatura tem confirmado que a maternidade ainda se configura como um dos principais pap?is que ela espera desempenhar ao longo da vida. Quando n?o consegue engravidar ou levar adiante uma gesta??o, algumas mulheres encontram, na ado??o de uma crian?a, uma alternativa para exercer o papel materno. Este trabalho buscou compreender a viv?ncia de ser m?e por ado??o no caso de mulheres f?rteis, mas cujo companheiro ? inf?rtil. Partiu-se de um referencial fenomenol?gico-existencial, utilizando-se como instrumento metodol?gico a narrativa. Participaram cinco mulheres, cujos processos de ado??o tramitaram em uma Vara da Inf?ncia e da Juventude da Comarca de Natal/RN. Os resultados mostram que, na constitui??o de sua subjetividade, a mulher constr?i uma id?ia de si mesma como algu?m cujo principal papel consiste em colocar filhos no mundo, embora ela tamb?m considere natural sua participa??o em outras atividades fora do ambiente dom?stico. Em casos de infertilidade masculina, h? uma tend?ncia para que a mulher tamb?m assuma a condi??o de inf?rtil. A ado??o passa a ser vista como alternativa para realizar o desejo de ser m?e e, ao mesmo tempo, agradar o marido, garantindo a continuidade daquela rela??o amorosa. Atrav?s dos cuidados maternos ela se descobre m?e, o que acrescenta um novo sentido para sua vida e o sentimento de realiza??o, independente de ter gerado o filho. Contudo, tamb?m existe frustra??o, ?s vezes acompanhada de sofrimento, pela aus?ncia da gravidez e parto. Ao final, o estudo enseja reflex?es de que, para se realizar como m?e, a mulher n?o precisa, necessariamente, gerar filhos, sendo a maternidade uma das in?meras possibilidades que lhes s?o apresentadas, e que ela pode escolher, ou n?o, realizar

?Atr?s do processo tem gente?: homoparentalidade e suas repercuss?es no universo da ado??o / "Behind the process there are people": Homoparentality and it's repercussions in adoption.

Fernandes, Rafael Morello 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-03-02T12:48:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 -Rafael Morello Fernandes.pdf: 1743495 bytes, checksum: eb1229e63f19d6f7aff80e25c4fc484c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-02T12:48:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 -Rafael Morello Fernandes.pdf: 1743495 bytes, checksum: eb1229e63f19d6f7aff80e25c4fc484c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do RJ - FAPERJ / The purpose of this research is to understand the representations of homossexuality from both the speechs of the legal actors that are actives on the adoption?s processes, mainly menbers of the thechnical crew from the Childhood, Youth and Elderly Court and the coordinators of the Adoption?s support groups, as homossexual couples that has adopted a child or are in the process to do such thing. I have identified two main strategies in the way that homossexuality is approached in this context: The ?invisibilization? of the peculiarities of the adoption by homossexual couples, as if the simple approval of the adoption by homossexual by the judiciary resolved all the conflicts in this theme, or, as if recognize the specificties of this family configuration would always mean a prejudice. On the other side, there is what I call the ?idealization? of homossexuality, especially on the interviews, as if homossexuality represented by itself an advantage in terms of the personal maturation of the candidate. It seems here the same operation, altough in a contrary way, of the logics that disqualifies the person solely because of his homossexuality. Yet homossexuality is suggested from the logic of stigma, even as a reaction to it, since, in a positive or a negative way, sexual orientation continues sticking out the others person?s predicates as a distinctive mark / O objetivo da presente pesquisa ? entender as representa??es da homossexualidade a partir tanto dos discursos dos atores jur?dicos presentes no processo de ado??o, notavelmente membros de equipes t?cnicas das Varas de Inf?ncia, da Juventude e do Idoso e coordenadores de Grupos de Apoio ? Ado??o, quanto de casais homossexuais que j? adotaram ou est?o no processo para faz?-lo. Identifiquei duas estrat?gias principais na forma de lidar com a homossexualidade: a ?invisibiliza??o? das peculiaridades da ado??o por casais homossexuais, como se a simples positiva??o da quest?o pelo Judici?rio resolvesse os conflitos que cercam a quest?o, ou como se reconhecer as especificidades dessa configura??o familiar fosse j? discriminar e, por outro lado, uma ?idealiza??o? da homossexualidade, especialmente nas entrevistas, como se a homossexualidade por si s? representasse uma esp?cie de vantagem em termos de amadurecimento pessoal do candidato. Estamos aqui diante da mesma opera??o, embora agindo em sentido inverso, da l?gica que desqualifica o indiv?duo pelo simples fato de ser homossexual, ainda se prop?e a homossexualidade a partir da categoria do estigma, mesmo como rea??o a ele, j? que positiva ou negativamente, a orienta??o sexual continua capturando os demais predicados da pessoa como marca distintiva da mesma

Sales Information Provider / Försäljningsdatahämtning

Karlsson, Mathias January 2005 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning, max 25 rader. :</p><p>Denna rapport utreder möjligheten till att ta in stora mängder data in i en databas och göra sammanslagningar. Detta för att sedan skicka en mängd data på ett smidigt sätt till en klient som ska bearbeta datat. Arbetet sträcker sig från databas till ett API möjligt att implementera i en applikation som önskar hämta informationen. Arbetet innebär en intelligent hämtning av data för visualisering. Det är ett av två examensarbeten som ligger till grund för en visualisering av försäljningsdata för sportbutikskedjan Stadium AB. Stadium AB har idag ca 80 butiker, vilket innebär en stor försäljning per vecka. Tanken är att detta ex-jobb tillsammans med det parallellt gående ex-jobbet ska vara till hjälp för Stadium AB vid inköp av produkter till nästkommande säsonger. Det ex-jobb som löpte parallellt med detta visualiserar mängden av produkter som säljs för en viss tidpunkt vilket ger Stadium möjlighet att se vilka tidpunkter de har för lite produkter i butiken samt när de har för mycket produkter. Detta ex-jobb ska förse visualiseringsapplikationen med den information som krävs. Sales Data Provider, som applikationen heter, bygger på en datalager lösning som grund. Den innehåller beräknade försäljningsdata på olika nivåer för att lätt kunna gräva sig ner i hierarkin och se information om hur olika produkter säljer. Som transportmedel från datalager till klient använder den Web Services med XML som media, för att möjliggöra en distans mellan datalager och klient. Dessutom innehåller den en logisk klient som tar hand om alla anrop mot Web Servicen och exponerar ett API som visualiseringsapplikationen kan använda sig av. Klienten innehåller både logik för att hämta data från Web Servicen och att exponera data genom en objektmodell.</p>

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