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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'insaisissable famille / The elusive family

Rongier, Valérie 14 December 2015 (has links)
La famille du XXIème siècle, héritière d’un idéal défini d’abord par l’Église puis par le Code civil, est née des bouleversements sans précédent qu’a connu la société dans son ensemble. Pendant des siècles, le rôle essentiel de la famille était lié à la transmission patrimoniale et culturelle entre générations. Aujourd’hui, la famille doit favoriser le développement individuel et la réalisation personnelle de chacun de ses membres. La famille est de moins en moins une institution normée, aux formes et aux codes prédéfinis, d’autant qu’elle doit composer avec le droit individuel à « une vie familiale normale » que consacre l’article 8 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme. L’influence des droits fondamentaux qui sont par nature des droits individuels dans la vie familiale confirme bien que la famille est davantage le lieu d’épanouissement individuel qu’une entité tournée vers un intérêt commun. Tout ou presque est devenu possible en termes de combinaisons familiales. On peut désormais choisir son sexe (transsexualisme), décider de créer une famille ou de vivre seul sans que la société ne s’en émeuve particulièrement.Les liens et les rôles de chacun dans la famille ne sont plus ni pérennes ni clairement définis. Les progrès scientifiques (qui ont surtout permis une contraception efficace) et la révolution sexuelle ont complètement transformé la sexualité, la vie de couple et la procréation. Il n’y a plus un seul modèle de couple fondé exclusivement sur le mariage d’un homme et d’une femme. Le couple est maintenant homosexuel ou hétérosexuel, libre de vivre ou non ensemble, d’être fidèle, de se marier, de se séparer, de conclure un pacs, de vivre en concubinage. La conjugalité est donc désormais plurielle et repose sur l’égalité entre ceux qui composent le couple et entre les différents modèles de couples possibles. Les relations entre les parents et les enfants ont également été bouleversées. La parentalité s’impose peu à peu à côté de la parenté. La filiation va devoir composer avec les nouvelles cuisines procréatives. La procréation médicalement assistée, la gestation pour autrui ou l’utérus artificiel doivent modifier l’établissement du lien de filiation qui ne peut se déduire du seul lien biologique. Le droit devra répondre, parfois contraint sous l’influence ou la pression internationale, aux nouvelles aspirations sociales et sociologiques et tenter de trouver un équilibre entre la liberté individuelle et la dimension institutionnelle de la famille. / While it was initially born out of the ideals set out first by the Church and then by the Civil Code, family in the 21st century is really the offspring of the unprecedented upheavals that have shaken society as a whole. For centuries, the essential role of family was linked with cross-generational patrimonial and cultural transmission. Nowadays, family must instead facilitate the individual development and self-realization of every single one of its members. The family is an institution that is decreasingly bounded by predetermined norms, forms, and codes, not least because it must align itself to the individual right to a “normal family-life”, to which Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights is dedicated. More or less everything is now possible in terms of family make-up. One can now choose one’s legal sex/gender (transgenderism), decide to establish a family, or live alone, without society being particularly affected by any of it. The ties and roles of each individual in the family are no longer perennial, no clearly defined. Scientific progress (through which efficient contraception became available) and the sexual revolution have completely transformed sexuality, romantic relationships, and procreation. There is no longer a single model for the romantic relationship, based on the marriage of a man to a woman. The couple is now homosexual or heterosexual, and individuals may choose whether they want to live together or be faithful. They can also choose if and when to get married, to separate, to be joined in a civil union (pacs), or to simply live under the same rooftop. In other words, conjugality is now pluralistic and rests on the equality both of the individuals constituting the couple, and between different models of romantic relationships. Relationships between parents and children have also been completely changed. Parenting is gradually gaining on kinship. Filiation will soon be forced to reckon with the different procreational recipes. Various assisted reproductive technologies, including artificial insemination, surrogacy, and the artificial uterus must change the ways in which kinship is established since it can no longer simply be deduced from biological ties. The law will have to respond to new social and sociological aspirations, and will sometimes even have to do so under international influence or pressure. It will, in fact, have to find a new equilibrium between individual freedoms, and the institutional dimensions of the family.

Big in Japan: The Novel

Bundy, Christopher 20 April 2009 (has links)
“Big in Japan: The Novel” chronicles the struggles of American Kent Richman, has-been gaijin-tarento. The novel alternates between a collage of tabloid articles, letters, YouTube video, excerpts from an unfinished memoir, manga story boards, botched interviews, notes scribbled on napkins, and a third-person narrative. Set primarily in central Japan, “Big in Japan” is at once a satire of celebrity, a study of personality, a romance and a mystery. Kent Richman—John Lennon look-a-like known as RI-CHU-MAN-SAN! and husband to popular model Kumiko Sato—was a regular on the nightly game show The Strange Bonanza, despite having little talent beyond his resemblance to the popular Beatle. Following a foolish affair with a young Quebecois named Monique Martine, Kent and Kumi’s celebrity world is shattered when Monique’s husband, Australian Denis Ozman—an edgy, violent shock comic—seeks his revenge on Kent and, by default, Kumi. The “Ozman Incident,” as it becomes known in the Asian press, escalates Kent and Kumi to new levels of celebrity, but impels them to abandon stardom and Japan for a new beginning on an island in the Gulf of Thailand. In Thailand, Kent and Kumi try to make a new start, but Kumi is unable to forgive Kent for what Ozman did to them and paradise quickly goes sour. In the frenzy of a passing storm, Kumi disappears with a local entrepreneur named Darren. Kent’s search for her leads him to Bangkok and a painful but puzzling discovery. When we first meet Kent, he has returned from Thailand without Kumi, who has vanished. He is unemployed, abandoned by his once adoring public, and penniless, living in a capsule hotel. Kent’s failings are aggravated by a minor drug habit that leads him to often comical, painful, and revealing extremes. At the heart of Kent’s troubles are the unanswered questions about Kumi’s disappearance and his fall from grace. Once a star, he both abhors and misses his former life. What begins as an attempt to exorcise nagging questions becomes an aimless and dangerous plunge into obsession: why did Kumi disappear, where did she go and what will he do now?

Μοιχαλίς (P. Oxy. III 413 verso) : εισαγωγή, μετάφραση, ερμηνευτικό υπόμνημα

Γκότσης, Γιάννης 05 May 2009 (has links)
Η Μοιχαλίς ή Μοιχεύτρια αποτελεί ένα από τα δεκαέξι παπυρικά αποσπάσματα ανώνυμων λαϊκών Μίμων που σώζονται από την ύστερη αρχαιότητα. Η σύνθεσή της χρονολογείται στον 2ο αι. μ.Χ. και θεωρείται σύγχρονη με την γραφή του παπύρου (P. Oxy. 413verso). Πρόκειται για κείμενο πεζό, γραμμένο στην ελληνιστική κοινή. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι να αναδείξει τις λογοτεχνικές αξιώσεις που εγείρει ο υπό πραγμάτευση Μίμος είτε μέσω της ανάδειξης των γλωσσικών και δομικών αρετών του είτε μέσω της επισήμανσης των σχέσεων του, θεματολογικών κυρίως αλλά και γλωσσικών, με λογοτεχνικά κείμενα, ιδίως δε με την Ζηλότυπο του Ηρώδα. Περιέχεται εισαγωγή, κείμενο με κριτικό υπόμνημα, μετάφραση και ερμηνευτικό υπόμνημα. / Moicheutria (Adulteress) or Giftmischermimus is one of the sixteen papyrus fragments of anonymous ‘non-literary’ Mimes dating from late antiquity. Composition of Moicheutria is held to be contemporary with the manuscript (P. Oxy. 413verso) dating from second century A.D. The piece is written in prose and in hellenistic κοινή. In this work emphasis is laid on the literary claims of Moicheutria by pointing out either its lingual and structural merits or the analogies, thematic as well as lingual, it bears with literary texts, especially with the Fifth Mimiamb of Herodas (The Jealous Woman). Contents: Introduction, text with critical apparatus, translation in Greek and commentary.

Dramatizing whoredom : prostitution in the work of Tennessee Williams

Landry, Denys T. 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse explore le leitmotiv de la prostitution dans l’oeuvre de Tennessee Williams et soutient que la plupart des personnages de Williams sont engagés dans une forme de prostitution ou une autre. En effectuant une analyse formaliste des textes de Williams qui illustrent toute forme de prostitution, avec une attention particulière à quatre grandes pièces, A Streetcar Named Desire (1947), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), Suddenly Last Summer (1958) et Sweet Bird of Youth (1959), cette présente étude fait valoir que le dramaturge utilise un mode de fiction—le gothique—en lien avec une pratique transgressive—la prostitution—pour relier les classes sociales et troubler les catégories de prostitution. Ce faisant, Williams offre une vision plus représentative et nuancée de la prostitution. Théoriquement, cette thèse repose sur des oeuvres critiques portant sur le genre, la sexualité et l'histoire de Michel Foucault, David Savran, et Michael Paller afin de situer la dramaturgie de Williams dans le contexte historique et culturel des années 1940 et 1950. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitres un et deux) fournit de nombreuses informations autobiographiques et biographiques qui expliquent pourquoi la prostitution est devenue le thème de prédilection pour Williams. Cette section met l’accent sur sa préoccupation constante à l’égard de sa prostitution artistique (en prostituant son art pour le succès commercial) et sexuelle (en payant pour des prostitués). Cette partie présente également un inventaire détaillé des prostituté(e)s, que je divise en trois catégories: 1) la prostitution des enfants, 2) la prostitution masculine et 3) la prostitution féminine. La deuxième partie de cette étude, composée des chapitres trois et quatre, identifie les personnages de Williams qui s’engagent dans une forme de prostitution morale. Ce groupe comprend ceux qui tirent directement profit de la prostitution des autres ainsi que ceux qui se marient uniquement pour un gain financier ou une promotion sociale ou les deux. L’oeuvre de Williams résiste la représentation stéréotypée de la prostituée en littérature comme étant uniquement de sexe féminin ou provenant des classes sociales défavorisées ou les deux. La prostituée de Williams n’est ni une figure romantique ni une rebelle menaçant la société. Cette thèse conclut qu’en représentant des enfants prostitués, des femmes de rue, des prostitués de sexe masculin, des souteneurs, des proxénètes, des propriétaires de bordels, des leaders corrompus et des personnes qui se prostituent en concluant des mariages de convenance, Williams a effectivement et incontestablement dramatisé la prostitution sous toutes ses formes. / This dissertation explores the leitmotif of prostitution in the work of Tennessee Williams and provocatively contends that most Williams characters are engaged in one form of prostitution or another. Performing a close reading of relevant texts by Williams that illustrate any form of prostitution, with special attention given to four major plays, A Streetcar Named Desire (1947), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), Suddenly Last Summer (1958), and Sweet Bird of Youth (1959), this study argues that the playwright uses a transgressive mode of fiction—the gothic—in conjunction with a transgressive practice—prostitution—to link the social classes and to blur the boundaries between the literal and the figurative prostitutes. In so doing, Williams offers a more calibrated, nuanced view of prostitution. Theoretically, this dissertation reposes on critical works on gender, sexuality, and history by Michel Foucault, David Savran, and Michael Paller to fully contextualize Williams’s work and to discuss the attitude towards, and place of, prostitution within the cultural zeitgeist of the 1940s and 1950s. Part A (chapters one and two) provides ample autobiographical and biographical evidence to explain that Williams’s use of prostitution as a recurring theme results from his lifelong preoccupation with, and indulgence in, an amalgam of prostitutions: artistic (prostituting his art for money) and sexual (paying for sex). It also presents a detailed inventory of the playwright’s literal prostitutes, whom I classify into the following three categories: 1) child prostitution, 2) male prostitution, and 3) female prostitution. Part B, comprising chapters three and four, engages with theory and history and identifies Williams characters who qualify as moral prostitutes. This group includes those who directly profit from prostituting others and those who marry exclusively for financial gain, social advancement, or both. Williams’s work eschews the stereotypical representation of prostitutes in literature as lower-class streetwalkers or morally bankrupt females or both. The playwright neither presents the prostitute as a romantic figure of transcendence nor as a rebellious one who threatens society. This dissertation concludes that by depicting child prostitutes, female streetwalkers, male hustlers, gay-for-pay studs, pimps, procurers, brothel operators, the morally compromised powers that be, and those who prostitute themselves by entering into loveless marriages, Williams has effectively and incontrovertibly dramatized whoredom in all of its forms.

"Per soplir la fragilitat e dolència de la carn". Sexe i misogínia a la diòcesi de Barcelona (s. XIV-XV)

Conte Aguilar, Lucía 21 September 2012 (has links)
L’Església catòlica baixmedieval, va aplicar la reforma que havia de regular la moral dels fidels centrant el seu control en les qüestions relatives a la moral sexual (segle XIV) a la diòcesi de Barcelona. Aquesta tesi explica els mecanismes d’aquest control i recull el que visites pastorals i processos episcopals expliquen sobre l’intent de regular les formes d’unió de parella i conductes com l’adulteri, l’incest, la prostitució i molt particularment, el concubinat del clergat. Sosté que, en posar en marxa aquests mecanismes de control, l’Església partia d’una posició de desconfiança, -o de temor-, envers la dona, que portà a un control ferri de la sexualitat dels feligresos en general i dels clergues en especial. Els esforços de reforma dels costums morals van tenir èxit divers, que van abocar en una conseqüència, potser no conscientment volguda, però real: la definició d’una imatge de la dona perillosa, la bruixa, que calia combatre. / Medieval Catholic Church attempted to reform the moral of its members by focusing on aspects related to sexual morality in the 14th C in Barcelona. This thesis explains the mechanisms of such control and compiles the information that pastoral visits and Episcopal trials provide about the attempts to regulate sexual relationship behaviors and conducts, such as: adultery, incest, prostitution and specially Clergy’s concubinage. This thesis supports the statement that when these mechanisms for control were activated by the Catholic Church, they stemmed from distrust –or suspicion- towards women. Such position led to a fierce control of sexual behavior for all Catholic Church members and particularly the Clergy. The efforts made to reform moral behavior had different effects on issues addressed. However, the real consequence –which might not have been deliberate- was the image definition of a dangerous woman, and fighting the Witch.

Chastity among adult Seventh-Day Adventists in Botswana: a psycho-spiritual study

Orapeleng, Galenakgosi 31 March 2008 (has links)
Extra-marital affairs seem to be rampant among Seventh-day Adventist adult membership in Botswana. To determine the extent of the problem, to investigate the causative factors and to suggest ways in which individuals and families can be helped, has been the motivation for this study. It was discovered that 11.8% of married adults in the survey had at least one secret sexual partner, and 42.6% of singles had an illegal sexual partner(s). Seventh-day Adventist adults' sexuality in Botswana is characterized by hetero-sexual, multiple partners. Some of the contributing factors are economic, cultural and spiritual. Despite the prevailing influences, the majority of the adults (68%) still disagree with lax sexual behavior. This gives hope to work for their restoration and empowerment. Two key areas that were seen to be critical in empowering them were the family and spirituality. A psycho-spiritual program called, Harmonious Development, is being suggested for a systematic, educational, holistic and lifelong empowerment. This model is based on the psycho-educational theory developed by W.J. Schoeman for adult training. / SCH: HUM, SOC SCIENC and THEO / DTH (SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY)

Problematika sexuality v Pentateuchu / Problems of the Lechery and Adultery in the Pentateuch

CHOCOVÁ, Blanka January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with exegetic-ethical analysis of sexual motives in the Pentateuch. It aims to analyse as well as to systematize the issue of human sexuality in the Five Books of Moses, and to create a compact illustration of the problem. The major part of the work includes an analysis of sexual motives in significant legal regulations - the Ten Commandments, the Covenant Code, the Holiness Code and the Deuteronomic Code. However, the other parts of the Pentateuch must not be left out of consideration and are covered in a separate chapter. The final part tries to synthesize the obtained findings and evaluate systematically the basic sexual questions appearing in the Five Books of Moses.


REYNALDO LUIZ DIAS FERREIRA 31 January 2018 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho teve como objetivo colocar em discussão a polêmica sobre a educação de fraca formação moral das jovens da baixa burguesia portuguesa. A criação de expectativas romanescas, provocadas por leituras ultra-românticas, segundo o intelectual e escritor Eça de Queirós, levaram as mulheres a tentar representar na vida as situações de amores ilegítimos e exacerbadamente idealistas que viam romanticamente descritas, nos romances lidos. Para analisar essa premissa, apontada por Eça de Queirós, selecionamos a obra O primo Basílio, na qual o autor defende essa tese através da criação de diferentes personagens e situações. Considerando a importância de seus textos ficcionais e não-ficcionais, por conta da constante tematização dos vários aspectos culturais que mantinham Portugal aquém da modernidade do século XIX, buscamos respaldar o presente estudo abordando, também, parte de sua produção intelectual, como as experiências do autor como escritor, como jornalista e sua correspondência com intelectuais da época. / [en] The present study aims at establishing a relation between the precarious education and the weak moral formation of the 19th century Portuguese ladies from the lower bourgeoisie. According to the writer and intellectual Eça de Queirós, the creation of romantic expectations influenced by the ultra-romantic novels led these women and heroines to try to represent in their lives the situations of illegitimate and extremely idealistic love affairs romantically described in the novels they read. In order to premise Eça de Queirós argument, his novel O primo Basílio was selected for this study as it establishes this communication through the creation of different characters and situations. Considering the importance of his fictional and not fictional works due to the constant studies of various moral and pedagogical aspects which kept Portugal far off from the modernity of the 19th century, the present study also considers part of the intellectual production of the author, his experiences both as a writer and journalist and his correspondence with intellectuals of his time about the topics mentioned above.

Représentation de l’adultère à l’époque classique dans les contes licencieux de La Fontaine

Blanchin, Julie January 2021 (has links)
Cette étude littéraire examine la transgression sexuelle par l’adultère, dans l’ouvrage Des contes et nouvelles en vers écrit par La Fontaine entre 1665 et 1671, publié par Claude Barbin jusqu’en 1671. Ces contes érotiques décrivent à travers le caractère satirique de l’auteur, les relations extra-conjugales des deux sexes dans un ton grivois et moralisateur. La Fontaine s’est minutieusement inspiré des parties de la littérature du Décameron de Boccace et de l’Arioste en réécrivant ces contes. Après la dernière publication Des contes et nouvelles en vers l’oeuvre est saisie puis interdite en 1675 par La Reynie considérée comme trop provocatrice. L’oeuvre de La Fontaine s’oppose par son contenu aux convenances de l’époque. En cela le texte de l’auteur pourrait être considéré comme libertin. Les personnages représentent différents corps sociaux et font l’objet de railleries et de caricatures. Ici l’étude décrit par exemple comment les textes présentent des sujets scandaleux de manière cachée. L’opposition entre le rôle, le statut, la condition sociale et le souhait du désir de chaque personnage des contes se présentent dans les personnages aussi bien masculins que féminins. Notre analyse explore la représentation des personnages féminins et leurs relations à l’adultère à travers les regards des personnages masculins et celui de l’auteur. L’étude prend appuie sur des recherches historiques et prend en compte le système hiérarchique des personnages et la condition sociale de la femme dans le rôle d’épouse. Le style satirique de La Fontaine se caractérise par la volonté de critiquer les moeurs sociales d’une période spécifique de l’histoire, celle du XVIIe siècle. L’analyse étudie deux aspects celle de la transgression sexuelle de la femme et celui du regard d’objectification porté sur elle. L’étude examine si cette transgression peut être mise en corrélation avec un débat sociétal sur la définition du mariage de l’époque. / This literary study examines sexual transgression through adultery, in the work Des contes et nouvelles en vers written by La Fontaine between 1665 and 1671, published by Claude Barbin until 1671. These erotic tales describe through the satirical character of the author, the extra-marital relations of both sexes in a grizzly and moralizing tone. La Fontaine was meticulously inspired by the parts of the literature of Boccaccio's Decameron and Ariosta in rewriting these tales. After the last publication Of Tales and News in Verse the work is seized and then banned in 1675 by La Reynie considered too provocative. The work of La Fontaine is opposed by its content to the conveniences of the time. In this the author's text could be considered libertine. The characters represent different social bodies and are the subject of taunts and caricatures. Here the study describes, for example, how the texts present scandalous subjects in a hidden way. The opposition between the role, the status, the social condition and the desire of the desire of each character of the tales are presented in the characters both male and female. Our analysis explores the representation of female characters and their relationship to adultery through the eyes of male characters and that of the author. The study is based on historical research and takes into account the hierarchical system of the characters and the social status of the woman in the role of wife. The satirical style of La Fontaine is characterized by the desire to criticize the social mores of a specific period of history, that of the seventeenth century. The analysis studies two aspects: that of the sexual transgression of the woman and that of the objectification look on her. The study examines whether this transgression can be correlated with a societal debate over the definition of marriage at the time.

Evolution of Criminal Law: The Rise and Fall of Treason, Sodomy and Adultery

Heiliczer, Ephraim Zachary January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation relates to treason and sodomy crimes that were fundamental in all pre-modern societies (also adultery but to a lesser extent). These laws, characterized by their biblical source, have met their demise in modern Western societies. The rise of individual rights led to significant changes in these crimes and eventually to their demise. As discussed below, the demise has become so substantial that the antiquated crime of sodomy, termed the crime against nature, is a modern source of pride, and actions like those of January 6, 2021, that would have been considered treason in prior generations are no longer charged as treason. Chapter One: Dying Criminal Laws: Sodomy and Adultery From the Bible toDemise analyzes the rise and fall of sodomy and adultery. The original legal basis for punishing sodomy and adultery was due to a breach in the duty of loyalty owed to God (i.e. sin) or the state. However, the loosening of the bonds of loyalty in present day Western criminal law has led to the demise of these crimes. Their demise has correlated with the rise of individual rights, especially the right to privacy. As such, the demise of sodomy and adultery laws is symbolic of the shift from a duty-based to a rights-based society. Chapter Two: The Genesis of Treason: The Creation of Equality and TheEstablishment of the Patriarchy analyzes the biblical source of treason. The roots of treason reach back to the Bible. Treason against God’s divine right kings was acrime because it was an assault against the heavenly order. Petit treason was also an attack on God’s order. The initial chapters of the book of Genesis contain the foundation of the law oftreason. The treasons of Adam and Eve, Cain, the Sons of God, Ham, and Nimrod each relate to different aspects of both high and petit treason. The dissertation also analyzes the place of treason during the reign of Saul and David as Kings of Israel. According to the Book of Samuel, neither Saul's indeterminate use of treason nor the virtually nonexistent use of treason by David is the right path. Rather, a determinant form of treason that punishes actual treason but does not punish all forms of opposition is appropriate. Chapter Three: The Rise and Fall of High Treason and The Correlation with PetitTreason Infallible Relationships: From Edward III to The Execution of Charles I And Lessons For Modern Treason in the Age of Charles III traces the roots of treason as a crime in Anglo-American law, the expansion of treason during Henry VIII’s reign, up to the conviction of King Charles I for high treason. Henry VIII enacted multiple amendments to the law of high treason and did nothesitate to utilize treason as a weapon in his battle for supremacy against the Pope in England. Compared with Henry and his children, James I endeavored to use the law of high treason sparingly. Treason underwent a fundamental transformation during Charles I’s reign thatultimately led to a civil war and Parliament transforming treason from a statute that protected the King into a law that protected the nation. This was done by rejecting the King’s special status and invoking the transformative idea of a social contractbetween the nation and the people. In short, a transformation from status to contract. The changes at the dawn of treason have continued to the present day, and treason,the crime that protects the hierarchy of society, has not been invoked in the US and UK since the end of World War II. The failed South African treason trial against Nelson Mandela and the Civil and Woman’s Rights Movements appear to have led to treason’s demise in cases that do not involve armed warfare. Despite the renewed interest in treason following the assault on the US Capital on January 6, 2021, there does not appear to be an appetite for reviving treason. In the age of Charles III, the most severe crime for a march like Charles I’s “warlike march” on Parliament is seditious conspiracy.

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