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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Säkerhetslager dimensionering med hjälp av artikelklassificering och integrering i sälj och verksamhetsplaneringsprocessen (S&OP) : En fallstudie genomförd på Invacare REA / Dimensioning of safety stock using item classification and integration in the sales and operations planning process (S&OP) : A study conducted at Invacare REA

Lim, Lovisa, Nyroos, Alma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att företag ska lyckas uppnå en önskad servicenivå krävs ettsäkerhetslager. Vid för litet säkerhetslager riskerar företag att inte kunna levereramedan man vid för stora lager riskerar att binda ohållbart mycket kapital. För atteffektivisera och underlätta styrningen kan man dela in artiklar i olika klasser.Dessa klasser kan styras efter olika principer. Vid säkerhetslager dimensioneringkan målkonflikter mellan den säljande och operativa delen av verksamhetenuppstå. Detta då man arbetar efter olika mål, för att minska dessa kan S&OPimplementeras. Forskningsfrågor: 1. Vilken säkerhetslager dimensionering metod lämpar sig tillsammans meden ABC/XYZ-analys för Invacare REA? 2. Hur kan S&OP användas för att minska målkonflikter mellan den säljandeoch distribuerande delen av organisationen, genom en integrerad samsynpå säkerhetslager dimensionering? Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att fram till ett teoretiskt ramverk för hurInvacare REA skulle kunna arbeta med säkerhetslager dimensionering. Arbetetsyftar även till att ge en gemensam samsyn på servicenivåer av de olikaartikelklasserna genom att integrera säkerhetslager dimensionering i S&OPprocessen. Metod: Detta är en fallstudie genomförd på Invacare REA. För att möjliggöraresultatet av denna studie har både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod använts.Primärdata för denna studie har inhämtats genom åtta semi- och ostruktureradeintervjuer. Sekundärdata består av sammanställd litteratur men också avinsamlade affärsdata från det studerade fallföretaget.  Resultat: Implementering av serv 2 med artikelklassificering bidrar till eneffektiv säkerhetslager dimensionering. Detta genom att minska och omfördelakapitalbindningen. Genom att inkludera säkerhetslager dimensioneringen iS&OP-processen kan målkonflikter kopplade till säkerhetslagret minska.  Studiens bidrag: Praktiskt bidrag i en metod som fallföretaget kan använda somsäkerhetslager dimensioneringsmetod samt lösning för de målkonflikter sompresenteras. Det teoretiska bidraget ligger i hur man kan klassificera artiklar iS&OP-processen samt hur säkerhetslager dimensioneringen kan inkluderas iprocessen.  Vidare forskning: Undersöka beställningspunkt och prognosframtagning samthur dessa kan inkluderas i S&OP-processen.

Advanced Techniques for the Characterization and Experimental Validation of Passive Inter-Modulation Effect (PIM) in Space Communications Systems

Smacchia, Davide 26 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los satélites de telecomunicación operan en entornos multiportadora, bajo una demanda continua de mayores capacidades de transmisión. Esto ha originado un aumento en los niveles de potencia de RF, frecuencias de trabajo, y número de canales transmitidos, estimulando la aparición de efectos no lineales de alta potencia, como Multipactor, Corona, y la Intermodulación Pasiva (PIM). Entre los efectos anteriores, el PIM es el menos comprendido, debido a su carácter no lineal y su estrecha relación con la fabricación, lo que dificulta el desarrollo de modelos fiables. Los términos de PIM generados en el enlace descendente pueden interferir a la débil señal en el canal de recepción, amenazando la capacidad de recepción del enlace ascendente. Los modelos tradicionales de PIM suelen basarse en una excitación formada por dos portadoras. Aunque se trata de un caso simple y bastante representativo, presenta diferencias importantes con el escenario real multiportadora. El trabajo de este Ph.D. intenta reducir estas diferencias. Para lograrlo, se realizan dos nuevas contribuciones de relevancia para las condiciones reales de operación de los satélites. En concreto, se ha investigado de forma teórica el rol de las fases de las portadoras en el PIM, y se ha propuesto un nuevo modelo que tiene en cuenta el efecto de las portadoras no contribuyentes en un cierto término de PIM, aplicando un nuevo principio de conservación de energía. Los resultados obtenidos con ambos modelos teóricos se ajustan a los datos experimentales. Debido a la compleja naturaleza del PIM, la validación de los componentes de RF de satélites se realiza mediante tests. Por lo tanto, la disponibilidad de bancos de medida de PIM es un tema de interés para la industria espacial. Sin embargo, el diseño de bancos de altas prestaciones es un desafío, ya que su nivel de PIM debe ser inferior al requerido para validar los dispositivos. Para hardware de satélites, la diferencia entre el nivel de las portadoras a transmitir y la señal de RF a detectar es como 185 dBc. En este Ph.D. se proponen unas nuevas arquitecturas integradas de bancos de PIM en guía de ondas, que cubren tanto el PIM conducido como el radiado. Dichas arquitecturas permiten una reducción importante del nivel de PIM residual del sistema de medida, siendo flexibles, capaces de manejar elevados niveles de potencia, y libres de resonancias e interacciones indeseadas. Los elementos claves de estos bancos son unos multiplexores de bajo PIM, que pueden incorporar dos familias de filtros que admiten un elevado número de ceros de transmisión, y por tanto, son capaces de proporcionar un elevado rechazo en la banda de recepción del PIM. Los bancos de medida de PIM conducido por onda reflejada, sin embargo, están expuestos al PIM generado por la carga empleada para absorber las portadoras de alta potencia. Para resolver esta situación, se han propuesto unas nuevas cargas de bajo PIM, que reducen el PIM residual de estos sistemas de medida. Así mismo, se ha elaborado un nuevo tipo de transición para mitigar el PIM respecto a flanges estándar. Para escenarios radiados se ha desarrollado una formulación capaz de relacionar densidades de potencia en el dispositivo bajo test con los niveles detectados en el banco de medida, y que por tanto permiten trasladar especificaciones de PIM del satélite al sistema de medida. Por último, se han mostrado varias campañas de medida de PIM realizadas con bancos implementados acorde a las nuevas arquitecturas propuestas. Las medidas cubren varias bandas de frecuencia y diferentes escenarios (tanto PIM conducido como radiado). Se ha determinado el excepcional nivel de fondo de ruido de PIM logrado en cada banco. Además, se han mostrado resultados obtenidos para medidas de PIM radiado en capas aislantes multicapa y mallas reflectoras, obteniendo interesantes conclusiones en cuanto a geometrías y impacto que tienen en el PIM elementos como los bordes serrados y los remaches. / [CA] Els satèl·lits de telecomunicació operen en entorns multiportadora, sota una demanda contínua de majors capacitats de transmissió. Això ha originat un augment en els nivells de potència de *RF, freqüències de treball, i nombre de canals transmesos, estimulant l'aparició d'efectes no lineals d'alta potència, com *Multipactor, Corona, i la Intermodulació Passiva (*PIM). Entre els efectes anteriors, el *PIM és el menys comprés, a causa del seu caràcter no lineal i la seua estreta relació amb la fabricació, la qual cosa dificulta el desenvolupament de models fiables. Els termes de *PIM generats en l'enllaç descendent poden interferir al feble senyal en el canal de recepció, amenaçant la capacitat de recepció de l'enllaç ascendent. Els models tradicionals de *PIM solen basar-se en una excitació formada per dues portadores. Encara que es tracta d'un cas simple i bastant representatiu, presenta diferències importants amb l'escenari real multiportadora. El treball d'aquest *Ph.D. intenta reduir aquestes diferències. Per a aconseguir-ho, es realitzen dues noves contribucions de rellevància per a les condicions reals d'operació dels satèl·lits . En concret, s'ha investigat de manera teòrica el rol de les fases de les portadores en el *PIM, i s'ha proposat un nou model que té en compte l'efecte de les portadores no contribuents en un cert terme de *PIM, aplicant un nou principi de conservació d'energia. Els resultats obtinguts amb tots dos models teòrics s'ajusten a les dades experimentals. A causa de la complexa naturalesa del *PIM, la validació dels components de *RF de satèl·lits es realitza mitjançant tests. Per tant, la disponibilitat de bancs de mesura de *PIM és un tema d'interés per a la indústria espacial. No obstant això, el disseny de bancs d'altes prestacions és un desafiament, ja que el seu nivell de *PIM ha de ser inferior al requerit per a validar els dispositius. Per a maquinari de satèl·lits , la diferència entre el nivell de les portadores a transmetre i el senyal de *RF a detectar és com 185 *dBc. En aquest *Ph.D. es proposen unes noves arquitectures integrades de bancs de *PIM en guia d'ones, que cobreixen tant el *PIM conduït com el radiat. Aquestes arquitectures permeten una reducció important del nivell de *PIM residual del sistema de mesura, sent flexibles, capaces de manejar elevats nivells de potència, i lliures de ressonàncies i interaccions indesitjades. Els elements claus d'aquests bancs són uns multiplexors de baix *PIM, que poden incorporar dues famílies de filtres que admeten un elevat nombre de zeros de transmissió, i per tant, són capaces de proporcionar un elevat rebuig en la banda de recepció del *PIM. Els bancs de mesura de *PIM conduït per ona reflectida, no obstant això, estan exposats al *PIM generat per la càrrega emprada per a absorbir les portadores d'alta potència. Per a resoldre aquesta situació, s'han proposat unes noves càrregues de baix *PIM, que redueixen el *PIM residual d'aquests sistemes de mesura. Així mateix, s'ha elaborat un nou tipus de transició per a mitigar el *PIM respecte a *flanges estàndard. Per a escenaris radiats s'ha desenvolupat una formulació capaç de relacionar densitats de potència en el dispositiu sota test amb els nivells detectats en el banc de mesura, i que per tant permeten traslladar especificacions de *PIM del satèl·lit al sistema de mesura. Finalment, s'han mostrat diverses campanyes de mesura de *PIM realitzades amb bancs implementats concorde a les noves arquitectures proposades. Les mesures cobreixen diverses bandes de freqüència i diferents escenaris (tant *PIM conduït com radiat). S'ha determinat l'excepcional nivell de fons de soroll de *PIM reeixit en cada banc. A més, s'han mostrat resultats obtinguts per a mesures de *PIM radiat en capes aïllants multicapa i malles reflectores, obtenint interessants conclusions quant a geometries i impacte que tenen en el *PIM elements com les vores serrades i els reblons. / [EN] Modern satellite payloads operate in multicarrier scenarios, under a continuous demand for higher capacity links. This leads to an increase in the RF power levels, frequency of operation, and the number of transmitted channels, thus stimulating non-linear high-power effects, such as Multipactor, Corona, thermal issues and Passive Inter-Modulation (PIM). Among the above-mentioned phenomena, PIM is the less studied, or, at least, understood. This is due to its extreme non-linear nature and its close relation to workmanship, which make very difficult the development of models able to faithfully predict and explain PIM degradation. PIM terms, once ignited in the downlink, may interfere the weak signal to be detected in the uplink channel, thus threatening the payload throughput. Traditional PIM models are based on a two-carriers excitation. This is a simple and quite representative case, but has significant differences with the real multi- carrier scenario. This Ph.D. thesis work tries to diminish this gap by two novel contributions of relevance for real operation conditions. Firstly, the role of the carrier phases (neglected for two-carriers excitation) has been theoretically investigated. Secondly, a new model to account for the effect of non-contributing carriers for a given PIM term has been developed, which is based on a novel energy conservation assumption. The resulting models fit to experimental data. Due to the complexity of PIM modeling, PIM validation of RF components is conducted only by testing. The availability of low PIM test set-ups is therefore of great interest for the space industry. However, the design of low PIM test benches is challenging, as their intrinsic residual PIM has to be below the one requested to validate the test devices. For satellite hardware, the dynamic range between the RF power levels of the transmission carriers and the signal to be detected may be 185 dBc. During this Ph.D. thesis work, novel integrated test bed architectures in waveguide technology, both for conducted and radiated PIM scenarios, have been developed. These architectures consent a mitigation of the residual PIM of the test facility, being at the same time flexible, free from unwanted interactions and spurious resonances, and able to withstand considerable RF power levels for the transmission carriers. The key elements of these set-ups are the low PIM multiplexers, which may integrate two new families of waveguide filters able to provide a high number of transmission zeros, and therefore a high rejection, in the PIM reception channel. The test benches conceived for measuring conducted backward PIM, however, are normally unprotected from the PIM generated by the termination absorbing the high-power transmission carriers. To alleviate this situation, a new type of low PIM terminations in waveguide technology has been proposed and verified with PIM tests, showing a clear benefit in mitigating the residual PIM of the test facilities. Moreover, novel transitions able to improve the PIM performance of standard flanges have also been conceived. Finally, and with regard to radiated scenarios, a novel formulation able to convert payload PIM specifications to a practical PIM test is proposed. This formulation consents to link the power flux densities at the device under test (DUT) with the RF power levels measured by the test bench. Last, a large class of PIM measurements carried out with the novel test bed architectures have been reported. These measurements cover several frequency bands (C-, Ku-, K- and Ka) and different PIM scenarios, both conducted and radiated. The exceptional residual PIM noise floor of each test bed will be pointed out. In addition, PIM tests on an anechoic chamber facility, multi-layer insulation blankets (MLIs) and reflector mesh samples are presented, with interesting considerations about the geometry of the structure and the impact on the PIM performance of typical elements as sawing areas and rivets. / Smacchia, D. (2022). Advanced Techniques for the Characterization and Experimental Validation of Passive Inter-Modulation Effect (PIM) in Space Communications Systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182402

興櫃股票適用我國證券交易法反市場操縱條款之研究 / A study of adapting the anti-manipulation provisions to taiwan emerging stock market

陳永明, Chen, Yung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
我國興櫃股票之交易方式係由推薦證券商(即興櫃股票之造市商)之報價主導交易進行,屬於報價驅動(Quote-driven)之交易方式,與我國上櫃股票採取「等價交易」及上市股票採取「競價交易」等均屬委託單驅動(Order-driven)之交易方式迥然不同。 按我國證券交易法第155條第2項準用同條第1項規定之適用結果,「於證券商營業處所買賣有價證券」者,仍應有第1項所揭反市場操縱條款之適用。惟有關興櫃股票交易在成交對象之選擇、成交順序、成交價格決定,乃至於成交後之給付結算作業方式等,均與我國現行上市(櫃)股票之交易及交割方式具有明顯之差異,致應如何適用證券交易法反市場操縱條款之規定,乃成疑義。 本文鑒於興櫃股票市場規模已呈穩定成長之勢,不難想像興櫃股票交易與市場操縱行為之間終將有擦出爭議火花之時,故以比較法學研究之觀點,歸納並分析興櫃股票與上市(櫃)股票交易方式之差異及其癥結所在。另蒐集瀏覽世界各國主要證券市場之交易規制,包括美國OTCBB市場、歐陸Alternext市場及英國AIM市場,分析其他採用報價驅動交易模式之先進市場當中有關造市商義務之規範,以掌握造市商義務之核心意涵。進而以造市商義務範圍及報價驅動市場之交易特徵為基礎,逐一檢測興櫃股票適用我國證券交易法所揭「違約不交割」、「相對委託」、「連續交易」、「沖洗買賣」、「散布流言或不實資料」及「其他直接或間接操縱市場」等各款反市場操縱條款規定可能引發之爭議,並提出本文意見。 / The trading mechanism of Taiwan Emerging Stock is based on quote-driven model, which is very different from the order-driven model of the Taiwan OTC securities market and Taiwan Stock Exchange market. By the Taiwan Securities and Exchange Act Article 155 paragraph 2 permitted that paragraph 1, the anti-market manipulation provisions, shall apply mutatis mutandis to securities transactions conducted on the over-the-counter markets. However, lots of Taiwan Emerging stock trading rules such as allowing the participants to choose their counterparty, the matching sequence rules, the price decision rules, and even the rules of payment and settlement practices after transaction, all have significantly differences between those of Taiwan Emerging stock market and listed stock market. Therefore, how should Taiwan Emerging stock apply to the Securities Exchange Act under the terms of the anti-market manipulation is into doubt. Taiwan Emerging stock market has shown a steady growth trend, hence, it is easy to imagine that Taiwan Emerging stock trading and market manipulation issues will eventually rise to controversy. This thesis is to study from the point of view of comparative law, by means of analyzing the emerging stock markets of the advanced countries, including the U.S. OTCBB market, the European Alternext market and the UK AIM market, to conclude the crux of the difference between the quote-driven and order-driven market models. Then, to understand the characteristics and core obligation of the market maker under quote-driven market model, furthermore, to detect the disputes may lead for adapting the anti-manipulation provisions to Taiwan Emerging stock, including the terms of "breach of contract non-deliverable", "improper matched orders ", "continuous trading", "wash sale", "spreading rumors or false information" and other direct or indirect behavior of manipulation". And this thesis proposed its discovery at the end.

Toepassing van essensiestruktuur-analise as evalueringsmaatstaf vir outentieke opvoeding / The application of essence-structure-analysis as a criterion for the evaluation of authentic education

Jordaan, J. H. (Johannes Hendrik) 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Daar is gepoog om 'n omvattende, algemeen geldige maatstaf te vind waarmee enige opvoeding vir outentisiteit geevalueer kan word. Die moontlikheid dat die "essensiestruktuur van behoorlike volwassenewees en van opvoedingsdoel" (ES) hieraan voldoen, is ondersoek. Die genoemde essensiestruktuur (ES) is in 'n modeldiagram CESM) saamgevat. Dit bevat die volgende essensies: 'religiositeit', die 'etiese', 'affektiwiteit', 'liggaamlikheid'. 'nasionaliteit' (insluitende 'kulturaliteit'. 'historisiteit' en die 'politiese'), die 'estetiese'. 'individualiteit'. 'sosialiteit'. die 'ekonomiese'. 'vryheid'. 'gesag'. 'taal' en 'redelikheid'. asook die sewe normbeelde wat 'n substruktuur van die 'etiese' is. 'Religiositeit' is hierargies die mees belangrikste essensie. gevolg deur die 'etiese'. Aldie ander essensies verkeer op 'n derde niveau van belangrikheid. Om outentiek te wees behoort 'n opvoedingseksemplaar aan boge noemde hierargie te voldoen. Elk van die genoemde essensies is verduidelik, asook hulle samehangende verbandhoudendheid binne die ESM. Die harmonie binne hierdie gestruktureerdheid is van deurslaggewende belang vir die begryping van outentisiteit by opvoeding. 'n Evalueringsmetode. bekend as ''essensiestruktuur-analise" (ES-analise). is uit bogenoemde deur die navorser ontwikkel. 'n Uiteensetting van mikro-. meso- en makro ES-analise is oak verstrek. Beskrywings van eksemplare van opvoeding en van aanverwante opvoedingsaangeleenthede word in die lig van die ESM geanaliseer. Hoe meer 'n opvoedingseksemplaar ooreenstem met die ESM hoe nader beweeg dit aan outentisiteit. en omgekeerd. Ter illustrasie van die toepassingsmoontlikhede van ES-analise is die mensbeskouing van C.K. Oberholzer. die kindbeskouing van J.C. Coetzee. die Christelike lewensopvatting, die wereldbeskouing van Albert Schweitzer en die opvoedingsleer van die Klassisisme aan ES-analises onderwerp. Die Christelike lewensopvatting kon as outentiek geevalueer word, terwyl die mensbeskouing van Oberholzer. die kindbeskouing van Coetzee en die wereld beskouing van Schweitzer naby aan outentisiteit beweeg. Die opvoedingsleer van die Klassisisme vertoon heelparty essensie-diskrepansies. Die hipotese, dat ES-analise 'n betroubare evalueringsmaatstaf vir outentieke opvoeding kan wees, is bevestig. Derhalwe kon die aanwending vanESanalise oar 'n wye spektrum aanbeveel word. byvoorbeeld by histories opvoedkundige eksemplare, godsdienslere. skoolstelsels en meegaande kurrikula en by die ontwikkeling van opvoedingsprogramme. Die huidige opvoeding en kon temporere leefwyse kan in die toekoms verbeter word indien ES-analise daadwerklik toegepas sou word. / An effort was made to find a universally valid criterion to evaluate any education for authenticity. The "essence-structure of proper adulthood and of education-aim" (ES) was investigated in this regard. This essence-structure (ES) was condensed in a model diagram (ESM). It includes the fo 11 owing essences: · re 1 i gi ousness · , the · ethi ca 1 ' , · affec tiveness'. 'bodiliness'. 'nationality' ('culturality'. 'historicity' and the 'political'), the 'aesthetical'. 'individuality', 'sociality·. the 'economical'. 'freedom·. 'authority'. 'language' and 'rationality'. as well as the seven norm images - a substructure of the 'ethical'. Hierarchically 'religiousness· is the most important essence. followed by the 'ethical·. All other essences exist on a third 1 eve 1 of importance. To qualify as authentic an exemplar of education ought to comply with the above-mentioned hierarchy. Each of the essences and their interrelatedness within the ESM were discussed. The harmonious co-existence within this structuredness is of paramount importance in understanding educational authenticity. Emanating from the above-mentioned an evaluation method. known as "essence structure-analysis" (ES analysis). was developed. Micro. meso and macro-ESanalysis were also explained. Descriptions of exemplars of education and of educationally related matters are analysed using the ESM as the criterion. The more an exemplar corresponds with the ESM. the more it re sembles authenticity, and vice versa. To demonstrate the application potential of ES analysis C.K. Oberholzer's view of man. J.C. Coetzee's view on childhood. the Christian life-view. Albert Schweitzer's world-view and the educational doctrine of the Classicism were subjected toES analyses. The Christian life-view could be evaluated as authentic. while Oberholzer's view of man. Coetzee's view on childhood and Schweitzer's world-view are resembling authenticity closely. The educational doctrine of the Classicism revealed several essence discre pancies. (viii) The hypothesis. that ES analysis can be a reliable evaluation criterion for authentic education. was confirmed. It could thus be recommended that ESanalysis be implemented over a broad spectrum. for example when studying historico-educational exemplars. doctrines of religion. school systems and curricula and assisting in developing educational programs. The contemporary education and way of life can be ameliorated in the future if ES analysis is applied actively. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

Strategie přežití v denících dětí a mládeže vězněných v terezínském ghettu v letech 1942-45 / The survival strategies used by children and teenagers imprisoned in the Terezin ghetto between 1942-45 based on their diaries

Berčíková, Nikola January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis The survival strategy used by children and youth imprisoned in the Terezin ghetto between 1942 - 1945 based on their diaries is a study, which analyze some extant diaries written by children deported during Word War II to the Terezin ghetto. As the main sources served archive materials, especially unpublished children's diaries kept in the Jewish Museum of Prague and in the Terezin Memorial. Terezin ghetto (Theresienstadt) was exist between November 1941 and May 1945. Part of this work is concise representation of the ghetto's beginning and function and overall conditions. In the following chapter is briefly described children's homes, which were established thanks to Jugendfürsorge, department which cared about youth in the ghetto. This part deals with the moral influence on children given by the specific conditions and it was presented supporting function of the arts performed by adult prisoners and children too. The main part of this work consists in a researching of the diary entries sorted in predermined aspects. One of them is the space-time aspect. It was selected some entries which described the past, the present and the future. Other entries included reflecting of space out of the ghetto and space in. It was made many hypothesis which contributed to the next analyses....

Atraktivita letního tábora YMCA / Attractiveness of the summer camp with a spiritual program

ROH, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis concentrates on and deals with the attractiveness of YMCA summer camp. The aim is to find out what factors are able to influence the decisions of children and parents if they take part in this camp. The work has been bringing in the different possibilities of activities. It is expected from these activities to have the ability in infuencing the attractiveness of this characteristic the summer camp. These activities have been proved by evidence and realized on the specific cases in the practice in this diploma thesis. The answers have been looked for in the context of the basic research question and the diploma thesis has been drawing conclusions on the basic of the research result of the sample of respondents.

Les clauses contractuelles et non-concurrence : approche de droit des affaires / Contractual clauses of non-compete : from a Business Law perspective

Dufour, Maxime 08 December 2016 (has links)
Dans notre monde actuel, les entreprises utilisent, pour se prémunir de toute atteinte et protéger au maximum leurs intérêts économiques, des techniques contractuelles élaborées par la pratique telles que les clauses de non-concurrence, les clauses de confidentialité, les clauses de non-réaffiliation et les clauses de non sollicitation.Ces clauses occupent de multiples champs de l’activité contractuelle en mêlant le droit des contrats, le droit des affaires et le droit du travail. Elles visent à interdire au cocontractant, d’exercer une activité professionnelle, de divulguer des informations secrètes, ou encore d’embaucher certains collaborateurs. Ainsi, elles viennent limiter une liberté fondamentale, plus spécialement la liberté du commerce et de l’industrie. Dès lors, il semble nécessaire d’élaborer un régime juridique commun à toutes ces clauses afin de préserver d’un coté la protection de l’activité économique des entreprises et de l’autre la sauvegarde de la liberté économique des contractants soumis à de telles clauses. L’intérêt d’un régime commun est d’anticiper les conditions de validité et de mise en œuvre des ce type de clauses. De cette façon, la prévisibilité ne ferait plus défaut aux contractants. L’élaboration de ce droit commun passe par deux étapes. La première est relative à l’identification des clauses limitatives de concurrence. Il s’agit de saisir leur autonomie par rapport aux contrats dans lesquels elles peuvent être insérées et d’en tirer les conséquences au niveau leur validité. La seconde est relative à la mise en œuvre de ces clauses. Leur application est délicate car dépendante pour une grande partie de la précision de leur contenu. En cas de non-respect, un vaste choix de remèdes est offert au contractant déçu pour venir sanctionner le manquement contractuel constaté. / In the modern world, to guard themselves from damage and to protect at best their economical interests, companies use contractual techniques developed by usage such as non-compete clauses,confidentiality clauses, non-reaffiliation clauses and non-solicitation clauses. These clauses cover many fields of contractual legality, mixing contract law, labor law and business law. Their aim is to prohibit the co-contractor to practice a professional activity, to disclose secret information, or even to employ specific colleagues, or contributors. Thus, they are brought to restrict a fundamental freedom, specifically the freedom of trade and of industry. As a result, it appears necessary to formulate a common legal system for all these clauses so as to preserve on one side the protection of the economic activity of the companies et on the other side the safeguard of the economic freedom of the co-contractors subject to these clauses. The benefit of a common legal system is the anticipation of the conditions of validity and implementation of this type of clause. In this way, the cocontractants will not lack in foresight. The development of this common right is in two steps. This includes confirming their autonomy relative to the contracts in which they may be inserted and draw the necessary conclusions regarding their validity. The second step is relative to the implementation of these clauses. Their application is sensitive because it depends for the most part on the precision of their content. In case of a breach of contract, a large array of legal remedies is available to the aggrieved contractor to penalize the breach of contract.

Measurements of Water-soluble Composition of Fine Atmospheric Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Associated Precursor Gases via Ambient Ion Monitor-ion Chromatography (AIM-IC)

Markovic, Milos 30 August 2012 (has links)
Atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which is mostly formed in the atmosphere from precursor gases, contributes to numerous environmental and health concerns. Quantifying the ambient concentrations of PM2.5 and precursor gases can be challenging. Hence, many scientific questions about the formation, chemical composition, and gas/particle partitioning of PM2.5 remain unanswered. Ambient Ion Monitor - Ion Chromatography (AIM-IC) was characterized and utilized to measure the water-soluble composition of PM2.5 (dominated by pNH4+, pSO42-, and pNO3-) and associated precursor gases (dominated by NH3(g), SO2(g), and HNO3(g)) during two field campaigns. The AIM-IC detection limits for hourly sampling were determined to be 3 - 45 ng m-3. The response time for “sticky” gases was significantly improved with a nylon denuder membrane. A novel inlet configuration for the AIM-IC, which minimizes sampling inlet losses and carryover in sample analyses, was implemented. Measurements from the BAQS-Met 2007 campaign were utilized to assess the accuracy of the AURAMS model and investigate gas/particle partitioning in SW Ontario. Due to high sulphate levels, NH3(g) was the limiting chemical factor in the formation and gas/particle partitioning of PM2.5. The errors in the predictions of relative humidity and free ammonia were responsible for the poor agreement iii between modelled and measured pNO3- values. The AIM-IC measurements from the CalNex 2010 study were compared to the CMAQ model and utilized to investigate the gas/particle partitioning in Bakersfield, CA. Very high NH3(g) concentrations were observed, and the formation and partitioning of PM2.5 was limited by HNO3(g) and H2SO4. Evidence of rapid removal of HNO3(g) by interactions with super-micron dust particles, and possibly with the alkaline surface was found. CMAQ exhibited significant biases in the predicted concentrations of pSO42-, NH3(g) and HNO3(g).

Measurements of Water-soluble Composition of Fine Atmospheric Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Associated Precursor Gases via Ambient Ion Monitor-ion Chromatography (AIM-IC)

Markovic, Milos 30 August 2012 (has links)
Atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which is mostly formed in the atmosphere from precursor gases, contributes to numerous environmental and health concerns. Quantifying the ambient concentrations of PM2.5 and precursor gases can be challenging. Hence, many scientific questions about the formation, chemical composition, and gas/particle partitioning of PM2.5 remain unanswered. Ambient Ion Monitor - Ion Chromatography (AIM-IC) was characterized and utilized to measure the water-soluble composition of PM2.5 (dominated by pNH4+, pSO42-, and pNO3-) and associated precursor gases (dominated by NH3(g), SO2(g), and HNO3(g)) during two field campaigns. The AIM-IC detection limits for hourly sampling were determined to be 3 - 45 ng m-3. The response time for “sticky” gases was significantly improved with a nylon denuder membrane. A novel inlet configuration for the AIM-IC, which minimizes sampling inlet losses and carryover in sample analyses, was implemented. Measurements from the BAQS-Met 2007 campaign were utilized to assess the accuracy of the AURAMS model and investigate gas/particle partitioning in SW Ontario. Due to high sulphate levels, NH3(g) was the limiting chemical factor in the formation and gas/particle partitioning of PM2.5. The errors in the predictions of relative humidity and free ammonia were responsible for the poor agreement iii between modelled and measured pNO3- values. The AIM-IC measurements from the CalNex 2010 study were compared to the CMAQ model and utilized to investigate the gas/particle partitioning in Bakersfield, CA. Very high NH3(g) concentrations were observed, and the formation and partitioning of PM2.5 was limited by HNO3(g) and H2SO4. Evidence of rapid removal of HNO3(g) by interactions with super-micron dust particles, and possibly with the alkaline surface was found. CMAQ exhibited significant biases in the predicted concentrations of pSO42-, NH3(g) and HNO3(g).

Soubor úloh pro laboratorní cvičení oboru Elektrotechnika na střední odborné škole / A Set of Tasks for Laboratory Exercises for Specialization in Electrotechnics at Vocational School

HOSPODÁŘSKÝ, Miroslav Václav January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on use of measuring interface myDAQ by National Instruments company in teaching of electrotechnical measurement at vocational school. The aim of this work is the design of set of suitable measuring tasks covering the curriculum in electrotechnical measurements for the 3rd and 4th class of study branch of 26 41 M/01 Electrotechnics. Description of the properties of the measuring interface myDAQ and the respective utility programme National Instruments Multisim is a part of this work. The practical part contains technological and photographic documentation of the various products that can be connected to the interface myDAQ. This thesis is built on the author's bachelor thesis.

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