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Avaliação da atividade microbiana metanogênica na lagoa de estabilização anaeróbia da estação de tratamento de esgotos sanitários do município de Cajati, Vale do Ribeira do Iguape, Estado de São Paulo / Assessment of anaerobic methanogenic microbial activity at anaerobic stabilization pond of domestic wastewater plant at Cajati city, Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, São Paulo State, BrazilSteil, Lara 31 August 2007 (has links)
O estudo sobre a comunidade microbiana de um sistema de tratamento biológico de águas residuárias é de particular interesse, uma vez que o conhecimento da microbiologia do processo pode levar ao aperfeiçoamento de projetos e ao aumento da eficiência dos sistemas. Este trabalho avaliou a atividade microbiana, particularmente a metanogênica, na lagoa de estabilização anaeróbia da estação de tratamento de esgotos sanitários do município de Cajati - SP. Para isso adotou a taxonomia polifásica na caracterização dos microrganismos e de seus aspectos funcionais, buscando o conhecimento da diversidade dos microrganismos e suas relações nesse tipo de sistema anaeróbio. Objetivou também contribuir para o estabelecimento de um protocolo seguro na realização dos ensaios de atividade metanogênica específica (AME). Os estudos foram realizados com amostras dos sedimento da lagoa coletadas em três períodos diferentes, a saber: outubro/2003, outubro/2004 e dezembro/2004. Durante as amostragens foram determinadas variáveis abióticas como temperatura, condutividade, pH, potencial de óxido-redução e teor de oxigênio dissolvido. Medidas do conteúdo de sólidos totais e voláteis (SV) foram também realizadas. A avaliação da atividade microbiana foi feita por exames microscópicos de contraste de fase e fluorescência, AME, determinação do DNAtotal, FISH - hibridização in-situ com sondas fluorescentes e DGGE - eletroforese em gel com gradiente linear de agentes desnaturantes. Também procedeu-se a contagem de protozoários e análise da presença de algas e cianobactérias. Os resultados revelaram que ocorreu variação nas condições do processo biológico nos períodos amostrados, sendo que em outubro/2004, durante período de fortes chuvas e ventos, a eficiência na redução da DBO foi apenas 18,2%. Nesse período, constatou-se organismos como algas do gênero Chorella sp e cianobactérias do gênero Merismopedia sp. Nas demais coletas a remoção da matéria orgânica medida em DBO foi superior a 80%, com boa atividade anaeróbia. Os resultados mostraram que a relação So/Xo de 0,25 gDQO/g SV foi a mais adequada para determinar o valor de AME, e os ensaios com as amostras de outubro/2003 e dezembro/2004 revelaram valores de AME na faixa de 0,85 a 0,21 mg\'CH IND.4\'/gSV.d. Constatou-se a ocorrência de alterações na estrutura da comunidade microbiana inicial em relação à final do experimento de AME, por meio do DGGE. Verifcou-se também nesses ensaios, que o conteúdo de SV inicial variou entre amostras e substratos, conferindo alta variabilidade ao teste. Os perfís de DGGE das amostras coletadas revelaram variação na estrutura das comunidades microbianas no sedimento, e maior diversidade de bactérias e arquéias quando a lagoa anaeróbia apresentava boa eficiência na redução da DBO. A técnica FISH como adotada não foi eficaz para quantificar e identificar os microrganismos devido ao excesso de hibridizações inespecíficas. Mesmo com suas limitações, a técnica FISH revelou a presença de microrganismos dos Domínios Bacteria e Archaea. Nesse caso, a Família Methanobacteriaceae, a ordem Methanomicrobiales e o gênero Methanosaeta sp. foram confirmados. Nas diferentes coletas, foram identificados protozoários dos gêneros Paramecium sp. e Vorticella sp., e rotíferos dos gêneros Brachionus sp., Trichocerca sp., Synchaeta sp. e Keratella sp. / Microbial diversity studies have remarkable relevance since the knowledge about the microbiology of process can improve plants and system efficiency. This work assessed microbial activity, specially methanogenic, at anaerobic pond for domestic wastewater treatment in the city of Cajati, São Paulo State, Brazil. Poliphasic taxonomy was adopted in onder to contribute to the understanding of microbial community diversity and functionality. As well as to contribute for the establishment of a protocol to the specific methanogenic activity test (SMA). Three periods of sampling were done at the sediment of the anaerobic pond (october 2003, october 2004 and december 2004). Abiotic variables as temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen and redox potential were measured at sampling time. TS and VS contents were determined in the samples. Microbial studies were done by observation on optical and fluorescent microscopy, analyse of SMA, totalDNA quantitation, counting of protozoa, analyze of algal and cyanobacteria presence, as well as application of two molecular techniques: Fluorescent in-situ Hybridization (FISH) and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). Results showed that general conditions of the anaerobic pond changed among samplings. On October 2004, when the rain and wind were very strong, the organic matter removal efficiency (BOD basis) in the anaerobic pond was low (18.2%) and predominant microorganisms were of aerobic algae, as Chorella sp, and the blue-green algae Merismopedia sp. On the other hand, the removal of organics at other two samplings was more than 80% and the anaerobic microbial activity was verified in the sample. SMA tests showed the food/microorganism rate (F/M) of 0.25 gDQO/g VS was the most suitable to the samples. The results showed SMA values between 0.85 and 0.21 mg\'CH IND.4\'/gVS.d for samples of October 2003 and October 2004. SMA test induced modifications in the structure of the microbial community according to DGGE-profile. In addition, VS content, which was used in the SMA tests as biomass measurement, displayed variable behavior making test results difficult to interpret in some situations. DGGE-profile showed variation in the sediment community structure. Higher bacterial and archaeal diversity was observed when anaerobic pond showed 80%, or more, of DBO removal. FISH technique was not a suitable method to secure quantification and identification of the microorganisms from in excess. In spite of the technique limitations, it was possible to identify microorganisms of Bacteria Domain, Archaea Domain, Methanobacteriaceae Family, Methanomicrobiales Order, and microorganisms belonging to Methanosaeta genus. Paramecium and Vorticella were the protozoans identified in all samplings. Rotifers belonging to genders Brachionus, Trichocerca, Synchaeta and Keratella were also observed.
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La structure de la philosophie de Socrate selon Platon / The sctructure of Socrates' philosophy according to PlatoHan, Jacques 27 June 2018 (has links)
La philosophie de Socrate selon Platon se structure autour de six termes : la Forme, l'âme, l'ignorance, la science, la vertu et la dialectique. En effet, l'âme, immortelle, est la source de tous les biens et de tous les maux, parce qu'elle est le principe du mouvement spontané et par conséquent la cause première de tous les mouvements aussi bien intellectifs que sensitifs et physiques. Cela étant, rendre justes la cité et les citoyens, c'est avant tout rendre juste leur âme. Or, comment rendre meilleure une âme, si l'on ne connaît pas la cause même des biens et celle des maux ? Dans les premiers dialogues, Socrate philosophe contre l'ignorance qui est la cause du vice, lequel prive l'âme de la vertu. Dans les dialogues tardifs, Socrate philosophe pour la science, c'est-à-dire la connaissance de ce qui est, qui est la source même de la vertu. Or comment connaître ce qui est, si la réalité ou l'être ne cesse de changer? De là vient la nécessité de l'existence des réalités intelligibles qui sont universelles et immuables auxquelles participent les réalités sensibles qui sont particulières et changeantes. Une question se pose : si la réfutation est le moyen, à travers le dialogue, de faire apparaître l'ignorance, quel est le moyen de connaître ce qui est ? Ce moyen, c'est la dialectique qui permet, à travers le dialogue, de se remémorer des réalités véritables que l'âme eut jadis contemplées. / According to Plata, the philosophy of Socrates is structured around six terms: Form, soul, ignorance, knowledge, virtue, and dialectics. The soul, which is immortal, is the source of all goods and all evils, since it is the principle of spontaneous movement, and consequently the first cause of all movements, whether intellective, sensitive, or physical. Therefore, to make the city and its citizens just means, above all, making their soul just. Yet how can a soul be made better if one does not know the very cause of what is good and what is bad? ln the first dialogues, Socrates philosophizes against ignorance as the cause of vice, which deprives the soul of virtue. ln the late dialogues, Socrates philosophizes in favor of knowledge, that is, the knowledge of that which is, which is the very source of virtue. Yet how can one know that which is, if reality or being never cease changing? Hence the need for the existence of intelligible realities that are universal and immutable, in which sensible realities, which are particular and changing, participate. A question arises: if refutation is the means of revealing ignorance through dialogue, what is the means for knowing that which is? The answer is dialectic, which, through dialogue, allows one to recall the genuine realities which the soul once contemplated.
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Alteração do dossel florestal a partir de imagens orbitais no município de Paragominas-PaFERREIRA, Bruno Monteiro 08 1900 (has links)
As florestas tropicais, como a floresta amazônica, têm fundamental participação na estabilidade dos ambientes locais, principalmente, pela oferta de serviços e produtos. Por isso, passou a ser visionada como fonte inesgotável de recursos florestais, dentre os quais, está o produto madeireiro. Nesse contexto, problemas ambientais passaram a ter maior atenção dos órgãos públicos, ligados ao monitoramento desses recursos. Diante disso, as ferramentas de geoprocessamento e sensoriamento remoto são fortes aliadas à maximização dessas operações. Esse cenário leva ao objetivo deste estudo, que é avaliar as alterações no dossel florestal, por meio da Análise de Mistura Espectral-AME e Índice Normalizado de Diferença de Fração-NDFI. O estudo foi conduzido em três áreas localizadas no município de Paragominas-PA obtidas no banco de dados da SEMAS-PA. No primeiro passo, a imagem foi pré-processada, para posterior aplicação do SMA. Na aplicação do SMA gerou-se quatro frações de abundância, as quais foram fundamentais para identificação da exploração. Em seguida, foi utilizado o NDFI, para determinar o Grau de Alteração no Dossel Florestal-GADF. Os resultados revelaram diferenças significativas pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis nas três áreas, ao observar a comparação das quatro imagens-fração e no valor de NDFI, o que não traduziu diferenças quanto ao GADF, pois as áreas, apresentaram mesmo intervalor de alteração, conforme os intervalos propostos pela SEMAS (2015), indicando baixa intensidade de impactos sobre o dossel florestal. O NDFI, sob as condições locais, não mostrou sensibilidade a mudanças quanto ao nível de alteração no dossel florestal (Tabela 2), isso pode ter acontecido devido à necessidade de detecção da vegetação seca, que no caso ainda está em processo de consolidação, pois a análise das imagens ocorreu durante a exploração madeireira.
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Haven for all Hungry Souls: The Influence of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools on Morris Brown CollegeWilson, Serena Celeste 03 July 2009 (has links)
HAVEN FOR ALL HUNGRY SOULS: THE INFLUENCE OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS ON MORRIS BROWN COLLEGE By Serena Celeste Wilson Morris Brown College is a small, private historically Black college located near downtown Atlanta, Georgia. The College is the only post-secondary institution in Georgia founded by Blacks for the purpose of educating Blacks. The relationship between Morris Brown College, and the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools presents an untapped area of research regarding the how external regulatory and fiscal contributing bodies influence the internal mission, culture and management of an institution of higher education. Morris Brown College presents a unique case because, since its founding, it has maintained a close affiliation with the Church that established it. Yet, in recent years, its financial existence has been dependent upon the receipt and use of public funding—which is intricately tied to accrediting standards and oversight. In 2003 the College lost its accreditation. This study employs an ethnographic case-study qualitative research design to explore how the College’s relationship with these bodies influenced the institution’s organizational structure, fiscal management, and administrative culture and identity. The study’s findings indicate that the College’s relationship with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools was largely reflective of the values, ideals, and perspectives of who represented the College at any given time. The College’s relationship with its founding body, the African Methodist Episcopal Church, was primarily maintained through the placement of Church members (largely clergy) on the College’s board of trustees, and evidenced in the College’s ideology and mission. Although an autonomous operating body, the College’s relationships with these two bodies are complicated by the institution’s reliance on continued financial support from the Church, and validation (in the form of accreditation) from SACS. While healthy working relationships with both bodies are not mutually exclusive, the internal planning, governance, and evaluation of the College must necessarily consider the values and expectations of these (and other) external entities.
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Représentations du monde et symbolique élémentaireDéglise-Coste, Béatrice 21 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est une analyse du concept de représentation tel qu'il peut s'élaborer à partir de la symbolique des quatre éléments (air, terre, eau, feu) dans des textes aussi bien religieux ou littéraires que philosophiques. A travers les notions voisines de participation, d'analogie, de pli ou de chair qui posent le problème du rapport de l'âme au corps, nous cernons peu à peu la représentation comme une prise de conscience saisissante qui, paradoxalement, correspond à un acte de distanciation du sujet par rapport à son monde. Quel est le statut de cette "présence-absence"? C'est non seulement le rapport du subjectif à l'objectif qui est interrogé mais aussi de façon plus générale celui de l'intimité à l'altérité. Nous tentons de montrer comment ces matières premières que sont les quatre éléments, "hormones de l'imagination" selon Gaston Bachelard, figurent concrètement la problématique d'une médiation entre le sensible et l'intelligible. Ils articulent en effet nos perceptions à diverses symbolisations par un recours à l'image. En ce sens, on peut les définir comme de véritables métaphores d'un processus de représentation ouvert sur la réflexion et la création. Au-delà de l'analyse d'une articulation entre la sensation et l'idée, c'est bien la question du sens qui est posée : que se joue-t-il, affectivement, dans notre attention au monde ? Comment la littérature utilise-t-elle la symbolique des éléments afin d'extérioriser la subjectivité et de partager une spiritualité commune ? Pourquoi les hommes ont-ils besoin de mettre leur vie en scène et de lui accorder une dimension sacrée ?
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Gobineau iranien : le tropisme oriental dans la vie et dans l'oeuvre de Gobineau / Iranian Gobineau : the oriental tropism in Gobineau's life and worksDjamali, Nahid 04 December 2013 (has links)
Une lecture attentive du 'Mémoire sur diverses manifestations de la vie individuelle' de Gobineau, l’ouvrage le plus injustement méconnu de Gobineau, permet d’y repérer l’influence de la mystique Shî ite, et plus précisément de la philosophie orientale de Mollâ sadrâ qui en constitue la clé. Elle permet également non seulement de remettre l’'Essai sur l’inégalité des races humaines' à sa place dans l’œuvre de l’auteur, et de lui rendre ainsi justice ; mais elle en révèle aussi la profonde unité, elle-même indissociable de la vie de Gobineau et de sa vie éminemment romanesque. / Attentively deliberating 'Mémoire sur diverses manifestations de la vie individuelle', the unfairly least known work of Gobineau, we discover the influence and inspiration he receives from Shi ite mysticism, and more precisely from the oriental philosophy of Mollâ Sadrâ, which is the key code to comprehend this work. It not only returns 'Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races' to its proper place among the author's works, but also does him the justice he deserves. It also reveals his profound integrity, the indivisible feature of Gobineau's life and its eminently fictional dimension.
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Avaliação da atividade microbiana metanogênica na lagoa de estabilização anaeróbia da estação de tratamento de esgotos sanitários do município de Cajati, Vale do Ribeira do Iguape, Estado de São Paulo / Assessment of anaerobic methanogenic microbial activity at anaerobic stabilization pond of domestic wastewater plant at Cajati city, Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, São Paulo State, BrazilLara Steil 31 August 2007 (has links)
O estudo sobre a comunidade microbiana de um sistema de tratamento biológico de águas residuárias é de particular interesse, uma vez que o conhecimento da microbiologia do processo pode levar ao aperfeiçoamento de projetos e ao aumento da eficiência dos sistemas. Este trabalho avaliou a atividade microbiana, particularmente a metanogênica, na lagoa de estabilização anaeróbia da estação de tratamento de esgotos sanitários do município de Cajati - SP. Para isso adotou a taxonomia polifásica na caracterização dos microrganismos e de seus aspectos funcionais, buscando o conhecimento da diversidade dos microrganismos e suas relações nesse tipo de sistema anaeróbio. Objetivou também contribuir para o estabelecimento de um protocolo seguro na realização dos ensaios de atividade metanogênica específica (AME). Os estudos foram realizados com amostras dos sedimento da lagoa coletadas em três períodos diferentes, a saber: outubro/2003, outubro/2004 e dezembro/2004. Durante as amostragens foram determinadas variáveis abióticas como temperatura, condutividade, pH, potencial de óxido-redução e teor de oxigênio dissolvido. Medidas do conteúdo de sólidos totais e voláteis (SV) foram também realizadas. A avaliação da atividade microbiana foi feita por exames microscópicos de contraste de fase e fluorescência, AME, determinação do DNAtotal, FISH - hibridização in-situ com sondas fluorescentes e DGGE - eletroforese em gel com gradiente linear de agentes desnaturantes. Também procedeu-se a contagem de protozoários e análise da presença de algas e cianobactérias. Os resultados revelaram que ocorreu variação nas condições do processo biológico nos períodos amostrados, sendo que em outubro/2004, durante período de fortes chuvas e ventos, a eficiência na redução da DBO foi apenas 18,2%. Nesse período, constatou-se organismos como algas do gênero Chorella sp e cianobactérias do gênero Merismopedia sp. Nas demais coletas a remoção da matéria orgânica medida em DBO foi superior a 80%, com boa atividade anaeróbia. Os resultados mostraram que a relação So/Xo de 0,25 gDQO/g SV foi a mais adequada para determinar o valor de AME, e os ensaios com as amostras de outubro/2003 e dezembro/2004 revelaram valores de AME na faixa de 0,85 a 0,21 mg\'CH IND.4\'/gSV.d. Constatou-se a ocorrência de alterações na estrutura da comunidade microbiana inicial em relação à final do experimento de AME, por meio do DGGE. Verifcou-se também nesses ensaios, que o conteúdo de SV inicial variou entre amostras e substratos, conferindo alta variabilidade ao teste. Os perfís de DGGE das amostras coletadas revelaram variação na estrutura das comunidades microbianas no sedimento, e maior diversidade de bactérias e arquéias quando a lagoa anaeróbia apresentava boa eficiência na redução da DBO. A técnica FISH como adotada não foi eficaz para quantificar e identificar os microrganismos devido ao excesso de hibridizações inespecíficas. Mesmo com suas limitações, a técnica FISH revelou a presença de microrganismos dos Domínios Bacteria e Archaea. Nesse caso, a Família Methanobacteriaceae, a ordem Methanomicrobiales e o gênero Methanosaeta sp. foram confirmados. Nas diferentes coletas, foram identificados protozoários dos gêneros Paramecium sp. e Vorticella sp., e rotíferos dos gêneros Brachionus sp., Trichocerca sp., Synchaeta sp. e Keratella sp. / Microbial diversity studies have remarkable relevance since the knowledge about the microbiology of process can improve plants and system efficiency. This work assessed microbial activity, specially methanogenic, at anaerobic pond for domestic wastewater treatment in the city of Cajati, São Paulo State, Brazil. Poliphasic taxonomy was adopted in onder to contribute to the understanding of microbial community diversity and functionality. As well as to contribute for the establishment of a protocol to the specific methanogenic activity test (SMA). Three periods of sampling were done at the sediment of the anaerobic pond (october 2003, october 2004 and december 2004). Abiotic variables as temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen and redox potential were measured at sampling time. TS and VS contents were determined in the samples. Microbial studies were done by observation on optical and fluorescent microscopy, analyse of SMA, totalDNA quantitation, counting of protozoa, analyze of algal and cyanobacteria presence, as well as application of two molecular techniques: Fluorescent in-situ Hybridization (FISH) and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). Results showed that general conditions of the anaerobic pond changed among samplings. On October 2004, when the rain and wind were very strong, the organic matter removal efficiency (BOD basis) in the anaerobic pond was low (18.2%) and predominant microorganisms were of aerobic algae, as Chorella sp, and the blue-green algae Merismopedia sp. On the other hand, the removal of organics at other two samplings was more than 80% and the anaerobic microbial activity was verified in the sample. SMA tests showed the food/microorganism rate (F/M) of 0.25 gDQO/g VS was the most suitable to the samples. The results showed SMA values between 0.85 and 0.21 mg\'CH IND.4\'/gVS.d for samples of October 2003 and October 2004. SMA test induced modifications in the structure of the microbial community according to DGGE-profile. In addition, VS content, which was used in the SMA tests as biomass measurement, displayed variable behavior making test results difficult to interpret in some situations. DGGE-profile showed variation in the sediment community structure. Higher bacterial and archaeal diversity was observed when anaerobic pond showed 80%, or more, of DBO removal. FISH technique was not a suitable method to secure quantification and identification of the microorganisms from in excess. In spite of the technique limitations, it was possible to identify microorganisms of Bacteria Domain, Archaea Domain, Methanobacteriaceae Family, Methanomicrobiales Order, and microorganisms belonging to Methanosaeta genus. Paramecium and Vorticella were the protozoans identified in all samplings. Rotifers belonging to genders Brachionus, Trichocerca, Synchaeta and Keratella were also observed.
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Male identified same-sex sexual fetish in South Africa: (re)defining sexual relations between people and thingsTheo, Lincoln January 2010 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Historical ethnographic and early psychoanalytic epistemologies on 'fetishism' focus primarily on the fetish 'object', whereby the subject of 'fetish practices' was identified, pathologised and/or socioculturally invalidated primarily on the basis of affiliation with a taboo object. Such uncritical reliance on dualist, oppositional thinking and divisive, psychopathologising tendencies attenuates subjectivities and agency, and is inconsistent with contemporary postcolonial and queer scholarship.
Contemporary discourses around (gay male sexual) 'fetishism', lodged in the definitions and diagnostic criteria of sexual 'fetishism' in the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases, efface the subjectivities of sexual subjects who incorporate material objects into their sexual scripts. I argue that these classifications should be completely revised, since more appropriate subject-oriented epistemologies on sexuality incorporating material objects should
acknowledge the constitution of the subject as phenomenologically taking place through intersections between materiality and discourse. This implies that no separate psychopathology of 'fetishism' can exist, since subjects, material objects and discourse cannot be effectively separated from each other.In contradistinction, a subject-oriented approach should, I suggest, be adopted, oriented around the
(non-essentialist) constitution and lived experiences of sexual subjects, rather than on human or inanimate objects of sexual attention. This approach focuses on the necessary role of the human(sexual) body, which is neither entirely discursively nor materially constructed, but rather is engaged in a complex interaction with subjectivities, discourse and the phenomenal world. The(non-unitary) 'self' is him/herself subject, object and part of a cultural environment, experientially
delineated through 'embodiment', with the phenomenological paradigm allowing for validation of sexual expression from an inclusive perspective, to develop complex cartographies of subjectivities.Based on this foundation, the thesis argues that the embodied sexual experience of the 'gay male fetishist' subject therefore serves to link him, objects and environments dialectically. Rather than being the 'object' of supervening drives, he is a valid agent, exploring his subjectivity and orienting
himself in relation to his environment through his embodied experience. 'Sexual fetish' practices therefore function as connecting (rather than divisive) forces in human relations with the world. At the same time, consensual, non-harmful 'gay male fetish' sexualities are potentially selftransformative and socially transformative practices, called on as resources for recognising personal value.
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British English versus American English in a Swedish School : -an investigation about attitude, preferences and reality among students, teachers and National Tests.Swens Arvidsson, Marith January 2017 (has links)
This essay is an investigation of varieties of English used, learned, and taught, in a Swedish school. The age of the students is 15-16 and they attend grade 9. The hypothesis of this essay is that American English is the variety most students prefer and use, and that British English is the variety mainly preferred by teachers and the school system. This do not collaborate with the ‘learner-centered learning’ pedagogical view (Modiano 2009:172). The data is mainly collected in three areas. 1: a teacher survey, to determine the teachers ́ views and opinions of the varieties of English. 2: a student survey, to examine whether the students prefer one variety to the other, and if they are even aware of what variety they are speaking, and 3: the data gathered from transcribing this year’s English National Test to determine what types of English that are represented in the test. The result of this essay confirms the hypothesis that AmE is the variety both preferred and used by younger students in Sweden today, and that these students do find that they are allowed to use any variety they wish while learning in school. BrE is still the variety preferred by teachers and the school system, however AmE is catching up. Furthermore, the students do have a high level of participation in their own acquisition of English.
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The Keyboard Percussion Trios of Toru Takemitsu and Toshi Ichiyanagi, a Lecture Recital, together with Three Recitals of Selected Works of Cahn, Maslanka, Miki, Miyoshi, Ptaszynska, Schultz, Wesley-Smith, and OthersFinnie, Jimmy W. (Jimmy Wayne) 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the various signatures of compositional style as manifested in the keyboard percussion trios Rain Tree by Toru Takemitsu and Wind Trace by Toshi Ichiyanagi. Significant personal interaction between the aforementioned Japanese composers and American composer John Cage justifies an investigation of his influence on their compositional styles. Toru Takemitsu is currently one of the most prolific Japanese composers. In 1981, Takemitsu composed the percussion trio Rain Tree. Three years later (1984) the Japanese concert pianist Toshi Ichiyanagi composed Wind Trace using Rain Tree's identical instrumentation of marimba, vibraphone, and crotales. Rain Tree and Wind Trace are very similar in compositional style. Formally, both works are single-movement compositions employing rhythmic tension, harmonic dissonance, and visual imagery created by the use of polyrhythms, aleatory, nonfunctional harmony, and extra-musical references. This study investigates the Japanese philosophy of ma and its influence in Rain Tree and Wind Trace. Ma is the natural pause or interval between two or more phenomena occurring continuously. According to Takemitsu, ma is living space, more than actual space. Both compositions utilize space as an essential compositional technique to either connect compartmentalized activity or to complement melodic material. With the utmost respect for nature, Toru Takemitsu and Toshi Ichiyanagi have synthesized elements of Oriental and Occidental music into compositional styles that are unique yet universal. Functioning within both composer's strong personal aesthetics, the affective use of aleatoric and polyrhythmic structures reflect John Cage's influence. Takemitsu's decision to reevaluate the qualities of Japanese traditional music, and to consciously attempt to express the qualities of nature within his music, are attributable to his associations with John Cage. Rain Tree and Wind Trace are virtuosic vehicles of musical expression for which an understanding of the subtle elements within the Eastern and Western art forms is essential.
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