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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fritz August Breuhaus

Schmidle, Elisabeth Breuhaus de Groot, Fritz August January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Karlsruhe, Univ., Diss., 2005 / CD-ROM enth.: Datenbank

Giovanni Niccolo' Servandoni (1695-1766) : architetto / Giovanni Niccolo' Servandoni (1695-1766) : architecte / The architect Giovanni Niccolo' Servandoni (1695-1766)

Guidoboni, Francesco 07 July 2014 (has links)
Il s’agit d’un projet de thèse doctorale en cotutelle – entre la «Sapienza» Università de Roma et l’Université de Paris I «Panthéon- Sorbonne » – visant à étudier la vie et l’oeuvre architecturale de Jean-Nicolas Servandoni, une figure d’artiste parmi les plus emblématiques et moins connues du XVIIIe siècle. Peintre, architecte et décorateur, Servandoni est connu pour avoir remporté le concours pour le projet de la façade principale de l’église Saint-Sulpice de Paris, et pour le grand nombre des décors réalisés d’abord pour l’Opéra, puis pour la Salle des Machines des Tuileries. Au cours de sa vie il eut la chance de travailler auprès des souverains les plus importants d’Europe, de Paris à Londres, de Madrid à Lisbonne, de Bruxelles à Vienne et encore à Dresde et Stuttgart. Ce travail de recherche s’est fixé pour objectif d’étudier les périodes les moins connues de sa vie, comme sa formation d’abord à Florence puis à Rome, ses premières missions en Angleterre avant son arrivée à Paris en 1724, ses voyages à travers l’Europe, son travail pour les plus importantes familles royales européennes, et les autres commissions d’architecture en France, au-delà du chantier de Saint-Sulpice. La difficulté majeure a été d’identifier les principales sources bibliographiques et documentaires à partir desquelles on a établi des renseignements biographiques qui ont été transmis à travers le temps jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il était donc nécessaire de réaliser une opération de «nettoyage» de tous les renseignements faux ou inexacts «incrustés» dans les siècles sur la vie de Servandoni. Grâce à ce «nettoyage», il a été possible d’identifier les sources «premières», sur lesquelles reconstruire la biographie de notre architecte. La recherche dans les archives de plusieurs pays a mené à d’importantes découvertes, tel que la présence de Servandoni à Rome entre 1719 et 1720. Ici il résidait dans le palais du Prince Guido Vaini, un homme «entièrement attaché à la France» et lié au milieu du théâtre d’Alibert et Capranica, où Servandoni aurait évidemment pu se former comme scénographe. Tout cela a permis de formuler des hypothèses sur ses contacts dans la capitale de la papauté, comme son lien avec l’atelier de Benedeto Luti dans le Palais de Florence, où travaillaient, parmi d’autres, Jean Paul Pannini et William Kent. Cette étude a donc mis en évidence sa relation étroite et continue avec les britanniques tout au long de sa vie – à commencer par son séjour romain – de sorte qu’on peut relire son oeuvre architecturale avec une nouvelle clé, davantage liée au milieu palladien anglais. En outre, la lecture des documents a permis d’identifier deux enjeux fondamentaux, qui expliquent en même temps la réussite et l’échec de sa carrière : la question de la nationalité de Servandoni et la légitimation de son rôle d’architecte. Servandoni, en effet, par sa naissance italienne – pourtant d’un père d’origine lyonnaise – dès son arrivée en France fut toujours apprécié comme peintre et décorateur «de Florence». Pour sa qualité d’«ultramontain», il fut choisi par le curé Languet de Gergy, comme architecte de la fabrique de Saint-Sulpice, véritable symbole et point de référence de l’Église de Rome à Paris, contre les «novateurs» jansénistes. [...] / This research work - a phd thesis in co-supervision between the "Sapienza" University of Rome and the University of Paris 1 "Panthéon-Sorbonne" - was born with the aim of shedding light on the life and work of the architect Giovanni Niccolo Servandoni, one of the most emblematic figures and less-known artist of the eighteenth century.At the same time he was painter, architect and decorator and his name was famous thanks to a large number of sets made for the Opéra and to the design of the façade of the church of Saint-Sulpice in Paris. During his life, Servandoni had the opportunity to travel throughout Europe, where he worked for the major courts of that time, from Paris to London, from Lisbon to Brussels, Vienna, Dresden and Stuttgart.The research work has the objective to investigating especially the lesser-known aspects of the architect's life, like as the period of his training in Florence and Rome, the years where he lived in England before his arrival in Paris in 1724, his travels in Europe and his architectural work as well as the site of Saint-Sulpice, both in France and abroad.Thanks to this research, Servandoni's complete work- so vaguely interpreted as an anticipation of the "goût à la grecque" and the revival of the classicism of the late of eighteenth century - is reinterpreted as the result of his training in Italy and England. It is indebted, in fact, that as well the classicism that characterized the Florentine architecture of that period as his close contact with the English Palladian circle and with the Wren, Vanbrugh and Hawksmoor's works, exercised a great influence on him. / Questo lavoro di ricerca - una tesi di dottorato in co-tutela tra la « Sapienza » Università di Roma e l’Université de Paris I «Panthéon- Sorbonne» - è nato con l’obiettivo di far luce sulla vita e l’opera dell’architetto Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni, una tra le figure d’artista più emblamatiche e meno conosciute del XVIII secolo. Allo stesso tempo pittore, architetto e decoratore, il suo nome è rimasto famoso per il gran numero di scenografie realizzate per l’Opéra e per il progetto della facciata della chiesa parigina di Saint-Sulpice. Durante il corso della sua vita, Servandoni ebbe l’opportunità di viaggiare in tutta Europa, dove lavorò presso le più importani Corti dell’epoca, da Parigi a Londra, da Lisbona a Bruxelles, Vienna, Dresda e Stoccarda. Una delle problematiche maggiori che il lavoro di ricerca ha manifestato, è stata la verifica della correttezza delle notizie riportate dalle fonti a stampa, sia antiche che moderne. Le biografie esistenti dell’architetto riportavano infatti una serie di notizie inesatte o completamente infondate, che si erano «incrostate» nei secoli sulla sua figura. Si è resa quindi necessaria un’operazione di «pulizia» delle fonti che ha permesso di risalire ad alcune notizie certe e verificabili nei documeni d’archivio, che sono state la base su cui ricostruire la biografia dell’architeto. Il lavoro di ricerca si è posto l’obieivo di indagare in paricolar modo gli aspei meno noi della vita dell’architeto, come il periodo della sua formazione a Firenze e a Roma, i suoi anni di soggiorno in Inghilterra prima del suo arrivo a Parigi nel 1724, i viaggi in Europa e le commissioni di architettura oltre al cantiere di Saint-Sulpice, sia in Francia che all’estero. La ricerca d’archivio ha condotto a scoperte innovative, come la presenza di Servandoni a Roma tra il 1719 e il 1720, all’interno del palazzo del principe Vaini - uomo «entièrement attaché à la France» e legato all’ambiente dei teatri Capranica e d’Alibert - che ha permesso di formulare alcune ipotesi sulla sua vita e i suoi contatti nella cità pontificia. E ancora, lo studio ha messo in luce il forte rapporto che Servandoni ebbe con l’ambiente culturale inglese durante il corso di tutta la sua vita - già a partire dal suo soggiorno romano - tanto da poter rileggere la sua opera architettonica in una chiave nuova, più legata alla corrente palladiana che all’architettura romana o francese di quegli anni. L’interpretazione dei documenti ha portato inoltre all’individuazione di due tematiche fondamentali che, spiegano allo stesso tempo la riuscita e la crisi della carriera di Servandoni : il problema della sua nazionalità e quello della legitimazione del suo ruolo di architetto. [...]

Penser la ville en décroissance : pour une autre fabrique urbaine au XXIe siècle. Regard croisé à partir de six démarches de projet en France, en Allemagne et aux Etats-Unis / To think the shrinking city : toward a new making of the city the XXIst century. Overview of six project processes in France, Germany and in the United States of America.

Sowa, Charline 17 January 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la recherche, nous nous intéressons à la pratique du projet urbain dans les villes en décroissance (ou ville rétrécissante), plus connues sous le terme anglophone de shrinking cities. Cet intérêt est né d’un questionnement plus large sur la pratique de l’architecte-urbaniste et la fabrique de la ville en ce début du XXIe siècle, où les débats se multiplient sur la ville résiliante, économe, autosuffisante face aux crises écologiques, socio- économiques et politiques actuelles. La ville en décroissance offre ainsi un cadre intéressant pour nous confronter à cette problématique où l’architecte-urbaniste se retrouve à devoir s’adapter et se réinventer face à de multiples contraintes. Par ailleurs, le programme allemand Shrinking Cities et les réflexions portées par l’architecte-chercheur allemand Philipp Oswalt ont été un élément déclencheur. Ce dernier revendiquait l’idée que la ville en décroissance était le nouveau terrain de jeu pour explorer de nouvelles pensées architecturales et urbanistiques. Il le démontre à partir d’un travail de collecte d’expériences à travers le monde. Aujourd’hui, nous proposons de poursuivre cette réflexion et de nous poser la question suivante: quels enseignements pouvons-nous tirer de ces expériences pour notre pratique et imaginer la ville de demain ? À partir de ce questionnement, nous faisons l’hypothèse que ces nouvelles pensées architecturales et urbaines (concepts, langages architecturaux, formes urbaines, etc.) participeraient à la formulation de nouvelles formes d’habiter les territoires (usages, modèles urbains, paysage, modes de vie, etc.), permettant d’envisager différemment la fabrique urbaine en ce début du XXIe. Ces démarches seraient par ailleurs actrices dans la reconnaissance de terrains favorables pour une gestion urbaine raisonnée et dans le développement de nouveaux outils et protocoles d’action imaginés par les architecte-urbanistes.Pour répondre à notre hypothèse de recherche, nous nous intéressons plus spécifiquement aux projets impulsant une mutation profonde du tissu urbain, dans sa forme comme dans ses usages que nous nommons ici par remodelage urbain. Notre analyse se base sur six démarches dites « innovantes », théoriques et réalisées, dont un cas est mis en œuvre par des habitants. Elles illustrent cette pratique dans différentes villes en décroissance depuis ces vingt dernières années.Ces cas d’étude sont situés dans des tissus urbains différents (habitat dense en centre-ville et dans les bourgs ruraux, grands ensembles, habitat pavillonnaire) pour montrer la diversité des terrains auxquels l’architecte-urbaniste peut être confronté. Parallèlement aux deux cas français (Saint-Étienne, Livradois-Forez), nous observerons d’autres expériences dans deux contextes étrangers, précurseurs en termes d’initiatives locales et de politiques urbaines : l’Allemagne (Halle- Neustadt, Dessau) et les États-Unis (Detroit). La diversité des approches et des échelles de réflexion de ces projets ne permet pas de conduire une étude comparative. Plus adaptée à notre démarche, nous proposons leur mise en discussion pour comprendre l’impact du cadre politique, socio-économique et de l’environnement urbain sur le processus de projet ainsi que la capacité de ces projets à amorcer une transformation du tissu urbain et de la ville.Notre objectif sera ainsi de comprendre l’originalité et les spécificités de ces démarches, mais aussi leurs apports potentiels dans les débats actuels sur la ville et ses évolutions. Cette démarche cherche à apporter une dimension prospective sur le sujet de la ville en décroissance. / Within the methodological framework of the academic research, this study focuses on the urban development specific to shrinking cities. This interest raised from a broader interrogation on the professional practice of urban architects and the making of the city ongoing in this early XXIth century, with regards to contemporary debates about cities that are resilient, economical, self sufficient toward ecological, socio-economical and political crises. The shrinking city offers thus an interesting framework to study architects-urban planners reactions to such contexts and constraints adaptation. Furthermore the German programm Shrinking Cities and the reflexions raised by the German architect and researcher Philipp Oswalt have been a trigger component. He claims that the shrinking city was a new playground to explore new architectural and planning thoughts. He demonstrates it from a gathering of experiences around the world. Today, we suggest to follow this reflexion and raise the following issue: which lessons are to be learned from those experiences for today’s professional practice and imagine the city of tomorrow ?From this initial questioning, we took for granted that those new ways of seeing architecture and urban project (concepts, architectural languages, urban shape, etc.) lead to new leaving standards territories (uses, urban patterns, landscape, leaving conditions, etc.), changing thus the making of the city in this beginning of XXIth century. Indeed, those processes would be influential in the identification of favourable lands for a reasoned gestion of the city and the development of new tools and acting processes imagined by architects and urban planners.To answer to our hypothesis, we focus more specifically on projects initiating a deep mutation of the urban fabric, on its form and its uses that we would call here urban reshaping. Our analysis is based on six processes meant to be “innovative”, realized or no, one of them being built by inhabitants. They illustrate this practice in different shrinking cities since the 20 past years. Those case studies are located in different urban fabrics contexts to illustrate the diversity of situations that one can be facing. In parallel of two French case studies (Saint-Etienne, Livradois-Forez), we will observe other experiences in two foreign contexts, pioneers in terms of local initiatives and urban policy: Germany (Halle-Neustadt, Dessau) and the United states (Detroit). The diversity of projects, in terms of approach and scale does not constitute a comparative study. We suggest instead a more relevant approach consisting in questioning them to understand the political, socioeconomic and environment consequences on the process of project making and the capacity of those projects to initiate a transformation of urban fabric and of the city.Our goal will be to understand the originality and specifies of those initiatives, but also potential contributions to the contemporary debates on the city and its evolutions. This approach seeks bringing a prospective dimension about the shrinking city.

La carrière de Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault (1739-1806) : architecte du règne de Louis XV à l’Empire / The career of Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault (1739-1806) : architect from the reign of Louis XV to the First Empire

Plouzennec, Yvon 24 November 2018 (has links)
L’architecte Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault est une figure méconnue dont la redécouverte est relativement récente. Né en 1739 à Château-Chinon, il est élevé dans une famille bourgeoise de culture protestante. Au cours des années 1750, il s’installe à Paris et intègre l’agence de Jacques-Germain Soufflot, alors en pleine effervescence. Le cursus académique qu’il mène en parallèle de cette formation pratique, est couronné par deux seconds Prix en 1758 et en 1760. Soutenu par son maître et par Charles-Nicolas Cochin, il obtient un brevet d’élève architecte de l’Académie de France à Rome et séjourne au Palais Mancini en 1762. À son retour, il poursuit son apprentissage auprès d’Ange-Jacques Gabriel avant d’entamer une carrière au service des financiers d’Ancien Régime. Cette clientèle, à majorité protestante, lui offre l’opportunité de réaliser divers projets à Paris, mais également dans le nord-est du royaume, ainsi qu’en Suisse. Les dernières années du règne de Louis XVI, marquées par l’accession de Jacques Necker à la Direction générale des Finances, constituent le moment fort de sa carrière. Les deux succès publics qu’il remporte à cette époque (Place royale de Brest et hôtel de la Caisse d’escompte) ne voient pourtant jamais le jour, du fait des événements qui agitent le royaume. Après une parenthèse politique dans les premiers temps de la Révolution, il est employé par la Commission des travaux publics avant de devenir architecte des bâtiments civils sous le Directoire. Ce poste, qu’il occupe jusqu’à sa mort, en 1806, lui accorde un statut officiel qui constitue finalement l’aboutissement de la quête de légitimité qu’il mène tout au long de sa carrière. / The architect Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault is an unsung figure whose rediscovery is relatively recent. Born in 1739 in Château-Chinon, he grew up in the Protestant milieu of a tradesman family. In the 1750s, he moved to Paris and joined the office of Jacques-Germain Soufflot, then at the height of its activity. The academic course he followed in parallel with this practical training was crowned by two second prizes in 1758 and in 1760. Supported by his master and Charles-Nicolas Cochin, he was accorded the status of a student architect of the Academy of France in Rome and resided at the Palais Mancini in 1762. Upon his return, he continued his apprenticeship with Ange-Jacques Gabriel before starting a career in the service of financiers of the Ancien Régime. This mostly Protestant clientele offered him the opportunity to carry out various projects in Paris, in thenorth-east of the kingdom, as well as in Switzerland. The last years of the reign of Louis XVI, marked by the accession of Jacques Necker to the Directorate General of Finance, was a propitious time in his career. Given thekingdom’s worsening political and financial situation, however, his two public commissions from this time (the Royal square of Brest and the Paris headquarters of the Caisse d’Escompte) were never built. After a brief engagement in political life in the early days of the Revolution, he was employed by the Public Works Commissionand subsequently became an architect of civil buildings under the Directory. With this post, which he held until his death in 1806, he finally gained something of the official status and legitimacy that had long eluded him.

Domenico Delpiano (1883-1920): apontamentos sobre a trajetória de um arquiteto salesiano no Brasil

Martins, Alexandre Franco 05 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T12:12:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Alexandre Franco Martins1.pdf: 3983085 bytes, checksum: bf9d95eec4bf9817f70298b1731bb9c2 (MD5) Alexandre Franco Martins2.pdf: 2031047 bytes, checksum: ee37da27cac14621119dd36bd75a14c4 (MD5) Alexandre Franco Martins3.pdf: 2061722 bytes, checksum: dc78588ce63cc5154dc4fb04ff98421c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / By bringing to light the figure, the designs and works of architect and assistant salesian (religious layman) Domenico Delpiano (1844-1920), this research aims to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the architecture of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth centuries in South America, specifically the period of the years 1883 and 1920, respectively, the date of arrival of the professional in Brazil and his death in Sao Paulo. An examination of his work, all designed and built for the Society of Saint Francis de Sales and the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, will be based on knowledge gained from each chapter of this study. The understanding of salesian pedagogy and its repercussion on the spatial structure of school buildings, the identification and characterization of the architecture of eclecticism and the presentation of Domenico Delpiano and his compositional method and projectual allow the construction of analytical criteria for the critical review of two of his works the city of Sao Paulo. / Ao trazer a luz a figura, os projetos e as obras do arquiteto e coadjutor salesiano (religioso leigo) Domenico Delpiano (1844-1920), a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento e para a compreensão da arquitetura do final do século XIX e início do século XX na América do Sul, mais precisamente no período compreendido pelos anos de 1883 e 1920, respectivamente, data da chegada do profissional no Brasil e de sua morte em São Paulo. O exame de suas obra, todas projetadas e construídas para a Pia Sociedade de São Francisco de Sales e para o Instituto das Filhas de Maria Auxiliadora, será feito a partir dos conhecimentos adquiridos em cada um dos capítulos deste estudo. A compreensão da pedagogia salesiana e o seu rebatimento na estrutura espacial dos edifícios escolares, a identificação e caracterização das Arquiteturas do Ecletismo e a apresentação de Domenico Delpiano e de seu método compositivo e projetual permitirão a construção de critérios analíticos para o exame crítico de duas de suas obras na cidade de São Paulo.

Habitar coletivo: obras diferenciadas contemporâneas em São Paulo / Collective housing: contemporary and differential proposal in São Paulo

Fabricia Zulin 23 May 2013 (has links)
Atualmente a paisagem de São Paulo, e também de outras cidades, é marcada por uma produção repetitiva e sem criatividade, mal representada por edifícios habitacionais parecidos e pouco relacionados ao contexto urbano no qual estão inseridos, concebidos por investidores imobiliários que atribuem pouca relevância ao valor autoral do arquiteto como forma de contribuição a seus empreendimentos. Com base neste cenário, a pesquisa partiu de uma pergunta ampla e direta: Onde estão os bons projetos em meio a tanta mesmice? Habitar Coletivo: obras diferenciadas contemporâneas em São Paulo apresenta um estudo das atuais obras de habitação coletiva localizadas na região metropolitana de São Paulo, do início do século XXI, pois, ao que parece, foi um período em que se construiu muito, porém, não necessariamente se construiu bem. Denominar esses estudos de casos como diferenciados, revela-se positivo pelo fato das obras contribuírem com novas possibilidades de agentes, de ocupação de lote urbano, novas técnicas construtivas, novas maneiras de agenciamento do programa, entre outras possibilidades reveladas, muitas vezes rebaixadas na produção comercial usual. Os projetos selecionados foram organizados em três grupos principais: Conjuntos horizontais, Edifícios pouco verticalizados com unidades habitacionais sobrepostas e Edifícios verticalizados com unidades habitacionais sobrepostas. Na segunda parte da pesquisa, Leitura dos projetos selecionados, foram realizadas as análises específicas a partir de dados obtidos primordialmente nos importantes canais de divulgação da produção arquitetônica, como as revistas ProjetoDesign e Arquitetura e Urbanismo; visitas realizadas às obras; conversa e coleta de dados com os escritórios de arquitetura; e redesenho dos projetos. Os textos de cada obra foram organizados a partir de assuntos que se repetem nos diferentes projetos: trajetória do arquiteto; agentes; partido de implantação; espaços exteriores; sistema estrutural e técnica construtiva; envoltória e unidade habitacional. Por fim, após cada leitura são expostas as fichas gráficas correspondentes, também organizadas por temas e escalas principais. A sistematização geral em grupos não engessa comparações apenas entre obras de uma mesma categoria, afinal, são vinculadas a múltiplos sistemas de valoração e possuem cada uma separadamente um conjunto de características muito particulares que, em determinados momentos, são comparáveis ou não a outros projetos, tratando-se, portanto, de uma produção heterogênea e singular. Desse modo, na terceira parte, Análise comparativa e considerações finais por temas presentes nos projetos selecionados, é realizado o cruzamento dos diversos assuntos presentes nos projetos, sendo possível perceber que as obras não representam tipos bem definidos, e sim, possuem ideias que ora pertence a um grupo temático e ora pertence a outro. Também foram identificadas situações de projetos onde os agentes empreendedores principais são os próprios arquitetos, ou situações com empreendedores que valorizam a arquitetura autoral de qualidade, entre outros agentes relevantes a pesquisa. O redesenho dos projetos foi de suma importância para algumas conclusões. Também é importante mencionar que não se trata de imaginar que as iniciativas destacadas devam ser entendidas como modelos de \"boa arquitetura\" a serem seguidos exclusivamente, ao mesmo tempo, os projetos selecionados conseguem expor alternativas superiores em qualidade ao que parece ser a regra do mercado imobiliário que rege decadentemente as cidades. / Nowadays, the view in São Paulo and also in other cities is known by a tiring and without creativity production, badly represented for the same habitable buildings which have no connection to the urban context where they belong to, conceived by housing investors who really do not care to the architect\'s authorship value as a contribution to their project. Basing on this picture the research initiates from one question: Where are the good and innovative projects among the usual and traditional proposals? Collective Housing: A Contemporary and Differential Proposal in São Paulo presents a current study of collective habitation essays in São Paulo metropolitan region since the beginning of XXI century that was apparently a period of intense construction, although not necessarily a good quality of construction. Calling this paper a differential proposal is positive for the fact that the buildings here proposed contribute to new agents possibilities, urban lots occupation, new building techniques, other options of heading the program, among many possibilities revealed that often are lowered in a usual commercial production. The selected projects were divides in three principal groups: horizontal residential buildings, medium upright buildings with superposed housing units and upright buildings with superposed housing units. In the second part of the paper, reading of the selected projects, particular analysis were made using information retrieved from respectable media channels of architectural production as ProjetoDesign and Arquitetura e Urbanismo magazines\' articles, while visiting the projects location, interviewing architecture offices\' staff and redrawing the projects. Each proposal text was organized according to the most frequent topics that appear in the different projects: architect\'s career, agents, implantation party, outdoors areas, structural systems and building techniques, envelopment and housing units. At last, after each reading the corresponding graphic card is exposed and also organized by subjects and main scales. The general group systematization doesn\'t obligate one to compare projects among the same category, once they are connected to multiple valorization systems and own individually a group of peculiar characteristics that in certain moments are comparable or not to other projects, being a mixed and singular production at the same time. In this way, the third part, Comparative analysis and final considerations about selected projects\' themes is found a crossing of many projects\' subjects where it\'s possible to notice that the proposals don\'t represent a well-defined type, otherwise they own ideas that in a moment belong to a thematic group and in another doesn\'t. It was observed as well situations where the principal entrepreneur agents were architects or situations where the architect\'s authorship is appreciated by the entrepreneur. The projects\' redrawing were essential to some conclusions. Finally it\'s good to mention that the chosen proposals are not necessarily considered \"good architecture\" to be exclusively followed, at the same time, the chosen proposals can expose superior alternatives regarding to quality which seems to be the housing market rule that guides the cities in a decadent way.


GABRIEL GIRNOS ELIAS DE SOUZA 06 January 2016 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho investiga o papel que o design de livros impressos adquiriu na cultura disciplinar da arquitetura desde a última década do século XX, principalmente em monografias produzidas por expoentes com fama e atuação internacional. Compreendendo que o design de livros tem sido crescentemente usado como instrumento de constituição de uma identidade ou atitude pública de arquitetos., o objetivo do estudo é analisar se e como certos atributos do discurso profissional e mesmo da obra arquitetônica dos escritórios (que são tanto o autor quanto o assunto) se fazem presentes na configuração formal dada aos livros e, especialmente, na linguagem gráfica das apresentações de projeto contidas neles. Para isso, o trabalho contextualiza a inserção cultural e potencialidade expressiva do livro impresso em face à recente realidade de mídias eletrônicas e, especificamente, ao desenvolvimento histórico das relações entre a disciplina da arquitetura e suas mídias de difusão, apresentando também uma reflexão metodológica sobre os fatores, elementos e conceitos a serem considerados para uma análise do design de livros de arquitetura. A tese apresenta em seguida três estudos de caso, dos quais o principal é o influente S,M,L,XL, monografia de Rem Koolhaas e seu escritório OMA feita em parceria com o designer Bruce Mau (1995). Os outros estudos, mais sucintos, tratam de livros inspirados nesse primeiro caso: FARMAX: Excursions in Density, do escritório MVRDV (1998), e Yes is More: an archicomic on architectural evolution, de Bjarke Ingels Group (2009). A partir de paralelos e divergências entre esses três casos, a tese procura ressaltar aspectos relevantes das dinâmicas profissionais e culturais internas à disciplina da arquitetura na contemporaneidade. / [en] The dissertation investigates the role of book design in architecture s disciplinary culture since the last decade of the twentieth century, especially in monographs produced by firms internationally famed. Considering that book design has been increasingly used by famous architects as a tool for the construction and display of public identity and attitude, the goal of this work is to analyze whether and how some attributes of professional discourse and even of designs from the architecture offices (who are both authors and the subjects), are incorporated in the formal configuration given to books and, especially, in the graphic language of project presentations in them. The dissertation examines the cultural role and expressive potential of the printed book medium in the context of recent times electronic media and, specifically, in the historical development of relations between the discipline of architecture and its media of diffusion. It presents a methodological reflection on factors, elements and concepts to consider for a design analysis of architecture books. Then, it makes three case studies, the main case being the influential S,M,L,XL (1995), monograph by architect Rem Koolhaas and his Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) made in partnership with graphic designer Bruce Mau. The two other shorter analysis address books inspired by the first case: FARMAX: Excursions in Density, from MVRDV (1998), and Yes is More: an archicomic on architectural evolution (2009), from Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG). Through comparing the similarities and divergences between those three books, the dissertation seeks to highlight relevant aspects of professional and cultural dynamics internal to the architecture discipline in contemporary times.

Le management stratégique des coopérations entre parties prenantes d'un projet de construction : cas d'entreprises de maitrise d'oeuvre du bâtiment / Strategic management of construction projects stakeholders’ cooperation : architectural and engineering firms’ perspective

Ruat, Thibault 28 June 2016 (has links)
La recherche s’attache à améliorer la compréhension d’un management stratégique des coopérations entre les parties prenantes d’un projet de construction. Cette thèse développe tout particulièrement le lien entre ce management des coopérations et la performance socio-économique des organisations de maîtrise d’œuvre. Ce lien est analysé à partir des deux principaux cadres théoriques que sont la théorie socio-économique et la théorie des parties prenantes. L’état des lieux du management stratégique des coopérations au sein des organisations de maîtrise d’œuvre, réalisé selon une approche dysfonctionnelle conforme à la méthodologie de recherche-intervention socio-économique, met en évidence les principales causes des défaillances de coopération et leurs impacts sur les parties prenantes. Puis, les expérimentations, menées dans 22 agences d’architecture et une PME de maîtrise d’œuvre, montrent que la synchronisation, le pilotage stratégique et le pilotage des compétences des parties prenantes constituent les trois principaux axes d’amélioration de ce management stratégique des coopérations. Des leviers et facteurs de développement de ces axes, mobilisables par les organisations de maîtrise d’œuvre pour améliorer la qualité des coopérations avec leurs parties prenantes internes et externes, sont développés. Les compétences et la confiance se révèlent deux facteurs significatifs de performance et de durabilité des coopérations. Leur articulation conduit au développement d’un concept de coopération-confiance performante et durable où le management stratégique des coopérations constitue l’activateur qui, par effet de levier, améliore la performance socio-économique de l’organisation ainsi que son pilotage. Un pilotage qui invite à un repositionnement de la fonction de maître d’œuvre vers celle de maître d’œuvre-pilote des coopérations. / This dissertation aims to enhance understanding of strategic management cooperation between the stakeholders of a construction project. Our work is particularly focused on the link between cooperation management and socio-economic performance of architectural and engineering firms. This link is analyzed through two main theoretical frameworks: socio-economic theory and stakeholder theory. An empirical analysis of strategic management cooperation within architectural and engineering organizations, through a dysfunctional approach according to the socio-economic intervention-research methodology, highlights the main causes of cooperation failures and their impacts on stakeholders. Then, experimentations, conducted in 22 architectural firms and in a SME engineering company, show that synchronization, strategic management and stakeholders’ skills management are three main improvement axes of cooperation strategic management. Those axes’ levers and development factors, mobilized by architectural and engineering firms to improve cooperation quality with internal and external stakeholders, are developed. Skills and trust appear as two significant cooperation performance and sustainability factors. Their combination leads to the development of a concept of efficient and sustainable cooperation-trust management in which strategic cooperation is the activator, by leverage effect, improves the organization’s socio-economic performance and its management. A management which calls for repositioning the architectural and engineering firms work to that of architectural and engineering firms as cooperation managers.

Vybrané činnosti ve výstavbě / Specified Construction Activities

Šubrtová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the specification of specified construction activities, explaining the concepts related to this basic legislation. Here are given duties and responsibilities of authorized persons during the construction process. The description of qualifications that are needed for various activities in the construction industry is also included. This paper describes practical examples for a better understanding of this issue.

UML profil pro modelování komponentových systémů / An UML Profile for Modelling of Component-Based Systems

Pagáč, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the modeling of the Component Based Software (CBS) systems in the UML language and with extension of the UML language with using of meta-modeling techniques and with using of the UML Prodile technology. Thesis also deals with Component Based Development (CBD). The main part of this study deals with specifying of methodology for creating of UML Prodiles and with demonstration of this methodology on selected Component System meta-model by creating the profile including the OCL constraints and description of problems with creating of the prodile. Thesis also describes support of the UML Profile technology in existing UML CASE tools. For demonstration purposes thesis contains the case study with example which uses in this work created UML Profile. Profile is created in accordance with specification of UML version 2.3 and OCL in version 2.2. Demonstration is performed and profile itself is created using IBM Rational Software Architect version 8.0.2.

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