Spelling suggestions: "subject:"Action play""
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Prostitutionen i Jämtlands län : En kvalitativ undersökning av samverkansprocessen inom länetKiuttu, Josefin, Martinsson, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
Prostitution in the county of Jämtland - A qualitative study on the collaboration processThe purpose of the study was to analyse how the collaboration process work as regardsprostitution in the county of Jämtland between stakeholders (e.g. social services, police,women’s aid). The material for the study was gathered through three online-interviews andthree mail interviews. The basis for the analysis of the interview material was previousresearch within the framework of the subject, the theory of stigma and the feminist theories ofliberal feminism and radical feminism. The results were similar to the previous research'smain observation that there are no general action plans and routines to get a workingcollaboration. The results showed that they are still working with unofficial guidelines andaction plans and that the help vulnerable women get depends on the person who encountersthem. The stakeholders' general perceptions of where the problem lies is the societies view onwomen and prostitution and is therefore difficult to change for the stakeholders bythemselves. It also needs involvement from higher instances, for example the government. / SammanfattningStudiens syfte var att undersöka hur samverkansprocessen kring prostitutionen i Jämtlandslän såg ut mellan berörda aktörer (t.ex. socialtjänst, polis, kvinnojour). Studiens materialinsamlades genom tre online-intervjuer och tre mail-intervjuer. Det som låg till grund föranalysen av intervjumaterialet var tidigare forskning inom ramen för ämnet, teorin om stigmasamt de feministiska teorierna liberalfeminism och radikalfeminism. Resultatenöverensstämde med den tidigare forskningens huvudsakliga iakttagande om att det saknasgenerella handlingsplaner och rutiner för att få en fungerande samverkan. Resultaten visar attdet fortfarande arbetas med inofficiella riktlinjer och handlingsplaner och att den hjälp utsattakvinnor får är personbundet. Aktörernas generella uppfattning om var problematiken ligger ärsamhällsbilden av kvinnor och prostitution och är således svårt för aktörerna att endast självaförändra. Det ligger på så vis även hos högre instanser, till exempel regeringen.
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I rörelse - ett trafikprogram för NackaKjellberg, Katarina January 2010 (has links)
In motion –a traffic program for Nacka is the result of a survey of the traffic system and transportation situation in Nacka and suggests possible development opportunities. A new traffic strategy will be developed in the municipality of Nacka the coming years, which is the reason for this study: to map the current situation, identify strengths and weaknesses, needs and opportunities. This program suggests possible development opportunities and gives an historical overview of the transportation system, the current situation and an analysis of different transportation modes. A mapping of other municipalities’ traffic strategies or programs have been done and included into the program as well as a prognosis for the coming years in the municipality. The work has identified goals and contains a suggestion for an action plan. The suggestions can serve as a basis for further development to fulfill the set goals in the comprehensive plan, and also more specific in the transportation plan, to get a better interlinked and efficient transportation system in Nacka.
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Hedersrelaterat Våld och FörtryckAyad, Sara, Halak, Asma January 2021 (has links)
abstract The purpose of this study is to shed light on the experiences of the social workers when managing and treating errands concerning young girls/women who are exposed to honor related violence and oppression in several municipalities in Central Sweden. The study’s main questions focus, and purpose was based on five qualitative interviews. These questions were answered through five qualitative interviews through a targeted sample. The two selected theoretical perspectives were intersectionality and empowerment. Previous research shows that honor related violence occurs throughout the world with 5000 women being killed annually in the name of honor. Previous research emphasizes the importance of not connecting honor related errands to a certain culture and sheds light to the social services challenges, for example, when some families deny that honor related violence occurs. The interviews emphasized that collaboration between social services and sheltered housing, long-term support, respect and understanding for the clients were central aspects. The result could give an indication that especially the smaller municipalities in central Sweden did not have an actual action plan for their particular municipality. The results of the study could show that cases concerning honor violence and oppression were complex and broad and could complicate the social services preparedness and when handling the honor related cases. Intersectionality could provide an understanding of the risk if these issues would be culturalized because it could lead to a “we and them” mindset.
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Účinnost a důsledky protiteroristických strategií v Pákistánu: Kritické posouzení Národního akčního plánu / Effectiveness and consequences of counterterrorism strategies in Pakistan: A critical appraisal of National Action PlanWahab, Fazal January 2021 (has links)
This study explores and evaluates the effectiveness of the Counterterrorism (CT) policies of Pakistan, particularly, the National Action Plan (NAP) and military operations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Tribal districts in the Pakistan-Afghanistan borderland. In this study, I argue that there is dearth of literature on the evaluation of effectiveness of CT policies particularly in the case of Pakistan. Using Eric Van Um & Daniela Pisoiu's Model of Effectiveness (2015), with concepts like Output effectiveness, Outcome effectiveness and Impact effectiveness, in this dissertation I argue that NAP and military operations in Tribal districts have been partially effective as it restored the government writ in different parts of the country and resulted in a steep decline in terrorist incidents. However, the plan is not highly effective as the threat of terrorism and extremism still exist. I also argue that the hard or military aspects of the NAP was executed soon after the plan was announced, however, to implement the soft aspects of the plan a lot still needs to be done. Nevertheless, CT polices of Pakistan failed to take into consideration the social and cultural aspects of Tribal districts. Therefore, I also contend that NAP and military operations in the Tribal districts resulted into socio-cultural...
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U.S. City Climate Action Plans: Planning to Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled?Best, Russell 19 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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An Analysis of the National Action Plans: Responses to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and SecurityGumru, Fatma Belgin January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Contributing to carbon neutrality within water distribution services / Bidrag till klimatneutralitet för vattendistributionstjänsterDagher, Nassim January 2021 (has links)
Water production and distribution services, just like all human activity, have an impact on the environment. One indicator of that impact is its carbon footprint, which corresponds to the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emitted due to that activity. In order to counter global warming, mankind must reduce the GHG emissions of its activities. Water services emit GHG at many steps, directly or indirectly: the production of the electricity used for pumping, the production and transport of chemical reagents used in water treatment, the maintenance works on the network and facilities, the daily commuting and travels of the technicians to operate the service, and more. This diversity of sources calls for an even greater diversity of possible actions to reduce the carbon footprint. Maximizing the environmental benefits of such measures while ensuring their feasibility and limiting the costs of all sorts (financial, social, organizational) is most likely to be achieved when an action plan is designed. This Master’s Thesis suggests a framework for the assessment of the possible actions through various criteria, and their arrangement into an effective action plan. The assessment criteria aim at a better understanding of each action and their consequences, so that the action is more likely to be effective. Moreover, some elements of context can have a huge influence on the effectiveness of some actions, which highlights the need for a methodological framework that will help take these elements into account. / Vattenproduktion och distributionstjänster, har likt andra mänskliga aktiviteter, en påverkan på miljön. En indikator på denna påverkan är koldioxidavtrycket, vilket motsvarar den mängd växthusgas som släpps ut till följd av aktiviteten. För att motverka den globala uppvärmningen, måste växthusgasutsläppen minskas från dessa aktiviteter. Vattentjänster avger växthusgaser i många steg, direkt eller indirekt: Detta innefattar bland annat produktionen av el som används för pumpning, produktionen och transport av kemiska reagens som används vid vattenbehandling, underhållsarbeten på nätverk och anläggningar, teknikernas dagliga pendling och resor för att driva tjänsten. Denna mångfald av källor kräver en ännu större mångfald av möjliga åtgärder för att minska koldioxidavtrycket. Maximeringen av miljöfördelarna av sådana åtgärder där samtidigt genomförbarheten kan säkerställas och att samtliga typer av kostnader (ekonomiska, sociala, organisatoriska) begränsas kommer sannolikt att uppnås när en handlingsplan utformas. Denna masteruppsats föreslår ett ramverk för en bedömning av möjliga åtgärder genom olika kriterier och dess uppbyggnad för att skapa en effektiv handlingsplan. Bedömningskriterierna eftersträvar en bättre förståelse av varje åtgärd och dess konsekvenser, så att åtgärden kan uppnå ett effektivare resultat. Dessutom kan sammanhanget ha en stor inverkan på effektiviteten av ett antal av dessa åtgärder, vilket understryker behovet av ett metodiskt ramverk som kan bidra till att dessa aspekter beaktas.
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Äldres delaktighet vid flytt till särskilt boende : En intervjustudie utifrån undersköterskors perspektiv / : The participation of elderly people when moving to special housing. An interview study from nurses perspective.Berg, Madelene, Jensen, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie har ämnat belysa undersköterskors upplevelse av äldres delaktighet och möjlighet till påverkan vid upprättande av genomförandeplaner vid flytt till särskilt boende. I studien genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta undersköterskor som sedan analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet påvisade kommunikation och relationsskapande arbete som centrala utgångspunkter i delaktighet för den äldre. Vidare framkom hinder för delaktighet såsom tid samt bristande engagemang och förhållningssätt hos professionen. Slutligen konstaterades arbetssätt hos undersköterskorna, där delaktighet i genomförandeplaner för de äldre vägde tungt, vilket står i motsats till tidigare forskning. / This qualitative study has aimed to highlight the nurses experience of elderly people´s participation and the possibility of influencing the establishment of action plans when moving to special housing. In the study, semi-structed interviews were conducted with eight nurses. Data were then analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The result demonstrated that communication and relationship as central starting points in the participation of the elderly. Furthermore, barriers to participation were revealed, such as lack of time, lack of commitment and approach in the profession. Finally, it was found that the working of nurses, where participation in action plan of the elderly, were heavily weighted, which is contrary to previous research.
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Evaluation a priori des impacts et performances d'actions proposées dans le cadre de la démarche de responsabilité sociétale d'une entreprise de distribution / Impact and performance assessment of actions proposed by a retailer in the frame of its Corporate Social Responsability ApproachDumoulinneuf, Sandrine 27 January 2014 (has links)
Le développement et l'internationalisation des entreprises de distribution dont le succès repose sur des techniques de vente en masse à bas coûts se sont accompagnés d’une prise de conscience des conséquences sociales et environnementales de ces activités. Parallèlement, l'émergence du concept de responsabilité sociétale incite les entreprises à contribuer aux objectifs de développement durable de la société. Ainsi, des démarches de responsabilité sociétale (RSE) sont mises en œuvre par un nombre croissant d'entreprises, et notamment par les distributeurs, pour intégrer ces enjeux dans leur business model.Mais comment évaluer la pertinence des actions mises en oeuvre au regard des enjeux RSE des distributeurs ? Comment évaluer leur contribution aux objectifs RSE de l’organisation ? Comment évaluer celles visant à réduire un impact environnemental ciblé mais générant d’autres impacts sociaux et environnementaux, positifs comme négatifs ? Comment tenir compte de la multitude de parties prenantes, d’enjeux, parfois difficilement quantifiables, empreint d'incertitude et évolutifs dans le temps ? Malgré le foisonnement des méthodes existantes, celles-ci ne permettent pas, à notre connaissance, d’identifier et d’évaluer ces enjeux de manière satisfaisante.Menés au sein de la direction Environnement d’une entreprise multinationale de distribution, ces travaux proposent une méthode d’évaluation des impacts RSE d'actions, selon une approche a priori, qualitative et quantitative, structurée autour des domaines d’actions ISO 26 000. Afin d'identifier les limites et les apports de cette approche, celle-ci a été testée sur des actions de remplacement d’installations frigorifiques. / The development and internationalization of retailers whose success is based on new sales techniques on a mass scale at low prices were accompanied by an awareness of the social and environmental impacts of these activities. Meanwhile, the emergence of the concept of corporate social responsibility encourages companies to contribute to sustainable development goals. Thus, corporate social responsibility (CSR) approaches are implemented by a growing number of companies, including retailers, to integrate these issues into their business model.But how to evaluate the relevance of the actions against retailers' CSR issues? How to assess their contribution to companies' CSR goals? How to assess the multiple potential positive and negative effects of actions that are initially proposed to reduce one specific environmental impact? How to account for the multitude of stakeholders and issues, sometimes difficult to quantify, subject to uncertainty and changing over time? Despite the numerous existing methods, they do not adequately enable the identification and the assessment of these issues.Conducted within the Environment Department of a multinational retailer, this work tries to overcome these limitations by providing a methodological approach for a prior assessment of social and environmental impacts of actions both qualitatively and quantitatively on the basis of issues listed in the ISO 26000 standard. To identify the limitations and benefits of this approach, it was tested on actions aimed at remplacing commercial refrigeration equipments.
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The evolution of the climate change regime after the Copenhagen Accord / Jozanne DickasonDickason, Jozanne January 2011 (has links)
Climate change is a critical sustainable development issue with implications for the environment, economies and society as we know it. The problem of climate change is caused by some countries in parts of the world that has a direct effect on people and natural resources in other parts of the world. Climate change is the effect of increased production of Greenhouse gases (GHGs).
Due to the vast complexity of the climate change regime the study does not attempt to be comprehensive or conclusive. The aim of the study is to critically evaluate and determine the purpose, enforceability, legal nature, shortcomings and strengths of the non-binding Copenhagen Accord and how the international climate change regime will evolve after the Copenhagen Accord.
The study starts with a brief explanation of the international climate change regime and its development, including international environmental law principles, specifically the common but differentiated responsibility principle.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has the ultimate objective to achieve the stabilisation of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. The Conference of the Parties (COPs) is the ultimate decision-making and supreme body of the UNFCCC and is authorised to make and implement decisions to promote the implementation of the UNFCCC, it further has the power to adopt new protocols under the UNFCCC and plays a substantial role in the development of new obligations by the parties to the convention.
Various COPs, their respective adopted decisions and resolutions which played an important role in the development of the climate change regime are discussed. This includes COP 1 that lead to the Berlin Mandate; COP 3 and the Kyoto Protocol; COP 7 and the Marrakech Accords; COP 11 that marked the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol; COP 13 and the Bali Action Plan. COP 15 in Copenhagen was internationally expected and intended to be the breakthrough in addressing the post 2012 period. As is evident from the content of this study the result of COP 15 at Copenhagen means different challenges for different countries and the “bottom up” architecture of the accord could help encourage and reinforce national actions.
An overview of the effect of the Copenhagen Accord on the climate change regime, with specific reference to COP 16 in Cancun, is then done. The “bottom up” architecture of the Copenhagen Accord was brought into the official UNFCCC process by the Cancun Agreements that were reached at COP 16.
The study mostly comprised of a literature study, which reviewed the relevant international environmental law dealing with climate change, taking into account customary international law; international treaties and conventions; government documents, policies and reports; textbooks and academic journals as well as electronic material obtained from various internet sources. / Thesis (LLM (Environmental Law and Governance))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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